Getting in the car correctly

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You should probably start with habits. A person's habits are formed as a result of repeated repetition of something. If you need to remember something, you need to repeat it many times (or not). If you need to perform any exercise, then for the result you must again repeat it several times. This is how a person develops the ability to memorize and subsequently many actions take place "automatically." The man explains it - "I'm so used to it!"

To drive safely, the driver needs to develop the right habits from the very beginning of his driving practice. This is achieved by repeating the correct actions while driving every day. In other words, landing, steering, steering, gear shifting, acceleration, braking, etc. must be performed correctly, always in the same way, because in a critical situation the driver usually acts as he is used to. Therefore, you need to get used to it correctly. This is necessary primarily for safe driving.


Sitting behind the wheel should be comfortable, although the concept of “comfortable” is perceived by people ambiguously. The driver's position should be such that, without unnecessary gestures, it was easy to work with the control levers, which are the steering wheel, pedals, speed switch. How can you make sure you are driving correctly? To do this, you need to rest against the back of the seat and depress the clutch pedal to the floor. Adjust the seat so that your leg is not fully extended, but slightly bent at the knee joint. In this case, the right hand should freely reach the gearshift lever in the position of the farthest gear from the driver. The back remains pressed against the back of the seat and must not slide up under any circumstances! If this happens, then the backrest is strongly tilted. The back of the seat should be in an almost upright position - tilt approximately 10 degrees. The distance from the chest to the steering wheel is measured like this: press your shoulder blades against the back of the seat, bend your wrist and place it in a bend on the top point of the steering wheel. In this case, the arm should naturally be slightly bent at the elbow. Hands on the handlebars should be placed parallel to the horizontal axis, with a closed grip, in the "no 10 minutes 2" position.

There is one way to better orient the position of your hands on the steering wheel. Place your spread palms on the steering wheel, just above the horizontal axis, and twist them slightly in different directions. At some point, each of the palms will, as it were, fall into a hole. This steering wheel rim has taken its place in the palms. Now you can squeeze your hands around the rim. This will be your correct grip, just don't grip the steering wheel too much. The hands should not be tense. The angle between the shoulder and forearm with this grip and a properly adjusted driver's seat is approximately 120 degrees.


The clutch pedal is for the left foot, the gas and brake pedals are for the right. The heel of your right foot is placed on the floor between the accelerator and brake pedals so that you can quickly move your foot from the gas to the brake. The toe of the right leg rests on the gas and the knee freely "leans back" to the right. Some people in the learning phase try to push the brake with their left foot. This is a gross mistake! The driver either accelerates the car by pressing on the gas (with his right foot) or slows down by pressing the brake (again with his right foot).

The left foot should be on the support (small area to the left of the clutch pedal) so that at any time you can move your foot from the support to the pedal. If there is no such support, then just place your heel on the floor, and rest your foot on the arch of the front wheel, so that it is comfortable for you. What you can't do is keep your foot on the clutch pedal (many beginners do this) and put your foot on the floor! In the first case, the leg will quickly get tired and, in addition, you can "burn" the clutch, and in the second - it is not always possible to quickly put your foot off the floor on the pedal. Only on the stop, because the left foot must be ready at any time to switch from the stop to the clutch pedal. Of course, if the car is equipped with an automatic transmission, then you don't even have to remove your foot from the stop.


Mirrors are flat and spherical or panoramic. A spherical or panoramic mirror is a slightly curved mirror and you can see a little more in it than in a straight line. Which one to give preference to is a matter of taste, you can try both, but as experts say, in the car at least one mirror should be straight. Why? The fact is that spherical mirrors move the picture away, thereby distorting the distance to those behind you. You will need to get used to such mirrors first. Direct mirrors are more "honest", although there is less visibility in them. And do not forget about the so-called "dead zones" of the car. These are the areas that are not visible in the mirrors. Therefore, in different situations, you still have to turn your head.

The mirrors should be adjusted in this way: in the salon mirror, the rear window should be fully visible, preferably with the grip of the right rear window, and the road and slightly the rear wing of the car should be visible in the side rear-view mirror. The horizon line in the reflection runs in the middle of the mirror.

Seat belts. You just need to remember the rule: absolutely everyone sitting in the car must be fastened. The driver comes first. And it's not even a matter of a fine for not wearing a seat belt, but of elementary safety. In addition, when you get used to riding with a belt, you will understand how much more comfortable and safer it is.


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