Vehicles: Classification. Vehicle categories. Five vehicle modifications that are absolutely useless that such a vehicle modification

the main / Engine

With the word "modification" we face quite often and understand what it is about. But there is a huge number of values \u200b\u200bof this term combining universal definition. This article will consider the phenomenon of modification from the point of view of various spheres of human life and activities, and examples of the manifestation of this concept in science and everyday life will be given. So, the modification is a change in some object with the parallel acquisition of the new features or properties.

Causes of modifications

The causes of modifications may be as follows:

  1. Human intervention. An example of a modification in this case is, for example, the lubrication of the door, which is why it ceases to creak when opening. This is a household example. If we take more scientific modifications, it may be a change in the genetic embryo code, as a result of which the body gained from it acquires new signs.
  2. Natural processes. Modification can occur and naturally. For example, water has a freeze property, as a result of which it acquires new properties - becomes solid, cold and, falling in the form of a hail, can spoil the harvest, grown by the farmer with incredible efforts.
  3. Pathological processes that do not depend on humans. Modification by a virus or cancer can lead to diseases. Even one small cell, if it is not controlled by the body, begins to perform another function, working on the virus, reproducing it. The same applies to and, for example, the negative impact of ultraviolet radiation on living organisms.

Modification in machinery

The technique modification is the creation on the basis of the old version of the device improved its version. It can be a mobile phone, a computer or any other device. For example, all versions of the iPhone are in fact modifications of the very first variant of this smartphone. But most often implies under this concept not so much an updated version of the device, released in a year, how much model with several other characteristics. In this case, an example of a modification can serve as a GSMART Roma R2 + telephone, which has improved characteristics on the background of the model without a "plus" model.

This process occurs due to the impact of human factors on the object. The modification of polymers is a set of actions directed by a change in certain properties of these materials, so that they are attached to special physicomechanical characteristics. One of the most popular ways to produce a similar change is chlorination, as a result of which polymers may become resistant to light, heat or chemical effects.

Modification in biology and selection

In these areas, modification is a targeted or spontaneous change in the characteristics of a living being, not associated with the genetic mutation of the DNA code. It can be triggered both with the help of natural mechanisms and under the direct impact of human factors. Simply put, modification is a change in the characteristics of the body, which improves its ability to adapt to the conditions of the world.

These characteristics depend on the whole on the conditions, and each genotype associated with the genotype due to may, at different temperatures, the composition of the air appears in the phenotype (appearance, simply) in different ways. It turns out some kind of body modification in the form that the scientist wants to get, or the body modifies itself to the ambiently adaptation to the environment.

The concept of a vehicle modification exists in two parallel dimensions, which we will talk about today. Modifications are called a special series of a certain model of the machine on which they were established certain details. For example, Chevrolet Niva. There is a modification of FAM-1 with a more powerful and modern power unit, the company also issued a special series of "Tundra", which can be considered modifications. Unlike the main model line Modification often has certain inconsistencies in design. For many foreign manufacturers, the modification of the machine may differ type of loops on the lid of the trunk.

But there is another perception of the term modification of the car. If you ask about this professional on the automotive service, you will be told that the modification is a change in certain functions of the machine by reinstalling software or performing aggregate changes. That is, this is the process of modifying certain capabilities of the machine. However, even the selection of seats on a more convenient option will be regarded as a modification. We will deal with the basic concepts and features of this difficult term.

Why is it important to know the factory modification of your car?

At the factory, quite often conduct various kinds of experiments, which are designed to improve the quality and functionality of the car. In one year of the release of your model, you can stand in one type of details, and in the next - completely different. Such modifications allow the manufacturer not only to improve the machine and conduct various changes in the design between the releases of different generations.

An important task of such changes is the serious motivation of owners to go for maintenance and details directly to official stations. Only here they can qualitatively evaluate this or that modification of the car, to offer required spare parts And produce normally required repair. The company can also diversify the production of spare parts and achieve other benefits:

  • integration into the system of high-quality elements of other manufacturers (for example, candles or Bosch filters);
  • change of car maintenance recommendations, which reduces the efficiency of informal service centers;
  • production of a large range of spare parts, an increase in the required range for automotive stores;
  • discharge of production, use of free or not so loaded parts manufacturing lines;
  • additional offerings of services at official stations in the form of specialized services;
  • testing and verifying the performance of various technologies in practice with their implementation.

We do not always know about all the intricacies of the engine, which is installed in our car. Its modification is necessarily marked, but you will agree, when you buy, you will not study the value of each number and the letters of this long code. Manufacturers often test their new technologies, producing experienced motors for mass production. Especially such systems of work sin budget manufacturers.

Therefore, the modification is sufficiently important, because taking into account this factor you can buy a proven car with a good power unit. Also know the modification of the machine is necessary to buy the engine. Often, in automotive stores, we offer the service of the selection of spare parts according to the model and year of issue. This is a very rude approach, because the modification includes features such as type and series power aggregate, all major nodes and the name of the designer who have made this or that editing to the initially existing technique.

Auto Modification - Self Changing Machine Parameters

Manufacturers strongly recommend selflessly change the parameters of cars, implement the operation of the aggregates and put additional equipment. Even the installation of such a popular subwoofer into the music system in the car can be considered a modification and affects the real quality of the electrical circuit of the machine. Also, such changes affect the operation of the generator, forcing it to perform its functions under constant pressure.

Tightening the working conditions of the main aggregates is an important change in the work of various nodes of the machine. Nevertheless, many owners of automotive equipment are neglected by this opportunity. Due to the reasonable modification, it is possible to significantly increase the maximum speed and power of the machine, achieve more functional work of some important nodes. The most important possibilities of unauthorized modification are as follows:

  • changing computer management programs for cars - installation of new firmware;
  • supplement of the car with certain elements of comfort that electricity consumes;
  • change of parts of the cabin for more expressive comfort of a trip by car;
  • installation wheels of larger diameter, shift brake discs and pads for the purpose of visual allocation;
    integration of racks and shock absorbers with other settings that differ from the factory standards;
  • engine change or it overhaul with the expansion of the diameter of the cylinders and pistons;
  • installation of gas equipment in order to save money on fuel consumption.

It must be recognized that the manufacturers are extremely negatively related to any types of modification. If you decide to produce a similar process on your car, be prepared to give up the guarantee and other important features. Also, after the modification, it is better not to come to the official service. By bringing important arguments, you will persuade the factory details to return to the place that it will cost incredibly expensive.

Given the lack of manufacturer's recommendations on the vehicle modification, you make this process exclusively at your own risk. Therefore, you need to choose better details, as well as using the services of specialists who will prompt optimal solutions to any complex tasks. This approach will help to achieve good results self-modification.

How not to modify the car?

Many buyers of new quality cars immediately after the acquisition seek to produce certain modifications. Replacing discs, installing new seats, sports steering wheel And gas-filter equipment is a serious list of popular modifications, but it is not recommended to produce all additions and changes. The most optimal solution for any modification of your car will be the choice of such a sequence:

  • running in the machine on factory wheels without any changes in the design of the car, so as not to lose the warranty;
  • using only factory parts for repair in the first 10-15 thousand mileage kilometers;
  • regular appeal to the official service in case of factory deficiencies in the car;
  • only after a confident runoff, you can think about carrying out any modifications;
  • after making changes in the main structural features It is also necessary to carry out a neat running;
  • it should not be implemented in the work of such important devices as the engine, gearbox, as well as the brake and steering system;
  • menuing the settings of the main equipment is also not recommended.

The manufacturer gives many important and correct recommendations for the operation of transport. If you have domestic auto, modifications can really help you in more economical and high-quality operation. But to make changes after the purchase of high-quality European or japanese car Do not. Enjoy the factory settings and do not make your transport less reliable. We offer to watch a video about the modification of domestic transport, more precisely, that it may turn out:

Let's sum up

The use of sufficiently simple and well-known technologies will allow you to modify simply and quickly. But the consequences this process Can get you unpleasantly surprised. Remember that almost any idea of \u200b\u200bmodifying the machine that arose in your thoughts has already occurred to other machine owners. To enforce such a change, you can find the owner of the car that has already made this process.

Reading feedback and communication with experienced specialists in the field of car service will help you get more quality information. With this approach, you can provide only successful modifications of your car. Remember that modern technique is sufficiently gentle and does not like experiments with factory settings. Have you been able to spend independent modifications of the car?

If you are always young or in the case, if you are really a young man who loving cars, then you probably came to mind different thoughts about what would be nice to catch up your "iron horse". After the intervention, the car should be quickly accelerated, steeper flipped in turns, the machine will stop faster. Life will become a paradise, and from the usual car "Swallow" will turn into a real sports car, besides, all this can be done for the vigorous penny!

As you understand, free or very cheap cheese can be found only in a mousetrap, so we provide our readers a list of mods that best avoid, because there is no sense from them.

5. Insert instead of catalyst

If you are a zealous ecology champion and picked up a VW headquarters with homemade painted posters during the start of the diesel scandal, then you better miss this part of the article. It turns out that there are people for whom care of the level of emissions of their cars does not care at all. For them, the maximum engine performance is more important, all the rest can be sacrificed in favor of speed and dynamics.

What tricks they just do not go scary to say. There is a very cheap and easiest way in the opinion of such tuners, with which you can make the engine "breathe" better, increasing the capacity of the release system. Mods of this type are most common. A simple tube that is attached instead of a remote catalyst.

THEORY: Installing the insertion to the scene of the catalyst (catalytic converter-neutralizer) of the pipe should increase the bandwidth exhaust gases, increase the purge of cylinders and, accordingly.


essentially, in it (catalyst) there is an element that "burns" the bad gases, emerging from the engine (carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons in cylinders). Passing through the filter, and thus cleansing, traffic fumes become less harmful. Insert replaces this system with a direct-flow pipe, assuming that the more direct (unhindered) gas current will increase the engine power.

In part, it is true, but it is applied to some old turbocharged and upgraded engines, where there can be a practical sense from such a insert. Most of the exhaust systems on new engines do not suffer from this, and most of the modern automotive computers Do not wonder the differences so that something really seriously changed in terms of power.

If you are concerned about the bandwidth exhaust systemIt is better to choose a high-quality high-performance catalytic converter with an increased pipe diameter. So, at least, get certain measurable benefits without any headache.

4. Racing fuel (fuel for racing cars)

Another useless thing, which is already starting to dream of our autointelultation. Abroad, this elixir has long been in the go. And a certain little percentage of people who do not feel sorry for the engine of their car, sometimes poured into their tanks this specialized composition. The advantages that are guided by experimenters are usually reduced to the fact that sports fuel creates an environment in which detonation (premature fuel combustion) is very unlikely, thanks to which it is possible to speed up the work of the boost, to establish nitrogen and so on.

THEORY: Racing fuel should add a lot of additional horse power and expand its tuning opportunities


in fact, pour sports is very harmful for an unprepared (ordinary) engine. The specific composition of the fuel will simply kill your motor.

Most of the fuel racing fuels are eaten, unlike unleaded fuel, which you season daily on, and this means that a similar type of fuel is incompatible with a catalyst, for a short time, its combustion products simply clog it. The same little later will occur with the oxygen sensor.

In a racing car, a similar fuel specifically tuned for meals, it makes sense. In a regular car, it is categorically impossible to pour it! First, harmful. Secondly, it is useless.

3. Adjustable undertaking springs

From the plant cars come with a configured suspension. It is configured - there is a compromise between handling and comfort. The more you have one, the more you lose the other. That is why most comfortable and comfortable are often not able to also quickly turn turns, as the cars on the sports suspension do.

However, if you are ready to sacrifice the softness of the suspension in favor of the speed of turning, for this, there are tens or even hundreds of various options that can change the work of the suspension of your car with this or that degree of efficiency.

One of the most qualitative ways, with which you will do from your "sofa" a hard bard of installation of a good (really high-quality) set of racks and springs or made by individual order system suspension with adjustable koylovers.

They will make a car tougher, but with this and more manageable, the center of gravity will decrease, rolls will decrease, the machine will be predictable.

THEORY: The suspension will be able to create wonders in terms of handling machine. And no matter what kind of whale you put, cheap or the most expensive, they all work equally.


most often set a set of adjustable universal springs, according to many, this is the most rational and easy way to make the car obedient. They are cheap, and it seems to do their job. Keywords in this "sort of".

In order for the car to be controlled well, the springs and struts must be clearly selected, which means each spring, on each axis should be coordinated with balancing and weight of the car, depending on which settings and which ride you want to get.

In addition, racks or shock absorber should be powerful and durable, in order to take more stringent blows. With a cheap pseudo-universal system, you will not have not only any clear designations, which springs are there (pick up your car will be unreal), but also on such a tough and super-clad suspension under the roads, your passengers will fall, suspension elements, Levers, shock absorbers. Everything will be very quickly in disrepair, and instead of the joy of handling, you will get frustrated repair.

Instead, purchase a set of spacers and selected springs from a well-known manufacturer, or a system with adjustable coilovers that does not require assembly. Your passengers will be grateful to you.

2. Short Ram Air Intake

Physics difficult to overcome. Even if you want to convince in the opposite. One of the examples of what is better not to put on the car if you do not want to worsen its indicators, Short Ram Air Intake. Firstly, this system will not give an increase in air suction to the cylinders, secondly, it is able to even reduce the engine power!

The problem is that in order for it to start working with any reasonable efficiency, you should be able to ride very quickly, creating a serious incident airflow. And even this will not be enough, the shortened air intake system will not function normally.

Yes, it is minimal from her, and it seems that the air flow will pass faster, without lingering, but the trouble lies in the fact that all this anti-scientific charm is under the hood, in a very hot box. And as we know from the course of school physics, the heated air has a smaller density than the cold, it means that it will be in cylinders in a smaller volume, and this fact will be difficult to fix something, even an increased air supply rate into the combustion chamber.

To this kind, inlet configurations are especially sensitive to non-vary versions of cars, high temperatures In the pumpapot space are able to forever remove a fair amount of horsepower.

It is better to buy good or what is even better, set a competently designed cold inlet system, taking air from outside the engine compartment.

1. Spark plugs

If someone tries to sell you the spark plugs with promises of horsepower increases, then one of two: they are either fools or liars. All are created for one- initiate the combustion cycle, with two possible modes of operation: "On" and "off". As in the HDMI cable, or the signal goes on it, or it is not. Single rational explanation replacement. Exit Candle or.

Do not believe us, Believe the specialists of the largest NGK Ignition Candle manufacturer:

A common misconception is that the replacement of the ignition candles will lead to a significant increase in power. In most cases, the replacement of even seriously worn ignition candles will only lead to very modest results of increasing power, as a rule, about 1-2% of total power Engine. This indicator may even be less for the vehicle managed by a computer, first of all because most new cars have more powerful ignition systems, and the machine computer can make adjustments, so the operating conditions of vehicles will be more smoothed.

Many people think that it is enough to just give more sparks and will burn more fuel from it. They do not understand that most new car engines So effective that they burn all available fuel. A simple addition of sparking voltage cannot burn more fuel, because it will simply won't.

When the engine receives a new set of spark plugs, peak efficiency is restored. Increase power, it is usually minimal.

1. For the purposes of assessing conformity in the form of approval type, vehicles belong to the same type, if, taking into account category, they do not differ in relation to the manufacturer, as well as criteria established in this Annex.

1.1.1. Essential design features: Chassis (obvious and fundamental differences); Power point (engine internal combustion or combined installation (hybrid vehicle) / electric motor).

1.2.2. Essential design features: Chassis / carrier body frame, single / two-story, single / articulated (obvious and fundamental differences); Number of axes; Power installation (internal combustion engine or combined installation (hybrid vehicle) / electric motor).

1.3.2. Essential design features: Chassis / construction of the bearing base (obvious and fundamental differences); Number of axes; Power installation (internal combustion engine or combined installation (hybrid vehicle) / electric motor).

1.4.2. Essential design features:

1.4.3. Chassis / carrier body base (obvious and fundamental differences); Number of axes; Trailer with a breath / semi-trailer / trailer with a central axis; A type brake system (for example, a trailer without brakes / inertial brakes / brake system with an end of energy from the outside).

1.5.2. Chassis, frame, carrying the base or structure on which the main units and nodes are fixed;

1.5.3. Power installation (internal combustion engine or combined installation (hybrid vehicle) / electric motor).

2. The vehicles of the same type belong to the same modification, if they do not differ in relation to the following established criteria:

2.1.1. Environmental class;

2.1.2. Body type;

2.1.3. Power point: Working principle of internal combustion engine (forced ignition / ignition from compression, four-stroke / two-stroke); The number and location of the cylinders of the internal combustion engine; Maximum power (distinction in power not more than 30%); The working volume of the internal combustion engine (the difference is no more than 20%);

2.1.4. Driving axes (number, location, compound);

2.1.5. Controlled axes (number, location).

2.2.1. Environmental class;

2.2.2. Class vehicle (paragraph 2.2 of the table 1 of Appendix N 1 to this technical Regulations) - only for complete vehicles;

2.2.3. Degree of completion (complete / unfinished);

2.2.4. Power point: Working principle of internal combustion engine (forced ignition / ignition from compression, four-stroke / two-stroke); The number and location of the cylinders of the internal combustion engine; Maximum power (distinction not more than 50%); The working volume of the internal combustion engine (the difference is no more than 50%); Location (front, middle, rear);

2.2.5. Technically permissible maximum mass (distinction of no more than 20%);

2.2.6. Driving axes (number, location, compound);

2.2.7. Controlled axes (number, location).

2.3.1. Environmental class;

2.3.2. Body type / performance of the bootable space (for example, onboard platform, van, dump truck, a saddle-coupling device, tank, isothermal body, specialized equipment) - only for a complete vehicle;

2.3.3. Degree of completion (complete / unfinished);

2.3.4. Power point: Working principle of internal combustion engine (forced ignition / ignition from compression, four-stroke / two-stroke); The number and location of the cylinders of the internal combustion engine; Maximum power (distinction not more than 50%); The working volume of the internal combustion engine (the difference is no more than 50%);

2.3.5. Technically permissible maximum mass (distinction of no more than 20%);

2.3.6. Driving axes (number, location, compound);

2.3.7. Controlled axes (number, location).

2.4.1. Degree of completion (for example: complete / unfinished);

2.4.2. Body type / performance of the bootable space (for example, onboard platform, van, caravan, dump truck, isothermal body, tank, specialized equipment);

2.4.3. Technically permissible maximum mass (distinction of no more than 20%);

2.4.4. Controlled axes (number, location).

2.5.1. Body shape, housing (basic characteristics);

2.5.2. The mass of the vehicle in the curb state (the difference is no more than 20%);

2.5.3. Technically permissible maximum mass (distinction of no more than 20%);

2.5.4. The operating volume of the internal combustion engine (the difference is no more than 30%);

2.5.5. Frame design (obvious and fundamental differences);

2.5.6. Power installation (internal combustion engine / electric motor / Other);

2.5.7. The number and location of the cylinders of the internal combustion engine;

2.5.8. Maximum engine power (distinction not more than 30%);

2.5.9. Type of gearbox (with manual control, automatic).

3. Modifications of vehicles can be divided by the manufacturer on version (configuration) consisting of a parameter-allowed combinations, from among those contained in general technical description Type of vehicle attached to documents certifying compliance with the requirements of this Technical Regulation.


For each version there can be only one value of each of the following parameters:

3.1.1. Technically permissible maximum mass;

3.1.2. Working volume of the internal combustion engine;

3.1.3. Maximum engine power;

3.1.4. Type of gearbox and number of its steps;

3.1.5. The number of seats.

The variables of the following parameters cannot be combined within the same version:

3.2.1. Mass of vehicle in a curb state;

3.2.2. Technically permissible maximum mass;

3.2.3. Power supply power;

3.2.4. Working volume of cylinders internal combustion engine.

- This is a distribution different cars Groups, classes and categories. Depending on the type of construction, the parameters of the power part, destination or features that have certain vehicles, the classification provides for several such categories.

Classification by appointment

Vehicles differ in their intended purpose. You can allocate passenger and trucks, as well as the TC special purpose.

If with passenger and truck cars everything is extremely clear special transport Not intended for the transport of people and cargo. Such cars transport the equipment that is fixed on them. Thus, it is possible to include fire vehicles, auto-shirts, truck cranes, autolars and other cars, equipping in one way or another.

If the passenger car can accommodate up to 8 people without a driver, it is classified as a passenger. If the capacity of the vehicle is more than 8 people, then this type of vehicle is a bus.

The transporter can serve for general purpose Or for the transport of special cargo. Auto-purpose cars have in their design body with sides without a tipping device. They can also be equipped with an awning and arcs for mounting.

Special-purpose trucks have various technical capabilities in their design for the transport of certain goods. For example, panhelevoz is optimized for convenient transportation of panels and construction stoves. The dump truck is used for predominantly bulk cargo. Fuel truck is designed for light petroleum products.

Trailers, semi-trailers, Ruspan trailers

Any TC can be used with additional equipment. These can be trailers, semi-trailers or dissolution.

The trailer is one of the types of vehicles used without a driver. Its movement is carried out by means of a towing.

The semi-trailer is a towed TC without the participation of the driver. Part of the mass is given to the towing car.

Rapup trailer is designed to transport long cargo. The design provides for breathing, whose length may change during operation.

A vehicle performing towing is called a tractor. Such a car is completed with a special device that allows you to clutch the car and any of the trailers. In a different way, such a design is called a saddle, and the tractor is called a saddle tractor. but sadel tractor Located in a separate category of vehicles.

Indexing and species

Earlier in the USSR, each TC model had its own index. He indicated the plant on which the car was produced.

In 1966, they adopted the so-called industry Normal Normal 025270-66 "Classification and a system for the designation of automotive rolling stock, as well as its aggregates and nodes." This document not only allowed to classify vehicles. Based on this situation, trailers and other equipment were also classified.

On this system, all vehicles whose classification has been described in this document had four, five or six digits in their index. For them, it was possible to determine the categories of the vehicle.

Decoding digital indexes

By the second digit, it was possible to know the type of vehicle. 1 - Lucky TC, 2 - Bus, 3 - Truck General Purpose, 4 - Saddle tractor, 5 - dump truck, 6 - tank, 7 - van, 9 - TC Special purpose.

What concerned the first digit, then she denoted the class TS. For example, passenger vehicles, the classification of which was carried out in terms of the engine. Trucks We are divided into classes by weight. Buses distinguished in length.

Classification of passenger TC.

By industry Normal, passenger wheel vehicles were classified as follows.

  • 1 is a particularly small class, the engine volume was up to 1.2 liters;
  • 2 - small class, volume from 1.3 to 1.8 liters;
  • 3 - Cars of middle class, engine volume from 1.9 to 3.5 liters;
  • 4 - a large class with a volume above 3.5 liters;
  • 5 is the highest class of passenger vehicles.

To date, the sectoral normal is no longer obligatory, and many plants do not adhere to it. but domestic manufacturers Auto still use this indexation.

Sometimes you can meet vehicles, the classification of which is not suitable for the first digit in the model. This means that the index assigned the models at the development stage, and then something has changed in the design, and the figure remains.

Foreign production cars and their classification system

Indices of foreign cars, which imported into the territory of our country, were not included in the list of vehicles on the adopted normal. Therefore, in 1992, a system of certification for mechanical vehicles was introduced, and from October 1, 1998 its modified version applies.

For all types of vehicles, which came to turnover in our country, it was necessary to issue a special document called "approval of the type of vehicle". From the document it followed that each TC should have its own separate brand.

To simplify the procedure for passing certification in the Russian Federation, the so-called international classification system is used. In accordance with it, any road vehicle can be attributed to one of the groups - L, M, N, O. other designations do not exist.

Vehicle categories on the international system

The group L includes any vehicle, the number of wheels of which are less than four, as well as quad bikes:

  • L1 is a moped or vehicle with two wheels, which can develop the maximum speed of up to 50 km / h. If there is an internal combustion engine in the design of the vehicle, then the volume should not exceed 50 cm³. If used as a power unit used electrical engine, then the nominal capacity indicators must be less than 4 kW;
  • L2 is a tricycle moped, as well as any vehicle with three wheels, the speed of which does not exceed 50 km / h, and the engine volume is 50 cm³;
  • L3 - a motorcycle with a volume of more than 50 cm³. Its maximum speed is higher than 50 km / h;
  • L4 - a motorcycle equipped with a carriage for the carriage of the passenger;
  • L5 - tricycles whose speed exceeds 50 km / h;
  • L6 is a light quad. The mass of the circular vehicle should not exceed 350 kg; Maximum speed no more than 50 km / h;
  • L7 - Full quad quadrice with weight up to 400 kg.

  • M1 is the vehicle for the transport of passengers who have no more than 8 places;
  • M2 - TC with the number of places for passengers more than eight;
  • M3 - TC with the number of places more than 8 and weighing up to 5 tons;
  • M4 is a vehicle with a number of places more than eight and weighing over 5 tons.
  • N1 - trucks with weight up to 3.5 tons;
  • N2 - TC with a mass of 3.5 to 12 tons;
  • N3 - TC with a mass of more than 12 tons.

Classification of the vehicle on the European Convention

In 1968 in Austria, the Convention was adopted road traffic. The classification that is provided in this document is used to denote various categories of transport.

Types of TC according to the Convention

It includes several categories:

  • And is motorcycles and other two-wheeled motorized techniques;
  • B - Cars with weight up to 3,500 kg and the number of places no more than eight;
  • C - all TCs, except for those belong to the category D. Weight should be more than 3500 kg;
  • D - passenger transporthaving more than 8 places;
  • E - cargo transport, tractor.

Category E allows drivers to manage road trains that consist of a tractor. Also here you can include any classification vehicles in, C, D. These TCs can work as part of a road train. This category of drivers are assigned to the rest of the categories, and it is raised when the car is registered in the vehicle evidence.

Unofficial European classification

In addition to the official classification, there is also an unofficial, which is used quite wide. It is quite popular among the owners of the vehicle. Here, categories can be distinguished depending on the design of vehicles: A, B, C, D, E, F. Basically, automobile journalists are used in reviews for comparison and evaluation.

Class A contains small costs of low cost. F is the most expensive, very powerful and prestigious car brands. In the intervals are the classes of other types of cars. There are no clear frames here. This is a lot of a variety of passenger cars.

With the development of autoinadundry, new cars constantly produce, which subsequently occupy their niches. With new developments, the classification is constantly expanding. It often happens that various models can occupy the boundaries of several classes, thereby forming a new class.

A vivid example of such a phenomenon is a parquet SUV. It is intended for roads with solid coating.


In essence, it unique number TC. This code is encrypted all information about the origin, manufacturer and specifications a particular model. Rooms can be found on many of the on-point nodes and machine units. Basically, they are on the body, chassis elements or special nameplates.

Those who have developed and implemented these numbers introduced the simplest and most reliable method, which significantly facilitates the process of classifying cars. Such a number allows you to significantly protect cars from the hijacking.

The code itself is not a mess of letters and numbers. Each sign carries certain information. The set of ciphers is not very large, each code has 17 characters. Basically, it is the letters of the Latin alphabet and the numbers. This cipher provides a position for a special control number, which is calculated based on the code itself.

The process of calculating the control number is a fairly powerful means of protection against the interrupted numbers. The numbers are not much difficult to destroy. But make such a number so that it falls under the control number - this is already a separate and quite complicated task.

In conclusion, I would like to add that all self-respecting automakers use general rules To calculate the check digit. However, manufacturers from Russia, Japan and Korea do not adhere to such protection methods. By the way, on this code it is easy to find original spare parts for a particular model.

So, we found out what kind of vehicles are, and considered their detailed classification.

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