Self-analysis of nodes on femp in the senior group. Self-analysis of nodes on FAMP “journey to a fairy tale” educational and methodological material in mathematics (middle group) on the topic Analysis of a lesson on FAMP in preparatory school

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open display of direct educational activities on cognitive development

(formation of elementary mathematical concepts)

"Journey to the Kingdom of Time"

(with children of older mixed age groups)

Target:Expand and systematize ideas about watches.


Educational :

1.Summarize and consolidate children’s knowledge about watches, their purpose, the arrangement of numbers in order up to 12 (on the dial);

continue to develop the ability to navigate the parts of the day.


2.Develop speech, observation, mental activity, and the ability to quickly navigate a situation.


3.Promote the development of friendly relations and communication skills through teamwork. Cultivating respect for time.

Preliminary work:

Getting to know different types of watches.

Throughout the entire activity we monitored integration such educational areas , How:

Social and communicative development (communication, play),

Artistic and aesthetic development (music),

Speech development,

Cognitive development (formation of a holistic picture of the world)

Preliminary work immediately on the eve of organized educational activities consisted only of familiarization with different types of watches. Other techniques for getting acquainted with time representations: seasons, days of the week, names of months, clock dials, learning the dynamic pause “And the clock goes, goes...”, etc. carried out throughout the year, taking into account thematic planning, as well as when organizing routine moments and joint activities of adults and children.

When constructing this type of activity, gaming educational technology was used. The course of the educational activity itself was presented as a travel game: “Journey to the Kingdom of Time.” This allows us to take into account the basic principles of preschool education: the principle of the intrinsic value of childhood, the zone of proximal development, the implementation of an activity-based approach based on the leading activity of a preschooler - play. An object game was used, such as manipulating a toy (an interactive Clock toy). Game forms of work made it possible to diversify the activity and make it interesting and entertaining.

Methods of problem-based learning were used, partly the search method, the method of analyzing specific situations, research, interactive methods, collective discussion of a specific problem, accompanied by the exchange of ideas, judgments, and opinions in groups.

The motivational moment of the beginning of GCD was the surprise for children of the appearance of the “Clock” toy as a gift from guests with a note-instruction about the trouble that had happened in the Kingdom of Time and a request for help to his friends. Key phrase of the note: “Help, guys, dispel the evil spell of the wizard, save my friends! And to do this, you need to find all the clocks and complete the tasks that are hidden under them! ”, served as an incentive for search activity with the designated task. To activate thought processes and develop decision-making skills, this problematic situation was created. Following the game motivation, throughout the NOD she maintained the children’s interest in the result. Each child was actively involved in the activity.

Children's creation of a route map of the Travel Game allows them to practice the skills of systematizing material and the ability to plan their actions. Throughout the activity, children turned to the route plan, which helps develop the skills to act according to the plan. The same practical task contributed to the development of visual-figurative and logical thinking, where children, based on certain signs of a clock, had to guess what type of clock they were talking about and correlate them with the picture. In addition, at this stage, the creation of a map-travel route involved the production of a new visual aid “Types of Clocks”, which can be used in the future.

The tasks of the main part of the GCD: “tasks from different types of watches” were aimed at developing:

1) - phonemic hearing (“Guess the clock by its sound”)

2) – cognitive abilities, repetition and systematization of knowledge on “children’s temporary representations”, memory development (“Bag with Questions”)

3) – skills in experimental research activities, development of skills to interact with adults, the ability to make requests, find a way out of the current situation (“Experiment with an hourglass”)

4) – development of speech and logical thinking (Task from the alarm clock “Riddle” and Task from the wristwatch “Poem”)

5) - mathematical concepts: knowledge of numbers, ability to correlate real life situations with time concepts (“What time is it?)

6) – consolidation of knowledge about the seasons, days of the week, development of basic computer interaction skills, attention and thinking (tasks from the chimes: multimedia game)

Using information and computer technology with the use of the multimedia game “Year. Season. “Week” was introduced taking into account the fact that presenting information on a computer screen in a playful way arouses great interest among children; carries a figurative type of information that is understandable to preschoolers; movements, sound, animation attract the child’s attention for a long time; has a stimulus for children's cognitive activity; provides the opportunity to individualize training; In the process of his activities at the computer, the preschooler gains self-confidence, and this also allows him to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life.

During the activity, the game exercise “And the clock goes on and on” was used to relieve muscle fatigue and as one of the completed tasks.

The result was summed up using reflection; the children managed to fulfill TIK-TAK’s request and help his friends. During the summing up, I introduced a technique to reveal the meaning of the proverb “There is time for work, but there is an hour for fun!” with the aim of introducing preschoolers to small genres of folklore, which allows partially implementing the principle of cultural conformity, and also has the educational value of respect for time.

Changing types of activities contributed to maintaining children's attention and performance throughout the entire period of educational activities. The following forms of work were used: collective and individual. Communication was based on partnership and an individual approach. The children were active, answered questions, and participated in conversations. The selected methods and forms of work ensured the activity and independence of thinking of the students. The children showed their ability to maintain a conversation and answer questions. The children were emotional, and there was an acceptable balance between the rational and the emotional in working with children. The teacher used a verbal system of encouraging children, which contributed to the creation of an emotionally comfortable environment. Sanitary and hygienic requirements, alternation of activities, instructions for maintaining children's posture, the duration of the GCD, air-thermal conditions, and lighting were observed.

I believe that as a result of organized educational activities, the implementation of the planned plan, educational, developmental and educational goals and objectives have been achieved; The planned result of the children’s activities showed a high level of development of knowledge, skills and abilities, which proves that children’s ideas about time and the clock are well-formed.

Educator: Chuvashova A.V.



« Playing with Dienesh blocks»

Games for children 3-5 years old.

To begin with, offer your child the simplest game tasks for highlighting blocks according to one property (sign).

Find the same shape as this one by color.

Find the same shape as this one.

Find a shape different from this one by color (shape, size, thickness).

"Treat the dogs" .

Target. Develop the ability to compare objects based on one to four properties. Reinforce the meaning of words "different"- "the same". To lead to an understanding of the denial of the properties of an object.

Several pictures of dogs and dogs are laid out in front of the child. Dienesha blocks. An adult offers to treat the dogs with biscuits, which they love love: give to dogs left and right paws (put next to the pictures) biscuits that differ only in shape. Explains: if in the dog’s left paw there is a biscuit of a round shape, then in the right one there can be a biscuit of either a square shape, or rectangular, or triangular, that is, of any non-round shape.

Then he offers to give the dogs biscuits in their left and right paws, which differ only in color. Reasons with the child.

The same is true game with biscuits, which vary in size (size, thickness).

In the future, the conditions of the game become more complicated: biscuits already differ in two properties, then in three and, finally, in four.

“Where is the mouse?”

Target. Develop the ability to identify the properties of an object and name its color, shape, size (size, thickness.

8 laid out in front of the child Dienesha blocks, differing in properties. Under one of blocks hidden is a picture of a mouse. An adult asks, naming a property (properties) block: "Mouse under blue block("The mouse under the blue large triangular thick block) The child alternately lifts all the indicated blocks, calling their property (properties). If he finds a mouse, he takes it for himself; if not, the search continues.

Games for children 5-7 years old

"Beads for Matryoshka" .

Target. Develop the ability to identify the properties of an object and read a diagram. Strengthen ordinal counting skills.

In front of the child there is a silhouette image of a matryoshka doll, 15 cards with symbols of the properties of objects, Dienesha blocks.

An adult offers to give the matryoshka beads. Explains: the decoration is made up of three threads with five beads on each. The place of the bead on the thread is indicated by a cross. The number on each card indicates the serial number of the string of beads (counting must start from the top). First, the child lays out cards with the number 1 and the corresponding Dienesha blocks– hangs out the first row of beads, calling the serial number of the beads on the thread (from left to right) and properties subject: the first bead is a small yellow circle, the second is a large yellow square, the third is a small yellow triangle, the fourth is a large yellow rectangle, the fifth is a small yellow square.

Similarly, the child hangs beads on steel threads.

"Riddles without words" .

Target. Develop the ability to decipher information about the presence or absence of certain properties in objects.

The adult rolls the logic dice one by one. The child guesses the figure by listing its properties. Then the adult throws a digital die, and the child lays out the corresponding number of guessed numbers. Dienesha blocks(logical figures).


IN games with Dienesh blocks You can use hoops of different colors to develop spatial orientation, form an elementary idea of ​​set and the intersection of sets.

Game with one hoop.

Before the game, the child is explained the meaning of words "inside" And "outside".

The hoop is placed on the floor. The child lays out blocks For example: “Put all the blue ones inside the hoop blocks, and outside the hoop - everyone else blocks" Then the child answers questions: "Which blocks lie inside the hoop? Which blocks ended up outside the hoop?

Correct answer to the last one question: "Not blue", since all that matters is that all the blue ones are inside the hoop blocks and there are no others there.

When repeating the game, the child can independently choose which ones are outside the hoop, and then name the general properties of the figures outside the hoop.

Game with two hoops.

When the child learns the rules, you can complicate the game by placing two hoops on the floor so that they intersect.

The child lays out blocks in accordance with the instructions of the adult. For example: “Put all triangular blocks inside a red hoop, and everything is round blocks inside a yellow hoop." Then answers question: “What figures lie inside both the red and yellow hoop?” And so on.


Analyze the lesson notes on the formation of elementary ideas about set in children in the pre-numerical period (the concept of “many” and “one” and their relationship).

Summary of an integrated lesson on FEMP in the junior group “One, Many”

Target: formation of elementary mathematical performance: one, a lot of.


Teach children to identify individual objects from groups

Establish relationships between concepts « one » , « a lot of »

Use words one, a lot of, none, agree numerals with nouns in gender and case

Material: pictures - chicken, chickens according to the number of children, templates with drawn chickens in the form of circles.

Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko! - the teacher says and asks:

Who's screaming like that?

Shows a toy chicken

Who is this? Who is the chicken calling?

The hen is calling her chicks. Here are the chickens running to their mother (I hang chickens on a magnetic board).

Guys, what do the chickens say? Let's all say it together as they say.

What color is the hen's chicks?

How many chickens came to visit us? - One.

How many chicks does a hen have? – a lot of.

-Who is there more?: hens or chicks? - There are more chickens a lot of, and there is only one chicken.

Guys, chickens love to be played with.

Misha, come and take one chicken from the hen.

Misha, how many chickens do you have in your hands? One

Likewise with all children, all we ask: “How many chickens do you have in your hands?”. Please note that the hen has fewer and fewer chicks.

Guys, how many chickens does the hen have now? - No one.

What needs to be done to make the chicken feel good again? a lot of chickens? – We need to return the chickens to the chickens.

Misha, please hang your chicken on the board. How many chickens did Misha bring to the chicken? - One chicken.

Same with all children. Everyone we ask: “How many chickens did you bring to the hen?”

How many chickens does the hen have again? – A lot of.

Dynamic pause.

Guys, let's play with the chicken some more.

The chicken went out for a walk (show a pinch)

Pinch some fresh grass (pinching movements with fingers)

And behind her are the kids - yellow chickens (spread the wings)

Co-co-co, co-co-co

Don't go far (waving a finger)

Row with your paws (rowing with hands)

Look for grains.

Ate a fat beetle

earthworm (we stroke our tummy)

We drank some water (lean forward)

Full trough (show a circle).

Look, guys, how great you are. So we played with the chicken.

- Guys, look, our chicken is worried for some reason. Chicken, what happened? She took her chickens out onto the meadow, and they all ran away, only there's only one left. Don't worry, chicken. That's how many of us there are a lot of, we will definitely find your curious chickens. Guys, let's help the chicken.

The teacher shows a picture of a chicken.

- Guys, look at the chicken, what does he have? (head, eyes, beak, body, wings, legs) What chicken? (yellow, fluffy, small)

– What shape is the head and body of a chicken? (round)

The teacher invites the children to draw a circle in the air with their finger. (Children in the air with their index finger "draw" round shape). Next, the teacher invites you to come to the table.

- Look, I have a chicken (show his silhouette). He needs to draw yellow fluff. I take the brush in my right hand with three fingers just above the tip, put yellow paint on it, remove the excess on the edge of the jar, hold the chicken with my left hand and poke the yellow fluff. I hold the brush straight. This is how fluffy the chicken turns out. I drew it. Now place the brush on the stand. If your hands get dirty, wipe them with a damp cloth.

– Children, look what wonderful, fluffy chickens you have turned out to be.

Misha, how many chickens have you drawn? - One.

We ask all children in the same way.

Guys, how many chickens have we drawn together? – A lot of.

4. Reflection.

The teacher invites the children to play independently with chickens, hen




Guys, the doll Masha came to visit us. She told me that she and her friends ordered new coats from the studio. When they took the already sewn coats from the studio and began to try them on at home, they discovered that none of the coats had buttons. Let's help the dolls, buy buttons and sew them on the coat!

The teacher invites the children to go to the store and buy as many buttons as there are loops on the coat.

Guys, today we will work in pairs.

Using the d/game “Find a Pair,” the teacher divides the children into pairs. (Cards: Bunny - carrots, cabbage; bear - barrel of honey; squirrel - nuts, etc.)

Agree among yourself who will be the “seller” and who will be the “buyer.”

(Children agree among themselves)

There is no need to recalculate anything. Using chips you can determine how many buttons are needed for a coat.

The teacher shows the actions of the “seller” and the “buyer”. “Buyer” - takes chips from the box, puts them on loops, closes the box with the remaining chips. He collects the laid out chips in his hand (or a bowl) and takes them to the “seller”, saying that this is how many buttons are needed. The “seller,” establishing a one-to-one correspondence, selects as many buttons as chips.

Then the children change roles.

Assessment of literacy in making the manual “Sew buttons to a coat”

The manual includes:

Images of coats made from cardboard with “loop” holes;

Chips that can be round or square;

Buttons can also be round or square, in the shape of fruit, etc.

Boxes or plates for carrying chips.

This manual is universal because when using it, you can teach not only to establish one-to-one correspondence, but also to consolidate knowledge of flat geometric figures, their size, etc. Because buttons can be found on different topics, you can touch on consolidating knowledge of flowers, fruits, vegetables, etc. When playing with this manual, children learn to interact.

Independent work of children.



Progress of the lesson

1. Introduction to the educational game situation

Introduction of the fairy-tale hero Bunny-Stepashka.

Guys, we have a guest coming to us today, guess who? themselves:

What kind of forest animal is this?

Stood up like a column under a pine tree?

And stands among the grass -

Ears more head.

That's right, it's a bunny, and our guest's name is Stepashka.

Let's all say hello to Stepashka together:

Children - “Hello Stepashka!”

Stepashka - Hello, guys!

Guys, Stepashka whispered in my ear that he accidentally spilled the cubes, but he couldn’t put them back together because he didn’t remember where they were, but we’ll take a look now and definitely figure out how to collect and arrange the cubes (Yes)

2. Main part.

1. Game - task “Put the cubes into boxes” (on the carpet)

Laid out in front of each child cubes: big and small, and cooked two boxes: big and small

Look how many cubes Stepashka spilled ( A lot of, and they all same size(No, but then what kind of cubes are there? (Big and small ) .

Well done, and all the boxes the same? (no, what kind of boxes? (big and small )

Look what kind of box is this? (big )

What kind of box is this? (small)

Look at your cubes. Show big cube(show). Show small (show).

I also have cubes big(showing) and small (showing). - Look, I'm taking it big cube and put it in big box, and a small cube in a small box.

(children complete tasks after explanation).

- So we helped Stepashka: large cubes placed in a large box, and small ones in a small box.

How many cubes are in the boxes? (a lot of )

How many cubes do you have? (neither one) .

Look Stepashka, we all collected all the cubes and put them in boxes

Stepashka- “Thank you guys, you helped me a lot”.

Somehow we sat on the carpet too long, but let’s go with you now A little Let's warm up and jump together with Stepashka.

Physical education minute "Fun in the Woods"

The hares got up early in the morning,

They played merrily in the forest. (Jumping in place.)

Jump-jump-jump along the paths!

Who is not used to charging? (Walk in place.)

Here is a fox walking through the forest. (Imitate the movements of a fox)

Who's jumping there, I wonder? (Stretching - arms forward.)

To answer the question,

The little fox pulls his nose. (pull our noses forward.)

But the bunnies jump quickly.

How could it be otherwise? (jumping in place)

Exercise helps!

And the bunnies run away. (Walk in place.)

Here's a hungry fox

Looks sadly at the heavens. (Stretching - arms up.)

Sighs heavily (Deep inhale and exhale.)

He sits down and rests. (Sits down and rests.)

Guys, let's invite Bunny to play another game with us at the tables.

2 Game task "Lay it out according to blossom»

Plates are laid out on the table. Each child has his own plate of a certain colors: blue, red, yellow. In the center of the table there is a box with multi-colored blue circles, red, yellow. Children should put circles of the same colors, like the plate itself.

Look what colorful plates on our tables, what kind are they? colors? (blue, red and yellow). And in the middle of the table there is also a box, and what is in it ( Multi-colored circles, and what kind are there colors(blue, red and yellow). Right

What colors plate, the same colors You need to put the circles in it. Put red circles in a red plate, blue circles in a blue plate, and yellow circles in a yellow plate. Everyone understands (yes, well then let’s start laying out

Each child places the circles in their own plate. (children complete the task independently).

The guys did it (Yes, what great guys you are! How much did we achieve? multi-colored circles(A lot of, and plates (a lot of )

3. Final part.

A game class“Show me where the Bunny’s house is”.

Christmas trees of different sizes on the board (5-6 pcs. of different heights).

It was very interesting for Stepashka to be with us “What great guys you are”- he says. But unfortunately, it’s time for him to return home. Where do hares live? (In the woods).

That's right, all the bunnies live in the forest, so our Stepashka also lives in the forest, he played with us so much today that a bit tired, and wants to go home get a little rest, Gain strength.

Look guys, this is the forest in which Stepashka lives. He said that his house is under the tallest tree. Only he himself does not know which of the trees is the tallest. Let us help you show off the tallest tree. (children show)

Well, goodbye Stepashka! Sweet dreams to you!

Stepashka- "Goodbye, guys"


Stepashka went to rest and gain strength, and let us do the same let's rest a little, and lie on the rug and listen to a beautiful song (Yes)

Sounds “lullaby for Umka”



Getting to know the number. (middle and senior groups)

1. Take white stick. She is the shortest. This is a unit. Number 1.

2. Find stick where is white the stick is placed 2 times. Find the same one stick, how many are there? (2) Pink the stick is the number 2. (And so on until 10).

Tasks. (senior group)

1. Make 2 trains so that one of them has 3 pink cars, and the other, also consisting of pink cars, has 1 (2) the carriage is longer.

2. Make up a green one stick, from the same sticks in different ways.

(Composition of numbers).

Examples of games with Cuisenaire sticks.

A game: "Colored rugs"

Target: Deepen children's knowledge about the composition of a number from two smaller numbers. Develop an understanding of, that the larger the number, the more expansion options. Develop logical thinking, attention.

Progress of the game.

Children take one stick(for example, yellow) and make it up from several others, in total equal to the length of the first. Every "rug" ends stick consisting of white chopsticks, which is called "fringe". Children describe rug:

- Color: “Yellow is white and red, red and white, pink and blue, blue and pink, and white, white, white, white, white.”

- By numbers: “Five is one and four, four and one, two and three, three and two, and one, one, one, one, one.” - In numbers (children lay out cards with numbers): 1 and 4,4 and 1,2 and 3,3 and 2, and 1, 1, 1, 1, 1. You can use the signs +, -, =.

It is necessary to bring children to the understanding that, for example, for the number 3 there are only two options for folding the rug, and for the number 5 there are four options. And accordingly, the first rug will be smaller than the second. Later, as you master the material, you can use numbers from 1 to 10.

A game “Name the number - find it stick» .

Target: consolidate the ability to correlate quantities with numbers.

Move: games:

The host calls the number and the players move to the corresponding number. stick. Then the presenter shows stick, and the children name the number it represents ( For example: white - one, pink - two, blue - three, red - four and so on). First the numbers are called and sticks are shown in order and then broken down.

A game "Find a Pair"


The colored number is matched with the corresponding regular number shown on the card.

The corresponding number of objects is selected for the colored number (or their images on the card).

The selection of pairs is carried out first in order, and then separately.

After completing the exercise, the child adds sticks in boxes or bags, which depict the corresponding number or numerical figure (or both).



Learning to count within five

To conduct initial lessons, you will need five cards with the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and five and five pictures of houses.

Learning to count at the initial stage will be done with the help of five houses and a box with five cells for them. From time to time, the teacher can cover the box with his palm or remove it, thanks to which the houses and empty cells located in it are very quickly imprinted in the child’s memory.

You should also not try to replace the box with houses with counting sticks or fingers, other counting objects, or cubes that are not lined up in the box. Unlike houses lined up in a box, these objects are arranged randomly, do not form a permanent configuration and therefore are not stored in memory as a memorable picture.

Before the start of the lesson, find out how many houses the child can identify at the same time, without counting them one by one with his finger. Usually, by the age of three, children can tell immediately, without counting, how many cubes are in a box, if their number does not exceed two or three, and only a few of them see four at once. But there are children who can only name one object so far. In order to say that they see two objects, they must count them by pointing with their finger. The first lesson is intended for such children. The others will join them later. To determine how many cubes the child sees at once, alternately place different numbers of cubes in the box and ask: “How many cubes are in the box? Don’t count, tell me right away. Well done! And now? And now? That’s right, well done!” Children can sit or stand at the table. Place the box with cubes on the table next to the child parallel to the edge of the table.

To complete the tasks of the first lesson, leave the children who can only identify one cube so far. Play with them one by one.

1. Game “Putting numbers to houses”

with two houses

Place a card with number 1 and a card with number 2 on the table. Place a box on the table and put one house in it. Ask your child how many houses are in the box. After he answers “one,” show and tell him the number 1 and ask him to put it next to the box. Add a second house to the box and ask to count how many houses are in the box now. Let him, if he wants, count the houses with his finger. After the child says that there are already two houses in the box, show him and tell him the number 2 and ask him to remove the number 1 from the box and put the number in its place

2. Repeat this game several times. Very soon the child will remember what two houses look like and will begin to name this number at once, without counting. At the same time, he will remember the numbers 1 and 2 and will move the number corresponding to the number of houses in it towards the box.

Types of exercises:

· counting sounds

· counting movements

· counting objects by touch

Exercise options:

· Execution according to the sample (as many). Clap as many times as I do.

· Counting the number of sounds (movements, objects by touch). The result of the count can be called or shown using numbers.

· Carrying out a task according to the named number or shown figure

· Mixed exercises (for example, squat as many times as you hear sounds)


Perform 1 more or less movements

Stage 1 (younger age) is asked to reproduce 1 or many (movements or sounds) according to the model. In the game “Walk in circles after each other,” children must repeat those movements as many times as the leader showed.

Requirements for producing sounds and performing movements: zouks must be produced loudly, rhythmically, at a moderate pace, behind a screen, we pay attention to the fact that children listen silently until the very end, count to themselves, if the children said incorrectly, the teacher repeats if they say incorrectly again -reduces the amount.

Movements should be rhythmic at a moderate pace (we count movements as a whole)



1. Game "Friends Are Missing" (numbers and dots can be “friends”).

The goal of the game is to consolidate knowledge of the sequence of numbers in a number series, to practice finding the “neighbors” of a number.

Game "Checks"

The goal of the game is to consolidate knowledge and understanding of the number series.

The task is to find the correct check.

A. You can pick up a toy from a toy store when the seller issues the correct receipt (selected by the “seller” and given to the “buyer”). If he made a mistake, then you need to correct the mistake and you can also make a purchase.

b. You can receive the goods only with the correct receipt (selected by all “buyers” and presented to the “sellers”). If the buyer makes a mistake, the seller corrects the mistake.

Game "Find the number"

Goal: The ability to correlate a number with the number of objects

Material. Cards with pictures of 3,4,5,6 items, numbers are drawn on the side.

Instructions for conducting: The teacher suggests counting the number of items and choosing the number that corresponds to it


Didactic game "Math Clock"

Game “Who, where?

Material: 10 different pictures.

Instructions: The teacher asks the child if he can count. If he can, he invites him to do it. Then he asks to say how many toys are in the row; what a pear, grandma (count in order).

3.“ Do the math»

Target: to train children in understanding that the number does not depend on the size of objects, their shape, their location, as well as on the direction of counting, to establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the number.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows "Fan" on the reverse side, where different numbers of objects are glued. One child is offered count from bottom to top objects from any one petal. Another child counts from top to bottom. The answer is checked by turning this petal from the colored side.

Do the same amount of movements"

Target: Reproduce as many movements as there are objects depicted on one petal.

Progress of the game: The teacher shows a petal with a certain number of objects (or a petal with a number, one child believes, names the quantity, and the rest of the children perform movements (for example, clap your hands, jump in place on two legs, turn your head to the right, etc.)


Notes on FEMP in the senior group “Introduction to ordinal counting”

Lesson topic:“Masha and the Bear came to visit us”

Children's age: 5 – 6 years

Program content objectives:

Educational: introduce ordinal counting; consolidate children's knowledge about geometric shapes and their properties; repetition of quantitative counting.

Developmental: develop fine motor skills, attention, perseverance, logical thinking.

Educational: cultivate the skill of a culture of behavior.

Materials and equipment for classes:

For the teacher: dolls, soft toys, geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle), colored clouds with the names of the days of the week, an envelope with a poem, a magnetic board.

For children: image of geometric shapes on paper (square, circle, triangle), colored clouds with the names of the days of the week

Preliminary work: learning physical exercises, repeating geometric figures.

Vocabulary work:

Activation: geometric shapes (square, circle, triangle), days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)

Enrichment: ordinal counting (first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth)

Methods and techniques: visual (showing a cartoon), verbal (conversation), gaming (game exercises), practical.

Means of education: communication of the child with adults and peers, fiction.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: The children came to our lesson today with some very interesting guests. We will recognize and see them only when we solve the riddle. Listen carefully:

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind Mishka's back

Without knowing it himself

He carries her home.

Educator: What fairy tale are the guests from, guys?

Children's answers: Masha and the Bear.

Educator: Yes, indeed, this fairy tale is called “Masha and the Bear”. And here they are (showing dolls by the teacher). Masha and the Bear told me that they got bored in the forest, and they decided to come to the children in kindergarten and play with you. The fact is that Masha and the Bear really like to study mathematics in their forest house. But they also have tasks that they cannot cope with. Children, let's help them? Do you agree?

Children's answers: Yes.

Educator: Each of them has envelopes in which tasks are written. Who will we take the envelope from first: Masha or the Bear? The bear says that we need to take the envelope from Masha, because she is a girl, and girls need to give in.

We take the envelope, open it and read:

And here we have a poem!

Maksimka put the toys on the shelf:

A wolf cub, a fox cub, a tiger cub, a hedgehog and a funny little puppy.

I put it on the shelf:

A kitten, a squirrel, a bunny, a bear and he forgot to put an elephant.

Educator: What's the question? How many are there?

Children: 10!

Educator: How did you guess?

Children: counted!

Educator: So, who's counting?

Count Anya from 1 to 10.

Educator: Do you guys agree? (children's answers)

Educator: When we want to know how many objects, i.e. We count their number as follows: one, two, three, etc. This is a quantitative account. It shows the number of items.

Masha: Yes I can.

Educator: Do you know, Masha, what ordinal counting is?

Masha: No, I do not know.

Educator: Do you want to learn with our guys how to count from 1 to 10?

Masha: Really want to.

Educator: Masha, remember. If we want to know what the object is in order, we count like this: first, second, third, etc. This is an ordinal count. It shows the order of objects.

Educator: It turns out that our Masha does not know the ordinal count! Shall we teach her? To do this, we put our toys in order. And you, Masha, look carefully and remember! (The teacher places soft toys on the table)

Educator: So, Tanya, who is fourth?

Tanya: hedgehog.

Educator: Galya, who is tenth?

Galya: elephant.

Educator: And you, Nikita, count which little squirrel you count?

Nikita: seventh.

Educator: Now, let’s count the children in unison. (First, second, third, etc.)

Educator: Well, how did Masha remember? Let's check it out? Tell us Masha, what is the number of the little fox?

Masha: second.

Educator: Masha, count, what is the number of the puppy?

Masha: fifth.

Educator: Well done, Masha. Now you know the ordinal count. Now let's take the envelope from Misha!


Summary of the lesson on FEMP “Introduction to the formation of the number 4.”

Goal: To introduce children to the formation of the number 4. To develop the ability to equalize groups by adding an object or removing an object. Continue to build the skill

with a noun. Fix the names of geometric shapes.

Strengthen time orientation skills.

Equipment: Toys (2 hares, a house, a tree stump, 4 carrots, a chest, ladybugs),

cards with the number 4, counting sticks, leaves.

Progress of direct educational activities.

Educator: -Guys, today I want to tell you a story about 2 birds with one stone.

(bunnies, a house and a tree stump appear on the table)

Once upon a time there were two little bunnies: Kuzya and Styopa. They were real friends.

We always helped each other. They even had one house for two.

They will go out into the clearing and play merrily, sing songs (accompanying words -

are determined by action).

Styopa: - Catch up with me!

Kuzya: -Now you take me!

Styopa: -Let's jump over the stump!

Kuzya: -Come on. Oh!

Styopa: -What happened?

Kuzya: -I injured my paw. It's too painful for me.

Styopa: -Let me help you get to our house.

Kuzya: -How can I find food for myself now?

Styopa: -Don’t worry, I’ll bring it for myself and for you.

And Styopa runs away to look for food, after a while he returned

funny. Holds carrots in its paws.

Styopa: -Here, Kuzya (holds out 1 carrot, he has 2 left)

Kuzya turns away. Styopa examines the carrots and says:

I don’t understand why he’s offended?

Educator: - Guys, can we help Stepa figure it out? (Yes)

How many carrots did Styopa bring? (one carrot, two carrots,

three carrots)

Place carrots on a magnetic board.

How much did he give Kuza? (one)

How much did you keep for yourself? (two)

We leave one carrot on the top of the board, and place two underneath it.

After this, with the children we count: at the top there is one carrot, at the bottom there are two carrots.

What's more one or two? (two is more than one)

Who has more carrots? (at Styopa's)

How many more carrots does Styopa have? (for Styopa one carrot

more than Kuzi)

So why was Kuzya offended? (he has fewer carrots)

What can we do to make him stop being offended? (remove one mo

Analysis of the open lesson of ECD on FEMP in the middle group “In search of treasure”
Elena KoshenkovaAnalysis of an open lesson on ECD on FEMP in the middle group “In search of treasure”
In my work, I have always strived to give children pleasure in mathematics, and the program “Classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts”, edited by I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina, helps me with this.
. The essence of the idea is to motivate children through active mental activity aimed at finding ways to solve assigned problems.
The purpose of this lesson was: to promote the acquisition of mathematical knowledge in gaming practice; satisfy children's need for emotional and motor self-expression using basic mathematical concepts.
The lesson covered the main
educational objectives:
1. train children in distinguishing geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle;
2. practice constructing serial series;
3. practice comparing two groups of objects;
4. consolidate quantitative and ordinal counting within 5;
5. consolidate knowledge of quantities (long - short, large - small);
6. strengthen the ability to navigate in space;
7. to establish, by means of overlay, the equality of groups of objects.
educational tasks:
1. cultivate a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance;
2. develop the ability to understand the task and carry it out independently.
developmental tasks:
1. develop logical thinking;
2. develop interest in mathematics.
The above tasks in the lesson were solved in a complex and close relationship, due to the fact that the lesson had a plot - a plot, a climax and a denouement. When planning, I tried to take into account the characteristics and capabilities of the children: to show the level of development of elementary mathematical concepts, the culture of listening to each other, the ability and desire to understand and solve the problem, the children’s interest in mathematics.
The following preparatory work was carried out with the children:
teaching quantitative and ordinal counting within 5;
acquaintance with geometric shapes;
solving tasks on orientation on a sheet of paper, in space;
didactic games: “Place in order”, “What is the score”, “Walk along the long and short path”, “Atelier”, “Find a pair”;
individual sessions.
Lesson structure:
1. Greeting, psycho-gymnastics - an exercise to develop voluntariness, activate interhemispheric connections - to set children up for a positive perception of what is happening.
2. Game situation: searching for treasure.
3. Outdoor game “Garages”.
4. Glade.
5. Outdoor game: “Pathfinder”.
6. Surprise moment. Summary of the lesson.
Methodical techniques:
1. Exercise to develop voluntariness and activate interhemispheric connections.
2. Game (use of surprise moments).
3. Visual (use of illustrations, layouts).
4. Verbal (instructions, questions, oral answers from children).
5. Encouragement, lesson analysis.
The lesson was held in the group room of group No. 2 in the first half of the day. The lesson was attended by 6 children, a teacher, a manager, a methodologist, and a teaching staff. To conduct the lesson, the group was divided into zones:
winter forest - game situation;
play area – meeting children’s needs for emotional and motor self-expression with the help of elementary mathematical concepts;
zone of practical activities - working with handouts.
This zoning helped children move from one activity to another continuously. I attach great importance to the selection of a subject-development environment for solving problems of cognitive and speech development. The main criterion of significance is its content side, accessible to children’s understanding. The strength of the emotional and cognitive impact of didactic games largely depends on how we are able to present them, how we direct the attention of children in order to arouse interest and intensify mental activity to complete the assigned tasks.
I structured the lesson so that all types of activities replaced each other to ensure the efficiency and interest of the children throughout the lesson.
Thus, communicative activity (conversation with children in the “winter forest”) was replaced by play (didactic games, cognitive-research (working with handouts) was replaced by motor-play (the outdoor game “Pathfinder”, which in turn was replaced by communicative activity (result of the lesson) .
When preparing the lesson, the methodologist and teacher worked closely and interacted with each other, as a result of which the lesson turned out to be rich in different types of activities. During its implementation, the teacher acted as not only a mentor, but also a direct participant: together with the children, he performed an exercise to develop arbitrariness, activate interhemispheric connections, played, and communicated with children in a democratic style. This allowed children to feel equal to adults and to be co-authors of what was happening.
The children showed keen interest in what they saw and heard during the lesson, expressed their opinions, and their emotional reactions were positive. They were given individual work with handouts, where everyone did the work independently and showed their skills and knowledge.
I think that I managed to achieve my goals. The children gladly completed the tasks given to them and were attentive and proactive. Such activities have a positive effect on cognitive and speech development.

Math lesson notes

Self-analysis of an open lesson on FEMP “Forest dwellers in winter”

Iskhakova S.M., teacher of MADOU D/S No. 106 “Fun”, Naberezhnye Chelny, RT

This open lesson was conducted with 19 children of primary preschool age 3-4 years old.

  1. Educational: to develop children’s ability to distinguish between the concepts “many”, “one”, “none”, to use words: longer - shorter. Deepen children's knowledge about geometric shapes. Introduce the method of comparing two objects by length by applying,
  2. Developmental: Develop the ability to distinguish and name a circle and a square, develop children's speech and communication skills. Develop logical thinking and memory.
  3. Educational: to cultivate a respectful, caring attitude and a desire to help animals.

The children were told the topic of the lesson. The structure of the lesson corresponded to the assigned tasks. It is built in a logical sequence and interconnection of the parts of the lesson. The pace of the lesson is optimal. Speech rate is moderate. The material was presented emotionally. To solve the assigned tasks, the entire working space of the group was used: training and play areas. I selected the necessary visual aids and handouts.

When planning an open lesson, the age characteristics of the children were taken into account. The material is selected at a level accessible to children. Taking into account age characteristics, the children answered the teacher’s questions, independently recited the physical education rhyme, maintained a conversation, watched with interest, examined them, and willingly took on tasks. The children were quite active, felt comfortable, and willingly took part in the game.

All elements of an open lesson are united by a common theme. The content of the lesson corresponded to the goals set.

During the open lesson, the following working methods were used: verbal (questions, clarification, reminder, encouragement); visual demonstration (pictures and illustrations, toys); game.

In the introductory part, I set the guys up for active work and positive contact with each other (everything will work out if we help each other). The main part of the lesson is aimed at the development of cognitive activity, the formation of mental and practical actions. Having set specific tasks for the children, I sought from each child (depending on its capabilities) their implementation, monitored the completion of tasks, made adjustments to their knowledge, provided the necessary assistance, and encouraged even minimal success. The volume of educational material ensured the children's activity and pace of work during the lesson. Its content corresponded to the purpose of the lesson, was scientific and at the same time accessible to children. To relieve general fatigue, play activities involving searching for objects and physical education were carried out.

The final part summarized the lesson.

Individual work was manifested in carrying out vocabulary work, helping those who find it difficult to answer, helping them complete tasks, reminders, as well as taking into account the peculiarities of thinking and the pace of perception of children.

I believe that the form of organizing classes for children that I chose was quite effective. Disadvantages: did not use ICT, the time for children to complete the practical task was not calculated correctly. But I tried to comply with the norms of pedagogical ethics and tactics. I believe that the tasks set during the lesson were completed.

Elena Mambetova
Self-analysis of direct educational activities on FEMP in the preparatory group


on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts

V preparatory group

Target: development of interest in the subject of mathematics, based on cognitive activity and curiosity.


Educational. To promote the development of the ability to apply mathematical knowledge in non-standard practical problems.

Developmental. Develop thinking skills operations: analogy, systematization, generalization, observation, planning.

Educational. Help maintain interest in mathematics and develop the ability to work in a team.

Integration of areas: socialization, communication, health, music, reading fiction.

Preliminary work:

Guessing riddles, solving logical problems, solving simple arithmetic problems, observing the calendar, individual lessons Learning physics. a minute, board games

Organization directly educational activities(NOD)

Educational activities were carried out in the preparatory group and lasted 30 minutes.

All sanitary and hygienic requirements were complied with: selected furniture according to the height of children, the room is ventilated, lighting complies with standards. To create interest, the children went on a rocket trip to the planet Mathematics, where they completed various mathematical tasks. Direct educational activities was built in a single game plot.

Changing views activities(game, communicative, motor) contributed to maintaining the attention and performance of children throughout their educational activities

In progress activities physical education was used "One two three four", visual and finger gymnastics.

Structure directly educational activities(NOD)

By its structure Direct educational activities are structured in this way to arouse and maintain interest in the subject of mathematics, based on cognitive activity and curiosity.

The first part included organizational moment: preparing for a trip. to stimulate auditory attention and perception, motivation.

The second part consisted of original stages - implementation tasks: solving riddles, “What is extra and why?” “Name the number you have in mind” "Remember and do" exercise for the development of auditory perception, which contributed to maintaining the attention and performance of children throughout the entire educational activities.

The third part is the result, reflection.

Teaching methods and techniques

Methods and techniques selected in accordance with educational, developmental and educational tasks.

During directly educational activities visual, verbal and practical, game methods were used, aimed at using cognitive, speech, motor, practical skills and abilities, and improving them.

Suggested games selected according to the age of the children, which contributed to the solution of the assigned tasks.

Throughout activities cognitive interest was maintained using surprise moments and games.

In progress educational activities persecuted and educational goals: cultivate interest in mathematics, develop the ability to work in a team.

Various methods have been used to include children in educational process: speech intonation, emotional expressiveness.

In progress directly educational activities Work was continuously carried out to expand and enrich the children's vocabulary.

GCD effectiveness

I believe that the set goal and objectives have been achieved.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of direct educational activities on FEMP in the junior group Topic: “Let's teach Sharik to build a booth” Goal: Mastering the skill.

Summary of direct educational activities on FEMP in the preparatory group “Travel to the country of Zanimatika” Summary of direct educational activities on cognitive development in the preparatory group. Prepared by: municipal teacher.

Summary of direct educational activities. Cognitive development (FEMP) in the older group. Dominant area: “Cognitive.

Summary of direct educational activities on FEMP in the senior group “Circus” Objectives: Educational: - To foster a sense of mutual assistance, goodwill, and responsiveness. - Maintain interest in intellectual activities.

Self-analysis of direct educational activities on traffic rules Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 36” Self-analysis of direct educational activities.

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