Ford Kuga is now going to Russia! In which countries are Ford cars produced? Ford Kug where collect

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Interesting in all senses, the Ford Kuga crossover, capable of boasting excellent running and dynamic characteristics, conquered the hearts of thousands of residents of the CIS countries. Many people, just throwing a quick glance at him, immediately caught themselves at thought: "I want this car to myself." However, before buying this handsome, it will not be superfluous to find out where the Ford Cuga is made and what kind of assembly it is better to purchase, in order to receive from driving only positive emotions.

Where is the Ford Cuga?

Initially, the American autohygoant Ford created this car specifically for the European market and CIS countries, as its answer is no less popular in our areas of Nissan Qashqai. The first representatives of this model left the assembly shop of the Ford Motors plant, located in Saarlus (Germany). However, sharply increased demand for a novelty forced the manufacturer to think well about expanding the sphere of influence. Thille thinking, the management of the company decided to start its "full-scale offensive" from Russia. The ideal bridgehead for the beginning of the mass production "CUGI" was chosen by the factory "Sollers" in the city of Elabuga (Republic of Tatarstan), where some other models of the company have already been collectively collecting.

At the same time, the company actively started working on "conquest" and the Western market, having established the release of his brainchild on the basis of the production capacity of one of its factories in Louisville (USA).

In 2012, in Elabuga cars were collected on the principle of large nodal assembly from the so-called. "Machineomplets", but already one year later, production was translated into a full cycle technology (body welding, painting, final assembly), which greatly improved the quality of the product produced. Since then, the cars collected in Tatarstan satisfy the demand for them not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the near abroad, without inferior in the quality of their "brothers", assembled on the European conveyor.

What is the most high-quality assembly?

This manufacturers are very reverent about the quality of the product being produced. Such a large and famous company as Ford simply cannot afford to release a kind of "Kuga", or any other machine from a wide list of its models. The management of the company perfectly understands that reputational losses are much worse than financial, so the Tatar conveyor is 100% compliant with the stringent standards of auto giant. Each detail set for the future car passes a lot of control stages, which practically eliminates the deterioration of the quality of the finished product.

However, contrary to the assurances of Ford Motors, some owners celebrate some disadvantages of cars collected for Russia:

  • Problems with the electrician, as a result of which the car can stumble without visible reasons;
  • The turbine is sometimes not able to serve and thousands of kilometers (changes under warranty);
  • A little rigid suspension, making deaf sounds when driving irregularities.

However, those specimens that were going for the markets of other countries, but were imported in the Russian Federation independently, they also cannot boast of incredible reliability and the highest quality assembly. Thus, the Ford Kuga versions for the United States are absolutely not adapted for domestic roads, and the quality of their LCP and anti-corrosion treatment of the body is significantly inferior to the Russian.

Therefore, if you seriously think about buying Ford Cuga, then boldly buy the car of the Tatar assembly, because the manufacturer laid some features into its design, allowing it to feel comfortable in harsh conditions of Russian operation. In addition, winter equipment is a practically exclusive option set specifically for the Russian consumer.

How to determine the country of manufacturer Ford Kuga?

If you are standing in front of you, then you will not be much difficult to distinguish it from European or Russian assembly, because the details of the model are characterized by the following distinctive features:

  1. The speedometer has double digitization (mile and kilometers per hour);
  2. The menu you can switch degrees Celsius for degrees Fahrenheit;
  3. Other decoration of the headlight light switch;
  4. The spherical section is installed in the side mirrors;
  5. Yellow section in the head optics;
  6. Chrome lining on the doors of the trunk.

But to distinguish the European assembly from the Russian visually will not succeed. A VIN code will come to the rescue, in which the first 3 characters will indicate the country of production of a particular machine:

  • "Z6F" - the car is collected in Elabuga (Russia);
  • "WF0" - the homeland car is the plant in Saarlusa (Germany).

But, as we talked above, there is no fundamental difference between the "domestic" and European assembly, so you can safely buy any of them.

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Whose assembly of Ford Kuga is better and in what configuration Was Last Modified: December 6, 2019 by Administrator.

The dynamic crossover with a bright design and excellent sketch characteristics of Ford Kuga conquered the heart of not one motorist. But, before buying this handsome, the drivers want to know?

The model that the American brand created for the European and CIS market to compete with Nissan Qashqai, first released in Germany at the Ford Motors factory in Saarlouis. But, the increasing demand of Russian consumers made the manufacturer think about the beginning of the assembly of the car in the Russian Federation. The famous autobrade chose the Sollers plant in Elabuga (Republic of Tatarstan), where they make some of his models.

Where and how to collect Ford Kug in Russia

Since 2012, the assembly of the first Ford Kuga in Elabuga started. This is not the first model of the American brand, which moves from the local plant conveyor. The successful production of other Fords is established here: Tourneo, Explorer, S-Max, Galaxy, Transit, EcoSport 2015.

A year later, in 2013, the enterprise began the release of the second generation of a popular model using full-cycle technology: body welding, color, final assembly. It is these cars that run the domestic roads and neighboring countries. And do not infer at the quality of their analogues created on the European conveyor.

It is known that the cost of the car depends on who collects it. Russian Ford Cuga production made their business: the price of the crossover turned out to be quite affordable.

The model has pleased the consumer to all: a spectacular design, an economical engine, high-quality furniture salon. Still would! After all, the Tatar conveyor, where the Ford Cuga collect for Russia, fully complies with the standards of the car. Each item passes several stages of control - to guarantee the impeccable quality of the beloved many crossover.

Russian version of Ford Kuga. What she is

The current model Ford Kug is equipped with gasoline engines of the EcoBoost series of 1.6 liters. They are issued from 150 to 185 hp, and aggregate with a six-speed automatic or mechanical transmission. But, in 2014, the line of the engine was replenished with another one - a 2.5-liter gasoline unit. Presented and the option with Diesel: 140-Strong DuratorQ Motor works in a pair with a six-speed "robot" PowerShift.

The manufacturer calls the crossover the most "smart" in its history and offers motorists to assess the mass of electronic assistants and innovative technologies.

But, in practice, Ford Kuga local assembly flashes are still located: the turbine requires repair after a couple of hundred kilometers, and the "Shalit" suspension under the passage of the "lying police".

The second generation of Ford Kuga for the American market is produced in Louisville (USA).

The automaker known for the whole world, Ford company in all its manufacturing enterprises introduces a unified quality control system and standardization. The chief European plant for the release of American cars is located in Saarlusa (Germany). The Americans began to build an enterprise in 1996. It is considered one of the largest machine-building complexes in Germany. About 6.5 thousand workers and more than a thousand robots work at the factory, they all work in three shifts. Shared forces every day at the enterprise collect 1650 cars of different models. You will send 80% of all collected cars to export to more than eighty countries of the world, including New Zealand and Australia. But, many Russian motorists are interested, where are Fordkuga collect for the Russian Federation?

Build model for Russia

The first generation of Ford Cuga for Russian consumers was collected in 2012 at the enterprise in Elabuga (Republic of Tatarstan). And in 2013, the second generation of the American crossover rushed from the conveyor.
The Ford Cuga assembly plant for the Russian market also produces:

  • Fordtransit.
  • FordExplorer.
  • FordTourNeo.
  • Fords-Max
  • FordGalaxy

However, it is the model of the CUGA Russian motorists accepted heat, because in addition to the low cost (due to production in the Russian Federation), each potential owner is waiting for a car with a minor fuel consumption and modern, aggressive design.

In the Russian segment, this American crossover is in great demand. Since cars meet with all quality control standards. Components and materials that are equipped with Cuga are repeatedly checked before assembly.
But, even in the case of this model, car owners can not avoid small problems. Ford Cuga Russian assembly noticed some malfunctions in electronics:

  • there are errors that can drown the motor
  • we will have to repair a turbine after overcoming the path of several hundred kilometers
  • the crossover has problems with the suspension.
Therefore, for many buyer, it is important to produce Ford Cuga.

For our consumers, Cuga cars equipped with a 2-liter diesel engine with a choice of - 140 and 163 horsepower. Also, there are crossovers with a gasoline 1.6-liter power plant (175 hp). In the basic version, the machine works for a couple with a six-speed mechanical KP. And additional options include a six-speed robotic KP with double clutch. For the Russian buyer, both all-wheel drive and front-wheel drive models are available. Each car has an independent suspension and power steering with variable characteristics. As additional options, the manufacturer is offered:

  • a roof with a panoramic view
  • leather interior decoration
  • automatic braking system
  • automatic parking machine
  • heated windshield
  • navigator and rear view camera
  • eighty Touch Screen Multimedia System
  • xenon and more.
The basic version of the American crossover will cost you 899 thousand rubles. It is sixty thousand cheaper than the cost of the predecessor. When a person knows where Ford Cuga is released, it is easier for him to make a choice.

In the modern automobile world, it's not so easy to figure out. If earlier, German cars were collected in Germany, Japanese - in Japan, and Italian - in Italy, now the plants for one manufacturer can be located in different states, and cars can be collected in many countries.

For example, let's try to figure out where to collect Ford? This company has plants more than 30 countries of the world, so it is difficult to immediately determine where the car is made.

Henry Ford first in the world applied a conveyor for the production and assembly of cars. This made it possible to strongly reduce manual work and increase the number of cars at times.

Gradually, production began to expand. A few more factories were built in the United States, and then in other countries in Europe and Asia. In Russia, the first assembly plant was built by this autoconecer. We will understand where Ford Mondeo collect, Ford Fiesta and other models of this company.

Ford Company in Russia

The issue of assembling cars is very worried about Russian motorists, as they doubt the vehicles collected in China and Russia.

Ford is very strictly following the quality, despite the place where the assembly is assembly.

The strictest control of all stages is provided by the uniform requirements that establishes the Ford Guide in the US branch.

Many motorists are interested in the question where the Ford is collected in Russia, for example, the Ford Fiesta model. We have many auto plants for the production of foreign cars. The leading position occupies St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

The first plant, which includes a full assembly cycle, was opened in the 2000s. In 2010, FordMondeo began to do on it. The modernization, the replacement of the equipment made it possible to create cars with quality not worse than Belgian. Therefore, buyers in Russia should not worry about the quality of these models.

Ford Focus 3.

The third generation of focus has become very popular in the world and is made in 122 states! Where are the Ford Focus in the Russian Federation? For Russia, he is collected in Vsevzhsk (Leningrad Region) at the Ford Sollers Auto Festival since 2011.

There are gather both five-door hatchbacks and universals. Power allows you to produce different models.

Workshops, paint chambers, assembly lines, warehouses give the company the opportunity to develop successfully.

To confirm the reliability and security of the Ford Focus model 3, all instances are tested on their own tracks of the automobile plant. FordFocus produced in Russia is not inferior in quality to its foreign colleagues.

Ford Mondeo New Generation and Ford Focus 4

These models since 2015 also produces Ford Sollers plant in Vsevzhsk. It is equipped with all the necessary equipment to do in Russia cars for the local market with famous Fords.

The entire cycle is completed by a series of safety tests so that customers do not doubt reliability.

The production cycle of the new Mondeo is about 14 hours and includes 3 stages:

  1. Body assembly. More than 500 parts of the body is collected practically manually, automation - only 15%.
  2. In the workshop, the car spends 5 hours, where manual labor also prevails.

The conveyor is used at the stage of assembling all the details together, and there are only about 1700 of them to get a car that will delight its owner with excellent technical characteristics and an attractive design.

Ford Focus is a special car that keeps in the first place among "foreigners" by the number of sales seven years in a row. For many motorists around the world, he is the best vehicle.

Ford Focus Fourth Generation, collected in Russia, is specially adapted for our reality. It is equipped with a number of technical innovations, a new engine, additional noise insulation, winter package.

It seems even modest, but internal equipment, stylish design and special features make it one of the best cars for Russian roads. This is confirmed by high places in sales ratings.

Ford Kuga.

There are other Ford specially produced cars for the Russian market, for example, Ford Cuga. Where are the Ford Cuga? It was created to compete with Nissan Qashqai and the site for the manufacture chosen the Sollers plant in Elabuga (Tatarstan).

The first model released in 2012 ensured further successful work on the assembly and other models - Ford Transit, Ford Fiesta, Tourneo, Explorer, Eco-Sport, Galaxy, S-Max.

In 2013, the second-release machines made on the full cycle technology appeared. This includes welding body, painting and assembly.

The price of the Ford Kug 2017 crossover did not become the transcendental due to the assembly in our country, and because it is quite well for sale.

Ford Explorer.

Ford Explorer is also going to Elabuga. 100 million dollars were spent on the launch of production lines.

On assembly lines, and there are only 55 of them, the body panels are collected and welded, the remaining parts are attached to them. The engine comes ready.

For those who are interested in how Ford car plants work in Russia, you can live live, as a vehicle was collected at any stage using the QLS electronic system.

By the way, Ford Explorer Sport with a gasoline engine for 360 horsepower also collect here. Distinguishes this car another steering amplifier and a fully converted suspension.

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As part of today's European presentation, Ford rid out eight electrified models on stage, including a fully electric transit, which will become serial only in two years, but the press focus was expected to be riveted to the new Kug. The third generation crossover borrowed a C2 platform from the focus of the focus of the fourth generation and acquired a more passenger posture, since it became 20 mm below, 89 mm is longer and 44 mm wider. Note that our artist still in almost completely guessed the appearance of the crossover. The new platform allowed to reduce the curb weight of the Cuga about 90 kg, while the rigidity of the body for twist increased by 10%.

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Compared to the predecessor, the wheelbase rose from 2690 to 2710 mm, so that in the back seat Kuga became a little more spacious. The volume of the trunk is not yet named, it is only known that it can be increased by 67 liters, if you move the rear seat installed on the sledsticks as much as possible. From the driver's seat, the new KUGA is almost completely identical to the focus of the fourth generation, and, in essence, the only "chip" of the crossover is a virtual 12.3-inch virtual instrument shield, while the multimedia display diagonal on the center console is only 8 inches. In addition to the main shield, a retractable transparent workshop on the visor is proposed, on which operational data is displayed using the projector - for example, speed and navigation tips.

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For the new KUGA, there are already three hybrid power plants. The PLUG-IN Hybrid consists of a 2.5-liter gasoline "atmospheric" operating on the atkinson cycle, an electric motor and a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 14.4 kWh. The cumulative power of the rechargeable hybrid is 225 hp, the turn of the electric shock is 50 km, and the full charge of the battery from the household outlet takes 4 hours.

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The usual hybrid kuga (without the possibility of charging from the external source) also arranged, but its technical characteristics are not yet disclosed - such a modification will appear only in 2020. And the simplest soft hybrid is built on the basis of the 150-strong 2.0-liter Ecoblue turbodiesel, to which the auxiliary 48-volt starter generator is simply screwed, which gives additional power during accelerations and allows you to save fuel. The 190th version of the same diesel engine will be put on a CUG without a hybrid imagination, as well as a 120-strong diesel engine 1.5 Ecoblue and gasoline "turbotroix" 1.5 EcoBoost with a capacity of 120 or 150 hp Boxes of the company - 6-speed "mechanics" or 8-speed hydromechanical "automatic", drive - front or complete, with electron-controlled power take-off coupling on the rear axle.

For the US market, where Kuga is sold under the name Escape, diesel engines are not stated, but there will be a unique gasoline top version with a motor 2.0 ECOBOOST with a capacity of 253 hp, and the 1.5 ECOBOOST engine produces the maximum 182 hp.

The second generation KUGA last year found 153,259 buyers in Europe, 1.2% more than in 2017, but the result of VW Tiguan is almost one hundred thousand more. American Escape in 2018 was separated by a circulation of 272 228 copies (-11.7%), while the leader of the SUV segment - Toyota RAV4 - found 427,168 buyers (+ 4.8%).

In Russia, 2018 will become the last full year of sales of Kuga (13,909 pcs are implemented), as well as other Ford passenger cars. Recall that the "blue oval" and close (as an option - to sell) its plants, only an enterprise will remain in Elabuga, which produces transits, but control over it will turn to the Russian company Sollers.

Today, the Ford's Russian press office announced the unprecedented "liquidation" discounts on passenger models: in particular, the focus and Cuhouse can be taken with profit of 175 thousand rubles, and the discount on Explorer is as much as 400 thousand rubles. "Oh, where you used to be with such discounts," the consumers are moan. Significantly reduce prices for Focus offered and, where this model is still collected, but the Ford's leadership such a national salvation plan was not interested, since the departure from Russia is just a part announced earlier.

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