The right choice of fluid for washing the injector: methods of cleaning and their consequences. Winning injector Wynns Flushing of the fuel system of the gasoline engine WYNNS

the main / Driving

Previously, almost all cars. Many manufacturers then moved to the release of injection machines. And gradually everything automotive concerns began to produce exclusively cars with injection mechanisms. This in some way added to the driver's drivers, because now, in order to clean the injector, it is necessary to purchase an effective fluid for washing the injector or use any other method, for example, ultrasound.

Over time, the nozzles are formed by the tax, which must be deleted

Injectors and causes of their pollution

The main element of the injector system of the car. They work on the principle of sprayers and ensure the fuel injection into the engine, where its combustion occurs. And since the quality of gasoline in our state leaves much to be desired, sometimes foreign minerals and even small solid particles come across it.

As a result of the combustion of poor-quality gasoline on the nozzles, the resin raids are formed, which clogs the hole and makes it difficult to supply gasoline in the desired volume. It leads to:

  • the appearance of detonation;
  • unstable engine operation on idling;
  • loss of engine power;
  • difficult to start the engine.

The stage of clogging injector

In order to respond in a timely manner to clog the injectors, it is important to understand what the stages of their clogging are and when measures should be taken. It is possible to distinguish 3 main stages:

  1. Small. At this stage, the performance of nozzles is reduced by only 5-7% and the driver may even notice this. The engine is usually in this case running without failures, but the gasoline consumption may increase a little.
  2. Average. At this stage, fuel consumption is already significantly increases, at idle the engine can trim, and the overclocking dynamics deteriorates. This stage is characterized by a decrease in the performance of nozzles by 10-15%. Of exhaust pipe There will be a strong caustic smell.
  3. Critical. At this stage, the engine will noticeably twist, while pressing the gas will be heard strong cotton, and the performance of the nozzles will fall at 20-50%.

If you notice any problem from the above, it means it's time to wash the injector. The earlier the procedure will be carried out, the better. Do not wait for critical. It is optimally worth conducting measures for cleaning at the stage of medium clogging.

Methods for cleaning the injector

There are two ways to clean the injector:

  • Ultrasonic flushing;
  • Washing nozzles with special fluid.

If we talk about the ultrasound method, it is carried out on special devices that are diagnosed and then cleaned the nozzles.

With the help of special liquids, the injector is cleaned without removal from the engine. This uses special equipment. In the process, resin deposits are removed not only from the injector, but from the valves and from the walls of the combustion chamber.

Injector cleaning agents

The most famous companies producing means for cleaning nozzles supply 2 types of products:

  • Directive cleaners. These are sprays for direct injection into the collector.
  • Additives. These means are added directly to the tank, and mixing with gasoline, enter the injector, cleaning the nozzles.

Among the most popular injector cleaners, the following liquids can be distinguished:

  • RVS Master Injector Cleans IC. This composition is capable of cleaning the nozzles. The tool restores the torch spray, increases the power, returns the dynamics of overclocking, and also contributes to more economical use of fuel. RVS Master Injector Cleans IC Qualitatively cleans gasoline from extraneous impurities, restores the surface of the friction surface to the initial state, and does not change the composition and characteristics of the fuel.
  • Vince (Wynn's). Very popular and known means for cleaning injector systems. Vince is a rather strong liquid and perfectly cleans the valve and the walls of the combustion chamber. However, it is quite harmful to the spark plugs and on new cars it is not recommended. If the valves formed a resistant NAAR and in the system there are soased mineral sediments, Vince will surely cope with such a problem.
    Some experts believe that the washing with Vince replaces ultrasonic cleaning. Just only one cleaning with the composition of Vince and the system will be as new, but it is important not to overdo it with the amount of liquid, and then the injection system can be lost.
  • Liqui Moly. This tool acts somewhat softer than Vince, and after its use, the spark plug does not go out. However, there are also cons - nagar with a valve such a liquid takes off poorly, although the nozzles themselves are brilliantly coping with the wash. Liqui Moly can be used to use for cleaning events on any cars.
  • Lavr. This is a liquid domestic producer, Analog Vince. LAVR is also a rather aggressive liquid and also has high cost. Because of this, the tool is not so in demand and popular. However, many specialists working on a service station and performing regularly cleaning the injection system, believe that the composition of the laurel simply ideally copes with sediments of heavy metals and iron.
    In terms of efficiency, the laurel is superior to the imported composition of Vins.
  • Hi-Gear Injector Cleaner. From numerous variations of washing, this tool can be called a golden middle. Due to the soft quality cleansing, this composition is recommended for use on any vehicles.

Above were listed general characteristics Funds for cleaning nozzles. However, it is impossible to clearly say that, for example, Lavr and Vince worse than other liquids. Very much depends on the quality of gasoline, the state of the car. For reviews on the Internet, too, do not rely on. Someone likes to use solvent, and someone is delighted with Lava. It is possible to determine your tool only by trial or take into account the opinion of a specialist working in your region and regularly performs similar actions.

Tasks for cleaning the injector

Various liquids for cleaning the nozzles are aimed at performing the main tasks:

  • Reduction of gasoline consumption;
  • Cleansing from all kinds of sediments of all injection system nodes;
  • Ensuring full combustion of fuel.

After measures to remove deposits from nozzles and other parts, experts also recommend using funds for the protection of the purified system from the "high-quality" domestic gasoline.

Features of the use of flushing fluids

For washing the injector, it is worth paying attention to the features of each particular product and the rules for its use. It is important to provide that many of the compositions (LAVR, VINS, etc.) are rather aggressive, especially to polymeric and rubber details, which can lead to their accelerated wear.

There is still the moment of conformity of the viscosity of substances. If the viscosity of gasoline and cleaning fluid vary greatly, then you should not experiment. The result may be deplorable.

The main differences between high-quality liquids (LAVR, etc.), from poor-quality compositions is a purification method. A high-quality agent not only washed out of the parts of the system, but also burn all pollution. But the cheap compositions act very quickly than the car owner please, but simply peel the sediment and then all these "flakes" clog the catalyst and output the control system sensors. Also peeling pollution threatens the destruction of spark plugs.

Independent cleaning: pros and cons

Many craftsmen argue that it makes no sense to carry out the procedure for cleaning the injection system on specialized hundred and overpay for the work of professionals when it is easy and easy to carry out cleaning yourself, spending only the purchase of funds.

Maybe this makes sense, but enough and minuses:

  • Probability incorrect selection cleansing composition;
  • Risk in non-compliance with the instructions damage the motor;
  • Lack of quality assurance.

Despite the fact that the procedure for a hundred will cost more independent cleaning, but there is a guarantee that everything will be performed qualitatively and without negative consequences.

Summing up the whole foregoing, it can be concluded that the method of cleaning the injection system and the means for it every driver chooses independently. In order to take the right decision, it is important to do the diagnosis of the system and listen to the advice of specialists. Sometimes the most effective will be ultrasound cleaning, and sometimes it will be necessary to effect the aggressive means of the laurel.

for gasoline engines

Wynn "S INJECTION SYSTEM PURGE Cleaning agent for removing dirt and deposits in gasoline injection systems without disassembly.

  • Cleans valves, injectors, combustion chambers and other details fuel system gasoline engine Without dismantling components.
  • Restores spray nozzles.
  • Improves the ratio of the balance of cylinder compression.
  • Frequent adhesive exhaust valves.
  • Improves the balance ratio of air fuel mixes.
  • Restores the injection time to the initial value.
  • Restores good engine performance.
  • Eliminates problems with spontaneous engine stop, uneven idle turns, as well as poor engine performance caused by contamination of the fuel system.
  • Reduces toxicity exhaust gases (CO and HC).
  • Safe for spark plugs and the entire exhaust system.


It can be used on all fuel systems of gasoline engines such as - carburetor, permanent injection, multi-injection, mono-injection, direct injection (GDI, FSI, ...).
It is recommended to clean every 20,000 - 30.000 km or when problems occur: non-permanent idol, poor pickup or dirty.


Wynn "S INJECTION SYSTEM PURGE for professional use.
Apply only using FuelServe installations.
Treatment time for optimal result: 30 - 60 min. (Instructions for use-, see the instructions for use on Wynn equipment "S).


No. W76695 - 12x1 liters. - EN / FR / DE / NL / ES / IT / RU / PL / PT


Do not add fuel tank.


Professional Series

All new and used cars are sensitive to fuel quality, chemical additives have been developed to obtain the optimal engine power and comfortable driving company WYNN'S. Modern fuel systems have a very accurate setting, and therefore they are very sensitive to various kinds of negative impacts from chemical reactions occurring in fuel. This leads to clogging the fuel system, poor lubricant, corrosion and other problems. On used cars, problems arise to obtain the right fuel mixture (air / fuel ratio) and its combustion efficiency. This is due to the accumulation of deposits in the fuel system and wear of parts.

Related products

Professional Series

Wynn "S Petrol Extreme Cleaner (Petrol Clean 3) is a chemical additive for gasoline engines, provides a powerful cleaning of the fuel system of gasoline engines as a result of a single fill of the product. Quickly cleans and protects the injectors, restores and maintains the optimal mode of the fuel mixture in the combustion chamber.

The aircraft engine cleaner of the gasoline engine is an extremely powerful means for cleaning and removing soot and other contaminants. These sediments and dirt reduce air intake, worsen the operation of the exhaust gas recirculation valve (EGR), lambda sensors come into disrepair. All this leads to ineffective combustion, uneven idle turns, in some cases the engine spontaneously stalls.

Wynn's Catalytic Converter & Oxygen Sensor Cleaner- Chemical Additive for Gasoline and hybrid engines, optimizes the efficiency of catalytic neutralizers and ensures optimal lambda (oxygen) sensors.

Many owners of injection cars know how unpleasant, irritably, when your iron horse begins to behave suspiciously. At first, these minor troubles appear when the engine is idling at idle. Such work idle move accompanied by unstable work The engine is heard arbitrary cotton. The intensive set of revolutions falls, and the fuel simply disappears. But you continue to ride. And the washing of the injector quickly corrected the shortcomings of the motor.

After some time, the steel heart simply intends to jump out from under the hood of your car. This condition of the car is completely unacceptable. The reason for this, first of all, can serve - the appearance of certain substances in the fuel system that impede the normal operation of the engine. Remove these contaminations will help equipment for washing the injector. And use chemicals Wynns (Vince), Lavr - Clean the entire system fully.

Other possible problems of system malfunction should be excluded: Fuel pump, filter, fuel grid. These faulty (clogged) elements can also be the cause of engine illness. Experts are recommended to carry out the prevention of the fuel system in 30-40 thousand km.

Injector clogging

All foreign bodies and substances (insoluble in gasoline) that can get inside the gas tank of your car - easy will stop fuel filter And other technical devices (grids). But the fact that then happens with fuel, directly inside the nozzles, ramps and the engine itself - the lack of fuel production technology. Gasoline or diesel fuel consists of substances that are crystallized when heated. What leads to the formation of slags in the fuel supply elements.

Independent injector cleaning

Perfectly fighting with all sorts of insoluble deposits - Wynns, Laurel and cleaners like them. Consider the situation - flushing the injector with your own hands. You will need a set of common spare parts. How much is it all? Cheaper than doing on the service, and the set will remain with you. And can be used more than once!

Set of sought-after parts:

  • fuel conductive hose (1.5 m);
  • injector filter (1 piece);
  • clamps (4 pieces);
  • wheel nipples (2 pieces);
  • plastic bottle (1.5 l);
  • automobile compressor;
  • fluid for washing (Wynns, LavR).

Mount the system for the likeness of the dropper, which is posed. The hose is cut into two parts in such a way that one end is connected to the fuel ramp, and the other to the injection filter. The second half of the fuel hose connects the filter input with the bottom of the plastic bottle (to the nipple). Drill the plastic bottle cover and bottom. We install in both nipple holes. From the nipple, which is mounted on the bottom of the bottle, unscrew the nipple. All connections are tightened by clamps.

How to rinse the injector yourself? Washing the injector does not require special skills. An alternate sequence of actions should be performed. Here is a strict ordered set of actions to perform repair and restoration work (cleaning the WynNS) of the injection system with your own hands.

  1. Operate the fuel tank cover for pressure relief. Remove fuse fuel pump.
  2. Disconnect the fuel supply hose from the fuel ramp. If there is a return - disconnect it and close the output with a bolt. Connect to the ramp my own-made system (fix the clamp).
  3. Eggplant fill with VINS or LAVR liquid (0.5 l). Hovering a bottle for hood hook (torn up). Connect the compressor to the nipple of the neck bottle. We give 2.5-3 atmospheres. Next, support these numbers.
  4. We start the car. The engine operates at idle to complete fluid generation (Wynns, Laurel) until the motor itself stalls. Follow the compressor pressure gauge and keep pressure.
  5. Motor stall. Give a rest to him for 30 minutes, while keeping the pressure. After 30 minutes, we discard the pressure. Top the remaining 0.5 liters of Vince or Lavra. Create pressure compressor. We start.
  6. The engine operation at this stage must be accompanied by a periodic increase in revolutions. Click it is reasonable to the accelerator pedal, how much does the motor allow. Follow the manometer to the full flow of flushing fluid.

Vince ran out and the motor became. We reconnect everything as it was a wound. Perhaps it will be needed to replace the oil and a new set of candles. We bring the car and go ride. It is enough to drive a test 30 km to sense the improvement of the engine.

Acceptable liquids

Choose a cleaning agent is easy. Wynns, Lavra - they really cope with their task. Be sure to see the annotation of detergents. Are they suitable for your car.

Vince is a rather powerful tool that is able to disperse all the slags, which accumulated in the ramp, electroclap. But it does not prevent the replacement of sealing rings on the nozzles. Lavra is a similar means, but it is more expensive.

Injector washing service

Car service is provided with a washing of the injector. The device for washing the injector will suit any, it is not so basically as the qualification of the performer itself. The result is important to you. Of course, the service station will carry out more detailed service with a possible follow-up warranty. But do not forget how much such services will cost. Especially if your car travels a lot, it will take at least the prevention of the entire system with the use of Vince.

It will be relevant to take advantage of the technical service of the bus station, if the electroclap is very stubble. The ultrasonic installation for washing the injector is able to free from the baked dirt. To do this, removed from the fuel system a set of nozzles - amenable to ultrasound processing. After that, the operation of the nozzles is checked on the stand. The torch of spraying, intensity is taken into account. A STR can also offer an imbalable service - washing the injector.

Equipment for washing the injector is not significantly different from our proposed scheme. It is worth such a service much more than - to make himself. It is worth saying about the existence of various other cleaning methods. But they are less popular, as they have side effects. It is not recommended to pour chemicals like Vince, Laurel in the benzobac. Such an action can raise all the evil, which will go to the fuel system.

Remember dear motorists! The washing of the injector refers to such a procedure that can protect you from expensive purchase. A set of nozzles - an inadessive pleasure. The injection washing fluid should be selected with full accordance with operational requirements Fuel distribution systems of your car.

Well no

Injectors in injection systems serve to supply fuel and further mixing it with air to form the fuel and air mixture.

With the effective operation of the injector and in the conditions of using pure high-quality fuel, there should be no problems with sprayers. But this is only the theory, because in practice, fuel often contains many impurities that fall from the tank into the nozzles, climb them and do not give normally to perform their functions.

In this regard, there is a periodic need for cleaning the injector and the injectors themselves, in particular. There are several ways to get rid of pollution, but most often car owners rely on special fluids.

It should be understood in their effectiveness and benefits, as well as determine which purifier for the injector to the tank is better and what to pay attention to the use of auto chemicals.

Methods for cleaning the injector

Before submitting directly the rating of popular and relevant injector cleaners for the car, you need to consider all available methods for restoring the workability of the node.

It should be understood that far from all cases should be relying exclusively on auto chemicals. There are situations where it does not help, and will not fully return the fuel supply system to the original state.

Therefore, even the best cleaner for the car injector may not work with severe pollution. In such a situation, you will have to act more dramatically and seek help from specialists.

To restore the performance of the injector injector, can be cleaned in the following ways.

  1. With the help of special cleaning additives. They poured into the fuel tank. Such funds are actively sold at any automotive goods store. Usually one bottle is enough for 40-60 liters of fuel, that is, it is necessary to pour it into full tank. But the nuances of the application depend on the specific manufacturer. Use additives extremely simple. They are mixed with fuel, and further pass through the entire fuel system, passing the nozzles from the formed by car and sediments. Additives are easy to use and affordable. But it is important to take into account that dirt in the fuel tank contributes to the clogging of the filter thin cleaning. Plus, a large number of fakes of products of famous brands are being implemented on the market.
  2. Use special installations. Depending on the equipment itself, the injector cleaning is carried out with the removal of nozzles and without. If the elements are dismantled, then they are connected to the ramp. When cleaning without dismantling, the system is poured special fluidwhich circulates through the system. The price of the service is quite adequate. And if used quality equipment And good cleaning products, the result is excellent.
  3. The use of an ultrasonic cleaning system. The most expensive, but also the most effective option to restore the health of the injector. Here do not apply cleaning products. Ultrasound is relevant for situations where the nozzles are strongly contaminated and other methods do not help.

Leading automakers are recommended to carry out prophylactic cleaning with any suitable automobile owner. And to do it costs approximately every 20-25 thousand kilometers, regardless of which current state is the fuel assembly.

It is especially important to engage in prevention in the case of cars where the distribution injection is used. The presence of a single nozzle with one nozzle simplifies the task of its independent cleaning, but does not cancel the need for prophylaxis.

Rating of the best tools

Motorists are fairly interested in what fluid washing will be really better for the injector and which is preferable to choose for such purposes.

The product range is currently extensive that somewhat complicates the tasks of choosing a good injector cleaner.

It is difficult to unambiguously say that this or that liquid for washing the nozzles is the best, since there are a number of products that meet the requirements of motorists in terms of quality and efficiency.

In order to simplify the choice, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the list of drugs that have passed the tests and showed excellent results as part of testing. You can rely on this rating to those who find it difficult to choose one option among existing nozzle cleaners. Moreover, the means that fell into the top are suitable for gasoline and diesel engines.

Separately, consider a list of decent analogues, which still have not entered the leading group. Additionally, we will offer a mini-rating of diesel cleaners for nozzles suitable for cleaning injector systems of motors working on diesel.

The leader's list includes the development of the following manufacturers:

Each product will be considered separately, which will allow consumers to make their own conclusions and make a decision on how much the liquid is better to periodically wash their scored nozzles, or just started to show signs of clogging fuel sprayers.

Formula Injector firms Hi-Gear

Many motorists believe that it is this means for cleaning the automotive injector the best, and recommend pouring it into a tank to obtain a quick and high-quality effect.

The product is positioned as a quick-action cleaner. According to the instructions, the substance is poured into the fuel tank. Standard container almost 1 liter is enough for 3 flushing in relation to passenger car And for 2 on.

The disadvantage of the tools can be called the container itself, because there are no dimensional marks here. It is necessary to separately take a measuring container to accurately pour the recommended quantity.

Tests showed high efficiency of combating resinous sediments. All pollution was well removed, so the substance can cope with the favorite types of clogging of the nozzles. It can be said that this is an aggressive cleaner with excellent detergent.

Petrol Magic from COMMA

The brand may not be the most recognizable, if compared with the same Hi-Gear, but the effectiveness of the drug is high, which has been proven repeated tests. It may not best toolapplied to clean the injectors, but demonstrates decent results.

The substance is a concentrated additive used purely for petrol engines with injection and carburetor systems. This is a long-acting additive, and one bottle of capacity is 400 ml. Fills in a full tank of 60 liters.

According to test results, it can be said that about 30% of COMMA deposits removes from the nozzles and has a rather mild effect. This tool is better to use as a preventive measure, maintaining the performance and efficiency of the injector with it.

KR315 made by Kerry.

The well-known product for cleaning fuel systems where fuel injection is used. Displays itself as a very effective purifier injectors, dissolving resins and other types of deposits.

The means itself is made in the form of a concentrated liquid fill in the tank. One bottle is enough for 50-60 liters of fuel. Capacity contains 355 milliliters.

Some motorists with a certain distrust relate to the additive due to its low cost. But this is a normal price, because we are talking about a domestic producer who needs to impose the struggle with imported analogues.

According to the results of Kerry tests, over 60% of pollution is laundered. Moreover, the drug clearly showed the ability to remove even persistent and complex sediments.

Fuel Injector Cleaner from STP

Another worthy product deserved to the leaderboard. This is a superconcentrate designed for injection systems. It is recommended a manufacturer for regular use to clean, and further maintain the fuel injection system in the purity.

Applied additive is extremely simple. It must be pouring into the fuel tank, observing certain proportions. Capacity contains 364 millilita tools, but they are designed for 75 liters of fuel. That is, with a smaller tank, you will have to measure the right amount. It is not recommended to fill the full bottle of 50-60 liters. The manufacturer itself requires to use its additive immediately before refueling so that the tool can be evenly engaged in fuel.

The check showed high cleaning characteristics, so experts include the cleaner to the category of rigid. It easily removes even complex sediments. But with a large number of pollution in the tank, it is worth using a matter with caution, otherwise there is a risk to face the replacement of a fine cleaning filter.


Interesting and effective drug from the leading manufacturer automotive chemistry. Suitable for carburetor and injection engines.

An important feature of the means is that it is recommended to use special installations to use it. This is a concentrate that requires gasoline dilution. In many ways, the result of washing depends on the quality of the fuel itself.

One bottle with a volume of 500 ml. Enough for cooking 4.5 liters of solution. The fuel system is washed with a certain amount of finished liquid based on fuel and additives. The standard 950 ml is required to the standard small-grade engine of 1.5 liters. Solid.

Testing showed excellent results on cleaning even complex and sustainable contaminants. After the first washing, it was possible to get rid of about 80% of deposits, and the remaining 20% \u200b\u200bsoftened well.

ML 101 from Lavr

The full name sounds like Injection System Purge. Allows an imbalance method to clean the injection system with a power unit running.

Like the previous remedy, this additive should be used in the presence of special flushing equipment. That is, you will have to contact the car service.

Check shows the ability to get rid of about 70% of deposits after the first application. Nice results With an adequate price. Hence the popularity among consumers, despite the relatively recent appearance on the market.


The means of a non-aggressive nature of the impact designed to work with gasoline fuel systems. It can cope with organic and inorganic sediments.

Here, also a prerequisite for use is the presence of specialized equipment in the form of washing installations. Capacity for 250 ml. Before use, mixed in proportions 1 to 3 with pure gasoline, after which they are poured into the installation.

Testing has proven excellent additive efficiency capable of removing up to 70% deposits at the first application.

To achieve maximum result, be sure when mixing with fuel use. It directly affects the cleaning of the injector.


It is often positioned as the best car cleaner for contaminated injector nozzles. The additive really deserves the laudatory feedback.

This drug requires a flushing installation that will allow without removing the nozzles to rinse the system. Shows decent results. Although after use, up to 10% of implanable deposits may remain.

Washing ability on a really decent high level. Although the leadership in the Wynns development rating is unlikely to be correct.

Decent Analogs

In addition to the presented drugs, it is worth noting several more really interesting and high-quality developments. Let them not fall into the previous rating of cleaners intended for the car injector, but this does not prevent them from remaining among the priority options. Their use for injection machines gives positive effects.

Briefly imagine the development that you should try:

  • ABRO IC509. This is a complex cleaner in 354 ml containers. One bottle is simply poured into the fuel tank with a volume of 70 liters.
  • D4 Injector Cleaner under the Toyota brand. Can be used not only on cars japanese brand. The level of efficiency is medium, but this additive is one of the best on the market as a preventive body.
  • Master Injector Cleaner from RVS. A worthy version of the nozzle purifier, parallel to the composition of the fuel itself. Level Efficiency can be described as medium.
  • Carbon Cleaner. Decent cleansing fluid at low cost. Effectiveness even if it is not exemplary, but your money justifies to the fullest. Good use for prevention.
  • Verylube XB40152 from XADO. Ukrainian development high level Quality. A comprehensive solution for protecting the injectors and cleaning the fuel system, spark plugs, etc. The means is implemented in a tube with a capacity of only 10 ml. It is added simply into the fuel tank. With serious contaminants, 1 vial is 20 liters of gasoline, and for prophylaxis mixed with 50 liters of fuel.
  • RW3018 from Runway. The cleaner copes with contaminants on the nozzles, the walls of cylinders and the ignition candle. The effectiveness is average, but also the price is available. Used by fill in the fuel tank.
  • SP3211 from Stepup. Not the most famous cleaner, in many respects resembling the previous option. Completely opposes pollution. It is best to manifest itself as a preventive agent.
  • Injector Cleaner from Mannol. Additive for fuel that should be poured before refueling. Another decent comprehensive cleaner intended for the nozzles and the entire fuel system. It is recommended to use for prophylaxis. One container by 300 ml. Designed for mixing with 30 liters of fuel.

List of cleaners for injectors can be listed for a long time. But if you are interested in really high-quality and proven solutions, then push out earlier ratings and lists.

All these substances were tested, tested in real conditions. About them gathered feedback from ordinary motorists, as well as experts. One can say one thing that such liquids really work and benefit. Just use them need to be destined and strictly according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Fluids for diesel systems

It is worth considering several tools that are oriented strictly to diesel power plants. Although many products presented earlier are positioned as cleaners for gasoline and diesel systems, that is, they are characterized by a certain versatility, specialized liquids use preferable.

Like gasoline fuel systems, diesel motors are also polluted over time. Different trash accumulates inside, deposits remain on fuel sprayers. Periodic cleaning will allow you to keep the system clean, as well as prevent serious consequences from pollution.

You can select several cleaners whose action is directed to work with diesel nozzles.

  • Jet Cleaner Diesel. From the domestic manufacturer LAVR, which has become a worthy answer for foreign analogues. Well brushes diesel injectors and parallel cleans the injection system. Does not clog the sprayers of the fuel tank, protects the filters and fuel lines from clogging. Low price I. high degree Efficiency make Lavr. worthy choice For owners of diesel cars.
  • Diesel Spulung. This tool produces Liqui Moly. Positioned as a cleaner for diesel nozzles. It perfectly copes with pollution and deposits in pistons, nozzles and combustion chamber. It helps to increase the cetane number of diesel. One bottle is designed for 75 liters of fuel. It is officially recommended for use by BMW for its diesel engines.
  • Diesel System Purge made by Wynns. Washing agent from a proven manufacturer. Prolongs service life squeeze filter, normalizes idling work. Has many positive feedback, It is used to impairly clean the engine.
  • Jet Cleaner from Hi-Gear. High-quality diesel injector cleaner, perfectly coping with resinous species. It does not allow to form in the cylindrophone group, protects plungers from wear. Does not harm the catalyst and turbocharger.
  • ML102 from Lavr. Another domestic product with a cutting effect. Consumers celebrate excellent performance indicators. It is well suited and as a cleaner for the fuel pump.

In addition to the use of high-quality and proven fluid, it is important to understand the large value of additional factors that directly affect the final efficiency of the flushing operation.

Therefore, it is worth considering the current state of the nozzles themselves, the level of pollution of the fuel tank, the presence of a certain amount of sediments and dirt in the motor. If the engine is seriously worn out, it has not been cleaned for a long time and never even passed the procedure for preventive cleaning, do not expect from one instant miracle bottle. Even when it is the most expensive and highly efficient additive.

With a moderate level of pollution, you can, which are designed to fill into the fuel tank. Such drugs perfectly show themselves in the fight against deposits in the early stages and as a prophylactic agent. With more serious problems, it is better to take liquids from the category to connect to the fuel ramp using special equipment. In critical situations only ultrasound cleaning will help. And for this will have to seek help from specialists.

The first signs of a contaminated injector - engine power loss, increased flow Fuel, failures and twitching during acceleration, unstable idling speed. It's no secret that the quality of domestic fuel leaves much to be desired. It includes a variety of impurities that increase. octane number, sulfur compounds, benzene, olefin, dirt, water, etc. In the process of combustion of gasoline, especially poor-quality, a large number of resinous sediments are formed, which are abundantly deposited in fuel highways, ramp, inside and outside the nozzles. Deposits on the nozzles are a black and brown lacquer, which is difficult and not soluble with gasoline.

Incorrect engine operation - a consequence of clogging itself injectors. The productivity is reduced in contaminated nozzles, the direction and the form of the torch spray is changed, in the launched cases, the nozzle needle can stick in an open or closed state.

Main interruptions become especially noticeable with the onset of cold season, since gasoline evaporation decreases, which makes it difficult to start the engine.

There are several ways to clean the injector.

The first, the easiest, but not the most successful preventive method - once every 5-6 thousand mileage kilometers pour into the benzobac a cleaning additive. The bottle of this means is designed for 60-80 liters. Fuel, worth a penny and sold in any auto shop. However, this method is conventionally suitable only for the prevention of injection pollution on new or only fitted cars. More often this method can only harm. The most unpleasant thing that could turn out is a solvent slag from a gas tank, a fuel filter and a benzoprovod will go into the ramp and nozzles. At the same time, the flakes of contaminants will score inlets of nylon filters injectors, which will necessarily disassemble. In addition, thick growths, almost covering the sprayer, such additives are not forces.

For a solid washing of the injector, there is another, very efficient and reliable way.

With the help of adapters to the ramp nozzles connect a special installation. At the same time, a fuel filter and a benz pipe is disconnected. Further, the engine starts up and 30-45 minutes operates on a flushing mixture, which is under pressure 3-6 atm. Served from installation. Similar mixtures are manufactured by many well-known manufacturers. We prefer well a proven Wynns.. The tool clears from deposits not only the nozzles with the ramp, as well as the valve and the combustion chamber. After washing the injector, candles change in mandatory. It is advisable to immediately drive a few kilometers in active mode to remove the remaining liquid from the system. In the overwhelming majority of cases, Wynns successfully copes with the task and the result is immediately felt. This method is good because with its effectiveness relatively inexpensive (on average 400 rubles per cylinder) and does not require dismantling ramps with nozzles, which is often time consuming and consolidated.

In particularly launched cases, the method of ultrasonic cleaning nozzles is used. They are removed, immersed in a special suspension and are exposed to ultrasound. In rare cases, it happens that the only exit becomes the replacement of nozzles to new ones.

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