The ratio of the concepts of "giftedness", "talent", "genius. Definition of the concepts of ability, giftedness, talent Congenital or acquired

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The development of abilities takes place non-linearly, there are three levels of their development: giftedness, talent, genius.

A person capable of various types of activities and communication has a general talent, that is, the unity of general abilities, which determines a wide range of intellectual capabilities, a high level of development of activities and the originality of communication.

Definition. Giftedness - a high level of expressiveness of abilities, providing the possibility of successful performance of activities.

Thus, giftedness constitutes the first level of development of abilities, which many children possess at the beginning of development due to their individual psychological characteristics and inclinations.

The next level of expressiveness of abilities is characterized by the concept of ``talent"".

Definition. Talent is a combination of abilities that gives a person the opportunity to successfully, independently and in an original way perform any complex activity.

Talent manifests itself in specific activities and, as a rule, arises and develops in the proportion of gifted children who begin to actively learn and engage in activities that contribute to the disclosure of their talent. If in talent the inclinations are combined with inclinations, then the child has an impulse to continue to engage in activities in which he is successful. However, this may not happen, and then the talent turns out to be unclaimed by the social situation or by the person himself; with the further development of talent, the highest level of manifestation of abilities arises - genius.

Definition. Genius is the highest level of development of abilities, which creates the possibility for a person to achieve such results that open a new era in the life of society, in the development of science and culture.

Talented people are often found in various fields of activity, they successfully realize themselves, but genius is an exceptional rarity, this was expressed in the saying "geniuses are born once every hundred years."

Thus, in the process of developing and improving abilities, only a few people reach the highest point of their development, therefore one of the tasks of differential psychology is to identify gifted children as early as possible in order to continue their special training and education in order to further develop abilities.

The creative level, in turn, is divided into the following levels:


  • genius.

giftedness it is a qualitatively unique combination of abilities that enable a person to successfully engage in one or more activities.

The term "giftedness" is ambiguous. Giftedness can be general and special. The general is sometimes called mental. The range of special talents is quite large.

When they talk about giftedness, they most often mean children, since it’s a little late to talk about the available opportunities in relation to the activities of an adult, it’s time to turn them into talent.

Talent this is a high level of development of abilities, especially special ones in their totality, which makes it possible to create original results in human activity that are fundamentally new.

Most talented people had several highly developed abilities. Lermontov and Pushkin painted, the chemist Borodin wrote music, and so on.

Genius this is the highest level of development of abilities, which allowed the individual to achieve such results of creative activity that constitute an era in the life of society, in the development of culture, are of historical significance and create new directions in science, art, technology.

Geniuses are characterized by work in a large number of areas, where they create their works (Leonardo da Vinci, M.V. Lomonosov).

Genius is characterized by:

1) work in different areas of science and art and the creation of completely new discoveries and works of art;

2) high labor productivity (their productivity is colossal);

3) extensive knowledge of the scientific and creative heritage, i.e. genius grasps, highlights the essence of everything that was discovered before them;

4) a genius always creatively reworks the main ideas, concepts of previous generations and, if necessary, very harshly discards outdated ideas and concepts. He can always prove his point of view, explain why he rejects. Unrecognized geniuses cannot convince the people that they are right, they do not recognize any authorities and often deny without knowing the depth of the issue.

5) the results of the creativity of a genius should help the progress of mankind (in order to discard the "evil genius"). But this feature is not required.

Development of abilities.

All theories of ability can be reduced to three groups:

1.Heritability of abilities. Already in the gene apparatus one or another level or area of ​​abilities is transmitted. (Galton)

2. The acquisition of abilities. The dependence of the emergence of abilities and the degree of its development on the method of training.

3. The ratio of natural and acquired. Abilities are formed and developed in activity.

Any inclinations must go a long way of development before being developed into abilities. In the process of developing abilities, there are a number of stages:

1. The preparation of the anatomical and physiological basis of future abilities takes place.

2. The makings of a non-biological plan are being formed.

3.Stacks and reaches the appropriate level of the desired ability.

All these processes can proceed in parallel, to some extent overlapping each other.

Rubinshtein S.L. said that the development of abilities takes place in a spiral : Fulfilling opportunities that represent abilities at one level open up opportunities for further development of abilities at a higher level.

The development of abilities is directly dependent on specific techniques, methods aimed at the formation of appropriate skills, abilities and knowledge transfer. The most effective way of developing abilities is the development of the child's personality, his needs, interests, levels of claims, etc., i.e. impact on the overall personality of the child. It is necessary to take into account sensitive periods that favor the formation of certain abilities. Most abilities begin their development at preschool age.

Requirements for activities that develop abilities: a) the creative nature of the activity, b) the optimal level of its difficulty for the performer, c) proper motivation and d) ensuring a positive emotional mood during and after the completion of the activity.

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Abilities, giftedness, talent.

The problem of identifying abilities, giftedness and talent is constantly put before a person throughout life. It can be found that even in relatively identical conditions of life and activity, the mental properties of children are not the same and develop in different ways. Therefore, the problem of identifying abilities, giftedness and talent, as well as the relationship and differences between these phenomena, is relevant in our time.

Many psychologists both in our country and abroad have been studying abilities, talent, and giftedness. Among them are the works of the famous Soviet scientist, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences in the field of psychology B.M. Teplov. He studied the problems of the psychology of creative abilities.

The reasons for the appearance of talent and genius, their various manifestations, the problems of the development of gifted children - each of these issues deserves a separate work. Currently, there is an increased interest in the problem of giftedness, in the problems of identifying, training and developing gifted children and, accordingly, in the problems of training teachers to work with them.

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Abilities (ability) are individual psychological characteristics that determine the success of an activity or a series of activities, not reducible to knowledge, skills and abilities, but determining the ease and speed of learning new ways and methods of activity.

When we try to understand and explain why different people, placed in approximately the same conditions, achieve different successes, we turn to the concept of ability, believing that the difference in success can be quite satisfactorily explained by them. For example, when two students give approximately the same answers in a lesson, the teacher may treat their answers differently: he may be satisfied with one, and not with the other. The teacher can explain this by the different abilities of these children. Ability cannot be determined by the mere fact of success (acquisition of knowledge).

The concept of abilities was introduced into science by Plato (428-348 BC). He said that “not all people are equally capable of the same duties; because people, according to their abilities, are very different: some are born for management, others for coexistence, and others for agriculture and handicrafts. It was thanks to Plato that the idea arose of the innate inequality of people in terms of ability; the philosopher said that human nature cannot do two arts or two sciences well at the same time.

Abilities are individual properties that are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain kind. Thus, abilities are not limited to the knowledge, skills and abilities that a person has. They are found in the speed, depth and strength of mastering the methods and techniques of some activity.

A.V. Petrovsky in his textbook on general psychology gave such a definition of "ability". “Abilities are such psychological characteristics of a person on which the success of acquiring knowledge, skills, skills depends, but which themselves cannot be reduced to the presence of this knowledge, skills and abilities”

Abilities, according to Teplov, cannot exist otherwise than in a constant process of development. An ability that does not develop, which a person ceases to use in practice, is lost over time. Only through constant exercises associated with the systematic pursuit of such complex human activities as music, technical and artistic creativity, mathematics, sports, etc., we maintain and further develop the corresponding abilities.

When we talk about a person's abilities, we mean his capabilities in a particular activity. These opportunities lead both to significant success in mastering activities and to high labor rates.

Abilities are divided into general and special. Scientists distinguish the following types of special abilities:

1. educational and creative

2. mental and special

3. mathematical

4. constructive and technical

5. musical

6. literary

7. artistic - pictorial.

Educational and creative abilities differ from each other in that the former determine the success of training and education, the assimilation of knowledge, skills, and the formation of personality traits by a person, while the latter determines the creation of objects of material and spiritual culture, the production of new ideas, discoveries and works. , in a word - individual creativity in various fields of human activity.

When we study the psychological characteristics of abilities, we can distinguish qualities that meet the requirements of not one, but several types of activity at the same time, and special qualities that meet a narrower range of requirements for this activity. In the structure of abilities of some people, these general qualities can be very pronounced. This indicates that people have versatile abilities, as well as general abilities for a wide range of different activities, specialties and occupations.

The development of artistic and visual abilities of students in the association "Carpet embroidery".


Giftedness is a combination of a number of abilities that ensures the success (level and originality) of a certain activity.

Giftedness is a systemic quality of the psyche that develops throughout life, which determines the possibility of a person achieving higher (unusual, outstanding) results in one or more types of activity compared to other people.
Giftedness is the level of development of any abilities , which is associated with their development, but independent of them.

Giftedness is usually divided into "artistic" and "practical". How early a child shows any abilities speaks of his giftedness. B.M. Teplov defined giftedness as “a qualitatively peculiar combination of abilities, on which the achievement of greater or lesser success in the performance of one or another ". Giftedness does not provide success in any activity, but only the opportunity to achieve it. In addition to the presence of a complex of abilities, for the successful performance of an activity, a person must have a certain amount of skills, knowledge and skills. In addition, it should be noted that giftedness can be special (for one type of activity) and general (for different types of activity). More often they are combined with each other. For example, A. S. Pushkin wrote both poetry and prose, and also perfectly illustrated his works; Leonardo da Vinci was an artist, engineer, and also an outstanding naturalist; the famous scientist M.V. Lomonosov was engaged in poetry, and was also a good artist.

The natural inclinations of the organism in themselves do not unequivocally determine the giftedness of a person. They are only one of the integral components of the system of conditions that determine the development of the individual, her giftedness. Giftedness expresses the internal possibilities of development not of the organism as such, but of the personality.

The systematization of the types of giftedness is determined by the criterion that is the basis of the classification. Giftedness can be divided into both qualitative and quantitative aspects.

Qualitative characteristics of giftedness express the specifics of a person's mental capabilities and the features of their manifestation in certain types of activity. And quantitative - allow you to describe the degree of their severity.

Accordingly, scientists have identified the following types of giftedness:

1. Intellectual type of giftedness.

Students of this type of teacher are called smart, intelligent, quick-witted. These students have deep knowledge, they know how to get it on their own. Children of this type of giftedness deeply and accurately analyze educational and additional material.

The intellectual type of giftedness can be divided into two main subtypes. In the first, general mental abilities are manifested, and there is no specialization. And in the second - high abilities are manifested in one of any special field of knowledge. It is this type of giftedness that can be observed in modern child prodigies.

2. Academic type of giftedness.

This type is characterized by high intelligence. Children of this type learn very well. These students eventually become real masters of their craft.

3. Artistic type of giftedness.

This type of talent is noticeable in the high achievements of artistic activity: in dance, music, sculpture, painting. The teacher, in turn, must notice these abilities in a timely manner, as well as contribute to their development.

Intellectual, artistic and academic talents can be identified by a teacher without the help of a psychologist. There are also such types of giftedness, to identify

which you simply cannot do without a psychologist. These include: leadership (or social) giftedness, psychomotor giftedness and creativity.

4. Creativity

This type of giftedness lies in thinking outside the box. This type of giftedness is difficult to identify in school practice, since standard curricula do not allow gifted children to express themselves.

5. Leadership (or social) giftedness

This giftedness is characterized by the ability to understand other people, to lead them. Leadership talent implies a fairly high level of intelligence. In life, we meet with several options for leadership talent. These are emotional leaders (they are consulted, they are loved). There are leaders of action (they know how to make decisions that are important for many people).

6. Sports talent

There is an opinion that athletes have a low level of mental abilities. But scientists have proven otherwise. Studies have shown that famous athletes have very high intellectual abilities. If children who are fond of sports are given the appropriate motivation, then they can learn excellently.

Today, most psychologists recognize that the level and nature of the development of giftedness is always the result of a complex interaction between heredity (natural inclinations) and the social environment, mediated by the child's activity (playing, learning, working). At the same time, one cannot ignore the role of the psychological mechanisms of self-development of the individual, which underlie the formation and realization of individual talent.

Artistic and practical giftedness in the classes of carpet embroidery.


Talent (from the Greek talanton - "weight, measure", then - "level of ability") is identified by some psychologists with giftedness, others are considered as a high level of development of abilities, especially special ones.

Talent - certain inherent from birth, which are revealed with the acquisition of skill and experience. There is a parable about three slaves who were given a coin called "talent" by their owner. One buried his talent in the ground, the second exchanged it, and the third increased it. Hence the three expressions: buried, exchanged and multiplied, that is, developed his talent. From the Bible, the word "talent" has spread in a figurative sense: like God's, the ability to create something new without neglecting it.

Modern scientists distinguish certain types of talent that people possess to one degree or another.

The highest level of development of abilities is called talent. Like abilities, talent is only an opportunity to acquire high skill and significant success in creativity. Ultimately, creative achievements depend on the socio-historical conditions of people's existence. If society needs talented people, if the conditions for their development are prepared, then the appearance of such people becomes possible. The awakening of talents is socially conditioned. What talents will receive full development under the most favorable conditions depends on the needs of the era and the characteristics of the specific tasks that the state faces. For example, during wars, one can observe the birth of military leadership talents, and in peacetime, engineering and architectural talents. Talent is such a complex combination of the mental qualities of a person that it cannot be determined by any one single ability. Rather, on the contrary, the absence or, more precisely, the weak development of any even important ability, as evidenced by psychological research, can be successfully compensated for by the intensive development of other abilities that are part of a complex ensemble of talent qualities.

Genius is the highest level of development of abilities, which creates the possibility for a person to achieve such results that constitute an era in the life of society, in the development of science and culture. There is no such set of properties that would define genius. People who show themselves to be geniuses in one setting do not necessarily do so in another. For example, a brilliant composer may be completely alien to literary creativity or the solution of complex mathematical problems.

In psychology, it is customary to distinguish eight types of talent:

    Verbal-linguistic. It is responsible for the ability to write and read, inherent in journalists, writers and lawyers.

    Digital. This type is typical for mathematicians, programmers, that is, people who work with numbers every day.

    Auditory. Inherent in musicians, linguists and linguists.

    Spatial. Characteristic for designers and artists, craftsmen, architects and fashion designers.

    Physical. It is peculiar to athletes and dancers, because these people learn more easily in practice.

    Personal, it is also called emotional. He is responsible for what a person says to himself.

    Interpersonal. People with this talent, mainly in the course of their activities, are closely connected with society. These are politicians, sellers, actors.

    Environment talent. Trainers and farmers are more often endowed with this type of talent.

This classification was proposed by the famous American psychologist Howard Gardner in the early 1980s.

From the above, talent is a combination of abilities, their totality. That is, a single, isolated ability cannot be an analogue of talent, even if it has reached a very high level of development and is pronounced. This, in particular, is evidenced by surveys of people with phenomenal memory. Meanwhile, it is in memory, its strength and capacity that many are ready to see the equivalent of talent.

Talented children of our association are winners of city, regional and international competitions.


In my opinion, the concepts of ability, giftedness, talent are similar in meaning, because if a person has them, they are in close relationship with each other. This system of qualities is inherent only in successful, purposeful people. If you start to study each of the criteria separately, you can catch a slightly noticeable facet of differences. So, if giftedness is the innate, genetically inherent qualities of a person to the manifestation of any abilities; then talent is the same qualities, but only with the difference that a person has already shown them during his life.


1. Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. Psychology: Textbook for students of higher ped. textbook establishments. - 3rd edition, stereotype. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - 512p.

2. Druzhinin VN, Psychology of general abilities. 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - 368 p.: ill.

3. Platonov K.K. “On the system of psychology”, - M., “Thought”, 1972, - 216s.

4. Teplov B. M. Ability and giftedness. // Psychology of individual differences. Texts. M.: publishing house Mosk. University, 1982, - 136c.

5. Shadrikov V.D. Abilities, giftedness, talent // Development and diagnostics of abilities. Rep. ed. V.N. Druzhinin, V.D. Shadrikov.- M.: Nauka, 1991.

6. Ushakova D.V. Psychology of giftedness: from theory to practice - M.: PER SE, 2000

TALENT - Talent, giftedness, outstanding natural abilities. In general, the ability to do something, the ability to do something. do (colloquial). Your art, your talent was honored with an equal tribute. - Nekrasov. He has a lot of talent. Talents and admirers (the title of the play by A. Ostrovsky). Bury talent in the ground without caring about the development of talent, let it die out, destroy it

LABOR - Expedient human activity, work that requires mental and physical stress. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work."

"The height of culture always stands in direct proportion to the love of work." A. M. Gorky. "Work ennobles a man." V. G. Belinsky. The true treasure for people is the ability to work. Aesop "It is in labor and only in labor that a man is great." M. Gorky. “Whoever loves work, people honor him!” Russian proverb.

The first type: 6-8 triangles - the type of leader, good teachers. The desire for leadership is clearly expressed, they are well versed in people. Second type: 5 triangles. Very responsible people. Good organizational skills. He thinks through his activities to the smallest detail. Third type: 4 triangles. Variety of interests and talents. A penchant for individual work. Fourth type: 3 triangles. type of scientist. Rational, objective, easily switches from one type of activity to another. Fifth type: 2 triangles. Interest in art and people. Subtly feels everything new and unusual. Sixth type: 1 triangle. Inventor, designer, artist. Has a rich imagination.

General abilities are often called giftedness. Giftedness can manifest itself in various types of life: in intellectual, academic (ability to learn), creative activity, in the social sphere (leadership, communication), spiritual life, psychomotor (movement). Gifted people are distinguished by attentiveness, composure, constant readiness for activity, they are characterized by perseverance in achieving the goal, an irrepressible need to work, as well as intelligence that exceeds the average level.

giftedness- this is the presence in a person of pronounced inclinations for the development of abilities.

Giftedness is not the only factor that ensures the choice and success of an activity. In addition to giftedness, a person must have the appropriate skills and abilities. The development of abilities occurs in activity and manifests itself as talent and genius.

Talent- a high level of development of human abilities, ensuring the achievement of outstanding success in a particular type of activity.

A single isolated ability, even a very highly developed one, cannot be called a talent. For example, the presence of a phenomenal memory. So, in medical practice, a case is described with a person who could not forget anything, he could verbatim convey the content of an article read a few days ago, and at the same time could not express a single thought of his own.

Talent is a certain combination of abilities, their totality. With the relative weakness of any ability, it can be compensated by another. According to the Russian psychologist E. P. Ilyin, compensation can be carried out through acquired knowledge or skills, the formation of a typical style of activity, or due to another more developed ability.

The highest level of development of abilities is called genius. The Canadian scientist G. Leman, having analyzed a lot of facts, concluded that genius awakens in poets at 26-30 years old, in doctors at 33-34 years old, in artists at 30-35 years old, and in writers at 40-44 years old. One speaks of genius when a person's creative achievements constitute an epoch in the life of society, in the development of culture. History shows that no more than four hundred geniuses can be named during the period of human development.

Genius- the highest level of development in a person of any abilities, making him an outstanding personality in the relevant field or field of activity.

The rare appearance and eccentricity of a brilliant person gave rise to many attempts to explain this phenomenon. So, some refer geniuses to mediums, with whose help a certain higher being communicates to humanity the results of his unique thoughts. Others believe that the manifestation of genius is associated with certain mental disorders. For example, the feverish state of geniuses during creativity is similar to manic excitement, and the characteristic signs of paranoia (egocentrism, increased self-esteem, excessive perseverance in their actions, lack of remorse, adherence to one idea) are typical characteristics of a genius. Some psychologists believe that the human brain carries a huge, yet far from being used, excess of natural capabilities and that genius is not a deviation from the norm, but, on the contrary, the highest fullness of the manifestation of natural capabilities.

The difficulty of explaining genius lies in the fact that this concept is associated with the specifics of social development, and geniuses are peculiar manifestations of this growth. What talents will receive the most favorable conditions for full development depends on the needs of the era: the development of the state causes the manifestation of engineering and design talents, during the heyday of the state, musical and literary talents appear, and in wartime - military leadership.


Intellectual skills, creative tasks of a person, potential are explained by different concepts used in scientific works. The terms are of interest to scientists, psychologists and educators. The opinions of researchers are the basis for the creation of pedagogical and psychological methods that allow people to find directions for development.


Scholars have not established a universally accepted term that would be used in all classic educational books. In scientific books, the option proposed by the psychologist V. Stern is used.

Giftedness is a person's ability to adapt to emerging needs, to act to achieve the set goals, perceiving external factors, and this is done consciously with the help of developed thinking.

Despite the criticism of the concept by some scientists, the term is still used for interpretation. It is generally accepted that this is a natural gift that cannot be determined by heredity. Giftedness is a function of the conditions of human life, a function of a developed personality, therefore it manifests itself at each stage of development, is directly related to the life of an individual.

Natural potential cannot be determined by the giftedness of a person. The inclinations make up the spectrum of conditions that are required for the development of personality. Giftedness is used not to express internal inclinations for self-improvement, but to characterize the personality, internal abilities, and internal abilities and external manifestations are closely related.

The manifestation of the inherent potential is possible under favorable conditions for development, achievement of the tasks set. It is used to express the potential that a person has, the psychological components that allow you to create a reality that corresponds to your wishes, to take the necessary actions. Appropriate external conditions are required for dynamic change. For example, a student needs a curriculum. In order to stimulate development, serious demands are required, which are achieved with effort.

Giftedness is special. In this case, the relationship between the internal potential, the characteristics of the psyche and the requirements of a certain area that the individual chooses is considered. The ratio is manifested not only at the abstract level, but also in ongoing events, as a result of which human abilities are formed. An individual may be capable of performing assigned tasks. At the same time, a manifestation of general giftedness is expected, which must be assessed taking into account external factors that affect a person’s life.

In the scientific literature, the term causes active controversy. Many scientists are convinced that there is no general giftedness, which should be understood as intellectual potential, memory, and the ability to solve tasks. For the ratio of mental and real age, an intellectual coefficient is used, which is denoted by IQ and allows you to determine the capabilities of the individual. IQ determines the built-in potential by nature and the speed with which a person develops, as a result of which the level of development at a certain stage of life is established.

In the psychological sphere, giftedness is part of a person's structure, so it has a close relationship with character. It is assumed that the features are manifested under the influence of upbringing and external conditions, the favorableness of which varies. Psychologists consider the type of thinking, temperament, trying to determine the capabilities of individuals.

Special abilities directly depend on the field of activity in which the person is included. The activity must be active and effective for the manifestation of the properties that are characteristic of the individual.

As a result, between giftedness and special abilities is the ability to correlate the level of human development, the pace of improvement. These aspects are considered by teachers who are responsible for the future of children.

In genetic terms, the relationship between general and special development is stable. For this reason, geneticists and scientists believe that the future of a person is determined not only by external conditions, but also by the natural potential, which is determined by genetics. Understanding giftedness depends on the significance of the chosen direction of activity, the success of other people who show their inclinations.

Scientists believe that giftedness is a quantitative concept. A qualitative approach cannot be used fully. The question regarding the definition of inherent abilities remains open.

At the same time, Ch. Spearman notes that mental talent should be determined by mental energy, which is characteristic of a person. Such a quantitative approach to interpretation is correct, because it allows you to assess the prospects for the development of the individual.

Abilities differ on a qualitative level: one person has the capabilities and potential for one area, and the other person for another area. External conditions affect the degree of manifestation of internal potential, so they deserve attention.

Psychologists evaluate qualitative differences to open people's perspectives. Researchers study information, materials of experiments to create an assessment of the abilities of individuals. The goal is to determine the abilities of a person that will allow them to achieve success.


Talent is a person's ability to areas in which the initial potential is realized, success and recognition.

The degree of inherent potential determines the ability to act in an original and independent way, to solve the tasks, regardless of their specificity and complexity. Talent implies the potential to show inclinations in the field, offer new ideas, implement original and perfect actions, achieve respect at the public level.

The child shows the first signs of inherent talent, which is realized in a certain direction. In some cases, the manifestation occurs later, for example, in adulthood under significant events. and is realized if favorable conditions develop in culture, history, social order, if a person receives a full-fledged education.

Talent manifests itself in all areas, not just in art. Realization takes place in organizational work, pedagogy, technology and science. The scope is determined by the pledged inclinations.

The development of talent requires perseverance in the search for areas of self-improvement, the manifestation of the first works. For this reason, talented people should be drawn to the cause, without which it is impossible to imagine life.

Abilities and potential are the basis of talent. The range of inclinations, the possibility of implementing original and promising ideas are inherent in the individual, so they are considered a unique gift.

The results of actions, the heights that a person reaches, making efforts, make it possible to understand the presence of talent or to refute the assumption. Results that are novel and original are the basis for an affirmative opinion.


Genius is the giftedness of a person, which manifests itself in creative works.

The results of the work are of great importance for the people, historians and subsequent generations. Geniuses create new eras, push the world to progress. Among the differences are productivity in creativity, understanding of cultural heritage, the ability to overcome old standards and create new traditions.

How are talented people different?

Researchers interact with talented individuals, understanding how they differ from ordinary citizens. Talented individuals are dissatisfied with the results of work, as a result of which they strive for self-improvement, self-education and a change in thinking in order to achieve their goals. Geniuses refuse many offers, concentrating on the desired results.

Pianist G. Neuhaus noted that geniuses and talents are born. Despite this, people create a culture that varies in breadth, democracy and loyalty manifestations. Favorable conditions allow people with inherent potential to become geniuses, talents, and achieve success. For this reason, social society, the specifics of education determine the possibilities for manifesting the inherent potential, talent.

There is an opinion that nature rests on the children of talented parents. This opinion is confirmed by experience. Talent is inherited to a small extent. Studies have led to the following conclusions: mental skills are closer to biological parents, due to the hereditary pattern, and not to adoptive parents. The similarity in potential, inherent inclinations is not manifested in every situation, and the similarity decreases as a person grows up, who is faced with a different upbringing scheme, experiences personal events, undergoes changes based on external factors.

Results are achieved not only on the basis of natural abilities, but also under the influence of motivation, conditions for the manifestation of the existing potential. Pensioners get a chance to show talent, although during their lives there were no favorable factors for discovering inclinations. Over time, retirees achieve success that they never dreamed of before.


Scientists argue about the nature of human potential. Disputes are actively developing. Potential is an inborn gift? Does potential development take place in a lifetime? Does the saying deserve attention: the manifestation of talent is one percent of natural abilities and 99% of sweat? Each point has adherents and opponents.

The biological influence on abilities and their manifestation depends on genetic heredity. Education, favorable factors show inclinations, accelerate development. The potential will manifest itself without teachers and psychologists, but later.

Other scientists are convinced that the psyche and character develop in the process of education. For this reason, the makings are formed in people. The children of primitive peoples received training, after which they conformed to educated principles. Mowgli children under the influence of adverse conditions lose contact with society.

Abilities are formed and developed on the basis of inclinations, hereditary and congenital. Potential, knowledge and skills characterize a person as an individual, a subject of activity.

Psychologists and scientists have not come to a single concept within the framework of personality theory, but in every era, geniuses and talents are born that gain popularity and achieve success.

January 19, 2014, 18:26

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