Turning to the left: rules for performing a maneuver, where the reversal is allowed, where the turn left and turn, punishment for violations is allowed. How to turn left on traffic rules Right turn at the intersection

the main / Repairs

8.1. Before starting motion, rebuilding, turning (reversing) and stop the driver is obliged to feed the signals with light pointers of rotation of the corresponding direction, and if they are missing or faulty - hand. When performing a maneuver, a danger should not be created for movement, as well as interference with other road users.

The left turn signal (reversal) matches the elongated left hand either the right, elongated and bent into the elbow at right angles up. The right rotation signal corresponds to the elongated right hand or left, elongated and bent into the elbow at right angles up. The braking signal is supplied to the top or right hand raised.

8.2. The signal feeding signs or hand should be made in advance before the start of the maneuver and stop immediately after its completion (the signal flow can be completed immediately before performing the maneuver). In this case, the signal should not be misleading other participants in the movement.

The signal supply does not give the driver advantages and does not relieve it from the adoption of precautions.

8.3. When traveling to the road from the adjacent territory, the driver must give way to vehicles and pedestrians moving along it, and when congressing from the road - pedestrians and cyclists, the path of movement of which it crosses.

8.4. When rebuilding, the driver must give way to vehicles moving alongside without changing the direction of movement. With the simultaneous rebuilding of vehicles moving along the way, the driver must give way to the road to the transport facility located on the right.

8.5. Before turning to the right, left or turn, the driver is obliged to take in advance the corresponding extreme position on the roadway intended for movement in this direction, except when a turn is performed at the entrance to the intersection, where the circular motion is organized.

If you have the rest of the tram routes of associated direction, located at one level with the carriageway, turn to the left and the turn must be performed with them if signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 or a markup of 1.18 are not prescribed a different order of movement. At the same time, no interference should be created.

(see text in the previous edition)

8.6. The turn should be carried out in such a way that when traveling from the intersection of the passage parts, the vehicle has not been on the side of the oncoming traffic.

When turning right, the vehicle should move as close to the right edge of the carriageway.

8.7. If the vehicle is due to its dimensions or for other reasons, it cannot be rotated in compliance with the requirements of paragraph 8.5 of the rules, it is allowed to retreat from them subject to ensuring the safety of the movement and if it does not create interference with other vehicles.

8.8. When turning to the left or reversal outside the crossroad, the driver of a straight vehicle is obliged to give way to the oncoming vehicles and tram of the associated direction.

If, with a turn out of the intersection, the width of the roadway is insufficient to perform a maneuver from the extreme left position, it is allowed from the right edge of the carriageway (with the right side). At the same time, the driver must give way to backway and oncoming vehicles.

8.9. In cases where the trajectories of movement of vehicles intersect, and the priority of the passage is not specified by the rules, the road should be given to the driver to which the vehicle is approaching on the right.

8.10. If there is a braking band, the driver, intending to turn, should take a timely to rebuild this strip and reduce the speed only on it.

In the presence of an acceleration on the road, the driver must move along it and rebuild to the neighboring strip, giving way to vehicles moving along this road.

In the comments, I was repeatedly asked to tell me about turn on the road with a separation strip. There is nothing complicated there.

But for a complete description of the reversal, you must first understand how to turn left at intersections with a separation strip.

For a start, remember. The "separation strip" is an element of the road allocated structurally and (or) by markup 1.2.1, separating adjacent passages of parts and not intended for movement and stopping vehicles (p. 1.2 traffic rules).

Paragraph 8.6 PDD: "The turn should be carried out in such a way that the vehicle does not turn out to be on the side of the oncoming traffic when traveling from the intersection of the passage parts.

If there is no separation strip, then your turn left, presented in Figure No. 1, is quite consistent with traffic rules, and with the counter car you will disperse right sides. No one makes you nor a counter car travel around the center of the intersection. Such a mutual turn left is most safe, since the trajectories of the vehicle movement do not intersect.

Similarly, if the separation strip is arranged beyond the crossroads. At the intersection itself, there is one intersection of passage parts (Figure No. 2). An example of such an intersection is the intersection of Lenin Avenue and Engels Street.

If there is a separation strip within the intersection (Figure No. 3), the road is no longer one, but two passages of parts, and, therefore, at the intersection - two intersections of passage parts (in the figure, red rectangles). Therefore, the detour of the center of the crossroads when turning to the left becomes a mandatory - the driver should not be between two green lines when traveling from the first intersection of the passage parts.

All these arguments are destroyed by the question: "How to pass such an intersection if prescribing or prohibiting signs are installed on it, which, according to traffic rules, act on the nearest intersection of the passage parts?" For example, in Bile No. 15 Question # 2 (Figure No. 4) is asked: "In which directions are you allowed to continue moving at the intersection?" Correct answer: "A and B". Behind the separation strip the sign of the sign ends.

In addition, it is such a continuation of the boundaries of the roadway to the crossroads shown in Figures V.7, 10, B.11 in GOST R 52289-2004. Such configuration is meant when determining the intersection in the Convention. Finally, the Supreme Court also supported this point of view.

In order for the drivers to not guess and not to determine how many intersections of the passage parts at the crossroads are whether to travel around the center or not, a solid or double solid line of marking (Figures No. 5 and No. 6) is applied into the separation strip (Figures No. 5 and No. 6). Its detour is obligatory.

An example is the crossroads of Kaslinsky streets and brothers Kashirinov - Figure 7. Yes, yes, the violator fell into the frame. And for a similar turn - a fine of 5000 rubles or deprivation of the right to control for a period of four to six months.

There is a reasonable question: "By what trajectory to turn, if the markup is erased?" For example, the intersection of Norivsky and Kurchatov streets - Figure No. 8.

Once again compare the schemes of two intersections - Figure No. 9.

If the separation strip within the intersection (left) - the center is bypass outside the intersection (right) - the center is observed optionally. Therefore, at the crossroads of Norivsky streets and Kurchatov, when turning to the left, the left "mock angle" can not even in the absence of marking.

Figure 7, traffic lights are not accidentally highlighted. If they are, then a solid or double solid markup line should be applied.

In reality, during non-strokes of separation stripes in the absence of marking, many rotate as shown in Figure 2. Such travel is enshrined in the regulatory documentation for the organization of movement. For example, Figure G.1 and G.3 "Instructions on the markup of highways" VNG 23-75.

If you turn in the same way, in order to avoid conflict with inspectors at the left turn, you will always close as much as possible to the center of the intersection and disappear with the oncoming car, which also turns left, right sides.

If the oncoming decided to drive around the center of the crossroad, then you go. The order of travel is determined by the interference on the right - Figure No. 10.

At the point and the road is inferior to the red, at the point in - yellow.

If the oncoming car turning left is not, then the center of any intersection is better to drive around - you will be better visible to the counter movement.

PDDs operate on the concept of the "edge of intersectable carriageway". The region itself is wide enough, because it can move wheelchairs and pedestrians, pushing a motorcycle, - section 4 traffic rules. Consequently, the edges of the intersection of the passage parts are very and very conditional. From the definition of the intersection in paragraph 1.2 of the PDD, it follows that driving part and, accordingly, its edges at the crossroads on one side are spinning, and on the other hand, the road along with the roadway goes straight.

Suppose, for turning to the left at the crossroads, similar to the one shown in Figure No. 7, the inspector compiled a protocol for violation of paragraph 8.6 of traffic rules - in his opinion you did not fit too clearly into the left turn. Call the inspector to court and ask him to draw a wide rounded edge of the carriageway, which goes on the crossroads directly. It is very interesting how it will look like, since nothing in common with the limits of the cross-slices in the driving schools (see Figures No. 2 and No. 3) does not have this intersection of the passage parts.

Thus, the very concept of "intersection of travel parts" is abstractly, and do not attempt to determine the location of the edge of the intersectable carriage part. As mentioned above, first of all it makes sense to determine the number of intersections of passage parts.

With the trajectory of reversal at intersections with a separation strip, we will determine in a week. In the meantime, look for, which means "right-sided movement" from paragraph 1.4 traffic rules?

The article uses materials and drawings - from "Abstract lectures for driving schools".

Yuri Panchenko is known as the author of the book "driver-inspector. A conversation on an equal footing "(published jointly with the Internet community" Legal literacy of motorists ") - Books in which the nuances of the legal relations of police and ordinary motorists in our realities are explained in an accessible form. Yuri is also a testailer for a driving school, an autorerist and is engaged in the release of illustrative materials to explain the rules of the road.

At the crossroads are organized in such a way that the rotation is allowed from two lanes signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2. For example, consider the turn left of two bands.

A similar situation was encountered in the article "". Here the situation is slightly changed and is a reason for discussions when determining the priority of movement.

Side 1. White car has an advantage, as it turns out a turn from the extreme position in accordance with paragraph 8.5 of the rules and after turning has the right to occupy any strip. Blue car turns in the form of exception with additional resolution and the benefits has no advantage.

Side 2. White car must give way to the road, as it makes rebuilding, and P.8.5 does not work in this situation, as it is impossible to perform it. And the movement to the left is carried out in two lanes in two rows.

Side 3. White car must give way to the road, as the blue is approaching the right.

They are a regulatory act and consist of regulatory legal norms, in this case, legal norms are the requirements of the rules. All requirements are interconnected and need to consider them in the complex, and not separately. In the rules, as in other regulatory acts there is a hierarchy of requirements - general rules and special.

The easiest example, the general requirement of rules p.1.5.

1.5. Road participants should act in such a way as not to create dangers for movement and do not harm ...

On this, the text of the rules could be finished ... In some kind of mythical city, where in motion 3-4 cars on two roads

Paragraph 1.5 is a common norm for almost all rules requirements, the remaining requirements are special standards in relation to it. Similarly, all requirements interact.

That is, we look at the situation and we are looking for a rule suitable for action in this situation, if we do not find, we look at the "higher" more general rule.

The red light signal prohibits the movement - the total rate. Movement in the direction of the arrow in the additional section during the red signal - special norm. That is, a special norm allows you to move on a red traffic light signal, provided that it has an additional section and the arrow is on.

"18.2. On the roads with a strip for the route vehicles marked signs 5.11, 5.13.1, 5.13.2, 5.14, the movement and stop of other vehicles on this band are prohibited. "- Total norm

"If this band is separated from the rest of the carriage of the intermittent line of marking, then when turning vehicles should be rebuilt on it. It is also allowed in such places to travel to this strip at the entrance to the road and landing and disembarking passengers at the right edge of the carriageway, provided that it does not create a noise with route vehicles. " - Special norm.

In general, the MTS Movement is prohibited, but there are conditions for which this ban is removed. Etc.

Let's see the hierarchy in p. 8.5 rules.

8.5. Before turning to the right, left or turn, the driver is obliged to take in advance the corresponding extreme position on the roadway intended for movement in this direction, except when a turn is performed at the entrance to the intersection, where the circular motion is organized.

If you have the rest of the tram routes of associated direction, located at one level with the carriageway, turn to the left and the turn must be performed with them if signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 or a markup of 1.18 are not prescribed a different order of movement. At the same time, no interference should be created.

As you see signs allow you to retreat from the general requirement to occupy an extreme position on the roadway.

"It is possible, not to occupy, but there is no advantage" - the interpretation is not true, since there is no special explanation about the advantage in the rules. To retreat from the requirement to occupy extreme position is either possible, or it is impossible. Special norm is either there or not.

Always in the presence of a special norm, we are guided by its requirements, not common. General rules are applied in the absence of special.

Road signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2 are signs of special prescriptions and introduce a certain mode of movement. Even the name of the section says that the movement mode is special.

And so that we have in case of turn.

Make a maneuver, we carry out the requirements of 8 chapters of the rules, but we see signs 5.15.1 or 5.15.2, allowing turning to the left of two bands

8.5. Before turning to the right, left or turn, the driver is obliged to occupy in advance of the corresponding extreme position on the roadway intended for movement in this direction

In a special mode of movement, there are two bands left, movement directly from the left strip is excluded. The trajectories of the movement do not intersect, except for the case of rebuilding. We are guided by road signs, which in this case are a special norm relative to the requirements of P.8.5.

By and large - this is the flaws of paragraph 8.5 traffic rules, one exceptions are described, while others have to withdraw. So that everything fell into place the legislator needs to simply change the two words:

"8.5. Before turning to the right, left or turn, the driver is obliged to occupy the corresponding extreme position on the carriageway licap of Movementintended for movement in this direction. "

How to actually turn left at the crossroads - this question has many answers, depending on the situation. First you need to remember that the left turn point is always turned on.

The intersection of machines is carried out in different ways, so the intersection is also different degrees of complexity. They are adjustable if everyone is routged according to the installed traffic lights or by the regulator signal.

Accordingly, if:

  • not visible traffic lights
  • traffic light is faulty
  • it includes a permanent yellow signal.
  • no one points to the cars where to go - the intersection is unregulated.

Here, the passage of the crossroads with turn to the left is carried out according to the rules for intersections, where the car stream is organized by the drivers themselves - they move, coordinate their actions with placed signs and other car owners.

It is important to know who and when to yield - the main part of the rules consists of this. Each rule should be disassembled step by step. Knowing how to properly turn left at the crossroads with the traffic light, you can avoid many expensive troubles.

When turning, turning around the green light at the crossroads with the traffic light driver is inferior:

  • machines that drive towards or turn right (traffic rules 13.4).
  • starting to go on a sign, which turns on along with yellow and red light, you need to give up to all machines that go from other bands (trams are also coming); If the additional section is turned off, the movement can be carried out only by the main signal.
  • if the movement of all vehicles is allowed, the tram receives a priority - it is obliged to led (PDD 6.); Rail transport give an advantage - first the tram is skipped, then you can go through the tram tracks
  • with the ones on green, you should move after all machines that are still at the crossroads will be outside of it, and the road will go through the road (traffic rules 13.8) is the requirement that is necessary for overall security.

After turning on the green, the driver moves in the direction of the traffic light, located at the exit from the intersection, does not concern it. But he should see the road markup - if there is a stop line, then you will have to watch the traffic lights and move along their signals.

The crossing at the intersection when turning to the left with such lines has a special organization of movement, it is impossible to turn, without stopping, you need to move intermittently, only in green signals (traffic rules 13.7). If there was green, then you should move to the intersection and skip the counter transport, being there. It is not necessary to stop at stop lines in such a situation, because there is a permit to move - there was green.

As for the priority of rail transport, it acts if the intersection is regulated by one traffic light. If separate traffic lights are installed for trams and straight vehicles, then drivers of both TCs should notice and understand the double control signals. Accordingly, if the green car caught fire for the driver, then for the tram there will be red - with this combination, the driver car makes a turn from the tram paths to the left, not yielding.

Such is the brief instruction of the driver's strategy for maneuvers at the crossroads - everything is initially followed, to subsequently follow the rules instinctively.

Moving through the intersection of this type, the autodist will have to give way:

  • machines on the main road (if himself is on the secondary)
  • tram (if you are on the equivalent road)
  • to all right if equivalent roads intersect; Rail transport comes in the same way, with their priority
  • machines that go along the equivalent road directly or right if the driver himself turns to the left or plans to turn around (the trams should be treated)
  • hiking citizens and cyclists, if they move or intersect the roadway.

Stay on the main road Does not mean permanent priority. If it goes to the left, and there are two signs - the main road and turn, then you need to remember 13.11 traffic rules - to give up all the cars that approach the right.

Do not count that all drivers scrupulously studied the rules. Therefore, when moving along the main road, not only signs and signals have a value, you need to carefully follow the maneuvers of neighboring participants in the movement and come accordingly.

At the intersection of unequal roads A citizen who goes on a secondary, can try to slip first, despite the rules. It is better to miss it - not always near the inspection that will stop the violator. Always first need to see that another driver is inferior.

If a change in the direction of the road begins, the rules are valid for the passage of intersections of equivalent roads (regardless of what road is the main or secondary).

If there is no labeled main road, and the markup on the coating of the road is indistinguishable, the driver goes like when moving along a secondary road.

It is forbidden to create obstacles to the flow from the transverse road - the order of formation of the stop can not strive for the intersection.

If there are two or more unidirectional stripes of motion, the intersection is considered complex. The band is any space of the roadway, sufficient to drive cars, can be marked or not marked.

At the intersection with two or more strips of associated direction with a resolved turn to the left, in the case of rebuilding the driver is inferior to the priority of the one who is already on the band, which is rebuilt. The same principle at intersections with ring motion is to give way to those who are on their lane.

In practical lessons on driving, drivers are involved in moving to the extreme right position after turning - such a maneuver is provided by traffic rules, when there are no signs allowing turns at once from two lanes. This skill will help when turning to the left to the road with a reversing movement - you can only rebuildly make sure that movement is allowed in other bands.

More complex intersections, for example, with the possibility of rebuilding from two to three stripes after turning, are usually marked. If it is not, it is necessary to determine its trajectory on the entrance to the intersection and go, already knowing what lane to take: from the right strip - to the right, from the left - to the left or secondary. At such intersections, it is extremely undesirable to rebuild, because when you turn you cannot see the movement on the adjacent bands.

PDDs allow you to occupy any band, however, when you try two cars to take one strip, the intruder will be the one who has a hindrance to the right.

Video: How to perform the left turn


On the adjustable intersection, the movement is more predictable - green lights up for drivers of two opposite directions at the same time, for those who move along the transverse road, red is lit. At the crossroads with traffic lights with an additional section should be much more attentive - the variability of the behavior of the participants in motion increases. The absolute advantage when turning to the left of the driver appears if it starts to move along a green main and green arrow.

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