How to live up to a hundred years vigorous and healthy? How to live to be 100 years old. Longevity Tips Step by Step

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According to studies cited by Marklund in his book The 10 Golden Rules of Health, genes affect only 25% of life expectancy, but the remaining 75% determines our lifestyle. From this, the author concludes: "Each of us chooses how he wants to grow old or how not to grow old."

After analyzing the lifestyle of Swedish pensioners, the author identified the main secrets of their longevity. And most importantly, there is nothing difficult in his recommendations - no ingenious green smoothie recipes, no complex yoga asanas. All it takes is common sense and a little willpower.

1. Get active

The Swedes are a sports nation. In the morning, half of the country goes for a run, and at the end of February, schools organize special sports holidays so that families can go to the mountains - skiing and snowboarding.

Physical activity reduces stress levels and stimulates the release of happiness hormones. Nevertheless, it is useless and even harmful to train 5 times a week. Just try to walk or ride a bike more, play football or hockey with your children, go dancing or rock climbing.

Let the movement be a pleasure. Only in this way will physical activity become a healthy habit. This is better for the body than infrequent but exhausting workouts from time to time.

2. Don't worry about trifles

Dr. Marklund reminds us that "stress responses are necessary for us to survive." However, if you lose your temper every time you can't find your house keys in your bag or someone cuts you off on the road, that's a bad symptom.

You need to learn to control emotions and not let small troubles unsettle you. There are no universal recipes here. For some, it is enough to take a deep breath and count to 10. Others may need the help of a psychoanalyst or anger management training. In any case, ask your loved ones to point out to you when you "turn on because of nonsense."

3. Sleep well, but in moderation

At night, the body is restored. Chronic lack of sleep immediately affects the appearance, weakens the immune system, leads to overweight and various diseases. However, sleeping more than 10 hours a day is also harmful. According to research conducted at Harvard, this negatively affects the quality of sleep and leads to memory impairment.

4. Look for the sun

Sweden is not the warmest country. However, its residents have learned to make the most of every fine day and do not sit at home or in the office in good weather. Everyone tries to spend at least a lunch break on the terrace of a cafe or in a park.

Everyone knows that vitamin D is produced in the body when exposed to sunlight. And it is vital for the normal functioning of the nervous system, strong bones and immunity.

Caffeine and Coffee Antioxidants Help Reduce the Risk of Diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's

In addition, vitamin D is not the last place in the prevention of cancer, diabetes, depression, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis. However, being in direct sunlight all day or going to the solarium is by no means necessary. This provokes photoaging of the skin and can even cause cancer.

5. Eat a balanced, moderate but varied diet

It is useless to sit on diets and arrange fasting days. It is enough just to minimize the consumption of refined sugar, semi-finished products, sausages and smoked meats. Load up on plant-based protein, foods rich in essential fatty acids (oily fish, vegetable oils), antioxidants, and vitamins.

Sweden is rich in fish and seafood: salmon and herring are eaten there even for breakfast. In addition, Scandinavians respect vegetables primarily a variety of root vegetables, and whole grain breads and dairy products. Meat is not forbidden, but it is better not every day.

6. Drink water and ... coffee

Hydration is essential for the body to function properly. A little reminder: the body is 60% water and loses up to 1.5 liters of moisture every day. If they are not replenished, cells cannot be renewed properly, nerve impulses pass more slowly, the body ages faster.

Moisture reserves can be replenished not only with clean drinking water. Moisture from vegetables and fruits, liquid soups, tea and coffee are also considered.

By the way, in recent years, doctors are increasingly talking about the benefits of coffee. So, Bertil Marklund cites data in the book proving that caffeine and coffee antioxidants help reduce the risk of diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. The author recalls that Sweden ranks second in the world in terms of coffee consumption per capita. Every Swede has a coffee machine at home. The average Swede drinks 3-4 cups of this drink per day, and some even more.

You need to surround yourself with positive people, help those in need, and celebrate all the good things that happen to you.

Such a legend is popular among the inhabitants of this country. In the second half of the 18th century, by decree of the Swedish king Gustav III, an experiment was conducted to study the effect of coffee on health. The test subjects were two twin brothers sentenced to death for crimes. One had to drink three mugs of coffee daily, and the other - the same amount of tea. The king did not live to see the end of the experiment, but the brothers lived a long life. The one who drank tea was the first to die at the age of 83.

7. Watch your weight

Excess weight leads to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. At the same time, according to Dr. Marklund, in order not to gain weight, it is enough to eat slowly, never take supplements and choose healthy foods.

8. Take care of your teeth

Oral hygiene affects the entire circulatory system. Bleeding gums or inflammation can cause serious illness and even blood poisoning. Therefore, do not forget to visit the dentist twice a year, brush your teeth thoroughly and do not lean on sweets.

9. Think positive

Bad mood leads to depression, loss of strength, chronic fatigue. Good news for those whose glass is always half empty: pessimism is curable. And there are a lot of ways. You need to surround yourself with positive people, spend more time with loved ones, help those in need, try to make the world a better place and celebrate all the good things that happen to you.

For example, try every day for a week to write down in a notebook three things that made you smile kindly. And very soon you will realize that there are not so few reasons for joy.

10. Have an active social life

People who often experience loneliness die earlier. They have a high percentage of fibrogen protein in their blood. This protein causes the formation of blood clots, which lead to the development of cardiovascular and other diseases.

So catch up with old friends more often and make new ones, get together for family dinners, or pick up a hobby that will help you to be among like-minded people more often. Good options are dance lessons, chess, pottery or painting classes.

about the author

Gerontologist, public health specialist.

112-year-old Texas resident, World War II veteran Richard Overtonsmokes daily up to 12 cigars and drinks at least four glasses of whiskey.

Overton is now considered the oldest living male US citizen (he was born in May 1906), and he connects his longevity with addiction to cigars and whiskey, as well as a love of ice cream, which he eats every evening, writes .

And he is far from the only one who believes that alcohol and a not too healthy lifestyle are the key to longevity.

The American advice site for the elderly and their children, A Place for Mom, analyzed numerous interviews with a hundred of the oldest people on the planet and asked them why they managed to live longer than 100 years. The resulting list calls into question the notion that healthy eating, physical activity and the rejection of bad habits is the key to longevity.

About a quarter of centenarians are sure that they live long because they eat right. However, those who allow themselves all their lives fatty foods, sweets, carbonated drinks, smoking , alcohol and believes that it was this lifestyle that helped to live for more than a hundred years, a little more - 29%.

For example, the oldest person who ever lived on the planet, the Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, who died at 122, smoked most of her life, regularly drank wine and ate a lot of chocolate. It was cigarettes, wine, chocolate, and olive oil that Kalman considered the basis of a long life.

Karnava, a 115-year-old Greek woman from Evangelia, attributes her longevity to her love of Coca-Cola. Her peers, Americans Bernice Madigan and Jeralyn Tully, also do not adhere to the principles of a healthy diet - Madigan eats four glazed donuts a day, and Tully loves pork legs.

112-year-old Gustav Gernet from Germany has never dieted or exercised in his life, and his peer Batuli Lamichane from Nepal still smokes 30 cigarettes a day. 111-year-old Briton Grace Catherine Jones is sure that a glass of whiskey before bed helps her live so long. 110-year-old Agnes Fenton went even further - every day she drinks not only a glass of whiskey, but also three bottles of beer and considers such a diet the secret of her longevity. Their 105-year-old compatriot Jack Reynolds also attributes his long life to his love of whiskey, adding it to his morning tea and evening lemonade, and 104-year-old Pauline Dunhill always drinks gin and tonic at night. Drinking beer regularly is what Mildred Bowers, 104, says is what helps her live so long. Doris Netting, a centenarian who drinks a pint of beer a day, shares the same opinion.

109-year-old American Ruth Benjamin says she can't live without bacon and always eats four servings of bacon for breakfast. And her 105-year-old compatriot Pearl Kentrell loves bacon so much that she eats it with every meal. 108-year-old Briton John Mansfield eats scrambled eggs with fried pork and beef sausages every day. 105-year-old American Marian Schlesinger always drinks coffee in the morning and liquor in the evening, and believes that this habit has helped her live for more than 100 years. Peanut butter, chocolates, bacon, eggs and ice cream are the basis of the diet of 103-year-old Imogen Young from the USA. A hundred-year-old Frenchwoman Marie-Louise Wirth never eats fruit and does not drink milk, but she drinks alcohol with every meal, like a hundred-year-old American Paulina Spagnola. Centennials Gregory Tsakhas (Greece), Art Stiegleter and Florence Beers (USA) consider coffee and wine the secret of their longevity.

Physical exercise is also not honored by centenarians - only 21% of them regularly engage in some kind of physical activity. At the same time, 103-year-old Italian Vincenzo Barrata is sure that it's all about sex - he eats only once a day, but he has "a lot of women", and his compatriot, who lived to be 117 years old, Emma Morano, on the contrary, believed that she would become a long-liver helped by the absence of her husband, whom she once expelled, and never married again.

At the same time, many people who have lived longer than 100 years called quite predictable things the key to a long life - good family relationships, active communication with friends and relatives, a positive attitude, optimism, an easy attitude to problems, good sleep, healthy food, regular hiking and so on.

“It is believed that life expectancy is determined by heredity and lifestyle, but what the role of each of these factors is still the subject of heated debate,” commented gerontologist David Demko on the results of the survey. - It is estimated that genes account for 25% and lifestyle factors for 75%, but this ratio may be different in light of recent research data. Be that as it may, it is already clear that a long life is not limited to a successful set of genes and fortunate circumstances.”

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Probably everyone would like to be healthy and live to be a hundred years old. But there are so many visible and invisible threats in the world that it is quite difficult to make this a reality.

If you are closely monitoring your health, the tips below will come in handy. They will help you to keep healthy and live a long and happy life!

How to live to 100

1. Read newspapers upside down
And it's not a joke. By reading upside down, you expose your brain to a little stress that helps it repair damaged cells. You can also write with an unusual hand for you, listen to music that is unpleasant for you ...

2. Eat red fruits and vegetables
Few people know that bell peppers contain more vitamin C than an orange. Beets, on the other hand, are rich in nitrates, which dilate blood vessels, and tomatoes are a source of lycopene, which protects against cancer and cardiovascular disease.

3. Run fast
Running reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by as much as 30 percent. Instead of running, you can ride a bike.

4. Be careful when using a public toilet
Wash your hands thoroughly after every visit to a public restroom to get rid of bacteria that can not only cause serious illness but also weaken your immune system.

5. Eat bananas
This fruit lowers blood pressure. Its potassium content helps counteract the harmful effects of excess salt in the diet.

6. Squat
This simple exercise helps to strengthen muscles, which in the future, especially in old age, will help prevent falls.

7. Drink at least one cup of tea a day
Tea lowers blood levels of stress hormones and increases your chances of surviving a heart attack by 28 percent because the antioxidants found in tea strengthen blood vessels.

8. Go to bed an hour earlier
Sleeping just one hour longer helps lower and normalize blood pressure. Also, a long sleep helps a person to deal with stress.

9. Eat yogurt
Drinks with probiotics have a positive effect on the digestive tract.

10. Floss
It helps to get rid of bacteria that cause cavities, which ultimately protects you from cardiovascular disease, diabetes and dementia.

11. Breathe through a straw
Do this daily to improve lung function, lower your heart rate, and lower your blood pressure. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through a straw.

12. Keep the house clean
People who frequently clean their home have high levels of serotonin (the happiness hormone). It, in turn, has a positive effect on good sleep, proper nutrition and, as a result, on longevity.

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Life is a strange and complicated thing that can throw up dozens of troubles in one day. However, it is worth remembering: any trouble is a lesson that will definitely come in handy sometime in the future. If a person is an honest student, then he will remember the lecture the first time. In the event that the lesson was incomprehensible, life will confront him again and again. And many people take this literally, complicating their lives! But sometimes you should not endure some things, looking for life lessons in them! What specific situations should be stopped?

Everything seems dull and gray, close people annoy, work infuriates and there are thoughts that all life is heading downhill somewhere. In order to change your own life, it is not necessary to do something supernatural and complex. Sometimes the simplest and most accessible actions for everyone can significantly increase the level of energy and make you feel much better. Try to introduce 7 effective practices into your life that will dramatically change your life for the better.

Everyone who is engaged in self-development knows that he cannot do without a feeling of discomfort. Quite often, people confuse discomfort with a black streak in life and begin to complain, or even worse, try to avoid change. But as experience shows, only by going beyond the comfort, you can find and acquire all the benefits that we need.

Many people cannot imagine their day without one or more cups. And it turns out that drinking coffee is not only tasty, but also healthy! If you do not complain about serious health problems, then you can drink a few cups of this delicious drink without remorse and enjoy its benefits.

Most studies confirm that heredity is not the main criterion in the duration of human life, there are recommendations that can extend it, let's consider 10 golden rules for living to 100.

Many psychologists, scientists and philosophers argue that passive and dull people live much less until the age of 80, while merry people are much more likely to prolong their life. And even if a passive person adheres to a healthy lifestyle, while giving up all bad habits, this does not give him a 100 guarantee for longevity. As you know, positive emotions, pleasant communication, hobbies and new acquaintances are excellent antidepressants that can saturate life with bright colors. Below, we provide some tips, how to live to 100.

1. Say no to stress!

Prolonged emotional experiences negatively affect your appearance and well-being. They can worsen health conditions such as diarrhea, high blood pressure, cancer, and weaken the immune system.

Advice: If you are unable to influence the situation, just change your attitude towards it. Try to find the source of your irritation. Think in your power to change the course of events? If there is such an opportunity, take advantage of it immediately. If you are unable to influence the situation, try to “let it go”, switch your attention to something positive.

2. Communication helps to live up to 100 years!

It has been proven that those people who are accustomed to being loners in life very rarely live to an advanced age. This increases the likelihood of serious illness. Your task is to develop personal communication skills. Live in reality, not in an illusory world. Chat with family, neighbors, friends or colleagues.

Advice: Do not sit by the phone waiting for a call, call yourself - relatives, friends or loved ones. Register on social networks - update the wall, write messages to friends, wish them a happy birthday. You can become a member of a forum or join a society (group).

3. Hobbies!

To live up to 100 years, you need to fill your life with all possible colors and positive emotions. For example, you can get a fish or a pet, grow indoor plants, get involved in yoga, or sign up for courses.

Advice: Do not sit still, diversify your life - attend a training, go to a meeting at school, read specialized literature.

4. Life is movement!

Choose a sport that suits you, run in the morning, in general, try to be in motion every day so that your muscles are always in good shape.

Advice: If there is no time for training, go more on foot, to work, to the store, to kindergarten or school for the child. It is advisable to take walks before going to bed, in this case, pleasant fatigue will quickly allow you to find yourself in the kingdom of Morpheus. If you can't afford the gym, work out at home, forget about stairs, escalators and elevators, you have legs, so use them.

5. Let change into your life!

Some people are afraid of change, while choosing an established way of life. However, the ability to adapt allows you to bring something new, unknown to your world. Do not be afraid, endure all the difficulties that have arisen, saturate your life with positive emotions.

Advice: See new events as a stimulus, not as a difficulty. Listen to friends' advice so you can learn from someone else's experience. Share personal experiences with your family, so a joint discussion will allow you to find the best way out.

Try to absorb new information as much as possible, it perfectly stimulates brain activity. The more you learn or read, the better your memory and logical thinking function, which can also allow you to live to be 100 years old.

Advice: Do exercises, for example, close your eyes and feel for your own in a bunch of shared keys. Solve crossword puzzles, learn new languages, play mind games.

7. Pass the medical examination!

Even if you do not have bad habits, are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, nevertheless, it is necessary to visit a doctor from time to time.

Advice: Monitor your blood pressure with a blood pressure monitor. Take a complete blood and urine test every six months. Once every 3 years, undergo a complete medical examination, and after 50 years, undergo an annual medical examination.

8. Eat vegetables and fruits.

They contain a lot of vitamins that allow you to ensure a good mood and well-being, and beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Advice: Eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin A daily (spinach, apricots, and carrots). Fiber and vitamin C are also very useful for the body - they are found in legumes, potatoes, cabbage and apples.

9. Say no to "bad" fats!

For our body, not all fats of food origin are dangerous. Trans-fatty and saturated acids, found in fried foods, animal products, processed foods, and margarine, can increase your risk of heart disease.

Advice: Try to bake food, not fry. Eat fish and skim milk. Do not buy semi-finished products, do not be lazy and cook yourself. Do not abuse eggs (4 pieces per week).

10. Antioxidants.

They fight free radicals, which in turn can cause cardiovascular disease.

We hope you will take into account the 10 golden rules on how to live to 100 years old, be healthy and do not get sick!

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