Mycoplasma obtained growth over 10 4. Mycoplasma hominis: characteristics, analysis, symptoms, treatment. Video: doctor about mycoplasma, how dangerous is mycoplasmosis

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Mycoplasma is a conditionally pathogenic microorganism of the microflora of the mucous epithelium of the urogenital tract. It can act as a symbiont in an allowable amount of 1000 to 10000 colony forming units, and this figure is the threshold, above which the plasma will provoke infectious inflammatory diseases. Various modern diagnostic methods are used to determine the degree of pathogen concentration. Knowing that various strains can be both components of normal microflora and pathogenic, when deciphering the results, the doctor takes into account a certain quantitative degree of microorganisms. Frequently, DUO analysis is used to quantify plasma.

The definition and indicative titer is based on the standard metabolic characteristics of each particular type of microorganism: the genitalia is able to break down only urea, and hominins - only arginine. The growth of the pathogen is due to a specific environment, and it is the growth rate that helps to identify the titer at threshold values ​​- mycoplasma 10 to degree 4 and mycoplasma 10 to degree 3.

The DUO analysis method is also suitable for detecting deviations and excess titers. When the degree of mycoplasma is 1 * 5, the result is weakly positive and DUO-growth of microorganisms was not detected. For analysis, biological material is taken from the endocervix, urethra, vagina, pharynx or conjunctiva. In the form of the test can act - semen, urine, intra-articular and cerebrospinal fluid. With a degree of mycoplasma titer of 1 * 10, the doctor should prescribe an additional examination, since this indicator indicates a progression of growth and an increase in colony-forming units above the norm.

If a titer in the degree of mycoplasma 10 * 3 is detected, infection is diagnosed, but the disease with this indicator is asymptomatic and does not have pronounced external signs in the carrier. If the mycoplasma titer is 10 * 4 and higher, then the disease proceeds in an acute form and requires immediate antibiotic therapy.

However, when deciphering the analyzes, one should pay attention to the sign in front of the titer numbers. The critical reference point is an indicator of 10 * 4, because the results of the study show an excess of the permissible level, which means that the disease is considered diagnosed with one hundred percent probability. If this indicator is preceded by a sign<, то это свидетельствует о том, что больной является только носителем данной инфекции.

ELISA for mycoplasma
Immunofluorescent analysis, or ELISA, of mycoplasmas is able to detect both in the case when the infection has occurred quite recently, so ...

If a doctor diagnoses ureaplasma 10 to 10, this means that the patient is suffering from a disease of the genitourinary system, and in severe form. This pathology at various stages of development is detected in approximately 50% of men and 80% of women. Ureaplasmosis can lead to serious consequences, up to infertility.

Characteristics of the disease

Ureaplasmas are unique organisms that are both bacteria and viruses at the same time.

With ureaplasmosis, the inflammatory process can cover in women and men:

  • urethra;
  • vagina;
  • uterus and fallopian tubes;
  • ovaries;
  • scrotum
  • testicles with appendages;
  • prostate gland.

The disease can be transmitted in the following ways:

  1. Household.
  2. Oral-genital.
  3. Anal.
  4. Intrauterine.
  5. Endogenous.
  • promiscuity;
  • lack of proper care for the genitals, especially after sex;
  • chronic infections;
  • hormonal disruptions (in women - menstrual irregularities, pregnancy, operations on the pelvic organs, menopause);
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • stress, depression;
  • rapid weight loss or rapid weight gain;
  • change of contrasting climatic conditions.

Ureaplasmosis in women

An infected fetus may be born prematurely. Various organic defects are possible in his body. The risk of infection increases during childbirth. Children born to mothers with ureaplasmosis often suffer from chronic pneumonia, meningitis.

You can plan a pregnancy only 2 months after the main treatment of the disease and a course of rehabilitation to strengthen the immune system. It is necessary to restore the menstrual cycle. Then you should pass repeated laboratory tests. Their results should confirm the recovery of the woman.

Ureaplasmosis in men

They can be infected in three ways:

Men often develop such chronic diseases:

  • urethritis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • epididymitis (inflammation of the testicles);
  • prostatitis;
  • infertility.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The development of ureaplasmosis can be judged by signs of inflammation of the affected organ, which appear 1–1.5 months after infection. Symptoms of the disease in men in the form of urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis:

  • pain in urination;
  • redness, swelling of the penis;
  • the appearance of discharge from the urethra;
  • temperature increase;
  • acute pain in the bladder, perineum;
  • weakening of potency;
  • inability to have sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of ureaplasmosis in women in the form of vaginitis, urethritis, endometritis, cervicitis, cystitis:

  • pain, burning during urination;
  • clear or yellowish discharge from the urethra, vagina;
  • itching in the external genitalia;
  • pain in the peritoneum (with inflammation of the uterus, appendages);
  • feeling of discomfort and pain, aggravated by sexual intercourse;
  • difficulty swallowing, redness of the pharynx, swollen lymph nodes and other signs of angina (during oral sex).

If ureaplasmosis is suspected in medical practice, the following types of examinations are used:

Pathology therapy

If a pathology is diagnosed higher than grade 4 ureaplasma, the tactics of complex drug treatment are chosen. The following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antibiotics.
  2. Immunomodulators.
  3. Probiotics.
  4. Multivitamins.

The main role in the treatment of ureaplasmosis is assigned to antibiotics. The most effective drugs include:

  • doxycycline;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Vilprafen (allowed during pregnancy);
  • Azithromycin (if taken for at least 7-14 days);
  • Levofloxacin.

To strengthen the body's defenses appoint:

  • Immunomax;
  • Immunoplus;
  • Immunal;
  • Timalin;
  • Taktivin;
  • Pantocrine;
  • Lysozyme;
  • lemongrass tincture;
  • decoction, rosehip syrup.

Probiotics normalize beneficial microflora:

  • Linex;
  • Bifiform;
  • Bifidumbacterin;
  • Hilak forte;
  • Acylact and others.

Accelerate the recovery of the body vitamin-mineral complexes:

  • Complivit;
  • Alphabet;
  • Bio-Max;
  • Vitrum and others.

In addition, it is important to follow a diet, excluding fatty, spicy, salty, fried foods. At the time of treatment will have to give up alcohol and sex. 2-3 weeks after the completion of the course of therapy, you should make sure how effective it turned out to be. To do this, you must again undergo an examination using the cultural method or PCR.

Seeding for mycoplasma is very important, it allows not only to identify, determine its type, but also can calculate the number of infectious agents contained in 1 ml of the studied biological fluid. And this already allows us to decide whether it is necessary to prescribe this patient treatment.

Sowing on mycoplasma is correctly called a bacteriological study. Such a study is carried out with suspicion of mycoplasmosis of the genitourinary organs, during examination and for infertility, during pregnancy.

According to the results of which one or two pathogens can be identified: (mycoplasma genitalium), (mycoplasma hominis).

Why do analysis

Bacteriological seeding, otherwise called microbiological (cultural) research.

It is an analysis in which material suspected of containing mycoplasma is placed in a favorable environment for the reproduction of the latter. The results evaluate the growth of microorganisms and their sensitivity to antibiotics.

He is appointed:

  • To establish the cause of chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • For differential diagnosis (along with other studies) of diseases that occur with similar symptoms, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasma infection;
  • To choose a rational antibiotic therapy (and evaluate its effectiveness).

When is a study required?

  • If a mycoplasma infection is suspected;
  • With infertility or miscarriage;
  • With an ectopic pregnancy;
  • With HIV;
  • When evaluating the effectiveness of ongoing antibiotic therapy (not earlier than 14 days after discontinuation of the drug).

Inoculation for mycoplasma, which is relatively expensive due to the high demands on staff qualifications and sampling, requires a long time to complete.

It is possible to carry out crops for Mycoplasma hominis or crops for Mycoplasma genitalium with reliable results.

In addition, this examination allows you to get a detailed antibiogram: to simulate the therapeutic effect of antibacterial drugs on microorganisms. It is important to take into account that mycoplasmosis is often accompanied by another infection: ureaplasma, gonococcal, trichomonas, etc. Bakposev effectively allows you to detect "adjacent" microflora.

Unconditional indications for microbiological research are prostatitis in a man. And in women - inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (the common abbreviation for PID).

How to take a culture for mycoplasma

After a doctor prescribes such an examination as sowing on mycoplasma (often at the same time as ureaplasma), patients are wondering how to take this analysis.

The studied biomaterial is taken from the affected area.

In women - from the cervical canal, posterior fornix of the vagina, urethra.

In men - from the front of the urethra at a depth of about 1-3 cm, sometimes after prostate massage.

The fence is made with sterile swabs or special tools. Women are advised:

  • take an analysis before menstruation or a couple of days after its completion;
  • on the day of the examination, do not douche, do not wash;
  • refrain from sexual intercourse a few hours before sampling.

Both men and women should:

  • refrain from urinating 3-4 hours before sampling.
  • refrain from sexual activity for 2–3 days;
  • 7 days do not use genital preparations.

The resulting material is applied to a special nutrient medium and placed in a thermostat. It maintains favorable conditions for the growth of mycoplasma.

After a certain time, the nutrient medium is examined for color, density, shape, size of the formed colonies of microorganisms. The interpretation of the results is determined by the qualifications of the researcher and the correctness of the technique.

How does the patient feel during the procedure?

Some discomfort may be felt when the dilator is inserted, especially if the vagina is irritated or very sensitive. Maybe a small amount of spotting after this test is not dangerous and does not threaten the health of either the mother or the fetus.

To minimize discomfort from the procedure, you should relax as much as possible, especially since the smear is taken very quickly. There are no risks when sampling microflora from the vagina.

Where can I take a smear for mycoplasma?

If you have been referred by a antenatal clinic doctor, then in most cases the analysis is given in the same institution.

You can take it in a paid clinic or laboratory, the cost is about 1500 - 2000 rubles.

What mycoplasmas are determined by culture?

During the diagnosis of mycoplasmosis, the presence of the pathogen in the test material is determined.

Its species affiliation, as well as sensitivity to the main types of modern antibiotics.

There are several types of pathogenic mycoplasmas that can cause mycoplasmosis, these include:

Seeding for mycoplasma necessarily includes activities aimed at identifying ureaplasma.

Deciphering the analysis

The final results of the conducted biological research without fail include the following data:

  • the presence of microorganism DNA;
  • numerical value of microorganisms.

The norm of ureaplasmas is 10 ^ 4 CFU.

If there is an inflammatory process, we can talk about the presence of the disease in excess of the norm.

If there is no inflammation, then in this case the patient is more likely a carrier of ureaplasmosis.

Based on the results of the study alone, a diagnosis is not made. The doctor conducts an examination, prescribes additional studies.

Often, a seeding tank gives false results, since ureaplasma is able to pass into the form of persistence and is not detected in the analysis.

Therefore, you should not completely rely on this analysis. To obtain the most reliable results, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, and for women to pass the sowing tank three times.

The effectiveness of treatment is increased due to the sensitivity to certain antibiotics, which is indicated by the abbreviation ACh, during sowing. To do this, use a special set of reagents ACh in various configurations. In the course of the AS study, the sensitivity of ureaplazma urealiticum bacteria to 12 or more antibiotics is determined. After receiving the results of the analysis, the doctor has a complete picture of the state of microorganisms and what treatment will be effective.

Often, doctors prescribe a second study, since it is possible that the results are incorrect. This can happen due to the human factor (laboratory error), or lack of preparation on the part of the patient. Retesting is also required in the following cases:

  • with incorrect and ineffective treatment;
  • with the progression of inflammatory processes;
  • in order to control after the course of therapy;
  • with the development of a concomitant venereal infection.

If, according to the results of the study, the quantitative value of microorganisms is within the normal range, then the treatment is prescribed according to the patient's personal statement.

If surgery or pregnancy is planned, then therapy is mandatory; this will require mandatory testing for antibiotic sensitivity (AS).

There are also additional methods for studying ureaplasmosis and they include:

  • (enzymatic immunoassay) - allows you to detect antibodies in the blood for ureaplasma;
  • (polydimensional chain reaction);
  • RNIF and RPIF (indirect and direct immunofluorescence).

It is effective only with an integrated approach to it, therefore, along with taking medication, you need to follow a special diet. In the daily diet, it is necessary to include foods high in vitamins (fruits, vegetables, dairy products).

It is necessary to exclude fried, spicy, salty foods. Smoked meats and foods high in fat are contraindicated. Drink at least two liters of water throughout the day. With a comprehensive and correct approach to treatment, recovery will come much faster.

Mycoplasma hominis is very widespread and, as a symbiont, it can be present in an acceptable amount from 1000 to 10000 colony-forming units (that is, from 10^3 to 10^4 CFU), and this figure is the threshold, above which the plasma will provoke infectious inflammatory diseases .

Various modern diagnostic methods are used to determine the degree of pathogen concentration.

Knowing that various strains can be both components of normal microflora and pathogenic, when deciphering the results, the doctor takes into account a certain quantitative degree of microorganisms.

Often, DUO analysis (simultaneous testing for Ureaplasma urealiticum AND Micoplasma hominis) is used to quantify plasma.

The definition and indicative titer is based on the standard metabolic characteristics of each specific type of microorganism: the genitalia is able to break down only urea, and hominis only arginine.

The growth of the pathogen is due to a specific environment, and it is the growth index that helps to identify the titer at threshold values ​​- mycoplasma 10 to degree 4 and mycoplasma 10 to degree 3.

The DUO analysis method is also suitable for detecting deviations and excess titers. When the degree of mycoplasma is 1 * 5, the result is weakly positive and DUO-growth of microorganisms was not detected.

Squamous epithelial cells in a smear and other indicators

On the form with the results of a vaginal smear, there may be the following letters, thanks to which the smear analysis is deciphered:

  • "V" is short for vagina, that is, the vagina. Opposite this letter there will be numbers showing what exactly was found in the mucus taken from the vagina;
  • "C" - from cervix, that is, the cervix;
  • "U" - the first letter of the word uretra, that is, the urethra;
  • "L" is an abbreviation for the word "leukocytes";
  • "Ep" is short for epithelium. Sometimes they write "pl. ep - means "squamous epithelium";
  • "abs" - absence. For example, if there is abs opposite the line "Trichomonas", then no Trichomonas were found in the smear;
  • "Gr + cocci" - gram-positive microorganisms, usually streptococci or staphylococci;
  • "gn" or "Neisseria gonorrhoeae" or "gr - cocci" - gonococci;
  • "trich" they are also "Trichomonas vaginalis" - Trichomonas.

The human genitourinary system contains a large number of microorganisms. One of them is mycoplasma hominis. Normally, they do no harm. But under the influence of certain factors, they can go into the phase of active reproduction, which leads to the onset of the inflammatory process. Serious health consequences can only be avoided with timely diagnosis and treatment. To do this, you need to remember the main symptoms of the problem.

What is this microorganism?

Experts give an unambiguous definition of what Mycoplasma hominis is. It is a microorganism that does not have a nucleus. Consists of a cytoplasmic membrane, ribosomes and a nucleoid. It has a long life cycle. It can grow both inside human cells and outside them.

Microorganisms resist the effects of antibacterial drugs well. At the same time, they do not tolerate ultraviolet, lack of moisture and elevated temperature. In this regard, they cannot live outside the human body, so their transmission by household means is impossible.

The vital activity of mycoplasma leads to the development of a disease called mycoplasmosis. This is an inflammatory process that occurs on the walls of the vagina. The pathogenic property of microorganisms is due to the presence of adhesins in them. They contribute to the onset of inflammation, as microorganisms get the opportunity to easily fix on epitheliocytes.

During the life of Mycoplasma hominis, endotoxins are released. They quickly enter the human bloodstream and provoke hemorrhages, pulmonary edema or leukopenia.

Ways of infection?

Mycoplasma hominis is only transmitted sexually. Infection occurs during unprotected sexual contact with the carrier of the infection. There are no known cases of infection in the household.

A newborn can also become infected. This occurs during the passage of the fetus through the birth canal of an infected mother. In some cases, the disease is cured on its own.

From this type of mycoplasmosis, mostly women suffer. The high-risk group includes:

  • Ladies leading an overly active sex life.
  • Women suffering from trichomoniasis, candidiasis or gonorrhea.
  • Pregnant.
  • Women who do not follow the rules of intimate hygiene.

Experts identify several factors in which mycoplasmosis develops faster:

  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Long-term use of antibacterial drugs.
  • The use of hormone therapy.
  • Prolonged exposure to stress.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Violation of the hormonal background.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • The presence of infectious diseases that have passed into a chronic form.

Women at risk should periodically undergo a medical examination. This will help to identify mycoplasma at an early stage, when it responds better to treatment.

How does the disease manifest itself?

In most cases, mycoplasmosis is asymptomatic. It can only be detected through laboratory tests.

There are the following symptoms of the disease, which are typical for women:

  • Discharge from the genitals, which are quite abundant. They have a pronounced unpleasant odor.
  • Burning sensation during intercourse or urination.
  • Increased urge to urinate.
  • Constant feeling of discomfort in the lower abdomen.

In men, the symptoms of mycoplasma infection are slightly different. There is a burning sensation in the urethra, discharge from the penis. Pain is concentrated in the scrotum, but can migrate to the lower back or rectum. The skin around the opening of the urethra turns red, swelling appears.

Symptoms of the disease are of medium intensity. Periodically, they can disappear, and then intensify again.

Diagnostic methods

After you have found out what mycoplasmosis is, you need to decide on the method of its diagnosis. If you analyze the accompanying symptoms, it is impossible to reliably diagnose, since they are inherent in various diseases.

Therefore, experts use the following methods to diagnose the problem:

  • Bacteriological culture. A swab from the patient's genitals, urine or a secret separated by the prostate is used as the test material. It is placed in a nutrient medium. After some time, Mycoplasma hominis begins to multiply actively. After that, it is easily detected under a microscope.
  • PCR (polymerase chain reaction). This method allows you to detect mycoplasma hominis DNA in the test sample. If DNA is present, the result is considered positive. In this case, the analysis is marked with the semi-colon sign. This means that the estimate of the amount of antibodies is approximate. It is impossible to accurately determine this indicator after the polymerase chain reaction. If no mycoplasma DNA is found, the result is negative.
  • Linked immunosorbent assay. IgM and IgG antibodies are determined in the patient's blood. If both indicators are assigned a “-” sign, then the result is considered negative. When IgM (-) is detected and at the same time IgG (+), this indicates that immunity to the disease has already been formed. Urgent treatment is necessary for the patient if IgM (+) and IgG (+) are detected in the sample.
  • Immunofluorescence reaction. The sample taken from the patient is processed with specialized serum. After that, the study is carried out in ultraviolet light. If Mycoplasma hominis is present, it begins to fluoresce.

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What is mycoplasmosis hominis in women and how to treat it

Detection of mycoplasma DNA using PCR has an 80% probability of identifying the disease. But at the same time, it is impossible to assess the severity of the disease. A specialist chooses a specific method for determining the pathogen.

Therapeutic methods

If a patient has a disease caused by the vital activity of Mycoplasma hominis, drug treatment is prescribed. Only with the help of drugs it is possible to destroy the pathogenic microflora. The following medicines are used:

  • Antibiotics. Since microorganisms are resistant to the effects of drugs, in some cases it is advisable to use several drugs at once. Before this, a laboratory test is carried out, during which it is possible to identify the most powerful antibiotic. Most often, doctors prescribe Doxycycline, Clarithromycin, Ciprofloxacin, Cifran. The use of suppositories is also shown. During therapy with such drugs, it is important to strictly adhere to the recommended dosage. Exceeding it can lead to a negative reaction of the body.
  • Antispasmodics. They are used in cases where mycoplasmosis is accompanied by severe pain. The safest of them are No-shpa and Drotaverin.
  • Antiseptics. Specialized antiseptic suppositories are used, which include chlorhexidine. One of the most effective drugs is Hexicon.
  • Antifungal drugs. They are used to prevent the development of candidiasis. Doctors advise using Clotrimazole, Livarol, Pimafucin or Nystatin.
  • Probiotics. The beneficial microflora of the vagina suffers greatly from the use of antibacterial drugs. In order to restore it, probiotics are used. The most effective of them are Laktonorm, Vagilak or Vaginorm.
  • Immunostimulants. Mycoplasma hominis negatively affects the body's immune system. To restore it, you can use Imunorix, Immunal or Interferon. For the same purpose, experts recommend taking vitamin-mineral complexes, for example, Centrum or Complivit.

As soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist. Self-treatment of Mycoplasma hominis can lead to the development of serious complications. You still won’t be able to cure the disease, and valuable time will be lost.

Specific drugs and their dosage is chosen by the doctor, based on the nature of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body.

Folk methods of treatment

Alternative medicine can only be used in parallel with conservative treatment. It is impossible to cope with the pathogen with folk recipes, but they will be an excellent addition to the main therapy.

Among the most effective means are:

  • Mix 10 grams of birch leaves, sand cumin flowers and knotweed grass. In the resulting mixture, add 12 grams of plantain and the same amount of bearberry. Pour the prepared collection with a liter of water. Leave for at least 10 hours. After that, put on fire and boil for 10 minutes. This infusion is taken in half a glass 4 times a day. Do it better after eating.
  • Blue cornflower flowers will help to cope with the disease. To prepare an infusion of them, steam 8 tablespoons of raw materials with 800 ml of boiling water. After an hour, the product can be filtered. Take it in a glass 4 times a day.
  • Mix 5 grams of winter love with the same amount of wintergreen. Soak the resulting collection in three cups of boiling water. After 50 minutes, the product is filtered. It must be drunk five times a day in the amount of half a glass. The total duration of treatment is three to four weeks. Such a medicine effectively fights the inflammatory process.
  • Stir in two tablespoons of ortilia and oak bark. Pour in 300 ml of boiling water. After 45 minutes, filter the infusion well. It must be used for douching the genitals. This procedure should be carried out twice a day.
  • Steam two tablespoons of dried violet flowers in half a liter of boiling water. Keep in this state for about an hour. After that, filter and drink three times a day in the amount of a tablespoon.
  • Prepare a collection of meadowsweet and St. John's wort, taken in a ratio of 2:1. Pour four tablespoons of the resulting mixture with two glasses of water and boil for about 10 minutes. Leave to infuse for two hours. Such a remedy should be drunk in a glass three times a day.
  • In equal proportions, combine cornflower, corn stigmas, knotweed, chamomile and St. John's wort. A spoonful of this mixture is steamed with 300 ml of boiling water and kept for an hour. This infusion is taken in half a glass three times a day.

Folk recipes have contraindications. Before using them, you should consult with your doctor.

Proper nutrition

Treatment of mycoplasmosis will be effective only if a special diet is observed. From the use of antibiotic therapy, the body weakens, so the extra load on the part of the digestive system can aggravate the situation.


The bacterium enters the body through the mucous membranes of the genital organs upon contact with a carrier of the infection or a person with mycoplasmosis. Normally, mycoplasma hominis (mycoplasma hominis) lives in the vagina of every woman, but it can cause a sexually transmitted disease that requires immediate complex treatment. The pathogenic microbe does not have a cell wall and, under the influence of negative factors, begins to develop rapidly, stimulating the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms - itching, burning, pain.

What is mycoplasma hominis

This causative agent of urogenital disease poses a threat to the body of women, men and even children. Mycoplasma hominis is an intracellular microorganism without a nucleus, which has a specific life cycle, resistance and variability to many antibiotics. The peculiarity of a bacterium lies in its ability to develop not only within living cells, but also outside them.

Mycoplasma hominis is a filamentous or spherical body, which is characterized by the absence of a membrane and mobility. These properties are due to polymorphism, cellular plasticity, their osmotic sensitivity and the ability to penetrate through microscopic pores or bacterial filters. Mycoplasma contains a nucleoid, ribosomes, and a cytoplasmic membrane. The bacterium belongs to the category of facultative anaerobes and feeds on arginine and glucose.

What is the difference between Mycoplasma hominis and genitalium? These bacteria are capable of provoking urogenital mycoplasmosis, but the latter type is diagnosed much less frequently, and it often causes the development of the disease. The subspecies of the bacterium hominis is not so pathogenic, but in the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases, the risk of detecting it increases greatly. It is not uncommon for doctors to diagnose a pathogen in people with pyelonephritis or cystitis.

Mycoplasma is sensitive to direct sunlight, UV radiation, high temperatures, disinfectants such as Chloramine or Sulfochloramine. In addition, the hominis bacterium dies from X-rays. The complexity of the treatment of mycoplasmosis is due to the developed resistance of the infection to most antiseptics, antiviral drugs, antibiotics.

Normal Mycoplasma hominis

Mycoplasma is an opportunistic bacterium that lives in the genitourinary system. The rate of Mycoplasma hominis in men and women is less than 10 thousand units per 1 ml. To determine this indicator, the biological material is sown on a nutrient medium. Since this analysis cannot guarantee the complete reliability of the result, the doctor may prescribe an additional ELISA - a study to detect antibodies.

Mycoplasma hominis symptoms

The bacterium can stimulate the development of an infectious disease or “sleep” in the human body for a long time without making itself felt. Under the influence of negative factors, the clinical picture of the disease becomes clear in the patient. If the infection is not treated in time, it can lead to infertility and other serious consequences. Symptoms of Mycoplasma hominis begin to appear when the number of pathogenic bacteria exceeds 104 - 10 6 CFU / ml.

Among women

Mycoplasma hominis in women stimulates the development of vaginitis, vaginosis, endometritis, salpingitis, candidiasis and other diseases. The disease is manifested by itching in the perineum, profuse fetid discharge, burning after urination or sexual intercourse, pain in the lower abdomen. Mycoplasma hominis in women can cause inflammation of the genital organs, ectopic pregnancy (with its termination being the way out), adhesions of the fallopian tubes, and infertility.

In men

  • transparent slight discharge in the morning;
  • burning in the urethra;
  • drawing pains in the groin, radiating to the scrotum and rectum;
  • redness of the skin in the genital area;
  • puffiness;
  • decrease in potency.

If timely therapy is not started, Mycoplasma hominis can cause urethritis, impaired spermatogenesis, etc. Secondary signs of infection that appear during an exacerbation of mycoplasmosis:

  • malaise, weakness;
  • vomit;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nausea.

Causes of Mycoplasma Hominis

Bacteria are called opportunistic pathogens because they can be found in the human body without causing infectious diseases. Often a person does not even know that he is a carrier of mycoplasmosis. The main stimulating factor for the reproduction of microorganisms is a decrease in immunity. The second most common factor due to which the number of bacteria can increase is hormonal imbalance. Other causes of Mycoplasma hominis:

  • insufficient hygiene;
  • sexual intercourse with a carrier / patient;
  • transferred gynecological diseases;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • the beginning of sexual activity at an early age (when local immunity is still weak).

Causes of mycoplasma hominis in women

The main stimulating factors for mycoplasmosis are those that reduce immunity. So, the main causes of Mycoplasma hominis in women are:

  • uncontrolled sexual relations;
  • pregnancy, abortion;
  • the impact on the body of various medications that reduce protective functions (hormones, immunosuppressants, antibiotics);
  • frequent stress;
  • radiation therapy.

Mycoplasma hominis during pregnancy

During pregnancy, mycoplasmosis hominis in women can lead to premature labor or miscarriage, uterine bleeding, and the development of pathologies in the child. Such consequences are associated with intrauterine inflammation and outpouring of water. If during childbirth an infection occurs in the baby, he develops meningitis or pneumonia of the mycoplasmal type. In extreme cases, the infant dies within the first day of life. Mycoplasma hominis during pregnancy can cause the development of childhood dystrophy, which is caused by impaired blood circulation.

Diagnosis of mycoplasma hominis

If mycoplasmosis is suspected, the gynecologist gives the woman a referral for examination, while simultaneously collecting the patient's history. Diagnosis of Mycoplasma hominis occurs after the exclusion of more dangerous infections - gonococci, chlamydia. The following examination methods can be used to determine the diagnosis:

  • initial inspection;
  • the study of the DNA of mycoplasma hominis by PCR diagnostics (the method is used paramount);
  • bacteriological culture (the most accurate way to determine the presence of bacteria in the vaginal environment);
  • immunofluorescent research method (consists in the use of a special dye that stains antibodies to mycoplasma).

Tests for mycoplasma hominis

After a medical examination, the doctor gives an appointment for laboratory tests. Serological and microbiological methods can confirm or refute the diagnosis. Tests for Mycoplasma hominis:

  1. Microscopy for biomaterial. Collect the secret of the prostate, fluid from the vagina / urethra. The material is stained and examined under a microscope.
  2. PCR diagnostics. The method helps to identify the DNA of the causative agent of the disease. A positive result is its presence in the sample.
  3. bacteriological research. Sowing on nutrient media, determining its sensitivity to antibiotics, localization site.
  4. enzyme immunoassay. Helps to establish the presence or absence of antibodies in the blood. If none are found, the test result is considered negative.

Mycoplasma hominis treatment

Should Mycoplasma Hominis be treated? The answer to this question is unambiguously positive, since even late therapy can lead to severe, irreversible consequences, including infertility. The treatment of Mycoplasma hominis is recommended by the doctor, while the specialist selects the appropriate therapeutic regimen based on the results of the examination.

Treatment of mycoplasma consists in taking antibiotics throughout the entire period of the disease. The choice of a drug lies with the attending physician and is determined by the data obtained during the study on the sensitivity of mycoplasmas. In addition to etiotropic therapy, the disease is treated with:

  • systemic antibiotics of the tetracycline series (Doxycycline), macrolides (Azithromycin), fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin);
  • local antibiotics (Oflokain ointment, suppositories containing metronidazole);
  • antifungal drugs for candidiasis (Clotrimazole, Nystatin, Fluconazole, Livarol);
  • vaginal antiseptics with chlorhexidine;
  • probiotics to restore disturbed microflora (Gynoflor, Vaginorm, Vagilak);
  • immune-stimulating agents (Imunorix, Immunal, Interferon);
  • vitamins (Undevit, Complivit);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ortofen, Diclofenac);
  • baths and douching with Miramistin, herbal decoctions.

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