How to open a frozen car door? What to do if the door lock freezes? The door in the car is frozen, how to open it? How to process the rubber so that it does not freeze

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Circumstances may develop so that after leaving the house and trying to open the door of your car, they remain closed. And such a failure can befall any inexperienced driver. And you have to go on your own business on public transport, worst of all, if because of this you have to be late for work.

Of course, in this situation the owner of the car is to blame, without taking care of lubricating the door lock and rubber door seals in advance. But this situation can be avoided. To do this, it was only necessary to prepare the car for winter operation. As well as how to lubricate car door locks in winter from freezing, we will analyze it in order in the article.

Preparing your iron horse for winter, and no matter what year the car was produced, the duty of each car owner. Moreover, in addition to replacing rubber, coolant, Maintenance, Special attention paid to rubber seals, door and trunk locks.

Water or moisture can easily get into the keyhole, which will freeze at negative air temperatures, as a result, blocking the mechanism. There is also a high likelihood of corrosion in the lock mechanism.

We recommend before winter in mandatory lubricate not only the lock mechanism, but also the door hinges. Parts that constantly touch and rub. Regular contact with snow, moisture, salts in winter period lead to problems with unlocking doors and extraneous squeaks. To prevent this, we will further consider how to lubricate car door locks in winter.

The locking mechanism is constantly exposed to the external environment: negative temperature, moisture, snow, dirt. Lack of lubricant in the lock leads to accelerated wear of the mechanism and jamming of the lock at an unexpected moment. Lubrication of the locking mechanism helps to protect it in frost.

How to lubricate door locks car in winter, which lubricant is suitable for this purpose? The lubricant must have the following properties:

  1. Resistant to washing off.
  2. Anti-corrosion properties.
  3. Heat resistance.
  4. Low coefficient of friction.
  5. High performance properties.

The main properties that affect the quality of lubrication and the effect of the application.

The lubricant is applied as preventive action... If the lock in your car is frozen, how to open the door, read further in the article.

Door locks lubrication - easy opening in cold weather

Remember how the door locks stuck in the cold last winter? Our service center will make sure that this does not happen again. Our master will process locks and hinges with the best anti-freeze and corrosion protection.

Polymer greases

Silicone-based lubricants are especially popular among drivers. They can withstand both high and low temperatures (even at -50 degrees), they are rather difficult to wash off, and can withstand high loads. Due to its high adhesive characteristics, it quickly attaches to the treated surface.

Silicone grease forms a film on the surface, protecting it from corrosion. We recommend using an aerosol lubricant, it is better to spray it, especially if it is difficult available seats.

If you choose the right lubricant, then you will definitely not need a lock defroster. Consider how to lubricate car door locks in winter.

Multipurpose synthetic grease, which is an aerosol spray. Spraying it inside the keyhole, even if there is moisture, due to its properties, it will displace it and provide high-quality lubrication of internal mechanisms. Retains its properties even when temperature -40 degrees.

Features of the lubricant:

  • It is highly resistant to washing off with water, detergents and disinfectants.
  • High antiwear properties.
  • Not susceptible to sudden temperature changes. Excellent frost resistance.
  • Good anti-corrosion characteristics, allows you to protect the lock mechanisms from destruction.
  • Long service life.

This grease is compatible with plastic and rubber. Therefore, it can be used to lubricate rubber seals on car doors. Allows to solve the problem of destruction of plastic and rubber parts under the influence of negative temperatures. Flaw this lubricant is only in its price, it is quite high.

Silicone grease manufactured by the brand Liqui moly , has high thermal stability. After spraying, it adheres perfectly to the surface, forming a thick layer. It is not possible to wash off even under a powerful stream of water.

Excellent performance properties, long service life. Retains its properties for 2 seasons... Specially developed grease for lubricating constantly rubbing mechanisms.

Wear resistant grease... It is used to lubricate parts, assemblies and mechanisms subject to constant friction. It can easily seep into the smallest gaps and thicken quickly. Does not lose its properties even when temperature -35 degrees.

Features of the lubricant:

  • Excellent penetration characteristics. It thickens long enough. It is used in a situation where liquid lubricants cannot guarantee high lubricating properties, and the use greases would lead to the dismantling of the mechanism.
  • Excellent adhesive properties. Rapid evaporation of the solvent allows the lubricant to adhere reliably to the treated surface.
  • Resistant to abrasion and wash off from the surface under the highest loads.

Eliminates the possibility of adhesion of adjoining parts to each other.

Spray grease only on a clean and dry surface. When lubricating the lock of a door or trunk of a car, try to spray spray not only into the lock cylinder, but also on the mechanism itself. If you have a VAZ car, it is better to remove the lock and thoroughly lubricate all adjoining parts. In foreign cars, the lock is of a more complex design, so lubricate only accessible places, this will be enough.

Mineral lubricants

In terms of their properties, mineral lubricants are similar to polymeric but they are more resistant to washout. For this reason, many motorists prefer grease compounds. they have a longer lasting result.

Lithium-based mineral lubricants are an excellent option. For example, Litol-24, from domestic manufacturer, or any other analogs.


  1. Lithium-based greases provide excellent surface protection.
  2. Reduces frictional force.
  3. Effectively repel moisture.
  4. Resistant to washout.
  5. High temperature resistance.


Please note that you should not lubricate the lock with WD-40 spray. Many deluded considering that WD-40 has lubricating properties. The principle of operation is similar to kerosene. Cleans the part of old grease and eventually evaporates.

It is mainly used for displacement and removal of moisture, as well as for removing rust, but not in lubricating and protecting parts from wear. Using as a lubricant, you risk damaging the door lock mechanism, which will lead to its replacement. In addition, WD-40 is not wash-resistant.

Seals protect against dust and dirt penetration into the passenger compartment. At negative temperatures, rubber can lose its properties, becoming stiff. The water that gets on the seals freezes, gradually destroying them. And besides, they can freeze to the metal of the body, which will cause certain difficulties in opening the door.

How to lubricate car door locks in winter we figured it out. With regard to rubber seals, we recommend that before the air temperature drops below zero, lubricate them with a special frost-resistant silicone grease.

It will form a thin silicone film that repels water and prevents the rubber seals from breaking down. In addition, it protects the door from freezing.

The disadvantage of polymer grease is that it is washed out under running water at the sink, especially if it is a cheap and economical option. Most the best option will be the use of a mineral lubricant with a longer lasting effect and resistance to washout.

Freezing the castle in frost- a normal phenomenon and a common situation for those who did not take care of lubricating the keyhole of the door in advance.

Often door lock freezes after washing. Moisture that has entered the locking mechanism freezes. As a result, there is a problem with the opening of the car door.

There are two ways out of this situation:

  1. Apply a defroster to the locks. You can buy it at any auto parts store. Just do not store it in the trunk, the tailgate lock can freeze too.
  2. If you smoke, a lighter will come to the rescue, because with its help, you can warm up the key and insert it into the lock, thus melting the ice. But here you have to be extremely careful, if a chip is built into the key, then you can spoil it. If you warm up the key, then only a spare one and without a built-in chip.

How not to open a frozen castle:

  • In no case do not heat the lock with fire, the handles are made of plastic, you will only make it even worse.
  • Do not pour boiling water over the castle, in case of frost your situation will worsen, and the water will freeze anyway in the end. In addition, spoil the paint and varnish of the car, due to sudden changes in temperature.

Often, rubber door seals freeze through, and even if the lock is in good condition, it is not possible to open the door. An assistant in this situation will be a defroster.

Be sure to then treat the seals with silicone grease, so you will protect the door from freezing to the car body.


It is necessary to take care of your car, especially with the onset of winter, to protect it, in return it will not let you down on the road. All units and parts of the car require attention, even such as rubber seals, hinges, door lock, if you take care of them, they will not cause you discomfort. Now you know, how to lubricate car door locks in winter from freezing.

"It's blowing out of your door!"

At the request "blowing out of the door", the search engine will helpfully give out a bunch of links to materials on how to eliminate a draft from the balcony or front door of an apartment, but not from a car door. Although the situation when the car starts to blow from the doors of the car when driving at high speed is by no means uncommon, especially when the warranty period has long expired and the owner has not been involved in the prevention of seals.

Responsibility for a draft in the car lies entirely with the door seals. They are made of porous rubber, the key word here is porous. In structure, the material is similar to an ordinary dishwashing sponge, only it has a more complex shape. Over time, rubber loses its elasticity and breaks down. This happens for various reasons, but the main two are the destruction of the polymerizer under the influence of UV radiation and the destruction in winter from moisture entering the pores. Another, third, reason, more related to the bonnet seals, is destruction from the ingress of oil or gasoline particles.

The seals are mechanically protected from ultraviolet radiation, as they are hidden behind the protruding door elements. But to protect against the ingress of water and chemicals, additional measures are required.

In this article, we will show you two ways how best to handle car door seals. More precisely, not even methods, but means for processing. One of them is specialized tool for the care of Liqui Moly Gummi-pflege rubber. It was developed to meet the requirements of the VAG concern, which produces cars for by Audi brands and Volkswagen. The second drug is Liqui Moly Silicon-Fett silicone lubricant. Its main purpose is to lubricate the moving parts of plastic mechanisms, but it will also work for our stated purposes.

Liqui Moly Gummi-pflege rubber care product

Let's start with the professional staff. What is its advantage? Concern WAG does not allow the use of large amounts of silicone when operating cars due to the fact that silicone, getting on paintwork, remains there almost forever. As long as everything is in order with the car, it does not bother anyone. Problems arise if body repair and subsequent painting are suddenly needed: the remains of silicone will provoke the peeling of the new paint coating. As a result, there is no need to talk about any guarantee for the paintwork. Therefore, the treatment of rubber bands recommended by many with silicone aerosol is not an option.

Liqui Moly Gummi-pflege contains a minimum amount of silicone, but in addition to it, this composition contains surfactants and perfume. The composition itself helps to cleanse the rubber and its preservation and is neutral to other materials in the car interior.


Liqui Moly Gummi-pflege is intended for use as a highly effective tonic for rubber car parts. (seals for doors, sunroof, trunk, etc.). It is recommended to use both on new parts - as a preventive measure, and on old - to restore elasticity.

To process sealing gums, Liqui Moly Gummi-pflege rubber care agent is applied to a cloth or sponge.

The manufacturer describes the action of the composition as follows: Liqui Moly Gummi-pflege contains active rubber toning components that gently clean rubber parts from contamination and saturate the surface with active substances that restore rubber elasticity.

The use of rubber care products can significantly extend the service life of various types of seals, restore the elasticity of worn parts, which ultimately significantly reduces the cost of operating a car.


It is necessary to take a piece of a regular sponge or cloth, apply a little of the composition and then wipe the seals. In this way, the accumulated dirt is removed, and the gum is covered with a protective compound.

The sealing gum is wiped with a cloth or sponge soaked in Liqui Moly Gummi-pflege. At the same time, dirt is removed from them and the surface is preserved.

It should be noted that the expense of the funds is very small and, thus, it will be enough for several seasons.

At home, the composition is also useful for freshening and cleaning window and door seals. The procedure will be similar to that described above: take a cloth (sponge), apply the composition and wipe the surfaces of the seals.

Video instruction on the use of Liqui Moly Gummi-pflege rubber care products for processing car door seals.

Related articles:

Processing car door seals

Liqui Moly Silicon-Fett Silicone Grease

The composition of Liqui Moly Silicon-Fett is supplied in plastic tubes with a sponge at the end (as on tubes with shoe polish). Thanks to this solution, it is very easy and convenient to use it. At the same time, the surface treatment of sealing gum is not the main purpose of Liqui Moly Silicon-Fett. Its main task is to lubricate rubbing surfaces (for example, roof hatch guides or seat runners). The composition is inert to metal, plastic and rubber, therefore it can be used in the contact zone of these materials.

Liqui Moly Silicon-Fett silicone grease is made in such a way that there is a foam applicator at the end of the plastic tube.

The grease has the consistency of a cream and, after squeezing, is rubbed over the surface with a sponge or piece of cloth. Of course, it does not have such good cleaning capabilities as Liqui Moly Gummi-pflege rubber care products, but the protective ones are much better. Among other things, this compound protects rubber from ultraviolet radiation.

Liqui Moly Silicon-Fett silicone grease can be applied to the sealing gum with a foam sponge ...


Liqui Moly Silicon-Fett grease is recommended by the manufacturer for use in various contact areas of plastic and (or) rubber parts - such as the joint of rubber seals for doors and car bodies, seat guides, hose connections with plastic or rubber elements, etc. The use of the composition eliminates the squeaks of the contacting surfaces, protects rubber and plastic parts from drying out and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

... but it is precisely for the processing of door sealing gum that it is most convenient to squeeze out the Liqui Moly Silicon-Fett composition onto a cloth or sponge.

Then, with a cloth, apply silicone to the seals.

The composition has a wide range of operating temperatures, high antifriction properties, good lubricating properties. Using Liqui Moly Silicon-Fett helps to quickly and easily lubricate assemblies with plastic or rubber elements, which will ensure a long service life.

In a domestic environment silicone grease can also be used to treat door and window seals. You can also process shoes: the composition makes them water-repellent.

Video instruction on the use of Liqui Moly Silicon-Fett silicone grease for processing car door seals.

Surely every motorist experienced a lot of unpleasant sensations when the doors froze in his car in winter. We give effective and simple tips: what to do if the door seal on your car is frozen?

The fault is the moisture that gets on the surface of the seals - it can settle on them in the form of condensation or flow inside after washing. As a result, these rubber bands connect the door to the body, which becomes the reason for such an unpleasant restriction of access.

Let's immediately decide what not to do if we find ourselves in such a situation!

These common mistakes can lead to sad and irreparable consequences:

Use hot water.
Use force in turning the key.
Bring the lighter to the car door.

But knowing the best way to lubricate the seals, if the doors in the car freeze, you can survive the next winter season without such troubles.

Thrifty, thrifty and slow-moving drivers should consider the next option, which will keep the rubber bands on the doors intact. To do this, you will need to act according to the following algorithm:

  • Make sure the lock is functional and in the open position.
  • Eliminate the layer of ice on the hood of the car, which can interfere with the opening of the doors. To do this, you can use a special scraper or a plastic object of a suitable shape. It is not worth showing your power capabilities in order to preserve the paintwork of the car.
  • By lightly pressing and tapping on the corners of the door structure, try to destroy the layer of ice that has formed on the door seal. Do the same with every car door and even with the trunk in hatchbacks and station wagons.
  • If the previous actions did not lead to a positive result, then WD-40 or its analogue will come to the rescue. The agent of your choice is applied to the sealing gum, which after 10 minutes should soften and lag behind the body.

Prevention of freezing of car doors in winter

So that all of the above troubles do not upset you in winter, you need to prepare the car for future frosts. To do this, you will need to lubricate the lock with WD-40 or any other analogue. This is easy to do - grease is applied to the key, which is then inserted into the keyhole and scrolled in smooth movements. It is better to carry out this procedure at positive temperatures. Also, grease is applied to the seals. For these purposes, it is good to use silicone-based products or, again, WD-40. In extreme cases, technical Vaseline is suitable, but its application in winter will have to be repeated several times.

The best option presented on Russian market is a polymer silicone grease that tolerates low temperatures well even during the most severe winter. However, if it is not within reach, you can treat the car doors with petroleum jelly, although the duration of the effect in this case will be slightly shorter.

The best option is lubricant packaged in spray cans - it allows you to perform all the necessary procedures in a matter of seconds. Liqui Moly, XADO, Forsters and other manufacturers offer their options for quickly saving the car from freezing. However, a paste-like composition can also be applied to the gum of the seals, which is sold in small tubes - most often this is how the PMS-200 grease is packaged. Russian production... The main advantage that silicone grease possesses is the ability to work in the temperature range of -50 ... + 250 degrees.

In addition, it forms a fairly stable polymer film on the surface of door seals, which retains its properties for 2-3 weeks, which allows you to get rid of the problem of freezing for a long time. It is very easy to apply it - especially when it comes to a specialized lubricant for cars, supplied in the form of a spray. However, before using it, it is better to wipe the rubber bands dry to prevent the formation of small drops that, when frozen, can damage the seals.

To prevent freezing of car doors, you can also use special water-repellent compounds that do not contain hazardous components. Such a lubricant is produced by several companies - for example, TurtleWax, Wynn's and others. It contains a small amount of technical silicone, as well as polyesters and other organic components, which are included in the composition to create a strong film on the surface of the seal that retains its elasticity for a long time.

It is very easy to apply the composition to the rubber bands of car doors, since it is produced in the form of a spray. There are also exotic remedies that also help fight door freezing. For example, in the Far North and in other cold regions, bear or deer fat is used to prevent restricting access to the passenger compartment. Such products effectively deal with freezing, but are rarely found on sale and can get the effect for only 1-2 days.

These products should be applied carefully to prevent them from getting on the seats and clothes. Silicone has the ability to displace liquid from any surface to which it is applied. The agent in question forms a water-repellent film. The silicone grease can be applied to the rubber bands even immediately after washing.

If you come across good remedy, then just one lubricant can protect your car for a month or even until the end of cold weather.

Since the cause of freezing of car doors is water, it must be constantly eliminated. Wipe the seals thoroughly after each wash. Condensation can be avoided by leaving the machine open for 5 minutes before parking. During this time, the temperature in the cabin and outside will be the same.

What to do if the car door is still frozen?

If the car doors are frozen, in no case should you try to pull them off by force or use an elongated object as a lever. To open them, first try to wobble them, swinging in and out within the free play - in most cases this helps to cope with the situation without damaging the seals. Alternatively, you can try entering through other doors or through the trunk if your vehicle is a hatchback, station wagon, or SUV.

However, after washing, access to the car can be completely blocked, since water gets under the seals of all doors at the same time.

As a last resort, you can pour warm water over the cracks in the door, but not HOT! If all else fails, fill a 2 liter bottle with warm (but not hot!) Water, and then slowly pour it into the gap between the door and the body, being careful not to wet the seat.

After pouring out about a fifth of the bottle, try again to shake the door and check if the seal is lagging behind. When the door is open and you gain access to the car's interior, immediately start the engine and turn on the heater to get rid of the ice on the seals.

When the car thaws, immediately take paper napkins and carefully wipe off all the rubber bands on the car doors. In addition, it will be advisable to lubricate them before the next long parking, so as not to face such an unpleasant problem.

Almost every owner of an iron horse is faced with the problem of freezing car doors. When in the morning, moving to work, you go out to the parking lot and realize that you will be late now or you will tear off all the rubber seals on the doors, because they have frozen firmly overnight. Now we will figure out how to quickly and efficiently solve such a problem.

Cleanliness of doorways

Of course, the first and one of the most important points is keeping the car clean and avoiding contamination of doorways. Indeed, first of all, it is dirt and water that freezes and glues the doors. This must be constantly monitored so that dirt, snow, water, dust do not get on the seals and on the surfaces touching them. Various sticky liquids, sweet soda, melted chocolate or ice cream are especially harmful.

Parking the car

Second important point this is how the car is positioned at night. So from the north or the windier side of the door freezes much harder, and hardened rubber seals break and peel off at such doors faster than at the opposite ones. Therefore, try to put the car with the "main" door in the warm side.

Special means - auto chemistry will help you

In our time, the autochemical industry is very developed. And as a result, special fluids have already been invented that prevent doors from freezing. There are both special defrosters and various kinds of lubricants. The most the best option is a silicone aerosol ... It is a multifunctional product that allows you to increase the service life of rubber seals and effectively protects them from freezing to the contacting surfaces. It is such an aerosol that is a very effective assistant in the fight against door freezing. Such a tool is not expensive, it is enough for processing large areas and the period of validity is several weeks after the first treatment.

How the aerosol is used: everything is very simple, you need to clean the surfaces of the rubber seals and doors, where they come in contact with the seals from dust (and dirt, if any) and evenly spray the agent in an even layer over the surfaces. After that, after a few minutes, you can gently wipe the surfaces with a dry cloth to remove excess particles. And this completes the whole procedure. After being sprayed with silicone spray, your doors will no longer freeze.

But there is one more plus, you can lubricate not only doorways but also door locks, after which they will also stop freezing and will work much softer. It will be immediately felt and reflected in the comfort for the better.

So let's summarize.
We keep the car clean, if possible, we place it in the parking lot with main doors with warm side and before the cold weather (or right during) we process the freezing surfaces with silicone aerosol. Just one treatment is enough.

By adhering to these tips, you will never experience the discomfort associated with fitting doors. Have a nice trip!

Ice is the main cause of huge problems for the car. For example, if your windshield If it is icy, you will not be able to drive as it is very dangerous. But more often than not, the ice that binds the doors, handles and locks of the car, which creates, up to the impossibility of getting inside the car, causes problems for drivers. Fortunately, many of the problems associated with freezing and icing a car can be avoided. Here . Including you will learn what to do if, after all, the car doors are frozen, and you cannot get into the salon.

Inspect and clean the car door rubber seals

Car doors in winter time, as a rule, freeze due to freezing of trapped moisture, rain and melted snow or ice inside the passenger compartment and doors. Basically, water enters through old or worn out rubber seals (cracks in rubber seals, various damage, scuffs, etc.) located on the body at the places where the doors meet, which are installed just in order to prevent moisture from entering the car. streets.

If the rubber door seals are just dirty, then you need to do a good cleaning. The fact is that dirt and various crumbs can cause the doors to lose sufficient seal, which will facilitate the ingress of water and moisture into the interior.

To clean the door gum, you will need a clean rag and warm water. Your task is to clean not only the seals themselves, but all the frames on the body that adjoin the doors, as well as the rubber seals themselves installed on these frames. After wet cleaning the seals and door frames, wipe them with a dry cloth or tissue to remove any remaining moisture.

When cleaning the rubber seals, you must not only clean the rubber seals located on the body of the doorways, but also clean the rubber seals on the car doors themselves.

In winter, the cleaning of the rubber seals of the car doors should be carried out in a warm place (garage, underground parking, where the temperature is above zero in winter, or at a car wash in a closed box). That is, your seals are where it is warm. In this case, the water with the help of which you will clean the seals from dirt will not freeze.

Protect car doors from freezing with grease

Of course, the most important thing to prevent the doors of the car from freezing is to put it in warm garage or warm underground parking. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to put the car in a warm place in winter. Fortunately, there are several ways that you can protect your car from icing the doors.

So the most popular means that prevents freezing of car doors is silicone grease (spray).

Having bought silicone grease from any car dealer, you should spray it on the rubber seals of the car doors and then evenly distribute it with a microfiber cloth over the entire surface of the door seals and rubber bands located on the body.

Remember that silicone repels water and will keep moisture from entering the passenger compartment between the seals.

Silicone spray lubricant is quite cheap. A high-quality lubricant costs an average of 110 rubles, which you can purchase at car dealerships, some hypermarkets or online stores.

If you cannot find silicone grease in stores, many auto dealerships may sell other chemicals that are also used to treat door seals and door locks.

How to open frozen car doors

When it comes to opening icy and frozen doors, it is better to anticipate freezing rain in advance, a drop in positive temperatures into negative values, as well as possible other precipitation that can turn your car into one piece of ice in a short time. Indeed, under such weather conditions (especially with freezing rain), even new rubber door seals will not save you from freezing the doors. In any case, the door could freeze from the outside of the car and you will have a big problem opening it.

For example, so that after the icing of the car you do not face the problem of icy doors, you can put a thin rag or towel on the upper frame of the door before leaving the car overnight in the street parking. Then just close the door and the rag is between the top frame and the car body above the door. This way, you can easily open the door regardless of the weather conditions that favor the formation of ice.

But do not forget that regardless of whether you use a rag on the door in the evening, in the morning in case of severe freezing or icing of the car doors, you must clean the outside of the frozen door before opening the frozen door.

To do this, use a special hand scraper, which can be purchased at any car dealership or grocery hypermarket.

Before opening a door covered with ice, you must remove ice from the places where the door adjoins the car body (gaps between doors and body parts). If the ice is too thick and you cannot clean the places where the doors meet the body, then camphor alcohol can help you, which you must dilute with water.

To do this, you need to take 2/3 alcohol and 1/3 water.

Also you can buy special liquid to help you remove ice from your car doors. As a rule, such products are also widely available in car stores.

If you cannot open a frozen door in the car, even with a hand scraper, special chemicals etc., then it's time to warm up the door with a hair dryer.

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