Famous people named Darina. Meaning of the name Darina. Darina's short form may sound like

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  • Zodiac sign: Aries, Taurus, Libra, Leo.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Color: lilac, red, green.
  • Totem plant: rowan, anemone.
  • Totem animal: dove.
  • Name number: 5.
  • Talisman stone: bloodstone, emerald, periwinkle.

Other forms and similar names: Darinka, Dunya, Darka, Dariana.

Origin of the name: Slavic, Irish.

The origin of the name Darina is unclear at first glance, as there are several versions. In Old Persian it means “victor”, in the Old Church Slavonic version “given life”, the Irish form of the name Darren means “short”, and the ancient Greek translation means “strong”. However, in our area Darina has always been more popular, although many consider them to be forms of the same name.

The popularity of this name at the end of the twentieth century was quite high, then subsided, and today girls are again called by this name.

Character and personality of a person

Darinochka is quite sweet, cheerful and diligent at a young age, personifying calmness and accuracy. As a rule, she grows up as a prosperous child, unusually calm and attractive. She has a very positive attitude towards the world - this child enjoys everything she sees around her, loves to play with other children, and goes to school as if it were a holiday.

Little Darina at such a young age is already quite attentive to her surroundings and does not allow herself to be offended. She studies well, although there are difficulties with subjects that require painstaking and diligent study, where her restlessness begins to manifest itself. The girl has a very good memory, which helps her in her studies.

He makes up for his slowness with persistence. From early childhood she loves neatness, but is not sociable. Due to lack of self-confidence, she will never join the game that she likes so much until she is noticed.

She values ​​her friends and protects them, but being a very close person is a heavy burden for her. She obeys adults and older girlfriends, practically without arguing. It happens that Darina makes decisions hastily and quickly, but she most likely will not reconsider her behavior. Also, with his restless character, he can cause trouble for parents.

As an adult, Daria becomes calm, charming, seductive and a little cunning. She always tries to look great, has very good taste and knows her worth. The girl is often friendly with strangers.

It is not so easy to be friends with her - after all, with close people she is demanding and capricious, but she values ​​them very much; It will be better for both parties if some distance is maintained. If she is in a bad mood, then it is better not to approach Darina, otherwise you risk learning a lot of interesting things about yourself. Sometimes friendship with a girl will resemble a one-sided game, so you should think about whether you need it, because she requires more attention than she can give.

It happens that Dasha is an extrovert, loves to share news and responds to many events. The girl sincerely wants to help people and is very caring towards old people. She is very friendly and sociable, but loses her peace of mind when the wind blows.


While still a teenager, Darina can often become interested in sports, which develops her health and physical attractiveness. This can continue into adulthood, which will only benefit her. So the girl’s health is quite good, but she gets tired quite quickly and suffers from loss of appetite and sleep disorders.

The weak point is the respiratory system, and you will have to take some precautions to avoid frequent trips to the doctor. It is very important for a girl to take care of her health from early childhood, so as not to get complications in the future for the rest of her life.

Work and career

Darina, realizing that she is quite attractive in appearance, often uses her charm in the professional sphere. Can be successful in professions: translator, secretary, personal assistant to a businessman or politician, restaurateur, cosmetologist and travel guide. Even though she is quite lazy, she does her work well and accurately, but only because of an innate sense of duty and obligation.

Quite often, he does not complete well-started projects simply due to a lack of ability, and relies more on favorable circumstances. She has versatile knowledge, so a career is not Darina’s goal, and she can change jobs quite easily. Having developed stubbornness in childhood, he will stand his ground to the last.

There are times when Daria can excel in natural sciences that are related to living nature. He loves music very much, and can even compose it, which opens up some opportunities in the field of creativity.

Love and relationships

She differs in that her entire adult life she has been a homebody, and, based on this, she gets married late, although she does not waste time on casual relationships, and turns off collectors of hearts. However, he loves casual flirting and easy relationships without obligations. The girl is smart and cunning, and will be jealous of her chosen one, and may even reach the point of hysteria or scandal, often over a trivial matter.

Daria takes on the role of leader in the house - she takes on all the work. Her husband is the main breadwinner, faithful, devoted and ready to carry her in his arms, but in difficult times she herself can become a reliable support for her lover. The girl is immensely attentive to him and the children, although sometimes she can be capricious.

He believes that in life together, all premarital romances, attachments and hobbies should fade into oblivion. He gets along with his husband’s relatives without any problems and often invites him to visit. The girl protects her husband’s pride and will under no circumstances criticize him in public.

Darina means “gifted”, “possessing blessings”, “rocky mountain”.

Origin of the name

Darina is a female name that has different versions of its origin. According to one of them, the name has Slavic roots and means “gift”, “bestowed”. According to another version, the origin of the name is associated with ancient Persian words that are translated as “possessing benefits.” Some researchers believe that the name Darina may have come from Irish words that mean “rocky mountain.”

Characteristics of the name


As a child, Darina stands out for her kind, but restless character. She often grows up as a sickly girl who constantly suffers from colds. At school he rarely gets excellent grades. And not because she has a bad memory or an underdeveloped mind. It’s just that a girl can’t sit for long at home, it’s boring and tiring for her. She prefers sports and fun activities.


Darina, as a rule, does not expect mercy from fate, but does everything possible to realize her plans. Often a girl, at a very young age, sets a life goal - to have a good education, a successful job and a wonderful husband. And Darina will persistently pursue the implementation of these plans.

Darina usually has very good intuition, she often has prophetic dreams, and she can predict events. Thanks to all this, the girl often manages to avoid unpleasant situations and find the right solution to many problems.

Darina's stubbornness manifests itself in everything. It is difficult to lead her astray; she rarely listens to other people's arguments.

In communication she is friendly and friendly. She will gladly provide help and give useful advice, but at the same time, she tries not to let anyone get too close to her.


Darina chooses a profession that is related to natural sciences and art. Often a girl makes a successful career as a musician, singer, or art critic. She can happily work as a scientist, florist, or gardener.

Personal life

Darina is looking for a devoted and faithful man to be her husband. She is always surrounded by numerous fans, but she will not waste time on fleeting connections. The girl is subject to attacks of jealousy, often even without reason. In marriage, she usually becomes a good housewife, who, however, relies more on herself. She doesn’t need advice on arranging a home or running a household, even from her husband.

Name compatibility

Darina goes well with the patronymics Andreevna, Alekseevna, Viktorovna, Borisovna, Denisovna, Leonidovna, Mikhailovna, Sergeevna, Timofeevna, Konstantinovna.

Good compatibility with such male names: Nikolai, Ivan, Evgeniy, Stepan, Sergei, Plato.

Name day

Famous people

The most famous people with the name Darina: Darina Shi, Saidazimova, Kochanzhi, Schmidt.

There are several versions of the origin of the female name Darina; historians are still guessing which one is correct.

According to the first version, the name Darina comes from the Iranian name Darren, which means “rocky mountain.”

According to the second version, the name has Slavic roots, and it comes from the word “gift” or “to give.”

According to the third version, the name Darina is of ancient Persian origin, going back to the Persian name Darayavaush, consisting of two parts - the word gift is translated as “possessing”, and vaush as “kind” or “good”.

In the modern world, the name Darina is more often used as Daria, sometimes as Daryana - these are names identical in meaning. In Russia, the name Darina is quite rare, although it began to be used more often after the return of fashion for ancient names. Another big plus of the name Darina is that it goes well with many Russian patronymics and surnames.

Among the famous personalities who have the remarkably beautiful name Darina are the artist and screenwriter Darina Shmidt, the model Darina Saidazimova, the Ukrainian swimmer Darina Zevina, and the actress Darina Yushkevich.

Name days and patron saints

The name Darina is not included in the list of Orthodox and Catholic calendars, so girls are baptized under the name.

The patron saint of the name Darin is considered to be Saint Daria of Rome, who is revered by the church along with her husband, the holy martyr Chrysanthus. Both young men came from pagan families, but first Chrysanthus, and then his wife, wholeheartedly accepted Christianity, began to lead a righteous life and spread the Word of God among the population.

The Romans accused the couple not only of preaching Christianity, but also of inclining towards a life without carnal pleasures. The emperor ordered Darius and Chrysanthos to be stoned alive, but God did not leave them. Miracles of healing began to take place at the site of the death of the martyrs; believers and pilgrims, as well as many pagans, flocked here. People who observed these miracles were ready to accept Christianity.

All owners of the name Darina (Daria, Daria) can celebrate name days on March 14, April 1 and 4, June 30, August 17 and 18.

Characteristics of the name

A woman named Darina may give the impression of a phlegmatic person, but in fact she is a collected, calculating, quickly reacting person, endowed with a lively mind. Darina has excellent intuition, but she rarely listens to it and tries to avoid responsibility.

Darina does not strive for leadership; on the contrary, she is sensitive to increased attention to her person and has a hard time withstanding criticism. Can get very irritated over little things and show unjustified stubbornness. She is generally a person of mood - sometimes she is all charm and friendliness, and sometimes it is better to stay away from her.

Darina constantly feels inner restlessness, pushing her to constantly change her environment. She loves change, travel, responds eagerly to all events and loves to share news. She is open to communication, but her desire to command, suspiciousness and touchiness often prevent her from making friends.

The main passion in Darina’s life is herself. She always looks great, spares no time or money for her whims, loves admiration and compliments. She rarely listens to other people's opinions, but she has the gift of manipulating people and imposing her opinion on them.

No matter what happens in Darina’s life, she will always go through life with her head held high; it is almost impossible to break her spirit. This is a highly moral person; her character lacks hypocrisy and intrigue. Nevertheless, like any woman, she really needs love and understanding from her loved ones and dreams of finding family happiness.


Little Darina is growing up as a sociable and inquisitive child, her mother’s assistant. She is disciplined and well organized, she succeeds everywhere - in studies, sports, friendships. He doesn’t have much love for social work, but gets along well with his peers.

Due to Darina’s restless nature, it is difficult for her to concentrate on one thing, but she is accustomed to blaming circumstances and not herself for all her failures. She causes a lot of trouble for her parents not only with her behavior, but also with her stubbornness. If childhood stubbornness is further developed, it will become a distinctive character trait of an adult woman. Parents should try to ensure that the girl’s stubbornness is aimed at achieving her goals, and not expressed in trifles.

Darina will most likely react negatively to the arrival of a new child in the family; she will not want to share her parent’s love with anyone. But a pet will help soften the girl’s character and teach her responsibility. In general, Darina grows up as a mentally balanced child, with the correct personal characteristics.


Darina has not been in very good health since childhood; there is a predisposition to diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs, allergies and neurological problems are possible. Darina will have to take care of her health and lead a healthy and active lifestyle.


Darina has very high demands on men, and this is due to the girl’s bright, sexy appearance. She knows how to present herself, always looks great and has high self-esteem.

Darina clearly separates such concepts as sex and love; she can experience sexual desire for a man and at the same time not love him. A woman has the ability to not become emotionally attached to her partner and simply receive physical pleasure.

Darina’s free behavior can create the image of an immoral person, but in fact the woman strictly follows generally accepted norms of behavior, it’s just that her character has a great need for coquetry and flirtation, and it rarely comes to sex.

However, Darina cannot be called a passionate woman; moreover, mediocrity in sex often disappoints partners hoping for a passionate night with such a bright woman. Darina is a lover of “fooling the heads” of her fans, and sex itself is secondary for her.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Darina gets married late; early marriage is uncharacteristic for her. In the family she becomes a leader, sometimes unspoken. But her family life will not be calm due to Darina’s capricious and touchy character, as well as her changeable mood. Only a loving and patient man can be next to her.

Darina will make a wonderful housewife and caring mother. She will never humiliate her husband with betrayal, but she will also demand impeccable fidelity from him. A woman is subject to attacks of jealousy, sometimes without any reason.

The most successful marriage is possible with men named Nikolai, Ivan, Stepan, Evgeny, Sergey, Alexander, Anton and Yuri. An alliance with Alexei, Gennady, Eduard, Dmitry and Pavel is undesirable.

Business and career

Most of all, Darina is interested in the structure of her personal life; her career is secondary. But if her work brings her pleasure, then she has every chance of achieving career heights. Darina never gets involved in dubious adventures, does not wait for favors from fate, but does everything possible to realize her plans.

Darina is not a careerist, she is inactive, but she performs her duties well and is careful and responsible. She can make a good translator, secretary, teacher, manager, salesperson or medical worker.

Darina can prove herself in the natural sciences; her path is connection with living nature. She is also well versed in the world of art, she is especially fascinated by music - she herself is quite capable of writing and performing her own works.

In business, the woman is not very successful - she does not like to take risks, and is not too confident in her abilities. Although her instincts are excellent, and money “loves” her.

Talismans for Darina

  • Patron planet - Mars.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Aries.
  • A good time of year is spring, a good day of the week is Wednesday.
  • Lucky colors are brown and red.
  • Totem plant - rowan and anemone. Rowan has always been considered a symbol of fertility, frugality and thrift. Rowan also makes powerful amulets that protect its owner from magic and witchcraft. Anemone is a flower, a symbol of loneliness and sadness. It protects against the evil eye and envy, and gives a person the ability to resolve difficult life situations.
  • Totem animal - giraffe and mosquito. Giraffe is a symbol of kindness, tenderness, care and true love. The mosquito symbolizes perseverance and scrupulousness.
  • The talisman stone is bloodstone, also known as hematite. It is a black shiny mineral symbolizing wisdom and courage. Our ancestors believed that bloodstone could stop bleeding, relieve inflammation, treat tumors and lacerations.


Aries- a straightforward woman who sincerely believes that the whole world belongs only to her. She often makes mistakes and does not know how to learn from other people's experiences. The most important condition for the comfortable existence of Darina-Aries is the need to do something, to create. She has every chance of achieving success, but if achieving a result requires qualities such as pressure, determination, and activity. But failure will most likely await her if foresight, cunning, patience, and foresight are required. Darina-Aries is exceptionally friendly, but she views life through the prism of her interests and thinks, first of all, about herself. The main distinguishing feature of Darina-Aries is egocentrism, but there is nothing secretive or complex in her character. She is an open book that is easy to read, but you should not expect subtle understanding and patience from her - the woman is completely devoid of these qualities. In love, she prefers to be a leader, she will demand freedom for herself both before and after marriage, and her innate decency will never allow Darina-Aries to cheat on her partner.

Taurus- a patient, surprisingly restrained woman who is not at all alien to the usual female whims. She has great emotional courage, she has a lot of self-control, a lot of hidden will. She prefers the peace and quiet of her own home to noisy parties; she lives by the principle “my home is my castle.” She is rarely restless, her head and thoughts are always in order, her goals are direct and clear. The main drawback of Darina-Taurus is her innate stubbornness, which equally hinders and helps her to move through life. The husband of Darina-Taurus can be absolutely sure that she will always be his moral support in the world of everyday storms. A woman will not whine and complain that there is not enough money in the house, but will calmly find herself a job in order to make a worthy contribution to the family budget, but on the condition that her husband does not shirk from work - this strong woman does not tolerate weaklings.

Cancer- a woman with changeable moods, often unsure of herself. She may seem like a dreamy and good-natured person, but this is only the outer shell. The inner world of Darina-Cancer is hidden even from the closest people, and her main character trait is suspiciousness. She tends to exaggerate the scale of her problems, worries about something all the time, and any criticism can drive her into a depressed state for a long time. She can be vindictive, sometimes suspicious. More than anything else, Darina-Cancer needs a feeling of security and confidence in the future; any uncertainty is painful for her. By nature, she is a driven person; she does not like to make responsible decisions and be in the spotlight. She has a very developed sense of compassion; she is ready to do anything for the sake of her loved ones. Darina-Cancer rarely enters into short-term relationships; she sincerely believes that any courtship from a man should lead to marriage. A woman devotes most of her time to her family, not her career. But if it seems to her that her husband does not earn enough, then she will definitely find a well-paid job - money and financial independence mean a lot to her.

a lion- a woman who knows how to stand up for herself, an active, efficient nature. The main traits of her character are pride and royalty; she is sincerely confident in her chosenness, and constantly tries to prove it. But her behavior is absolutely natural and does not look artificial, it’s just her nature. Darina the Lioness is very partial to luxury, she loves to shine and dazzle, and the incredible energy of this woman will never allow her to sit at home. She is an active, energetic and ambitious person, and if she manages to overcome her natural laziness, then Darina the Lioness will have a brilliant future. When choosing a life partner, a woman often makes mistakes, since she is very greedy for beautiful appearance and expensive gifts, but the spiritual qualities of a person can fade into the background for her. Considering herself irresistible, she will demand admiration and worship from her husband, as well as the right to control his wallet. Darina the Lioness can make a wonderful wife, but her husband should never give her a reason to be jealous and accept the fact that she herself will flirt left and right. This has nothing to do with promiscuity - it is difficult to find a more devoted and sincere person than Darina the Lioness.

Virgo- a pedantic and meticulous woman who is not at all alien to romance. She may look like a symbol of impeccable femininity, but this symbol is made of steel. She is characterized by a desire for idealism, her innate intuition and clarity of mind allow her to instantly identify the slightest lie. She is pure and truthful, but in no way naive. Her ability to work, discipline and diligence make her a valuable employee. The combination of curiosity and caution allows a woman to achieve great professional heights. Darina-Virgo is a model of devotion and fidelity - this applies to both love and friendship. Despite the fact that sometimes she can irritate with increased attention to detail, it is difficult to find a person more caring, selfless and kind. This woman is in no hurry to demonstrate her character to others; in general, being in the center of attention is not for her. She can be a godsend for any man, and as a hostess she is simply impeccable. But sometimes the desire for cleanliness and order becomes obsessive, turning her into a real despot. At the same time, Darina-Virgo’s reasonable frugality never borders on stinginess, because she is very generous by nature.

Scales- an attentive, hardworking person, friendly and feminine. For a comfortable existence, she needs balance and harmony in everything: in her personal life, at work and in her thoughts, in positive and negative emotions, in modesty and sexuality. Darina-Libra is an intelligent adviser, and she knows how to arrange it in such a way that her advice and help are not at all humiliating. She will not impose her own opinion, nor will she boast of her intellect. No matter how feminine she looks, in life, for the most part she plays the role of a man, and she copes with it perfectly. She does not tolerate loneliness in her personal life, but she will try to build a partnership with her husband, to be equal with him in everything. Luck accompanies this woman only if she has a harmonious internal state - then she will radiate kindness and positivity. Darina-Libra rarely experiences a strong emotional attachment to her partner, but she has a very strong sense of duty towards her loved ones. She will make a wonderful wife and housewife, but if the family collapses for some reason, there is no doubt that in the future this woman will not be left alone.

Scorpion- an unpredictable woman, subtle and sensual nature. She has amazing intuition, she feels everything on a subconscious level, it is almost impossible to deceive her. The main traits of her character are passion, energy, tirelessness, and endurance. And despite this, this woman’s life is full of tragedy, she simply does not know how to live easily. Outwardly, she may even look like a fluffy, defenseless kitten, but once you get to know her better, it immediately becomes clear that Darina-Scorpio has an iron grip. It is very interesting to communicate with this woman, and for men she has a special magnetism and attractiveness, even if her bitchiness is off the charts. Darina-Scorpio lives by the principle “knock and it will be opened for you” - for nothing is impossible or unattainable. Another important character trait of a woman is a thirst for activity; she loves adventure and is always ready to take risks. Career is a very important part of Darina-Scorpio’s life; for her sake, she can even sacrifice family happiness. But she will never be happy without a family, especially without children. She may well cede leadership to her spouse and become his support and support. No matter how she treats her husband, in public she will always stand up for him, and even more so for her children.

Sagittarius- a brave and energetic person with the gift of suggestion. The main traits of her character are prudence and practicality. If she sets a goal for herself, she will go towards it, albeit slowly, but surely. Failures happen to her extremely rarely, because she has amazing rationalism and does not set herself unattainable goals. Optimism, cheerfulness and a sense of humor are the main companions of this woman’s life. She has well-developed self-irony; no matter what happens, she will always believe that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. Thanks to her light and cheerful disposition, it is pleasant to communicate with Darina-Sagittarius; from the outside it may even seem that sorrows and adversities are unknown to her. She is smart and logical, but this woman’s heart is defenseless, very often she mistakes friendship and sexual attraction for sincere love. She is very frank and sincere, straightforward and sometimes tactless. He will not cheat on his partner - his sense of duty will not allow it, even if the love has passed. But you shouldn’t try to limit her freedom - if she wants to become a wonderful housewife, she will definitely become it, but you won’t be able to force her.

Capricorn- a secretive, reserved and impenetrable woman, but at the same time a sensitive and gentle person. The storm of emotions raging in her soul will not be reflected in any way on her face or behavior. Another important character trait of Darena-Capricorn is stubbornness, and this quality is completely ambiguous. On the one hand, it greatly interferes with a woman, provokes conflicts and complicates communication, and on the other hand, it helps to achieve almost any set goals. Whatever it is, stubbornness will always accompany her through life and will not soften even with age. Career in the life of Darina-Capricorn is of great importance, and the main driving force will be money, not prestige. Due to her innate secrecy and restraint, Darina-Capricorn is often unhappy in love and marriage - it is very difficult for her to express emotions and voice her problems. Fleeting affairs and one-night stands are definitely not for her. In family life, Darina-Capricorn remains just as stingy with emotions, but all family members understand perfectly well that they can always count on her support and care. She prefers to express her love through deeds rather than words.

Aquarius- a sincere, extravagant and even shocking personality, at the same time possessing a calm and balanced disposition. She values ​​friends and pleasant people much more than family members; family is generally of secondary importance to her. The main value for which she lives is freedom. Another character trait of Darina-Aquarius is her impeccable honesty and sincerity, there is not a drop of deceit or pretense in her. Talking and making friends with this person is a real pleasure. The only thing that disgusts her is the need to submit to strict discipline and live according to a schedule. Most often, Darina-Aquarius has impressive creative potential, and brilliance, grace and originality are manifested even in small, insignificant details. A woman is distinguished by great tolerance, and jealousy in her eyes is a prejudice. Being married, Darina-Aquarius will never allow herself to have affairs on the side, but she will not get hung up on household matters either.

Fish- sometimes a strange, mysterious woman, sensual and sympathetic. She has a magical ability to see the truth as it is, and she also has amazing intuition and often has the gift of foresight. Darina-Pisces, like no one else, needs love and confirmation of this love; she is very dependent on the person whom she considers the main thing in her life. This woman will always strive to get away from the seething world of conflicts and competition, and in matters of the material side of life she is generally completely helpless. Physical labor also disgusts her; she is a creative person. The main character traits of Darina-Pisces are compassion and pity, and when it comes to the help of people dear to her, all her helplessness disappears without a trace. She knows how to skillfully flirt, flirt and seduce, but the most important place in Darina-Ryba’s life is occupied by her family. She does not see anything offensive or humiliating in the fact that a man will dominate the family, she even wants this. She will not just love her children - she will adore and idolize them, however, just like her husband.

Short form of the name Darina. Darka, Darinka, Darya, Darko, Dada, Daro, Dara, Darena, Darena, Daryushka, Darinushka, Darinna, Rina, Dariana, Driona, Darinusik, Darinushka.
Synonyms for the name Darina. Darena, Daryana, Odarina, Daren, Darin, Darrin, Derron, Derry, Daria, Todora, Theodora, Theodora, Bozhidara, Dariella.
Origin of the name Darina. The name Darina is Slavic, Ukrainian.

The name Darina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Darina is a Slavic name, derived from the word “gift”, therefore it is usually translated as “gifted”, “gifted”. There is also a Slavic name identical in meaning, but different in spelling - Darena, and related names Daroluba and Daromira.

According to the second version, the name Darina is one of the forms of the female name Darren, which is translated from Irish as “rocky mountain” and also “short”. Spelling variations for the name Darren are Daren, Darin, Darrin, Derron, Derry.

According to the third version, the name Darina is of ancient Persian origin, going back to the two-basic Persian name Darayavaush (Darius), which consists of two parts: “dara” - “possessing, possessing” and “vaush” - “kind, good”. After the October Revolution of 1917, the name began to sound like Daryana, and in modern times this name is most often used as Daria. In this case, the name Darina is a form of the name Daria.

Also, the name Darina is a diminutive address to the owners of such names as Todora (Theodora, Theodora), Bozhidara and Dariya (Daria).

The derivative forms Dara and Daria are also independent names. And the affectionate address Rina can be both an independent name and an appeal to many other names.

Little Darina gives her parents a lot of trouble and worry. The girl has a sweet but restless character. Doing homework for a long time is too tiring for Darina, so she has little success at school. But Darina never gets tired of having fun. As an adult, the girl begins to get involved in sports, playing tennis and swimming.

A girl with this name takes on the task with skill, but does not always complete it. In order for Darina to succeed in life, a favorable set of circumstances is required in which the girl will be helped by her charm and ability to use people.

By the time she comes of age, Darina becomes a charming girl with a good figure, who is well aware of this. Darina is smart and somewhat cunning. The girl is demanding and capricious towards men. The chosen one will often be jealous and angry with him over trifles. When Darina is in a bad mood, it is better not to approach her.

Becoming a girl's close friend is not easy. When communicating with her, it is better to always maintain some distance. It is useless to try to lead Darina astray from her intended path. Darina is stubborn and will not listen to arguments. The girl named by this name is an extrovert. She happily shares her news with her friends, tries to help others, and is caring towards older people. In communication, the girl is friendly and simple.

The name Darina has several possible origins. One version is the ancient Persian origin of the name, meaning “winner”, there is an Old Slavonic version - “given by life”, there is another option that speaks of the Irish roots of the name, it means “short”. It is implied that the Russian name Daria is identical to the name Darina, although according to many sources these are different names. Diminutive names: Rada, Dana.

Darina's childhood

Darina is, above all, calm and neat. She is a very optimistic girl, although she is not very healthy as a child. Thanks to her cheerful character and active lifestyle, playing sports, she improves it and acquires an attractive appearance.

Darina's character

Good taste, natural cunning, and charm make her an extremely interesting woman. It is very difficult to cope with loneliness, does not accept absolutely any criticism, depression that appears due to any failures can be very prolonged. Darina is a woman who very well understands the difference between strong family relationships and love, between sexual desire and friendly feelings. The joy of sexual intercourse comes to her only after a trusting relationship has been firmly established with her partner.

She herself is distinguished by constancy and a sense of loyalty, she will never forgive betrayal. The number 5 has a significant influence on Darina, giving her a sense of independence, spiritual strength and personal independence. Darina is a real extrovert, she is always full of enthusiasm and constantly ready for active work, these qualities are developed beyond all measure, preventing her from soberly assessing the situation, they often force her to do rash things. Darina can stand up for herself, if she is offended, her main goal will be to fight back.

Family relationships

In family life, Darina is extremely demanding, sometimes she can throw a major scandal over the most trivial matter; whims and noisy scandals in the family are the order of the day. Despite all this, she is an excellent housewife, maintains friendly relations with her mother-in-law, and will be very attentive to her husband’s friends. Capable of becoming a real support during periods of life’s difficulties. She knows what a sense of responsibility is and can be grateful. She is friendly to people and values ​​friendship very much.

Darina's career growth

A career is not a goal for her, she can easily change jobs, money does not matter much to Darina. A lively mind, a talent for grasping everything literally on the fly, and the versatile knowledge that she draws from anywhere allows her to prove herself in almost any professional field.

Horoscope for Darina

The name Darina corresponds to:

  • zodiac sign - Aries,
  • the planet Mars,
  • stone-amulet - bloodstone,
  • plant - rowan and anemone

Darina's birthday

Darina's name day is March 19, the holy great martyr and great martyr Chrysanthus and Daria of Rome. The lucky day of the week is Wednesday; bad luck haunts her on Friday. The best time of the year that fills her with energy is spring.

Compatibility with Darina

Her union with Alexander is favorable; it promises to be strong and reliable. She has no less good relationships with Ivan, Anton, Sergei and Yuri. Valery, Denis and Mikhail will not bring her anything good.

Famous personalities

Quite famous people with the name Darina are:

  • director and animator - Darina Shmidt,
  • young actress Darina Yushkevich and composer Darina Kochanzhi, performing Christian songs.

Phonosemantic analysis

Phonosemantic analysis of the name Darina allows us to see that the name has 13 pronounced phonosemantic features, “brave”, “majestic”, “bright” and a number of other qualities.

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