Quick Machines GTA Singles. The fastest cars in GTA: San Andreas. Modified Machines at Los Santos Customs

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A series of Games Grand Theft Auto has long become a cult. The franchise is also talking about the fact that many Hollywood actors of the first magnitude took part in the voice acting of her characters. Each of the games (more than a dozen more, not counting the additions) has its fans and it is difficult to say which one is the best. But one of them, GTA: San Andreas., can be allocated for an unprecedented amount vehicleavailable to the player.

Self quick cars In "GTA: San Andreas" - talk today about the top ten high-speed cars of the fifth game of the famous franchise.

Since the release of GTA: San Andreas did not wash the hot debates about which cars in the game are the fastest. Each player defended his favorite, while one of the tier fans of the autosimulant did not spend the Grand Test of the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. On the matter, he approached responsibly and tested at the runway of the airport San Fierro 140 cars. They had to drive a certain distance in the minimum time.

10. Elegy | Maximum speed - 200 km / h

On 10th place in the ranking of the fastest cars in "GTA: San Andreas" is located Elegy.. Prototype of this racing car - Nissan Skyline R32. The maximum speed is 200 km / h. This is a steady car with excellent speed characteristics. Due to the fact that the machine has a bad clutch at high speeds, it is often used for drift. Finding Elegy is easy - it appears in several places on the street and can also be found in the auto show when the Test Drive mission is passing.

Virtual price of a car - 35 thousand dollars.

9. ZR-350 | Maximum speed - 200 km / h

The ninth place among the fastest cars in "GTA: San Andreas" occupies a sports car. The machine is based on two prototypes: Mazda RX-7 and Nissan Silvia S14 ( rear lights). The maximum speed is 200 km / h. Appears in the game in many places, first of all - in rich areas. It has excellent characteristics, but bad control at high speeds.

Interesting fact - ZR-350 is the only car in GTA: San Andreas, which can be lowered and raised headlights.

The virtual cost of the car is 45 thousand dollars.

8. Buffalo | Price Maximum speed - 200 km / h

The famous sports car takes eighth place in the list of the fastest machines in GTA: San Andreas. It is not known what kind of car served as a Buffalo prototype. It could be Chevrolet Camaro. and Opel Manta B2. The maximum speed is 200 km / h. This is one of the most common sports cars in the game. Perfectly behaves in driving off-road, and therefore is considered a universal car.

Price - 35 thousand dollars.

7. Comet | Maximum speed - 200 km / h

Sport car Comet. - On the 7th place in the ranking of the fastest machines in "GTA: San Andreas". Sports prototype - Porsche 911. The maximum speed is 200 km / h. Excellent handling, high speed and braking make a "comet" one of the best sports cars in GTA: San Andreas.

Comet can be found in Las Venturas, where she often drives through the streets, and in some other places: near golf courses, from Ester Bay Airport.

The virtual cost of the car is 35 thousand dollars.

6. Cheetah | Maximum speed - 230 km / h

On the 6th place in the list of the fastest cars in the game "GTA: San Andreas" is a sports car. The prototype of a sports car is Ferrari Testarossa F512 M. The maximum speed is 230 km / h. Perfectly "holds the road" at high speed. Appears in the game in several places and race tournaments. Cheetah - one of the best sports cars In GTA: San Andreas.

5. Turismo | Maximum speed - 240 km / h

The fifth place among the fastest machines in GTA: San Andreas occupies a two-door sports car. Its design is gorgeous: aerodynamic forms, anti-cycle, low landing. High-speed characteristics are also impressive - the maximum speed of Turismo is 240 km / h. Sport car Unlike many other cars from the GRAND THEFT AUTO series first appeared in GTA: San Andreas. Sports prototype - Ferrari F40.

Turismo is one of the best in handling and fast cars. Perfectly behaves when driving off-road. In the game, sports car can be found at night in Las Venturas on Strepe. Chances to find Turismo rises if the player is driving the sports car.

The virtual cost of a sports car - 95 thousand dollars.

4. Bullet | Maximum speed - 230 km / h

On 4th place in the ranking of the fastest cars in GTA: San Andreas is a sports car. The prototype of the machine is Ford GT. The maximum speed is 230 km / h. Has excellent high-speed characteristics, distinguished excellent handling and stylish design. You can find a sports car in the game in the game in three places - in Parking in San Fierro, in a driving school and in one of the courtyards in the Doerti area.

The cost of the car is 105 thousand dollars.

3. BANSHEE | Maximum speed - 200 km / h

At the third position in the ranking of the fastest cars in "GTA: San Andreas" there is a sports car with an open top. The maximum speed is 200 km / h, but in the test he took the honorable third place. Banshee has excellent handling and good acceleration, which makes this sports car one of the best in the GRAND THEFT AUTO Games. Acceleration of a sports car is one of the best in the game. Banshee can accelerate to 100 km / h in 4.41 seconds. Driving this car requires a competent approach: when driving in a racing style, the likelihood of drifts is significantly reduced. You need to slow down smoothly, otherwise Banshee will go through.

Machine prototype - Dodge Viper RT / 10. Meets in San Fierro and Las Venturas.

The virtual cost of a sports car - 45 thousand dollars.

2. Hotring Racer | Maximum speed - 238 km / h

In second place among the fastest machines in GTA: San Andreas is located. The maximum speed of this special racing car is 238 km / h. You can find the car after the successful completion of the Mission "Rouss Eight" near the Los Santos-Forum stadium in Los Santos.

The cost is 45 thousand dollars.

1. Infernus | Maximum speed - 240 km / h

Luxury sports car

Hello everyone. With you communication team GameBizLub, and today we have prepared an article in which we will tell about the car in GTA 5. Each player who has ever ever Grand Theft AUTO 5, could not pay attention to the diversity of available vehicles. None of the previous parts of the franchise can boast of such a large assortment of means of movement. And even more pleases the fact that in addition to standard, stocks, cars have many rare and tunned tanks, as well as specialized machines of various units.

Many gamers have long been familiar with GTA gaming mechanics, and if you know what it is - to run for several hours around the city in search of the right transport, and then finding what you need, meet it at every corner - then this article is accurate for you.

In Los Santos and County Blaine, there are not a lot of static parking spaces of unique cars - we will try to narrow the search for the circle as stronger.

From this article you will learn:


Visiting the parking lot of the above cultural and entertainment complex, you barely have time to catch the jaw in a millimeter from the floor, because here a fairy tale for fans of sports cars and others expensive cars. It is noteworthy that by moving up a hundred meters, and then returning, you can see other models of cars. You can also use download and save.

Karin Sultan.

This sporty sedan is located in Parking, near the hotel Billinsgate, and not far from Mr. Clinton's garage, which is on Groove Street. If there were no cars in the specified locations, you can try to save-download. After a certain number of attempts, the car will necessarily arise in a parking place.

In multiplayer mode, go to the Bolingbrook prison and select Last location in the SPAWN Location settings, then change the session until the car is in the parking lot.

Karin Futo.

The easiest way to find this wheelbarrow by changing the character on Franklin - if the guy stands in traffic, then the likelihood is that Futo will be near.

Trufadde Adder.

On the porto-drive costs one of the fastest in the game of machines, which is a copy of Bugatti Veyron.

Vapid Sandking XL.

Having visited the beach near Del Piero Pier, you can save your character of good 45 thousand dollars, because just so much this car is in the online store. Although the machine and all-wheel drive, we advise you to drive into one of the Los Santos Customs salons and pump it the characteristics, for the best ride in the mountains and other off-road.


In the article about we talked about this vehicle, and although it looks like it looks very non-zero, many players love this wheelbarrow very much, because there are plenty of different parts in the garages. Most often, the car will be sprinkled in one of the six points in Sandy Shorres.

IN GTA Online. Rat-Loader is also deployed in Sandy Shorrs, and besides this you can purchase it on the Internet for six thousand dollars.

Fire Truck.

In order to find fire Machine, It is enough to visit any fire fighter - they are parked near each of them, but you should know that I will not work in the previous parts of the game, the maximum that the player is available to water from the brand all others. More simple option It is the challenge of 911, followed by the car of the car, as it is much faster than to look for fire parts.

Park Ranger.

Specialized car designed for foresters. Often, it can be stumbled upon a cross near the Mountain of Chilliad, but it is much easier to look at this SUV parking lot at the satellite service station. Immediately warn you that security can try to prevent you from, but it will not be easy to deal with them.


This SUV differs from the previous one not only by the color range, but also by the fact that it is intended for rescuers, respectively and is located on the beaches. The easiest way to get such a thing is to visit the Supervisory Pier at Del Piero.


A magnificent rusty tractor will allow you to feel like a farmer from some depth. Rides hardly slower than the protagonist walks on foot, but for lovers agriculture This is a joy - you can admire the nature.

Canis Mesa by Merryweather

Cool custom SUVs from the Merrierzer, to acquire which in a single-user playing game only during missions, where the character faces mercenaries to the aforementioned organization. In the online mode, after 35 levels, you can "call" help from mercenaries, and then select their transport.

Ubermacht Sentinel XS.

This car does not have a clear space for the spa, so I will have to look for a furrowing urban expanses. By the way, riding on simple Sentinel does not provoke the mass appearance of XS.

Declasse Asea.

A sedan, having four doors, it would seem, nothing remarkable, except that this car is very cool tuning. Mass of various settings are available for this model in LS Customs, so it is necessary to get it to get that, by the way, it is possible to do only once for the whole game:

  1. Buy Pier Sonar Collections Dock, and then proceed to perform a blitz game.
  2. Select Mr. Townli and follow to the pier, where the ability to complete two tasks for ebigeyl will appear.
  3. During the fulfillment of the second in the Cat scene, the car will be seen, but the doors will be closed.
  4. After graduating from the roller, run to the car and get drunk.
  5. Ready - car at your disposal.

Buying cars

Trading in GRAND THEFT AUTO V is delivered to the flow, and the number of Internet sites selling vehicles equals six.

In order to get to the desired one you can use the browser in the phone or the Internet from Laptop, then go to the Travel and Transport section and already from there by pushing to the appropriate banner, go to the store itself. Also, the transition through writing the address in the address bar is not excluded.

Of course, not everyone boasts cars in the assortment, so we will only dwell on three of them:

  1. LegendaryMotorsport.net - At this site, the player offers a purchase not only expensive sports cars, but also classic models. A pleasant moment is ten percent discount on the entire range of the store, which becomes available after subscription to the site page in LifeInvander.
  2. Warstock-Cash-and-carry.com - Site by implementing military equipment, among which there are military trucks, SUVs and even the most real tank, which, by the way, costs 3 million dollars.
  3. SouthernSanandreaSuperautos.com - a shop that sells a variety of cars, from simple urban sedans and crossovers to high-speed cars.

You already know how to get a steep wheelbarrow, and perhaps you have a reasonable question - how to change the main character of the character? Well, you will not like our answer, because it is impossible to do this - the main vehicle remains fixed behind the protagonist without the possibility of its replacement. All that can be done is to configure and change it appearance. It is possible that any talented models have already corrected this problem with the help of the supplement, but this will not help players on consoles.

On this, our small article came to the end, now you will definitely not ride on slow cars, and the hot sun Los Santos will be nicking your gaming characters. Share a link to an article with friends on social networks and subscribe to blog updates. See you soon. Bye Bye.

It's no secret that "GTA: San Andreas" is one of the most popular computer games throughout history. When she was born, there were such functions in it and the possibilities that the gamers could not even dream about. And at the same time adding these functions did not go to the detriment of all other aspects of the game. Moreover, in this game, the multiplayer regime was added. In all previous parts of GTA, only a single game was available, which was upset by many gamers. But the most important thing is that the number of car models here has not diminished. On the contrary, it even has grown, and now you can try out a wide variety of vehicles. In this article, you will learn some of the names of the cars in GTA: San Andreas. Naturally, it will not be random car brands. Especially all names will not be listed, as they are too much. You will learn the names of the machines in Gta: San Andreas, which stand out against the rest of the rest.

Criteria for evaluation

Why is it all necessary? In fact, for the gameplay, none of these indicators play a particularly important role, but you can try to find these machines exclusively for your own pleasure. After reading the article, you will know all the necessary names of the machines in "GTA: San Andreas", and then you will only have to find them directly in the game itself.


This is not the easiest point, since the other two are accurate values, while attractiveness is a relative concept. Transport in "GTA: San Andrea" is so diverse that everyone will find the car that he likes most. But if you try, you can select a couple of models, the names of which are worth remembering. For example, a very stylish machine looks like Alpha, but it is not inferior to an impressive Banshee. For lovers, retro can be advised to look for a car called Blade. From other vehicles in GTA: San Andreas is very different from the COMET machine, which you definitely want to add to your own collection.


Now that you already know what cars should pay attention to if you are interested in appearance, it's time to deal with what car in the game is the fastest. Two cars in GTA: San Andreas can develop maximum speedSo you should remember the names and the same. The first is Infernus, and the second is Turismo. As for directly the speed itself, they can accelerate up to 240 kilometers per hour, which is very impressive.


If we consider all vehicles, then the most expensive will become naturally the Rhino tank, the purchase of which will cost you at 110 thousand dollars. But if you want to learn what cars are the most expensive, then the tank should be excluded from the comparison. And then, as a result, only three cars will remain, each of which costs 105 thousand dollars.

The first one was mentioned above - this is one of the most beautiful models in the game, Bullet. Please note that it practically fell into all three categories, as its speed is 230 kilometers per hour, which is only 10 kilometers per hour less than at the record holders.

The second car is Cheetah, which also develops a speed of 230 kilometers per hour, as well as, according to many users, belongs to the category of the most beautiful carsSo this name you should also remember.

Well, the last car whose name will be mentioned in this article, is Super GT. Like previous cars, it has a unique appearance, accelerates to 230 kilometers per hour, and also costs 105 thousand dollars.

Why in the last category did not get the most fast cars? The fact is that Turismo looks far from as attractive, so it is recommended to take it only if you need exactly the speed. As for Inferno, the appearance of this car is impressive, but it costs only 95 thousand dollars, that is, ten thousand dollars less than three winners in this category.

One way or another, each of the cars specified in this article deserves your attention. Moreover, it is recommended to carefully examine the extensive open world of the game in search of other fast, expensive and stylish cars.

Due to the large number of user problems with search and requests for help, we decided to highlight the section in which you can find the main advice and the rules for the search for secrets.

  • Patience. To find any car, you need to work hard. Very rarely needed TS will be sprinkled from the first attempt, often you need to make no one dozen circles until it appears. It plays the role of His Majesty case. For the game day or the time specified by us in a number of cars, it may not appear at all. Therefore, do not rush to write in the guide that something does not work with you. We, Hyde developers, left the days (real) to search for one car. Remember: patience and work will be perfect!
    An exception: Golden and chrome Dubsta cannot be found using usual. As it turned out, the secret and ordinary - absolutely different cars, Let the name and appearance of the same (almost). You need an assistant to search for such a Dubsta.
  • Suitable vehicle for search. The car you need also affects the car on which you are looking for it. To speed up the appearance of the desired vehicle, as it were, to "push" on Spaun, you need to look for it on the same (not necessarily in tuning). For example, in search of the Gauntlet from the southern LSC, it is better to take the usual Gauntlet. This will significantly affect the result: both will speed up the spoon, it will increase the chance of spauna exactly what you need.
  • Savain time. Most secrets have its own range of appearance. These are the main ranges:
    1. 7:00 - 12:00
    2. 12:00 - 14:00
    3. 19:00 - 2:00
    4. 22:00 - 4:00
    5. The secret Dubsta has a special range: 7:00 - 16:00
    In many screenshots, the time is specified in which the car is found. You can determine the appearance range. As you load, we will add screenshots with time instead of "empty". In extreme cases, you can intuitively define approximately time on the screenshot (drop of rays of the sun). If you do not adhere to the appearance time, the result of your search will be zero.
  • Departure distance from point. So that the car had the opportunity to appear, you need to leave the spane point far enough. 500-600 meters will be enough.
  • Auxiliary task. Simplify your life in a sense can task Rockstar "Failure to maintain": it is fixed at 12:00. Thus, you can easily search for cars that appear at this time. If you do not find this task in the list of tasks in the game, then ask a friend who has it is, create a lobby with you. After passing, the task will appear on your list. P. S. You can go to the garage only if you do not have a package with documents (on task). For the addition, thanks to the user Dr.Zoidberg.

Grand Theft AUTO 5 Online has a great variety of different vehicles. You can always buy any of the proposed vehicles and pump in your own taste. However, sometimes unusual instances can be found on the stainless districts, whether it is a completely unique model or an ordinary, but already modified vehicle.

Pink Stretch.

This limousine is unique in its pink color, because it is impossible to repaint limousines, and they are only standard in white or black colors. To find this limousine, go about 02:00 to the Cockatoos nightclub. Limousine should stand parked there.

Modified Vapid Sandking XL

Sandking XL Find in the game is easy, but if you want a pumped copy, you can find it in the Grand Senorra desert in the parking lot at the store, located opposite Los Santos Customs. Usually there appear Stock "Sandkings", but the likelihood of the appearance of a modified version is greater. Tuned Sandking can be either bright yellow or blue colors.

Unique cars Vagosov

Several vehicles can be found at once in the Rancho area. All of them are modified versions of ordinary machines that can be found on the streets of the city. It is the appearance of the cars that will not let you just go past. In addition, these cars can be sold more expensive than regular models. Here you can find Albany Bucaneer, Albany Manana, Vapid Peyote, Declasse Tornado.

Unique cars Ballasov

Ballas, like Wagosov, has its own modified machines. To find them, you will have to make a babble at once beloved by us "Grub Street". Most often, the car appear at the end of the street at night. You can find here all the same cars as in the territory of the Vagosov.

Modified Machines at Los Santos Customs

Very often, the auto repair shop Los Santos Customs has already modified cars. It can facilitate your life if there are models that you wanted to pump. Also, such cars can be sold and get a small profit. Separately, it is worth mentioning chrome-plated Benefactor Dubsta. To search for his search, please create a motorcyclub and make you captain. Using the interaction menu "M - Captain Motocluba - ability", choose the usual Benefactor Dubsta and find a chrome or gold version with it. However, you need to search in the gap of playing time from 7:00 to 16:00.

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