All the most interesting about the internal combustion engine. The first internal combustion engine: where it all began. Engineering and theory

the main / Driving

There will be 8 photos.

1) Piston shape!
It is not strictly cylindrical as it seems at first glance. Simply put: If you look at the side - the shape of the barrel-shaped (usually), if you look from above - oval! This is due to the thermal expansion of the metal when heated. The piston is heated during operation and becomes the right form.

2) Sometimes such things are happening as "fist of friendship" it is when the connecting rod or piston breaks through the cylinder block and disappear very far) rushes rods, etc. There is a lot of reasons for this .. one of them sticks out in the maximum position of the RIKD TNVD engine spins on unreal torments and inertia forces in the end "breaks apart"

3) or so

4) The most large engines are shipping! And here is one of them and its indicators:
Cylinder diameter - 960mm
Number of cylinders - 14
The volume of one cylinder - 1820 l
Power - 108920 hp
Maximum revolutions 102 rpm (with such sizes, even a lot)

5) The pressure in the diesel fuel system can reach up to 2000 atm (modern engines) is due to this so that the injection is at the end of the compression tact when the pressure in the cylinder is already quite large! By the way, the first TNVD came up with Robert Bosch

6) One of the disadvantages of the engine limit on maximum turnover! Maximum value of 20 - 26 thousand rpm. No longer can not be physically ... On high-breasted forced engines, graduation colors are heated to red! (for example, in F1 cars)

7) The maximum temperature of the working fluid (gas) in the combustion chamber reaches up to 2000 degrees Celsius! How doesn't everything mow there in the world? The fact is that this temperature is cyclic, and the metal itself does not heat up to such a temperature, it does not have time to communicate with the gas to the metal.

8) The crankshaft during operation does not concern inserts! It was laid in the princesse of the oil wedge. The principle of the bearings of the sliding! Maximum engine wear across sliding bearings - when starting, stopping, and sharp load sketches. That is why the oil pressure indicator is so important! Such large engines, such as diesel locomotive when glorified, do not devour! If, for example, the train arrived at the station in the morning and to go to the evening, then the diesel is not devoured! Since when stopping and starting, wear will be more than if it works all day in idle, except fuel ...

The piston internal combustion engine is known for more than a century, and almost the same, or rather since 1886 it is used on cars. The principal solution of this type of engines was found by German engineers by E. Langen and N. Otto in 1867. It turned out to be quite successful in order to provide this type of engine the leading position, which remained in the automotive industry and today. However, the inventors of many countries tirelessly sought to build a different engine capable of excellent technical indicators to surpass the piston internal combustion engine. What are these indicators? First of all, this is the so-called efficient efficiency (efficiency), which characterizes which amount of heat that was in the consumed fuel is transformed into mechanical work. The efficiency for the diesel engine of internal combustion is 0.39, and for carburetor - 0.31. In other words, effective efficiency characterizes engine efficiency. The specific indicators are no less significant: specific volume occupied (hp / m3) and the specific mass (kg / hp), which indicate the compactness and ease of construction. Equally important is the ability of the engine to adapt to various loads, as well as the complexity of manufacturing, simplicity of the device, noise level, content in products of combustion of toxic substances. With all the positive aspects of one or another concept of the power plant, the period from the beginning of theoretical developments before introducing it into mass production sometimes occupies a lot of time. Thus, the creator of the rotor-nore-to-wear engine, the German inventor F. Vankel took 30 years, despite its continuous work, in order to bring his unit to an industrial design. The place will be said that almost 30 years left to introduce a diesel engine on a serial car ("Benz", 1923). But not technical conservatism caused such a long delay, and in need of exhaustively to work out a new design, that is, to create the necessary materials and technology for the possibility of its mass production. This page contains a description of some types of non-traditional engines, which in practice has proven their viability. The piston internal combustion engine has one of the most significant drawbacks - this is a rather massive crank-connecting mechanism, because the basic fusion losses are associated with its work. Already at the beginning of our century, attempts were made to get rid of such a mechanism. Since that time, sets of ingenious structures were proposed, converting a reciprocating piston movement into the rotational movement of the shaft of such a design.

Cembling engine S. Balandin

The transformation of the reciprocating movement of the piston group into the rotational motion performs the mechanism that is based on the kinematics "accurate straight". That is, two pistons are connected rigidly rod acting on the crankshaft rotating with the toothed crosses in crank. The Soviet engineer S. Balandin found a successful solution of the task. In the 40s - 50s, he designed and built several samples of aircraft, where the rod, which joined the pistons with the transforming mechanism, did not make angular swings. Such a sacrificial design, although it was some extent complicated by the mechanism, occupied a smaller volume and for friction provided smaller losses. It should be noted that the engine has been tested in England in the late twenties. But the merit of S. Balandin is that he considered new features of the transforming mechanism without a connecting rod. Since the rod in such an engine does not swing relative to the piston, then on the other side of the piston, too, attach a combustion chamber with a structurally simple seal of the rod passing through its cover.

1 - piston rod 2 - crankshaft 3 - bearing crank 4 - crank 5 - power selection shaft 6 - piston 7 - rod slide 8 - cylinder similar solution makes it possible to increase the power of the unit almost 2 times with a single dimensions. In turn, such a double-sided workflow should be necessary on both sides of the piston (for 2 combustion chambers) of the gas distribution mechanism device with due complication, and, it became higher than the rise in price. Apparently, such an engine is more promoted for machines, where high power, low weight and small envelope have the main value, and cost consumption and complexity are of secondary importance. The last of the frightened aircraft workers S. Balandina, which was built in the 50s (double action with fuel injection and turbocharging, Om-127RN engine), had very high indicators for that time. The engine had an effective efficiency of about 0.34, the specific power is 146 liters. C. / l and specific mass - 0.6 kg / l. from. For such characteristics, he was close to the best racing engines.

At the beginning of the last century, Charles Yel Knight decided that it was time to make something new to the engine design, and invented a baking engine with a sleeve distribution. To universal surprise, the technology turned out to be a worker. Such engines were very effective, quiet and reliable. Among the minuses can mark oil consumption. The engine was patented in 1908, and later appeared in many cars, including Mercedes-Benz, Panhard and Peugeot. The technology has deployed to the background when the engines have become faster to spin, with which the traditional valve system coped is much better.

Rotary-piston engine F. Vankel

It has a three-way rotor, which makes the planetary movement of the Eccentric tree district. The changing volume of the three cavities formed by the walls of the rotor and the inner cavity of the crankcase allows the operating cycle of the heat engine with the extension of gases. From 1964 on serial vehicles in which rotary-piston engines are installed, the piston function is performed by a three-margized rotor. The rotor movement required in the housing relative to the eccentric shaft is ensured by the planetary-gear matching mechanism (see Figure). Such an engine, with an equal power with a piston engine, is more compact (has a smaller volume by 30%), it is lighter by 10-15%, it has less details and is better balanced. But at the same time the piston engine for durability, reliability of the seals of work cavities, more fuel consuated, and the spent gases contained more toxic substances. But, after perennial finishes, these shortcomings were eliminated. However, the production of cars with rotary-piston engines serially, today is limited. In addition to the design of F. Vankel, the nog's designs of rotary-piston engines of other inventors are known (E. Kauertz, Bradshow, R. Seyrich, Ruzhitsky, etc.). Nevertheless, the objective reasons did not give them the opportunity to exit the stage of experiments - often due to insufficient technical dignity.

Gas two-walled turbine

From the combustion chamber gases rush into two working wheels of the turbine associated with each with independent shafts. From the right wheel, a centrifugal compressor is given, from the left - the power guided to the wheels of the car is selected. The air, injected by them, enters the combustion chamber passing through the heat exchanger, where it is heated by the exhaust gases. Gas-turbine power plant at the same power compact and easier engine internal combustion of piston, and also well balanced. Less toxic and spent gases. Due to the characteristics of its traction characteristics, the gas turbine can be used by car without PPC. Gas turbine production technology has long been mastered in the aviation industry. For what reason, taking into account the experiments with gas turbine machines, they already have more than 30 years, they do not go into mass production? The main base is small in comparison with the piston engines of internal combustion efficient efficiency and low efficiency. Also, gas turbine engines are fairly expensive in production, so they are currently found only on experimental cars.

Steam piston engine

Couples alternately served then two opposite sides of the piston. The feed is regulated by a spool, which slides over the cylinder in the steam distribution box. In the cylinder, the piston rod is sealed with a sleeve and is connected to a sufficiently massive cruitophone mechanism, which converts its reciprocating movement into the rotational.

Engine r.stirling. Engine external combustion

Two pistons (the lower-worker, the upper - the crucible) are connected to the crank mechanism with concentric rods. The gas located in the cavities above and under the displacement piston, heating in alternately from the burner in the cylinder head, passes through the heat exchanger, cooler and back. The cyclic change in temperature is accompanied by a change in volume and, accordingly, the effect on moving the pistons. Such engines worked on fuel oil, firewood, coal. Their advantages include durability, smooth operation, excellent traction characteristics, which allows you to do without a gearbox. The main disadvantages: the impressive mass of the power unit and low efficiency. Experienced development of recent years (for example, American B. Lira, etc.) allowed us to construct closed cycle aggregates (with complete condensation of water), select the compositions of steam-forming liquids with indicators more profitable than water. Nevertheless, no factory has dary on mass production with steam engines in recent years. The heat-friendly engine, whose idea suggested R.TIrling back in 1816 refers to external combustion engines. It serves helium or hydrogen under pressure, alternately cooled and heated. Such an engine (see Figure) In principle, it is simple, has a lower fuel consumption than internal combustion of piston engines, during operation does not emit gases that have harmful substances, and also has a high efficient efficiency equal to 0.38. However, the introduction of the engine R. Stirling into mass production is hampered by serious difficulties. He is severe and very cumbersome, slowly gains momentum compared to the piston internal combustion engine. Moreover, it is difficult to technically ensure reliable sealing of work cavities. Among unconventional engines, a mansion is a ceramic, which is not constructively different from the traditional four-stroke piston internal combustion engine. Only its most important details are made of ceramic material that can withstand temperatures 1.5 times higher than the metal. Accordingly, the ceramic engine does not require a cooling system and therefore there are no heat losses that are associated with its work. This makes it possible to construct the engine that will work on the so-called adiabatic cycle, which promises a significant reduction in fuel consumption. In the meantime, such works are conducted by American and Japanese specialists, but not yet come out of the decision-search stage. Although in experiments with a variety of non-traditional engines, there is still no deficiency, the dominant position on cars, as already noted above, retain and, perhaps, the piston four-stroke engines of internal combustion will remain long.

It doesn't matter why these were made, in an attempt to create the most economical motor or the opposite, the most powerful. Another fact is important, these engines were created and they exist in real work instances. We are glad and we offer our readers with us to look at the 10 most crazy automotive engines that we managed to find.

To compile our list of 10 crazy car engines, we adhered to some rules: it was only the power plants of serial cars; No racing instances of motors or experimental models, because they are unusual, by definition. We also did not use engines from the category of the "most-most", the largest or most powerful, the exclusivity was calculated on other criteria. The immediate purpose of this article is to emphasize the unusual, sometimes crazy, engine design.

Gentlemen, start your motors!

8.0-liters, more than 1000 hp W-16 is the most powerful and complex engine in history. It has 64 valves, four turbocharger, and sufficient torque to change the direction of rotation of the Earth - 1500 nm at 3.000 revolutions per minute. Its W-shaped, 16-cylinder, essentially connected several engines in himself, never existed before, and, on any other model, except for the new car. By the way, this engine is guaranteed to work through the entire service life without breakdowns, the manufacturer assures in it.

Bugatti Veyron W-16 (2005-2015)

Bugatti Veyron, the only car for today, where you can communicate in the action W shaped monster. Bugatti opens a list (in the photo 2011 16.4 Super Sport).

At the beginning of the last century, the car engineer Charles Knight Yale has happened. Traditional plate valves, he reasoned, were too complicated, return springs and pushers too ineffective. He created its own type of valve. Its solution was dubbed the "spool valve" - \u200b\u200bsliding around the piston of the coupling with a drive from a gear shaft, which opens the intake and exhaust ports in the cylinder wall.


Surprisingly, it worked. The engines with spool valves offered high volumetric performance, low noise level, and the absence of risk of flap of valve. The disadvantages were a bit, they included increased oil consumption. Knight patented his idea in 1908. Subsequently, she began to be applied by all stamps, from Mercedes-Benz to Panhard and Peugeot cars. The technology went into the past when the classic valves began to cope better with high temperatures and high turns. (1913 -KNIGHT 16/45).

Imagine the 1950s, you are trying to develop a new car model. Some German guy named Felix comes to your office and is trying to sell you the idea of \u200b\u200ba triangular piston rotating inside an oval box (special profile cylinder) to install on your future model. Have you agreed to this? Probably yes! The work of this type of engine is so fascinating that it is difficult to tear away from the contemplation of this process.

An integral minus of all unusual difficulty. In this case, the main complexity was that the engine should be incredibly balanced, with precisely fitted parts.

Mazda / NSU WANKEL ROTARY (1958-2014)

The rotor itself is triangular with convex edges, three corners are vertices. When rotating the rotor inside the case, it creates three cameras that are responsible for four cycle phases: inlet, compression, work stroke and release. Each side of the rotor when operating the engine performs one of the stages of the cycle. No wonder the rotor-piston engine type is one of the most efficient DVS in the world. Sorry for the normal fuel consumption from Vankel engines has not been achieved.

Unusual motor, right? Do you know that even more strange? This motor was in production until 2012 and he put on a sports car! (1967-1972 Mazda Cosmo 110s).

The Connecticutian company Eisenhuth Horseless Vehicle was founded by John Aisenhut, a man from New York, who claimed that he invented a gasoline engine and had an unpleasant habit of receiving claims from his business partners.

His models of Compound 1904-1907 were characterized by three-cylinder engines installed in them, in which two external cylinders were driven by means of ignition, the middle "dead" cylinder worked at the expense of exhaust gases of the first two cylinders.

Eisenhuth Compound (1904-1907)

Eisenhuth Sulil 47% increase in fuel economy than it was in standard similar size engines. The humane idea did not have a yard at the beginning of the 20th century. On economy then no one thought. Second bankruptcy in 1907. (In the photo 1906 EISENHUTH COMPOUND MODEL 7.5)

Leave for the French the opportunity to develop interesting engines that look ordinary at first glance. The famous Gali manufacturer Panhard, mainly remembered by his reactive jetty Panar, installed in his post-war cars, a series of opposite engines with air-cooled and aluminum blocks.

Panhard Flat-Twin (1947-1967)

The volume varied from 610 to 850 cm. Cube. The output power was between 42 hp and 60 hp, depending on the model. Best part of cars? Panhard Twin, ever managed to win 24 hours of Le Mans. (In the photo 1954 PANHARD DYNA Z).

The strange name, of course, but the engine is even more strange. The 3.3-liter Commer TS3 was a upgrade, piston-piston, three-cylinder, two-stroke diesel engine. In each cylinder, two pistons standing opposite each other, with one central candle located in one cylinder. He did not have cylinder head. One crankshaft was used (most of the opposite engines have two).


Rootes Group came up with this motor for its brand of trucks and Commer buses. (Bus Commer TS3)


The result was 10.5 hp At 1,250 revolutions per minute and the lack of noticeable vibrations. If you ever wondered, look at the engine standing in this car. (1901 LANCHESTER).

As a veyron, a limited version of the CIZETA supercar (nee cizeta-Moroder) V16T is determined by its engine. 560 Strong 6.0-liter V16 in the womb CIZETA has become one of the most promoted motors of its time. The intrigue was that the CIZETA engine was not true for verification V16. In fact, it was two V8 engines combined into one. For two V8, a single unit and the central timing was used. What makes it does not make it even more insane place. The engine is installed transversely, the central shaft gives energy to the rear wheels.


The supercar was made from 1991 to 1995, this car had a manual assembly. Initially, it was planned to produce 40 supercars per year, then this plank was reduced to 10, but in almost 5 years of production, only 20 cars were released. (Photo 1991 CIZETA-16T Moroder)

COMMER KNOCKER engines were actually inspired by the creation of the family of these French engines with the prescribed pistons, which were made with two, four-, six cylinders before the beginning of the 1920s. This is how it works in a two-cylinder version: pistons in two rows one opposite the other in common cylinders in such a way that the pistons of each cylinder move towards each other and form a general combustion chamber. The crankshafts are mechanically synchronized, and the exhaust shaft rotates ahead of the inlet by 15-22 °, the power is selected either from one of them or both from both.

Gobron-Brillié Opposed Piston (1898-1922)

Serial engines were produced in the range from 2.3-liter "twists", up to 11,4-liter six. Monster-shaped 13.5-liter four-cylinder racing version of the motor was also. By car with such a motor, the Louis Rigoli racer for the first time reached a speed of 160 km / h in 1904 (1900 Nagant-Gobron)

Adams-Farwell (1904-1913)

If the idea of \u200b\u200bthe engine is rotating behind, does not confuse you, then Adams-Farwell cars are excellent for you fit. True turned not all, only cylinders and pistons, because the crankshafts on these three-, five-cylinder engines were static. Located radially, the cylinders were with air cooling and performed as a flywheel as soon as the engine was launched, and it started working. The motors had a small weight for their time, 86 kg weighed 4.3 liter three-cylinder engine and 120 kg-8.0 liter engine. Video.

Adams-Farwell (1904-1913)

The cars themselves were with the rear arrangement of the engine, the passenger salon was in front of a heavy engine, the layout was ideal for obtaining the maximum passenger damage as a result of an accident. At the dawn of the automotive industry about high-quality materials and reliable design, it was used in the first self-apparatus carriages on the old way, a tree, copper, occasionally metal, not the highest quality. Probably it was not very comfortable to feel the work of a 120 kilogram engine spinning to 1.000 rpm for his back. Nevertheless, the car was made for 9 years. (Photo 1906 Adams-Farwell 6a Convertible Runabout).

Thirty cylinders, five blocks, five carburetors, 20.5 liters. This engine in Detroit developed specifically for war. Chrysler built A57 as a way to satisfy an order for a tank engine for World War II. Engineers had to work in a hurry, as much as possible, as much as possible components available.

Bonus. Incredible engines that have not become serial samples: Chrysler A57 MULTIBANK

The engine consisted of five 251 cubic sealers from passenger cars located radially around the central output shaft. At the exit, it turned out 425 hp We used in the M3A4 LEE and M4A4 Sherman tanks.

The second bonus is the only racing engine that fell into the review. 3.0-liter Motor used BRM (British Racing Motors), 32-valve engine H-16, combining essentially two flat eights (H-shaped engine - engine, the configuration of the cylinder block of which represents the letter "H" in the vertical or horizontal arrangement of the H-shaped engine can be viewed as two opposite engines located one above or one or one next to the other, each of which has its own crankshafts). The power of the sports engine of the end of the 60s was more than high, more than 400 hp, but the H-16 seriously inferior to other modifications by weight and reliability. Once I saw the podium, on Grand Prix U.S., when Jim Clark won in 1966.

Bonus. Incredible engines that have not become serial samples: British Racing Motors H-16 (1966-1968)

The 16-cylinder motor was not the only one on which the guys from BRM were koving. They also developed an upcoming 1.5-liter V16. He spinled to 12,000 rpm and produced approximately 485 hp Probably it would be cool to establish such an engine at Toyota Corolla AE86, repeatedly thought about these enthusiasts from around the world.

Sit into the boat with a cargo in the form of a big stone, take a stone, with the power of throwing it away from the stern, - and the boat will float forward. This will be the simplest model of the principle of operation of the rocket engine. The means of movement on which it is installed, contains in itself and the source of energy, and the working body.

The rocket engine works until the working fluid is fuel in its combustion chamber. If it is liquid, then consists of two parts: fuel (well-burning) and oxidizing agent (increasing combustion temperature). The larger the temperature, the stronger the gases from the nozzle are broken, the greater the force that increases the speed of the rocket.

Fuel happens and solid. Then it will be pressed into the tank inside the rocket housing, which serves simultaneously and the combustion chamber. Solid fuel engines are easier, more reliable, cheaper, are easier transported, longer are stored. But they are energetically weaker than liquid.

Of the currently used liquid rocket fuels, the greatest energy gives a pair of "hydrogen + oxygen". Minus: To store components in liquid form, you need powerful low-temperature settings. Plus: during the combustion of this fuel, water vapor is formed, so hydrogen-oxygen engines are environmentally friendly. More powerful than them are theoretically engines with fluorine as an oxidizing agent, but fluorine is extremely aggressive substance.

At the pair of "hydrogen + oxygen" worked the most powerful rocket engines: RD-170 (USSR) for Energy and F-1 rocket for the Saturn-5 missile. Three marching liquid engines of the Space Shuttle system also worked on hydrogen and oxygen, but their traction still lacked to tear the super heavy carrier from the Earth, it had to use solid fuel accelerators to overclock.

Less in energy, but easier in storage and use fuel pair "Kerosene + oxygen". The engines on this fuel took the first satellite into orbit, sent to the flight Yuri Gagarin. To this day, virtually no change, they continue to deliver to the International Space Station the pilotable "TMA unions" with crews and automatic "progress M" with fuel and cargo.

The fuel pair "Asymmetric dimethylhydrazine + nitrogen tetraxide" can be stored at normal temperature, and when mixed, it flames itself. But this fuel, wearing the name heptil, is very poisonous. Over the decade, it is applied on Russian missiles of the Proton series, one of the most reliable. Nevertheless, each accident accompanied by heptyl emission turns into a headache for rackets.

Rocket engines The only of the existing helped humanity first overcome the attraction of the Earth, then send automatic probes to the planets of the solar system, and four of them - and away from the sun, to the interstellar sailing.

There are still nuclear, electrical and plasma rocket engines, but they either did not come out of the design stage, or are just beginning to be mastered or not applicable during takeoff and landing. In the second decade of the XXI century, the overwhelming majority of rocket engines are chemical. And the limit of their perfection is almost achieved.

Theoretically described still photon engines using the energy of the expiration of light quanta. But there are still no hints of creating materials capable of withstanding the stellar temperature of annihilation. And the expedition to the nearest star on the photon stars will return home no earlier than ten years. Need engines on another principle than reactive traction ...

Do you know that Russia is the first country where the successful mass production of diesel engines was launched? In Europe, they were called "Russian diesel engines."

Despite the fact that the patent for the diesel engine is one of the most expensive in history, the path of becoming this device is hard to call successful and smooth, as well as the life path of its creator - Rudolph Diesel.

The first pancake comormed is so you can characterize the first attempts to produce diesel engines. After a successful debut, the licenses for the production of new products were bought as hot cakes. However, industrialists faced problems. The engine did not work! The designer has increasingly sounded the charges that he deceived the public and sold unfit technology. But the case was not at all in evil intent, the prototype was correct, here only the production facilities of the plants of those years did not allow to reproduce the aggregate: the accuracy was noticed.

Diesel fuel appeared in many years after the creation of the engine itself. The first, most successful aggregates in the production were adapted to raw oil. Rudolph Diesel himself in the early stages of the concept of developing a concept assumed to use as a source of energy coal dust, but according to the results of the experiments, he refused this idea. Alcohol, oil - options were set. However, and now experiments with diesel fuel are not stopped. He is trying to make cheaper, more economically more efficiently. A visual example is less than 30 years old, in Europe, 6 environmental standards of diesel fuel were adopted.

In the distance 1898, the diesel engineer signed an agreement with Emmanuil Nobel, the largest oilman in Russia. Two years lasted work on improving and adapting a diesel engine. And in 1900, a full-fledged mass production began, which was the first real success of Rudolph's brainchild.

However, few people know that in Russia there was an alternative to the installation of a diesel engine, which could surpass it. The Trinker-Motor, created on the Putilovsky factory, fell victim to the financial interests of powerful nobel. Incredibly, but the efficiency of this engine was 29% at the development stage, and after all, diesel shook the world 26.2%. But Gustavu Vasilyevich Trinkerer in ordinary order was forbidden to continue working on its invention. Frustrated engineer went to Germany and returned to Russia through the years.

Rudolph Diesel, thanks to his brainchild, became a truly rich man. But the intuition of the inventor denied him in commercial activities. A series of unsuccessful investments and projects exhausted his condition, and the serious financial crisis of 1913 finished it. In fact, he became bankrupt. According to contemporaries, the last months before death, he was dark, thoughtful and scattered, but his behavior testified that he had conceived something and as if she would say goodbye. It is impossible to prove, but it is likely that he broke up with life, he voluntarily, seeking to preserve the dignity in ruin.

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