How Casco works. Dear editorial questions: Casco I know the rules of Casco

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Denis Frolov

The situation on the car insurance market is currently ambiguous. The CASCO insurance policy has risen in price literally at times. At the same time, many insurance companies with a seemingly flawless portfolio have ceased their activities in this market. All this leads to more frequent consumer refusals from CASCO. But there are situations when this type of insurance is indispensable: a car loan, the inability to park a new expensive car in a guarded parking lot, etc. Naturally, when paying for an expensive service, the policyholder must be aware of his rights and be most fully informed about all the nuances of insured events. Often, insurance companies do not explain the “full layout” to the client. The reason for this is simple: any payments are unprofitable for the insurer, the company must remain in the black. But any sane person, when insuring a car under CASCO, always thinks how to “recapture” the money invested in the policy. Therefore, it is important to know the algorithm of actions, the necessary documentation and your rights when an insured event occurs under CASCO. And, in fact, what exactly can be considered an insured event.

  • Theft (theft of a vehicle);
  • Damage to the car, as well as additional equipment as a result of a collision with an obstacle, actions of third parties (illegal or negligent). A list of additional equipment (for example, wheels, disks) is usually prescribed when drawing up an insurance contract. As a rule, the price of insurance increases with more additional equipment insured;
  • Complete destruction of the vehicle as a result of the actions of intruders or a natural disaster. But, if we consider the elements, you should carefully reread the contract with the insurance company. Often, natural disasters fall under force majeure circumstances. In this case, the insurer does not pay out.

Insured events under CASCO without an accident are:

  • Hitting an obstacle (e.g. parking post, fence) without damage to third parties
  • Damage to the car without the participation of another vehicle (for example, damage to the paintwork with a sharp object, tire puncture, broken glass, etc.)
  • Accidental damage to the glass elements of the car (headlights, windshield): as a rule, chips from flying off the road surface, etc.

An insured event under CASCO without certificates usually becomes minor damage (for example, glass elements). In this case, it is enough to drive up to your company to inspect the vehicle and the damage is fixed on the spot. Sometimes, if the company's expert decides, damage to the paintwork may be included in the list of minor damage. As a rule, if there are no obvious consequences of a collision with another vehicle.

In other cases, it is necessary to call the emergency commissioner. Acts of vandalism or theft against a car must be recorded by the police.

Actions of the owner of the CASCO policy in case of an accident and other insured events

What to do when an insured event occurs under CASCO is a legitimate question for the policyholder. The algorithm is fairly standard. But the insurer does not always describe it in detail when issuing a CASCO policy. Therefore, here is a list of necessary actions in case of an insured event:

  • Call an inspector or an emergency commissioner to fix the incident. Do not rush to call the commissioner if you do not admit guilt. Payment for its services usually falls on the initiator of the call;
  • If you do not plead guilty, do not rush to file an accident as a CASCO insured event. With subsequent insurance, each CASCO application automatically increases the personal rate. Therefore, if there is an opportunity to compensate real damage under OSAGO, it is better to use it;
  • According to the new rules, the emergency commissioner submits an accident plan with the signatures of all participants in the traffic police. But the participants in the accident must take the documents and hand them over to the insurance company;
  • If among the participants in the accident there is no dispute about guilt, the scheme of the incident can be drawn up independently;
  • Notify the insurance company about the accident within the time specified in the contract. As a rule, no more than 3 working days are allotted for notification;
  • The car is provided for inspection by the insurance company. The insured participates in the inspection together with the agent, writes an application, provides documentation on the incident.
  • Within the terms established by the contract, the insurance company must provide the insured with a document confirming that the car has been sent for repair or (optionally), or an opinion of an expert commission on the refusal to compensate for damage.


Required documents for a CASCO insured event:

  • Identification document;
  • Originals and copies of the driver's license and registration documents for the car;
  • CASCO policy, (usually, look at the validity period);
  • Scheme of an accident, certified by the traffic police;
  • In case of theft, you must provide the remaining keys to the vehicle, chips, alarm key fobs;
  • When hijacking, a copy of the application for initiating a criminal case is also required;

It should be noted that the insurance company may additionally require its own package of documents if such a need arises.

What to do if the car was stolen, read.


It is necessary or possible to do without it: each driver weighs his own risks. But the car owner who decides to insure the vehicle under CASCO must remember the simple rules:

  • Choose a company that has been operating in the insurance services market for more than a year and has a reliable reputation;
  • Carefully read the insurance contract, discuss all the nuances before signing the contract;
  • Remember the algorithm of actions in the event of an insured event. Feel free to contact your company if in doubt;
  • Carefully consider the clauses of the contract, which indicate cases in which CASCO insurance is not paid (the list is quite standard, but companies have their own characteristics).

Buying a car is a wonderful experience. But dark thoughts begin to fill your carefree head, and the smile slowly turns into a grimace of pain. You remember how many dangers await the car at every kilometer. Accidents! Drunk drivers! Poorly secured cargo on timber trucks! Hijackers! Vandals! Sosuli! Neighborhood kids with an extraordinarily heavy ball! It comes to the realization that without insurance you simply won’t be able to sleep peacefully at night.

Insurance companies are a dime a dozen. And if it is difficult for you to choose one of them, then get ready for the worst: when applying for CASCO, you will have to make a lot of decisions. Let's take a look at the most important contract options that you definitely need to pay attention to. Well, then we will launch the “Questions of the Dear Editorial Board” section, where we will fill in the most common gaps in knowledge about CASCO. And remember, a stupid question is an unasked question.

Educational program on the basics

Explain to me! CASCO and OSAGO: twins or cousins?

OSAGO is your liability insurance on the road. Under it, the insurance company will cover repairs or pay compensation to those who have suffered from your actions. Didn't fit into the turn and hit someone else's "Audi"? Your insurance company will pay for its repair, but a dent in your own car will have to be cleaned for your hard-earned money. If an inattentive student in a Lamborghini blew your rear-view mirror, the insurance company will pay for the repair. Each car owner must have a valid OSAGO policy - driving without it is prohibited by law.

CASCO - insurance for your car. Unlike OSAGO, it is completely voluntary and compensates for the damage caused to the car - even if you were the culprit of the accident. Compensation can be received in cash, or you can simply take a referral for repairs, which will be paid by the company. In some cases, the insurance company insists on repairs and has every right to do so. To avoid misunderstandings, be sure to discuss such points with the insurer before concluding the contract.

It must be remembered that CASCO in no way replaces OSAGO. You will have to make a compulsory insurance policy in any case, but it is your choice whether to issue CASCO or not

What you need to pay attention to when applying for CASCO?

Each company has its own rules, which must be clarified before concluding a contract. For example:

    Compensation without references

Is it possible to compensate for minor repairs under insurance without defending your best years in line for a certificate from the traffic police?

    glass elements

Are they covered by insurance? Can I receive compensation in a simplified manner?

    Number of hits

After what number of visits will the insurer nervously grab his head and show you the door?

    Compensation for TCB after an accident

Last year, the Supreme Court clarified the situation with TCB. Now the insurer himself must indicate in the contract whether the client expects compensation for the lost commodity value of the car or not. If the company is too lazy to include a clause on TCB, compensation can be sought through the courts. We advise you to clarify the insurance policy for reimbursement of TCB even before signing the contract.

We have compiled a list of questions about CASCO that we were most often asked and prepared worthy answers. Feel free to ask even the most obvious things, because a stupid question is not a question asked. So, let's begin.

There is some kind of franchise in CASCO. What else is this?

No, this is not opening a fast food restaurant complete with insurance. When registering a franchise, the contract specifies the amount that you are willing to spend on repairs yourself. Imagine that you agreed on 15,000 rubles. If the franchise is conditional, you pay for any minor repairs cheaper than 15,000 rubles. Anything that turns out to be more expensive is fully compensated by the insurance. With an unconditional franchise, even major repairs are paid minus the same amount from the contract. For example, a check from a car repair shop for 100,000 rubles will cover only 85,000 rubles, and 15,000 will have to be given to you.

Why franchise at all if you have to pay for repairs every time? Let's tell you a secret: with it, the annual policy becomes noticeably cheaper, because the insurance company shifts part of the costs to you.

With CASCO you can do anything on the road? The insurance company will still pay

CASCO will not save you from a fine, a trial, and even more so, it will not pull you out of prison. Polis is not a code that activates God Mode. You will have to answer for the consequences of actions on the road like an ordinary person. Once again provoked an accident and lost their rights? Yes, the insurance will pay for the repair, but in the next three years you can only admire an even layer of paint from the passenger seat. The policy does not guarantee you access to a bottomless abyss with money - the maximum amount of compensation will be immediately specified in the contract.

What if my car is stolen? Will the insurance company reimburse the cost?

Let's first deal with the types of CASCO. Eat full insurance a car for which you will receive compensation in any of the insured events: from damage to the body to the complete destruction of the car by a fallen meteorite. Is there partial- here you choose what your car will be insured against. Are you afraid that a brand new Mitsubishi will be stolen right from the parking lot at home? Take out a partial CASCO with insurance only against theft. Be very careful when making such an agreement. Insurers often add a clause stating that at night the car must be strictly in a guarded parking lot. If you leave your car on the street until morning and it is stolen, you will not see any compensation.

Get compensated

Get nothing

The car crashed into the bumper of the car in front

You were a little drunk, so you accidentally crashed into someone else's bumper

Your car was stolen

You asked a friend to “hijack” your Jeep from a deserted street in order to deceive the insurance

During the flood, the car was carried to the other end of the street, where a tree fell on it

We decided to take Murzik to the veterinarian without a carrier, and he put it right on the seat

On the way to work you got into an accident

You knew something broke in your car, but you still drove it to work and got into an accident

You missed the turn and crashed into a pole

You crashed into a pole while trying to complete a difficult drift in the South Butovo Best Racer competition.

Neighbor blew up your car to free up a parking space

The third world war began and the car was destroyed by a nuclear explosion

Did you ask? We answer!

I have a small chip on the hood that I just noticed today. Where I got it and who is to blame is not clear. I will make out CASCO, but I don’t want to repaint the entire hood according to the technology. Will I have problems?

Any insurance company conducts a thorough inspection of the car and records any damage in the act. A chip on the hood will definitely be on the list. If you do not repaint the car, and after some time damage the hood in an accident, then the insurance company will most likely only partially pay for its repair. This is motivated by the fact that the part already had a defect, which the insurance company is not obliged to eliminate. For example, according to CASCO, they will buy you a new hood, but if you please pay for painting yourself. You can go to court and even win: in judicial practice, such cases have occurred.

Last year, I got into an accident twice and was the injured party in both cases. Is it true that when extending CASCO for the next year, they will still raise the price for me?

Raising the price of a policy for those who do not drive very well and often get into an accident through their own fault is a common practice for all insurance companies. So they try to cover the cost of regular payments. But if another person was the culprit of the accident, then your insurance company, on the contrary, will receive money and compensate for its losses. In this case, the price for the next year will remain the same for you. Often, an accident is completely left without a culprit - he may hide or not notice that he hit your car. In this case, the insurance company will not receive a penny from him. The next year, the insurance company will increase the cost of the policy and return part of the lost money.

I have an SUV with a very expensive audio system, neon lights and a sunset cowboy airbrush. Is it possible to insure all this under CASCO?

The insurance company accepts your car in its original configuration and is not responsible for damage to an expensive radio, subwoofer or backlight. If you really value all of the above, try insuring it as additional equipment. But not every company will agree to such conditions. Don't forget to bring all receipts to the insurance company. Otherwise, your 2010 audio system may be underpriced.

With airbrushing it will be much more difficult, because its real value is quite difficult to prove. If during a trip to London, Banksy's own graffiti appeared on your body, then do not expect someone to agree to insure it for a million dollars. In the normal case, the insurance will treat the airbrush on the car as a simple paintwork. Therefore, if it is damaged, you will simply be offered to repaint the car in one color. Tablets and recorders also belong to additional equipment, but they are no longer subject to insurance. They are called easily removable equipment, which means that a potential thief will only need a couple of hands and a few seconds of time. Not a single insurance company will take risks, so you will have to take care of the safety of such equipment yourself.

If you are a victim, then you can recover compensation for damaged equipment from the person responsible for the accident. True, no longer according to CASCO, but according to OSAGO. And this is a completely different story.

Briefly and to the point

    CASCO, unlike OSAGO, is completely voluntary and protects only your car.

    To save on the policy, you can apply for a franchise. All repairs cheaper than the franchise price will be on you. If the deductible is unconditional, then the amount is deducted from any type of compensation - you will have to pay it.

    Before signing the contract, clarify several important points: the possibility of obtaining certain types of compensation without certificates, insurance of glass elements, the number of applications and the availability of TCB reimbursement.

    CASCO does not protect you from fines, administrative and criminal liability.

    CASCO is full and partial. For example, you can insure your car against any trouble or just against theft.

We highly recommend that you print this article and put it in your glove compartment, it will be great if you do NOT need it, but in case of an accident you will save yourself a lot of nerves. If an insured event occurs under OSAGO or an insured event under CASCO, you will know what to do!

The situation on the roads is sometimes not quite, let's say, stable, and often we do everything right and follow all the rules, but for some reason other motorists sometimes like to ignore them. Often, damage to a car in an accident is not fatal, but 400,000 rubles, which you can receive at most when reimbursed for OSAGO, cannot always cover damage from an accident (especially if you have an expensive car). 100% compensation for damages is required (even if it is the full cost of the car, which costs 5,000,000 rubles).

To be sure in case of an accident, buy an auto insurance policy with saving up to 50% use calculators. The calculation of compulsory auto insurance is made on the OSAGO calculator. In addition, you can make a calculation of voluntary auto insurance on the CASCO calculator, compare the cost of the policy in 10-30 insurance companies in your city.

The sequence of actions in case of an accident, if you have CASCO and OSAGO

So, what should you do in case of an accident, if you have an OSAGO and / or CASCO policy:

1. If you have only OSAGO during an accident and you are to blame:

There will be NO reimbursement for the repair of your car,

Compensation for the repair of the damaged car - 400,000 rubles.

2. If you only have OSAGO during an accident and you are NOT at fault:

You will receive a refund up to 400,000 rubles. to repair your car

BUT!!! if the one who “knocked you out” does not have OSAGO, you will have to sue him or repair your car at your own expense,

In any case, the culprit will repair his car himself.

3. If you have a CASCO policy during an accident and you are at fault:

Contact your company with a CASCO policy and you will receive a full refund (for the repair of your car),

The victim will receive compensation up to 400,000 rubles. under your OSAGO policy (point 1) or under his CASCO policy (if he has one)

4. If you have a CASCO policy during an accident and you are NOT at fault:

You can apply for compensation for the repair of your car under a CASCO or OSAGO policy. But we recommend that you apply for CASCO, as for OSAGO you will be reimbursed taking into account wear and tear, and for CASCO - without wear and tear of vehicle parts (check for this item in your CASCO policy),

The victim will receive compensation up to 400,000 rubles. under your OSAGO policy (point 1) or under his CASCO policy (if he has one).

The sequence of actions in case of an accident:

1. Have an accident - turn on the emergency gang. Immediately after you have turned on the emergency gang, try to exhale and pull yourself together. Don't lose control.

2. Install an emergency sign. 15 meters from the car - in the city, at least 30 - on the highway. If suddenly you do not have an emergency sign - URGENTLY buy it. This is necessary because cars may not notice your car on the road (especially if it is night) and “crash” into your car again.

3. Do not conflict with other participants in the accident. This will not lead to the fact that the insurance company will pay you more money later. Take care of your nerves and follow the instructions.

4. Call an ambulance if there are casualties in the accident.

5. Call the traffic police (if it is not possible to issue an accident according to the Europrotocol). Do not listen to anyone, be sure to call the traffic police so that they record the very fact of the accident + all damage. Remember that in a state of stress and affect, it will be very difficult for you to assess the situation yourself!

6. Do not move the car until the arrival of the traffic police. The rules of the road spell out your duties in case of an accident, namely: stop the vehicle, turn on the “emergency gang”, put up an emergency sign.

7. Take a couple of photos of the incident instead of a showdown with other participants in the accident. They can be attached to the protocol.

8. When the traffic police arrives, do not be passive. Do not leave the traffic police (inspector) with other participants in the accident alone. Feel free to tell the inspector to look under the fenders and hood to document ALL damage. This is important as the reimbursement will be made based on what the inspector specifies in his protocol.

9. Check that ALL damages are recorded in the protocol. We also recommend that you ask the inspector to indicate in the protocol all possible HIDDEN damage.

10. Write down the details of the other participants in the accident. This can be your full name, address where you work, etc.

No information will be given to you on the spot.

Now (after inspection and drawing up a protocol) you can drive your car away.

Actions after an accident:

11. The next step - you need to pick up the protocol at the traffic police department. Specify the address from the inspector who will draw up a protocol for you.

12. And the last step is to contact the insurance company for reimbursement (or). By clicking on the links, you will find out the list of documents for obtaining insurance indemnities.

Let's summarize what needs to be done:

1. At the time of an accident on the road, you do not get nervous and do not scold yourself and everyone around you, because you are not sure that you will be reimbursed for the damage from this “misunderstanding”.

2. If it turned out to be serious, and you are on an expensive car, then you will receive a full refund for the repair of your car. That is, if you are driving a BMW X6 and it turned out that “half the muzzle was blown away”, then the insurance company will pay you as much money as you need for ALL repairs, and not a maximum of 400,000 rubles that you would have been paid under OSAGO. In case you have CASCO.

3. If you got into an accident and you are at fault, the insurance company will also pay you all the money you need to repair your car. If you have a CASCO policy.

4. If you got into an accident and are NOT at fault, and the damage is not so big, you will be paid money for repairs WITHOUT WEAR. If you have CASCO.

5. If you got into an accident and are not at fault, and the culprit does not have OSAGO, you will NOT need to sue him, contact a car lawyer to “knock out” money to repair your car. The insurance company will pay for your repair, in full and without wear and tear. If you have CASCO.

6. You will sleep peacefully at night, even if you have not put the car in the parking lot (in the garage). If EVEN your car is stolen, the insurance company will pay you 100% of the cost. If you have CASCO.

7. If some "joker" scratched your door or glass (or both), that the insurance company will pay you money to buy new glass and paint the door, lead CASCO protects against such cases as "playful" neighbors, fallen trees , hail, fires, floods.

Top 10 questions about OSAGO

Casco is not an abbreviation

Casco does not save in all cases

You can save money when buying a casco

Casco can only insure a new (or almost new) car

If you take out a car loan, you will also have to buy Casco

Casco is more expensive in a car dealership

Casco will be cheaper with satellite signaling

A franchise policy costs less

Casco prices may vary

You can get a discount for accident-free driving

The average amount of a Casco payment is a little more than 80 thousand rubles

If the insurer leaves the market, Casco will “burn out”

In 2017, almost 4 million hull insurance contracts were concluded in Russia. At the same time, experts say: the total amount of insurance payments has recently decreased, but the amount of compensation for damage to each specific insured, on the contrary, has increased significantly. We tell you what else you need to know about the Casco policy if you are going to insure your car.

1. Casco is not an abbreviation

Let's make a reservation right away: Casco is not an abbreviation, but a term accepted throughout the world. And unlike OSAGO, writing this word using capital letters is a gross mistake.

2. Casco does not save in all cases

Photo: Casco will not cover losses if the damage was caused intentionally, the car was stolen, and it was driven by a drunk driver or a person without a license, as well as if the accident occurred outside of Russia. But Casco will help you out after an accident, even if you are recognized as the culprit. But the second injured car cannot be restored with the help of comprehensive insurance - here you will need an OSAGO policy.

3. Buying Casco can save you money

You will save if you purchase a truncated Casco policy - however, in this case, the insurance company will cover losses only in certain cases specified in the contract. For example, a car can only be insured against theft or serious damage. In this case, the policy will cost you less by about 20%.

4. Casco can only insure a new (or almost new) car

Insurance companies set age limits for the purchase of comprehensive insurance. Of course, we are talking about the age of the car. So, most insurers will not sell you a policy if the car is more than 10 years old, and in some companies you cannot get insurance on a car older than seven years.

5. If you take out a car loan, you will also have to buy Casco

Photo: Buying a hull insurance policy is one of the main conditions for banks to issue a car loan. And if you were agreed to get a car loan without a hull, do not rush to rejoice - most likely, you were offered an increased interest rate.

6. Casco costs more at a car dealership

Buying a hull insurance in the cabin, of course, has a huge advantage - you will be able to insure the car as quickly as possible. However, car dealers are usually interested in selling you certain insurance, and it usually costs significantly more than insurance.

7. Casco will be cheaper with satellite signaling

If you install a satellite alarm, then at the risk of "hijacking" you will be given a good discount. Experts say that this way you can save from 20 to 60%.

8. Deductible Policy Costs Less

Photo: Franchise - a part of the insurance payment that you voluntarily waive in the event of an insured event - helps to significantly save when buying a hull. But do not forget that if you buy a policy with a deductible of 20 thousand rubles and receive damage of 100 thousand, you will be offered only 80 thousand rubles as compensation for damage.

9. Casco prices may vary

Before applying for a hull, study the insurance market, because prices in different insurance companies can differ significantly from each other. For example, the cost of a policy for the same car can vary from 35 to 85 thousand rubles, that is, almost 2.5 times!

10. Accident-free driving can get a discount

If you have not been in an accident during the year, then you can get a discount on the next Casco policy. Usually it is about 10%, but it all depends on the insurer.

11. The average amount of a Casco payment is a little more than 80 thousand rubles

Photo: The average Casco payment last year amounted to 80.6 thousand rubles. At the same time, the average insurance premium a year ago was 41.7 thousand rubles.

12. If the insurer leaves the market, Casco will “burn out”

Free cheese, as you know, happens only in a mousetrap. And what if you try to carefully run around her, biting off a little bit? It is clear that you will not get the whole piece of cheese, but you will be able to bite it. Such a metaphor characterizes both the insurance product itself, which is the policy, and the client of the insurance company - it all depends solely on the angle of view. The task of the car owner is. The insurer, on the other hand, is focused on squeezing at least something out of the client by offering him the minimum possible. So the process of saving when buying a Casco almost always involves a compromise. But exceptions are possible. Here with them, perhaps, we will begin.

As a rule, a reduction in the price of a policy implies various restrictions, however, in some cases, a discount can be obtained out of the blue. Almost.


Insurance companies do their best to keep those who regularly pay from year to year, but at the same time do not get into an accident - it’s not a sin to offer such people a discount for loyalty. However, an even more significant discount (up to a third of the cost of the policy) can be obtained if you suddenly decide to change the insurance company: competitors are willing to lure other people's trustworthy customers. By the way, it is possible that, having learned about the decision to defect to the camp of the enemy, your insurer will be able to voice. And rightly so: a good customer should be appreciated!

You can also get a discount within the framework of auto insurance if, in addition to the hull policy, you succumb to persuasion to insure something else - say, real estate or life. If you think that this is an imposed service, - well, you have the right to refuse. However, you can look at it differently: for a smaller total amount, you get two products instead of one - so why not? Although, of course, it is difficult to call such an option saving.

Fine tuning

The most common way is a franchise. There are a great many varieties of a franchise, but the essence is the same: this term is commonly understood as an amount that is not paid upon the occurrence of an insured event. A franchise is not only profitable, but also convenient for a car enthusiast: due to minor (and often inexpensive) damage, you don’t need to bother with issuing certificates and estimating the cost of repairs - you just went to the nearest or lured service and quickly fixed everything for your money, without entering into difficult relationship with insurers.

Another way to reduce the insurance premium is related to the valuation of the car. If you define the payout limit in such a way that if you lose a car (theft or total, that is, complete death), you will not receive its entire cost, but only some certain part, then the price of the policy will be lower. It is clear that in the case of "credit cars" this option will not work.

And here is another interesting variant of contractual relations, which is offered in some UK. At the time of registration of the policy, you pay half the amount, and make the second installment only if an insured event occurs.

This option should not be confused with the purchase of a policy in installments, which ultimately involves the full payment of funds, albeit extended over time.

Not only everything

“Broad spectrum” insurance is always prohibitively expensive: for a policy without restrictions, the insurance company will charge the maximum. As they say, you should not multiply things unnecessarily - so we immediately decide who will be allowed to drive a car, because the fewer people appear in the policy, the cheaper it is. If a “toxic” driver with bad statistics appears on the list of break-even users, he will definitely spoil the whole calculation.

We look further. Do you need full coverage? If you know for sure that at night the car will be stored in the underground parking, and during the day it will live in the protected area of ​​the business center away from trees, then the probability of damage to the car as a result of natural disasters is minimal. You can delete this item from the contract and recalculate the cost - it will turn out cheaper.

If you have any exotic car, then you can not insure it against theft at all: the risk that someone will covet your treasure is small. But in case of an accident, you can insure yourself - you never know ... There is only one rule here: the fewer risks are reflected in the policy, the more modest amount you will ultimately pay for it.

And insurance companies practice programs that take into account the peculiarities of car operation. Let's say you intend to use the car only on weekends or, for example, on some specific routes (you are an incorrigible summer resident, but you prefer to take the subway to work). In this case, in the fair opinion of the UK, you also deserve a promotion with a discount, which is logical: the less the car moves, the less likely it is to get into an accident. Bingo!

Not really necessary!

There are other nuances that also affect the cost of insurance. Calling an emergency commissioner, technical support, reimbursement without certificates, a tow truck in case of an accident - all these are services that you can refuse for the sake of a lower amount in the bill.

It also makes sense to stipulate a service in which the car will be repaired in the event of an insured event: choosing a regular technical center instead of an authorized dealer will help save a significant amount. Moreover, you can generally refuse to pay for the work of the craftsmen, stipulating only the reimbursement of the cost of spare parts - it will be even cheaper.

A matter of technology

And here are the most, shall we say, advanced ways to save money when applying for insurance. Let's start with the fact that the presence of one or another in the car affects the price of the hull. Even for a banal signaling, SK gives a discount, and if a satellite looks after the car, then the discount will become more impressive. Here, however, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the installation of an advanced (and expensive) anti-theft device can easily negate all the savings.

One of the fashion trends in the insurance world - which underlies the so-called smart insurance. A device is connected to the vehicle's on-board system through the diagnostic connector, which not only monitors the movement of the vehicle, but also allows you to evaluate the driver's driving style. If the latter demonstrates a calm and measured ride without sudden accelerations and spontaneous movements, then the insurers will consider it deserving of indulgence.

Finally, another way to save is related to the choice of the company in which you will purchase your policy as a result. It is definitely worth taking some time and doing your own market research on where a comprehensive insurance policy for your car will cost less. There are various tools for this, such as or websites, where you can enter key parameters and get an approximate calculation of the cost of the policy in several insurance companies at once - and still choose the appropriate option. And not only to choose, but also to issue: for online registration, some insurers can also give a small discount. A trifle, but nice.

What is a franchise?

There are many types of franchises in the insurance world. Usually everyone is aware that there is a conditional franchise, and there is an unconditional one. In the first case, damage is not compensated if its amount is less than the deductible; but if the damage is more significant, then the entire repair is paid. In the second case, the UK will reimburse the damage, but minus the amount agreed by the franchise.

Other species are more exotic. The dynamic deductible can increase as new ones come: if you get into one accident - the deductible will be 10 thousand rubles (for example), collided again - it will increase to 20 thousand. But, say, a temporary franchise is understood not so much as the franchise itself, but as the conditions for its application. Roughly speaking, if an accident occurs before the agreed time (or, conversely, later - it all depends on the contract), then the deductible does not apply.

There are also franchises that regulate the payment, taking into account certain circumstances. For example, if the driver of the insured car becomes the culprit of the accident, then compensation is not paid. In principle, any conditions can be specified in general, focusing them on a specific driver or even on certain parts of the vehicle (wheels, for example).

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