What do you need to do to be compassionate? What does mercy mean to you? Why should a person be merciful

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And how to become a merciful person.

In the pursuit of money, power and recognition, people often forget about such universal human values ​​as love for one's neighbor, respect and acceptance. Children from childhood are taught to be courageous, purposeful and persistent. We grow up with the realization that life is an eternal struggle in which only the strongest survive.

Kindness, honesty and mercy at the same time fade into the background. Everyone around only says that you need to think only about personal well-being. If a person is kind, honest and sympathetic, then he is perceived as a mild-mannered and weak person. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. A merciful person is much stronger in spirit. Only a few of us are able to forgive and accept others for who they are.

What is mercy?

Mercy- this is the ability of a person to forgiveness and disinterested help. Forgiveness here is not meant in words, but in a true, spiritual sense. Forgiving, a person feels relief, inner freedom and love for his neighbor. There is no place for selfish motives. A merciful person does not think that thanks to his actions he will earn himself an extra plus to karma, or then he will be able to use the situation for his own purposes. Otherwise, it is no longer mercy, but pretense and hypocrisy.

Mercy is closely intertwined with such concepts as kindness, care, compassion and love for. A merciful person does not just act out of good intentions, he feels love and concern for the well-being of a person.

Mercy in Religion

The concept of mercy is found in pre-biblical Greek literature. Over time, it has practically not changed its value. Then it was interpreted as a feeling that arises in a person at the sight of other people's suffering.

From the point of view of religion, mercy is one of the main virtues. It is aimed at doing spiritual and bodily deeds for the people around. In each of the world's religions, be it Christianity, Islam or Buddhism, mercy appears as a necessary quality for a person. Only by being open, kind and sincere, a person will be able to know God and discover the spiritual light in himself.

The Christian essence of mercy lies in boundless love for God. There is a part of the image of the Lord in every person. Having believed in the Almighty, a person automatically believes in the holiness and significance of every human life on Earth.

Religion among Muslims is inextricably linked with social and political life. They even have a special annual tax to help the poor and needy.

From a Buddhist point of view, mercy is compassion and love for all living beings. A Buddhist prays for every soul, plant and animal. Thus, he achieves harmony with the whole world.

As you can see, people of different faiths perceive the concept of "mercy" in almost the same way. It doesn’t matter which God you pray to, it is important that you remember those commandments that teach you to be kinder and more tolerant of the people around us.

Varya Ivleva - Bring kindness back into fashion

A Modern Parable of Mercy

9 athletes took part in one Paralympic Games. Athletes stood at the start and waited for the signal. Each of them had a disability. The participants heard the command: "March!". Everyone jumped up and ran. One guy, did not have time to run even a few meters, as he stumbled and fell. From pain and resentment, he sobbed bitterly.

Hearing the cry, the participants slowed down. They stopped and ALL went back to the start together. One girl approached the sobbing young man, helped him up and asked about his well-being. After that, the athletes stood shoulder to shoulder and crossed the finish line in unison. The audience was delighted! Everyone got up from their seats and began to applaud the athletes. At that moment, everyone realized that there are times when it is more important to support another person than to win yourself. It is not always necessary to move only forward, sometimes it is necessary to stop and turn back.

Contradictions preventing people from being merciful

Recently, we have been hearing more and more about such concepts as tolerance, freedom of choice, human dignity and personal rights. We are called to be tolerant and open people. However, a number of conflicts arise:

  1. By providing assistance and showing mercy, do we not humiliate the personal dignity of the needy, do we not thus generate inequality, leading to discrimination in the future?
  2. Helping a neighbor, do we correctly understand his desires? Perhaps his concept of the good is fundamentally different from our ideas. Are we imposing personal values ​​and ideals?
  3. In a broad sense, mercy involves active participation in the life of another person. In fact, this is an eternal service to those around you. The question is, do they need this ministry? Sometimes, in order to find yourself, a person must show patience, perseverance and willpower.

All these, and other contradictions, can be confusing. For some, these statements grow into a seed of doubt. People begin to believe that mercy harms and suppresses the willpower of a person. Perhaps people do not fully understand the whole essence of mercy or perceive it in a distorted form. Whatever it was, each person chooses what to be. If we love, feel good in our hearts, sincerely sympathize and worry about the people around us, then we will never believe that this is wrong and bad.

Listen to your heart, open it to the people around you. Be kind, sympathetic and merciful and then you will know what true happiness and harmony are.

How to become a merciful person?

Perhaps for some this question will seem a little naive. How can one acquire a quality that should be formed in a person from infancy? Naturally, it is impossible to become merciful at the snap of one's fingers. Persuasion and stories about the need to love the people around us, to be responsive and attentive will be fruitless until we ourselves realize this. In fact, everything is in your hands. If you feel that you want to become kinder and more tolerant, then by all means start working on yourself.

  1. Analyze the feelings of the people around you. Ask yourself the question: “What would I feel now, if I were in his place?”. This will help you develop compassion and understand people better.
  2. Be responsive. If you see that you can help a person, do not try to make excuses. Lack of time, the wrong moment - all these are empty words. Offer your support! Perhaps your participation will make a person happier!
  3. Thank people. It doesn't matter how significant their deed is. Appreciate what people do for you. When walking along a clean sidewalk, say “Thank you” to the janitor. For you, this is a mere trifle, and the person will feel needed and valuable.
  4. Give the interviewer a chance to speak. Merciful people worry and care about the condition of the people around them. Put in the effort and listen to what the person is trying to convey to you. There may be a secret call for help in his story.
  5. Accept people as they are. Make it a rule for yourself not to judge or humiliate others.

Mercy is the highest manifestation of human kindness. People are not born sensitive and compassionate. Much depends on upbringing, environment and a number of other factors. Nevertheless, people change, and in which direction it is up to you to change.

A person has many virtues: kindness, generosity, responsiveness, the ability to sympathize and love, and many others. And they are all based on the love of man for man. And there is such a spiritual quality as mercy.

And it is also aimed at proving that the Latin winged expression “Man is a wolf to man” is unfair. But it seems to me that mercy is the hardest thing to show. In order to be merciful, one must have the ability to forgive.

You have to be a true humanist. Because initially mercy was a manifestation

Generosity to the defeated enemy. And even now, in my opinion, mercy is a manifestation of generosity to those to whom one does not want to show it.

It is easy to sympathize with an old woman in a subway crossing by slipping a few coins into her outstretched palm.

It's easy to be generous when you buy your little sister chocolates instead of regular lollipops. It's easy to be kind when you help a young mother carry a stroller up to the seventh floor. And how hard it is to resist not "finishing off", not destroying, not demoralizing a completely defeated enemy.

And one more thing: the old woman will wish health in gratitude for the alms, the sister will kiss

On the cheek with chocolate-sticky lips, the young Mama will warmly thank you for your help. After all, the answer to kindness is often kindness. Only the enemy is unlikely to thank for mercy.

Or maybe he will, who knows.

It is difficult to help someone with whom you are on bad terms, but who clearly needs your help or your indulgence. Sometimes being merciful is unbearably hard. And, of course, this is not given to everyone.

And it even seems to me - only the chosen ones.

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Explanatory note

Recently, the problem of the formation of mercy, kindness, tolerance among students in modern society is most acute. I think that the greatest emphasis should be placed on adolescence, since it is during this period that a person acquires ways and means of competent adaptation in the adult world. The thinking of a teenager still absorbs everything with childish immediacy, but is already capable of competently analyzing situations and drawing appropriate conclusions from it. Now the worldview picture of a teenager is being formed, and everything that he absorbs into himself will determine his position in life and ways of behavior in society in the future.

Relevance is determined by the complexity of the topic, since in modern society, due to economic, educational and spiritual stratification, there is a variety of ideas about a person and his purpose in life. Various parties, organizations, religious denominations, national associations formulate their own, often contradictory goals of education. The question of the goals of upbringing seems to be especially significant now also because the process of forming a new generation of Russian citizens is underway.

Event goals:

  • To acquaint students with the concepts of "mercy", "kindness", "tolerance".
  • To promote the formation of a tolerant and respectful attitude towards each other and the people around.

Event objectives:

  • to develop in students the main features of a tolerant personality, kind, merciful;
  • develop a tolerant and respectful attitude towards each other;
  • develop the skills of conducting a dialogue on issues of tolerant behavior;
  • to promote the formation of an active life position of students, the desire for the full realization of their abilities;
  • to form an understanding of the essence of mercy, kindness, sympathy; to bring up the need for students to accept such values ​​as the value of human life, freedom, equality and dignity of people.

The contingent of participants: 1st and 2nd year students.

Expected results:

  • the formation of a tolerant consciousness among students, constructive conflict-free behavior;
  • education of moral stamina in the most unforeseen situations, sympathy for the elderly, the sick, for our smaller brothers.

Working methods and techniques: problem-search (preparation and performance with presentations), conversation, performance of students with poems, skits, organization of independent cognitive activity.

This event is expedient to carry out after school hours on the 1st and 2nd courses. In preparation for an extracurricular event, students received advanced tasks: prepare materials for messages, select and memorize poems, and prepare scenes.

These tasks are aimed at the formation of cognitive universal learning activities, such as finding reliable information, mastering reading, analyzing and generalizing, proving and drawing conclusions, presenting information in various forms.

This extra-curricular event contributes to the formation of constructive conflict-free behavior, sympathy for parents, the elderly, the sick, animals, the development of moral stamina in the most unforeseen situations, as well as the desire to achieve success in life.

Event duration: 45 min.

Number of participants: 100 people.

Equipment, visibility: multimedia projector, screen, multimedia presentation.

Location: Assembly Hall.

Event progress

slide 1

(Sounds the chorus of the song " create good on the all Earth, create good for the benefit of others Not for the beautiful “thank you” to the One who heard you nearby.”)


Life can be lived differently
You can be in trouble, but you can be in joy,
Eat on time, drink on time
Do stupid things right away.
And it's possible like this:
Get up at dawn
And, thinking of a miracle,
With a hand burned by the sun to get
And give it to people!

Mankind, no matter what times and epochs it lived in, always appreciated the high moral qualities that were brought up in people, were from time immemorial the main provisions of religious commandments. Among them is kindness. What is kindness? What kind of person do we call good? Why is kindness one of the foundations of morality? Let's figure this out.

Students' responses.

Poetry sounds.

slide 2

Gusev Yura (TVET 16.01)

Kind people

Where fate failed
She squinted harder and angrier,
Hunger, frost stained,
My mom used to say:
- The world is not without good people.

Thinking like a miracle
In those fateful years
How many of you good people
Good in essence,
It always happened around here!

Blizzards hit everyone
Troubles equally threatening
But from someone else's loss
You couldn't take
Aside your eyes.

Life beat and crushed me
And in its circle
Just didn't let me breathe
But it didn't stop me from seeing
The world is not without good people.

How I want in the world
Next to my soul
The word, not thrown to the wind,
Someone, at least someone would have noted:
The world is not without good people.

I. Lyapin

slide 3

Kalenysheva Anna (515-516)

Sow good more often
He will be remembered from above somewhere.
Then it will return to you
Like a ray of hope.

slide 4

For all the time that we are
We have to try hard
Warm with kind words
Who will really need them.

And if a person is sad and wilted,
Then immediately you come to him
And in this difficult sad moment,
Say beautiful and kind words.

And we must give the old people
Hope - the one that they need!
Always have to support them -
Life is beautiful after all!

A sick soul with a kind word
Easy and simple to heal.
Then and under the cover of night
The sun will shine on us

Let's do good to everyone!
Let it be daily
Will try to pay back
Kind to you people without fail!

slide 5

Kindness doesn't take much
No money or gold needed.
All you need for kindness
The soul is rich in warmth and faith.

Slide 6 - 7

Leading. The meaning of the word "kindness" Kindness is the desire to help people, and without demanding gratitude for it. This property of the soul, which allows not to remain indifferent to the troubles of others, to be there when it is so necessary for a person. Kindness is a somewhat abstract concept. Much can be invested in the meaning of this word. At first glance, it is easy to answer the question: what does kindness mean. But at the same time it is difficult. After all, kindness is the basis of such concepts as mercy, empathy, sympathy, selflessness and even heroism. It is love for a person, kindness, the desire to save him that becomes the motivation for a heroic deed.

Slide 8

Leading. Kindness is the willingness to protect the weak and defenseless. The kindness of a child is manifested in his affection for a cat or a puppy, in his care for flowers, the desire to help people in misfortune, kindness must be taught from childhood.

Slide 9

Leading. They say that if there is kindness, sensitivity, benevolence in a person, he has become a person. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky wrote: “If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, you will never bring them up. In childhood, a person must go through an emotional school - a school of good feelings. A person who thinks only of himself and seeks his own benefit in everything cannot be happy.

Slide 10


Life needs mercy.
We are poor in mercy.
Some are angry, some are angry.
Someone is in trouble again.
Life needs compassion.
Our souls are like axes...
Too many we hurt with a word,
Forgetting that words are sharp.
A. Dementiev

Leading. How do you understand the word "mercy"?

Leading. Mercy is a principle of behavior based on sympathy, compassion, complicity and willingness to do good, care and help. Of course, we do not always have the opportunity to help, but we must strive for this.

Leading. Here are the words: kindness, mercy, benevolence, humanity, charity, attention to each other. How do you understand them?

slide 11

Leaders (in order).

  • Mercy is sympathy, love in action, willingness to do good to everyone, kindness.
  • Charity means doing good, helping the poor, the disabled, the old people.
  • Kindness - responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.
  • Benevolence - the desire for good, willingness to contribute to the well-being of others, benevolence.
  • Humanity - worthy of a person, responsive, humane.
  • Attention to each other is a caring attitude.

slide 12

Leading. There are about 30 million elderly people in Russia today... In the life of every person there have always been and will be grandparents. These people devoted their whole lives to work, to raising children, who, having taken over from them, continue what they started.

slide 13

Leading. Older people often feel lonely, even when living with a family. The reason for this is the lack of attention from relatives.

Leading.“Old people have the right to teach and advise. Know how to respect this moral right,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Slide 14


Don't hurt lonely old people...

Do not humiliate lonely old people,
Communicate with them only out of decency.
Don't create extra shackles
With its ruthlessly deep indifference.

They are weaker, more defenseless than we are.
Well, it's better to deal with them.
And not they to us, we all owe them all,
For your life, worship today.

They didn't lose that war
They died in it, giving life to millions,
They rebuilt a fallen country
Products received by coupons.

It was they who gave birth to our mothers,
In cold, uncomfortable communal apartments,
And seeing death in the barracks of the camps
Loved life, birches and violets.

Don't hurt lonely old people
Forgive their weakness today.
It's not their fault that the world is like this...
Understand them! And respect old age...

(Dmitry Rubtsov)

slide 15

Leading. An elderly person should feel that his family, children, grandchildren need him.

Leading. Do not offend by words and deeds!

Leading. Be attentive to them!

Leading. Tolerant and exemplary!

slide 16

Leading. V. Sukhomlinsky said: “Think and feel how your actions can affect the state of mind of another person. Do not cause pain, insult, anxiety, hard feelings to other people with your actions, your behavior. Be able to support, help, cheer up a person who has grief. Remember that the same grief can befall you. Don't be indifferent. Indifference is mental blindness.

Slide 17

Leading: To respect others, regardless of differences, to be attentive to others, to take care of all life on our planet - this means to be tolerant. All the words that we have just talked about can be summed up in one word – tolerance.

Slide 18

Leading: Tolerance is tolerance for someone else's opinion, religion, behavior, culture, political views, nationality, that is, it is a manifestation of tolerance, understanding and respect for the personality of another person, regardless of any differences.

Leading: We also need to be able to forgive those who hurt us. Only a kind person can understand and forgive. Forgiveness does not come easy, but the consequences of forgiveness make life easier.

Slide 18

Leading. The consciousness of the good done is already a reward for a person. Just by doing good, you should never expect gratitude. After all, good is done not out of self-interest, but out of love for one's neighbor. To be kind means to do good deeds, to do good to people not for praise, thanks, money, but disinterestedly.

Slide 19

Leading. Psychologists are sure that very often the boomerang principle works in our life: those who helped others will not be left without help themselves. Do good and it will come back to you a hundredfold! In addition, kind people radiate light and warmth that attract others.

Slide 20

Leading: Everyone needs kindness: our relatives and friends, acquaintances and strangers, and even animals!

So kindness, mercy, responsiveness, selfless help - these are not empty words, this is an inner light that says that you have a person with a living soul in front of you.

slide 21

Display of proverbs about Good.

slide 22

Leading. Scientists from the University of Michigan recently conducted an experiment and found that the manifestation of selfless kindness acts on a person like a medicine: it improves health and preserves youth.

(story about the monument to Kindness in Sevastopol)

slide 23

Teacher: And, so, let's summarize: And what gives kindness and mercy to a person? Of course, respect and love of loved ones, good relations with friends and colleagues. But kindness is often shown so disinterestedly that the person who has committed a good deed even remains unknown. For him, the main thing is to help others. For example: "An unknown person transferred a large amount of money for the treatment of a child in need."

Becoming a kind person means having the following basic components of good behavior: a soft, kind heart, sensitivity to others, and the ability to be unassuming

Do good, and it will definitely return to you, even from the side of sometimes completely strangers to you!

I know there are many things
What would you like to see.
I know there is good and evil
There are those who can be offended!
There are those who hurt you
You can blame the whole world.
Believe me, everyone needs to live, loving.
Believe me, you need to be able to forgive!

On this note, we will end our extracurricular activity.

In today's society, we can increasingly observe cruelty, injustice and evil. Many people stop remembering such important things as mercy and kindness. It is necessary to stop at least for a second and remember that we are first of all people, and we need to treat each other like human beings. It is important to understand and realize what mercy, compassion and justice are. And also to find out why a person needs these qualities.

Mercy Definition

It is not so easy to answer the question: "Mercy - what is it?" The answer does not come immediately. And all because people think about various problems and ways to solve them, but they forget about the main thing.

Mercy is an expression of love for one's neighbor. This is how it is in many books. But neighbors are not only relatives and friends, they are absolutely all the people who surround you. It is not necessary to show “love” feelings, elementary respect for others is enough. And then the world will change for you. And you will understand that the neighbor grandmother is not so nasty, and you can talk normally with the sellers in the market. Bring goodness into the world. It can also be said that mercy is a kind of benevolence, a desire to help without demanding anything in return. These qualities are inherent in every person, you just need to find them in yourself.

Some people are sure that these are completely inappropriate characteristics, and today no one needs them. But it is worth trying to be a little kinder, respect people and help them if they need it. And then you will notice that those around you answer the same to you, the world around you will change. Mercy is the way to the heights.

What is mercy for?

To understand why mercy is necessary, it is worth understanding what is included in this concept. This quality can be called the highest manifestation of humanity. You do not think why we need love, friendship. Everything is so clear. But the need for mercy is worth considering very seriously. But it is required in order to remain human.

It is useful to remember that mercy was still present in the war - this is an indisputable fact. Of course, this is not an unambiguous statement, there have been a variety of cases. But no one will deny that the soldiers did not kill women and children, even sometimes freed them, did not attack from behind, gave their opponent a chance for medical care and rest. So why was mercy in the war, but in modern society it is almost non-existent? It is worth thinking about and paying attention to how many unpleasant events are happening in the world. You need to change the situation right now, and start better with yourself.

What do compassion and mercy have in common?

Often people ask themselves, “Are mercy and compassion the same thing?” To some extent, these human characteristics are similar, but there are still differences. Mercy, as a general feeling, includes compassion, although this is a slightly different concept. So what is the relationship between mercy and compassion? In fact, they cannot exist without each other.

What is compassion

To begin with, it is worth understanding that compassion is not pity, which is a momentary feeling. It may be a pity for an abandoned puppy or kitten, a wounded bird. Compassion means to live together with a person in his grief, to share it with him. For example, a person who cares for his close relative experiences improvements and new bouts of illness with him. His bad state is literally reflected in the well-being of the one who sympathizes. This feeling does not require any payment, gratitude, it is free. This is a kind of light that comes from within a person and warms the one who was swallowed up by grief. The feeling of compassion must be absolutely selfless. And only then will it become true and sincere.

What is compassion for?

We need compassion just as much as mercy. Don't you want to live in a world full of smiles, happiness, good mood? A person stricken with grief is unable to smile. Give him back his faith in life - share his grief with him. Those forces that will go to help, the struggle for the happiness of another person, will return to you in double size. Doing good, a person feels a surge of cheerfulness and warmth. You can start the transformation of a gray, dull, insensitive world right today, without delay.

What is justice

There is another quality that is necessary for a person and the world in which we live - this is justice. In many textbooks and articles one can read that justice and mercy are absolutely opposite concepts. And you can agree with this. After all, how can you be just, but merciful? It turns out you can.

Justice and mercy complement each other perfectly, but not all people remember this. For those who consider such a combination of qualities impossible, it will be useful to familiarize themselves with examples proving the opposite. Vendors would sell goods to people who didn't have enough money in exchange for small services such as mopping the floor or arranging groceries. There can be a huge number of such situations, but the conclusion is the same - justice and mercy can coexist together.

Why do we need justice

Justice is necessary in order to avoid chaos in the world. Each person should receive what he has achieved and what he deserves. People who live by justice know that they need to fight and go towards their goal in life, and not wait for a happy turn of fate until the desired one comes to him. You should be fair to everyone around you. Then the world will answer the same - these are the natural laws of life. Justice presupposes honesty: one should not deceive and lie to people. It is worth remembering that, first of all, in these moments you are lying to yourself. Be honest with yourself first and then with others.

Justice for yourself

This quality implies an adequate perception of reality. A person must understand that he will receive as much as he invests. No need to wait for manna from heaven or hope for the help of other people. Only by making efforts, a person will be able to climb to the top and achieve success.

People who are unfair to themselves are unlikely to be able to treat others well and rightly. Therefore, all changes must begin with yourself.

It's not always easy to be kind in a world that can get frustrating quickly, but if you make the effort to have more mercy in your daily life, you can start to change for the better. Here's how to do it.

Part 1 of 3: Be Kind to Others

1. Thank people for their efforts. One of the most important qualities of a merciful person is the ability to thank people for their efforts, no matter how big or small they are. Even if a colleague is just calling you to say something, thank them for their efforts. If a friend grabs your coffee or reminds you that your favorite show is up later, say "thank you" to them.

A big part of being kind is being able to appreciate what people do for you. How do you show your appreciation? You say "thank you".

2. Be a good listener. Merciful people don't focus on their problems, they care more about other people. Make an effort to really hear what the person is saying to you. Don't interrupt people and keep your questions to the end so that the person can finish, let him feel that you really care about him.

Don't forget the details of what the person says so you can come back to them later. If someone mentions that his sister just had a baby girl, the next time you see him, you can ask how his little niece is doing; the person will be pleasantly surprised that you remember this.

Show empathy. If the person is upset, you can say, “I can't imagine what you've been through. It must be so difficult because…” Let the person see that you really heard what he told you.

3. Pay attention to others. Being merciful means paying attention to people in social situations. Instead of worrying about who to talk to or what to say next, you should monitor other people's feelings and moods to see if they are worried or anxious and understand how they interact with each other. It is important to notice what they think and others feel.

A merciful person understands that other people are just as important as he is. That is why it is so important to pay attention to them.

4. Give people the benefit of the doubt. Merciful people do not look for ways to humiliate a person, criticize him or make him feel like a small fry. They do exactly the opposite. Even if they are unsure of a person's intentions, they try to stick to positive things and imagine that people also want the best for everyone. Instead of gossiping or saying something negative about a person you don't know, imagine that they are a good person, just like you.

If you get in the habit of doing this, you'll have a sort of reputation for being a charitable person rather than a banal gossip, and people will want to spend even more time with you.

5. Compliment others. Merciful people always look for the good in people and therefore invest in making others feel good. Not because it will make people "bigger", but in the most direct, genuine way, it will make them want to trust you in return. Look around. Compliment not only the most obvious things, but also the things that people work hard at.

If you don't feel like giving a compliment, don't do it just to appear nice. But if you make a habit of praising people, you'll be better able to navigate the moments when people really deserve a compliment.

6. Have mercy instead of victory. If you want to be charitable, then remember that it is more important for everyone to be happy than for you to be right. Instead of proving your point, arguing with the person next to you (even if you're sure you're right), you should be kind to them, change the subject, or say something like, "I think we should just agree." . Swallowing your pride may not be fun, but no one argues that this is the only way to look good. There's nothing merciful about that, is there?

If you really have the urge to argue with or correct someone, just count down from ten and tell yourself that it's really worth it. What will you get from this?

7. Let other people talk. Do you really have to post everything that's on your mind all the time? Most likely, others also have something to say. If you and someone else start talking at the same time, insist that your competitor be first. Ask lots of questions instead of talking about yourself and show that you are really interested in people. This does not mean that you need to turn into a shy quiet person if that is not who you really are. It simply means that you should let other people do the talking instead of being the center of the conversation.

If two people are arguing in front of you, please change the subject.

8. Let others be first. To be merciful is to say "after you" in the literal and figurative sense. If you want to be charitable, you must give someone else the right to order ice cream before you decide to kill your chocolate craving, or else you let the car turn around in front of you.

This does not mean that you should let people walk in front of you all the time. This means that you must give in to others when it is reasonable.

Part 2 of 3: Developing Compassionate Qualities

1. Be humble. Merciful people are always humble. They don't brag about how big or showy they are; instead, they act modestly and wait for other people to celebrate their accomplishments. They don't call attention to themselves, they are in awe of the big and complex world, and they don't walk into a room like they own the place. If you want to be humble, then just be and don't brag about it.

Always trust other people. If someone says that you did a great job on a project, say that you couldn't have done it without the help of your other colleagues.

2. Be respectful. Treat other people with kindness and respect, even if they don't always deserve it. Be punctual if you said you were going to be somewhere at a certain time. Hold the door for people. Don't text your friends or get distracted when you should be fully focused on the other person. Look straight in the eye, don't swear, and treat people kindly, regardless of their social status or their position.

Treat people with respect no matter what they can do for you.

3. Be tactful. This means not saying anything offensive, out of the ordinary, or just plain weird. Tactful people think before they speak, and are quite careful if they have to say something unpleasant, as if they were to tell a person that they have something stuck in their teeth. Understand what you are saying and also how you say it. This means that your comment may be misinterpreted due to your tone or the words you use.

Use tact. Use words so that they do not cause a stir. If you know you're walking with two people who have opposing views on the rule of the president, don't bring that topic up in the conversation.

4. Be generous. Generous people are capable of giving, whether it be their time, their money, or their love and kindness. Be the person who is always looking for a way to help others, whether we're talking about your closest friends or complete strangers who need help. Be generous with your time. Of course, helping a friend clean the apartment will not be very pleasant, but he will appreciate your help, since he was overwhelmed by these dumps in the apartment after the divorce.

Being generous means acknowledging opportunities when you can help. Your sick friend may not say that he would be very happy if you brought him chicken soup for lunch, but that does not mean that he will not appreciate it.

5. Learn to accept compliments. It is important to receive compliments correctly if you really want to be charitable. Say "thank you" to people for their compliments and show how much their words mean to you. You shouldn't downplay them and say you don't deserve it; pretending to be overly modest can start to annoy people a little.

If you can return the compliment, that would be great.

6. Handle criticism appropriately. Merciful people know how to handle criticism, constructive or not. If the criticism is constructive, then you should see value in it, learn something from it, and make a plan to change or improve the quality you were criticized for. And if the criticism is only meant to offend you, you can let it roll down your back and be taller without saying something negative about the person in return.

7. Be grateful. Kind people act in their own way because they know how to count their blessings instead of focusing on the hardships they have to face. They know exactly what they should be grateful for, whether it be their health, their friends, their family, and/or their opportunities, and they never forget any of these things for a second.

If you really feel like you're in a dump somewhere, it will help to write a thank you list. It can include all the things you are grateful for, and you can add points to it whenever something happens to you. May you have time to read this list and smile. It can make you feel more grateful no matter how bad your day was.

Part 3 of 3: Do your best

1. Get involved in volunteering. Give your time to people who really need it. Do this at least once a week and see how much you can do for the people around you and how much they can change your life for the better. You have to do it voluntarily, because you really feel the difference, how much kinder you become when you see the problems that others are having.

You will see that the people you help will help you as much as you help them. Volunteering can make you feel more grateful for all the benefits you have and give you a fresh perspective.

2. Do favors for other people. If you really want to be merciful, you must not only help your friends when they really need you; you should say thank you to them just because they were good friends or because you know they need a little encouragement. Cook dinner for your friends, help with the laundry, or take your car to work when their car breaks down. Help your mom clean the floor. You will become more compassionate.

If you have a good relationship, you will receive some favors in return and you will feel happy.

3. Admit your mistakes. Merciful people know that they are not perfect and are willing to admit their shortcomings. Whether you said something hurtful to a friend or ruined something at work, it's important to acknowledge that you're not perfect and set yourself the goal of improving yourself next time. It is much more important to admit your shortcomings than to deny them in order to save face and look tough. Of course, it will be unpleasant, but you will be more kind, and people around you will respect you more if you admit your mistakes and apologize for them.

4. Write "thank you" on cards. Sending these cards to people is another great way to show your appreciation. Say "thank you" to your teachers, colleagues, or other important people who make your life better and make it a habit. You don't even have to be so formal: thank your best friends, your significant other, or even your neighbors for helping you through a difficult time. Try sending at least one thank you card each month and you'll be even more aware of all the things you should be grateful for.

5. Show people that you really care about them. It makes people feel important. Get good grades to show your teachers that you respect them and follow their good teaching rules. Follow your parent's advice on what to do and listen to their opinion. Do things that make you and other people feel great. They will feel important because you took the time to learn from them.

  • Smile and appreciate everything around you.
  • Offer to help younger siblings with their homework, comfort them when they're sad, or play with them when they're bored. They will appreciate it and will maintain a good relationship with you.
  • Respect your friends. Your friends make you feel uplifted. Try your best to thank them or get together more often to get closer to them.
  • If it's your parents' birthday, prepare a gift and a special card to show how much you care about them and that you took the time to put aside your business and celebrate their birthday.


  • If you ever fight with your parents, listen to their opinion and try to learn from your mistakes. Never yell or blame them for ruining your life.
  • Never lie to get out of a situation. Do your job and let people know that you are an honest person. Be sure to tell the truth in every situation.

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