How much butter in the DSG box 7. How to change the oil in the DSG box. What is DSG.

the main / Engine

DSG gearbox Type 0CW (DQ200) has two separate oil fills. One for transmission oil, and the other for hydraulic oil. The oil level in the gearbox 0CW and the level of hydraulic oil in mechatronics cannot be checked. The right oil level can only be achieved by draining the old oil and refueling the new oil!

Guide for cars with DSG type 0CW / 0AM.

Transmission oil
7-speed DSG - 0CW dual clutch gearbox has two separate oil fills. One for a transmission oil area - arrow A.-, and the other for the area with hydraulic oil - arrow B.-.

For a 7-speed double-grip gearbox, only spare gear oil and a 0CW hydraulic oil can be used. See the electronic catalog of original spare parts.
Oil level in gearbox - arrow A.- as well as the level of hydraulic oil in mechatronics - arrow B.- Cannot be checked. The correct oil level can only be achieved by draining the old oil and refueling the new oil.

Drain and refueling of transmission oil

VAS 6262A adapter
VAS 6262/4 adapter
VAS 6262/6 adapter
Pallet for draining oil

Transmission oil for a 7-speed gearbox with double-grip 0CW is filled on a permanent basis (oils are designed for life). For this reason, the oil level is not checked, and the control plug is missing on this gearbox.

In case of leakage on the gearbox, it is necessary to determine the cause and eliminate the fault.
The correct oil level in the gearbox can only be achieved by draining the old oil, and then filling the gearbox with new oil in the specified quantity. See DSG 0CW refueling volumes.

Drain of transmission oil
- Raise the car.
- Place the pallet under the gearbox.
- Unscrew the tubing of the oil hole on the gearbox (arrow).

Merge oil.
- Install a plug for oil drain.

Refueling with transmission oil
It is necessary to accurately comply with the prescribed amount of oil - the gearbox will be filled correctly only if it was done.
Overflow, as well as insufficient filling worsen the correct operation of the gearbox.

New oil is filled through an air outlet.
If the gearbox is on a car, depending on the model and the engine, the air filter or battery with the battery tray must be removed when the gearbox is filling.

Remove air filter
- Remove the battery and recharge
- Remove the lid from the air hole.

Install the VAS 6262/4 adapter on the VAS 6262A adapter.

Before screwing the VAS 6262A adapter on the oil distributor, measure the length of the tube, (size -A-) and, if necessary, shorten the adapter tube to size -A-: 210 mm.
Size -A- is measured from the shaft (green area in the figure) of the adapter for pouring the VAS 6262A oil.

Note: Shake the oil bottle before opening to mix all sediments on the bottom of the oil bottle. To fill, use only a transmission oil for a 7-speed gearbox with double clutch DSG - 0CW, see the electronic catalog of original spare parts.

Screw the bottle of oil to the VAS 6262 A. Adapter.

If the carving of the oil dispenser does not coincide with the VAS 6262 A adapter thread, the VAS 6262/6 adapter must be used.

Remove the adapter from the gearbox after refueling.
- Wipe the area around the air hole with a cloth.
- Install on the ventilation cover.
- Install the battery pan and battery
- Install the air filter.

Moments of tightening, see below.

1 - Gearbox 0CW
2 - a plug for draining hydraulic oil and a plug of the filling hole. Replace after removal. 5 nm + 90 °.
3 - fitting. Number. 2.
4 - Gasket
5 - oil suspension cork for transmission oil. 35 nm
6 - Screw 4 pcs., M8 x 90. Replace after removal. 10 nm
7 - Screw 3 pcs., M8 x 35. Replace after removal. 10 nm
8 - Mechatronics for double-grip gearbox J743.
9 - Ventilation cover, when removing it is destroyed and must be replaced.

Drain and refilling with hydraulic oil mechatronics

Special tools and equipment:
Pallet for oil
Set of plugs for engine VAS 6122

Note: There is a danger of damage to the mechatronics of the transmission box with double grip J743. For mechatronics, it is possible to use only hydraulic oil, available in spare parts, see the electronic catalog of original spare parts. Other hydraulic oils lead to faults and / or failure of the gearbox. The level of hydraulic oil cannot be checked.

If the hydraulic oil is lost from the mechatronics, the correct oil level can only be installed by replacing the oil. During installation work, the mechatronics should be sealed.
Insufficient amount of hydraulic oil and overflow affect the operation of mechatronics, it may cause faults.

Mechatronics should be removed

Drain of hydraulic oil

Remove the oil referring screw-stork.
Replace the fuel screw after removal.

Remove the ventilation cover - the arrow, if it has not yet been done.

The ventilation cover of the mechatronics is destroyed when removing and must be replaced, see the electronic catalog of original spare parts.
When the mechatronics is turned, the oil is drained both from the oily hole and from the ventilation hole. For this reason, mechatronics should be placed in such a way that both holes are above the oil collection pallet.
Turn on the mechatronics and give hydraulic oil completely drain.

Hydraulic oil refueling
Pour a new hydraulic oil only after completing all the repair of mechatronics.
After complete drain of the hydraulic oil, return the mechatronics to its original position.
The bay hole is directed up.

Insert the funnel

Carefully shake the bottle with hydraulic oil before filling.
- Fill the specified amount of hydraulic oil.
- Install a new tube for the oil-free hole.
Install mechatronics

Tightening torques See above
Note. Replace bolts / nuts, which are tightened with angle of rotation, as well as replace the necessary components after removal.

The manufacturer himself declares that the DSG robot is characterized by high reliability and is a profitable solution compared to traditional hydromechanical automatic transmission or variamators. Anyway, it is important to understand that this box needs regular and high-quality maintenance, taking into account a number of features of its design.

Under such service it should be understood primarily to replace the oil in DSG, as well as DSG. Next, we will talk about when oil in the DSG needs to be changed, as the oil change is performed in the DSG box, as well as to pay attention to this procedure.

Read in this article

Replacing transmission oil in the DSG robot: when you need and why

So, the determination of the PPC is a manual box, as well as (by analogy with the MCPP). In other words, in contrast to the "classic" automata or variator, the hydrotransformer is absent.

At the same time, the clutch disks are two, thanks to which the transmission switches very quickly and smoothly. As a result, a high level of comfort and fuel efficiency is achieved, as well as an impressive overclocking dynamics, since there is practically no power breaking in the moments of switching, etc.

Manages the operation of the box and clutch, as well as (analog). In fact, the electronic unit sends signals to actuators, after which due to the redistribution of fluid flow (oil) in the mechatronics, the gear and control of other processes occurs.

It is quite obvious that the presence of such a device as a mechatronics means increased requirements for the quality and state of transmission oil. In other words, a timely oil change in the DSG box is needed.

Immediately note, according to the regulations, the oil change in the DSG-6, as well as often in DSG-7 every 60 thousand km is necessary. However, if the car is operated in difficult conditions (trailer towing, aggressive ride, maximum loads), replace the transmission oil before earlier (the interval is reduced by 20-30 or even 40%).

Please note the DSG-6 is and can exit about 200-250 thousand km. without repair. It is important to understand that the result of a late replacement of oil in a box simultaneously with a violation of the operational requirements for the PPC is the overwhelming majority of the DSG breakdowns.

Also, after replacing the oil, most owners note that after replacing, for example, in DSG-6, shocks are disappeared when switching, the box works smoothly without jerks. Next, we consider the oil replacement process in the DSG-6 with your own hands.

How to choose and change oil in DSG

So, in order to change the oil in DSG, it is necessary to select a special transmission fluid in advance or the oil in the DSG box, which is suitable for the units of this type. To replace the oil in the DSG box, for example, DQ-250, 6 liters of transmission oil will be required.

If we consider that such a gearbox with a "wet" clutch (clutch packages are immersed in the oil bath), oil in this case needs more. As for DSG-7 with the so-called "dry" clutch, a smaller amount of transmission fluid is required to such a box.

We also note that besides the fluid it is necessary to change the oil filter of the DSG box, as well as a special sealing ring of a drain plug. As a rule, when replacing original oils and transmission fluids with VW TL52182 tolerances are used. You can also select suitable analogs of third-party manufacturers.

The main thing is to use high quality products as well. If we talk about the replacement itself, you can use the services of specialized service stations, and do all manipulations yourself.

  • First of all, besides oil and a PPC filter, a garage with an observation pit or a lift, a set of tools, tanks for draining testing, rags;
  • Before you begin to replace the box, you need to warm up by passing by car about 10 km;
  • Next, the car is put on the pit or rises in the lift, if there is a removal of engine protection;
  • Then it will be necessary to remove the air intake along with the air filter, the battery with the casing and pallet;
  • The plastic cup is turned off, the filter is retrieved;
  • After you need to remove the cap of the Sapuna (located closer to the pala from the filter);
  • Now you can go down to the car and unscrew the drain plug, substitute the container where the development will be merged;
  • After unscrewing the plug into the hole, the hexagon key is inserted, which twisted the special insert. This allows you to drain the maximum amount of oil;
  • After seizing inserts, you need to wait until all the oil is in the container;
  • In parallel, it is necessary to impregnate the new DSG box filter with fresh butter. To do this, you can insert a filter into the case and shed it with oil;
  • After the oil completely merged from the checkpoint, the insert can be spinning, but it is not necessary to twist the drain plug if it is spinning, the oil will be inserted into the unit faster;
  • To avoid oil leaks, a container should be placed in the drain hole area.
  • Now it remains to insert a funnel in the Sapun gearbox (from above under the hood) and pour fresh oil. Pulling should be slow and gently, dosing portions.

We also add that it is possible to pour oil in other ways (for example, download the syringe through the drain hole), however, in practice, refilling through the Sapun is the fastest and efficient. Also, after about 4.5 liters of oil was flooded in the box, you need to spin the cap cap cover, put the cap cap, set the previously removed elements of the engine inlet system, connect the terminals per battery.

At the same time tighten and spin nothing yet. In parallel, the old drain plug of the gearbox is installed (we do not yet set a new one, and sealing rings are not changing). Next, the engine must be started by connecting it in parallel to the ECU through.

The main task, wait until the oil is warmed in the DSG to 40-48 degrees. After such heating, the engine is not necessary, while the old drain plug should be unscrewed. It is important that the oil is a little bit from the hole as a result of the vibrations of the conducted internal combustion.

Then you need to wait for a while until the surplus is flowing, that is, the required number will remain in the checkp) (the insert-plug-insulated insertion will allow you to learn more lubrication). Please note if, when you unscrew the cork, the oil immediately does not eat, this suggests that it is insufficiently insufficient and needs a fusion.

After the oil stops dripping, it will indicate the desired oil level in the checkpoint. In this case, you can tweak a new plug with a sealing ring, as well as jamming. Now you can proceed to the back assembly, tightening all the previously removed and unacted items. On this oil replacement can be considered completed.

That in the end

As can be seen, although the DSG box is not a "classic" machine and is more like a manual transmission, all the same, the replacement of oil in DSG should be made more often and performed regularly.

The reason is the presence of mechatronics and increased sensitivity to the transmission fluid in the checkpoint. The regulation of the manufacturer itself also indicates the need for replacement, that is, such a box can not be considered officially non-maintained.

It turns out that the owners of auto models with DSG-6 must take into account that the life of the transmission directly depends on the timely replacement in the transmission of oil and the CAT filter. It is also necessary to comply with certain rules of operation (avoid sharp starts, high loads, slip, trailer towing and other cars).

Finally, we note that the oil change in the DSG-6 or DSG-7 box in some cases allows to improve the quality of the gearbox itself, get rid of jerks when switching, the car is better accelerated, the transmission is less than noise during operation, it vibrates so much, etc. P.

Read also

How to use the DSG gearbox and save the resource, as well as increase the service life. Features of the operation of a robotic gearbox with two clutches.

  • Mechatronic box DSG: What it is, for which it is intended and how this device works. Faults Mechatronics DSG, signs and diagnostics.
  • To replace oil in the DSG 7, we will need only a container to test liters by 5-6, a standard set of tools, a filling syringe and a tube with a diameter of 7-8 mm. What is nice that during the replacement we will not have to pump anything, nothing to squeeze, work is practically the same as with the usual manual transmission except for several nuances.

    And yet, when replacing, we will not remove the starter nor the battery, nor the platform under the battery. The only thing that needs to be dismantled is the engine protection. But the child will cope with it. If everything is ready, we can start a replacement:

    1. After removal of protection, we carefully clean the mechanical frame from dirt.
    2. Hexagon on 5 turn the drain plug.

    3. We substitute the mechanical to the mechatronic package (near the liter).
    4. We drain all the liquid from the control unit.

    5. Tighten the drain plug in place.
    6. Now we clean the drain plug already on the gearbox.

    7. Hexagon on 10 unscrew the cork, substituting the capacity of about two liters.

    8. We rate until all the oil stalks from the checkpoint.

    9. We measure the amount of fused oil, because no control opening is provided.
    10. We spin the suspension plug of the gearbox oil.

    11. Now pour oil into the mechanical control unit.

    12. Remove the plastic sapun on the control unit from under the hood. It is located near the starter.
    13. To do this, we use the key to 16. We substitute the key under the Sapun and how the lever we take it out of the hole.
    14. We wear a hose with a diameter of 8 mm on a sapuna fitting, in the syringe fill the liter of oil G004 000 m2 and smooth movements of the piston pump the oil into the mechatronics.

    15. If there is no refueling syringe, you can use a 150-cubic medical syringe or any other fixture. We put the Sapun to the place.

    16. Now pour oil in the checkpoint. This we will do too through the hole of the Sapuna. To make it easier to get to it, we translate the control selector to Parking mode.

    17. Hand remove the plastic sapun.

    18. We wear the same 8-mm hose on the Sapuna fitting, refuel into the syringe exactly the same amount of oil as we jerked and pour it into the gearbox. After that, we put the Sapun to the place.

    Thus, you can quickly change the oil in the DSG7 gearbox and the mechanical control unit on the Skoda Octavia A7. Successful all work and reliable gearboxes!

    Good when the car is new and do not need to think about where and when to serve your iron horse. Another thing is when you bought a used car from which the guarantee ended, it is clear that it makes sense to continue servicing the car from an official dealer. In today's article, we will talk in detail how to independently change the oil in the DSG-7 box in the Volkswagen Passat CC (the difference between the replacement and the drasting version is practically no, at least the process itself is completely similar). Consider the choice of oil, which Oil recommends filling the official dealer and which oil is best suited as an analog, so that you can save a little.

    The owners of the BU Voltsvagen Passsat MOP 1.8 with DSG-7 often the question arises if they need to change the oil in the box or not? Disputes arise due to the fact that DSG-7 uses dry clutch, hence many mistakenly think that the oil in the box is completely lacking and therefore there is nothing to change there. Hurry up to dispel this myth.

    How many oil in the DSG-7 DQ 200 box?

    The second most popular with the question that logically follows from the first - how much oil needs to replace? After studying a huge number of forums, where the owners share their experiences, we came to a figure of 2.1 liters. For comparison, the oil change in the DSG-6 is 6 liters, it is easy to remember the number of exactly the number of transmissions.

    What oil to fill?

    It is best to pour the plant recommended by the manufacturer G 052 512 A2 transmission oil, it is sold in liter bottles for the price
    From 900 to 1,300 rubles, depending on the region. This product is suitable for mechanical and robotic transmissions (DQ-7 DQ 200) installed on Audi, Skoda, Seat and Volkswagen.

    Alternatively, some use:

    • FEBI 21829 Price from 500 rubles per 1 liter;
    • SWAG 10921829 Price from 500 rubles per 1 liter;
    • VAG GCN052512Z2 Price from 900 rubles per 1 liter.

    Step-by-step instructions for independently replacing oil

    Before letting out to describe actions, in addition to oil you will need a drain plug. Its cost is 170 rubles. From the tools you will need a hexagon on "10", a syringe with a flexible hose and actually the container where the old oil will merge. This process should be held on a heated transmission. So proceed to:

    1. remove plastic protection;
    2. unscrew the CPP cork;
    3. drain the oil;
    4. tighten the cork;
    5. put plastic protection;
    6. remove the cap from the Sapuna;
    7. insert the tube into the hole;
    8. pour oil (important! Pour oils needed exactly as much as the old one has turned out, because the box is not equipped with a diploma of calculations will have to be carried out independently);
    9. we put a sapuna cap in place.

    Here in principle and the whole process that should not cause special difficulties and long time. By the way,

    Question 001:
    Q: What is DSG? What are DSG? What is the difference? What cars are installed on?

    A:DSG ( from him. Direktschaltgeetriebe or eng. Direct Shift Gearbox) - a family of preselective robotic transmissions with double clutches installed on Cars of Concern Vag (Audi, Volkswagen, Skoda, Seat).
    A type Clutch Engine location Engine volumes Drive unit Moment What cars are installed on which cars
    DSG7 0AM (DQ200) "Dry" transverse 1.2 -1.8 front 250NM Audi: A1, A3 (8p - until 2013), TT;
    VW: Golf6, Jetta, Polo, Passat, Passat CC, Scirocco, Touran, Ameo;
    Skoda: Octavia (1Z - until 2013), Yeti, Superb, Fabia, Roomster, Rapid;
    Seat: Altea, Leon (1P - until 2013), Toledo.
    DSG6 02E (DQ250) "Wet" transverse 1.4 - 3.2 Front / Full 350НМ. Audi: A3 (8p - until 2013), TT, Q3;
    VW: Golf, Passat, Touran, Scirocco, Sharan, Tiguan;
    Skoda: Octavia (1Z - until 2013), Yeti, Superb;
    Seat: Altea, Leon (1P - until 2013), Toledo, Alhambra.
    DSG7 0B5 (DL501) "Wet" Longitian 2.0 - 4.2 full 550НМ. Audi: A4 (up to 2015), A5, A6, A7, Q5, RS4, RS5.
    DSG7 0BT / 0BH (DQ500) "Wet" transverse 2.0 - 2.5 Front / Full 600НМ. Audi: Q3, RS3, TTRS;
    DSG7 0CW (DQ200) "Dry" transverse 1.2 - 1.8 front 250NM Audi: A3 (8V - from 2013), Q2;
    VW: Golf7, Passat (from 2015), Touran (from 2016); T-Roc.
    Skoda: Octavia (5e - C 2013), Rapid (from 2013), KAROQ, SCALA (from 2019);
    SEAT: Leon (5F - from 2013).
    DSG6 0D9 (DQ250) "Wet" transverse 1.4 - 2.0 Front / Full 350НМ. Audi: A3 (8V - from 2013), Q2;
    VW: Golf7, Passat (from 2015), Touran (from 2016);
    Skoda: Octavia (5e - C 2013), Kodiaq;
    Seat: Leon (5F - from 2013), Ateca.
    DSG7 0DL (DQ500) "Wet" transverse 2.0 Front / Full 600НМ. VW: ARTEON, PASSAT (C 2017), Tiguan (from 2016);
    Skoda: Kodiaq.
    DSG7 0GC (DQ381) "Wet" transverse 2.0 Front / Full 420НМ. Audi: A3 (C 2017), Q2;
    VW: Arteon, Golf (from 2017), Passat (C 2017); T-Roc.
    Skoda: Karoq;
    Seat: Ateca.
    DSG7 0CK (DL382-7F) "Wet" Longitian 1.4 - 3.0 front 400НМ. Audi: A4 (8w - C 2016), A6 (C 2011g), A7 (from 2016), Q5 (from 2013).
    DSG7 0CL (DL382-7Q) "Wet" Longitian 2.0 - 3.0 full 400НМ. Audi: A4 (8W - from 2016).
    DSG7 0SJ. "Wet" Longitian 2.0 full
    (Ulta Quattro, with electromechanical coupling)
    Audi: A4 (8W - from 2016).
    Looking at the table you can make some simple conclusions:
    1. DSG with "dry" clutches, as a rule, are installed on less powerful engines, because Capably "digest" a smaller moment.
    2. If you have a four-wheel drive, then you have "wet" clutch.
    3. If you have a DSG and the motor "along", then you have Audi :-)
    4. Apparently, the wellness of the legendary full drive Audi Quattro with the famous Torsen differential, comes to an end.
    Question 002:
    Q: How to find out which box is installed on my car?
    A: Option 1: Connect to the diagnostic device to the car, go to block 02 - KP electronics and read identification data. The first three symbols of the box identifiers and mechatronics denote your box.
    For example: 0am 300049H - Seven-step DSG with "dry" clutches of type 0am. Or 02E 300051R - a six-speed DSG with "wet" clutches of type 02E, etc.
    Option 2: View by the VIN-code of the car in the Etka spare parts directory.
    Option 3: Send a VIN-code of the car to our address, we will check and you will send you the answer.

    Question 003:
    Q: What S-Tronic for Audi is different from DSG for Volkswagen / Skoda / Seat?
    . With the exception of boxes 0B5, 0CK / 0CL and 0CJ that are installed only on Audi.

    Question 004:
    Q:What oil is filled into DSG?
    A:For convenience, we formulated a response in the form of a table:

    A type Butter Replacement interval (recommended by the manufacturer)
    DSG7 0AM (DQ200)
    All service life
    DSG6 02E (DQ250)
    Filling volumes:
    up to 6.9l - full refueling
    to 5.5l - oil change
    Filtering element: 02E 305 051 C
    60 000
    DSG7 0B5. Oil for KP DSG G 052 529
    Up to 7.5l - Full refueling
    Up to 6.7l - oil change
    Filtering element: 0B5 325 330 A
    60 000
    DSG7 0BT / 0BH (DQ500) Oil for KP DSG G 052 182
    Up to 7.6 - Full refueling
    until 6.07 - oil change
    Filtering element: 0bh 325 183 B
    60 000
    DSG7 0CW (DQ200) In the box: Oil KP G 052 512 - 1.9l
    In Mezhatronics: Hydraulic oil G 004 000 - 1l
    All service life
    DSG7 0D9 (DQ250) In the box: oil for KP DSG G 052 182
    Filling volumes:
    up to 6.9l - full refueling
    to 5.5l - oil change
    Filtering element: 02E 305 051 C

    In distribution: G 052 145 - 0.9l

    60 000
    DSG7 0DL (DQ500) In the box: oil for KP DSG G 052 182
    Filtering element: 0bh 325 183 B

    In Distribution: G 052 145
    60 000
    DSG7 0GC (DQ381) ATF: G 055 529 60 000
    DSG7 0CK (DL382-7F) ATF: G 055 549 A2
    4.35l - Full refueling
    3.5l - oil change
    60 000
    DSG7 0CL (DL382-7Q) ATF: G 055 549 A2
    4.35l - Full refueling
    3.5l - oil change
    MTF: G 055 529 A2 oil - 3.8l
    60 000
    Question 005:
    Q:What is mechatronics?
    A:Mechatronics (Mechatronik, Mecchatron, Hylobal, Brain) - Electron-hydraulic control unit KP. Perhaps the most important, but at the same time the most unreliable knot throughout the transmission.

    Question 006:
    Q:What is the difference between mechatronics?
    Each DSG type has its own type of mechatronics. Mechatronics from different types of DSG are not interchangeable. Moreover, for some types of DSG there are several generations of mechatronics, which also differ from each other. And for each type and generation of mechatronics, there are many versions of software designed for various engines and different gear ratios in KP. In some cases, the mechatronics of the same type can be reprogrammed (reflash) to install on different cars. Read more about the firmware you can read.

    Question 007:
    Q:What DSG is better / safer?
    There is no unambiguous answer to this question. Each DSG has its advantages and disadvantages. And the duration of "life" of any DSG largely depends on the conditions of its operation, like:
    - ambient temperature. All DSG does not like overheating, it usually concerns DSG with "dry" clutches in which the mechatronics has a separate oil circuit and no cooling
    - Movement mode. For those who spend several hours every day in traffic jams, the chances of coming to replace the mechatronics more than those who are mainly driving on the highway on long distances;
    - Driving style. Fans of "give an angle" and "light on the traffic light", the probability of getting the replacement of clutch and differential, much higher than those who prefer a quiet ride.

    Question 008:
    Q: I have a DSG7 0am.Do I need to switch the selector to neutral when you stand on the traffic light or in a traffic jam?
    A: No need.
    Unlike conventional mechanical KP, in DSG7 0am, the clutch is normally open. And it closes only when the mechatronics begins to push the squeezing rods. When you (or autochold) by pressing the brake hold the car in place, the clutch rods of mechatronics are removed and the clutch is open. Accordingly, no load on the CP or the clutch is not transmitted. In what position does the selector handle - it does not matter.

    Question 009:
    Q: Over time, jerks appeared when switching transmissions. Previously, the car drove normally, the switch was smooth, but recently There were jerks and shocks when switching transmissions. Is it possible to fix the reprogramming of the ECU of the box (software update)?
    A: No, it is impossible. Software cannot with the time "spoil" and serve as the cause of the wrong operation of the CP. If the car previously traveled correctly, and then stopped, then the problem lies in the hardware, and not in the software.
    Reprogramming of mechatronics can only be helped if the mechatronics changed and installed a block with incorrect software. You can read more about reprogramming.

    Question 010:
    Q:How to find out the software version in mechatronics?
    Question 011:
    Q: DSG7 shift knob is blocked in position P, how to unlock it in order to switchbox in neutral?
    A: Brief instructions for unlocking the DSG7 0am selector.

    Question 012:
    Q: Does the oil change help in Mechatronics DSG7 0am (0CW) to remove "Pinkies" on gear shifts?
    A: No, it will not help. Such malfunctions are eliminated by the repair of the hydraulic part of the mechatronics. In the initial stages, adaptation (basic installation) can help, but rather as an exception than the rule.

    Question 014:
    Q: After replacing the mechatronics DSG7 0am, in the event recorder hangs errors "06247 P1867 - data bus drive no messages from the electronics of the steering column - J527" and "06227 P1853 The data bus is an unreliable message from the ABS control unit". How to remove them?
    A:You need to reset information about the installed components (steering switches, electric parking brake, etc.). To do this, you need to make a basic installation on the channel 69. After executing the basic error setting, go from the "constant" state to the "sporadically" state and can be removed.

    When using VCDS (VAG-COM, Vasya-Diagnostic, etc.):
    "02-KP electronics" -\u003e "Bases. Parameters - 04" -\u003e In the "Group" field, enter the value 69 -\u003e Press "Read".

    When using POVAS-PC:
    "Self-Diagnosis" -\u003e
    "02-electronics KP" -\u003e "006-basic installation"-\u003e In the "Group" field, enter a value of 69 -\u003e Press "Q".

    When using POOdis:
    "Self-Diagnosis" -\u003e"02-electronics KP" -\u003e"Basic Installation" -\u003eEnter the value of 69 -\u003e Press "Channel Select".

    After the basic installation, you should clear the event registrar.

    Question 015:
    Q:Hoody DSG7 0am M DSG7 0CW - Almost the same transmissions (DQ200 family), is there any difference between mechatronics installed on them?
    The main differences are physical and software changes in the electronic control board. In particular, 0CW fees are biting to the car immobilizer system. In more detail about the differences in Mechatronics 0am and 0CW, you can read.

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