What does the phrase "end result" mean? TRIZ. Perfect end result, how to achieve? Improves end result by secrecy

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Last update of Articles: 02/10/2019

Whatever activity you did not do, your body and mind tends to accurate tasks. Even if you do not realize this. The second attempt is most likely to be more effective, and the third is the third one.

TRIZ - The theory of solutions of inventive tasks describes this process with the help of such a law.

All systems are developing towards an increase in the degree of their ideality..

This law is one of the most important to understand the whole theory and its applied application. I decided to write about the theory itself and algorithms for the solution of inventive tasks, as I noticed that few of my surroundings own such terminology. Although these developments of Heinrich Altshuller, as for me, are a real diamond and unambiguously have to appear in school programs. I will try to convey the basic theses as simple as possible. The text is served as a combination of clipping from the author's books and my thoughts.

Why understand and study TRIZ?

TRIZ is needed when a person cannot solve the problem known in the ways. Ie when you need to include creativity, creativity. Prior to this theory, it was believed that such a process of "inventing" solutions to the problem is always intuitive and largely depends on the genius of the inventor. But as studied studies of the author of the theory, there are absolutely logical algorithms for solving any creative task. As for me, this is another example that there is no art that cannot be turned into science.

So, most often, the task is formulated by a person in extremely general, vague form: to do something, to achieve something, to increase (or lower) that. Trying to immediately find a solution, the inventor involuntarily begins to sort out all sorts of systems (and what if you do this? ..). The thought is not aimed, the search goes by random paths, and such paths are a great set. The correct algorithm for solving the problem and is that consistently, step by step, move from a common, very uncertain task to specific issues and accurate action.

We introduce another fundamental concept of TRIZ into our terminological apparatus.

IKR - the perfect end result

This term is the starting point of any reasonable activity.

The simplest formulation of the ICR can be expressed so - the system itself (at the expense of resources) performs right action And at the same time does not allow unwanted effects. When formulating ICR, it is desirable to apply the word "self" (herself, itself, for themselves). Now you understand why it is too lazy - the engine of progress?

Usually use three basic claims of ICRs:

  1. "The system itself performs this feature."
  2. "No systems, and its functions are performed (using resources).
  3. "Function is not needed."

The degree of achievement of the ICR demonstrates the ideality coefficient, which should be as much as possible:

The ideality coefficient \u003d the amount of useful functions / costs + unwanted effects.

That is why Henry Ford paid to repair brigades during the time when they did not work. That is why one ancient philosopher said that the level of decline of the city can be determined by the number of lawyers in it and doctors - than them are more, the closer to the decline is the city. I, as a lawyer for education, such a thesis once seemed offensive, but now I understand his truth. The value of many professions is in their unnecessaryness.

Therefore, I suggest you, just myself engaged in innovation and gradually increase your art of achieving ICR. What could be more exciting than the creation of self-regulating systems that perform the specified functions? Is that the creation of a system that will be wiserfully creator.

IKR funnel - if not, then ..

I have not seen such a concept in the books of Henry Altshuller. Although it is possible that he formulated it differently. This term came into my head when working on a task of one online store. There is nothing revolutionary new in it, but his wording itself and the right questions direct our attention to the right track. So, iKR funnel is a staircase of ideal end results. (from the main to less ideal). For example, as such a staircase may look in the online store:

IKR 1. Each visitor site makes a transaction (if not, then ..)

IKR 2. Each visitor site is signed by company news (if not, then ..)

IKR 3. Each visitor site reaches microconversion, which is closely correcting with a transaction (if not, then ..)

IKR 4. etc

The formulation of such a chain in any system helps to make the most effectively approach all incoming resources.

Algorithm solving inventive tasks

So, the solution of the creative task is the process is quite logical. This is a chain of logical operations in which one link is naturally followed by another. Perennial practical testing of the technique by the author of the method led to the conclusion that the separation of the algorithm for 5 stages is the most rational:

  1. Put the task.
  2. Imagine .
  3. Determine what prevents achieving this result (that is, to find contradiction).
  4. Determine why interferes (to find the cause of contradiction).
  5. Determine under what conditions would not hurt (that is, to find the conditions under which the contradiction is removed).
  1. A task - Configure the analytics and reporting system for the owner of the online store, which will answer all his questions in the same program.
  2. Perfect end result - The owner in one program sees an exhaustive, real-time update, information for making management decisions.
  3. Technical contradiction - No program that is capable of creating a general report from different sources of information.
  4. Cause of contradiction - The necessary information is in different programming languages.
  5. The condition for removal of contradiction - bringing the data collected to one language, allows you to upload and visualize them in one system.

Such a task is solved by all analysts that work with Business Intelligence programs. In fact, such a decision process can take the fraction of a second in the head of the professional of any activity. But the purpose of the example is to show the approximate way of thinking.


Heinrich Altshuller has several books that discharge all these topics in detail (poisfactory them). I brought the main approach in such a compact form so that it was simple, interesting and understandable even to a schoolboy.

If you understand at least in the simplified version, what is a neural network and how it works, it will become even easier for you to understand the above algorithms. For example, such well-known social networks as Facebook and YouTube will improve their algorithm for extremely simple IRS - all users on Earth should be carried out in a specific social network 24 hours a day. And all the issuance of information, the system of recommendations, alerts - the entire neural grid works on this result. Or search engines. They also have an absolutely simple metric. Each user must receive comprehensive information on request from the first link, which is in the search results.

It is important to understand that these algorithms are applicable to absolutely any task: technical, managerial, economic - any. Applying such a simple thinking algorithm, your mind will be gradually becoming perfect machine To solve any professional task, and new inventions will be regularly phenomenon in life.

The final result of the activities of millions of people. The lack of financial resources at the state level and at the enterprise level indicates the economic crisis of society. To overcome this crisis, it is necessary to financial rehabilitation of the state economy. At the same time, finance became the main lever of state regulation of the economy in order to exit the country from the crisis state.

As a result of the final selection, one investment offer will be defined or several, which will then be approved. The exception is only the case when the selected combination consists of already existing projects then none of the considered proposals will be accepted.

Using unreliable and mutually exclusive assessments, representatives of the republics, including Russia, began to prove that it is these republics that play an outstanding (but not recognized) role in the system of inter-republican exchange of national income and exposed to explicit exploitation. But what the science that happened in the USSR has been saying a certain redistribution of national income between the Union republics was an objective condition for achieving the maximum of the general result (final) functioning of the Unified Economic System. 58 Model calculations, performed by the Institute of People's Economic Prediction of the Russian Academy of Sciences, showed that to maximize the general final product All the republics belonging to the USSR, the scope of the positive balance of the inter-republican exchange, which were characteristic of Russia, were objectively necessary. Moreover, the effectiveness of the positive balance of the inter-republican exchange of Russia from the standpoint of its own interests is established. 59 So the long-standing statements by the LDPR leader that it will provide all Russians at the expense of Tyubuek, just bluff and political speculation. The amount of debt on loans, which we are represented by partners in the Commonwealth for 1991-1995, amounted to $ 5.8 billion, that is, for 5 years, one Russian accounts for $ 39, by $ 7.8 or 3250 rub. in

Assess the relative advantages of HB in the early phase of their diffusion is difficult, especially if we are talking about radical innovations. In such a situation, a significant role in the future technological development is played by the choice of followers. The fact is that each choice allows you to increase the competitiveness of the relevant technology and increases its chance to accept the subsequent business entities that will take into account previously made elections. After accumulating sufficient experience when alternative technologies and relative advantages have been mastered by many economic entities, the subsequent recipients make decisions based on the expected profitability of alternative technologies. As a result, the final separation of the market with new alternative technologies is determined by the strategies of simulators.

The need for a national economic approach to solving various tasks and, including the development and implementation of new technology, was indicated in the reporting report of the Central Committee XXV Congress of the CPSU Management and primarily planned activity should be aimed at the final national economic results. This approach becomes especially relevant as the economy increases and complicates, when these final results are increasingly dependent on the set of intermediate links, from a complex system of intra-industry and intersectoral ties. In such conditions, in pursuit of intermediate results, which themselves do not decide yet, it is easy to miss the main thing - the results of the final. And, on the contrary, without paying due attention to some intermediate links, you can undermine the final, the total effect of great efforts and investments 1.

The form must follow the function, the strategy should follow the tactics. That is, the achievement of tactical results is the ultimate and only goal of the strategy. If this strategy does not bring tactical results, it is erroneous, no matter how brilliant its appearance is, and no matter how eloquently defend it. The strategy should be developed from the bottom up, and not from top to bottom. Only a general who has a deep, detailed knowledge of what is happening on the battlefield can develop an effective strategy.

Another example came to my mind right now. I had prejudice against men who tie the hair in the tail, I always considered them fatal and felt that with them very thorough something wrong. This belief is firmly popping in my head, and here I climbed soy hair 9 months. In shock from the fact that I still decided to do so, I finally stood up this my own tilt for everyone, I was terribly embarrassed. And what was the result of course no one noticed anything.

MK - the amount of money being traded. The interest rate in Macroeconomics acts as a basis for comparing many economic alternatives, when the task of the most profitable placement of resources in the circuit system is. In order to make sure that the economic selection has made, it is necessary to compare the results obtained with something. Of course, a separate participant of a particular market can pay attention to the income of its business counterparty, finding at the same time that he himself earned significantly more. But it is enough just enough to not fall into a difficult position, because the conditions for profitability of capital deployment have interaction and macroeconomic factors. The general state of the economy may affect, for example, on the conditions for providing loans, the timing of their return, change the priorities between the areas of economic life. Finally, the inflation rate may be significantly higher than the level of intended income. All this makes it use such indicators of the developing on average yields that have the impact of the entire complex of macroeconomic conditions. Such quality is just the level of macroeconomic interest rate.

QD \u003d - 5p + 50,000. The result, of course, the same.

Managers of planning and economic services of factories, as a rule, carry out general, scientific, methodological and other main functions for managing all current and future activities. Planning staff, together with top management, participates in the development of the factory strategy, choosing and justifying economic goals, creating the necessary regulatory framework, analysis and evaluation of the planned and actual results of the final activity. Together with planning managers participate

Orientation to the results. The ultimate goal of control is not a collection of information, not standards or identifying a problem, but solving the tasks facing the organization. Information on the results of control is important only when it comes to those

The director of the pasta factory from Saratov in the midst of the financial crisis in the fall of 1998 told that despite the dramatic reduction of the import of Italian pasta (up to 60% of the market in the Saratov region), the local buyer does not burn with the desire to buy its products. At best, 20% of these 60% of the liberated market share will be able to "repel" our manufacturers from the Italians. The reason is not the quality (flour, manufacturing technology and, as a result - the final product). Many consumers will be fed and will continue to buy imported goods, whose quality managed to get used to. The output is more likely to start importing technology, reoriented to raw materials that meet international standards, to learn how to integrated quality management. And what is the quality of what it is expressed and how to measure it and

Orientation to the results. The ultimate goal of control is to collect information, establish standards and identify deviations. They are only a means to achieve the main goal and should not obstruct it. In particular, it is useless to have extensive and accurate information about deviations from targets if it is not used for the necessary

Primification of the results of the final activity Ensuring the implementation of the motive of labor activity Creating conditions for labor activities

All cost elements (SOP) are characterized by specific reproduction forms. The cost of the consumed means of production takes the form of the Reimbursement Fund (FV). The newly created cost acts ultimately in the form of the consumption fund (FP) and the accumulation fund (FN). According to the results of the final use of the value of the cumulative social product, it is possible to record the SOP \u003d FV + FP + FN (100 \u003d 56.3 + 32,8 + 10.9).

One of the main generalizing indicators of the efficiency of the economy is its final financial result. The final financial result of the economic activity of the association of catering enterprises - profits or loss - is reflected in the corresponding line of the balance sheet. Profit is indicated in section I of a liability, loss - in the section I of the balance of the balance.

If you keep in mind the app of Theorem 4, we should not forget that in the general case the function R (G) is determined by some algorithms of approximate finding the minimum function% G F ((and). Since we suggested all F enough smooth, then in the general case R (g) can be determined, for example, a gradient descent algorithm. There are two special cases when the calculation R (G) may not be very complex and is carried out, in principle, exactly as a result of a finite number of operations. These are cases of linear and quadratic ff dependencies ( and) and not very complex regions U, defined, for example, the conditions of the form

The main direction in the new concept of restructuring the economic mechanism developed by the June (1987) Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU is the intensification of the activities of labor collectives based on the principles of full beneficiation, the orientation of enterprises to achieve high end results. The final results are of a dual character, due to certain contradictions between the economic interests of different levels of management and production. Without considering the problem of duality throughout the production management hierarchy, we restrict ourselves to the statement that the main production can be distinguished by trade and national economic end results. For example, for industrial enterprises (associations), the people's economic aspect is primarily expressed primarily in the implementation of contractual obligations on the supply of products, since this is a necessary condition for the balanced development of society. The commercial results of the enterprise (association), first of all, are reflected in the profits, because it is precisely this indicator in terms of full germination

The testing of the theoretical developments of these institutions of Gorky to create a methodology for constructing the design algorithm for technological processes, which consists in determining the sequence of work on the design and formulation of them in the form of certain mathematical and logical dependencies, was carried out in the MSU computing center on the EMM booster and gave positive results. The final results of these first developments were decorated in the form of digital tabulars and could not be used therefore for practical work at the factory. thirty

The final national economic result is the final total effect resulting from the agreed activity of socialist enterprises.

It is also known that in order to improve the planning by the national economy, strengthen the impact of the economic mechanism on improving the efficiency of production and quality of work by the decision of the Central Committee. The CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR in a number of industries to evaluate the results of the final activity introduced an indicator of regulatory pure products (see ch. 15). As experience accumulates, improving the level of management work, its application will be expanded, which will increase the possibility of using this indicator and at the national economic level. Today, the method of calculating net products in industries is used to determine the amount of national income of the country. In this case, the national income obtained by the production method is equal to the amount of the calculated pure products of all industries of material production.

The second possibility of overcoming the gap between the necessary and permissible time in the preparation of decision-making is to limit the requirements for the quality of preparatory work and research, that is, in presenting only reasonable requirements for information and other aspects of the problem. As a result, the time required to prepare the solution is reduced to the minimum permissible. As a result, of course, the quality of the decision taken is reduced. But possible losses should be compensated by an additional effect from the earlier implementation of the prepared solutions. Ensure a reasonable compromise between the above opposite requirements can only be a deep and comprehensive scientific analysis.

Everyone wants to have a car.

To ride! After all, the car is vehicle, and its existence and development from the very moment of its occurrence was determined only by one goal: Personally, I, its owner, it is necessary faster.

And what does a car cost a society? The answer to this question is as difficult, so important.

At the dawn of motorism was a mad struggle for building the speed of the car. Immediately there was a problem of sustainability on the road, especially on turns. The car became lower, longer, wider. The carrier part is heavier, the base of the body. To faster to touch from the place and accelerate, a more powerful engine was required - and enhanced chassis: gearbox, cardan transferleading wheels. Requirements for the reliability of the brakes - and the mechanical drive is replaced by hydraulic, and then pneumatic. A compressor appears, and with it a whole pneumatic system ... the suspension is improved - springs, shock absorbers, level stabilizers. To ensure the safety of passengers in a collision of the body, made from the metal of greater thickness. Again there weights, dimensions ... and all this to carry one or two, a maximum of 7-8 people!

It only seems that the car stands on four wheels. In fact, it is riveted with hundreds of thousands of hands. In the US, for example, every sixth worker works on it directly or indirectly. Consider yourself: approximately 10 million cars are produced annually. They use hundreds of types of black and non-ferrous metals, non-metallic materials (plastics, leather, fabric, etc.), radio engineering, varnishes, paints, glass, rubber, fuel, lubricants ...

Production of all this does not pass without a trace for the environment, generates a lot of environmental problems.

Design bureau, laboratories, test stands and polygons. Automatic lines and robots for the manufacture of thousands of details every second. Kilometer conveyors for assembly. EUM and computers for CNC machines, for planning, collection and analysis of information ... more? You are welcome!

Need roads. In the US, the roads are now occupied by about 10% of the country's area. For their construction and maintaining in order, a huge fleet of special cars can extract materials, pour them, fasten, cover asphalt and concrete, apply markup lines ...

The car, like any car, sometimes breaks. Need equipment and repair tools. Thousands and thousands of car repair shops. Petrol stations, oil-producing enterprises and oil refineries, pipeline network and giant oil tankers. And again ecological problems.

The car must be stored somewhere. And huge areas of the city's territory are discharged under the garage complexes. It is necessary to maintain order on the roads, and a special English-speaking traffic police is being created.

The roads occur on the roads, people die or cripple. So, medicines, first aid kits, ambulance stations, hospitals and sanatoriums. And funeral teams ...

Nesh, however, car, very silent!

Any system, whether it is a car or fishing rod, is created and exists not for the sake of yourself, but for the sake of it to perform some useful functions for a person. So, the main useful feature of the car is to move people and cargo from place to place.

Actually, a person needs this feature that is not at all that the system that performs this function, generating the mountain of all problems.

From this point of view in TRIZ, there is the concept of an ideal system:

Close to the perfect vehicle was, by the way, in Pushkin's Baba Yaga: her stupa moved "herself". But the stupa itself was still, it was necessary to climb, it had to get out of it, therefore this vehicle is not 100% ideal.

The perfect version of the car looks like this: the cars are not at all, but you arrive at the specified point at the right time.

And the fishing rod you do not need. You need a function performed. And what is its main function? Throw a worm, draw and pull the fish, which is swallowing this worm.

Above the question of "perfect fish" think about yourself. Just do not consider that such a fish must remove the scales with itself, turn it out and dive into the bowler with a hairdo. After all, in the perfect ear fish should not be, but the smell of it, the taste and nutritional value should be.

From all this follows one almost very important position:

In TRI, identified other laws of development of systems (VIS), but this law is the law of increasing the degree of ideality of systems - is perhaps the most important among them.

When solving specific inventive tasks, this law allows you to abandon many empty samples and immediately formulate the perfect answer of the task - perfect end result (ICR). As in the case of a worm. Perfect worm self enters the water self I. self Extracts his fish from the water.

Sometimes it is enough to solve the task.

Of course, it is not possible to get ICR in pure form in most cases. The meaning is somewhat different. The design of the ICR allows you to immediately choose the right direction of work, narrow the search zone and concentrate efforts to search for strong solutions of the problem.

We illustrate the effect of the law of increasing the degree of ideality on the example of the technical system.

The serial car "Niva" weighs 1150 kg and has a capacity of 53 kW (about 70 hp). To participate in the international auto racing "Niva" modernized: installed a forced engine, which developed power up to 200 hp, and the weight of the entire car was reduced to 700 kg.

The figures of the absolute (arithmetic) change usually say a little: it was - it became. Much more indicators are relative. Previously, each horsepower engine was taken by 1150 kg: 70 hp \u003d 13, 5 kg / hp.

Now every "horse" is lucky only 700 kg: 200 hp \u003d 3.5 kg / hp Almost four times less!

"The ideal end result can be like a rope, keeping the climber makes a rise in a steep slope. The rope does not pull up, but it gives support and does not allow you to roll down. Enough to release the rope from the hands - the drop inevitably "(Heinrich Altshuller)

IKR - the perfect end result - This is one of basic concepts TRIZ. ICR is the way to solve the problem (problems) with minimal (ideally zero) costs of resources (labor, money, information, time, space, people, etc.), without complications and unwanted effects.

An example from life: Boy of eight years old sister closed in the room. He was before the problem: how to get out? Apply power, threat, raise a cry? But the door is too strong, there is no one at home, except for the sister, and no one will hear him ... He thought and did so that the sister herself opened the door to him. The boy pulled the chair on his side of the door and said: "Listen, but this is me to locate you!" After a few seconds, the sister splashed the door herself, freeing himself "from the captivity."

The boy can be called a cuty from nature, but such resourcefulness, the ability to outgrowfully get out of the current situation, can be learned by TRIZ.

When formulating ICR, it is desirable to apply the word "self" (herself, itself, for themselves). Usually used formulations of ICT:

The system itself performs this feature;

There are no systems, but its functions are performed;

The function is not needed.

Do not think - really or it is impossible to achieve this, fear or not fulfilled, feasible or not. Be creative!

How to formulate in the present Perfect end result?

Do not make a degree of reality feasible. Ideality is a forward-up direction. The bottom line is that any task you need to solve in the direction of improving the ideality, strive for the ideal.

Do not think in advance how and what ways I can be achieved.

Use ICR keywords, such as yourself, itself, itself, etc. The action must be performed by itself without additional mechanisms, devices, etc.

Imagine that you have a magic wand and how the result will be, if you just wave her and tell me, for example: "Cram-crab-boam!" (This technique will allow you to remove psychological inertia, you will eliminate ways to achieve the goal and focus on the final result).

Maximum use of already available resources (real, energy, material, etc., first of all "grani").

Use the ideal solution template: " everything remains unchanged, but the desired result is achieved" or " everything remains unchanged, but the undesirable effect disappeared».

Acquisition of useful quality or elimination of harmful should not be accompanied by a deterioration of other qualities or the appearance of harmful quality.

How can you bring a child preschooler to the ability to search, find, and formulate the perfect end result? Of course, with the help of gaming tasks and exercises, actively using both fiction.

"Help Tanya get a ball"

Read the child a poem A.L. Barto "Our Tanya is crying loudly." Offer think - how can you get a ball? Carefully listen to all the deals of the child (sample and error method), unobtrusively directing it.

Take a wand.- wonderful! But if the puddle is too big ... do not get a ball with a row ...

Go to the puddle and get a ball. - Great! But look, Tanya in sandals, she wets her legs ...

Let then she go home and put on rubber boots. - Excellent! But the puddle is too deep, the water will fall into the boots ...

Offer your ideal end result: how can you make the ball himself sail to Tanya?

The range of options is narrowed, all actions are already performed with a ball: blowing on it, create waves, throw pebbles, etc.

"Robinson Method Cruzo"

Not trouble, if the child is still too small to get acquainted with the work of D.Defo. For fantasy, you can use any available work.

Read "Aibolita" - wonderful!

Would you like to go to Africa? ... - We flew to Africa with you, but our plane broke ... We needed until the dad save us, build a house to protect yourself from the sun, hurricane and wild animals; We need something to eat; We need to make clothes and the like from something.

"Magic disappearance of the subject"

Pay attention to the child to any household items and offer to imagine what it would be if one day everything woke up in the morning, and ... forks (chairs, cabinets, shoes, etc.) No ... What to do?

After checking on ideality (there is no object, but it is executed), tell it the child that in the old days there were really no these items, you can illustrate - how people did without them (it will bring a child to the system approach that we will talk about later); If the child is able to fantasize, offer to come up with - and how this subject it may look in the future).

"The robot broke"

"In some kingdom, in some state, in one small city with very small residents (the beginning of the fairy tale you can think of themselves) all objects for the inhabitants did a robot. And one day he broke. Instead of bricks for houses, furniture, clothing, asphalt for sidewalks, etc. He began to do some ... Rulers (plates, albums, flower pots, etc.). How to use these rules in your life?

Of personal experience: Use of substituent items - an important stage in the development of gaming activities of preschoolers. I do not even know, for the benefit of children, such an abundance of toys "almost like real" in the modern toy industry. What is just not in our children for the game, for example, "in the store" - both scales, and tickets, and even plastic coins, and buns, sausages, eggs, milk packs, etc. It is not necessary to invent anything (brick pies, eggs - balls from rattles, money from finely broken album sheets or - aerobatics! - Made by translating a real coin through a thin paper with a back of the pencil) - everything is already in the finished form.

But now I am watching a huge thirst for children to invent, fantasy. It is very important not to repay this spark. In our kindergarten, we regularly hold contests of children's and family creativity to stimulate the creative potential of pupils. How to unusually make a New Year's Christmas tree? (ICR - no Christmas tree, but something performs its function). The competition was attended by work from paper, pasta, plastic bottles, threads, tinsel, natural and outstanding material. How to tell about your street? (The object itself tells about himself) layouts, drawings, collages, computer presentations were presented.

Tell us in the comments, and that you with your child have taken to achieve, or get closer to the ICR when solving any creative, non-standard tasks.

How to find the strongest solution to the problem without solving it

There is an old as the world, school trick: if the task is not solved - they look in the answer of the task, and then the solution "customize" under the correct answer.

What's wrong with that and what is good? It is bad that the task is solved "dishonest", not quite independently and the fact that the effect of learning is reduced. And it is good that the task is solved easily, quickly and right.

And is it possible to use this reception in life when there are tasks and there are no correct answers?

Experience has shown that it takes some time to get used to ideality. Indeed, dying: I just understood the task, you still do not know, not only a response, but also to approach it, and then they immediately offer to formulate a solution and not easy, but the best personally for you.

Meanwhile, ICR reflects the basic law of development of technology (and not only equipment) - the law of increasing the degree of ideality, in other words, the law of increasing the degree of satisfaction Needs man.

IKR is almost unattainable, but theoretically, you can approach the ICR as close. To do this, it is necessary to consistently remove all negative supernect adhesions that occur as it approaches the ICR.

Consider several practical tasks with beautiful ideal solutions to show the skeptics that ideal solutions are possible, then learn to formulate ICRs, and then get ICR.

Example 1. The Central Asian Communist Party and Emir of the Samarkand Kingdom of Timur (Tamerlan, 1336-1405), who defeated the Golden Horde and committed the robbed raids to India and Persia (Iran), who was attacked by the fierce combat elephants, followed by an inconspicuous army. What to do?

Tamerlan ordered to load on the camels of the hay, set fire to him and drive the camels towards elephants. Elephants were frightened by the "Sea of \u200b\u200bFire" moving on them, turned back and trampled their own infantry. The victory over the enemy was provided by the enemy resource.

Word ICR for this situation. Difficult? And not only because there is no experience, and also because for the formulation of the ICR, you need a complete discrepancy of thought, "I can do everything, I am a wizard!", As well as the ability to want and even ... courage.

How do you like such wording of ICR: "Elephants Ourselves destroy their infantry and Ourselves run away from the battlefield "or" enemy's army Self It destroys yourself. "By this you sent your thinking to a strong decision.

Example 2. It is clear that the famous "lights of the airfield" should be especially reliable, they are landing. That is, the whole system should be reliable: lamps, power supplies, wires, contacts, switches, cartridges, etc. etc. Difficult matter.

We decided to put simple reflectors of the aircraft headlights. Reflectors are so simple that there is nothing to break, so and reliable. But there is a fear, and suddenly the headlights of the plane will refuse? Then they invented the "eternal" lamps or "perfect fire" - the glass sealed tube is covered from the inside with a special substance (phosphor from zinc sulfide), which is bright below the influence of a radioactive substance mounted in the same tube. No wires nor compounds, no food, lamp ITSELF Brightly glows.

Rules for the search and formulation of IRS

1. Using the task, configure yourself to what you can EVERYTHING! Even impossible. You have a "sea" of the resource, you are a wizard! Do not be ashamed and do not be afraid of your fantastic ideas!

2. Determine the main function of the system or the main process that must be improved. This must be completed Self, as they say, "without anything."

  • with words Itself, itself, herself,

  • or ensented to whom and what should be well (principle and - and).

Word " Self"It implies that the system or part of the system performs the required action without cost, without an external resource. When we formulate IRs with the word Self, we specify an object in which you must first look for a resource.

Why formulate IKR?

  1. IKR is unattainable, but it clearly shows the path to a strong solution, shows in the "what direction to think." This strongly reduces the number of trials and errors.
  2. By the degree of approximation of the actually obtained solutions to the ideal, you can choose the strongest solution. What is the ICR, such and the solution.
  3. Reception "Formulation of ICR" can be used independently, for example, as a formulation method Goal Almost any activity.
  4. The formulation of the ICR is perfectly developing imagination, non-standard and independence of thinking.
  5. Formulation of ICR reduces the search for solutions.
  6. Formulation of ICR helps predict. For example, we predict the stages of development of surgery: it was "cut off and throw away", then it is to replace the organ on artificial, there is to transplant, it will grow a new organ (regeneration).

Reception of tasks - "Formulation of ICR" can be used isolated, regardless of other resolution receptions of contradictions. It is useful to adopt! Reception greatly simplifies the solution of creative tasks, especially if you manage to answer the question correctly after the wording of the ICR: what prevents ICR?

Having mastered the ability to formulate IRS, it can be said that you captured the skill fantastically quickly find the best solution to any creative task, without solving it.

It is very useful to learn how to formulate and antikr.. Antikr is the most unwanted, the most terrible situation that you can imagine. And then come up with how to get out of this situation, then all the other will seem like children's fun. And then? Try to pay this harm in favor. And then come up with what you need to do so that this never happened. It is very likely that after such an analysis, something will need to be done on the contrary.

Ways to increase the degree of ideality (for adults).

1. Improving multifunctionality.

For example, wrist watches: determine the pulse, serve as a alarm clock, stopwatch, thermometer, microcomputer, radio reception, even teleexer. Show the weather, timetable timetable for the world ...

2. Destruction of the system as an independent unit and transfer it to the oversystem, without destroying the function.

For example, headlights in old cars are strengthened next to the driver, he could manage the headlight. Then he moved the head to the wing, and now drowned the headlight into the wing of the car. In new apartments, cabinets are on the wall. The chassis used to be outside - now make the aircraft retractable in the wing ...

Tasks for the concept of ideality (for adults)


  1. There is such an innumerable question: what would you do if you had an unlimited bank account?
  2. What Ideal Work?
    Prompt. By definition: no work, and all the functions of the work are performed.
  3. Who it IDEAL human?
  4. What Ideal school?
  5. What Ideal Help your child? (Help, without helping!).
  6. What Ideal Punishment of a child?
  7. Who is she Ideal

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