History of creating an internal combustion engine presentation. Presentation of the "History of internal combustion engines". The main components of the engine

the main / Reviews of machines

Prepared: Tarasov Maxim Yuryevich

Leader: Master of Industrial Training

Maou Before Muk "Eureka"

Barakaeva Fatima Kurbanbievna

  • The internal combustion engine (DVS) is one of the main devices in the car's design, which serves to convert the fuel energy into mechanical energy, which, in turn, performs a useful work. The principle of operation of the internal combustion engine is built on the fact that the fuel in the air compound form an air mixture. Cyclically burning in the combustion chamber, the air-fuel mixture provides high pressure aimed at the piston, and the one, in turn, rotates the crankshaft through the crank-connecting mechanism. Its rotation energy is transmitted to the car transmission.
  • To start the internal combustion engine, the starter is often used - usually an electric motor that turns the crankshaft. In heavier diesel engines as a starter and for the same purpose, auxiliary engine is used ("Puskach").

  • There are the following types of engines (DVS):
  • petrol
  • diesel
  • gas
  • gasodiselny
  • rotary-piston

  • Internal combustion gasoline engines - The most common from car engines. The fuel for them is gasoline. Passing through the fuel system, gasoline falls through spray nozzles into a carburetor or intake manifold, and then this air-fuel mixture is supplied to the cylinders, compressed under the influence of the piston group, it is sparkled from the spark plugs.
  • The carburetor system is considered outdated, so the injecting fuel supply system is used now everywhere. Spray fuel nozzles (injectors) are injected or directly into the cylinder or in the intake manifold. Injector systems are divided into mechanical and electronic. First, mechanical plunger-type mechanical lever mechanisms are used to gain fuel, with the possibility of electronic control of the fuel mixture. Secondly, the process of compiling and fuel injection is fully entrusted to the electronic control unit (ECU). Injector systems are needed for more thorough fuel combustion and minimizing harmful burning products.
  • Diesel DVS Use special diesel fuel . The engine engines of this type have no ignition system: the fuel mixture falling into cylinders through the nozzles is able to explode under the action of high pressure and temperature, which provides a piston group.

Gasoline and diesel engines. Gasoline and diesel engine cycles

  • Use gas as fuel - liquefied, generator, compressed natural. The spread of such engines was due to the growing requirements for the environmental safety of transport. The initial fuel is stored in cylinders under greater pressure, from where through the evaporator enters the gas gearbox, losing pressure. Next, the process is similar to injector gasoline. In some cases, gas systems may not use evaporators in their composition.

  • The modern car is most often driven by the internal combustion engine. There are a huge set of such engines. They differ in the volume, the number of cylinders, power, the rotational speed used by the fuel (diesel, gasoline and gas engine). But, in principle, the device of the internal combustion engine is similar.
  • How does the engine work and why is it called a four-stroke engine of internal combustion? About the inner combustion is understandable. Inside the engine burns fuel. And why 4 engine clutches, what is it? Indeed, there are two-stroke engines. But on cars they are extremely rare.
  • The four-stroke engine is called due to the fact that its work can be divided into four, equal in time, part. The piston passes four times through the cylinder - twice up and twice down. Tact begins when the piston is located at an extremely lower or upper point. In motorists-mechanics, this is called the top dead dot (NTT) and the lower dead point (NMT).

  • The first clock, it is intake, begins with the NTC (top dead point). Moving down, the piston sucks the fuel mixture into the cylinder. The work of this tact happens when the intake valve is open. By the way, there are many engines with multiple inlet valves. Their quantity, size, time spent in the open state can significantly affect the engine power. There are engines in which, depending on the pressure pedal, there is a compulsory increase in the time of finding inlet valves in the open state. This is done to increase the amount of the fuel absorbed, which, after the ignition, increases the engine power. The car, in this case, can accelerate much faster.

  • The next engine work clock is compression tact. After the piston reached the lower point, it begins to rise up, thereby squeezing the mixture, which fell into the cylinder into the intake tact. The fuel mixture is compressed to the volume of the combustion chamber. What is this camera? The free space between the upper part of the piston and the top of the cylinder when the piston is found in the upper dead point is called the combustion chamber. Valves, the engine work is completely closed in this closed. The more dense they are closed, the compression is better. It has great importance, in this case, the state of the piston, cylinder, piston rings. If there are big gaps, it will not be good compression, and accordingly, the power of such an engine will be much lower. Compression can be checked by a special device. The magnitude of the compression can be concluded about the degree of wear of the engine.

  • The third tact is a worker, begins with NTC. The worker it is called no coincidence. After all, it is in this tact that an action takes place that makes the car move. In this clock, the ignition system comes into operation. Why is this system so called? Yes, because it is responsible for igniting the fuel mixture, compressed in the cylinder, in the combustion chamber. It works it very simple - the system candle gives a spark. In fairness, it is worth noting that the spark is issued on the spark plug in a few degrees until the upper point is reached. These degrees, in a modern engine, are regulated by automatically "brains" of the car.
  • After the fuel lights up, the explosion occurs - it increases sharply in the amount, forcing the piston to move down. Valves in this engine work tact, as in the previous, are in the closed state.

Fourth Tact - issue tact

  • The fourth engine work tact, the last - graduation. Having reached the bottom point, after the working clock, the exhaust valve begins to open in the engine. Such valves, as well as intake, may be several. Moving up, the piston through this valve removes the spent gases from the cylinder - ventilates it. The degree of compression in cylinders depends on the clear operation of the valves, the complete removal of the exhaust gases and the required amount of the absorbed fuel and air mixture.
  • After the fourth tact, the first turn is coming. The process is repeated cyclically. And at the expense of which rotation takes place - the operation of the internal combustion engine is all 4 closures, what makes the piston rise and go down in compression, release and intake tacts? The fact is that not all the energy received in the working clock is sent to the movement of the car. Part of the energy goes to spout the flywheel. And he, under the influence of inertia, twists the crankshaft of the engine, moving the piston during the period of "non-working" clocks.

Presentation prepared on site materials http://autoustroistvo.ru

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Physics lesson in grade 8

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Question 1:
What physical value shows how much energy is released when burning 1 kg of fuel? What letter does it designate it? Specific heat combustion of fuel. G.

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Question 2:
Determine the amount of heat that highlighted during the combustion of 200g gasoline. G \u003d 4.6 * 10 7J / kg Q \u003d 9.2 * 10 65

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Question 3:
The specific heat combustion of stone coal is about 2 times larger than the specific heat combustion of peat. What does it mean. This means that for the combustion of stone coal, it will take 2 times more heat.

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Internal combustion engine
Internal energy has all the bodies - land, bricks, clouds, and so on. However, it is difficult to extract it difficult, and sometimes it is impossible. The most easily for the needs of a person can be used internal energy of only some, figuratively speaking, "combustible" and "hot" tel. These include: oil, coal, warm sources near volcanoes and so on. Consider one of the examples of using the internal energy of such bodies.

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Carburetor engine.
the carburetor is a device for mixing gasoline with air in the desired proportions.

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Main main parts internal engine parts
1 - filter for suction air, 2 - carburetor, 3 - benzobac, 4 - fuel line, 5 - spraying gasoline, 6 - inlet valve, 7 - ignition candle, 8 - Camera combustion, 9 - exhaust valve, 10 - cylinder, 11 - piston.
Main parts of DVS:

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The work of this engine consists of several steps repeating over each other, or, as they say, clocks. There are four of them. The counts of the clock begins from the moment when the piston is at an extreme top point, and both valves are closed.

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The first clutch is called inlet (Fig. "A"). The intake valve opens, and the descending piston sucks the gasoline mixture inside the combustion chamber. After that, the intake valve closes.

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The second tact is compression (Fig. "B"). Piston, lifting up, compresses the gasoline mixture.

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The third tact is the workforce of the piston (Fig. "B"). At the end of the candle flashes electric spark. The gasoline mixture almost instantly burns and high temperature occurs in the cylinder. This leads to a strong increase in pressure and hot gas makes a useful work - pushes the piston down.

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The fourth tact is the release (rice "g"). The outlet valve opens, and the piston, moving up, pushes gases from the combustion chamber to the exhaust pipe. Then the valve closes.

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Diesel engine.
In 1892, the German engineer R. Diesel received a patent (a document confirming the invention) on the engine, subsequently named after his last name.

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Principle of operation:
Only air enters the cylinders of the diesel engine. Piston, squeezing this air, makes over it work and the inner energy of air increases so much that the fuel injected there is immediately self-propagated. The gases formed are pushing the piston back, carrying out a work move.

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Trackers work:
air suction; air compression; Injection and combustion of fuel are the workforce of the piston; The release of exhaust gases. Significant difference: the wicked candle becomes unnecessary, and the nozzle is occupied - the fuel injection device; These are usually low-quality gasoline varieties.

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Some Engine Information Engine Type Engine Type
Some information about carburetor diesel engines
The history of the creation was first patented in 1860 by French Lenoar; In 1878, it was built. Otto inventor and Langen Engineer invented in 1893 by the German engineer Diesel
Working body air, saturation. Paris gasoline air
Fuel gasoline fuel oil, oil
Max. Pressure in the chamber 6 × 105 Pa 1.5 × 106 - 3.5 × 106 Pa
T with the compression of the working fluid 360-400 ºС 500-700 ºС
T products combustion fuel 1800 ºС 1900 ºС
Efficiency: for serial machines for the best samples 20-25% 35% 30-38% 45%
Application in passenger cars of relatively low power in heavier high power machines (tractors, cargo tractors, diesel locomotives).

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Name the main parts of the DVS:

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1. What are the main wiring clocks. 2. In what clips are closed? 3. In which closures is the valve 1 open? 4. What booths open valve 2? 5. Difference in DVS from diesel?

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Dead dots - the extreme position of the piston in the cylinder
Piston stroke - distance piston from one dead point to another
The four-stroke engine is one working cycle occurs for four piston stroke (4 clock).

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Fill out the table
Tracock Name Piston Movement 1 Valve 2 Valve What happens
Suction of combustible mixture
Compression of the combustible mixture and ignition
Gases pushed piston
Emission of exhaust gases

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1. Type of thermal engine in which steam rotates the motor shaft without the help of piston, connecting rod and crankshaft. 2. Designation of the specific heat of melting. 3. One of the parts of the internal combustion engine. 4. Tact of the internal combustion engine cycle. 5. Transition of a substance from a liquid state into solid. 6. Variousness occurring from the surface of the liquid.

The history of the creation of the first internal combustion engine is the first to do
Workable internal combustion engine (DVS)
Appeared in Germany in 1878. But the history of creation
DVS goes its roots to France.
In 1860, the French inventor Evan Lenoar
The first internal combustion engine. But this aggregate
was imperfect, with low efficiency and could not be applied
on practice. Another French came to the rescue
Inventor Bo de Rocha, who in 1862 suggested
Use four clutches in this engine:
2. Press
3. Overview
4. So issue
The first car with four-stroke engine was
Three-barreled carriage of Charles Benz, built in 1885
A year later (1886 g), a version of Gotlib Daimer appeared.
Both inventors worked independently of each other.
In 1926, they united by creating Deimler-Benz

Principle of operation of the internal combustion engine

Modern car, Bowl of all,
drives in motion internal engine
combustion. Such engines there is a huge
lots of. They differ in volume
the number of cylinders, power, speed
rotation used by fuel (diesel,
Gasoline and gas engine). But, in principle,
device internal combustion engine
seem to be. How does this device work and why
called a four-stroke engine
Internal combustion? About inner combustion
understandably. Inside the engine burns fuel. BUT
Why 4 engine clutches, what is it?
Indeed, there are two-stroke
engines. But they are used on cars
rarely. Four-stroke engine
called due to the fact that his work can
divided into four, equal in time, part.
The piston will pass four times on the cylinder - two
fold up and twice down. Tact begins at
Finding a piston in extremely lower or
top point. Motorists-mechanics are
called the upper dead point (NMT) and
Lower dead dot (NMT).

First Tact - Inlet Tact

First clutch, he is inlet,
begins with nmt (top
dead point). Moving down
piston sucks in cylinder
Fuel and air mixture. Work
This clock occurs when
Open inlet valve. By the way,
There are many engines with
multiple inlet valves.
Their quantity, size, time
speech in open
can significantly affect
engine power. there is
engines in which
Depending on Pages Pedal
gas, compulsory
Increased time
inlet valves in open
condition. This is done for
Increase number
absorbed fuel that
After ignition, increases
engine power. Car,
In this case, maybe much
Faster to accelerate.

Second tact - compression tact

Next Tact Engine Work -
compression tact. After the piston
reached the bottom point, it starts
climb up, thereby squeezing
The mixture that got into the cylinder in the tact
inlet. The fuel mixture is compressed to
Volumes of combustion chamber. What is this
Such a camera? Free space
between the top of the piston and
top of the cylinder at
Finding a piston in the upper dead
The point is called the combustion chamber.
Valves, in this tact of engine work
Fully closed. The more densely, they are
closed, the compression happens
Quality. Great importance
has, in this case, condition
Piston, cylinder, piston rings.
If there are big gaps, then
good compression will not work, and
Accordingly, the power of such
The engine will be much lower. Power
compression - compression, you can check
Special device. In magnitude
compression can be concluded
Engine wear degree.

Third Tact - Working

The third tact - working, begins with
Nmt. The worker is called
not by chance. After all, in this
Tact takes action,
Forcing a car
move. In this clock to work
The ignition system comes. Why
Is this system so called? Yes
Because she is responsible for
ignition fuel mixture compressed
In the cylinder, in the combustion chamber.
It works it is very simple - the candle
Systems gives a spark. Justice
For the sake, it is worth noting that the spark
issued on the ignition candle for
several degrees before reaching
Piston top point. These
degrees, in a modern engine,
Adjustable automatically
"Brains" of the car. After that
how fuel will light up, happens
explosion - it increases sharp
volume, forcing the piston
move down Valves in this tact
Engine works, as in
previous, are in closed

Fourth Tact - issue tact

Fourth job tact
Engine, last -
high school graduation. Reached
bottom point after
working clock, in engine
Begins to open
Exhaust valve. Such
valves, like inlets,
Maybe several.
Moving up, piston
through this valve removes
Exhaust gases from
Cylinder - ventilate
his. The better it will work
exhaust valve
More spent gases
will be removed from the cylinder,
freeing, thereby
Place for a new portion
Fuel mixture.

Varieties of internal combustion engine

Diesel internal combustion engine

Diesel engine - piston
internal combustion engine,
on the principle of ignition
sprayed fuel OT.
Contribution with compressed preheated
air. Diesel engines work
on diesel fuel (in the surprise -
In 1890, Rudolph Diesel developed the theory
"Economical thermal engine",
which is due to strong compression in
cylinders significantly improves its
efficiency. He got a patent for his
Engine February 23, 1893. First
Functioning sample, called "dieselmotor", was built by Diesel to the beginning of 1897
of the year, and on January 28 of the same year he was successful

Injector Engine Operation Principle

In modern injection
Engines for each
Cylinder is provided
Individual nozzle.
All nozzles are connected to
fuel ramp where
Fuel is under
pressure that creates
Electrical displacement.
The amount of injected
Fuel depends OT
Duration of opening
Nozzle. Moment of opening
Adjusts the electronic unit
control (controller) on
The basis of the processed
they have data from various

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AUGUST OTTO In 1864, more than 300 such engines of different power were released. Raughtyev, Lenoire stopped working on improving his car, and it predetermined her fate - she was supplanted from the market a more advanced engine created by the German inventor Augustom Otto. In 1864, he received a patent for his model of the gas engine and in the same year he concluded an agreement with a rich engineer Langen to operate this invention. Soon the company "Otto and the company" was created. At first glance, the engine OTTO was a step back compared to the Lenoara engine. The cylinder was vertical. The rotated shaft was placed over the cylinder on the side. Along the axis of the piston, the rail was attached, associated with the shaft. The engine worked as follows. The rotating shaft lifted the piston at 1/10 of the cylinder height, as a result of which the discharged space was formed under the piston and the mixture of air and gas mixture was sufficed. Then the mixture flamped. Nor Otto nor Langen owned sufficient knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and abandoned electrical ignition. The ignition they carried out by open flame through the tube. In the explosion, the pressure under the piston increased to about 4 atm. Under the action of this pressure, the piston rose, the gas volume increased and the pressure fell. When lifting the piston, a special mechanism disconnected a rack from the shaft. The piston first under the pressure of the gas, and then the inertia rose until the discharge was created under it. Thus, the burnt fuel energy was used in the engine with a maximum fullness. This was the main original finding Otto. The working stroke of the piston began under the action of atmospheric pressure, and after the pressure in the cylinder reached atmospheric, the exhaust valve opened, and the exhaust gases were pushed with its mass. Because of the more complete expansion of the combustion products of the efficiency of this engine, it was significantly higher than the KPD of the Lenoara engine and reached 15%, that is, exceeded the efficiency of the best steam machines of that time.

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The search for a new fuel so did not stop searching for a new fuel for the internal combustion engine. Some inventors tried to apply a pair of liquid fuel as a gas. Back in 1872, American Brighton tried to use kerosene in this capacity. However, Kerosene evaporated poorly, and Brighton moved to more easy petroleum product - gasoline. But in order for the engine on liquid fuel to successfully compete with gas, it was necessary to create a special device for evaporation of gasoline and obtain a combustible mixture of it with air. Brighton in the same 1872 came up with one of the first so-called "evaporative" carburetors, but he acted as unsatisfactory.

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Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Car engine prepared: Tarasov Maksim Yuryevich 11th grade Head: Master of Industrial Training Maow Before Muk "Eureka" Barakayev Fatima Kurbanbievna

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The car engine of the internal combustion engine (DVS) is one of the main devices in the car design, which serves to convert the fuel energy into mechanical energy, which, in turn, performs a useful work. The principle of operation of the internal combustion engine is built on the fact that the fuel in the air compound form an air mixture. Cyclically burning in the combustion chamber, the air-fuel mixture provides high pressure aimed at the piston, and the one, in turn, rotates the crankshaft through the crank-connecting mechanism. Its rotation energy is transmitted to the car transmission. To start the internal combustion engine, the starter is often used - usually an electric motor that turns the crankshaft. In heavier diesel engines as a starter and for the same purpose, auxiliary engine is used ("Puskach").

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Types of engines There are the following types of engines (DVS): Gasoline diesel gas gas diffide rotary-piston

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Also, the engine is classified: by the type of fuel, by the number and location of cylinders, according to the method of forming a fuel mixture, by the number of internal combustion engines, etc.

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Gasoline and diesel engines. The working cycles of the gasoline and diesel engine gasoline engines of internal combustion are the most common from automotive engines. The fuel for them is gasoline. Passing through the fuel system, gasoline falls through spray nozzles into a carburetor or intake manifold, and then this air-fuel mixture is supplied to the cylinders, compressed under the influence of the piston group, it is sparkled from the spark plugs. The carburetor system is considered outdated, so the injecting fuel supply system is used now everywhere. Spray fuel nozzles (injectors) are injected or directly into the cylinder or in the intake manifold. Injector systems are divided into mechanical and electronic. First, mechanical plunger-type mechanical lever mechanisms are used to gain fuel, with the possibility of electronic control of the fuel mixture. Secondly, the process of compiling and fuel injection is fully entrusted to the electronic control unit (ECU). Injector systems are needed for more thorough fuel combustion and minimizing harmful burning products. Diesel engine systems use special diesel fuel. The engine engines of this type have no ignition system: the fuel mixture falling into cylinders through the nozzles is able to explode under the action of high pressure and temperature, which provides a piston group.

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Gas engines Gas engines use gas as fuel - liquefied, generator, compressed natural. The spread of such engines was due to the growing requirements for the environmental safety of transport. The initial fuel is stored in cylinders under greater pressure, from where through the evaporator enters the gas gearbox, losing pressure. Next, the process is similar to injector gasoline. In some cases, gas systems may not use evaporators in their composition.

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The principle of operation of the internal combustion engine is a modern car, most often, is driven by an internal combustion engine. There are a huge set of such engines. They differ in the volume, the number of cylinders, power, the rotational speed used by the fuel (diesel, gasoline and gas engine). But, in principle, the device of the internal combustion engine is similar. How does the engine work and why is it called a four-stroke engine of internal combustion? About the inner combustion is understandable. Inside the engine burns fuel. And why 4 engine clutches, what is it? Indeed, there are two-stroke engines. But on cars they are extremely rare. The four-stroke engine is called due to the fact that its work can be divided into four, equal in time, part. The piston passes four times through the cylinder - twice up and twice down. Tact begins when the piston is located at an extremely lower or upper point. In motorists-mechanics, this is called the top dead dot (NTT) and the lower dead point (NMT).

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The first tact - the first time input tact, it is inlet, begins with the NTC (top dead point). Moving down, the piston sucks the fuel mixture into the cylinder. The work of this tact happens when the intake valve is open. By the way, there are many engines with multiple inlet valves. Their quantity, size, time spent in the open state can significantly affect the engine power. There are engines in which, depending on the pressure pedal, there is a compulsory increase in the time of finding inlet valves in the open state. This is done to increase the amount of the fuel absorbed, which, after the ignition, increases the engine power. The car, in this case, can accelerate much faster.

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The second tact - the compression tact of the following tact of the engine work - compression tact. After the piston reached the lower point, it begins to rise up, thereby squeezing the mixture, which fell into the cylinder into the intake tact. The fuel mixture is compressed to the volume of the combustion chamber. What is this camera? The free space between the upper part of the piston and the top of the cylinder when the piston is found in the upper dead point is called the combustion chamber. Valves, the engine work is completely closed in this closed. The more dense they are closed, the compression is better. It has great importance, in this case, the state of the piston, cylinder, piston rings. If there are big gaps, it will not be good compression, and accordingly, the power of such an engine will be much lower. Compression can be checked by a special device. The magnitude of the compression can be concluded about the degree of wear of the engine.

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The third beat is a three-time running time - a worker, begins with VMT. The worker it is called no coincidence. After all, it is in this tact that an action takes place that makes the car move. In this clock, the ignition system comes into operation. Why is this system so called? Yes, because it is responsible for igniting the fuel mixture, compressed in the cylinder, in the combustion chamber. It works it very simple - the system candle gives a spark. In fairness, it is worth noting that the spark is issued on the spark plug in a few degrees until the upper point is reached. These degrees, in a modern engine, are regulated by automatically "brains" of the car. After the fuel lights up, the explosion occurs - it increases sharply in the amount, forcing the piston to move down. Valves in this engine work tact, as in the previous, are in the closed state.

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The fourth tact is the fourth tact of the engine work, the last - graduation. Having reached the bottom point, after the working clock, the exhaust valve begins to open in the engine. Such valves, as well as intake, may be several. Moving up, the piston through this valve removes the spent gases from the cylinder - ventilates it. The degree of compression in cylinders depends on the clear operation of the valves, the complete removal of the exhaust gases and the required amount of the absorbed fuel and air mixture. After the fourth tact, the first turn is coming. The process is repeated cyclically. And at the expense of which rotation takes place - the operation of the internal combustion engine is all 4 closures, what makes the piston rise and go down in compression, release and intake tacts? The fact is that not all the energy received in the working clock is sent to the movement of the car. Part of the energy goes to spout the flywheel. And he, under the influence of inertia, twists the crankshaft of the engine, moving the piston during the period of "non-working" clocks. Presentation prepared on site materials http://autoustroistvo.ru

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