Where to go if you don't. Occupation test online: Which profession to choose? Studying at a technical school or college

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To everyone who does not know who to become, what profession to choose, a fiery hello! For all the time, working with teenagers (and we will not fall into my biography) I observed the same thing, many of them do not know who to go to study and if there are those who seem to know who they would like to be, they do not know that this the choice will bring in the future: income, perspective, stability? My advice and suggestions had a positive effect and in the future, in practice, they showed that the guys were successfully able to understand themselves. I share this with you too. Firstly: any direction not yet chosen by you requires careful study, no matter how you dream and imagine magical success. Much, at first glance, will be annoying and seem unnecessary. There are no easy ways.

Whether you want to be a singer, an actor, or a great athlete, there are nuances, hard work, and challenges. And “problems” are the main thing that you must learn to deal with and resolve calmly and without panic (with a notebook and a pen). Secondly: it is not necessary to choose one thing and only in a narrow direction. As a wise man once said: you never know something well until you have enough choice.

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And thirdly: try to try and develop yourself wherever at least something interests you (creativity is born just from this) For example: if you like to draw, try everything related to it: paints, crayons, different styles, ways. "Google to help you" If you like to choose clothes, study everything: styles, fashion from different times and centuries, the combination of colors in clothes, the characters of people, the color and style suits them, sewing and design, leading fashion designers. Remember, all the most famous people started small, from the school bench, with a simple needle in their hand. And now the main thing! To start your journey of choosing yourself in life, start at school, take a look at what lessons you like the most, what interests you? If it's biology, then attach chemistry here. Professions: doctor, veterinarian, and even a scientific, perhaps, employee in microbiology, awaits you, depending on how much you, of course, will be drawn into these sciences. Do not think about income, because you can become a millionaire in any profession if you love your business and work very much. For example: a veterinarian can open a network of clinics, pet nurseries, and so on (if only there was imagination and a great desire). A teacher, if he really thinks that retirement is far away, to simply sit at school, open centers: preparing first-graders, preparing for admission, helping in control and difficult moments in his subject, a network of private kindergartens. You can invent anything, as long as you have enough imagination. I repeat: CHOOSING a profession or direction (in which you would like to develop), do not think about income, think about WHAT YOU LIKE IT. The next one is implementation. A pen and notepad is the first thing you should take. You can’t open a chain of stores with a “notebook and a pen.” But you can describe your first income, the pros and cons. Start with something small, and most importantly, having started something, teach yourself discipline: "I said, I did." It is important! And so let's summarize: in order to make a choice, it will help you, the first: the choice of subjects (pleasant to you) at school and a more thorough study of them, the second: development in different directions so that you don’t like it and so that you don’t see it (develop and study it) even if it's not a school subject. Third: to bring your plan to life, get a notebook and a pen, write down everything you are trying to do, minuses and pluses. See how others who are already famous or successful are doing, read about how they have achieved success. Do not be afraid to repeat something. Because EVERYTHING new is born from the known old. No one could immediately magically sing and compose songs until he heard how others do it and learned from them. The world is very diverse, try as much as possible and you will definitely get to the point. If you don't look for anything, you won't find anything. Good luck!

At the very time when graduates decide which university to take documents to, and those who did not get points on the Unified State Examination are thinking about going to college or finding a job, psychologist and TV presenter Andrei Maksimov has released a new book - this time for teenagers. Maybe she will help in a difficult situation of choice, because she is also dedicated to her vocation, the search for a life's work. Yes, the author categorically does not advise parents to read this book (he says it will annoy adults) - so we warned adult readers of the site.

A vocation is not about finding a prestigious, well-paid job. It's about finding what you want to do.

For several years, the famous Harvard University studied a large group of graduates who achieved their goals in life. It turned out that 85% (!) succeeded because they aspired to it, and only 15% - because they had the ability.

Here is the power of desire! Aspiration is realized only when you really want to realize it.

Maybe you know that such a unique person lives in our world - Nick Vujicic. He has no limbs. Everyone advised young Nick to become an accountant, believing that for a man who has neither arms nor legs, this is quite a suitable occupation.

But Nick was not at all interested in this occupation! He dreamed of becoming a preacher, traveling all over the world and telling people about how to become happy! Nothing, it would seem, contributed to the realization of this dream. And first of all, his physical condition. But desire won. And today Nick Vuychich is one of the most famous and, by the way, highly paid preachers in the world.

Have you ever thought about the fact that in all ages all - without exception - the great people were engaged only in what they were interested in? A great person is one who has found a calling and dedicated his life to fulfilling it. Great people in life had a lot of problems, a lot of difficulties. But they are everything! - worked with pleasure. Why?

Because they did what they wanted. It is impossible to achieve serious success in a business if you are doing it, say, only for the sake of money or for the sake of prestige.

“You will realize that you have found the object of your passion,” writes Nick Vuychich, “when your talents, knowledge, strength and willingness to work unite and fill your soul with such joy, which is familiar only to a child who has received his favorite toy. Work and pleasure will merge together.”

You can object: they say, where are the great people and where am I?

Or you can try to take their example.

Your choice.

calling and money

"Well, okay, - I can hear your voice - the voice of the reader of my book. - About the fact that vocation is a desire, we understood. But no one has canceled money, right? and where to apply your talent, the financial side does not need to be borne in mind at all?

All - without exception - the great people were engaged in their work with passion and pleasure. They could plow for twenty-four hours in fact, because they loved their job very much. In their work, they liked the process, not the result. Some of them have achieved enormous material well-being. Others didn't succeed. But both of them were happy. Because only a person who is passionate about his work can be happy.

By choosing a job for material reasons, you automatically cross yourself off the list of those who can even try to become someone outstanding.

I respect money. I understand that they open up great opportunities. I understand that they are needed. But I really like the saying of some genius, in my opinion, the great French writer Honore de Balzac, who claimed that money is good servants but bad masters. Pretty well said!

The world around you screams endlessly - from TV screens, from the pages of glossy magazines, from advertising posters: "Get rich! And your life will be beautiful!" And almost no one ever says: "Find your calling! Discover yourself - yourself! And you will be happy!".

To a large extent, this is why you see so many people around you - both rich and not so, and even poor - who are engaged in an unloved business and suffer about it.

It's a choice. And no one will do it except you.

The method of finding a vocation was developed by me on the basis of the method of nature correspondence Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi. Let me remind you that Pestalozzi proceeded from the fact that the task of a person is to discover and develop in himself the talent inherent in Nature (God). Hence the name of his method.

The genius of pedagogy believed that a person should search for a vocation starting at the age of five, moreover, at the age of seven, he can already generally decide what to do in life.

My method is designed for parents who need to help their children find a calling. However, if a person who is of the age of a scout reads this chapter in the hope of deciding on his vocation, it means that his parents missed the age when it was necessary to assist the scout in the search for his talent. And now you have to do it yourself.

First challenge: figure out what you enjoy doing the most. I emphasize again: not something that will bring you a lot of income in the future; not something that comes easy to you; but what you like to do, what makes your life interesting, without which it is difficult for you to exist.

For example, you like to play on the computer.

OK. But playing on a computer cannot be a matter of life.

Because the world is so arranged that the work of a person must certainly be directed to others. Otherwise the world will fall apart.

Playing on a computer cannot be a matter of life, but inventing new computer games can.

Little Walt Disney loved to draw since childhood. And the boy John, by the name of Rockefeller, from an early age wrote down his income and expenses in a small book: he liked to watch the movement of money. As a result, the first became a great cartoonist, and the second became a great businessman.

It is very important to observe yourself and think about which of your addictions can become your calling.

Do you enjoy interacting with people? Wonderful. So, your future profession may be related to communication. For example, a psychologist. Or a journalist, but in this case you have to love to write, because even a TV and radio journalist has to write a lot of texts.

Do you enjoy being an organizer? There are a huge number of professions associated with this business. For example, a producer.

The main thing is not to be afraid of your desires!

Verification of vocation by boredom and laziness

Next stage- the most important. I call him setting more complex creative tasks.

What does it mean?

You like to draw. Fine. You draw what God puts on the soul. Make your life difficult. Try drawing something you've never painted before, like a portrait or a landscape.

You like doing physics. Very good. Do you easily solve problems in your class? Amazing! Try to solve more complex problems.

If what you like to do is your calling, then more complex problems will only provoke you, arouse interest. It can be difficult, sometimes even temporarily hands down, but the desire will definitely win.

What if he doesn't win?

So there was no desire.

Calling in no way abolishes work, but it makes it desirable.

Many famous musicians told me that at the beginning of their career there was always a moment from music. For example, when it was necessary to learn scales. But sooner or later the desire to play still prevailed.

Have you ever wondered why a person is never lazy to do what interests him? If you like to draw or solve problems in physics, then you can, of course, get tired of this activity, but so that you are too lazy to do it ... Hardly.

If laziness, that is, an unwillingness to continue working, constantly arises when you do what seems to you your calling, this is a sign that you are on the wrong path.

Boredom is something that absolutely cannot be when a scout realizes his talent. And if you regularly experience it while doing something, then you need to listen to yourself again, look for new desires and test them with new creative tasks.

There is nothing wrong with giving up one thing and embarking on a search for a new one.

How to choose a future profession if you like several things at once?

This is where the conscious decision comes in.

One of my acquaintances scout dreamed of being an artist. But at the same time he played football very well. And one day, at the age of fifteen, he was invited to a professional football club.

The moment of choice has come. It was obviously impossible to play football professionally and at the same time go to the theater studio and play on stage.

The young man thought. I consulted with my parents. I talked with the coach and the head of the theater studio. He figured out where he would like to see himself all his life: on the football field or on the stage and TV screen ...

And chose acting. The main argument was that he could always play football. Let not at a professional level, but this game will not leave him. But it is impossible to engage in acting at an amateurish level.

What if I don't have a calling?

Know that this does not happen. There is no such person on earth to whom the Lord (Nature) would not give any calling. I am convinced that God (Nature) creates only soloists. People turn themselves into extras.

How to find your calling?

Search. Listen to yourself. Consult with those people (both adults and peers) whose opinion is important to you. It also happens that a person does not believe that some of his aspirations can become a profession. This is where wise counselors can help.

Finding a calling is a business that always ends in success. There can be no defeat here if you do it consciously, focusing on your own desires.

Did you find a calling? Check Yourself: 7 Questions

If you feel like you've found a job that could be your calling, ask yourself the questions he recommends asking. Nick Vujicic. Read them carefully and try to answer them.

  • What turns you on?
  • What makes you happy to meet every day?
  • What are you willing to do for free - just to do?
  • What do you never get tired of?
  • Is there something for which you are ready to give all your material wealth?
  • What are you willing to sacrifice any comfort for, just to do what you love?
  • Achievements in what area bring you the deepest satisfaction?

Do you have answers to these questions?

Fine! It means that the deed is done: you have found your calling, in other words, you have embarked on the path of achieving happiness.

It is good if the high school student has already decided on his future profession. We have many examples of goal-oriented guys who are preparing to become engineers, IT specialists, philologists or doctors. Many hours of classes occupy all the time of future artists and musicians. Children and their parents are concerned about comparing admission conditions in different universities, cities and countries, preparing for exams, collecting documents and writing motivation letters correctly. But there is often another situation.

Time is running out, receipt on the nose, and nominee has yet to be determined what he wants to do in life. Perhaps it is economics, or maybe finance, or even Chinese philology, but definitely not graphic design or psychology. Although, why not? Parents are in a panic, the graduate is under stress, the environment adds anxiety: so have you decided? already decided where to go? No, but the Ivanovs have applied to five universities and are waiting for an answer, the Petrovs' son is preparing a portfolio, and the Sidorovichs' daughter sits at night, studying the material for the exam. What should a graduate and parents do in such a difficult situation?

1) Take a deep breath - exhale and calm down: life does not end with the end of the introductory campaign. Moreover, in some Polish universities admission is possible until the end of September. If there is no decision today, it does not have to be made tomorrow. Mistake in choosing a university, a hasty decision will cost more in the end.

2) In a calm state, it makes sense to think: what training option is the graduate ready for now? What is his English language level? Which Polish level if studying in Poland is considered? What are his grades and, most importantly, knowledge on topics subjects he liked at school?

3) We remembered our favorite subjects, we gradually determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200binterest. In such a situation, the easiest way to do this is by elimination: physics? no (we brush aside engineering), history? boring (questionable liberal arts) numbers? not mine (exact sciences and finances are most likely to be crossed out). Together with parents, because they know their child like no one else, calmly think about the nature of the future profession. An introvert will prefer working with data or numbers, an extrovert cannot live without communication and will most likely be happy working with people. A creative and spontaneous person will hardly fit into the banking corporate culture, and a lover of order and system will have a hard time in the atmosphere of a design bureau or PR agency.

4) If you have found a sphere of interest, then you can consider basic education in a particular field, choosing a good enough university to get a strong base. It can be economics, English philology, mathematics, chemistry, energy, cultural studies, journalism, law, computer science or general psychology. The purpose of education in this case: to introduce into the environment of interest and to give the basics. You should not choose railway construction, air transport safety or health tourism as basic education. Here, the more general the specialty looks, the better, in contrast to the case when a graduate clearly knows what he wants to do. Before admission, it is desirable to have time for language classes, so there is time for this decision until September.

5) It happens that the sphere is not groped. It's neither good nor bad, there's no one's fault or fault. Our education system is built in such a way that admission to a university occurs at the age of 17, at the age of trial and error. The same Poles go to school at the age of 7, receive a certificate at 19 and end up in a university closer to 20 years, which is dramatically different from our 17 years. So we return to point 2) and think about in which country would you like to study and in the future to live and work. If Europe is in the circle of interests, and Poland can be seen as a stepping stone into the European community or an independent country to live in, then there is a simple solution. You can sign up for preparatory department at the university (relevant for boys) or at annual courses at the language school(who does not need a reprieve from the army). Living in Warsaw or another major Polish city, studying Polish or English, or both at once, our graduate will be able to freely attend a huge number of free lectures, master classes, educational and cognitive events that are held in many universities. For example, Civitas University throughout the year invites graduates to free lectures on subjects taught at different faculties, so that the guys can taste different material and decide consciously. Every week somewhere there is an announcement of a conference, somewhere an open day, somewhere a lecture or a discussion screening of a documentary or feature film. Walk, listen, choose. You can still attend courses for maturists (preparation for matura) in those subjects in which there is a lack of knowledge (see point 2). They are usually held in the evening and are inexpensive.

Everyone has their own path, and he does not necessarily follow the path of the best student in the class or the favorite of the family. Due to the specifics of education and life in our country, it is sometimes even difficult for our graduates to imagine what specialties exist. What professions can give a decent income for a normal life in a civilized country. And we do not think that the year of preparation for admission can be called a "lost" year. Rather, it will be a great, fruitful year under the motto "search and find".

Do not worry, do not stress, as the Poles say. Come to us for a consultation before the recruitment season starts. Good luck to all applicants, and their parents - patience and health!

Final exams - time to think about the future

The closer the final exams, the more acute the question arises of where to go after grade 11. Graduates decide what specialty they will receive and which educational institution to apply to. After all, it depends on what exams they will need to pass. Probably, every child in childhood was "exhausted" with the question of who he would become when he grew up. IN

At such moments, the children answer simply: who will be an astronaut, who will be a doctor. That is, they say the first thing that comes to their mind. Almost none of them take into account their hobbies and interests. Of course, things change over time.

Should you go to the first university you come across?

But nevertheless, most of the schoolchildren, right up to the last call, cannot decide on the final choice of their future specialty and do not know where to go after the 11th grade. Usually they go where they pass on the USE scores. They go like blind kittens, not knowing and not knowing what lies ahead for them, and after a couple of months of study they realize that they have chosen “not that”, “not their own”. More courageous individuals take the documents and leave, while others endure in the hope of obtaining a diploma, which, in their opinion, will give at least some guarantee of well-being in life. On the one hand, they are right. But I would like to note that you will not get anything real, because a real specialist is obtained only if a person really loves the business he is doing. Therefore, initially, when choosing a profession, you need to understand yourself, in your inner world, understand what you like, and only then pick up booklets and choose an educational institution.

Where to go after 11th grade?

First of all, figure out the direction. At this time, there are only two of them: humanitarian and technical. They are completely opposite to each other. The techie prefers the exact sciences, while the humanist is prone to reading, writing and creativity. You should not enter a technical university if you do not understand physics, even though such specialties are considered prestigious in our time. All your years of study will be torture for you. Love to read and write? Go to the Faculty of Humanities. The second stage in solving the current problem is the choice of specialty. This must be done in a calm environment, silence and without pressure. Left alone, take a sheet of paper and write on it all the professions that you are actually interested in. Now analyze the list and choose the most demanded and promising specialty.

Choosing an educational institution

The last point in deciding where to go after grade 11 is the choice of an educational institution. If the universities of your locality do not teach in the specialty that you have chosen, feel free to enter other cities. Distance should not stand in the way of your dreams. Moreover, with the advent of the Unified State Examination, it has become easier to enter a university in any city in our country: everywhere the same admission rules. Just be confident in your own abilities. You can find out about the availability of educational institutions from special brochures for applicants. It is also easy to find information about where you can go after college.

Drawing conclusions

Never rely on someone else's opinion. Of course, listen to what adults say and advise you, but remember: you create your own future and therefore must make your own choice. And believe me, the decision of the question of where to enter after the 11th grade is already within you. Listen to yourself, and you will definitely succeed!

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