How to deal with laziness and fatigue? How to live to a hundred years without insanity The advice of centenarians has something in common - a passion for movement

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Why not?…

In the flow of modern life, we rarely think not only about the meaning, but also about the duration of the active part of our lives. “Live here and now,” says the popular slogan. Tomorrow is not in your power! You won’t return yesterday… But years pass (sometimes only a few years), health reserves begin to melt before our eyes, and the once noisy and energetic young man (or girl) turns into a heavily breathing middle-aged person with a bunch of problems and sores… And it’s not up to real things anymore and achievements. Climb to the second floor, drag your carcass to the sofa and stare at the telly half asleep ...

Sad picture!

In the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century, the theme of centenarians was very popular. There were many articles and hypotheses. And since I was an ardent young man in those years, I passionately wanted to live up to 100-150 years! 🙂 Youth loves life! I read and dreamed of going to the mountains!

Let's fantasize!

You are now forty or fifty. Geneticists unanimously claim that the margin of safety for an ordinary person is enough for this (warranty :)) period, and then ... And you probably have already tuned in that in ten years something old, toothless, collapsed and useless will remain from you. Pills, unfriendly doctors, pharmacies, a duck under the bed, etc. Horror!!! Is it really for the sake of this that your mother endured and gave birth, raised and fed, brought up? To such a sad ending?

Now imagine that you have another 30-50 years of active, conscious, wise life ahead of you! Imagine how much you can do! How many people can be helped, how much knowledge and experience can be transferred! And there is so much more to learn! How many books to read! How many wonderful moments to experience! Any dreams can be achieved, any goals can be achieved when you have so much time left. And if we multiply this time by the accumulated experience, wisdom and knowledge? Yes, not a single young wise guy will keep up! …

It's a matter of small. You just need to try to keep your body more or less healthy, and your brain active.

How you spend the first half of your life will largely determine what the second half will be like.

These simple rules, if implemented into your life, will really help to keep yourself in an active, healthy state for as long as possible. I do not promise that everyone who reads this post will live to be 100-120 years old, but I guarantee that if you take on the simple task of applying at least some of these recommendations in practice, the time allotted to you will pass much more interesting, pleasant and useful.


Watch carefully what you eat. If in youth the stomach can digest even nails, then with age this ability almost disappears. I advise you to completely eliminate or very limit yourself in the use of sugar (excessively sweet dishes), animal fats (fatty meats), flour dishes (including pasta).

Sugar is the best food for pathogenic microflora in the mouth, in the intestines, in the organs. It is the best remedy for persistent illnesses, infections and ailments. And the older you get, the more categorical this rule becomes.

Animal fats in excess are one of the causes of heart and vascular diseases.

Excess flour makes it difficult to pass the intestines.

It is also important not to overeat. The digestive system is so arranged that the satiety signal does not enter the brain immediately, but after about 15-30 minutes. During this time, you can eat much more than you really need. Therefore, it is very useful to resort to all sorts of tricks to help avoid overeating. For example, use small plates, cut food into small pieces, generally put smaller ones on the table (within reasonable limits), just eat more slowly. After all, overeating is not only extra calories, it is a huge burden on the body, taking away the already small remaining energy. Digestion is a very energy intensive process, especially if the stomach is full.

Overeating is an empty, stupid and very bad habit. It is quite enough to accustom yourself to get up from the table a little earlier than full satiety comes. And just something!

A separate question concerns bodybuilding, where, by definition, it is necessary to frankly overeat several times a day in order to build up a large muscle mass (alas, along with fat and belly fat). You must be very aware that you are constantly overeating (in fact, harming your health) in the name of a goal that is really meaningful to you ...

Vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, etc. - these are just successful additions that help support the body, not allowing it to wear out faster than it is really necessary. I think their moderate use is justified.

Take the time to read a few books on healthy eating. Choose and practice what is right for you.

Eat mainly products produced in the place where you live and from the raw materials that grow in your region. This will significantly increase the adaptogenic effect of food.

Eat often, varied, in small portions, include a lot of colored vegetables and fruits in your diet, a sufficient amount of protein, supplement your diet with dietary supplements, vitamins, and minerals.


The provision of the body with water is one of the key factors for maintaining the youthfulness of tissues, the rapid removal of unnecessary waste and a good metabolism.

Don't drink tap water. Make sure you always have clean fresh water. The easiest way to determine the purity of water is to evaluate its taste. This is a very precise method used even by professional chemists. Pure water tastes good or has no taste at all.

Do not neglect the advice to drink enough clean water. It is pure water, not tea, juice, coffee, etc. For the body, pure water and any drink are two big differences. Start every morning not with a cigarette or a cup of coffee, but with a glass of clean warm water (even hot). This is very correct and useful in every way.


Keep your home, clothes, bed, workplace clean. Small dirt particles little by little lead to harmful changes in health, accumulating in the body. Dust enters the respiratory tract, microtrauma of the skin, mucous membranes. There are local inflammations, etc.

Growth and development

Have you really decided that there is nowhere to grow further? Is it too late to change something or start from scratch? Tell this to people who, until the very last days, have retained an amazingly sharp mind, the desire to grow and develop (Steve Jobs, Academician Ginzburg, Paul Bragg, etc.). Here they laugh! 🙂

Evolve or degrade - it's just your decision

No more, no less. As you decide, so be it ... Each person always has what he decided shortly before.


Here, everything is quite simple. Take more, throw more. Well, what is it worth getting a pair of kettlebells or dumbbells at home? Look up some simple exercises on the Internet and just do them three times a week?

Muscles are health and vitality. A surprisingly large number of people neglect this simple rule. They do anything (diet, eat all kinds of nutritional supplements, practice breathing, starve ...), just do not train muscles. Therefore, the effect of all these actions is small.

There will be muscles in good shape, there will be a strong foundation for health

This is a strong base, a foundation, without which everything else will be extremely shaky and painful.

It has long been known that after the age of 35, muscle mass begins to “melt” by 1% per year, if not supported by strength exercises. This is a very subtle, but extremely insidious process. If you approach this wisely, it is not at all difficult to stop and even reverse this process.
Mine is one of the most effective and simple options for developing and maintaining muscles in any conditions.

Heart and lungs

Just keep your heart in working condition, and you will avoid a lot of problems that come with age.

Cardio training - think about this term! This is pure heart training. Practice at least 3 runs per week for 30-60 minutes or 3 swim workouts. And your heart will not fail you either at 70 or at 90 years old.

However, do not think that these classes will replace full-fledged strength exercises. This is a very common mistake! Supplement - yes, but in no case will not replace. Strength training develops muscles, running and swimming increase. Those are two big differences.


Joints are among the first to suffer with age. More than half of the world's population suffers from back, knee, elbow and shoulder pain.

To keep your joints healthy, give them movement! The structure of the joints is such that they cannot be healthy without movement. And even the smallest ones. Therefore, the more varied you move during the day, the better. Just “swing butsukha” with a barbell - it will not work!

Excellent methods of improving the joints are yoga, articular gymnastics (for example, Norbekova), (exercises to develop flexibility).

And this does not mean at all that you need to become a professional gymnast or yogi. It is quite enough to give this case from 10 to 30 minutes a day. It's worth it, believe me. Ease of movement, lack of heaviness in the back, pain in the knees - it's worth a lot.


I understand that the topic is somewhat unpleasant. But extremely important.

During life, tons of food pass through the human intestines. And its impact on human health and condition is difficult to overestimate. The healthier and more natural the food passing through the intestines, the better the whole body will be. Therefore, watch your diet.

Empty your bowels promptly. If this does not happen at least once every day, sound the alarm and look for reasons. This is a clear indicator of unhealthy changes in the body caused by infection, malnutrition, physical inactivity.

It is very useful to arrange bowel cleansing from time to time. A banal enema will do.


There are no extra words here at all. It doesn't cost anything to supplement a morning or evening shower with a cool or cold douche. It is better to finish a shower or bath with such a shower. The effect is immediately visible. You simply catch a cold less often.

I don't believe it's normal for a person to have a cold several times a year.

(or what is the already unconvincing host of the Health program trying to convince you of?).

However, don't go to the other extreme. Keep a balance of heat and cold. You don't have to chill all the time. From time to time you need to warm up. You should have a distinct, pleasant feeling of hardening, not blue fingers and nose.


There is a lot of nonsense going around about spirituality. Spirituality is that, spirituality is that… Reading the Bible, Koran, Torah? Such a mess in my head! But…

Spirituality is just a deep, sincere, active gratitude for everything.

And it doesn’t matter at all how you express it - go to church, pray, use foul language...

Learn to be grateful for what you have. Notice the good, this is also gratitude. Be grateful for the bad, for it taught you a lot. Do not assume that there are people worse than you. There is always something for everyone to learn. Influence your own life and the lives of other people if you sincerely believe that your intervention will make life better... Do everything to increase the amount of goodness in the world. Do everything to be happy yourself and help others to become happy ...

Just think about it at least sometimes. Spirituality is just a habit.

Speaking of longevity, you can touch on many more questions. But this will bring the size of this already large article beyond all decent limits. There will be questions or additions, write in the comments.

Can we make it to a very round date?

The resource of our organism is 120 years. Itzhak Pintosevich, the author of a new method of healing, is sure of this.

Our body is a complex mechanism that processes food and removes toxins that enter it from water, air, and food. There are also emotional toxins: stress and negative emotions and experiences.

The human body, cleaning itself, works around the clock, regardless of what we are doing. The processes of cleansing cells, removing food debris, removing poisonous gases, ventilating the respiratory tract and fighting microbes are ongoing.

body cleansing theory

The body is a mechanism that is able to cleanse itself automatically.

The body is cleansed of toxins by 5 organs:

  1. Liver. By filtering the blood, it frees it from toxic substances, viruses, bacteria.
  2. Lungs. They provide oxygen to the body, without which the normal functioning of cells is impossible. Remove metabolic products and carbon dioxide. In the lungs, mucus is formed, which collects toxins and is excreted when coughing.
  3. Kidneys. During the day, they are able to process about 200 liters of blood, separating from it approximately 2 liters of unnecessary fluid and waste, which are formed during the natural decay of tissues and enter the body with food.
  4. Leather. Toxins and ammonia are excreted in the form of sweat through the pores.
  5. Intestines. The nutrients our body needs are absorbed through the small intestine. Fluid and minerals enter through the large intestine, which also removes waste.

We clean the body

How to strengthen the defense systems of your body and help it cleanse itself of poisons more efficiently?

Fasting is Avicenna's favorite way of cleansing and healing. Together with gymnastics, massage and a bath, it gives amazing results and helps the body cope with the negative effects of the environment.

“It is better to starve for a day or two instead of drugs” - these words belong to Plutarch. The founder of modern medicine, Hippocrates, considered moderation in nutrition and hunger treatment as the only way to maintain health. Only in this way, in his opinion, can we awaken the doctor within us. To nourish a body that is not purified is to do more harm to it.

Step by step

Even in ancient times, fasting was practiced - refusing food for one or more days. This is the most reliable way to remove waste accumulated there from the body. With complete starvation, the body has nothing to do, and it throws all its strength into the removal of toxins and poisons.

It is very important to properly start the process of cleansing the body. You need to start from day 1 of fasting, having previously studied the information on this issue. Paul Breguet describes in great detail the mechanism of cleansing by fasting. Currently, there are specialized centers where fasting is carried out under the supervision of specialists. The duration and cyclical fasting depends on the constitution of a person and his state of health.

Be careful!

Fasting, like any method of treatment, has contraindications. Pregnant or breastfeeding women and children should not fast. If you have chronic diseases, fasting can only be done under medical supervision.

Today, even those who have crossed the border of 60 years of age dream of living to 100 years old and at the same time remain alert, energetic and, most importantly, healthy. In psychology, this attitude to age is called common sense and a real modern approach. Therapists argue that such an attitude towards old age is correct, because it is determined not by a person’s age, but by the reserve of his inner strength and capabilities.

Scientists at an American university came to the conclusion that if a person, even at the age of 70, can serve his physiological needs and at the same time lead an active social life, he is not considered old by all criteria and standards.

A person does not grow old until he considers himself as such.

For example, a person at the age of 60 can independently go to the store, buy food, necessary goods, at home - cook food and clean up dirt; if an elderly person has a desire to attend cultural events, and, moreover, without being accompanied by an outsider, then he is not old, but let's say, middle-aged.

A person is not considered old, he has reached a high age.

The main thing is not to live to be 100 years old, but to do it with a full sense of health. It makes no sense to mark the age of one century if you are not able to serve your basic needs at that moment.

Did you know that…

  • How long you live is determined in the womb. The life expectancy of a person will be influenced by such factors as: consumption and smoking by a pregnant woman, the presence or absence of physical inactivity, proper nutrition of a woman, attitude towards pregnancy - whether she goes under the motto of a healthy lifestyle or the pregnant woman refused to fight bad habits. These words are confirmed by research by scientists at the University of Cambridge.

So, if you are reading this article and are expecting a child, then now you can make a useful contribution to his future life - start leading a healthy lifestyle.

  • Parts of chromosomes (DNA) covered with telomeres are responsible for life span. If telomeres are short, then DNA is not protected from possible damage. Therefore, a person ages much faster than someone who has these long telomeres.
  • If a child experienced oxygen starvation at the time of birth, then this increases the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system, and also reduces life expectancy in general. What to do? Throughout life, periodically take substances - antioxidants, the action of which is aimed at neutralizing free radicals.

If you want to be healthy, take (antioxidant) or fill your diet with foods containing antioxidants.

Cambridge University professor Dino Giussani conducted a series of studies and was able to draw the following conclusion: “Our age, our biological clock starts working even before we are born.

It has been proven that life expectancy is reduced by factors such as:

  • Smoking;
  • Excess weight;
  • Physical inactivity (a sedentary lifestyle);
  • Alcohol;
  • Harmful food.

All this increases the likelihood of cardiovascular disease. But, in addition to all this, it is also important in what kind of environment a person grows, lives and develops. If he is surrounded by a society in which few people live to an average age of 60-70 years, not to mention centenarians, then a person has nothing to strive for. He will have no one to take an example of a healthy lifestyle and longevity.

Proper nutrition

In order not to grow old at 50-60 years old and not get sick at the same time with diabetes mellitus, oncological diseases, not to experience a stroke, and also not to have varying degrees of disability, you need to start now to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right, no matter how much you are old.

Of course, this will seem unrealistic to most pensioners, but everything is possible.

So, under the right and most importantly - healthy nutrition, you need to understand: the rejection of fast food and convenience foods, less fatty, fried, salty, sweet, spicy, smoked foods, as well as various sauces and mayonnaise in the diet. A healthy person's diet contains a lot of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish and dietary meat. With such nutrition, you will not gain extra pounds, therefore, you are not threatened with obesity. Once a week, once every two weeks, arrange fasting days for yourself. Avoid alcohol and alcoholic beverages.

Long-lived Japanese

An example of a proper healthy diet is the diet of the Japanese, among whom every second inhabitant lives up to 90-95 years, and some even up to 100 years. What is the Japanese diet like? They eat a lot of rice, seafood and drink green tea. You will not meet a Japanese who overeats fast food or drinks liters of coffee. We take an example from the Japanese - we begin to eat right and live long at the same time.

Centenarians do not suffer from coronary heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression, upper respiratory tract diseases, stroke, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease.

If you don’t want to grow old quickly, follow the instructions of Australian scientists - include more vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, legumes in your diet. As a result, you can prolong your youth by 80%. For example, all in the same Japan, the population consumes fiber in large quantities. And fiber is dietary fiber necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful "Japanese products" are: fish, shellfish, rice, vegetables, seaweed, fruits. But, the most important thing in the consumption of any food is moderation. Do not overeat, otherwise it will harm your health.

Optimism - yes!

It has been proven that optimists live much longer than pessimists. Moreover, the quality of life of optimists is also higher. Scientists from the University of Manchester conducted a study: who has a better quality of life - optimists than pessimists? It turned out that optimists have the best, they have excellent health, they suffer less from cardiovascular diseases, disruption of the central nervous system and endocrine system. It is enough to start right now to change your views on the surrounding reality, to perceive some problems in life more optimistically, and then the quality and quantity of life (which is no less important) will improve and increase.

IGF-1 optimization is the most powerful way to prolong human life known to science today. But what other powerful ways are there to prolong life? Would inhibition of AT1 and AC5 be able to enhance the life-prolonging effect if a person already has optimized IGF-1? Why did the neighbor who led a healthy lifestyle live less than the neighbor who smoked and ate whatever he wanted? Life extension strategy or how to live up to 110 years.

IGF-1 optimization is the most powerful way to prolong human life known to science today.

In the graph on the left, we see a significant life extension in long-lived mice, which, in principle, is extremely difficult to extend life even a little. This effect would be achieved by reducing the caloric intake of mice, and as a result a decrease in IGF-1 in their blood plasma(insulin-like growth factor 1) . Stronger than decline IGF-1 nothing prolongs life to the optimum for these mice. And in general, there is little that prolongs. What can prolong their life besides reducing IGF-1 to the optimum, we will see in the next chapter.


What can reduce IGF-1 people to the optimum?

    • A little IGF-1 may reduce medications - for example,
    • Genetic interventions that edit the gene encoding growth hormone receptors. An example of such natural interventions are people with Laron syndrome.

The following video shows people with Laron syndrome. These are people of a special kind of dwarfism. They never died of cancer and never had diabetes during the entire 22-year follow-up period.

  • Also IGF-1 can be reduced by increasing the level FGF 21 (fibroblast growth factor) .

High level FGF21 blocks growth hormone receptors, and as a result, the synthesis of IGF-1 is greatly reduced. Mice have a genetic boost FGF21 extended life as much as reducing calorie intake. This effect can be seen in the graph on the left. Moreover, if in mice FGF21 rises already at the 6th hour of hunger, then in humans at the 9th day of hunger. And so for humans, fasting is not a practical way to increase FGF21. People need genetic interventions, or its artificial introduction into the body.


In the next chapter, I propose to consider alternative ways of powerful life extension in mice that do not concern IGF-1 and can theoretically enhance the effect of optimization IGF-1 .

AT1 and AC5 inhibition - inferior to IGF-1 optimization, but possibly superior to all other ways to extend life. Or what other powerful ways to prolong life exist.

Another powerful way to prolong the life of mice is a genetic blockade, which reduces the number of Angiotensin II receptor AT1a . The graph on the left shows that this method can extend the life of wild mice by 26%. Do not confuse life extension for short-lived mice. They have a lot that can extend their life by the same percentage. But wild mice live a long time. And there is little that can affect their life expectancy.

How can we influence the lifespan of such mice today not genetically, but with drugs. The drugs, of course, do not act as strongly as genetic interventions, since they do not penetrate into all tissues of the body, but enough to block, for example, the development of hypertension in mice. These are medicines that belong to the class of sartans. A prominent representative of this class is, which can be read about in the article: . blocks AT1 receptors .


Another way to greatly extend the life of wild mice that live long is genetic blockade of adenylate cyclase type 5 (AC5) . Knockout AC5 greatly prolongs the median life expectancy of mice - by 30%, protects the heart from aging, protects against type 2 diabetes, obesity. The point is that when blocking AC5 the sensitivity of beta-adrenergic receptors to adrenaline decreases.


But it was from the effects of adrenaline that atherosclerosis and heart failure developed in primates (monkeys), which were at the bottom of the hierarchy.

The fact that emotional stress increases blood pressure and causes heart disease is clearly shown in the work of J. Kaplan. Kaplan, using the example of primates, showed that if you collect a group of male primates, then within a few days the monkeys will have a social hierarchy. The worst place in such a hierarchy is at the bottom. Male primates in a subordinate position show a range of indicators of chronic stress. Often such primates develop atherosclerosis. But if scientists gave male primates at the bottom of the social hierarchy (at risk group) a drug (adrenergic receptor blocker) that suppresses the activity of the sympathetic nervous system by reducing the sensitivity of adrenergic receptors, then they did not develop vascular atherosclerosis. This showed how the sympathetic nervous system, due to stress through adrenaline, affects the development of atherosclerosis and is involved in problems with the heart and blood vessels. The truth is that emotional stress manifests itself through the sympathetic (adrenergic) autonomic nervous system, which links the control centers of our brain and internal organs. Including - with immune, bone marrow, etc. And atherosclerosis is the main factor that leads to the largest number of deaths in developed countries from heart attack and brain stroke.


By the way, in the same position - at the bottom of the hierarchy are people with Laron syndrome (people with very low IGF-1). They don't get cancer or diabetes. But they develop atherosclerosis. And they die mostly not from old age, but if from old age, then these are diseases of the heart and blood vessels due to atherosclerosis. And in all likelihood, their problem of diseases of the heart and blood vessels can be solved blockade of AC5 At least, if not genetically, then with the help of . Clinical trials in humans have shown that it reduces mortality from cardiovascular diseases (the world's #1 cause of death),


A inhibits AC5


By the way, another potential geroprotector (life-prolonging agent) is also an inhibitor of type 5 adenylate cyclase ( AC5).


What is the difference between median life expectancy and maximum life expectancy.

If we look at the graph on the left, we can see that the very last mouse in the group of mice marked with white dots died at the age of 33 months. That's what it is maximum lifespan such mice. That is, the maximum life expectancy is the age at which the last mouse died.

But we also see on the graph that the mice died at the age of 23 months and even earlier. But the age at which 50% of all mice marked with white dots died is median life expectancy— 25 months (on the chart).

It may happen that some medicine does not increase the maximum lifespan - that is, does not prolong the life of the longest-lived mouse. And prolongs the median life expectancy - that is, prolongs the life of less happy mice to the level of the one that died the last. It's also good. Look at the chart on the left. The blue arrows show exactly the increase in the median lifespan of blue mice, without increasing the maximum lifespan. In this situation, life is not extended only for the mouse that originally lived for 1400 days.

I hope now you understand what is the difference between the maximum life expectancy and the median. This is very important to understand in order to understand the life extension strategy that will be revealed below.

Would inhibition of AT1 and AC5 be able to enhance the life-prolonging effect if a person already has optimized IGF-1? Or is it possible to prolong a person's life even more if a person is already practicing therapeutic fasting? Or why did the neighbor who led a healthy lifestyle live less than the neighbor who smoked and ate whatever he wanted?

We now know from the above that the most powerful way to prolong life is to optimize IGF-1, for example, using ) . If mice already have reduced IGF-1, then additional fasting does not prolong their life, as can be seen in the graph on the left. Mice with growth hormone receptor (Laron) defective already have low IGF-1. And fasting them no longer gives any additional benefit.


But after that, it may be believed that if this is the case, then it is enough to follow the FMD diet and nothing else needs to be done in order to live as long as possible. But there is a big misunderstanding here.

Look at the picture on the left. Red mice are wild mice. Blue mice are mice that have a lower IGF-1 due to an FMD diet, or they are dwarf mice with a Laron syndrome-like syndrome (low IGF-1) that live 50% longer than normal wild mice.

And now notice at what age the very first blue mouse died - she died at 400 days old, despite eating moderately - following an FMD diet that reduces IGF-1 to the optimum (the most powerful way to prolong life).

And pay attention to the age at which the last red mouse died - she died at the age of 1000 days, despite the fact that she did not practice the FMD diet, "overeating" food from morning to evening.

Yes, of course, if the first blue mouse did not follow the FMD diet, it would live not 400 days, but 300. And the last red mouse, if it followed the FMD diet, it would live 1400 days, not 1000. That's why your neighbor, who smokes and drinks may live longer than a neighbor who leads a healthy lifestyle. The neighbor extended her life in a healthy way and lived, say, 60 years instead of 45. But she initially had worse genetic health than the neighbor who lived for 65 years, and if he had not drunk and smoked, he would have lived 90.

Let's look further at the picture. A mouse that was on an FMD diet and died at the age of 1400 days may (although not a fact) not live longer if, in addition to the FMD diet, it improves the health of the heart and blood vessels with vitamin K2, magnesium, etc., as well as with the help of blockade AC5propranolol or genetically. But it's only one mouse. The rest of the mice will live longer, approaching the age of the last mouse - 1400 days (blue arrows show this in the picture). Thus, the FMD diet, although it will prolong our lives more than all other means, is not strong enough to approach the age of the longest-living person - Jeanne Calment (122 years old). After all, we all have different genetic health.

The FMD diet can powerfully reduce the risk of death from cancer and diabetes. It lowers IGF-1 to optimal levels, which means it protects against cancer and diabetes. But it still does not protect us so well from cardiovascular diseases due to the possible hyperactivity of angiotensin receptors, as well as from the destructive effect of adrenaline on the heart and from vascular calcification, which occurs due to a deficiency of many vitamins and microelements. And in order not only to prolong life by a certain percentage, but to get as close as possible to the age of 120 years, a set of measures must be applied. What exactly - we will talk about this below.

Optimal life extension strategy. Or how to live to be 110 years old, and possibly 120.

Let's not make optimistic (too rosy) strategies. And let's not be too pessimistic either. Let us determine the most probable scenario of life extension, subject to the proposed strategy.

The average life expectancy for a man in the Russian Empire in the 19th century was 58 years.

So suppose that a person, living a normal life, would live 58 years.

But if this person begins to practice, he will live for 72 years, even without modern methods of medicine. As part of the FMD diet and gut microflora protection, it is important to eat plenty of fresh vegetables (especially Gratitude.

When writing this article, materials were used that were kindly provided by my colleagues Alexander Fedintsev, Vladimir Milovanov and Denis Varvanets. Denis has a blog called Functional Medicine. Blog Address

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Most studies confirm that heredity is not the main criterion in the duration of human life, there are recommendations that can extend it, let's consider 10 golden rules for living to 100.

Many psychologists, scientists and philosophers argue that passive and dull people live much less until the age of 80, while merry people are much more likely to prolong their life. And even if a passive person adheres to a healthy lifestyle, while giving up all bad habits, this does not give him a 100 guarantee for longevity. As you know, positive emotions, pleasant communication, hobbies and new acquaintances are excellent antidepressants that can saturate life with bright colors. Below, we provide some tips, how to live to 100.

1. Say no to stress!

Prolonged emotional experiences negatively affect your appearance and well-being. They can worsen health conditions such as diarrhea, high blood pressure, cancer, and weaken the immune system.

Advice: If you are unable to influence the situation, just change your attitude towards it. Try to find the source of your irritation. Think in your power to change the course of events? If there is such an opportunity, take advantage of it immediately. If you are unable to influence the situation, try to “let it go”, switch your attention to something positive.

2. Communication helps to live up to 100 years!

It has been proven that those people who are accustomed to being loners in life very rarely live to an advanced age. This increases the likelihood of serious illness. Your task is to develop personal communication skills. Live in reality, not in an illusory world. Chat with family, neighbors, friends or colleagues.

Advice: Do not sit by the phone waiting for a call, call yourself - relatives, friends or loved ones. Register on social networks - update the wall, write messages to friends, wish them a happy birthday. You can become a member of a forum or join a society (group).

3. Hobbies!

To live up to 100 years, you need to fill your life with all possible colors and positive emotions. For example, you can get a fish or a pet, grow indoor plants, get involved in yoga, or sign up for courses.

Advice: Do not sit still, diversify your life - attend a training, go to a meeting at school, read specialized literature.

4. Life is movement!

Choose a sport that suits you, run in the morning, in general, try to be in motion every day so that your muscles are always in good shape.

Advice: If there is no time for training, go more on foot, to work, to the store, to kindergarten or school for the child. It is advisable to take walks before going to bed, in this case, pleasant fatigue will quickly allow you to find yourself in the kingdom of Morpheus. If you can't afford the gym, work out at home, forget about stairs, escalators and elevators, you have legs, so use them.

5. Let change into your life!

Some people are afraid of change, while choosing an established way of life. However, the ability to adapt allows you to bring something new, unknown to your world. Do not be afraid, endure all the difficulties that have arisen, saturate your life with positive emotions.

Advice: See new events as a stimulus, not as a difficulty. Listen to friends' advice so you can learn from someone else's experience. Share personal experiences with your family, so a joint discussion will allow you to find the best way out.

Try to absorb new information as much as possible, it perfectly stimulates brain activity. The more you learn or read, the better your memory and logical thinking function, which can also allow you to live to be 100 years old.

Advice: Do exercises, for example, close your eyes and feel for your own in a bunch of shared keys. Solve crossword puzzles, learn new languages, play mind games.

7. Pass the medical examination!

Even if you do not have bad habits, are a supporter of a healthy lifestyle, nevertheless, it is necessary to visit a doctor from time to time.

Advice: Monitor your blood pressure with a blood pressure monitor. Take a complete blood and urine test every six months. Once every 3 years, undergo a complete medical examination, and after 50 years, undergo an annual medical examination.

8. Eat vegetables and fruits.

They contain a lot of vitamins that allow you to ensure a good mood and well-being, and beneficial substances have a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Advice: Eat vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamin A daily (spinach, apricots, and carrots). Fiber and vitamin C are also very useful for the body - they are found in legumes, potatoes, cabbage and apples.

9. Say no to "bad" fats!

For our body, not all fats of food origin are dangerous. Trans-fatty and saturated acids, found in fried foods, animal products, processed foods, and margarine, can increase your risk of heart disease.

Advice: Try to bake food, not fry. Eat fish and skim milk. Do not buy semi-finished products, do not be lazy and cook yourself. Do not abuse eggs (4 pieces per week).

10. Antioxidants.

They fight free radicals, which in turn can cause cardiovascular disease.

We hope you will take into account the 10 golden rules on how to live to 100 years old, be healthy and do not get sick!

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