Trevianship History: One day from the driver's life. Stories about the trucker Read a book about drivers of long-range flights

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Stories, bikes, jokes from the life of truckers!

By the number and sharpness of the Baeks and stories with truckers can be compared, except for, fishermen. These stories help better understand the features of the fascinating and hard work of the driver of a heavy truck, in the hands of which you entrust your precious cargoes. But we are convinced that a little humor and good laughter even in a very serious case never hurts and decided to present these stories to your attention.

(All stories and jokes are told, in the present or past truckers).

1. When communicating with road bandits, truckers need steel nerves and army extracts. May, easy, for example, to demand money, allegedly, parking, if you stopped just a snack. Here we usually produce small rogues, which can be made in place. As a rule, "large fish" is not sprayed on the eaters - the scale is not those. But the main thing is to correctly assess the situation, otherwise you can nourish trouble.
* So, history. On the Kiev-Chop highway many different eaters. Oleg decided to stop and eat. Just stopped, the car drives up from which the guy comes out. Became to demand a parking fee. Oleg had a large amount of money with him, and the second day's radio was broken. "I looked in the mirror: it stands" Tavria ", looked at this boy and understood - pawn. He told him that I had a pack of money. Want, they say, I will give everything? But remember: I will die before the first phone and call. To whom the gift to write to your wheelbarrow, will be reported to you. And these money ... I will return days after five days, and you will wait for me at the entrance. Brake and tell me: "Here, Oleg Aleksandrovich, you forgot. But you will give twice as much! ", - shares the experience of packed with a trucker.

2. * Anecdote about a trucker changing winter wheel:
- I told me mom: "Go to gynecologists. And the money will be both hands in warm ..."

3. Stops somehow a traffic cop on the Smolensk driver's post on the American, the busily approaches, knocks the foot on the footboard and says:
- for the mirror acts, overeating however !!
And he:
- You have a cap for your ears, you yourself are a mistake !!!

4. The city center, traffic jams, the ubiquitous drivers of the route taxi dilute to trim each other and other cars, among which the emergency service "Gas" -budka-Tavelushka was also.
Due to the fact that he was cut, the driver was forced to stop sharply and he drove new, head restraints in the middle of the hood, bimer-5, which was driving the "Worker" of the years so 18-20, who decided to frarut Girls ...

After that, he is still a little, as it turned out, drove out, got out of the car and began to bend fingers before driving lawn, from the series - "You will answer everything, ready to make a place in the cemetery if you can't do a new car ...", well, etc. . And so on and suddenly the booth is heard a fierce roar, the doors open the door, while the lobuch goes, and five drunk trunks are collected on the hood of Biimers and screaming: "Fuck, asshole, you turned the bottle ...": )

5. This story told my friend: it was a couple of years ago. So I come back from a long trip (per steering wheel) in your hometown. Well, estesno the kind of tired - horror. Well, as usual, at the entrance to the city, the traffic cop slows down. Documents, there, come here to post. Apparently the squint in me drunk. At the post, apparently, due to poor financing, the tube to determine the presence of vapor alcohol was not. And it makes it means this brave traffic cop by one skilled movement of a piece of paper from a sheet of paper (such as old women who traded seeds) and tell me to make 3 deep exhalations in this crook. Well, it is necessary so necessary - I do. After that, he thoroughly sniffs him and I do not teach anything asking me a question (???): "I served in the army?". I answer: "No." He: "Why?". I (in a joke of course): "Yes, I have tuberculosis!" It was necessary to see his face. He came to his senses only after I repeated it again that I was joking. I tried more through this post not to ride.

6. Good day dear readers. History told me my uncle, there is a friend's long-time uncle Sanya, it is still someone that I can die with a laughter. It is possible to die in Soviet times, they worked at some kind of truckers at Soviet times, Together killed a large car brand KAMAZ. Poehihi, with some cargo to the city of Hero Irkutsk, and here, on arrival at the place and unloading, I went home, but decided to spend on one of the parking lots for truckers, where we met old friends. As you know, our people are famous, We decided to celebrate the meeting. In one of the trucks built the table and benches from the girlfriend, the appetizer had a snack from which it was but also vodka. Of course. In general, it was noted that they were asleep who was, in the morning Uncle Sanya because of anyone who did not know who he woke up before all and In search of Chekonize Liquid, I found a jar on the table with Caboran Ikra on the table. In this moment, the thought of playing his comrades in his head. I went to the bank he went to the distant corner of the wagon and turned out l The contents in a neat bunch, smeared a little caviar to the straw and laid down (for which it was like everyone understood). The best gradually came into feelings and began to gather behind the broken table for breakfast and walked, in the midst of the meal rises uncle Sanya and pointing his finger At that very corner, see the peasants. Well, the reaction from the Unyadek was still what na ... ??? What's from .... and did it ??? Under the outstanding cries of colleagues, the uncle Sanya stroke to the heaps, fade, roames the finger there and lickingly says it says ... I will be someone from my reaction right on the spot You are foreseen and even from Bodunya to see this ... Well, of course, for a malicious mat of comrades with mantlers, he confessed himself in everything. With this story, this story was the main bike of their automobiles, like that of truckers !!!

And in conclusion video

This cafe standing at the road for ten kilometers from the city, has always been a favorite vacation spot for trucks. Here it was possible to eat and relax, before you continue your way. On the large platform behind the cafe always stood several cars. Some left, the other arrivals of the eternal cycle of life. Today, there were four shiny handsome on the site, covered with new ones, and the drivers themselves are located at a table in a small cafe room and led the conversation after a satisfying meal. The paths of the road have repeatedly reduced them together, so the conversation was in souls, like old buddies, despite the different age and place of residence.

Sergey Grigorievich, you are silent today, almost nothing sprue. Did you happen to you? - asked a young curly driver, referring to the gray-haired neighbor.

You know, men, for more than twenty years behind the wheel, and yesterday, some kind of hell with me happened, I don't know what to think, the interlocutor answered with a hoarse voice.

Going yesterday morning on the highway, the weather is good, beauty around. I look - a woman stands, his hand raised, votes. Middle-aged, on the head scooters, in the hands of a big bag in his hands. From where, I think, such, it seems there are no settlements nearby. My principle is not to take passengers, and here it was sorry for it, a woman is still. I slowed down, stopped. The door opened, waiting for when he sits. I waited a little - no one looked - no one. Got out of the cockpit, went around behind - no woman. I was thrown from me, I looked down, I looked at the wheels - there is neither a woman nor the bags, no one! I climbed into the cockpit, went further, and in the shower restlessly, the world around me. So still drove ten kilometers, I don't believe my eyes - it's worth the same woman in a blue handkerchief ahead, again waving his hand. Here it is my fear and stumbled. I did not stop, so weed ... it will be after such a damn appetite!

Sitting at the table were silent, thinking about her.

In our work, Grigorievich, everything happens, maybe you are tired, and maybe what a warning, stories have not been talked, not everyone tells, "one of the drivers broke the silence. - I did not have to see himself, and I heard my father, do you want to tell?

The story is the first.

Between the city of Almaty and Zharkent, the pass is mountainous - Altynell. Solid descents and lifts, the road is difficult, dangerous. There is a descent one, sharply go down to the left. Machines there broke! So, at night, if you descend, the lights at the bottom see, as if the fire who burned. Neither the rain nor the fog nipple the fire. Many stayed, looking for, and did not find anything. The old men were told that many years ago the car crashed here. The driver was alive stayed, wounded all night fire chapter, so as not to climb, in the night mountains. Since then, people have fire and see steel as a warning. Fire this many life saved. And the descent to be called the driver's bone since then.

Sitting at the table revived, everyone remembered something, once he heard from someone, and then deferred to the long corner of the memory.

I had heard from drove acquaintances that all sorts of warnings were, "said Vasily Yakovlevich, a middle-aged man in a treated leather. - We have a driver in the database, so after one case to go to the church.

History Second.

Fucked by fruit, from Uzbekistan. Behind the wheel - the driver is experienced, many years the Baranka twisted, not a single crash behind the shoulders. The route is new, smooth, like a mirror. Neither ahead, nor behind - no one. The driver of the wave was beloved, I turned on the music, all the fun road. And at one point, as the current hit him, he looked in the mirror, and there - the little animal will rock, the eyes of the blood is nalite, yes close! The seventh feeling that whispered: "Crightening!". He and let's read ours and be baptized. He stopped, the spirit was transferred, with caution, again in the mirror looked - the road ribbon goes, calm everything around. I went further slowly, turned off the music. And in kilometers fifteen farther on the highway, just at the intersection of the roads, the bigger accident was - the car with gas exploded. The pigeons of the burned metal on the road were scattered, people died. It would be riding faster - I would have gotten into the grumbling, and so - God was away.

And you are silent, Mikhail, - one of those sitting to the young curly guy.

Yes, I listen to you and I think, maybe, right then everything was, yes, we did not believe. I forgot about that story for a long time, and now she is spinning in the language, he cuts me from memories and emotions.

And you tell us, you see, it will be easier.

The third story.

Four years ago I did not work anywhere, but often with my brother, the same driver was dull. He is in the flight, and I am with him. That flight with us also Pasha, my friend asked. We left, we still darkened, chatted all the way, and how the sun rose, it raised us with a pack, it became konnit. I hear, Valerka, my brother, in the side pushes me: "Look, what a beauty!" I raise my head and see - it stands on the side of the girl, waving his hands. The sama is thin, like a straw, high, sundress on it long. Stopped Valerka, says: "Well, Pasha, moving, wean a girl."

Pasha door opens the door, she serves her hand, and then suddenly it pushed her with force, the door slammed and how he would torment: "Valerka, Topi!"

My brother is on gas, and forward! We rushed so about twenty minutes. Valerka then stopped the car, asks: "What should I do, Pasha?" And there is no facial.

"I serve a girl with a hand, she lifts her sundress to put the foot on the footboard, and her leg is huge, shaggy, and instead of a shoe - a horsepower hoof."

We first wanted to laugh at him, thought it was brought to him. I just see, he is not up to laughter: the appearance is frightened, whirl himself, squeezed all.

Never mind. Back arrived, I got a job, my brother was married soon, and I rarely saw Pasha after that. I know, he became a lot of drinking, on a drunken and enlipped in a bad story.

"Here are passion - that! Already goosebumps! " - Tald all.

Hit him scared! Human soul - dotting. Someone may have forgotten soon, and the life of your friend is like turned out, "Sergei Grigorievich revived. "After all, I also heard one story as a child as if any soul car had."

History fourth.

It was, in exactly after the war. Worked in one collective farm Uncle Vanya - all it was called it. In years already, the whole war was held on his one-week, flour on the frozen lake in Leningrad, did not be afraid of the shell, nor the shells were afraid. Everything joked, as if the car herself from his misfortune. And after the war he became grain from the fields to carry. What is surprising, I heard that the car never stood on the repair for a long time. How many military roads passed how many grains from the fields were taken out, and his forces did not lose. Uncle Vanya talked to her, it happened, as with a man. The hood will open, he manifests the key itself and the words are affectionate. And it works, because the car! And the uncle Vanya died in the spring - the heart grabbed, and the old wounds have recently let them know about themselves. Passed the car with young guy. And what the name I did not know him. So, he returned somehow in the evening from the elevator. And take the car, and stiff right near the village cemetery. That only the guy did not do, it does not start, infection! While rushed, it became dark, and here: "I don't seem to smoke?" It looks, an elderly man stands, in the boots of the military, jacket gray, stands and smiles. Well, the guy, naturally Makhorca got, twisted, talked, and then an elderly man and says: "You, my brother, do not rush, talk to her, she, as a person, hears everything, understands everything." And he myself strokes the car in the hood and whispers: "Well, you, native, the man is tired, and you will argue ..." Parenyok behind the wheel, started! He looked around, no one, as if it was not. He forgot about the case almost, if the old photo had not come across him, on which the excavation of the collective farm was. In one of the men, he learned someone who met in the evening near the cemetery. Well, of course, began to ask what how. It was then that he was told that Uncle Vanya is, he only died in the spring. The guy did not become a good thing, did not talk much, I realized that the car was not in vain near the cemetery stalling, it was clear that the tribute wanted to give his former owner. Watch how it happens in life! Here you have a soul, piece of iron, and there is a soul and it.

We sat the drivers a little more, silent, reflecting on the difficulties and joys of our work, then went out into the street, smoked and dispersed, each in our direction, are not done. They brought their fate together in the same cafe only three months later. Everyone gathered, except for the elderly driver - Sergey Grigorievich. They told each other news, about the family, about work, to them other drills joined. The cheerful company gathered, noisy.

Heard Sergey Grigorievich died - infarction, "said one of the drivers. - Sorry, a good man was!

That's right and remembered the conversation about the unusual and mystical, which happens on the roads. They remembered that what happened to Sergey Grigorievich. It may also be a sign, the bony itself came, and maybe the path of life in a person in God's laws ended.

Allocated all, hats removed in the sign of grief and respect for their comrades. Everyone has their own life path, their kilometers away on the highway. Let these kilometers be easy and smooth. Happy way to you, men!

Fatigue and hops hit the head, and I decided to "remove" the lady. (Without any intentions on "sex" because the week that he spent behind the breaker without a female society, terribly burned me, so I wanted to "sweep my tongue").

Word for the word ... My fatigue, as it did not happen: compliments, jokes, jokes. My partner already mows: they say, it's time to know, otherwise you will take care of trouble. And as if she looked into the water ...

The "trucker" drove the red "nine". A cargo man fell out of it, 50 years old, and moved threateningly straight to our table ...

Five minutes later, which then we could not remember without laughter, and the healthy fell down to us. The Grozny Stranger turned out to be the owner of the Trucker, and the girl I took for the "shoulder" - His ... Wife?!

Sergey Despite his terrible species was a big joker and a jokes, poisoned anecdote for a joke. After the third beer bottles, he suddenly poured and silent. The reason for the sudden mood change, I soon heard from his own mouth ...

... Serega, as they say, was born behind the wheel. His father also drove large trucks in the Union and his wife, he also took in the car. So that the fate of the boy was pre-tried in advance. By revealing the ram in the army, the guy moved to the local ATP and soon, as well as his father, began to wheel in the country.

... married a blond neighbor Alenka, who gave him the daughters of twins: Olyshka and Oxanochka. Sergey was dull on business trips, and three loving hearts waited at home. Forever crashed into the memory of those days, moments when he tiredly returned after the flight with a bunch of "hotels" and daughters literally trembled with thousands of kisses, and the wife was modestly expected aside as a sideline of his "queue" to cuddle to cuddly, through the mighty gasoline and fuel oil husband.

Sergey somehow once fell a couple of free days and decided he to bring his place to the sea.

... Morning got out of glory. Brightly shone sunshine. With meadows carried a pleasant cool. Girls in anticipation of the trip of Midnight did not sleep, all things were collected yes, the outfits were trying on, and not overclocking them on the beds, they would put the whole house on the ears.

Despite the universal high spirits in Sergey, it was restless to the soul: whether the premonition of the trouble, whether the confidentiality of the instinct of self-preservation was congenital, or long-term fatigue affected. He is already an old "Moskvich" before the bolt checked and the oil changed, and the alarm does not pass.

... daughters have fun twist. The wife with admiration looks like skillfully Sergey manages the car ...

... from where and how it appeared on the headway "Ural" still no one knows. What screamed the driver of the truck, why waved his hands - also remains a mystery ...

... mercilessly squeezed the brakes. "Moskvich" spinned handled on the spot ... a blow ... another blow ... hitting a blow ...

... the last ... The last Sergey saw the perplexed eye of Olyshka and Oksanochka ... And I also saw ... I saw the bloody face of my wife ...

... A week of doctors fought for the life of Sergey ... Seven days and nights he designed from the world ... When I survived, I realized: the life he was in delight of God, I turned into hell in hell, which continues to this day. Until now, in nightmarish dreams, his daughter's frightened eyes and a bloody wife ...

... the guilty accidents were not found. And with among whom to look for something?! The driver of Urals died in the hospital, and Sergey Dr. was given one chance of one hundred ...

After recovery in native settlement, Sergey lived. From Mala to Great, he was accused of family death: who in the back, who is straight in the eye. The only calm was the road. As it is not strange the track, who took the most expensive people from Sergey, now gave a new sip of life, shouted from all the troubles and misfortune, became the guardian angel, but he could not return to him that fate was unfairly selected: his wife and daughter ...

On Sim, let me leave Sergey on the care of fate and tell about Irina (Irina's name is the girl that I accepted for the "shoulder", although it turned out later I was not far from truth) for in this story she was prepared a special place.

Irina-Muscovite, the only daughter in the family whether the opposites, whether the professors of some kind of science, just not remember. From the small years, the girl did not know anything: the late child, the parents poured her, as far as the wallet allowed, and he was like a bottomless.

Irina visited the prestigious schools of Moscow, rested on the most expensive resorts of the country. In short, bathed like cheese in oil in the glory and power of parents. And, it seemed, such a state of things was satisfied ...

... who knows when and what a fracture came in the soul of the girl: maybe when the father "shoved" to his institute and he tried to make a scientist from her, or when the mother "has exhausted" her tedious acceleration officers to "law law To own the heart of his daughter, "or, when it was aware of the wrongty of his without parental care ... who knows ...

The eternal conflict of "fathers and children" and everyone solves it in their own way, proving parents independence and independence. But Irina chose another way ...

Hanging with the Father and contemptuously throwing those "miserable pennies," that he highlighted his pocket expenses, the girl left the house.

... Life is a difficult thing and not always on the way there are honest, noble and disinterested people ...

Irina, never conceived about the true price of money and the method of their earning, and was not going to root a life in pursuit of small "pieces" ... but long ago and everyone knows: always and for all you have to pay. Flying to the abyss of sin - a moment, and the takeoff go on the week, month, year, and sometimes a whole life ...

... At first, Irina served clients of elite metropolitan saunas and baths, the benefit of "education" allowed. Then he dropped to the kabaks and restaurants and, in the end, turning into an ordinary street "whore", did not indulge on the track ...

... With a cold autumn day, he drove Sergey his KAMAZ to Moscow ... The girl voted on the road: the mascara was spread along the face, a lightly flush walked in the wind.

As a rule, Sergey did not take his fellow travelers, and he did not consider "shouldch", in general, he did not think of people ... but her eyes ... her eyes for some moment they seemed familiar to him, to pain close and relatives. Sergey, unable to cope with surgery memories, stopped ...

... half a year they joined together ... Then Sergey sold Kamaz and, having bought an abandoned roadside eatery, offered Irin's hand and heart ...

For two years now, they are officially husband and wife and despite the double difference in the age of full of vitality and energy: to rebuild from the "trucker" a two-storey hotel for visits:

With a pool and fish, - adds Irina.

And then you can think about the son ... - Cherdows mowing in the direction of his wife Sergey ...

That plot smiles in response ...

At this major note, let me put a point ...


Oh, and the Mother of Mother-Russia! Her expanses are immense, and people live everywhere, people work and rest, in the nature of which one indestructible property laid - to move. And the person moves: in winter and in summer, in the rain and in Viedro, at night and day - Always! And what only he does not use for this: Own legs, dog and deer harmors, armpas and bicycle; travel through the air, along the water, by steel paths and, of course, in roads. Different are expensive: and soil, and laid by plates, cobblestones and asphalt, wide and narrow ... We will not discuss the quality of Russian roads, there is better than Gogol there is an unlikely to be able to describe. Every minute, the Almighty State Station does not know exactly the length of all

our roads nor their condition.

However, our story is not about the roads at all, but about those who measure kilometers with the diameter of their wheels. All: Motorcycles and passenger cars, dump trucks and buses, firefighters and traffic cops, and more truckers on their leads. For one trucker "(exactly In quotes) and will go our further narration.

The "trucker" called his good-natured guys from the fasting of the traffic police, which is located next door to the Optician dining room on the Moscow-Leningrad highway (then). Kolya worked as a leader's wagon driver, delivering everything you need in the dining room: products, water, firewood, drove around the villages On the workpiece of meat, vegetables and other stared. Al perhaps, I traveled - this is a loud phrase: I went to the horse, perfectly knowing all the routes, and Kohl at this time in good faith snapped (pre-"accepted on the chest") at the bottom of the cart, bonded to the holes a tarp cloak.

To call Kolya Seats Alkash would be big injustice: all the same, he knew his work, performed and reluctantly, but in good faith. Missed always well-kept, cleaned and fed. But the most important pride of Kolya (and for others - the object of unspcessible ridicule) was the vehicle itself: absolutely not a screening cart on the rubber move, equipped with all the rules. Vidimo with the young years of the cherished dream of our hero were "Branca", the drilled cab Something "Kolkhid" and endless kilometers of roads. Modako, the fate of the villain ordered to - he did not leaving a single chance to become a driver, and therefore he completely gave the telega whole love for the technique: equipped with her tire move, for all the rules broke through the dimensions Catami, staffed (most likely "Up" in the state -hold garage) sign of emergency stop, jackt and a key-cartridge. Masterpiece of the people's craftsman was the state number (selected somewhere on the highway), solemnly

water to the most honorable place and diligently duplicated white paint on the rear side of the cart.

And what happens that on the road, Kohl, not paying attention to the ironic jokes of Balagurov, is why, to spend the night under the discontinuity? Yes, and the girls will not wait, you will climb the caveton and cried my "travel".

Commanded in the ridges were daily grams 50, or a bevel misele for a "pre-inspection medical examination", which the fellowallous table girls brought a poor fellow in working condition.

Since the hardest days, by Kolya was considered Tuesday and Friday, because these days were brocked out in the table buffet of fresh barrel beer, and in the morning the head "does not want to be friends with a brand" and you need to go to the long road to the base (already two kilometers from the dining room! ). And as soon as they did not have to fee in order not to miss the printing of the first barrel ...

In one of these days, Lyuska (Wow and Baberyanka!), As always, in the morning he loaded the hint of the instructions in the morning. Attraro, the becks of the shoulders of Kolyan widely "to start" his technique. But Russia has always been famous for the folk smelting, with more than replenished deficiencies in education .

Sergeych, "Dolnkolodkilka" to the newly stating a traffic policeman, -

after all, it is impossible to sit down behind the wheel?

For sure, it is impossible, "he liked that from the ring, as if from an annoying flies, he knows that it would be not so easy to do it.

And what could be for it?

Rights should be accurately lost.

Sergeych, let me in the tube to you, you will take the right and I will not go anywhere.

What does the beer go?

Yeah, the fear as the "pot" cracks, and Lyutka again sends to the office.

Do you have any rights?

Offend, like you!

And with these words, he pulled out the jacket of the linic crusts of a driver's license from his pocket. Sergeych became amazedly rounded his eyes, but after a second broke a loud fun laugh, as if he was not on the post, but somewhere in the stage theater at the concert A. Raykina. And it was why to have fun! Opening his crusts, he saw a real masterpiece of column printing creativity: On the turn cut-cut in size from the shoe box was written by half-shirt-semi-sulfur letters (which is surprising - without mistakes!) That such something is such a first class driver, has the right to ride all the roads of the Soviet Union at any time of the day and of the year, without limiting tonnage, and all services that have at least some attitude towards the roads should provide him with all kinds of assistance. The consignment is a photo of three four with an ink finger attached to the corner (instead of printing).

Widow Moving, Sergeich suggested a Kolyan compromise option:

Come on, the wheel, I will not take the right to select, you will drive into the office, and on my return I will personally buy you already two mugs of fresh "Zhiguløvsky" as a gift from all workers of the traffic police. We respect the "professionals"!

Tom "hit the hands" and satisfied with his destroyer Kolyan comfortably settled on the bottom of the cart, and the hood of a quiet sapa dragged the "wagon" for a long time already familiar.

The best eighties! Always remember them with a light sadness: there is still no roads on the roads, the cars of all calibers on the highway and Nostano are not rushing, and the track itself was only a "double-foot". Machines were not such high-speed, the drivers were competent and rights They did not buy their own, and therefore, the workshops were not particularly much.

In one of these calm everyday days, when there were not so many cars on the road (the drivers were indulging in the afternoon Sieste), Sergeych-alarm to us already stale-traffic cop - Internet traveled around his "ward" section of the track. And it was far from idle: -With the wife should give birth, and the mother-in-law (good in general) everything will not buy the promised stroller; the boss, sitting in his leather chairs, and in the "mustache does not blow" to replace the rust-up patrol car already in places "more -Mae ". Yes, even a partner in the morning, the tooth ached, sits in the post, and you ride in proud loneliness ...

Suddenly, he gotten all his face, dropping all non-serving thoughts away: a small brace of four-five cars was formed ahead.

There is no accident, -Sellied Sergeych, adding a gag, - to run one with a roulette, to engage in writing. Yes, and in general the day today something "doesn't" roll. "

But his anxiety was not justified: there was no accident, and the cars were simply waiting for their turn to go round an unexpected obstacle. I had a reason for the "traffic jams", Sergeych is completely a head: on the roadway, even without deigning to move on the side of the road, Kolin "Wag" stood It was descriptive to the cart from the cart, and the remaining stones acting on the role of anti-phase satellites were defended. The carte of the carts at the distance of Shaves of Five was an emergency sign, and the "Celebration" himself was peacefully put on the bottom of the cart, having time to taste live water from the morning, degrees greater than the body temperature of a healthy person.

Kolyan, what did you "smash"? If you, at least, I moved to the side of the side, - stolen, wrapped up "trucker".

On the navalized wheel of riding, it is prohibited, -parked by one.

You have a jack, an outstand, tools. I mean at pace the wheel, you interfere with the movement.

Driver's work-to control the vehicle. Here will come technical assistance and repaid, - the kolka, the conclusion of the ring, again plunging into Nirvana.

"The Tobacco Case, hesitated to the conclusion of Stalley," it would take to rake himself. Moreover, it is more like to consider that the technical assistance is someone from state -hold tractor drivers, faithful companions of Kolyan. "

With the help of one of the drivers, he quickly replaced the wheel on the cart and a light slap palm along the barbecue gave an acceleration "tractor". Musha, rejoicing with his uncertain the end of the working day, Boyko gave birth to his legalized parking place, and Starley Sergeych went further in his site of the track, Thinkingly thinking about the new troubles prepared by his fate in the face of the "trucker" Kolyan.

On the summer of the eighties, the nineties were swept away, when the Union "ordered a long time", "and all citizens suddenly became millionaires, to Roman numbers denoting the sequence number of the century, a single thing was added to the Roman number on the spot: the M-10 route was missing, she was worse , Good to an endless stream of machines. Now, except that the suicide will risk driving along it on a grand carrier.

And how much he called Ritul - the dispatcher, as he persuaded, which he did not promise! Not in vain, you can see the rooster sang. Here is a flight, and the cargo. And Vanya Skins will go to the edge of light - only "grandmothers", pay.

Driving Vanya, smiles, listening music, and there is nothing better for him, cars, and the most importantly - freedom.

Yes, like that. To whom that, and him freedom is needed as a breath of air, like a drop of water in the desert. Well, he can not sit in one place, even though cut it on the part, even nails with nails. Beggar - do not beg, it will still leave. And how many women asked him to stay, throw traveling, settle

at one place. After all, not a young ...

Women in the life of Vanya Lyzhin occupied the third, in his understanding, place, first - this is understandable, the steering wheel.

Second - alcohol. Well, it means that the women are the third.

And not that Vanya to the female sex was indifferent. Theory on the contrary. But somehow it was not lucky with them.

And he broke out with women calmly, without hysterical, jealousy and all sorts of melodram. Just leaving.

Picky his nomudinal belongings - and they were placed in a sports bag - and was such. Russia is large, lonely women in each village, the village of Datma-dirt. All workers, healthy, breadcrumbs. Yes, and Vanya did not look with a blank pocket to them. And they all wanted a trucker to

to bind, to the house, the garden, cattle - tummy.

Did not understand the butterflies rustic, which would not hold the falcon in the four walls. Pull up, slipping and ... remember, as called.

That walked from one house to another, changing girlfriends and address of living.

Once only hooked him for the living, the most. Does not want to remember this about it, but it will take and pop up; As it turned out, before the eyes it costs, does not leave.

And it was so. A woman appeared in their village. Male, the Eagle, with two kids. Vanya as she saw these eyes - so fell in love with the ears. And she answered his feeling. From the flight on the wings flew to her. I knew what awaits, loves. Nothing regretted her and guys. Performed all requests, induced clothes imported, spirits. He knew that she loved flowers, "at any time of the year she brought Oakhapka, if only she laughed with her tender laugh, stroked her face. Until now, her hand is standing before his eyes.

Second place in the life of Vanya Sizhin, it took alcohol. What man in Siberia does not drink? God himself ordered after a difficult flight home to relax. And in this, a favorite woman was agreed with him, only laughing blindly above him when he would be waggered.

To stick to Vane for such a woman with hands and legs; No, the features took the hell with a moonshine. Accepted superfluous. I went to the local cafe, which fell down "belch" called "for delicious and healthy" food. Met former girlfriend. Drank. Favorite went somewhere in the background, and the soul rushed to where it fell.

Other then told me when the beloved went for Vanya in a cafe and saw him kissing with his girlfriend - everything turned pale, the words did not say, gone.

Left and vanina life skins. Forever and ever. I did not forgive me.

That's how it happens in life.

Eh, roads, dust and fog ...

Rides Vanya, music listens, smiles, and there is no more expensive ram, roads and freedoms. Be happy, trucker!

Gennady Nikolayevich from those people who will never be called simply by name, unless you have eaten the salt, and they did not go that countless thousands of kilometers, which he drove for their lives. Gennady Nikolaevich from those who are called the chauffeur. These are people of one profession. They saw on the roads absolutely everyone and something they can tell. They smoke a lot and drink coffee. Once from a cup of coffee and our acquaintance began.

His face was elegant wrinkle, and a sharp look remained exactly the same as in the photos that many years. Strong handshake. He drinks only espresso.

"Once upon a time my friend told me: Sit down, we went to the flight. Well, we went "- Gennady Nikolaevich recalls.

He knows how to ride, probably, on everything that starts. And it will be able to fix everything that does not start. At 18, Gennady Nikolayevich received a driver's license, worked in a taxi, worked many where, until the trucker became a trucker. The empire collapsed around, new states and border posts arose, and he challenged the USSR automotive road atlas. I drove the 90th, swept behind the windows of the cabin 2000th. Profession, which has become part of life.

"Turn on the TV, they say in Tajikistan war. And we have a mini-plant Coca-Cola there ... "

- Once in the 90s, Igor called my partner. He said, went to Tajikistan. We did not have to go to that flight, but it happened. The wagon went two weeks before, she was arrested on the border with Russia (then she was still) - something is wrong with the documents. Two drivers during this time in Smolensk were killed almost all the money that they were issued to the flight. I have been told: you need to help. Well, not a question. Seli on Tractor, 29th MAZ, went for this truck.

I found it on a stroke somewhere under Katyn: "Head" separately, a trailer separately. While the wagon was clinging, the local people were painted, what the drivers did it - the whole Smolensk buzzed. One drill we, by the way, saw. The other did not appear. With all the money they have 800 dollars left. Igor and I robbed on your pockets, counted thousands of one and a half. And with these money they went on a trip. Imagine, to the kouch himself, that on the border with Afghanistan. One fuel how much costs! Well, okay, you need to go. A mini-plant Coca-Cola was brought to some kind of them: the whole wagon, 14 meters, was clogged with equipment.

Chelyabinsk passed, through the transition Petukhovo - Petropavlovsk entered Kazakhstan. August, heat. Lake Balkhash lies on the left of a huge emerald. Watching: Camel is coming. Stopped. The road sits a girl, her polaroid. I say: "take photographs, please." And she: "Three tenge." Paid what to do.

I am moving to Shu is a city in Kazakhstan. Road straight. I see on the atlas that there is no other way. And hanging the "Brick" sign. How is this possible? Near man, dressed in civilian clothes.

- Listen, how to drive?

Bakshish, - answers. - Pay.

Pay for what? Look at the Atlas: Where will I go?

Now you will not leave here at all, - and gets a bundle with grass. - Brigade will arrive, will find it in the truck. And that's it.

"Turn on the TV and find out: in Tajikistan war. How to be - cargo need to deliver "


At the border of the Uzbek in the battle. Talk to me: "Where are you going, there is war!" And where to go? We left, steel in the customs zone. Tajiks come from the other side. They are gold chains with my finger thick.

-I zerullo, the commander of the poor, "says one. - With you the owner wants to speak.

We come to them in some kind of food. And the eldest begins to scream at me. I answer him:

- Listen, I am now on the neutral strip turning around and go back. You will then take this Zavod to carry at least on donkeh, even on Kamaz to your kulyab.

Okay. They dug, gave us accompaniment, guaranteed security. We drove Dushanbe. At the departure from the city they met BMP with the Russian flag - peacekeepers. They are: " Where are you going, Belarusians, here war ". And where did we go?

On the road, I fell asleep. I wake up because we stand. I look: the circle people with guns, tank in the middle of the road. Our zerullo talked to them with them on the local, they moved away somewhere. And we missed us. The next morning entered the kulyab. Only there our accomplicer told what happened.

- You know how much your two lives cost? 20 thousand dollars I paid to miss you.


In Kulyab we were met by prince. I learned the pilaf. Do you think his hands eaten? Not. Throw off a piece of thin cakes and take a pilaf with it. Finally, Nurullo told us that he wants to give anything. I left somewhere and brought AKM. They are not accepted from them, but I somehow convinced that we were not useful to such a gift in Belarus. Then he dismissed the horn and gave us two cartridges for memory. Leaving a kuleab, we stopped, and I threw them away from sin. As it turned out, I did it right.

On the border, the entire truck was searched, a little wheels were not forced to focus, the trim in the cockpit was sorted - drugs were looking for. Finally released.

On the way back, 23 tons of melon were loaded in Uzbekistan. Stopped on the field next to the Syrdarya River. While the local burgeted melon, Igor, partner, took a fishing rod out of the cabin, went fishing. Asks local: there is a fish? And they do not know anything, the shoulders are hirked. Well, he is on a grasshopper with a cloth from under potatoes and found. We sit, fry: at a normal trucker tile, a frying pan - everything is there. Local workers come:

- And where did you take the fish?

Are you a river you see? Won there she lives.

In short, they fed these Uzbeks fish.

How to get home - I do not know. No money. For a breakfast melon, a melon dinner, a dinner of a melon. On the road met our guys, they were taken onions. They gave them melons, they threw us onions, so what is the sense.

Temperature +45 Celsius, Marevo over expensive - Air is brewed. Suddenly I see in front of the machine - the pit is wide, depth, maybe the meter. Shouting: "Igor, Gaza!" How did we flew it? Three axes of Maz and the same at the trailer ...

At night, they stopped sleeping in the steppe. Around anyone, steppe and steppe. Just fell asleep - knock on the door, traffic cop. Where did he come from there, in the steppe? What yes, how, the documents asked. They gave him something as far away: whether he took the money, or he took a melon - I do not remember.

So returned. Under Moscow, I remember, the inspector slows down. I stopped in a puddle - he can't go. I open the door and literally scream: "Well, what do you need everyone?!"

- What are you yelling?

Yes, tired! From the very kouch, I am ridiched like a sticky such that, there is no strength!

Where are you going from now? I fought in Afghani, it's on the border! As you just brought. Drive, Belarusian, good road.

Gennady Nikolayevich looks at the thrifting of the fours. Machines are now others, says, but the drivers are no longer the same, almost left old truckers.

- Youth did not see this. We bumbled in those years in full. And now many will not stop on the road to help, they do not know what sympathies are mutual execution. Guys are justified: "We have time." Maybe this is true. But the concept of mutual assistance and the punishment fraternity they spoiled.

I remember, I drove the Volga - the rear axle broke. Well, okay, picked up to another truck, we are going. And the hitch burst, and I rolled down with a steep lift down. At first thought: it is necessary to jump. Then I looked - no one. I decided to compete. I went smoothly, and then "stuck" the car in the snow on the side of the sidelines. I sit in squatting, smoking near the cabin. Shakes everything.

Everyone who passed by passing, stopped. What can you help? But at least something: Salo carried, bread, canned food, cigarettes.

And how we paid for the roads, how these business cards were given ... You do not know? Well, listen ...

How to pay for the road and how they gave business cards

- Time was this: legalized banditry. And the gangs of Schemali. Old Guard, who else remained on the highway, they all remember it.

Voronezh, city center. On both sides they clamp me with machines. Stay, they say: you need to pay for passages - $ 50.

"There is no way out: got it - gave. No one opposed this - it's better to give money and go calmly. "


Give a business card, throw it on the glass - and everything, the path is free, we drove without fears. And this in Russia was everywhere.

In Kazakhstan, they tried to stop some brothers on the cherry "nine". We have become a vibration trailer so that the driver does not bypassed us. I speak Igor: "Run it under the trailer, wait until it comes up, and in the direction". Then they lagged behind, they realized that we could also something.

In Togliatti stopped traffic cops - it is also necessary to pay. I stretch money to him, and he does not take, says: throw in the grass. I threw and drove. I look in the mirror: he picked up, neatly put in his pocket.

Magnitogorsk. We were concerned about the green "seven". Some of it left, stop near the traffic police. I say: "What is happening here? We were pursued! "

- So these are drug addicts, there are enough.

So you pleased me that the drug addicts, as much more!

Well, I left, so well done.

In Belarus, fortunately, this was not. And the Russians have always spoken: "You are good. I wanted to sleep - I stopped and sleep, no one touches you ". Although on the Brest highway, I heard, the German paint was stolen from the wagon. The guy at the refueling was joined under the chambers and did not even hear anything. Outlou ride, and the car has become much easier. They said that employees refueling were with criminals at the same time.


Gennady Nikolaevich was born in Severomorsk. Served on the fleet, many of those principles retained through life.

"The sailor either does or does not," he said somehow.


Maybe he did not earn a lot of money, but retained friends everywhere, where he had.
"I did not become a rich man, because I did not have such a goal. But I have what I want to have. I traveled myself: first worked for a company, then on myself. And to earn, it was necessary to hire drivers. But the driver himself, I don't want to do the fool of me. ", "says Gennady Nikolaevich.

Meanwhile, in other times there were money. The cargo was a prestigious profession, and some drivers paid the currency for the song Tanya Ovsienko "Trucquer" in the restaurant rewound and put again.

Diplomatic cargo

- We were chartured by the Ukrainian embassy - to carry from Minsk to Kiev some household appliances. Dalited a document on yellow diplomatic paper: "All services assist in promoting a car ..." We went with us accompanying from the Embassy - the girl Svetlana.

Near some village at the traffic police stopped us. I showed a document, and some kind of civil requires insurance. We started on the post, I say to traffic cops:

- Have you seen paper? Now you will have trouble.

I look, traffic cops from the post sly died. And the "civilian" sled: " It does not interest me, I need insurance. " Svetlana came with the folder, showed him some papers. I really do not know what was in them, but this "civilian" began to pushing into the chair. I left and left, I think they will figure it out. At the exit, traffic cops rub, ask: "Well, what's there?" "Ay, guys," I say, "I don't know now. Want to go look ".

At night, we fly to Kiev. Well, Dnipro, Motherland-mother with a shield. The only time I visited there. Unloaded somewhere close to Khreshchatyk, got the calculation and back. And in Chernigov stopped near the traffic cop road ask:

- Five hryvnia, - He speaks.

- Hold.

Look: on Tom turn, you will turn left, you will drive two hundred meters and you are in place ...


Gennady Nikolaevich Traveled on many cars, he still remembers each of them.

Recently learned where my Volvo goes. In Nesvizh, saw her, imagine? They say that inspected, no worse than I had. Only they take too much on it - they will be angry with the car.

And everything began with an old IFA. It did not work in it, there were no arrows on the speedometer. Somehow accelerated to M2, the traffic police stops near the Kurgan of Glory. Inspector says:

- Where are you in a hurry?

And how much I drove?

92 km / h, - shows the device.

Wow, it still goes! Commander, you know, in the cabin devices do not work, speedometer without an arrow ...

He let's laugh, let go, in general ...

"Mishkin Kiss"

"Four years in a row I was a New Year's gift: the rear axle broke the day before the holiday. I remember, loaded on December 24 in our pines candy "Mishkin Kiss" - Souffle is in chocolate. Go to Moscow, with us accompanying. Return to Ugra [River in the Smolensk Region. - approx.] - I have a bridge. What to do, time is. I speak this accompanying: Blow into Moscow to search for a car. Overload, candy will have time to deliver. He went. Returns with some truck-"short". In short, overloaded that it was placed, and 60 with excess boxes did not fit. They left, and I stopped the Gomel guys, picked me up - and home.

Brought to Gomel, pulled out somewhere in the center. I stopped the grader who cleaned the street, I say to the driver: "Want to become a millionaire?" (Then we still walked millions of bills.) In short, he dragged me to the parking lot from the route to Minsk, and I train to the capital, for spare parts. Returned, repaired the car, drove. In the trailer, this "Kiss" - you won't come up worse. There is no money and there is no gasoline - this is the light bulb lights up. He stopped in some village, asked for a suolars from a tractor driver. That is not one. Okay.

It stands near the road with Kanishystroe - goes to meet "Slovak" [road train with Slovak numbers]. I waved my hand without much hope - stops. It turns out such a lock with a beard.

- Good afternoon, I say, do you understand Russian?


Listen, Solyarki is not at all. And the money is some pennies. Sell \u200b\u200bhow much you can.

Canister is?

But what about.

And he has a handsome DAF. 800 liters tanks. Molded me canister, did not take the money. Talked, his pavel is called. He lit, and I have nothing in the cockpit. What to do: asked a cigarette. So he traveled to me from the cockpit Camel. It is at the time!

- Paul, I do not know how to thank you!

Do not need anything. On the road there happens.

Do you drink coffee?


Then here you have to coffee!

I was how much I could grab these boxes with a "kiss" - so much took. I have nothing more thanks to thank it.


His truck Gennady Nikolayevich recently had to sell. Times have changed.

"I somehow endured the first wave of the crisis, and there was no point in the second tolerate. Many of my friends from old truckers were also enrolled. Having two trucks, it was impossible to earn. For the transportation began to offer such money that it did not make sense to go. And without meaning it is no longer a job. ", - notes our interlocutor.

The rules changed, drivers changed. The market occupied other people.

"Entrepreneurs from a mosquito decided to engage in freight transportation, Gennady Nikolaevich said gloomily. - They want to ride new cars not further than Moscow and return home to the young wife for tomorrow. ".

He does not complain about anything. Works, as before, the driver. Only now on other machines and in another sphere.

"It is a pity that there are fewer old generation enthusiasts, those who love this profession, as we loved her. This is a lifestyle. Understand, this is a buzz from work - he is above money. I can not explain to you clearer - it needs to be survived. Write this: Profession is interesting, the profession is good - but well, it is in the bath "- Enclosed Gennady Nikolaevich.

Among the drivers there are many stories telling about the dangers of Russian roads. Falbandes are devoted to further story about their difficult profession.

Drivers' life is accompanied by many difficulties. Broken roadbed, huge traffic jams, bribes of police and "deductions" gangster groups are found at every step. Nevertheless, truckers seek to become more and more drivers. The 2008 crisis forced to sit behind the wheel of people, distant from "road romance". Today, heavy trucks are increasingly controlled by visiting from near abroad.

The "Cargo Service Dispatcher" blog took an interview with a trucker with many years of experience Andrei Ivanova. The driver talked about the dangers that make up Russian roads.

"Amateur" driving

When a school was required to write an essay about the future profession, "Andrei is divided by memories. - I always wrote that i want to work a trucker driver. My father gave this heroic profession for many years, passing during this time almost the whole of Russia. He managed to visit the Murmansk region, when there was almost no expensive.

The driver's experience of our interlocutor is more than 35 years old. At first he twisted the ram of the old "ZIL 164", and then moved to GAZ 52, which his father passed on.

Andrei speaks about the father's car with a special warmth. It was on him that he made his first long-term (600 km) trip from Leningrad to Riga. And now the driver manages the "scan".

Today on the road there were quite a few such experienced drivers as Ivanov. After in 2001, the series "Truckers" came to the screens, many new people sought this profession. Moreover, most of them looked poorly, with which they will have to face.

According to Andrey, people who watched the series decided that. The main characters of the paintings are constantly resting in hotels or small motels. In fact, reality is far from movies. Real truckers have to spend the night in their cars. The driver was lucky if he controls the American truck, which is most convenient and spacious. And what to do those who turn the handlebar "Maz" or the other little comfortable car? Truckers have to wash in rivers or lakes, as the shower on the track is a big rarity. Andrei believes that the creators of the series did not interfere first to talk to real truckers, and only then take the shooting of the series.

The crisis of 2008 led to the fact that truckers became many new people. Employees of offices, teachers, doctors and businessmen were forced to leave their profession and sit down for the ram of the truck. And some weather is "filled in" and visitors from Central Asia.

Andrei believes that today migrant workers almost do not water the minibuses. Now they are already involved in international transport. In the Russian capital, there is a motor transport company, the staff of which only migrants could become one time. Arriving to Russia for earnings, they are ready to work for very small money. According to our interlocutor, the quality of their driving leaves much to be desired. Today there are talk that soon each people from Central Asia will have to have a Russian driver's license. That's just, whether from this sense will come out, or everything will end with bribes to the traffic police, unknown.

"Finnish" route - the best in Russia

In addition to the immigrants from the near abroad, the truckers in Russia became women and women. According to Andrei, ladies in the West often water huge wagons. Not so long ago, he managed to see a fragile blonde girl on the highway, a twisted ram of the new "Volvo". The car was painted in red and had Polish or Finnish numbers. The girl was so famously overthrew a traveling car ahead that our interlocutor could not look at her. Of course, European roads are more adapted for women's driving. They are equipped with comfortable parking, toilets and shower. And in the event of a vehicle breakdown, one call to the service is able to solve all problems. But the Russian roads are unlikely to be adapted for women's driving. Not every woman is able to change the swiss wheel on the track. The broken road canvate is not adapted for women's work.

And indeed, there are few good roads in Russia. One of them is considered the M4 "Don", which was repaired towards the beginning of the Sochi Olympiad. The same list can include the road on the Russian-Belarusian border and part of the track connecting Petersburg and Vyborg. Andrei says that the road from St. Petersburg to Vyborg was built both by Russian and Finnish builders. Unfortunately, the result of the work of local "specialists" is not a comparison with the Finnish result. Part of the route made by the hands of Finnish builders is considered the best Russian expensive.

Magnitogorsk and Chelyabinsk - the most dangerous areas of the road

The history of truckers will die in many terrible details about the gangster attacks on drivers. In the 90s, almost every trucker had to pay a certain interpretation of criminal groupings. Drivers who paid tribute received something like the pass or check. They had to show this paper to other bandits, "wing" the next part of the path. Only after that, they could continue their way.

Ivanov, with regret, notes that some signs indicate the return of those "troubled" times. Bandits, who received in the 90s in prison dates, were released and again began to "black". True, now it costs without papers. But these guys began to regularly open the cabins, merge fuel and steal the cargo. One day Andrei left his car at Petersburg parking. He says that he woke up from the cold and discovered that money and laptop disappeared from the car. Our interlocutor could not wake up due to the fact that someone splashed with ether gas in the cabin.

There are also simple charges. Most often, they occur in the dark. A few people are suitable for the car and "politely asking" the driver that he will have to pay. They inform you that they collect money from everyone passing to help "Sidelts" in prison. Usually, truckers do not risk arguing and gate the required 1000 rubles. Drivers understand that the extra dispute can lead to even big problems.: Their car can be broken, and for repairs will have to spend even more money. Unfortunately, such cases can occur even on paid parking, which are considered the safest. But the most gangster attacks happens in the suburbs of Magnitogorsk and Chelyabinsk. Most drivers do not risk riding there alone.

The gangster defeats led to the fact that in these cities a new profitable business was bloomed - organization of drivers accompaniment. In a special firm for a certain board, the trucker can receive a club sticker and a business card confirming the protection of its owner. It must be said that this service costs drivers not much cheaper than the gangster defeats.

Honest police Karelia

Truckers suffer from drug addicts. Of course, it is easier to cope with them than with bandits, but they can bring a lot of harm. Andrei explains that each European truck is equipped with a diesel engine with an intercooler (coolant air system). Such equipment is worth a lot of money. The intercooler is located near the radiator and is located in the access area. The offended drug addict can pierce it with a simple metal rod.

Russian police raise little trust in most truckers. First of all, almost a day can leave for the design of all applications. Then, the trucker will have to come to court. And if the driver lives in St. Petersburg, and robbed it, for example, in Chelyabinsk ... He will have to lose a lot of working time, and hence the profits.

In addition, according to Andrei, the police often "disappear" from the statements of truckers. They begin to complain to drivers for many serious unscrewd cases, which, in their opinion, is much more important than ordinary theft. Once, our interlocutor was even accused of spending money for his needs, and the police appealed to justify himself in the eyes of the leadership. Andrei tells that from all policemen, whom he met in its path, the most honest and early bribes were the staff of the Karelian police. Maybe they affect the proximity to law-abiding Finland. That is why most drivers account for themselves to solve problems with bandits and drug addicts.

Andrei notes with regret that the truckers are not needed to anyone. This is visible even with respect to simple drivers. They try to put themselves above truckers: cut and do not let them on the roads. Apparently they forget that heavy trucks are carrying techniques and spare parts necessary for themselves. Ivanov compares this situation with attitudes towards truckers in Europe. There is a man on a truck considered a significant person.. European drivers understand that the railway is not in every settlement, so most cargo transportation takes place on cars.

There are differences among family colleagues. Our interlocutor says that today the driver "Brotherhood" meets more and less. Previously, with any breakdown of the car, the trucker immediately received help from passing past colleagues. Today, even a request for a spare jack can cause a refusal. No matter how bitterly sounded, but modern truckers unites only the desire for large earnings.

Competitions with death

The desire of financial well-being is pushing some truckers for 15-16 hour driving. Andrei says that the state of a person who spent 12 hours behind the wheel is equivalent to the fact that he drank 100 grams of vodka. Therefore, on Russian roads you can find a lot of drivers who turn the ram "on autopilot". This happens also with the connivance of owners of motor vehicles. Of course, they will better take a person who can get to Yekaterinburg for two, and not for four days. But how it can end, they are not interested. The car is insured, therefore, in the event of an accident, his owner will receive his money. And a person ... It is unlikely that which of the car owes cares about the life of the driver. Ivanov recalls that in his youth, too, tried to drive as much as possible as possible, until he fell asleep behind the wheel and did not go to the oncoming lane. That time everything went well, but the experienced experience Andrei remembered for life.

Once a trucker occurred the case that he does not like to remember. Almost a year he met on the side of one of the roads of the Tyumen region a strange woman in a black hood and with a scythe in his hands. And then she disappeared. Andrei still believes that it was death herself.

Video: Danger of work trucker

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