Comprehensive preparation of the car for the winter. Preparing the car for the winter. Checking the condition of belts and pipes and the tightness of their connections

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Almost all drivers remember the saying “Prepare the sleigh in summer” as this old Russian proverb is more relevant than ever for car owners when the first snowflakes start flying. At the factory, during manufacture, the car is prepared for operation not lower than -25 ° C.

Therefore, if in your region the temperature level drops below this mark, then the car must be prepared for such weather conditions, and this is done as follows:

First of all, start with, namely the electrolyte level in the battery, and if necessary, top up with distilled water up to the “MAX” mark.

Fully charge the battery and check (for all regions except the north, the electrolyte density is 1.28-1.29 g / cm²; for the north - 1.29-1.30 g / cm²);

Let's start in order:


When it is relatively young (up to 3 years old), then on the eve of winter, it is enough from oxidation and fully charged.

When the battery is old and does not charge up to the nominal capacity, then you need to change it even without hesitation, in the winter it will probably let you down, since the capacity is weak, then with a decrease in temperature it will drop even more. In addition, the load will increase - heater, heated seats, lights, wipers, glass heater ... and much more.

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How to properly prepare your car for winter?

Winter, as you know, is not the most favorable time for motorists. To use your car without problems, without experiencing a number of difficulties, you need to seriously prepare for extreme conditions.

Choice of rubber - studded or non-studded?

Preparing for winter is primarily associated with the transition to winter tires. We have already written about the best studded tires in 2013-14. There are also a wide variety of cheaper options available. In addition, a large number of non-studded winter tires are sold. Which one to choose? When choosing between studded and non-studded tires, experts advise paying attention to a number of factors:

  • Studded rubber provides excellent grip on ice and tightly packed snow;
  • non-studded suitable for driving on asphalt and on slush, a tread with a large number of cups and velcro - lamellas - provides stability on roads covered with snow, as well as the removal of moisture and dirt;
  • with studded tires, you need to drive very carefully on bare asphalt; with sharp braking, the spikes can simply pull out, in addition, the spikes will clatter on the asphalt and the likelihood of skidding increases.

Hence the conclusion: beginners are advised to install studded tires, but experienced drivers choose depending on where they mainly drive - in the conditions of the city, studless tires are quite suitable. Although, this question is controversial and causes a lot of controversy.

The only thing that experts do not advise is to buy an all-season car, because it is inferior to summer tires in summer and winter in winter.

Replacement of process fluids

A common problem that drivers face with the onset of the first cold weather is frozen fluid in the washer reservoir... In winter, the windshield often needs to be cleaned, because all the slush and dirt fly towards it, and besides, wet snow adheres. It is also necessary to check the condition of the wiper blades, they are recommended to be changed every six months or a year. It is best to choose an expensive brand of windshield washer fluid and dilute in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

The most popular product in winter is antifreeze or antifreeze... Without this liquid, normal operation of the engine is impossible - in summer it does not allow it to overheat, and in winter it does not overcool. Buying antifreeze of well-known brands, you free yourself from the need to properly dilute it, while antifreeze needs to be diluted in a certain proportion.

Automakers indicate which type of antifreeze is compatible with the engine cooling system - red, yellow, green.

It is also necessary check the viscosity of the engine oil... Since in our conditions all types of engine oil are all-season, there is no need to replace, however, for engines that have spent most of their resource, the transition, for example, from 10W-40 to 5W-40 can have a positive effect on work - it will start better when low temperatures. But there is one "BUT", the transition from one viscosity to another is an additional load on the engine, therefore it is recommended to replace it in advance, before the onset of cold weather, so that the engine gets used to this oil.

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It should be noted that low temperatures have a very negative effect on diesel and injection engines. Diesel is generally a "sore subject", since diesel fuel becomes viscous in the cold, and it will be much more difficult for the starter to turn the crankshaft on thickened engine oil, so switching to a less viscous winter oil is a good solution to the cold start problem.

It is also necessary to check all other types of lubricants and fluids: brake fluid (Rosa, Neva, Dot-3 or 4), transmission oils in the box, power steering fluid. That is, the eve of winter is a great time for a complete revision of the condition of your car.


The battery runs out faster in cold weather, especially if you leave the car in an open-air parking lot. Before the onset of cold weather, it is recommended to check the condition of the battery. Its service life on average ranges from 3-5 years. If you see that the battery is already out of date, then it is better to replace it in the fall, while there is no such excitement and prices do not jump up sharply.

If the battery is still fully functional, then check the density and level of the electrolyte - provided that the battery is serviced or semi-serviced. You need to unscrew the plugs with an ordinary coin, or remove the top cover and look into the holes, the plates should be evenly covered with electrolyte, there is also a special plate indicating the level. Top up with distilled water if necessary.

You also need to check the terminals for white salt build-ups and traces of corrosion, all this must be cleaned and removed with a solution of salt or soda, sandpaper.

If possible, then in winter the battery can be removed and brought into the heat - 45 or "sixty" do not weigh so much.

The driver also needs to take care of the paintwork and protection against corrosion, for this you can use various polishes or films. To prevent excess moisture from collecting in the cabin, check the condition of the air conditioner, replace the cabin filter. See if the stove, heated windshield and rear-view mirrors are working well. With good preparation, you can get through the winter without too many problems.

We offer you to watch a video from a professional preparing a car for use in the winter season.

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If you have a car with high mileage, be sure to look into the expansion tank of the cooling system before the winter season. The cloudy or brown antifreeze must be drained, the system must be flushed and a new compound must be refilled. This procedure involves removing air locks, and it is better to carry it out at a service station.

Transmission and chassis

In automatic transmissions equipped with dipsticks, it is worth checking the oil level (this must be done with the engine running). Think back to the last time you changed your oil. If the car has passed more than 60,000 km and the oil is still "factory", change it without hesitation. And at the same time ask the mechanics to inspect the drive wheel drives, hinges with anthers and shock absorbers: everything should be intact and not have oil stains.

If you have a four-wheel drive vehicle, which you drive hunting and fishing in summer, often wade rivers or just frolic on the road, you need to pay special attention to viewing from below. And be sure to change the oil in the crosswheel gearboxes: it is very likely that instead of lubrication there is a water emulsion.

Tires and rims

Keep in mind: there are no all-season tires for the central regions of our country and cannot be. That is, in winter you need to ride on winter tires: studded or friction. If there is a suitable place for storing wheels, it is better to buy winter tires immediately with disks, so that you do not get involved in tire fitting every time. When installing assembled wheels, only check the balancing weights - they should be in place. If you didn’t manage to change your car and suddenly froze, remember that it is better to go to work in a crowded minibus than to get into an accident due to tires.

An article about the most important tips for preparing a car for the winter, advice and recommendations from specialists. At the end of the article - an interesting video about preparing a car for winter, tips from the pros!

The content of the article:

Winter operation is the most difficult period of time for a motorist, and we are talking not only about the difficulty of driving at low temperatures, but also about increased loads on the car. Regardless of the brand and cost of the machine, it is necessary to take measures aimed at minimizing the risk of breakdowns and emergency situations. Let's take a look at ten of the most effective ways to prepare your car for winter.

1. Checking the condition of winter tires

Operating the car in winter on summer or all-season tires is unacceptable, since it does not provide any protection against skids on slippery surfaces. Moreover, winter tire wear is determined not only by the tread depth, but also by a number of other factors.

So, you should pay attention to the number of studs remaining in the rubber, because the fewer there are, the lower the coefficient of adhesion.

The condition of the thorns plays an equally important role. If you've been running rubber on a clean surface for a long time, most of the cleats are probably worn out and barely protrude beyond the tread.

Such spikes will not provide the proper level of protection and predictability in handling on slippery roads, so it is better to replace such tires.

Pay special attention to the condition of the tire - there should be no cracks and traces of excessive local wear, which can lead to loss of tightness and even to an explosion. Remember the main rule - even cheap new winter tires will be better than worn-out tires from a well-known brand.

2. Battery performance

In winter conditions, a significant load falls on the wiring and the battery, especially in cold start conditions. Even a battery that works properly in summer is not able to give you a guarantee of a trouble-free start in cold weather.

Before purchasing a new battery, you should contact a service station in order to check the charging current in the network. Otherwise, you risk ruining the new battery and throwing away the serviceable old one.

You should not neglect such old recommendations as checking the electrolyte level and charging from a stationary device before the beginning of the winter period. Make sure the battery is clean and that the terminals are not oxidized - this is important, as dirt and process fluid stains allow current to flow and increase self-discharge, and oxidized terminals create additional resistance that prevents full charging.

3. Checking all process fluids

Regular replacement of oil, coolant and brake fluids is a prerequisite for the health of your car. As for the oil, the wrong choice of the brand, especially the viscosity, which did not manifest itself in any way in the summer, in winter can be of decisive importance when starting a cold engine.

An equally important role is played by the heat exchange of the engine, since a clean coolant will ensure its timely uniform warming up, the serviceability of the interior heating system, and also prevent the engine from freezing at extremely low temperatures.

4. Comprehensive engine diagnostics

Minor malfunctions, which practically do not annoy the motorist in the warm season, can cause serious malfunctions at low temperatures.

Worn spark plugs, wiring faults and the engine control unit can manifest themselves in a breakdown or unstable starting in winter.

Especially dangerous are malfunctions that can lead to a stop of the car, because on a snow-covered highway even a warm interior instantly freezes, which cannot but affect the health of passengers.

5. Suspension condition

Stable grip of the coated wheels is ensured not only by good winter tires, but also by the correct operation of the suspension elements. In conditions of negative temperatures, worn out and low-quality rubber elements lose their elasticity, which accelerates the wear of more important elements and can lead to the suspension ceasing to work out all irregularities.

The struts, and shock absorbers in particular, also need to be diagnosed, and after detecting a malfunction, they must be replaced immediately.

Snow rolling is an additional source of pits and protrusions on the surface, which can cause damage quite quickly, so you should not rely on the fact that a practically worn part will survive another season.

6. Checking the condition of belts and branch pipes and the tightness of their connections

As already mentioned, in the cold season, rubber products, if they do not lose, then significantly reduce their elasticity. For systems with circulating fluids, this is fraught with depressurization and leakage, which will subsequently lead to shutdown and possibly more serious problems.

As for the alternator belt and timing belt, their breakage can lead to much more sad consequences. If, in the first case, a breakdown will cause a complete discharge of the battery and stop the car and will not lead to a long and expensive repair, then in the second case, for most modern models, an overhaul of the engine is inevitable.

7. Monitoring the efficiency of the heating system

The main problem that can be encountered in this case is the lack of efficiency in strong winds and negative temperatures, especially on a suburban highway. This manifests itself in the gradual cooling of the passenger compartment, despite the operating oven, and can also lead to freezing of the windows, which will directly affect safety.

As such, you should check the functionality of the standard heater and take the necessary measures to repair it.

No less attention should be paid to rear window heating systems, and if a significant number of heating strips on it are faulty, you should purchase a repair compound that allows you to restore their functionality.

8. Diagnostics of the brake system

If the replacement of process fluids does not raise any questions for anyone, then diagnostics of the brake system does not seem to be an obvious necessity. However, it should be borne in mind that uneven distribution of braking forces can provoke the strongest skid on a slippery road.

Thus, replacing brake pads and, if necessary, discs with drums, adjusting the brake system regulator and checking the brake master cylinder is a guarantee of your safety and predictable behavior of the car on the road.

9. Checking the seals and wiper blades

Since in winter, especially in conditions of temperature changes, there is a high risk of door seals freezing and their subsequent damage, it is recommended to treat these elements with a special compound that preserves their elasticity and prevents the formation of an ice crust on the surface.

As for the wiper blades, in winter they experience a much more intense effect of snow, ice, dirt and aggressive reagents, therefore, to prevent damage to the glass and maintain normal visibility, it is recommended to replace them.

10. A set of necessary accessories

A tow rope, warning triangle, lighting wires, a small shovel and wheel chains can lie in your trunk for years without attention. But the moment you need them, the space they occupy in the cargo hold will be more than compensated for.

Make sure that the towing cable is suitable for your vehicle and can support slightly more weight, as trying to pull out a stuck vehicle is much heavier. Lighting wires should be of sufficient length and quality clamps to ensure quick start-up and prevent possible damage to the wiring and even fire.

Equally relevant will be an extra jacket in the trunk or a survival kit, which is sold at any travel store.

Thus, following the above recommendations, you will be able to prevent a number of serious breakdowns, ensure your safety and facilitate vehicle operation in such a difficult season. Neglecting any of the above factors is fraught with the need for much more expensive repairs, so savings are not appropriate here.

Preparing the car for winter, expert advice - in the video:

Winter is about to come into its own, and the issue of timely preparation of the car for operation in difficult weather conditions once again becomes relevant. Experienced drivers know that timely and high-quality execution of all preparatory procedures contributes not only to the trouble-free operation of vehicles in winter, but also helps to avoid unexpected financial costs.

But many motorists who have recently become the owners of "iron horses" do not always realize the importance and urgent need to prepare the car for winter, preferring to save both time and money on this. As a result, they risk not only facing a failure of equipment at the most inappropriate moment for this, but also getting into an accident due to their negligence and incompetence.

Note that some drivers, due to lack of experience, simply do not know that operating a car in winter has its own characteristics and shortly before the onset of cold weather, routine maintenance should be carried out. It will be useful for this category of car owners to get acquainted with our article, in which we will try to outline the main positions of the technical regulations that require mandatory implementation on the eve of the winter season.

We are engaged in "re-shoes"

The first and obligatory procedure in preparing a car for the winter season is to "re-shoe" it with winter tires. This is an essential part of safe driving and should not heed the claims of irresponsible drivers about the acceptability of summer tires in winter. At subzero temperatures, summer tires lose their elasticity, hardens, the protectors become clogged with snow and ice crumbs, as a result of which, when braking, the car can lose controllability.

Don't rely on all-season tires either.- they are quite suitable for mild European winters, but their use in most Russian regions, where a harsh climate prevails, is unacceptable.

In any case, it is optimal to have sets of seasonal tires in your garage, especially since there are many budget, but quite high-quality tires on the market today, the cost of which starts from 2 thousand rubles apiece. You can change the rubber without any problems on your own, but if this procedure makes it difficult for you, you can contact a tire fitting shop, which will "ease" your wallet in the amount of 800 to 4000 thousand rubles, depending on the car model and the conscientiousness of the installers.

Change of oil

Preparing the car for winter also includes changing the engine oil. You should be aware that in order to optimize the operation of the power unit, it is necessary to use seasonal oils., and with the onset of winter, grease with a summer temperature index and a low viscosity should be replaced, since at negative temperatures it begins to thicken.

In winter, oil flow into the system is delayed, which leads to increased friction and premature wear of engine parts. Photo:

In addition, when the engine is flooded with thickened oil, more energy is spent, and, accordingly, fuel consumption increases. You can determine the type of oil required for your car in the winter season using the classification catalog, which in most cases is present in the technical documentation of the car. It is better to change the oil at a service center, where, in addition to the lubricant, the filter will also be replaced. The average cost of this type of service is low - from 500 to 1000 rubles. The price may increase slightly if it is necessary to remove and clean the pallet.

Battery maintenance

At low temperatures, the load on the battery increases, which contributes to an increase in the intensity of its discharge. The most common problems arise with old batteries with low electrolyte levels and decaying plates. With proper use, the average battery life is three to five years, but if your battery does not "live" to these years begins to show signs of "illness", on the eve of the winter season it is better to replace it without waiting for serious troubles on the roads.

Of course, this simple operation should be carried out on your own, without contacting a service center. Photo:

If you do not consider premium products from well-promoted brands, the purchase of a completely high-quality and affordable battery will cost 3-4 thousand rubles. Products in a lower price segment are also presented on the market, however, the reliability of these batteries raises reasonable doubts.

Body treatment

Winter is becoming a serious test not only for the numerous components and assemblies of the car, but also for its body. All kinds of chemicals and salt, with which road services treat snow-covered streets, have a destructive effect on the paintwork of the body and underbody.

Do not forget about the high level of humidity - snow and water, mixed with dirt, inevitably penetrate into various joints and seams, forming sources of corrosion.

The most vulnerable to corrosion are doorways, wheel arches and sills. In order to avoid trouble, it is recommended to carefully treat these areas of the body with an anti-corrosion compound. The industry produces many different anti-corrosion drugs, the cost of which fluctuates in a fairly wide range - from 300 rubles to several thousand. The cost of the drug depends on the manufacturer and the container capacity. Carrying out anti-corrosion treatment is a simple procedure, and if desired, it is quite possible to cope with it on your own. In a car service for the complex processing of the body with anticorrosive, they will ask for at least 5 thousand rubles.


Above, we talked about the main procedures performed in preparing a car for winter operation. In addition, one should not forget about other elements of the preparation of the car, which largely depend on the type of car, its age, local climatic conditions and operating mode.

So, it will not be superfluous to check the brake fluid level. It is recommended to change the fluid every two years, and on the eve of winter, you should pay attention to the fact that its level in no case falls below the minimum mark.

Another important element to look out for are the brake pads. Replacing pads in a car service will cost you only 500-700 rubles. In return, you will receive a guarantee of safety and reliability of braking.

Windshield wipers are another component subject to increased loads in winter. Everything is in plain sight here - if the glass remains dirty during the work of the wipers, then it's time to replace them. Even a novice driver will not have any difficulties with this, and the cost of universal wipers of the budget category is only 200-400 rubles.

Find out how the professionals advise to prepare the car for winter:


Of course, preparing a car for winter operation will require you certain time and financial costs, but you should not be afraid of this. With proper service organization, all of the above procedures can be completed in just one day. Well, the total cost of servicing the car will not exceed 11-12 thousand rubles.

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