
Battery electrolyte composition

Battery electrolyte composition

For modern acid batteries, the main medium in which reactions occur is the electrolyte. The operation of the entire battery fully depends on its quantity, temperature, and electrochemical characteristics. For each season, the composition of the electrolyte for


What acid is used as an electrolyte in a car battery?

What acid is used as an electrolyte in a car battery?

Composition of the electrolyte Electrolyte, or sulfuric acid, is used by modern industry to produce current sources: in batteries; batteries; electrical capacitors. The batteries are filled with sulfuric acid at a diluted ratio


How to charge a car battery with a charger

How to charge a car battery with a charger

A car battery is a fairly unpretentious part, and under normal operating conditions the car is charged by itself from a running generator. But there are situations that take the battery out of its usual mode, completely depriving it of the required voltage. In such


How to light a car from another car?

How to light a car from another car?

A discharged battery causes car owners a lot of trouble - situations often arise when the car battery runs out and it is impossible to start the engine with the ignition key. In such cases, you have to light the car from another


Battery care and storage in winter

Battery care and storage in winter

The winter season is very problematic not only for people, but also for most mechanisms. The fact is that snow, dampness and cold, chilly winds have the most negative impact on the condition of various technical devices. And more


Several ways to charge your phone if you don't have a charger

Several ways to charge your phone if you don't have a charger

You forgot it, lost it, or simply didn’t take it with you. You can do without it - use other means to replenish the battery. But some of them are unsafe. Therefore, before charging your phone battery without a charger, be careful


Correctly charging a car battery using a charger

Correctly charging a car battery using a charger

Correctly charging a car battery using a charger Any car enthusiast sooner or later faces the problem of charging the battery. There is no way around this and you need to learn how to charge the battery if you don’t already know how. Otherwise, a situation will arise


How to properly maintain a car battery

How to properly maintain a car battery

How to properly maintain a car battery A car battery is a source of electric current that operates on the basis of electrochemical reactions occurring in it. Like any other device, the battery requires


How to check the ignition coil yourself

How to check the ignition coil yourself

Unstable operation of a car's gasoline power plant, interruptions, and difficult starting are usually associated with a malfunction of one of two systems - power supply and ignition. And if such malfunctions exist, it is in these systems that we need to look for the causes. Now p


What are the ways to restore a mobile phone battery?

What are the ways to restore a mobile phone battery?

What are the ways to restore a mobile phone battery? The phone battery is the key element of a mobile phone, without which it stops working. It is thanks to the battery that a phone is called a mobile phone. At the same time baht


How to charge a car battery with a charger

How to charge a car battery with a charger

A car battery may be discharged at the most inopportune moment, in which case the car cannot be started from the starter. There are several ways to start a car with a dead battery, but the safest, most reliable and


How to properly charge a maintenance-free battery

How to properly charge a maintenance-free battery

A common belief is that you don’t need any special knowledge to charge a battery at home or in the garage. In reality, everything is much more complicated. The term “maintenance-free device” often misleads the mass consumer. The car enthusiast believes that the status “


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