What happens if you masturbate every day? Consequences of excessive masturbation. Harm of masturbation Why you can not masturbate

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The editors of our site today give a controversial article. But, as it seems to us, it raises an important topic that requires discussion (which is what we urge you to do).

Desire is a surge of vitality that promotes longevity. This is not surprising: making love makes us happier, and this feeling is extremely beneficial for the immune system. Physical pleasure is a source of energy, it improves hormonal balance. At the moment of orgasm, endorphins are released in the brain, which leads to a feeling of euphoria, which turns into a feeling of general well-being: we calm down, stress decreases, anxiety subsides, and sleep comes to us - all this helps to restore our strength.


The hormone that is produced in this state and binds us to each other is called oxytocin. Its concentration in the blood rises during hugs and kisses and reaches a peak at the moment of orgasm. It is known that oxytocin "starts" the process of childbirth and contributes to the emergence of maternal attachment to the child. Less well known is that it also plays an important role in preventing breast cancer. Oxytocin is produced when the nipples are caressed, and thanks to it, carcinogenic elements are removed from the female breast. “Those women whose breasts are regularly caressed are better protected from breast cancer, as shown by studies in 1995,” explains gynecologist and sex therapist Sylvain Mimoun. “Lovemaking improves metabolism both in individual organs and in general. Regular sex also reduces the risk of inflammation, which creates the prerequisites for cancer and cardiovascular disease. Therefore, those who are going through a period of sexual abstinence are advised to caress themselves.”


"For men, frequent ejaculation reduces the risk of prostate cancer, as confirmed by an American study of 30,000 men," says cardiologist Frédéric Saldmann. Here are the exact statistics: starting from 12 ejaculations per month, the effect of reducing the incidence becomes noticeable, and after 21 ejaculations per month, the risk is reduced by one third. Prostate massage and ejaculation contribute to the expulsion of carcinogenic cells. They also reduce the formation of calcifications (calcium oxide crystals) that accumulate in the prostate. Research highlights that in the absence of sex, masturbation can protect the prostate.


There is a widespread prejudice that sexual activity is dangerous for the heart. Everything is the opposite. For women, abstinence is harmful, as well as dissatisfaction - they increase the risk of myocardial infarction. And among male sexual pleasure seekers, the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease is halved, a 1997 study from the University of Bristol found. Having sex is an excellent physical exercise that raises the heart rate, removes toxins from the body along with sweat and increases muscle tone.
Does it follow that we must keep a strict record of our sexual acts in order to ensure our health and longevity? “You can achieve a mechanical orgasm, but it will not bring any deep feelings or experiences of the fullness of being,” objected sex therapist Alain Héril (Alain Héril). “Sexual blossoming comes not from the quantity, but from the quality of our interactions.”


Sexuality, in which body and mind are united, is primarily a matter of desire. “It is desire, sexual or otherwise, that is the main restorer of our health,” the sex therapist is convinced.
But how to keep the desire, if we are alone? There is a way out: do not close it within the limits of sex as such ... or, in other words, expand your sexuality and learn to feel pleasure from the entire physical plane of being, from the life of your body. “Erotic thrills are guaranteed,” promises holistic therapist Galya Ortega. - Feel free to discuss this issue frankly with friends. Constantly play with your sensitivity by masturbating, getting a massage, or massaging yourself.” The idea is to let your senses unfold in the outside world: sniffing smells, picking up flavors while eating, singing along when singing is heard; to arrange a holiday for your senses in nature: let the skin feel the touch of the wind, the feet feel the roughness of the earth, and the arms embrace the trunk of a tree...


Sublimation, that is, the ability to redirect sexual energy into the mainstream of creative activity, can be a wonderful solution in the absence of sex. You can go in for sports, try your hand at the theater, painting and literature, go to dances ... At the same time, we exchange energies with other participants in the creative process, acting either as our colleagues or as an audience. “The more we are carried away by the creative activity that we share with others, the more energy we receive, sexual or otherwise, which restores our inner balance,” emphasizes Alain Eril.

“I had periods of abstinence due to the lack of a partner,” admits actress and videographer Myrtille Chartuss. – But often it was redeemed by the launch of new projects. At such moments, I did not suffer from sexual loneliness, but on the contrary, I was carried away by the development of my ideas.
30-year-old Svetlana recently separated from her husband and was going through a difficult divorce. She didn't want to meet other men. And yet she was tormented by some kind of vague desire, as if something in her longed to be born. She started doing watercolors. During the group sessions, she said, she experienced "an emotional high, close to a sexual experience." Of course, it never came to an orgasm! Nevertheless, Svetlana began to cope much better with the sadness of parting. Another excellent engine of desire is amateur theater because it involves the body, imagination and creativity at the same time. On the stage, we ourselves do not see what we are doing - but others are watching us. This look directed at us and interested in our actions increases self-esteem, restores our self-confidence. And it also contributes to a surge of energy and awakens desires in us.

When discussing the dangers of masturbation, one should not ignore the subjective opinion of the masturbator himself: the more “destructive” he considers this vice for himself, the more harmful its consequences can be.

Very often people suffering from schizophrenia, psychopathy and other psychopathology indulge in masturbation. However, many people engage in masturbation completely unconsciously, especially at night, during sleep.

V. M. Bekhterev explained this by the fact that these persons in the state of wakefulness, understanding the harm of onanism, persistently suppress vicious desire, while in a dream they mechanically masturbate.

The main harm of onanism lies in its negative impact on the state and functions of the higher nervous system. After normal sexual intercourse, a man experiences a natural calm, improvement in his general condition, satisfaction.

Moreover, during sexual intercourse, in the formation of feelings, such factors as the appearance of a woman, heightened tactile sensations, visual perceptions, etc., also acquire significant significance.

With onanism, this whole complex of complex emotional perception is absent and is replaced by artificial irritation of the genital organs or fantasizing.

After an onanistic act, after an orgasm, no matter how much relief it brings, in the future there is a feeling of depression, oppression of the general state, physical weakness, etc.

The masturbator is well aware that he suffers from a vice, according to some - even a serious one, represents the unnaturalness and immorality of what is being done.

Realizing that masturbation humiliates human dignity and harms health, these persons experience remorse, painful emotional experiences, are ashamed of their vice and always reproach themselves for supposedly immoral acts.

Usually, in these conclusions, exceptionally great importance is attached to the loss of the seed, which, according to onanists, is a biologically valuable substance.

There is no doubt that the experiences of persons engaged in masturbation are unjustifiably exaggerated, which, in all likelihood, is facilitated by the unnaturalness of the act and the social condemnation of the vice.

Without denying the undoubted harm inflicted on the nervous system by persistent and systematic onanism, it should be emphasized that its degree is greatly exaggerated not only by the onanists themselves, but also by the medical community.

It should be thought that the harm of masturbation is especially great if teenagers or young men are engaged in it, whose body is still developing and not fully formed.

For assessing possible harm, the age of the subject, to which the onset of masturbation belongs, as well as the duration and frequency of onanistic acts, may be of primary importance.

It has been established that as a result of persistent onanism, a person's working capacity can suffer significantly and fatigue sets in faster.

For example, after an onanistic act, the dynamometer readings become 1/3 and even 1/2 lower than before it.

A person engaged in masturbation often cannot concentrate, becomes absent-minded, indecisive, gloomy, capricious, touchy.

The memory of onanists deteriorates, isolation, depression, indifference to the environment appear.

Therefore, it is quite natural that such a subject seeks solitude, avoids society.

In some cases, onanism in persons with an unstable emotional sphere can lead to severe neurosis and even mental disorders.

Onanism deeply depresses with its impotence to cope with a bad habit. Frightened by those around him, and even more often by reading brochures that set out fantastic horrors as a consequence of onanism, the patient constantly lives under the threat of future illnesses and thoughts about his unfitness for life.

A condition is created that can lead to the development of psychasthenia. Therefore, onanism predisposes to all kinds of diseases, both somatic and nervous.

An onanistic act is under no circumstances equivalent to sexual intercourse, especially if there are frequent onanistic acts.

Practiced onanism in physically healthy people (with a strong type of higher nervous activity) may sometimes not cause much harm. At the same time, it should be remembered that the harmful effects of onanism are aggravated by the fact that they often begin to engage in it in childhood.

In addition, a second person is not needed for this, and a bad erection or its absence is not an obstacle to performing onanistic acts.

Those engaged in masturbation may suffer from prostorrhea, i.e., the release of a prostatic secret, and spermatorrhea, an involuntary separation of the seed.

It should be noted, however, that prostorrhea and spermatorrhea may depend on completely different causes and be dependent on onanism.

In parallel with prostorrhea and ejaculation, there is also an increased secretion of the secretion of the glands of Cooper and Littre.

The secretion of these glands in masturbators can occur even with the most insignificant excitations (reading books or looking at paintings, photographs, films of erotic and pornographic content, etc.).

According to A. I. Vasiliev, among urological patients, masturbation was the cause of colliculitis (inflammation of the seminal tubercle) in 15% of cases. AP Kolomiytsev during the examination found changes in the posterior urethra and seminal tubercle in 13% of persons engaged in masturbation or used interrupted sexual intercourse.

Masturbation is the cause of prostatitis.

Due to frequent masturbation acts in persons engaged in masturbation, there is a weakening of the tone of the prostate muscles. The gland in these cases becomes atonic and flabby, and congestive prostatitis may also form in connection with this.

The occurrence of aseptic, catarrhal or congestive prostatitis, as well as damage to the glandular ducts of the prostate as a result of onanism, is due to frequent flushes of blood and the presence of constant congestion.

In addition, prolonged and persistent onanism often contributes to the defeat of the spinal centers of erection and ejaculation.

It is clear that congestion in the prostate can cause other diseases, which, in turn, leads to impotence.

As a result of onanism, paraphimosis can develop, most often with a narrow opening of the preputial sac.

The foreskin, infringing on the head of the penis, leads to its swelling and increase in volume. At the same time, the foreskin itself also swells sharply, increases in size and becomes painful.

Untimely reduction of the head can lead to its necrosis in the restrained ring of the foreskin.

Frequent friction of delicate skin and foreskin can contribute to the occurrence of balanoposthitis, i.e., inflammation of the skin of the head and foreskin.

It is impossible not to mention the other side of the harmful consequences of onanism.

We are talking about the psychological impact of the bad habit of masturbation, as a result of which certain attitudes are formed in the psyche of the subject, mostly associated with ideas about sexual inferiority.

In such cases, masturbators develop self-doubt, thoughts about possible failures when trying to sexual intimacy and inferiority in this regard.

Some of them believe that they suffer from an irreparable sexual disorder, and find "consolation" in the continuation of masturbation after a failed sexual intercourse.

The vast majority of people (up to 80-90%) note that their onanism was accompanied by a general neurasthenic state, irritability, awareness of their physical and sexual inferiority, depression, loss of strength, depression, fear of the possibility of serious consequences, etc.

Most modern domestic and foreign sexologists do not classify masturbation as a bad habit, as the people involved in it themselves believe.

Mar 27

How dangerous is masturbation?

According to statistics, about 90% of men and more than 50% of women periodically masturbate or have done so in the past. Moreover, most people who gravitate towards such "entertainment" at least once thought about the dangers of masturbation. Indeed, many sources speak of the dangers of masturbation, but these statements are far from always confirmed by specific data and facts. We will try to understand the issue under consideration so that you understand what exactly you need to be afraid of and not harm your health.

Is masturbation always harmful to a person?

Most modern doctors argue that a sexually mature person can periodically masturbate. The main thing is to do it carefully and irregularly. If you become addicted to such acts, the problem can only be solved with the help of a sex therapist. Therefore, both men and women are advised to be careful in this matter.

Situations when a person harms his body

However, under certain circumstances, masturbation can indeed be dangerous. It is appropriate to talk about this in the following cases:

  1. A person has not reached puberty, and his body is not ready for the processes and experiences with which the act is associated.
  2. The person is in old age, and his body is already exhausted. This remark concerns, first of all, men, who, as practice shows, sometimes engage in masturbation even in old age. Remember that such "pastime" is fraught with serious problems with pressure.
  3. A man or woman masturbates too often, and far exceeds the needs of his body for sexual intercourse.
  4. A man or woman consciously postpones the moment of orgasm, delaying the act.
  5. A person acts too roughly, irritating the genitals. In this case, over time, their sensitivity may decrease. As a result, it will be difficult for you to enjoy normal sexual intercourse.

What are the consequences of masturbation?

Speaking about how harmful masturbation is, it is necessary to touch upon not only the physiological, but also the psychological component of the issue. After all, most people who masturbate are very shy about it. A person begins to consider himself "wrong", "not like everyone else" or even "dirty". This most negatively affects self-esteem, interferes with building normal relationships with members of the opposite sex, causes depression and other psychological problems.

The abuse of onanism leads to even more serious consequences. The human body is depleted, and its nervous system is constantly in an excited state. After all, masturbation does not give such a feeling of peace, which occurs in a man or woman after a normal sexual intercourse. In this case, the tension recedes much more slowly, and the increased load negatively affects the nervous system.

Summing up, we can conclude that a person who once engaged in masturbation or occasionally does it now does not need to suffer from a guilt complex and feelings of inferiority. Most people who masturbate during adolescence or early adulthood live and develop normally. However, such "entertainment" should not be abused, since this is fraught with serious physiological and psychological problems.

Do not deny that masturbation is something alien. Surveys of specialists and research by scientists confirm that most of the world's population is engaged in this process and does not see anything harmful in it. However, not all specialists in the field of medicine and sexology approve of masturbation. Why? According to them, it harms the body.

So what are the negative effects of masturbation? Let's consider this further.

What is masturbation

Masturbation, or onanism, is a process that is an independent stimulation of the genital organs. Such actions are not alien to both men and women. In addition, representatives of various age groups of the population are engaged in it: young, mature, it is often observed in children.

Many experts in the field of medicine consider such a process to be an unnatural method of self-gratification of feelings that arise on the basis of normal sexual instincts. A person, performing masturbation, independently excites his sensitive zones in the genital area, stimulates them and experiences pleasure from this feeling. As a rule, this process is accompanied by the presence of fantasies of a sexual nature.

So, what harm does masturbation do to the body?

About masturbation from history

Before understanding exactly how masturbation affects the human body, we must turn to historical sources. In fact, they say a lot about such an occupation.

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that this occupation was not favored even in the days of the Ancient World. So, even our ancestors knew that boys who were fond of masturbation grew up very weak and could not quickly navigate dangerous situations. Because of this, they had difficulty passing the test for the right to be called a hunter, as a result of the failure of which he could not have the right to start a family or even just be called a man.

The Jews also knew about this concept, who circumcised boys from ancient times. By the way, this tradition has been preserved to this day. The real reason for the appearance of such a rite is to prevent the manifestation of masturbation at a young age, which is associated with the difficulty of such a process on a penis with circumcised flesh. It is no secret that Jewish boys from families where this tradition is honored to this day grow up very smart and bright. This is due to the fact that the intellectual development of the child is directly related to the volume of unused sex hormones.

Richard Kraft-Ebing, who in one of his literary works made a loud statement that this process in the representatives of the stronger sex (especially adolescents) causes an irresistible desire for various deviations, studied the questions of what is harmful about masturbation. In addition, it is the cause of the onset of early impotence and the loss of sexual desire for women. Moreover, masturbation, according to this specialist, in most cases is the main reason for the desire to change sexual orientation.

Harm to the nervous system

In order to understand what negative consequences the process of masturbation has for the nervous system of the human body, it is necessary to determine exactly how the excitation occurs.

Thus, a kind of impulse occurs in the cerebral cortex, which is transmitted through the spinal cord to the nerve endings located in the human genital area. Speaking specifically about men, at the moment the nerve points that are located on the head of the penis begin to activate and transmit certain impulses to the blood vessels, the walls of which begin to expand. This process contributes to a sharp rush of blood to the penis, resulting in an erection.

In the event that masturbation occurs during spontaneous erection, it is certainly accompanied by strong pressure on the nerve endings located on the head of the penis. As a result of this process, after a certain time, a violation of the transmission process of that same nerve impulse begins to be observed. As a result of all this, as a rule, the activity of the cervical spine of a person becomes very weak and he begins to experience sudden headaches.

Such disorders can also adversely affect lung function. The breathing of a person with lung problems may become weak, in some cases accompanied by shortness of breath.

Harm to the reproductive system

Why is masturbation harmful? This process has a very strong effect on the reproductive system of the human body. Especially affects it's on men. The practice of specialists in the field of medicine shows that in men who masturbate often, the harm manifests itself in the form of a violation of the quality of bodily contact during sex. The representative of the stronger sex becomes colder, distant from his partner, he may also manifest erectile dysfunction, which subsequently causes psychological problems in the form of isolation, feelings of inferiority.

Erectile dysfunction occurs as a result of exposure to one minor, but very significant factor - unregulated pressure on the genitals. In the process of masturbation, the man is not able to properly distribute the force of pressure on the penis, resulting in compression of the ejaculatory ducts that are connected to the upper urethra. As a result of this, natural squeezing of the vessels occurs, the action of which is aimed at providing the steam gland with a normal amount of blood. As a result of the fact that this function of the body is disturbed, very often a normal erection is disturbed in a man who abuses onanism.

Scientists have also found that frequent masturbation significantly impairs the quality of sperm in a man's testicles.

Harm to the genitourinary system

The harm of male masturbation for the organs of the genitourinary system is also obvious. Many experts argue that in the process of onanism, very often the stronger sex introduces some kind of infection into the urethra, which subsequently has to be treated with debilitating procedures and medications. Where do harmful microorganisms come from? It should be noted that they are everywhere. At a minimum, most of them are in the hands of men with whom the member has direct contact during this process. The basis of the nutrition of such bacteria is the tissues of the body, which turn into inflammation when damaged. You need to understand that, having damaged certain parts of the body or organ, the bacteria do not stop on their way - they begin to penetrate further, deep into the whole organism.

A significant harm of masturbation lies in the fact that as a result of the frequent repetition of such a process, blood circulation in the pelvis is sharply reduced. As a result of this phenomenon, a man may develop antibacterial prostatitis. It manifests itself in the form of unpleasant symptoms, which are expressed by frequent urination, small portions of urine, as well as constant sleep disturbances. As a result, there may be problems with the inguinal vein associated with accumulations of blood in the area of ​​​​its location.

Loss of sensation

It is no secret that as a result of strong friction against the palm, which occurs during masturbation, the glans penis can become less sensitive. This is due to the fact that on its surface there is a huge number of nerve endings, the main purpose of which is the transmission of impulses to the brain. As a result of strong pressure, they lose sensitivity, which subsequently affects the erection. In some cases, this leads to the fact that a man simply stops experiencing any sensations during sex. This phenomenon is especially dangerous for the emotional state of the stronger sex.

It is possible to eliminate such an established phenomenon, but this will require the help of a specialist and long-term treatment.

Teen Masturbation

Experts say that the desire to masturbate can occur even in childhood. What measures should parents take in order to protect their child from the consequences that such actions may entail? After all, it is easy to guess that the harm of teenage masturbation is no less than that which an adult can inflict on himself.

First of all, parents need to pay attention to what TV channels their child likes to watch. If there are those who broadcast porn among them, you should block them or set a password - this way you can limit the teenager's access to inappropriate content. The same applies to Internet sites.

In the event that a child shows active attention to erotic scenes that are shown in films, it is urgent to switch his attention to other actions at such moments.

During puberty, which in boys begins at about 13-14 years old, and in girls at 11-12 years old, parents must definitely conduct preventive conversations with their child on the topic of sex. During their conduct, it is necessary to explain in an accessible way that masturbation can lead to health problems.

The harm of masturbation in adolescents also lies in the fact that the child begins to change outwardly. This is expressed in the fact that he becomes more withdrawn, irritable, moves away from his peers. In some cases, a teenager may even change speech.

Masturbation after 50

How to relate to masturbation after 50? Is such a process beneficial or harmful for a man? According to scientists and experts in the field of medicine, the constant occupation of masturbation by men who are in the age category over 45-50 years, significantly reduces the risk of developing a disease such as prostate cancer. Practice shows that this phenomenon is confirmed by a certain number of studies and surveys among patients with such an ailment.

However, practice shows that older men who masturbate are also subject to the same risks as younger men. That is why they should not abuse such a process.

About female masturbation

It is no secret that women often engage in the process of masturbation. Studies show that only 50% of the female population of the planet is engaged in this activity. Many sexologists claim that such a process helps the fair sex to open up, feel her erogenous zones, relax and become more liberated with a man during sexual intercourse. However, in fact, there are also opinions of experts about the dangers of female masturbation. What is it?

Some experts in the field of sexology claim that in some cases, constant self-satisfaction can lead to the fact that a woman simply ceases to experience the necessary emotions during sex. This phenomenon, as a rule, is due to the fact that a woman begins to experience a moral dependence on the process of self-stimulation of the clitoris, vaginal area or labia.

Nothing is said about the dangers of masturbation of the clitoris. On the contrary, doctors recommend doing it, but not very often. This action, according to most sexologists, develops a woman's harmony with her body, helps her better understand herself and experience the most vivid sensations during sexual contact with a partner.

According to doctors, the process of female masturbation should be carried out in compliance with all hygiene standards. The statistics of medical practice shows that many of the fair sex neglect cleanliness while carrying out the process, due to which they often expose their body to various diseases of the genital organs.

Expressing their opinion about the dangers of masturbation with water, many experts note that this process is almost safe. They do not recommend directing a stream of water into the vagina - in this way, the acid-base balance in this area can be significantly disturbed. If you want to enjoy the shower, a woman can gently direct the jet to the clitoris - this procedure is completely safe, if you do not make the flow of water too strong.

Masturbating women can't get pregnant?

Among specialists in the field of sexology and medicine, there is an opinion about the dangers of female masturbation, which lies in the fact that a woman who abuses such a procedure too often, as a rule, cannot become pregnant. The essence of the theory is that in the process of normal orgasm, which occurs as a result of the end of sexual intercourse, the uterus begins to contract and better draw sperm into itself. In the process of self-satisfaction in the body of a woman, a slightly different process occurs, due to which the absorption of sperm does not occur.

This opinion has the right to exist, but to this day it is recognized as controversial.

Both sexes who prefer to masturbate with a certain regularity may experience a number of common problems. A person who abuses acts of self-satisfaction abruptly begins to experience lethargy of the whole organism and fatigue. In addition, certain dependencies begin to become characteristic of him, at least from the process itself. Subsequently, such dependence can develop into the fact that a person ceases to perceive representatives of the opposite sex as sexual objects. As a rule, this becomes a problem that must be addressed immediately, because it directly affects whether a person will be satisfied during sex with his partner. Neurologists, sexologists and psychotherapists deal with such issues at a professional level.

Another side effect of excessive love for onanism is sudden premature ejaculations. This is especially true for men who may not be aware of the possible harm of masturbation, actively engage in such a process regularly, as a result of which they cannot satisfy their partner later. Sexologists also share their observations that some men who abuse this process begin to experience the problem of involuntary ejaculations - this may indicate that his sexual organ begins to "take on a life of its own."

If parents begin to notice signs that their child is masturbating, it is necessary to very carefully conduct a conversation with him on a sexual topic, in which to explain about the possible problems that this process may entail. In addition, he can also be taken to a specialist in the field of sexology or shown a film where all this is described in great detail.

Masturbation is a process that is aimed at the sexual self-satisfaction of a person. Today, it is considered absolutely normal among both men and women. Most often, masturbation is practiced by adolescents during puberty, when their production of sex hormones is overestimated, but it is often observed in adults. Therefore, many are interested in what will happen if you masturbate every day.

How often can

For a long time, masturbation was considered harmful to the body, and many were ashamed to admit to such a practice. Today, the desire for physiological satisfaction no longer has such a pronounced alienation. Moreover, many sexologists prove that masturbation is not only safe, but also beneficial for the body.

The phenomenon of onanism will be favorably reflected in sexual satisfaction only if it is carried out moderately. The frequent practice of self-satisfaction in young men will only deplete the body, slow down its physical development. More mature men feel sexual arousal several times a day, but masturbating at the same frequency can be dangerous. Self-satisfaction up to 4 times a week is optimal.

Just like men, girls experience sexual arousal, but the opportunity to have full sex is not always there. Therefore, they can start masturbating based on their needs and health status. Sexologists in this regard argue that frequent self-satisfaction does not cause severe physical exhaustion in girls, as it happens in men.

However, what will happen if you masturbate every day, the body will not like it much. This is justified by the fact that a strong orgasm several times a day can dull the sensitivity. That is why it is desirable for women to satisfy themselves no more than 1-2 times a week.

Harm to health

Periodic masturbation cannot negatively affect a person's condition, however, excessively frequent practice of self-satisfaction significantly increases the risk of developing a number of disorders in the body.

When asked what will happen if you masturbate every day, urologists warn that with such frequent ejaculation, a man has an increase in the load on the reproductive system. A masturbating man often experiences psychological difficulties. Because of his habit, it may be difficult for him to communicate with women, make new acquaintances.

In more advanced cases, such people become notorious. It is very difficult for them to establish full-fledged intimate relationships with women due to the fact that in itself the image of sex in a person will be associated with negative aspects. Purely physiological satisfaction will be possible only in a simple way of masturbation. Moreover, masturbation, which is practiced very often, can develop addiction.

In this case, a person will perceive it as the best form of intimate relationships, in which there are no failures. Masturbation will begin to be perceived as the only real opportunity to satisfy oneself sexually.

What happens if you masturbate very often: harm from onanism and the rules of safe self-satisfaction

Masturbation will be harmful if it is uncontrolled and too frequent. Moreover, such a practice should not be carried out with diseases of the prostate, nervous or physical exhaustion.

Particularly negatively frequent onanism affects young boys up to fourteen years old, whose reproductive system is still fully functioning. Masturbation at the same time will do more harm than good to the body and, moreover, will cause obsession with sex.

Harm of frequent masturbation

People who think about their intimate life often ask doctors what will happen if they masturbate very often.

It should be noted that the abuse of this process can cause the following consequences in a person:

  1. Risk of damage to the genitals.
  2. A high probability of infection and the onset of inflammation if the rules of safe self-satisfaction are not followed.
  3. Physical and moral exhaustion, the development of complexes and feelings of inferiority.
  4. The risk of developing mental dependence on masturbation.
  5. Problems with rapid ejaculation can make it difficult to have real intimate relationships with a partner.
  6. A high probability of uncontrolled ejaculation in a teenager or a man.

Moreover, not everyone knows what will happen if you masturbate very often (more than 3 times a day). Such practices can form a neurosis in a person, during which the manipulation of the genitals will become a vital necessity. Without masturbation, a person will no longer be able to get a sense of satisfaction, this process will become a habit for him.

At the same time, it should be understood that onanism does not appear in any way on weight, height, penis size or vision, as men who practice self-satisfaction often imagine.

Rules for safe masturbation

In order for masturbation to become a pleasant “relaxation” for the body and not lead to dangerous consequences, you should adhere to the following recommendations for its safe implementation:

  1. Be sure to wash your hands before each process. This is the basic rule that will help protect a person from unwanted microbes, fungal infection and other unpleasant diseases.
  2. Perform masturbation at home. It is at home that it will be easiest for a person to relax.
  3. When using intimate toys, it is worth remembering that they should always be clean. It is also important to know the measure so as not to harm yourself. It is extremely dangerous to use sharp objects or improvised means.
  4. If you masturbate very often, it will be easy to predict. The first thing a person will begin to notice in himself is the lack of natural lubrication. To replace it, you need to use special water-based lubricants. They will protect against damage to the genitals.
  5. Do not perform self-gratification in public places. It is also better not to abuse watching erotic videos, as this can lead to uncontrolled ejaculation in real life.

It's important to know that masturbation does help you relax and release sexual tension, but it shouldn't be a habit. It is better to treat it as a natural process that should not interfere with a normal sexual life with a partner or partner.

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