The device of brake equipment of cargo wagons. Mechanical brake equipment of a freight car. The electronic unit includes an electronic unit, four tachogenerator installed on each axis of the wheel pair, and four

the main / Repairs


Auto-braking technique is one of the most important elements of railway transport, on the level of development and condition of this technique, the transport ability of roads and the safety of trains movement largely depends.

The brake equipment of the rolling stock should work normally under the conditions of complex processes occurring in a moving train (dry friction of the brake pads with the transformation of mechanical energy into thermal, gas-dynamic processes in the brake line, combustion wheels along the rails in the limit use of the clutch forces, the interaction of wagons with each other with The emergence of significant longitudinal forces, etc.).

To ensure the uninterrupted action of automotive technology of rolling stock in complex meteorological conditions and with large cargo protection, there are many employees of control points of autotractoros and automatic departments of locomotive and car depots, permanent improvement of brake equipment repair technology, ensuring high reliability and stability of its operations in trains.

In order to ensure the safe operation of the brake equipment, the following types of repair and inspection of car brake equipment are installed: factory, depot, revision and current.

In modern exploitation conditions and on the near future, the automation of the various brake system nodes will be of particular importance, the device for remote control with automatic and other devices will be of particular importance.

Purpose and design of the brake lever transmission of the freight car

The lever braking transmission is called a system of thrust and levers, through which a person's force (with manual braking) or an effort developed by compressed air, along the brake cylinder bar (for pneumatic and electropneumatic braking) is transmitted to brake pads that are pressed against the wheels. According to the action on the wheel, lever transmissions with one-sided and bilateral pressing of the pads are distinguished.

The lever brake transmission with double-sided Pressing the pad has the following advantages compared with one-sided: The wheel pair is subjected to a turning effect in the boxes in the direction of pressing the pads; The pressure on each block is less, therefore, less wear pads; The friction coefficient between the shoe and the wheel is greater. However, the lever transmission during bilateral pressing is much more complicated by the design and heavier than with one-sided, and the temperature of heating the pads when braking above is 10-15%. With the use of composite pads, disadvantages of one-sided pressing become less tangible in the result of a smaller press on each block and a higher friction coefficient.

Basically, all cargo wagons have one-sided press of pads, and passenger cars are double-sided, with vertical levers located on two sides of the wheels. Therefore, triangels are used on freight cars, and on passenger cars beams (traverses).

The brake lever transmission device of the four-axle freight car is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1- The brake lever transmission device of a four-axle freight car

The brake cylinder piston rod 6 and the dead point 7 bracket are connected by rollers with horizontal levers 10 and 4, which in the middle part are associated with a tightening 5. The tightening of 5 is installed in the hole 8 with composite pads, and with cast iron pads in the hole 9. From the opposite ends. The levers 4 and 10 are articulated with rollers with rollers 11 and the powerover 3. The lower ends of the vertical levers 1 and 14 are interconnected between the struts 15, and the top ends of the levers 1 are connected to the traction 2, the top ends of the extreme vertical levers 14 are fixed on the ramps of the carts with the help of seague 13 and brackets. The triangels 17, on which shoes 12 with brake pads are installed, are connected by rollers 18 with vertical levers 1 and 14.

To protect against falling on the path of the triangels and spacers, in the case of their separation or break, safety golks 19 and brackets are provided. Brake shoes and triangels 17 are suspended to the carriage frame on the suspension 16. The traction rod of the regulator 3 is connected to the lower end of the left horizontal lever 4, and the regulating screw - with a burden 2. When braking the body of the regulator 3 rests on the lever connected to the horizontal lever 4 tightening .

A similar lever transmission, distinguished only by the dimensions of horizontal levers, have collures, platforms, tanks, etc.

The action of the lever transmission of the four-axle car is similar to the action of the lever transmission above. For manual adjustment of the lever gear in traction 2, earring 13 and tightening 15 there are spare holes.

The drive brake drive through the thrust is connected to the horizontal lever 4 at the point of connection with the stem 6 of the brake cylinder, so the action of the lever gear will be the same as with automatic braking, but the process is performed slower.

The most responsible details of the lever transmission of cargo wagons are triangels with a deaf landing of brake shoes 3 (Figure 2).

brake lever car repair

Figure 2 Triagel with deaf fit brake shoes

Bookmark 2 is installed on the inside of the shoe. The tip 5 placed behind the shoe lifts on the shelf of the side beam cart in the event of a suspension cliff 4 and protects the triangel from falling on the path. The parts mounted on the pinches are fixed with the crown nuts 8 and are fixed with hoptes 9. Pads 7 are attached in shoes with checks 6. The triangel is hinged with the side beams of the trolley by means of suspensions 4. All cargo wagons must have suspension shoes with rubber bushings in the holes (Figure 3). This allows you to remove loads with suspension, causing fatigue cracks, prevents the breakdowns and drop the parts on the path.

Figure 3 Suspension with rubber sleeves in holes

To increase the reliability of the lever gear and warning the drops of tightening and the traction of both stripes 1 of each vertical and horizontal lever, they weld together with each other 2. Connecting rollers when setting in holes such levers are fastened as usual with a washer and a pin with a diameter of 8 mm.

Traction and horizontal levers near the cylinder are equipped with safety and supporting brackets.

To increase the reliability of the lever gear and the warning of the drainage of tensions and the rod of both bands 1 of each vertical and horizontal lever are welded with each other 2 (Figure 4). Connecting rollers when setting into holes such levers are attached as usual for a washer and a pin with a diameter of 8 mm.

Figure 4-welded strips to increase the reliability of the lever gear

Additionally, on the side of the roller head in specially welded cheeks 3, a safety pin is inserted into the same diameter to prevent the roller loss if the main pin will be lost.

Figure 5-cheek to prevent roller falling

The feature of the design of the lever transmission of eight-axis wagons is the presence of a balancer, which ensures the distribution of the brake force on both trolleys (Figure 6). Many cargo wagons are equipped with a manual or parking brake with the helm, bred on the side of the car.

Figure 6-features of the design of the brake lever transmission of 8-axis cars

Projects group of companies
"Regional Center for Innovative Technologies"
Brake system of rolling stock Railways.

To stop the train when it moves on a direct horizontal section of the path, it is enough just to turn off the traction engines of the locomotive (translate the hydraulic frame to the idle mode), and after a certain period of time, the train will stop thanks to the natural resistance for the movement of the train. However, in this case, due to the force of inertia, the train will take a significant distance before stopping. To reduce this distance, it is necessary to artificially increase the strength of the resistance to the train movement.
Devices used in trains for an artificial increase in resistance for the movement, are called brake devices (brakes), and forces creating artificial resistance - brake forces.
The brake forces and resistance forces move the kinetic energy of a moving train. The most common means for obtaining brake forces is the brake brake, in which the braking is carried out by pressing the pads to rotating wheels, which arise the friction forces between the block and the wheel. Upon friction of the blocks about the wheel, the destruction of the smallest protrusions of the surface occurs, as well as the molecular interaction of the micronics of contacting surfaces. Grinding brake pads can be considered as the process of transformation of the mechanical work of friction forces in heat.

On the rolling line of railways applied Five types of brakes: Parking (manual), pneumatic, electropneumatic, electrical and electromagnetic.
1. Parking brakesequipped locomotives, passenger cars and approximately 10% of cargo wagons.
2. Pneumatic brakesequipped with the entire rolling stock of railways using compressed air to a pressure of up to 9 kgf / cm 2 on locomotives and 5-6.5 kgf / cm 2 on the wagons.
3. Electropneumatic brakes(EPT) Passenger locomotives and wagons, electric and diesel trains are equipped.
4. Parking, pneumatic and electropneumatic brakes belong to the discharge of friction brakes, in which friction force is created directly on the surface of the wheel, or on special disks, rigidly connected wheel pairs.
5. Electric brakeswhich are often called dynamic, or reversible, due to the transfer of traction engines to the mode of electrical generators, are equipped with separate series of electric locomotives, diesel locomotives and electric trains.
Electric brakes are:
5.1. Recovered - generated by traction engines energy is given back to the network,
5.2. Rubber- Energy generated by traction engines is extinguished on brake resistors and
5.3. Recovery-risostaty- At high speeds, a recuperative brake is used, and with low rheostat.

Type of brakes Maximum speed
(km / h)
Length of brands. Putting on the site at max. Sign of movement (m) Coeff. Efficiency
brakes *
1. Passenger rolling stock
(except for Motorwagon)
1.1. Pneumatic with cast-iron pads 120-160 1000-1600 8,3-10,0
1.2. Electropneumatic with composite pads 160 1300 8,1
1.3. Pneumatic with cast-iron pads together with magnetic rail 150 460 3,1
1.4. Electropneumatic disk with composite pads and magnetic rail 200 1600 8,0
2. Cargo rolling stock
2.1. Pneumatic with cast-iron pads 80 800 10,0
2.2. Pneumatic with composite pads 100 800 8,0
2.3. Electropneumatic with composite pads 100-120 750-1000 7,5-8,3
3. Motor-speaking rolling stock
3.1. Electropneumatic with cast iron pads 130 1000 7,7
3.2. Electropneumatic with composite pads 130 800 6,1
3.3. Electropneumatic disk with composite lining and magnetic rail 200 1500 7,5

* The magnitude of the braking path (M), which comes to 1 km / h of the maximum train rate.

Characteristics of the brakes of rolling stock

Pneumatic brakes
Pneumatic brakes have a single-wire line (aircase), laid along each locomotive and a car for remote control of the air distributors to charge spare tanks, filling the brake cylinders with compressed air when braking and messages with the atmosphere on vacation.
Pneumatic brakes used on rolling stock are divided into automatic and non-automatic, as well as passenger (with fast brake processes) and freight (with slow motion processes).
1. Automatic These brakes are called, in which, with a breakdown of the brake line or the opening of a stop-crane of any car, braking occurs. Automatic brakes come into effect (triggered to brake) due to a reduction in the pressure in the highway, and when the pressure increases, the brakes are released in the highway.
2. Nautomatic These brakes are called, in which there is a vacation when breaking the brake highway. Non-automatic brakes come into action (triggered to brake) with an increase in pressure in the pipeline, and during the release of air from the pipeline produce leave.

The operation of automatic brakes is divided into the following three processes:
1. Charging - air luminaries (highway) and spare tanks under each unit of rolling stock are filled with compressed air;
2. Braking - the air pressure is reduced to the wagon highway or the entire train to actuate the air distributors, and the air from spare tanks enters the brake cylinders; The latter actuate the lever brake transmission, which presses the pads to the wheels;
3. Vacation - The pressure in the highway increases, as a result of which the air distributors produce air from brake cylinders into the atmosphere, simultaneously produce recharging of spare tanks, reporting them with the brake trunk.

The automatic brakes of the following types are distinguished:
1. Soft with flat vacation mode- work with different values \u200b\u200bof charging pressure in the highway; At a slow pace of pressure reduction (up to 0.3-0.5 per minute), do not come into action. (do not slow down), and after braking with increasing pressure in the highway by 0.1-0.3, they give full vacation (no step leave);
2. Semi-rigs with mountain vacation - possess the same properties as soft, but for full vacation it is necessary to restore pressure in the highway by 0.1-0.2 below the charge (have a stepped vacation);
3. Hard - operating on a certain charging pressure in the highway; With a decrease in pressure in the highway below the charging, any pace produce slowdown. With a pressure of the highway outside the hard-type charging brake, it does not come into action until the pressure becomes below the charger. Vacation of hard brakes occurs when the pressure is reduced into a highway by 0.1-0.2 above the charger. Hard-type brakes are used in the sections of the Transcaucasian road with slopes of steeper 45 degrees.

Electropneumatic brakes.
Electropneumatic is called pneumatic brakes controlled by electric current.
Electropneumatic brake of a direct type with discharge and without discharge of the brake line, is applied on passenger, electric and diesel trains. In this brake, the filling of cylinders during braking and the release of air of them on vacation is carried out regardless of changes in the pressure in the highway, i.e., similarly to a straightforward pneumatic brake.
Electropneumatic automatic type brake with nutritious and brake lines and the discharge of the brake line in braking is used on some roads of Western Europe and the USA.
In these brakes, the braking is carried out by discharging the brake line of each car through electrical fishe to the atmosphere, and the vacation is a message through other electrical agents with an additional nutritional highway. Processes of filling and fireing the brake cylinder controls the usual air distributor, as with an automatic pneumatic brake.

Classification of brake equipment.

The brake equipment of rolling stock is divided into:
1. P unmatological, the devices of which work under pressure of compressed air, and
2. M. eugene(Brake lever transmission).
Pneumatic brake equipment in its intended purpose is divided into the following groups:
1. P Reborn nutrition brakes with compressed air;
2. P Reborn officebrakes;
3. n ribor carrying;
4. IN loaderand armaturebrakes.

1. To the instrument of powering brakes with compressed air belongs:
1.1. Compressors;
1.2. Safety valves;
1.3. Pressure regulators;
1.4. Oil separators;
1.5. Major tanks;
1.6. Air coolers.

2. The brake control devices include:
2.1. Driver cranes;
2.2. Cranes of auxiliary brake;
2.3. Brake lock devices;
2.4. Cranes of double thrust;
2.5. Car valves;
2.6. Vacation alarms;
2.7. Brake line monitoring sensors;
2.8. Manometers.

3. The group of devices carrying out braking includes:
3.1. Air distributors;
3.2. Authores;
3.3. Spare tanks;
3.4. Brake cylinders.

4. The air pipeline and reinforcement include:
4.1. Pipelines of highways;
4.2. Cranes;
4.3. Connecting sleeves;
4.4. Oil and moisture separators;
4.5. Filters and dusting.

When equipped with electropneumatic brakes to power instruments, an electrical energy source (static converter, batteries, electrical control and control circuits, etc.) is added, and the controller, control unit, etc. is added to the control devices, and the reinforcement unit is added: URU: Terminal Boxes, connecting sleeves with electrocontact, signal lamps, etc.
Separate series of locomotives (CHS2, CHS4, CHC2T, CHS4T) and wagons (RT200, the size of the RIC and other) are additionally equipped with high-speed control devices and devices of the anti-free device.
Due to constant improvement in the process of operation of the brake equipment, its scheme for the same series may have its own characteristics. The fundamental difference in the brake equipment schemes of locomotives and wagons is that all devices of brake equipment (nutrition, control, braking, etc.) are used on locomotives, and on the wagons - only braking devices.

Brake equipment of cargo wagons.
The brake equipment of cargo wagons can be performed both with the autorention, and without it.
The two-chamber reservoir 7 is attached to the frame frame and is connected to a dust, a spare tank of 4 volume of 78 liters and a braking cylinder 10 through the consignment of 2 SL. № 265-002. The trunk 6 and main 8 parts of the air distributor are attached to the reservoir 5.

Disconnecting crane 5 SL. No. 372 is used to turn on and off the air distributor. On the trunk tube there are end cranes 3 and connecting sleeves. Stop crane 1 with a removed handle put only on the wagons with a braking platform. The brake equipment scheme may not include authorship.
When charging and vacating the brakes, compressed air from the brake line enters the two-chamber reservoir 5. The spool and the working chambers arranged in the tank 5, and the spare tank 4. The brake cylinder 10 is reported to the atmosphere through the Country 9 and the main part 8.
With a decrease in pressure in the highway, the air distributor reports the reserve reservoir 4 with the brake cylinder 10, and the pressure in it is set proportionally loading the car: on an empty wagon 1.4-1.8 kgf / cm 2, on average 2.8-3.3 kgf / cm2 and on a fully loaded carriage of 3.9-4.5 kgf / cm 2.
The refrigerated rolling stock has brake equipment as similar scheme without authorry.

Suggested air brake devices

The compressors used on the rolling lineup of railways:
1. PO number of cylinders:
1.1. Single-cylinder
1.2. Two-cylinder
1.3. Three-cylinder;
2. P. the location of the cylinders:
2.1. Horizontal
2.2. Vertical
2.3. W-shaped
2.4. V-shaped;
3. in number of compression steps:
3.1. Single-stage
3.2. Two-stage;
4. P. type drive:
4.1. Driven from the electric motor
4.2. Drive from diesel.

Compressor Compressor type Application
E-400. Two-cylinder horizontal single-stage Wed, CP3, ER1 to №68.
E-500 Two-cylinder horizontal two-stage with intermediate cooling Vl19, Vl22m, Vl23, Vl60 V / and, TGM1. On VL23 is replaced with CT6EL.
TEM1, TEM2, TEP60, TE3, TE7, 2TP60.
Three-cylinder vertical two-stage with intermediate cooling TE10, TEP10, M62 2TE10, 2TE10L, 2TE10B, 2TE10M, 2TE116, 2TE21
Three-cylinder vertical two-stage with intermediate cooling VL8, VL10, VL60 V / I, VL80 V / I, VL82, VL82M, VL11, VL15, VL85, 2TE116, 2TE116UPU,
PC-35 Two-cylinder two-stage with intermediate cooling. .



1. Classification of brakes and their basic properties.

Brakethe device is called on the rolling stock, with which the artificial resistance of the movement is created, as a result of which the speed is reduced or stopping the train.

Braking distances- distance traveled by train in time from the moment of translating the handle of the driver's crane or crane of emergency braking in the braking position until a complete stop.

Torkemose classifiedby ways to create brake force and properties control part. According to methods for creating brake force, friction and dynamic brakes are distinguished. According to the properties of the control part, brakes are distinguished automatic and non-automatic.

On the rolling stock of railways of the Russian Federation, five types of brakes are applied:

1. Parking (manual)- They are equipped with locomotives, passenger cars and about 15% of cargo wagons;

2. Pneumatic- they equip the entire rolling stock using compressed air;

3. Electropneumatic- They are equipped with passenger locomotives and wagons, electric trains and diesel trains;

4. Electric(dynamic or reversible) - they are equipped with separate series of locomotives and electric trains;

5. Magnetic rail- They are equipped with high-speed trains. Applied as additional to EPT and electric.

Parking, pneumatic and electropneumatic brakes belong to the category friction brakes, uwhich friction force is created directly on the surface of the wheel or on special disks, rigidly connected with wheeled pairs.

Basic brakeon rolling stock is pneumatic.

Each type of brake in turn is divided into groups, subgroups and for appointment - passenger, cargo and high-speed.

2. Pneumatic brakes.

Pneumatic brakes have a single-wire line (aircase), laid along each locomotive and a car for remote control of the air distributors to charge spare tanks, filling the brake cylinders with compressed air when braking and messages with the atmosphere on vacation.

Pneumatic brakes used on rolling stock are divided into automaticand non-automaticas well as passenger (with fast brake processes) on freight (with slow motion processes).

Automaticare called brakes that, when breaking a train or brake line, as well as when opening a stop crane from any car, automatically come into effect due to a decrease in air pressure in the highway (the brake leave occurs when the pressure increases),

Nautomaticthe brakes, on the contrary, come into effect while increasing the pressure in the pipeline, and the brake occurs when the air is released.

The operation of automatic brakes is divided into the following processes:

Charging- air luminaries (highway) and the fiber reservoir under each unit of rolling stock are filled with compressed air;

Braking- produced by a decrease in air pressure in the wagon highway or the entire train to actuate the air distributor and air from the spare tank in the braking cylinder, where the compressed air energy is converted to the mechanical, leading the brake lever transmission, which presses the pads to the wheels;

Pliers- after the braking produced, the pressure in the highway and the brake cylinder does not change;

Vacation- The pressure in the highway increases, as a result of which the air distributor releases air from the brake cylinders into the atmosphere, simultaneously recharge the spare tank by means of a message with the brake trunk.

The pneumatic brake used on the railway rolling stock on the principle of action can be divided into 3 groups:

Straightforward non-automatic;

Indirect automatic;

Direct automatic.

Straightforward non-automaticthe brake is called because in the braking process, brake cylinders are communicated with the power supply, and when the train breaks, it does not fit into operation. If there was compressed air at this moment in the brake cylinders, it will immediately come out and refrusts. In addition, this brake is inexhaustible, since with the help of the driver's crane, you can always increase the pressure in the cylinders, which has decreased due to air leaks.

Indirect automaticthe brake is different from a non-automatic busy in that on each unit of rolling stock between the brake trunk and the braking cylinder, an air distributor connected to a spare tank, which contains a compressed air supply. According to this scheme, all passenger cars with air distributor conditioner are equipped. Number № 000. The brake is called indiscriminate because in the braking process, the brake cylinders are not communicated to the power supply (main tanks). With long-term braking due to the impossibility of replenishing the air reservoirs through the highway, the air pressure in the brake cylinders and spare tanks decreases and therefore the brake is exhaustible.

Direct automaticthe brake consists of the same components as indirect. According to such a scheme, brakes of cargo wagons with air distributors of SILL. number 000. Thanks

a special device of the driver's crane and air distributor automatically maintains the pressure in the brake line and you can adjust the braking force in the train towards zooming and decreasing at the right limits. If, in the process of braking, the pressure in the brake cylinders will decrease due to leaks, it will quickly restore due to the receipt of compressed air from spare tanks. In this case, when the air flow rate from the spare tank is so large that the pressure in it will become less than in the highway, the nutritional check valve will open and the air from the highway will go into the inlet reservoir and then in the brake cylinder. The brake line in turn is automatically replenished through the driver's crane from the main tank. Thus, the pressure in the brake cylinder can be maintained for a long time. This is automatically a direct brake differs from automatic indiscriminate.

3. Location and purpose of brake equipment on mobilecomposition.

Brake equipment of rolling stock share:

Pneumatic - these are devices running for compressed air pressure;

Mechanical is the brake lever transmission.

Pneumatic brake equipment in its intended purpose is divided into 4 Main groups:

1 group - brake network power supply devices:

Compressor - designed to obtain compressed air;

The main tanks are designed to store compressed air;

Pressure regulator - designed to automatically control the operation of the compressor, depending on the pressure change in the main tanks;

Safety valves - designed to issue an excess of air from the main tanks in case of exceeding the prescribed pressure;

Check valves are designed to unload the compressor valves during its stop from the compressed air pressure from the main tanks.

2 Group - AutoMorm control devices:

The driver's crane is the main device, designed to control the pneumatic brakes of rolling stock. The reliability of the brakes in the train depends on the driver's crane to a large extent;

Auxiliary brake faucet - designed to control only locomotive brake;

Crane double thrust (disbanded);

The combined crane is designed to include (disconnect) the brake line of the composition;


3 Group - Brake devices:

Each unit of rolling stock has. These include: air distributor - intended for automatic distribution of compressed air between brake trunk, spare tank and brake cylinder

The air distributor is the main part of the automatic pneumatic brake, consists of:

1. Two-chamber reservoir number 000 or № 000m;

2. Main part number 000m, 438a with a switch of flat and mountain modes;

3. Switch of freight modes;

4. Main part number 000-023 with exhaust valve 5.

Photo layout. Two-chamber reservoir, main and main part

air distributor in conservation

The air distributor is charging a spare tank and special chambers with compressed air from the brake line, filling the brake cylinders from the spare tank when the pressure in the TM and the release of air from the brake cylinders into the atmosphere with an increase in pressure in TM.

Two-chamber reservoirattached to the wagon frame with four M20 bolts with the production of spring washers and slotted or cropped nuts with the fixation of them with hoptes that are included in the bolt hole and the roset of the nut.

Two-chamber reservoir with air distributor, connection with brake cylinder, spare tank, brake trunk

The two-chamber reservoir is connected by the supply tube through a dismissal tap and a tee with a highway, tubes - with a spare tank, volumetric rod and braking cylinder, diameter 14 "(16") through the autorem (when it is presented by design). The trunk and main parts of the air distributor are attached to the two-chamber reservoir.

When charging and vacating the brakes, compressed air from the brake line enters a two-chamber reservoir. Charging the spool and working chambers of the two-chamber reservoir and the spare tank occur. The brake cylinder is reported to the atmosphere through the autorempulse (if available in design) and the main part.

With a decrease in pressure in the highway, the air distributor connects the spare tank with the brake cylinder through the autorem, which regulates the pressure in the brake cylinder depending on the loading of the car. Pressure of compressed air The piston of the brake cylinder moves, the stem and braking occurs. On the wagons without authorship, the required pressure in the brake cylinder is installed by a manual mode switch depending on the loading of the car.

Main partcontributes the main part and provides contrary and stepped brake leave (plain and mountain mode).

The main part of the air distributor condition. № 000М.

main partit serves as a repeater that reports the brake cylinder with a spare tank when braking and a braking cylinder with an atmosphere on vacation, depending on the pressure change in the brake line.

The main part of the air distributor condition. № 000-005

Air distributor SL. № 000 has the following technical characteristic:

Pressure in the brake cylinder: 2

P - empty mode 1.4-1.8 kgf / cm;

C is the average mode of 3.0-3.4 kgf / cm;

G - loaded mode 4.0- 4.5 kgf / cm fixing the main and main parts of the air distributor

it is made with the mandatory installation of the corresponding pads,

nuts should be delayed diagonally.

On the instruments coming from the ACP to PTO, the tags should be installed, indicating the stamps of the ACP and the test date, and the protective gaskets must be installed on each set of instruments without which the instruments can be immediately sent to repaired (without gaskets to install on carriage can not). Renovated devices, the storage period of which more than 6 months - are sent to the test ACP.

The storage conditions of the air distributors are allowed only at ambient temperature.

It is forbidden to install instruments with an expiredtests with obscure stamps on tags!

Switch of cargo modes of braking

A - Empty Mode B - Middle Mode V - Loaded Mode

Cargo cars equipped with cast iron brake pads, air distributors need to include:

On loaded mode when loading the car more than 6 TCs on the axis,

On the average mode when loading from 3 to 6 tux on the axis (inclusive),

On empty - less than 3Ts on the axis.

The mode of the switch mode 2 of the freight modes, derived to the other side of the car, is fixed by a bracket 1 with a mode pointer.

Cargo cars equipped with composite brake pads, air distributors must be included:

On empty mode when loading to the axis up to 6 TCs inclusive,

On the average - when loading on the axis more than 6 vehicles.

Application on other cargo wagons with composite blocks of the loaded mode is allowed in the case of a separate indication for specific types of cars or the order of the head of the road on the basis of experienced trips on specific areas of the road at the axial load of cars of at least 20 vehicles.

With pig-iron pads - on loaded mode,

With composite pads - to the middle mode or on loaded in the cases listed above. The inclusion of air distributors on these wagons is prohibited.

For air distributors of refrigerated wagons, modes are included in the following order:

AutoTorosis of all wagons with cast-iron pads, including cargo wagons with the service department in the 5th car section, are included in the empty state on empty mode,

When loading up to 6 TCs on the axis (inclusive) to the average mode,

When loading more than 6 TCs on the axis - on loaded braking mode.
AutoTorosis of service, diesel and machine cars, including

cargo wagons with a diesel compartment of the 5-chain section, should be included on the average mode with the fastener.

On refrigerated wagons with lever transmission, the design of which allows the operation of the car, both with cast-iron pads, and with composite pads (horizontal levers have two holes for installing tightening rollers) when the braking modes are turned on with their composite pads:

On freight refrigerated cars - on the empty mode when loading the car up to 6 TCs on the axis inclusive, on the average - when loading more than 6 vehicles on the axis, on the loaded - on a separate indication or in accordance with the order of the head of the road;

On official, diesel and machine cars, including on the wagons with a diesel unit of the 5-wagon section - to the average mode with the fastener of the switch.

AutoTorosis of service, diesel and machine cars, including wagons with a diesel compartment of the 5-wagon section with a lever transmission, intended for operation only with cast-iron pads (the horizontal lever has one hole to install a tightening roller) when equipped with composite pads on empty mode with fixing the mode switch.

Determined by train documents, it is allowed to determine it on the preparation of the spring kit and the position of the wedge of the shock absorber of the CNII-xs trolley relative to the friction plank:

If the top plane of the shock absorber wedge is above the end of the frictional
Planks - empty wagon;

If they are at one level - the carriage load is 3-6 vehicles on the axis.

If the upper plane of the wedge, below the friction bar of more than 6 TCs on the axis.

Spare tank

The reserve reservoir is designed to accumulate the reserve of compressed air consumed to fill the brake cylinder when braking. Available different volumes. A spare tank is installed on freight 4-axis cars models P7-78,and on the 8-axis and on some new models of 4-axis cars - models P7-135.2 Spare Reservoir Models P7-78 Wagon-Platform Model 13-2118 (New Model with Separate Movement Braking)

The reserve reservoir of the R7-78 model has the following technical characteristic:

Working maximum pressure - 7 kgf / cm2;

The volume of the tank-78 liters;

Connecting Thread Size - 3/4 inches;

The diameter of the reservoir is 300 mm; Length -1210 mm.

The reserve reservoir is fastened to the brackets of the wagon frame through the welded strips by clamps, locking washers, two M 16 nuts or crown nuts M 16 with the fixation of them with plintes included in the rosters of nuts. The rigid mounting of the spare tank should not be violated by the formulation of any wooden gaskets.

Fastening 2 Spare Reservoir Models P7-78 Wagon-Platform Model 13-2118 (New Model with Separate Movement Braking)

Spare tank faults:

Weakening of the reserve reservoir attachment, non-standard mounting reservoir, corrosion damage, cutting tube breakdown, hull dent, leading to a decrease in the volume of spare tank, rubbing, holes, cracks and air leaks, ground thread wear, lack of a spare tank plug, moisture, ice. With these faults, the production of cars in organized trains is prohibited.


The brake cylinder is designed to convert the compressed air energy into the translational movement of the brake cylinder rod, which through the lever gear ensures the pressing of the brake pad to the surface of the wheel riding, while carrying out braking.

On the wagons, 14-inch brake cylinders are used, on 8-axis - 16-inch brake cylinders.

The brake cylinder is fixed to the bracket of the wagon frame with six M16 bolts with the production of spring washers and slotted or cropped nuts with the fixation of them with hoptes that are included in the bolt hole and the slots of nuts and diluted at an angle of 90 °. It is allowed to mount the brake cylinder with M16 bolts with the formulation of locking washers, nuts and monetary.


Brake cylinder in the context.

The brake cylinder consists of a housing (steel or cast-iron), anterior and back covers cast from cast iron. The piston of the shopping center, compacted with a cuff and having a felt lubricant ring, is rigidly connected with a row with a ring attached to a spring ring. To return the piston and brake lever transmission after braking to the starting position, the spring is served.

The shopping center is designed for working pressure - 6.0 MPa.

Diameter TC: 14 "- 356 + 0.58 mm.; 16" -400 mm.

With an external inspection, it is detected: the presence of cracks, salts, breaks - which are not allowed.

In the internal inspection detect: the presence of rice and corrosion, which are not allowed. Control of power characteristics, in an exceptional case - control of drawdown. Distribution of springs, more than 30 mm, marriage.

Tested on density - pressure - 4.0 ± 0.1 kg / cm, stock out - 100 ± 10 mm. Pressure drop, no more0.1 kg / cm.

Accommodation and mounting of brake equipment under the tank car

Accommodation and fastening of brake equipment under the colvagon

Placement and fastening of the brake cylinder on the car, the buildings of Altai-

tradition (long-base platform).

Brake cylinder faults:

Flex bend,

Breaking and collar breakdown (cuff),

Distribution or springs,

Tarve the laying of the back cover,

Not the density of the plug, the absence of brake cylinder tube,

The accumulation of moisture or ice in the brake cylinder, etc.

Signs of such faults are:

the lack of movement of the rod of the piston when braking and leave due to the presence of ice in the cylinder or when the brake is discharged not to return to the original position due to the drawdown, the breakfast of the spring or bending of the rod, the air leakage from the back cover due to the breakthrough of the gasket or no density of the plug .

Description of the brake systemWith separate braking of carts and new brake equipment.

Connection schemes of brake systems with separate braking of carts with typical and new brake equipment for cargo wagons are presented in Figures 1-7.

1 - air distributor; 2-brake cylinder; 3- brake lever regulator; 4-authorship. Picture 1-Schematic diagram of the brake system with ledulating braking and new brake equipment for bunker cars

In the new brake system, it is planned to use separate luggage inhibition with the installation of two brake cylinders of diameters of 356 mm or two small-sized brake cylinders with a diameter of 254 mm No. 000 and two brake lever regulators No. RTPP-675-M or two small-sized regulators of brake lever gear RTP-300 The length of the adjusting screw is 300 mm, autonomically affecting the lever transmission of each cart from the air distributor of type No. 000.

To regulate the pressure in the brake cylinders, depending on the loading of the car in the brake system, the authorship is installed. Powering the brake cylinders through the air distributor is carried out from the spare tank P7-135 when using brake cylinders with a diameter of 356 mm or from the spare tank P7-78 when using brake cylinders with a diameter of 254 mm.

Accommodation and fastening of brake cylinders on the car mineralose Building of the Bryansk Machine-Building Plant (new model)

In the brake system with new brake equipment, it was applied: 1. A small-sized brake cylinder № 000 and the brake lever grooves RTP-300.

The small-sized brake cylinder No. 000 with a diameter of 10 "(254 mm) has the maximum outlet of the stem 125 mm, the preliminary support force of the vacation spring 80 kgf.

2. A small-sized regulator of brake lever gear RTPP-300 unilateral action. Full working speed of the adjusting screw to 300 mm. Reducing the length of the regulator per cycle "Braking-vacation" ranges from 5 to 10 mm.

The regulator (see photo, Figure 2) consists of a rod 24, in which, on the one hand, earn 26 is screwed to connect to the lever transmission, on the other hand, the rod is connected to its conical surface through the cover 16 with a glass 15, in which nuts 14 and 13 are located. In conjunction with the screw 1. The tail of the screw, through the threaded coupling, is connected to the longitudinal traction of the lever gear. The URKO 26 stops with the rod of traction 24 rivet 25, for protection from full disintegration of nuts 14 and 13 at the end of the regulating screw 1, a nut 20 is screwed up, which will stop through the pin 21 by the locking ring 22.

Nuts 14 and 13 located on the screw 1 have a conical friction connection among themselves. Ring 28 is triggered on the nut 13 and strokes the screw 9. The ring 27 is screwed into the head 6 and strokes the screw 7 together with the housing 18. In the initial position, the return spring 17 through the cover 19 and the case 18 on one side; Cover 16, rod 24, sleeve 32 Bearing 12, nuts 14 and 13 on the other side; Pips the nut to the head, which have cam tags through rings 28 and 27.

To protect the screw 1 from mechanical damage to the head 6 with a seal 4, which prevents the ingress of dirt and moisture, the pipe protective 3 is built into and is fixed through the sleeve with ring 27.

Thus, in the initial position, the regulator is a rigid system and does not respond to short-term efforts that occur when the train is moving. The operation of the RPP-300 regulator is similar to the operation of the regulator No. PRP-675-M.

Cattlement number 000A-4 increased sensitivityon vacation and increased control characteristic of the pressure of the pressure of the brake pads from the carriage loading (see Figure 3). Cautions № 000A-4 regulates pressure in

the brake cylinder is up to 75-80% of the full load of the car on the carts 18-100. It has increased sensitivity to vacation.

The autorem consists of two main parts: damping part 1 and a pneumatic relay 2. The connection between the damper part and the pneumatic relay is sealed with gasket 3, in addition, a bracket (stove) 5 is connected to the pneumule 2 through the gasket 4.

The damper part (see Figure 4) is collected in the housing 1, having two cylindrical cavities - the upper and lower. In the upper cavity there is a damper piston 2 with a hollow rod 3. The piston is equipped with two cuffs 4. Nipple 5 with a calibration hole with a diameter of 0.4 mm is pressed into the piston disk.

The cavity above the piston is sealed
Gasket 6 and closed with a lid 7, fastened to the body flange 1 six bolts 29 and nuts 30. The cavity under the piston is sealed with cuff 8 and gasket 9, which are installed in the gland 10. In the rod cavity 3 inserted spring 11c guide 12 , preventing the springs breaking.

In the lower cylindrical cavity of the housing, the slider 14 and the plug 13 are placed on the shank of fork 13, a nut 15 stroke 16 and a plinth of 17 is soldered. In the nut 15 focus 18, which comes into contact with the bearing plate of the car. Inside the plug 13, the springs 19 and 20 are placed with guides 21 and 22, a glass of 24 and the retainer 25. The shank of the guide 22 enters the axial hole of the rod 3. The plug has a view of a rod with a slot into which the slider enters.

In the grooves of the slider 14, a tear 23, fixed by bolt 26 and a lock washer 27. In the hole on the body flange of the case

Two pin 28 pressed to accurately compound with a flushing flange of a pneumatic relay

The pneumatic relay is represented in Figure 5. Details of the pneumatic relay are assembled in the body 1 with two-wheeling flanges - to attach to the damper part 1 and the bracket (plate) 5 of the authorship.

In the housing of the pneumatic relay 1 there are two cylindrical cavities "A" and "B". In the upper cavity "A" is placed piston 2 with cuff 14.

The piston pested the seat 8 with a hole with a 4mm diameter, connected to the atmosphere through the atmospheric hole in the piston shank 2, which serves to reduce the time of squeezed air from the brake cylinder during disjucet.

Under the piston, the spring 15 is installed, which is the opposite end to the sleeve 7, at the same time that is the guide for the piston shank 2. In the piston shank 2, the pin 19 is pressed and the pin 6 is installed. Spring 15 holds the piston 2 in the extreme right position until it stops in the end plane of the housing 1 Pneumatic relay when the brakes is scored.

In the housing 1 of the pneumatic relay, the sleeve 5 is screwed through a seal 13. The sleeve 5 simultaneously serves as a seat and a guide for the valve 9, pressing the spring 12. The spring 12 opens the opposite end to the plate 10, which is held in the sleeve 5 with a locking ring 11.

In the lower cavity "b" placed: piston 3 with rubber cuff 14 and spring 17, which is installed under piston and sleeve 6, simultaneously being a guide for piston rod 3.

In the piston shank 3 pinned pin 19 and a pin is set 20. The shanks of the pistons are based on the lever 16, which is installed in the grooves,

available in the shanks of pistons 2 and 3. Pins 19 are supports for the ends of the lever 16, the hopnes 20 prevent the loss of the lever 16.

On the flange to the right of a pneumatic relay, the cavity "A" and "B" is connected by a duct. The flange on the right side of the pneumatic relay is sealed with a gasket 4 and is connected to the bracket 5 (stove) with the help of four bolts 6 and nuts 7. The flange on the left side of the pneumatic relay is sealed with gasket 3.

The bracket 5 has three holes for the mounting bolts to the car frame and two threaded connecting holes G-3/4 "to attach the pipeline from the air distributor (upper) and to the braking cylinder (lower).

Damping part 1 and pneumatic relay 2 are bonded between themselves through the laying with 3 crutch bolts, locking washers and nuts.

Upon vacation brakeair pressure in the cavity "A" and "B" decreases the air distributor. Under the action of spring 17, the piston 3 moves to the right until it stops into the end of the housing 1 of the pneumatic relay. Piston 2 at the start time remains on the spot, since its movement prevents the air pressure from the brake cylinder, the atmospheric channel in the saddle 8, pressed into the piston 2, is discharged from the brake cylinder into the atmosphere.

Upon reaching the balance of forces acting on the pistons 2 and 3, the spring 15 moves the piston 2 with the seat-pinned seal 8 to the right, the surface of the seat 8 comes into contact with the valve surface 9, closing the atmospheric channel in the saddle 8, and opens the sleeve saddle 5. From the brake cylinder is reset through the open valve 9 and the air distributor into the atmosphere.

Then the piston 2 under the action of the spring 15 moves to the right until it stops into the end of the housing 1 of the pneumatic relay. Between the lever 16 and Sukhar 23, the gap is again formed.

Figure 6-Brake system schemes with playing braking and new brake equipment for container platforms

1 - air distributor; 2-brake cylinder; 3- brake lever regulator; 4-authorship.

Figure 7-Circuit diagrams of the brake system with ledulating braking and new brake equipment for gondola cars, indoor and other types of wagons

Automatic control of braking modes No. 000A -1, No. 000A. (Auto)

The bracket of the authorship must be properly and firmly fixed to the frame of the car. The autorem must be attached to the bracket above one of the carts equipped with a support bee. The mount is performed through the rubber gasket with bolts, nuts and locknuts, tightened in the diagonal sequence.

The use of authorships on the rolling stock increases its braking efficiency, reduces the level of longitudinal dynamic efforts in trains, eliminates manual work when switching freight modes to BP and cases of wheel enclosure due to their improper inclusion.

Dampfer part- Designed to reduce the effect of vertical vibrations of the car on the process of pressure control in the shopping center and is made of a housing in which a plug is installed, a glass with a spring, a slider with a sukraine and a fungus connected to the piston and a loaded spring that rests on the lid to the second end. The full course of the damper piston corresponding to the maximum measured static fracture stabbing is - 40mm.Moving this piston from spring effort from one extreme position to another should be slowed down due to air compression through the calibrated hole with a diameter - 0.4mmper 20-40 sec. Pressure switchprovides pressure regulation in the shopping center and has a housing in which two pistons are placed on the ends of the lever and closed with a lid. At the same time, the upper piston acts on a two saddle valve designed to regulate the pressure in the brake cylinder.

When setting up the authorship, the wagon with cast-iron pads, the switch mode of BP is translated into the "loaded" position, and with composite pads, to the "medium" braking mode and fixes. At the same time, the gap between the focus and the slab at the empty car should not exceed 3 mm.

Emphasis of the authorship should be located above the middle zone of the contact bar and do not have signs of departure from it (bending the terminal of the stop, the edges of the regulating strip, etc.). The site in contact with the focus of the authors-press should be at least 200 cm.2, and the authorship stops from the edge of the contact plate at least 5 cm.

At the same time, the linings into the bolts holes must be installed after adjusting the position of the automotive stop.

With a properly adjusted gap, the annular outlet on the autornet rod should perform from the housing at least 2 mm.

If the relative position of the stop rod and the annular pump does not meet the specified requirements, it is necessary to adjust the clearance with the removal or formulation of metal gaskets (but not more than 5 pieces with a thickness of 1.5 to 5 mm). Adjusting planks should be put under

a clock bar and attached to the supporting beam through the holes in them with bolts, at the same time with the contact bar.

Weld the adjustment planks on top of the contact bar


The gap must regulate the removal or formulation of metal adjustment planks under the contact bar.

Adjust the size "A", changing the size of "b" using the authorship nut, which is shrinkable in the ACP, is prohibited.

The adjacent roller of the air distributor must be fixed on average or on loaded mode in accordance with the requirements of the instruction manual of the brakes of the rolling stock of railways.

that's right - the ring is not correct -

plot on the fork is visible, the annular flow on

the distance between the focus is not visible, distance

and the contact bar is not between the focus and contact

exceeds 3 mm noar than 3 mm

Empty wagons

(Tara up to 27t.) Loaded car

B - visaRing foole Author, Form:

Gap BUT- not more than 3 mm.B - not visibleRing foole

Gap And there is b - not visible.

If there is a passage of air into the atmosphere when braking,

Increased air pressure in the brake cylinder on empty mode and lowered on loaded mode.

If, with partial or full loading of the wagon, the clearance between the stop and the contact bar remains, the autorem is subject to replacement.

4 Group- aircraft and brake fittings:

The main part of the air pipe is designed to transmit compressed air from the source to the consumer. Consists of a main pipe with a diameter of 1 1/4 ", the thickness of the brake line wall at the wheel of the threads should be at least 4 mm, the terminal cranes of the valve type, connecting sleeves, the dismissal crane, supplying the tube with a diameter of 3/4", and the wall thickness in The spanning place of the thread should be at least 3.2 mm, and connecting parts (couplings, tees, nuts). Cutting threads with a cutter is not allowed.

brake highway- pipeline - 1, designed for nutrition with compressed air brake devices and connecting them among themselves in the train;

end cranes- 2, designed to overlap brake
highways in the tail and head of the composition, as well as for disagreement of one part
Trains from another;

connecting sleeves-3 are designed to connect the highway between the brake units of the train;

disabling faucet- 4 is designed to turn off individual brake instruments;

Side tube- 6 is intended for connecting the main aircraft with an air distributor, attached to a two-chamber tank through a coupling compound.

Disconnecting crane, rubber-textile supplying trunk tube,

the main part of the air distributor

tee- 5 is designed to connect the supply tube from the brake line to a two-chamber reservoir (working chamber).

Tee (flowing tube breakdown)

On freight cars, all pneumatic equipment is fastened hard without wooden pads, the trunk air lines must be fixed in no less than 7 places (not counting the mounting of the end cranes), including its mandatory attachment at a distance from 280 to 300 mm. According to both sides of the t-shirt and couplings of additional intermediate threaded compounds (if available).

The strength of the brake equipment mounting on the carriage frame is checked with light blows of the hammer on the bolts, if necessary, it is strengthened.

The mount is performed by a bracket, which is fixed with a locking plate, two M12 nuts. The locking plate is rejected on the verge of nuts. Faults in the airway:

Weakening of the air pipe attachment,

Cracks, ohons, broken pipes and dents on them,

Disengagement of pipe connections,

Freezing of moisture in the pipes and clogging them, paste air in the cranes.

Fastening the main locking plank to the fastening bracket

block aircraft aircraft

The attenuation of the air pipe attachment is usually observed on end beams and is detected in the footstep of the shift of the bolts.

19.1.2006 19.1.2006

Cracks, dents and fistulas are observed more often in the fields of pipe bends and

connections them with couplings, fittings and tees.

Places of the most likely freezing or clogging of the air pipe - heads and lugs and lugs, end cranes, adapter couplings and tees.

Air lines and brake fittings can have faults that cause air leakage or creating an obstacle to its passage.

The braking sleeves appear bundle of rubber, preventing air passage, there is a passage of air in connecting the heads when the sealing ring is malfunction, in the connections of the rubber tube with a head or tip or cracks, breakthroughs and rubbing in the rubber tube.

The passage of air or the weakening of the attachment is also occurring in brake cylinders, spare tanks, workers, dismissal cranes, air distributors, authorships.

The density of the brake network is checked with full testing of the brakes. The leaks are detected by the noise of air emerging through non-density, on dark spots on the pipes, the accumulation of dust and dirt with a characteristic rough surface, in the winter period in the field of leakage, there is a roller in the form of an inlet.

End cranes with conditions. № 000 and № 000.

Designed for brake lines of wagons

between themselves and locomotives.

1. Corpus;

2. Fitting;

3. Valve;

4. Krivoship;

5. sleeve;

7. Sealing rings.

An external inspection is to determine the lack of presence - cracks, off, fesoms, damage to the thread.

The terminal crane consists of a housing in which
Switching part shifted by handle. When she
occupies a vertical position - the crane is open, and its process,

connected with the connecting sleeve, communicated with the atmosphere through

hole " AT.» diameter - 10 mm.With the handle located along the process, the crane is open, and the connecting sleeve is isolated from the atmospheric opening.

Fastening the handle - dense, removal of the gap (between the handle and square) - the thickness of the thickness - 1 mM.. The total wear of the eccentric mechanism, not more - 2 mM.. The distance to the end crane, from the vertical timber, with the length of the socket:

- 185mm - 160 + 7-4 mm,

- 130mm- 200 + 10-10 mm.

The distance from the longitudinal axis of the car to the axis of the crane of the cargo wagons must be 280 - 320 mm, and on refrigerated cars, not

more than 350 mm. End crane knobs must be working, and, move freely, without jamming.

The end valve is installed at an angle of 60 ° to the vertical, which eliminates the blows of the connecting sleeve head about the arrow transfers, and also ensures their automatic disconnection when the sorting slide is passed. The terminal valve is attached to the carbon with a bracket through the lock-lock with a loaf-lock, two M12 nuts with a strict fixation of the position of the bracket in the bracket. Nuts are fixed by the lock plate.

Faultend crane

Complete crane case

valve jamming

crane cracks

pens, absence

details (handles, plinth,

bushings, crank),

breakdown, crumpled thread.

Cutting the connecting sleeve, terminal crane, incoming the case of the terminal crane

Connecting Sleeve R-17

The connecting brake hose is designed to connect the highway between the brake units of the train, consists of a tip 1 Bolt. 2 rubber tube 3 , Homutic 4 , heads 5 , sealing ring 6.


Air leakage in the connection between the sleeves;

Air leakage between tip and sleeves;

Lack of a clamp;

I break, broken, tip crack;

Wear of the junction of the connecting head;

Fravel, crack of the sleeve;

The groove for the sealing ring is clogged;

Swimming sleeves;

Breaking sleeves;

Dumps, cracks, bundle of the sleeve;

Not a complete connection of the sleeves (connecting the sleeves' heads "on the ridges").

Crane dismissal number 000.

It is designed to turn off individual brake instruments, consists of a housing 3, a conical tube 2, springs 4, handles 1 and plugs 5. When the handle is arranged along the pipe, the faucet passes compressed air, does not pass across the pipe. There is a hole in the crane case "BUT" Diameter - 3/4 for connecting a pressure gauge.

Malfunction, aswhich the crane should be changed:

Cracks of the case,

Case breaks,

Fravel and deformation of the handle,

Deformation and cutting threads,

Deformation of the plug square.

Arrangement knob

Along the pipe -
Open position of the crane,

Across the pipe -
Crane closed position.

When laying a dismissal crane on the car, the arrow on the body of the crane should be located in the direction of the two-chamber reservoir or is determined by the marking applied to the Crane body "M" - should be directed towards the main air pipeline.

Disadvantaged crane on a hopper car

All rubber parts included in the brake equipment of the wagon should be made depending on the state and taking into account the terms of the shelf life. Installations of shelf life are established:

Sleeves rubberotextile - 6 years;

Sealing rings - 3 years;

Brake cylinder cylinders - 5 years;

Cuffs of all types and diaphragms in brake devices - 3 years;

Gaskets (seals) of all types in brake devices - 5 years.

The service life of rubber parts is calculated from the date of manufacture

(Relief impression on the details), not counting the year of manufacture. Gaskets and seals that do not have stamps-imprint from the date of manufacture, it is necessary to put in braking devices depending on the state. Prosters, bundles are not allowed.

for students of the specialty "Wagons"

under the discipline "Wagons (general course)"

to laboratory work number 11

General brake equipment device

Cargo and passenger cars

Irkutsk 2005.

UDC 629.4.077

Compilers: A.V. Pargachevsky, Art. teacher;

G.V. Efimova, Art. teacher;

M.N. Yakushkin, assistant

Department of wagons and car farms

Reviewers: P.A. Halts, Head of the Technical Department of the Service of the Watcher Economy of the JUST - branch of JSC "Russian Railways";

candidate of Technical Sciences GS Pugachev, Associate Professor of the Department of Wagons and Carriage Economy.

Laboratory work number 11

General brake equipment device

Cargo and passenger cars

Purpose of work: Explore: the general device of the brake system of the carriage; the location of the main appliances of auto-brass equipment on freight and passenger cars; Types of pneumatic brakes, their braking modes.

  1. Brief information from theory

The brake equipment of the wagons is intended to create and increase the resistance forces moving train. Forces creating artificial resistance are called brake forces.

The brake forces and resistance forces move the kinetic energy of a moving train. The most common means to obtain brake forces is bold brakein which braking is carried out by pressing the pads to rotating wheels, thereby arising friction force Between the shoe and wheel.

On the rolling stock of railways, 5 types of brakes are used: parking (manual), pneumatic, electropneumatic, electrical and magnetic rails.

Pneumatic brakes are used on the cargo wagons of the general network of MPS. The pneumatic brake system includes: brake line (M), which is located relative to the longitudinal axis of the Wagon symmetry (Fig. 1). The braking highway is attached to the car body in several places and at the end of the frame frame of the car, it has end cranes, connecting sleeves with heads (Fig. 2). The brake line of each car included in the formed train must be connected by means of connecting sleeves, and the end cranes are open. The end faucet of the tail wave of the train must be blocked.

From the brake line on each car there are taps through tees to the air distributor (BP) and, in some cases, to stop valves (Fig. 1). The air distributor (BP) and the reserve reservoir (SP) are attached to the brackets installed on the frame frame, with bolts. In the main types of wagons, the air distributor and the smely reservoir are located in the middle part of the frame. In some types of freight specialized cars, the air distributor and the smely reservoir are installed in the console part of the frame of the wagon.

The air distributor is connected to the brake line (M), a spare tank and a braking cylinder using pipes (Fig. 3).

On the pipe between the brake trill (m) and the air distributor (BP), a dismissal crane is installed, which, with a faulty autormore, the car must be blocked - the crane handle is located across the pipe.

The brake cylinder is attached using bolts to the brackets installed on the car frame, and is connected to the air distributor using a pipe (Fig. 4).

When braking, the effort from the brake cylinder bar (TC) is transmitted through the horizontal levers and the tightening of horizontal levers to the traction connected to the brake lever transmission of the trolley.

On one of the brake lever transmission, the rod output regulator is installed, which, as the brake pads wear reduces the length of this thrust and thereby compensates for the increase in the gaps between the pads and the surfaces of the wheel riding.

The schematic diagram of the brake lever transmission of a two-axle truck cargo car is presented in Fig. five.

To secure a single-standing freight car fleet from spontaneous care, it has a parking (manual) brake, the main elements of which are presented in Fig. 6. A similar device has a parking brake of passenger cars. The actuation of these brakes is carried out manually by turning the steering wheel or handle.

In addition to these nodes, brake equipment of some types of cargo wagons has a stewed - this is a device that provides automatic air pressure regulation in the brake cylinder depending on the loading of the car. It is installed between the air distributor and the brake cylinder.

Some types of passenger cars establishes an emergency device that provides an automatic pressure drop in the brake cylinder to stop slipping the wheel pair when driving the inverted car.

The pneumatic part of the brake equipment (Fig. 7.11) includes the brake line (air liner) B diameter of 32 mm with end cranes 4 valve or spherical type and connecting interband 3; The two-chamber reservoir 7, connected to the brake trunk of a 18 mm with a decoded pipe with a diameter of 19 mm through a disimpassal valve 9 and dust - Tee 8 (Crane 9 from 1974 is installed in tee 5); reserve reservoir 11; brake cylinder 1; Air distributor No. 483 m with a trunk 12 and the main 13 parts (blocks); Cautions No. 265 A-000; Stop crane 5 with a handle shot.

The authorship is used to automatically change the air pressure in the brake cylinder, depending on the degree of loading of the car - which it is higher, the greater the pressure in the brake cylinder. If there is an autoremor handle on the carrier car, the air distributor of the air distributor is removed after the air distributor mode switch will be put on the loaded mode with pig-iron brake pads and the average mode with composite brake pads. Refrigerated cars have no authorship. The reserve reservoir has a volume of 78 liters in four-axle wagons with a braking cylinder with a diameter of 356 mm and 135 liters in an eight-axis car with a braking cylinder with a diameter of 400 mm.

Charging the reservoir 7, spool and working chambers of the air distributor of the spare tank 11 is made from the brake line 6 with an open dismissal crane 9. In this case, the brake cylinder through the main part of the air distributor and the authorship 2 is reported to the atmosphere. When braking, the pressure in the brake line is reduced through the driver's crane and partially through the air distributor, which, when triggered, turns off the brake cylinder 1 from the atmosphere and informs it with a spare tank 11 before aligning the pressure in them with full service braking.

The brake lever transmission of cargo wagons is made with one-sided press of brake pads (except for six-axle wagons, in which the average wheel pair in the cart has two-sided pressing) and one braking cylinder, reinforced on the ridge beam of the wagon frame bolts. Currently, in an experienced manner, some eight-axis tanks without a ridge beam are equipped with two brake cylinders, from each of which the effort is transmitted only to one four-axle tank truck. This is done to simplify the design, facilitate brake lever transmission, reduce the power losses in it and increase the efficiency of the brake system.

The brake lever transmission of all cargo wagons is adapted to the use of cast iron or composite brake pads. Currently, all cargo wagons have composite blocks. If you need to transition from one type of pad to another, it is necessary to change only the transfer number of the brake lever transmission by rearranging the tightening rollers and horizontal levers (a hole with composite pads located to the braking cylinder, and, on the contrary, with pig-iron pads). The change in the gear ratio is due to the fact that the friction coefficient of the composite pad is about 1.5-1.6 times more than that of cast iron standard pads.

In the brake lever transmission of the four-axle freight car (Fig. 7.12), the horizontal levers 4 and 10 are cranked with a rod b and bracket 7 on the back cover of the brake cylinder, as well as with a load 2 and the automorentor 3 and with a load 77. Between themselves they are connected to the tightening 5 , Holes 8 which are designed to install rollers with composite pads, and holes 9, with cast iron brake pads.

Trucks 2 and 77 are connected to vertical levers 7 and 72, and the levers 14 are connected to the earring 13 dead points on the pivot beams of the carts. Between themselves, the vertical levers are connected by struts 75, and their intermediate holes are hinged with struts of 17 triangles with brake shoes and pads that are connected to the suspensions 16 with the brackets of the side frames of the trolley. Fall protection on the path of brake lever transmission parts is provided by special tips of 19 triangels located above the shelves of side frames of the trolley. The gear ratio of the brake lever transmission, for example, a four-axle semi-haircon, at the shoulders of horizontal levers 195 and 305 mm and vertical levers 400 and 160 mm equal to 8.95.

The brake lever transmission of the eight-axis car (Fig. 7.13, a) is mainly similar to the transfer of a four-axle car, the difference consists only in the presence of a parallel transmission of effort on both four-axle carts on each side through the craving 1 and balancer 2, as well as shorten by 100 mm of the upper shoulder vertical Levers.

In the lever transmission of the six-axle car (Fig. 7.13,5), the transfer of force from the brake cylinder to the triangels in each trolley does not occur in parallel, but sequentially.

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