What is the difference between peacock and peahen. How to accurately distinguish a female peacock from a male. Features of reproduction and mating games

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The peacock is considered the most beautiful bird among the members of the order Galliformes. And his beauty lies in a beautiful bright tail, which he knows how to fan out. At the same time, all the feathers of the peacock's tail are decorated with multi-colored "eyes" at the end. Also decorated with a beautiful crest and the head of a peacock, which seems to resemble a crown with bells.

Scientific classification:

Style: Peacock

Family: Pheasant

Genus: Peacocks

Class: Birds

Order: Chicken

Type: Chordates

Kingdom: Animals

Domain: Eukaryotes

Peacocks are widespread in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Most often they live at an altitude of 2000 meters or more above sea level. They prefer jungles and forests. Also found near villages. They love riverbanks and bushes. They will not be located in open areas or vice versa in dense thickets.

The peacock was domesticated by man. In the old days, peacocks were hunted for their beautiful feathers, they were served on the table, and their eggs were also consumed. Today, they can also often be found in captivity.

Hindus consider peacocks a sacred bird and believe in their ability to warn with their cry of approaching thunderstorms, snakes and tigers.

Peacock Anatomy

The body length of a peacock is on average 100-125 cm, while the length of the tail is usually about 50 cm, but the length of the tail feathers is 120-150 cm. At the same time, a remarkable fact is that the peacock's tail itself is gray and rather short. But it is precisely the feathers of the peacock's uppertail that are the very famous decoration of the bird. Such feathers are decorated at the ends with "eyes" and can reach a length of up to 1.5 meters. The male weighs approximately 4 kg and a little more. Unlike males, the female peacock is smaller, less brightly colored, and does not have elongated tail feathers.

The peacock's tail also plays a protective role. As soon as the peacock notices the danger, he spreads his tail. A huge number of multi-colored eyes can knock a predator off the target. Also, the tail helps the male to attract his female during mating games. It is only in September that the peacock's tail begins to lose its plumage in order to appear again in the spring in all its glory.

The voice of peacocks is not as attractive as their appearance. It doesn't sound like a chirping at all, more like a harsh scream or creak. Most often, peacocks cry before the rain. And during the mating dance, males, on the contrary, remain silent.

Scientists believe that peacocks are capable of emitting an infrasound signal with their elongated tail feathers, which the human ear cannot distinguish.

What do peacocks eat?

The main source of food for peacocks are cereals. That is why peacocks can live near villages - they raid the fields, thereby damaging the crop. With their long and lush tail, these birds move quite dexterously and quickly through the grass and bushes.

Peacocks also eat berries in large quantities, sometimes they can swallow a snake or small rodents. The young shoots of the grass are also eaten.

Peacock breeding

Peacocks are polygamous birds. One peacock immediately lives with a whole group of females, which can include up to 5 individuals. In order to attract a female, the male peacock spreads his tail and walks in front of the female. When the female pays attention to the male, he turns away and shows his indifference. Then it spreads its tail again and so on until the pair converges. The breeding season for peacocks is from April to September. Females lay up to 10 eggs in one clutch. The females incubate the eggs for 28 days.

Chicks are quite sensitive to cold and moisture. The female peacock protects for a long time and is next to her offspring.

Up to 1.5 years, the male peacock does not have elongated feathers above the tail and does not differ much from the female. The male releases his legendary tail by about three years of age. Peacocks have an average lifespan of 20 years.

Types of peacocks:

There are only two types of peacocks: the common (Indian) peacock and the Green (Javanese) peacock. Experiments were also carried out and these two species were crossed. As a result, a new species of peacocks has appeared, which is capable of producing offspring.

These two types of peacocks differ in color. The common peacock has a blue neck, gray wings and a mottled tail. There is also a black-winged peacock, which has blue wings and black shoulders. Completely white peacocks are found in nature. However, they are not albinos.

common peacock

Black-winged (black-shouldered) peacock

white peacock

green peacock

The green peacock has a green neck and tail, respectively, and brighter colors.

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Peacocks are proud beautiful birds that boast luxurious plumage. Children are very fond of looking at them in zoos, and, probably, every child will be interested to know why the female peacock is so strikingly different from the male. And other people who are interested in ornithology will be interested in this question. Which of them - females or males of a peacock - is more beautiful?

Appearance of birds

Not everyone knows the name of the female peacock, but everyone knows the saying "Performs like a peacock." By this she is meant. Since ancient times, people have noticed that a peacock is an important, graceful bird, moves with dignity, slowly, which is why such associations appeared.

How to distinguish a female from a male? Surprisingly, this magnificent handsome "girlfriend" has a dull and modest color. She does not have a beautiful and long tail, not such a bright plumage, it does not shimmer with a variety of shades. The only thing is that on the neck, taking into account the breed, a blue or green area stands out. The crest is also not so pronounced, it has a brown color, unlike the male, who has a crown of multi-colored feathers on his head.

The tail of a peacock and a peahen is, by and large, the same, the difference lies only in the beautiful and long cascading feathers of the male above the tail. They are characterized by bright colors and are decorated with "eyes" of different colors.

But the fact that females are ugly cannot be said. Although their beauty is not striking, they are quite cute. Bright big eyes and a graceful little head also attract attention.

And the peahens do not need magnificent plumage, nature took care of them, since the task of the female is to build a nest, raise chicks, protecting them from predators. Therefore, the color of the feathers must merge with the grass and shrubs. Modest coloring allows you to hide when hatching eggs.

Gallery: peacocks (25 photos)

Popular types of pav


Congolese peacock- quite rare, and not many people know about its existence. The birds are small, rather secretive and cautious, preferring to nest in places that are hard to reach for people. African peacock females have small spurs on their legs. The head has little to no feathers, and the skin is brown or grey-brown in color. The plumage of the neck is bright red.

The head is decorated with a crest of feathers of green-brown, brown or chestnut color. The tail feathers are usually black. The plumage of the wings and back of all shades of green, from emerald green to dark, almost black. Each feather has longitudinal brown stripes and a dark edging. Pava plumage is characterized by a rich metallic sheen. The length of the body is not more than 50 centimeters.

The male Congolese peacock differs from his relatives in that he does not have such a bright and catchy appearance and does not grow the famous tail feathers. The paws are decorated with sharp and long spurs. The plumage of the male is rather modest and very similar to that of the female. The crest is golden green, golden brown, dark gray or chocolate. The head has no feathers, and the skin is usually greenish-brown or dark brown. The tail feathers are black with a bronze sheen. Body length with tail - no more than a meter.


female Javan peacock very similar in appearance to the male. But it is smaller, and it does not have beautiful rump feathers. The plumage of the head and neck is green-brown; in the sun, some feathers shimmer with gold. The crest is usually the same shade. The area around the eyes is gray, greyish blue or blue. The feathers at the bottom of the neck are painted in rich green. They have a greenish border with a pattern that resembles scales. The chest and part of the back is bluish-green above with a large number of yellow and red spots. Feathers in the tail section have a beautiful bronze-copper hue. The beak is usually black, and the color of the legs is gray.

The male Javanese peacock is distinguished by its beauty and long, sometimes up to 2 meters, upper tail feathers. The feather pattern and plumage color is similar to the plumage of the female, but all colors are much richer and brighter, with a characteristic golden hue. By the beginning of the mating season, peacocks grow long tail feathers, they are often confused with the tail. Feathers consist of silky long hairs that are painted in bright green in various shades - from turquoise to black-green, yellow-green and even bluish-green. The feathers end in a kind of fan with a pattern that resembles an eye.


The common peahen is slightly smaller than the male. The length of the body is not more than one meter. The natural color is dark brown, the bottom of the neck is dark blue or dark green, the feathers have a black border. The head is decorated with a crest of gray-brown, golden brown, dark brown or gray feathers.

One of the natural colors of the common peacock is white. This color is a consequence of the autosomal W gene. Birds have even snow-white plumage without any multi-colored blotches. Blue eyes. The female white peacock has the same plumage color as the males.

In addition to wild, that is, white and natural, coloring, they also emit eight options for the plumage of ordinary peacocks:

  • cameo;
  • black or coal;
  • peach;
  • bronze or Buford color;
  • opal;
  • purple;
  • green-yellow;
  • smoky or midnight.

The males of the common peacock are quite beautiful in their natural wild coloration: the plumage of the breast, neck, head is a rich blue color, which has a purple sheen in the sun. Feathers on the back are emerald green, dark green or blue-green. Below the body is painted in dark shades - dark blue, black, dark chocolate. The crest consists of purple, green or blue feathers. Tail feathers are usually brown.

Each of the primary plumage colors has up to 20 varieties. The females of the multicolored forms of the peacock have the same coloration as the males, but in a more modest form. This is explained by the fact that all these color forms are artificially bred, and females do not need to beware of predators during breeding.

By crossing within the peacock species, breeders have been able to create a large number of color variations. The colors of the bird are varied, and it is impossible to guess what color will turn out during the experiment. By the way, the result is not always successful, because peacock connoisseurs prefer natural colors.


Peacocks are sexually mature, over the age of three. The breeding season starts in May and lasts until August. The mating season is different from that of many other birds. Peacocks begin to arrange beautiful mating dances. The male, trying to win attention, spreads his beautiful tail from time to time. Flaunting in front of the females him and beautiful plumage, he begins to put on airs. In the mating season, the birds become aggressive, so they are placed in a separate aviary.

Many people ask why a peacock has such a bright and big tail? In fact, the peahens look at him little. They pay more attention to the ground. The male spreads his tail from time to time, trembling with it. After that, he turns away and waits for the pava to become interested in his courtship.

One peahen can lay 4-15 eggs at a time. Chicks are born 25-30 days after incubation of eggs. Females in captivity can breed offspring up to three times a year. The chick's body is covered with gray fluff. This color lasts up to three years. After that, feathers with beautiful patches begin to appear. Chicks develop much faster than other bird species. After 7-10 days, the babies show themselves very actively and are already starting to fly. But the female takes care of the offspring for a long time. In order for the young to grow quickly and fully develop, they need a sufficient amount of water and a large amount of feed.

Chicks are given the same food as adult peacocks. Other foods should be added to their food:

Until the chicks reach the age of 6 months, they need to be given drugs for coccidiosis, as well as vitamin supplements.

Peacocks create families, one male can have up to 5 pav. The girls get along great together and are non-conflict. But males, especially in the mating season, can be aggressive and will not let a competitor into their territory.

Pava begins to lay eggs from April to September, under favorable conditions it can make three clutches. The female builds a nest in a secluded place. As a rule, this is a simple design - a small depression in the ground, which is lined with grass. The peahen pulls out the fluff from the stomach and chest, carefully lining the nest for them. The chicks will hatch in a month. You can easily distinguish their gender after three weeks: males grow faster, therefore they will be much larger.

The female is ready for reproduction already in the second year of life., in contrast to males, in which maturity occurs at the age of 3 years.

The cry of peacocks is peculiar and absolutely does not fit with the appearance of the bird. They call quite loudly - when alarmed or before rain. The sounds are non-melodious and harsh, people say that "the cry of a peacock is worse than the screams of cats."

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Peacocks are often bred to decorate plots and estates.. They are fairly easy to maintain and do not require much maintenance. Birds quickly become attached to a person, recognize the owner and do not fly away from their place of residence. However, the enclosure must be spacious so that a large family can move freely, and the male could not damage his magnificent tail feathers. You need enough space to run.

As a rule, the family consists of three females and one male, but it happens that in captivity he prefers one of the peahens, leaving the rest without attention. This situation in the natural environment is impossible.

In order for a bird to breed safely in captivity, it is necessary to arrange certain conditions:

  • first of all, it is a complete and high-quality food;
  • they do not make up a pair of closely related individuals, otherwise do not wait for offspring;
  • in the natural environment, the peahen is an excellent mother, but sometimes in the aviary she forgets about her duties, refuses to take care of the chicks. But if she sat down to incubate, then up to 12 eggs can be put under her;
  • if the female continues to patronize the offspring, then she will need good conditions and help, since the chicks are quite demanding to care for;
  • if the female does not want to sit, then the eggs are laid under the turkeys or chickens, they will be good mothers for the chicks;
  • males from 8 months are transplanted into separate enclosures so that they do not fight, otherwise they can damage each other when sorting out the relationship.

Can you eat peacocks

In medieval times, peacocks were consumed as food. At the royal table and among wealthy nobles, these birds were present both for display of wealth and for culinary use.

Can you eat peacocks today? The unequivocal answer is yes. Their meat is aromatic and tasty. But only one restaurant in the world now boasts peacock meat on its menu, and it is located in London.

The extraordinary external beauty of the "birds of paradise" has always been the feature that from ancient times forced rich people to make them residents of their gardens and homestead territories. Counts and kings, emperors and sultans delighted in exotic birds and, spreading their magnificent feathers, important peacocks walked along the paths of the parks.

Peacocks in eastern countries are a symbol of wealth and immortality, and in India they have the status of a sacred bird. Today they can be seen in almost any zoo in the world and in some parks. Private owners like to keep them in estates. for beauty and unpretentiousness in care.

Attention, only TODAY!

The answer to the question, females or males of a peacock is more beautiful, will be obvious to those whose knowledge about this bird is not limited to the idea that this is a paradise creature with fabulous plumage. At the same time, some have no idea that in peacocks such feathers are inherent only to males.

The answer to the question, female or male peacocks are more beautiful, will be obvious to those whose knowledge about this bird is not limited to

The aesthetic side of the issue in the animal world, including birds, differs from the human world. And in fact: if people refer to women as the fair sex, then the situation is reversed for peacocks and many other bird species. Nature decreed that in peacocks, the male is outwardly more beautiful.

To find out why it happened so, it will certainly be interesting to everyone. To understand this, you need to figure out what kind of plumage a peacock and a peahen actually have (this is the term used to denote a female bird of this species).

How a male peacock takes care of a female (video)

Appearance of birds

In nature, there are peacocks that have a wide variety of colors, including white.. However, a more obvious example would be the Indian species. It is considered the most common. You can understand what peacocks look like by considering the Indian variety of birds, which is not much different from others.

As already noted, the male peacock is a typical representative of the genus of those birds that win the attention of the female with the brightness of their color. He really has a plumage of extraordinary, fabulous beauty. On the head, in the chest and neck area, it is distinguished by a bright blue color. On the back of a peacock, the feathers have a green tint. The underside of the body is black. And the ends of the wings of the male have a red tint. A crest rises on a small head, outwardly resembling a crown.

Short form of Peacock. Pau, Pauli, Lina, Linuccia, Linetta, Pavlinka, Pavlinonka, Pavlinochka, Pavel, Pavlunya, Pavlusya, Pavlusya, Pavlyunya, Pava, Pavusya, Panya, Pasha, Fields.
Synonyms for Peacock. Paulina, Pauline, Paulino, Polina, Pauline, Pauline.
Origin of the name Peacock The name Peacock is Russian, Catholic.

The name Peacock comes from the Roman generic name Paulinus, originally derived from the cognomen Paulus. The name Pavlina is the feminine form of the male name Pavlin, as well as the Russified version of the European name Paulina. Therefore, the translation of the name Peacock sounds like “small”, “modest”.

The name Peacock is a related name for the names Polina, Paula, since the initially male names from which they were formed (Paul, Peacock, Paulin) are related to each other. Often these me are considered options for each other, often used as affectionate addresses.

In Russian, the name Pavlina is considered one of the forms of the name Polina, which in modern times is used much more often than the name Pavlina. The diminutive address Lina is also an independent name.

Among Catholics, several Roman martyrs with the name of Pavlina are revered, as well as the nun Pavlina of the Suffering Heart of Christ. The name of Peacock is not mentioned in Orthodox calendars; Catholic name days will be indicated for this name.

Description of the name Peacock - see the name Polina.

Name day Peacocks

Notable people named Peacock

  • Pauline Frederica Maria of Württemberg ((1810 - 1856) Princess of Württemberg, Duchess Consort of Nassau)
  • Princess Paulina Ida Maria Olga Henriette Catherine of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach ((1852 - 1904) Crown Princess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach)
  • Princess Pauline Therese Louise of Württemberg ((1800 - 1873) daughter of Duke Ludwig of Württemberg and Princess Henriette of Nassau-Walburg. Queen Consort of Württemberg.)
  • Paulina Rubio, also known by the nickname La Chica Dorada ("Golden Girl") ((born 1971) Mexican singer, Latin pop star)
  • Paulina Musters ((1876 - 1895) a citizen of the Netherlands, who had a height of 23 inches (58 centimeters), recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest woman in the history of mankind, about which there is reliable information)
  • Polina Oliveros ((born 1932) is an American accordionist and composer. Since the early 1960s, she has been an active participant in experiments to expand the possibilities of electronic music, taking place at the San Francisco Recording Center. In 1962, Oliveros became a laureate of the international competition for young composers Gaudeamus ( Netherlands) Since the end of the 1980s, the most noticeable part of Oliveros's musical activity has been within the framework of the Deep Listening Band, which she founded, which is engaged in making music and recording music in spaces with increased resonance (caves, giant cisterns, etc.) .)
  • Pavlina ((died around 302) Roman martyr)
  • Paulina Petronela Krakova ((1813 - 1882) nee - Radziejowska; writer, publicist, teacher, editor of periodicals for children. For many years she was in charge of a women's boarding school in Warsaw. The stories and stories of Krakow, intended for children and youth, withstood several editions and were translated written in an elegant style, imbued with a kind attitude towards life and people, the works of Krakow have deservedly become the favorite reading of Polish youth.)
  • Paulina (Polina) Macabi ((born 1986) French biathlete)
  • Paulina Maciuszek ((born 1985) famous Polish skier, participant in the Olympic Games in Vancouver. Specializes in distance racing.)
  • Paulina (Polina) Porizkova-Okeysek ((born 1965) Czech top model, actress and writer)
  • Paulina Maria de Ana ((1863 - 1950) married - Paulina Strauss; German singer (soprano). Daughter of the Bavarian general Adolf de Ana, niece of violinist Heinrich de Ana and opera singer Eleonora de Ana. Wife of composer Richard Strauss. Singing career of Paulina Strauss continued until 1906, mainly in the chamber repertoire, many of Strauss's songs were written for her.In addition, the relationship with his wife, who was distinguished by waywardness, served as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for Strauss - up to the opera Intermezzo, the libretto of which, created by the composer himself, is quite accurate reproduces a real episode of his family life, when delivered to Strauss's house by mistake, when he was on tour, a note from an unknown woman prompted his wife to start divorce proceedings.)
  • Paulina d'Ambrosio ((1890 - 1976) Brazilian violinist and music teacher. Paulina d'Ambrosio was considered an outstanding performer of the works of Heitor Villa-Lobos, several works by Villa-Lobos are dedicated to her, including Duet for violin and viola (1946). she taught at the National School of Music for 42 years. Among the students of d'Ambrosio are the composer Cesar Guerra-Peixe, the conductor Enrique Morelenbaum, the violinists Nathan Schwartzman and Mariuccia Iacovino and other notable Brazilian musicians. In 2003, the Trio named after d'Ambrosio was created in Brazil, which included her student violinist Isaac Geller, harpist Maria Celia Machado and pianist Maria Helena de Andrade (a street in Rio de Janeiro is named after her.)
  • Paulina Ligotskaya ((born 1984) is a Polish half-pipe snowboarder. Ligotskaya began performing in 1998 in various snowboarding disciplines, including snowboard cross and various types of slalom, but most often competed in the half-pipe. In 2000 she took ninth place at the World Junior Championships.For the first time, Ligotskaya became the winner of the World Cup stage in the 2002-2003 season, showing the third result at the competitions in Serre Chevalier.The following year, at the Junior World Championships, she won two medals - gold in big air and silver in A year later, she won the Universiade 2005, held in Innsbruck.In the 2005-2006 Olympic season, Ligotskaya won one of the stages of the World Cup, and also took second and third places, showing her best result in the half-pipe World Cup. paipu is a runner-up and qualified for the Winter Olympics in Turin, she was chosen as the flag bearer for the entire Polish team at the opening ceremony of the Games and placed 17th in the competition itself. e place. After that, Ligotskaya twice became the bronze medalist of the 2007 and 2009 World Championships, won the 2007 Universiade and one of the World Cup stages.)
  • Princess Paulina Clementine von Metternich ((1836 - 1921) nee - Sandor; at the same time the granddaughter and daughter-in-law of Chancellor Metternich, the famous socialite at the courts of Napoleon III and Franz Joseph. In 1856, the wedding of Paulina and her uncle Richard, who three years later was appointed Austrian ambassador to Paris. Quickly settling in the French capital, the princess became a close friend of Empress Eugenie and opened a prestigious salon in her house. She taught French women to smoke cigars and skate, and also introduced them to Worth outfits and Wagner's music. strained Franco-German relations, abridged versions of Wagnerian operas were staged right in her salon, and the princess herself was not averse to performing the opera part.Another composer who owes her fame to Princess Metternich in Europe is her compatriot Bedrich Smetana.After the capture of Paris by the Prussians in 1870 year, Prince Metternich was recalled to Austria, and the princess managed to take jewelry out of the country Empress Eugenia in a bag with diplomatic mail. In Vienna's Metternich Palace, she resumed her salon, though without previous success. After the death of Princess Metternich in 1921, two books of her memoirs were published.)
  • Paulina Onushonok (participant in the legendary storming of the Winter Palace. In 1929 she was appointed head of the 11th police department in Leningrad. She was the first woman head of the police department. Known for putting an end to the famous League crime within a few months. In 1933, among group of the first Soviet women was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.)
  • Pauline Baines ((1922 - 2008) English graphic designer, author of illustrations for more than 100 books, including the works of Clive Staples Lewis and John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Baines is best known for her illustrations for The Chronicles of Narnia by Clive Staples Lewis. Her work also appeared in John Ronald Reuel Tolkien's "Farmer Giles of Ham", "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil", "The Blacksmith of Big Wootton", "Tree and Leaf" and "Bilbo's Last Song" (released as a poster in 1974, and as a book in 1990).)
  • Paulina de Haan-Manifarges ((1872 - 1954) Dutch chamber and concert singer (contralto). The wife of the brother of the conductor Willem de Haan. At the age of 20, she performed in Zurich performing songs by Johannes Brahms, accompanied by the composer. Later she became famous for duets with another Dutch singer, Altier Nordewier-Reddingius, and participation in the Amsterdam performances of Bach's St. Matthew Passion conducted by Willem Mengelberg, among other important de Haan's roles are the alto parts in Verdi's Requiem, vocal solos in Gustav Mahler's symphonies.In 1907, she performed several In 1927, she ended her performing career, devoting herself entirely to teaching.)
  • Pauline von Mallinckrodt ((1817 - 1881) Blessed Roman Catholic Church, nun, founder of the women's monastic congregation "Sisters of Christian Love")
  • Paulina Hull ((1890 - 1969) Norwegian composer and music critic. The influence of French music (primarily Debussy and Ravel) and French culture in general became decisive for Hull: for example, one of her most important works is the Verlaine Suite for orchestra (1929 For many years she also acted as a music columnist for Dagbladet, one of the largest newspapers in Norway.In 1938, she founded and led the Norwegian Society for New Music (Nor. "Ny Musikk") - the national section of the International Society for Contemporary Music, and led it until 1961. In 1952-1953 President of the International Society of Contemporary Music.)
  • Paulina Maria Zhariko ((1799 - 1862) Catholic religious figure, servant of God, candidate for beatification, founder of the Catholic organization "Society for the Propagation of the Faith" and the Catholic movement "Living Rosary")
  • Paulina Borovik ((1905 - 1943) in monasticism - Sister Maria Felicita; blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, nun of the female monastic congregation "Sisters of the Holy Family from Nazareth" (Nazareth), martyr. One of the eleven Novogrudok martyrs.)
  • Paulina Nyeri Kahenya (Kenyan long-distance runner. 2011 African Cross Country Champion in the team championship. At the 2012 World Half Marathon Championships, she took 6th place in the individual championship and 2nd place in the team competition. Winner of the Paris Half Marathon 2012 from track record - 1:07.55.)
  • Pavlina Shapovalenko ((born 1949) machine milking operator of the SPK Agrofirma First of May, (Sumy region, Ukraine). Hero of Ukraine. Almost 35 years she worked as a machine milking operator of the agricultural production cooperative Agrofirm First of May. First milkmaid - six thousandth, organizer and honorary president of the club of six thousandths (on milk yield from one cow per year). Currently retired. The 55th anniversary of the birth of Pavlina Mikhailovna was solemnly celebrated. Awards and prizes: Hero of Ukraine (2001, for many years of selfless labor in agriculture, achieving high rates in the region from milk yield), was awarded the Soviet Orders of Lenin (1976) and the Red Banner of Labor (1973).)
  • Pavlina Myadelka ((1893 - 1974) Honored Worker of Culture of Belarus (1966). She made a significant contribution to the development of Belarusian theatrical art, thereby contributing to the Belarusian national and cultural development. She was personally acquainted with Y. Kupala, who dedicated several poems to her. She is the author memoirs about the cultural life of the pre-revolutionary period "Paths of Life" (1974, 1993).)

Peacocks are considered the most amazing birds on earth. It is all the more strange that they are close relatives of ordinary chickens, which do not have the skillful plumage and chic beauty inherent in a peacock. Although peacocks are descended from wild pheasants and chickens, they are much larger than members of their squad.

Peacock species

The variety of color and structure of peacocks suggests that these birds have many types. However, this is not at all the case. The genus Peacocks has only two species:

  • ordinary or blue;
  • green or Javanese.

These two species have significant differences not only in appearance, but also in reproduction.

Regular or blue

This is a very beautiful bird, having a forechest, neck and head of a purple-blue color with a green or golden tint. Their back is green with a metallic sheen, brown spots, blue strokes and black-edged feathers. The tail of the peacocks of this genus is brown, the uppertail feathers are green, having rounded spots with a black spot in the center. The legs are bluish-gray, the beak is pink.

The length of the male is from one hundred and eighty to two hundred and thirty centimeters. Its tail can reach fifty centimeters long, and the tail plume is about one and a half meters.

Female This species of peacock has an earthy-brown upper body with a wavy pattern, a green, shiny chest, upper back and lower neck. Her throat and sides of her head are white, and her eyes have a stripe. On the head of the female is a brown crest with a green tint.

The length of the female is from ninety centimeters to one meter. Her tail is about thirty-seven centimeters.

Two subspecies of the common peacock are common on the island Sri Lanka and in India. The black-winged peacock (one of the subspecies) has wings with a bluish sheen and black shiny shoulders. The female of this peacock has a lighter color, her neck and back are covered with yellowish and brown stains.

Green or Javanese

Birds of this species live in Southeast Asia. Unlike the common one, the green peacock is much larger, has a brighter color, plumage with a metallic sheen, longer neck, legs and a crest on the head. The tail of a bird of this species is flat (in most pheasants it is roof-shaped).

The body length of the male can reach two and a half meters, and the tail feathers reach one and a half meters in length. The color of the bird's feathers is bright green, with a metallic sheen. There are yellow and reddish spots on his chest. On the head of the bird there is a small crest of completely lowered feathers.

Female peacock or peahen

Female peacocks are called Peacocks. They are somewhat smaller than males and have a uniform color of feathers and crest on the head.

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