At what temperature, Tosol and antifreeze boils and why. Zakipel antifreeze boils the expansion tank what to do

the main / Protection \\ Hydones

In the car cooling system, a refrigerant must be used corresponding to the standard of the power unit. Regular operation of the car with the antifreeze that spent its resource can contribute to the overheating of the engine. What is the boiling point of Tosla and what the motor boiling can lead to, we will tell below.


Temperature and causes of boiling liquids in the engine

It is not recommended to use water instead of coolant, as it cannot cool the engine qualitatively. If water is flooded in the barrel under the hood, then at atmospheric pressure 760 mm, the boiling point of the liquid in degrees will be 100. Depending on the type of refrigerant used, this indicator may be different. In antifreeze of the standard G11 or G12 red, green or any other color, the boiling point will be 120 ° C. If a traditional Tosol is flooded in the cooling system radiator, then 105 ° C-110 ° C.

User Roman Romanov removed a roller in which he told about the causes of the boiling of the power unit.

We will analyze the reasons why after stopping the engine or during the movement, the Felix A40 refrigerant is boiling, Motul, Alaska, Tosol and others.

Insufficient number of ож

This is considered one of the main causes of boiling. Ideally, the level of the consuming should be located between the risks of min and max on the tank. If the drop in volume is associated with the non-volatile fluid, then the first thing to do is add a refrigerant to the system. When the reason is to leak, it is necessary to eliminate the problem, then pour the latter into the tank. In the presence of leakage, the pressure in the cooling system does not correspond to the norm, it leads to the fact that force aggregate Machines boils. When diagnosing, pay attention to the cork of the tank. In the event that it is damaged and not fixed normally on the thread, it must be changed. The lack of refrigerant may be associated with its evaporation.

Fault of a ventilator

Owners often face such a problem modern machinesEquipped with electric fans. When the refrigerant temperature in expansion tank It increases to a specific point, the controller is turned on, which closes the electrical power to the device activation and includes it. As a result of a trigger, the temperature of the motor operation is reduced. There is a version of the fan diagnostics. Look at the device when the refrigerant temperature in the engine will increase to 100 degrees and higher. If the device does not turn on, then try closing the contacts connected to the fan activation controller. When the closure did not help, then the reason should be sought in the electrical engine of the device. Most likely, the fan will have to change.

Electric fan auto


Another reason why the refrigerant Felix or any other boils can be in the appearance of an air traffic jam in the cooling system. The presence of air leads to the fact that the circulation of the liquid is disturbed. Usually the appearance of air traffic jams is associated with replacement of coolant. To get rid of the problem, you need to put a car, raising his front part. After that, open the hood and unscrew the lid on the radiator device, start the engine. At this time, the assistant should quickly press several times on the gas pedal, at the same time you press the hoses of the cooling system. At the same time, bubbles may appear in the expansion tank, they talk about air output from highways. After removing the plug, add the required amount of fluid into the system.

Poor-quality oh

Such a problem is known to all car owners who at one time saved to buy a substance. If you acquire a low-quality refrigerant, it can be diluted with water. And since its boiling point is lower, respectively, there is a possibility of boiling an aggregate.

Fault gasket GBC

If the CCC sealant extends, this leads to a disruption of the tightness of the cooling system. In this case, antifreeze will fall into the lubrication channels motor fluidAnd the oil is mixed with the refrigerant. To diagnose the problem, run the power unit of the machine, the assistant at this time should start moving. If, with an increase in revolutions and touching in the expansion tank, bubbles appeared, it says about damage to the gasket, you can only change it. With the wear of the sealer from the silencer, it will go white smoke with refrigerant residues, also traces of antifreeze will be on the ignition candlelight. The volume of coolant will decrease.

Faults in the cooling system

We are talking about breakdowns of the water pumping device or the use of nodes from other manufacturers. The reason may be in the contamination of the radiator. If in your auto the ventilator is installed on the pump, the problem may be related to the absence of a normal airflow. When a pumping device is used without a protective cover, this leads to a blowing unit by a hot air flow accumulating in motor compartment.

At what temperature, Tosol boils, the user Alexander Skripchenko will tell in his roller.

Thermostat failure

When the engine temperature of the machine increases to 90 degrees, the device opens a special valve, resulting in starts big circle Circulation of refrigerant on the system. If the valve does not open, the antifreeze will move only in a small circle, which will lead to the boiling of the fluid. To diagnose the condition of the device, you need to open the hood and touch the hoses connected to the mechanism. If the highway on which antifreeze comes to the radiator device is more hot, this indicates the need to replace the radiator.

Exhaust refrigerant

This option is less fraught for a car owner than others. Over time, the cooling fluid loses its properties as a result of changing the chemical composition, it always occurs with a long use of the same brand of coolant. It is necessary to change the refrigerant.

Breakdown of radiator device

Such an element of the cooling system is usually breaking as a result of clogging the device with mud and precipitation of the liquid. As a result, the air flow is significantly reduced, which passes through the device. The cause of the malfunction may be in the formation of scale and appearance of deposits in highways. Because of this, the thermal conductivity of nozzles is reduced, which leads to insufficient cooling.

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1. Deposit in a refrigerant tank 2. Fitting the thermostat of the cooling system 3. Damaged cooling radiator 4. Damaged GBC Motor Laying


There are several levels of overheating of the power unit - weak, medium, as well as high. In the first case, the motor operates on a hot chek chemgent for no more than five minutes. During this period, significant damage should not happen. With an average overheating, the power unit functions with a boiling refrigerant for about 15 minutes.

Over this time:

  • in the main cooling radiator, leakage may appear;
  • there will be damage to the nozzles of the cooling system, which will lead to;
  • piston rings will start working under high loads, these elements will be subjected to shrinkage, as a result of which the motor fluid consumption will increase several times;
  • the tightness of the glands and seals will be disturbed, which will lead to leakage of lubricant.

What is dangerous high temperature for car engine:

  1. Explosion of the power unit. Such a problem may occur during critical overheating.
  2. Melting pistons in the motor. As a result of working in high temperatures, elements may rush. Required overhaul Engine.
  3. Deformation of the head of the cylinder block. Such damage requires the repair and boring of the GBC.
  4. It will be destroyed by partitions in the engine installed between the rings, as a result of which the latter are prior to each other.
  5. Deformation of valves. It will take the replacement of parts.
  6. There will be extended or damage to the gasket of the GBC. It will also require serious repairs with the replacement of the sealer and the installation of new bolts on the block head.
  7. The nests of the valves are destroyed.

How to warn?

To prevent malfunctions associated with the operation of the cooling system, the car owner must regularly monitor the condition of the machine.

We are talking about timely maintenance. If there are first signs of breakage, all the elements failed to be replaced. It is always necessary to monitor the condition and level of fluid in the cooling system. If it has sediments, the sediment, the substance should be replaced and flushing the channel channels.

The channel auto cut removed the roller in which recommendations are given to solve the problem of overheating internal combustion.

What to do when boiling?

What needs to be done first if the engine engine boiled:

  1. Reduce the load on the car's power unit. To do this, turn on the neutral speed and rolling until the car does not completely stop, you do not need the engine. Also turn on the heater on full powerThis will cool the engine.
  2. When the machine stops, fading the power unit, but do not disconnect the ignition, as the stove should work.
  3. Open the hood of the car, it will ensure the engine blowing with cold air.
  4. Wait about twenty minutes. Unscrew the reservoir cover with a refrigerant in the engine compartment, since the hot cooling fluid can be sprinkled. Hitting hot toxol skin will lead to burns.
  5. Try to get to the nearest service station or garage, where the diagnostic procedure will be performed. It is better for the car towed. If you go to the maintenance station far, then evaluate the refrigerant rate in the container. When lacking, the fluid is added to the system, but if its volume is catastrophically low, it is necessary to do it carefully, since sharp cooling will also lead to malfunctions in the motor operation.
  6. After cooling the engine, launch the unit and slowly go to a hundred or garage. During the trip, control the motor temperature. As soon as you see that it has increased, the unit must be drowning and waited until it cools. It is necessary to go only with the stove turned on.

Antifreeze is needed in the car cooling system to ensure correct operation of the motor. Antifreeze has more high temperature Boiling than water, but it happens, does not withstand the load, boiling right in the car cooling system. The reasons for such boiling can be buried in completely different areas.

Why antifreeze boils in an expansion tank

The first sign of boiling antifreeze is a couple, flowing out of the hood, during the movement of the car.

Went couples from under the hood - Zakipel antifreeze

What reasons for the boiling antifreeze are:

  • The low level of coolant in the expansion tank. This reason is one of the most prosperous options for the development of events, as it is not so terrible consequences. Especially if the coolant is filled into the car for a long time. In this case, antifreeze needs to simply add to the required mark. The situation is complicated if the antifreeze was poured, let's say, relatively recently, and now it is not at all left in the expansion tank. This means that there is a platoon and leak, which you need to immediately eliminate
  • Thermostat breakdown. This mechanism is needed to properly circulate the coolant on a small and large circle of the system. When a thermostat breakdown, the valve ceases to pass fluid into a large circle of cooling system. With this state of affairs, antifreeze will continuously circulate only on a small circle and does not have time to cool, which, in fact, leads to the boiling process. To check this hypothesis, it is necessary to find nozzles that are attached to it. Nozzles must be represented in the number of two pieces. Next to compare the temperature of the two pipes. If one is hot, and the other is cold, then the problem is in the thermostat breakdown. Checking nozzles, be extremely careful, as they can be hot. If the fault found in urban environments, you can change the thermostat right on the spot or cause the tow truck. If the breakage found somewhere outside the city, it is recommended to pass no more than five kilometers at a time, waiting for a constantly complete cooling of the motor. Also pour water into the cooling system. Thus, you need to get to the nearest car service and replace the thermostat
  • Excessive pressure. You can diagnose this problem as follows: Antifreeze boils, and the sensor shows the optimal temperature. The solution of such a fault is not distinguished by difficulty: the cooling system is set with a special temperature sensor. With an excessive pressure situation, a special valve will release antifreeze back to the tank
  • Radiator malfunctions. It is possible to form a clogging due to precipitate caused by antifreeze. The precipitate can be caused by dust. Because of this, antifreeze does not succeed properly cool and boils. It is also possible to form a precipitate in nozzles. With your own hands, this problem is quite difficult to solve, so it is quite possible to appeal to the auto repair shop
  • The cooling fluid pump failed. Thus, antifreeze ceases to move along the cooling system, which, in turn, leads to overheating of the motor. This can happen due to the failure of the impeller blades, or due to the fact that the shaft bearing broke. All these problems in the amount lead to one - the antifreeze is boiling in the expansion tank.

The above breakdowns have a different degree of complexity of repair, and also have different final consequences for the car as a whole. To boil antifreeze not at the most inopportune moment, you need to make preventive actions - periodically ride on a technical inspection, or track the condition of the cooling system vehicle.

What to do if the antifreeze in an expansion tank boiled

There is a myth among car owners that when the antifreeze is boiling, the expansion tank should be discovered and adding there ordinary waterAfter that, you can continue the movement. These actions are absolutely incorrect.

Zakpel antifreeze Do not open the lid of the expansion tank - you can teach burns

If when the car was moved, it was noted that the temperature of the antifreeze rises above the norm, then it should immediately translate the stove into the "warm" position to the maximum and launch its fan. It is recommended to lower the glass immediately, since the temperature of the cabin will start steadily to grow. With these actions, you can provide additional cooling of the coolant, by passing it through the cabin radiator. Next, you should smoothly move to the nearest car repair shop, following the indication of the temperature of the antifreeze and not giving a greater load turnover on the motor.

If the motor overheating light bulb is turned on or the temperature arrow shows a sharp increase, then immediately make an emergency stop. It is important to do it before the motor began to boil. After that, you need to call assistance: either a tow truck, or ask someone to take a faulty car on a tug.

In the event that the boiling of the motor still happened, then it is impossible to open an expansion tank under any circumstances. The fact is that there is a risk of getting very strong burns, as a result of a splash of boiling liquid. It is impossible, in addition, and pour water to boiling toosol. The fact is that the temperature difference can lead to the fact that cracks and holes are formed in the head of the cylinder block. This fact will lead to expensive repairs. It should be remembered that it is possible to add antifreeze or water only when the engine is completely cooled. Top the antifreeze in the expansion tank follows the same brand, otherwise there may be a mixing that will lead to new faults. If you add water to antifreeze, then, naturally, the concentration of the latter will fall and the cooling properties will be reduced.

When boiling antifreeze, you need to stop the movement of the car, open the hood and wait for the complete cooling of the motor. After that, it is recommended to tow the car or with the help of a tow truck, or using another car on the cable.

After fixing the breakdown, it is necessary to replace antifreeze in the cooling system.


The permanent boiling of fluid in the car cooling system should be perceived as a serious malfunction, since it threatens overheating the power unit.

IN modern cars Normal engine operation internal combustion It is ensured by its permanent cooling (due to the circulation of antifreeze). The liquid cooling system in the complex with air maintains a constant temperature in the motor of about 90 ° C.

During the operation of the vehicle, the bus owner may face that antifreeze or toosol in the engine begins to boil, leaks occur, etc. In this article, we will look at why the toosol / antifreeze drilling appears in the expansion tank, as well as how to eliminate this malfunction.

What you need to know: about the operation of the cooling system

Without an understanding of the principle of the cooling system, it is difficult to diagnose the causes of problems and repair. The scheme is functions for this algorithm:

1. While the motor does not warm, antifreeze (toosol) circulates along a small circle of cooling, including a water shirt, a stove and a thermostat. The level of fluid (abbreviated - coolant) in the expansion tank remains within the normal range.

2. As the motor heated, the thermostat opens a large circulation circuit - through the main radiator. Antifreeze in the system expands and its excess is entered into the tank. The increasing pressure is poured by the bypass valve cover.

3. Upon reaching 95 ° C, the entire liquid passes through the main radiator and expands to the maximum volume. The reset of its excess occurs through the additional upper radiator nozzle, so the impression arises that antifreeze boils in the container.

4. The cooling of the power unit leads to the compression of the coolant to the original volume and the pressure drop. In order not to occur, the expansion tank plug valve is admired the outer air into the system.

Reference. In some models, the car provides 2 reset of excess antifreeze into the tank - from the radiator and the salon heater.

Depending on the design of the cooling system, the valve cover is installed on the expansion tank or the neck of the radiator. In the second case, the discharge of fluid begins after exceeding a certain pressure, and the tank is constantly communicated with the atmosphere by means of a hole in the traffic jam.

Antifreeze and its properties

Antifreeze is referred to as cooling fluids having a low freezing temperature. They consist of different proportions of water and concentrate (for example, ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, and the last more expensive, but less toxic). Tosol is the Soviet trademark, in fact it is a separate species of antifreeze.

We go further. Initially, the engines were cooled with water, but it had to be abandoned due to a number of properties: the low boiling point (100 ° C), the expansion of the volume in frost during freezing, as a result of which the engine and the engine head cracks and it leads to expensive repair or replacement of elements.

The antifreeze, compared with water, the boiling point is higher, and the freezing is below. When using antifreeze, the extreme boiling point varies from 108 to 125 ° C. The reason for this run is different composition, which affects the quality of cooling fluids. The smaller their price, the lower the boiling point becomes. Especially low-quality antifreeze boil already at 85 ° C. It is quite obvious that when buying it is undesirable, because the service life and the service life of the engine depends on the quality of the coolant.

It is important to remember that even temperature-resistant antifreeze for one or another reasons boil. Let's consider the main reasons for the boiling of antifreeze (antifreeze).

Causes of antifreeze boiling in the expansion tank

To begin with, 2 concepts should be divided - boiling the coolant as a result of overheating and drilling antifreeze in the expansion tank.

So, the easiest and rapidly solved problem for the driver is the insufficient level of antifreeze in the expansion tank. If it is not enough, then the heating of the coolant in the system is enhanced, the antifreeze overheats and boils.

In this case, the antifreeze either has not changed and lost its properties, or is not entirely flooded. In this case, it is necessary to attach the required amount of coolant to the level between the MIN and MAX marks on the expansion tank body.

If the level of antifreeze continues to fall, then the tightness of the expansion tank or the cooling system is broken and the fluid flows. In this case, you need to check the tank, squabbles and hoses, search the place of leakage. If you cannot fix the problem, it is necessary to check the tightness of the cooling system for a service station.

⇒ Also the cause of drilling in an expansion tank may be a thermostat malfunction. It supports the optimal temperature of the engine, adjusts the temperature of the antifreeze circulating over the large and small circuit of the cooling system.

Upon reaching 90 ° C, the special valve between the contours opens, the coolant passes from the small circle to the large, then cools when passing through the radiator. When the thermostat breaks, this valve jars, the antifreeze does not cool and boils in the expansion tank.

To check the health of the thermostat, it is necessary to drown out the engine, open the hood, inspect the nozzles and compare their temperature. If one of them is cold, and the other (attached to the radiator), hot, it means that the problem is in the thermostat. In this case, you need to change the thermostat.

⇒ If the temperature indicator of the coolant, which is in the auto cabin, shows the norm, and the antifreeze still boils, means the problem in the pressure, since the pressure on the liquid increases, from which it also boils.
Another reason for the boiling of antifreeze can be in the insufficient operation of the cooling radiator. One way or another, the radiator is not able to provide sufficient cooling of the coolant and protect the motor from overheating, especially in the heat in the traffic jam. Then enough to drown the engine so that the car is cooled.

As for clogging of the radiator tubes, in this case they decrease the thermal conductivity. As a result, the cooling abilities of the radiator are reduced. The reason is the accumulation of deposits in the tubes (often after the use of poor-quality antifreeze).

It is often formed in a radiator formed, as a result, the circulation of the cooler fluid deteriorates and it is boil. A contaminated radiator needs an immediate flushing for a service station or replacement.

⇒ Also, the problem of insufficient cooling of coolant in the radiator is solved using a fan, which is fixed on the radiator. It turns on automatically with an increase in antifreeze temperature above 90 ° C and blows the engine with cold air to prevent overheating.

However, there is often a failure of the fan itself. If the temperature of the engine is 100 ° C, there are steam, and the fan does not rotate, it means that the cause and boiling of antifreeze in the fan. Also, its breakdown can be determined by ear: with a non-operating cooling fan hot Engine It works relatively quiet.

⇒ Even after replacing antifreeze in the cooling system or during air suction, sometimes there are aerial traffic jams, impede the circulation of coolant. You can get rid of them if with an assistant to call on the elevation before that the radiator is at the top point. Next, you need to unscrew the radiator cork, start the motor, press the cooling system nozzles to eliminate air stoppers. At the same time, the assistant must be intensively repay. Then the radiator stop should be twisted back and attached the missing amount of antifreeze.

Powered antifreeze is the shortest way to problems with the engine. Such cooling fluids are cheap, but they clog separate elements (radiator) and contaminate water Pompeproviding antifreeze circulation. The low productivity of the water pump leads to a boiling of the coolant, the pump itself quickly rust.

It is important to remember that the operation of the machine with damaged pump will lead to the engine breakdown. In this situation, the car must be delivered to a hundred using a tow truck or taken another machine into a tug.

⇒ We add that the antifreeze boil the cylinder block rotates. In this case, the tightness of the cooling system is disturbed. Cooling fluid may be in the exhaust composition, bubbles appear in the tank, the level of coolant decreases. In this case, the gasket must be replaced.

How to eliminate a malfunction?

When antifreeze in the expansion tank boils, and the thermometer arrow shows 110 ° C and more, you need to drown out the motor and check the following points:

1. Try your hand the lower part of the radiator. If it remains cold, the problem lies in the thermostat. Give the engine to cool and slowly get to the garage or maintenance station. A faulty thermostat is subject to replacement, it is not amenable to repair.

2. Unwinding in time the electric fan is connected directly to the battery and continue moving towards a familiar car electrician that can put an accurate diagnosis.

3. Determine the degree of clogging of the radiator is unrealless without disassembling the system and dismantling the element. Check this version last.

4. The jamming and destruction of the pump is accompanied by a sharp jump temperature of antifreeze and leakage of the water pump. The item will have to replace, go further unacceptable.

5. Signs of air traffic formation are identical to the symptoms of the thermostat malfunction. Another thing is that it does not arise from scratch: Most likely, you unsuccessfully filled with antifreeze system.

To remove the air traffic jam, remove the hose at the upper point of the system (usually this unit throttle valve) And plot the liquids into the container until it flows from this nozzle.

Now about what to do with a faulty lid of the expansion tank or radiator. The best solution is to change the unsuitable element, the repair helps for a short time. At the same time, check the condition of the plastic container for cracks that can appear as a result of fluid pressure and steam. It is extremely undesirable to ride with the encinsampi valve.

The gasket between the head and the cylinder block changes immediately. The mixture will make a lot of trouble, up to the hydrowood and the destruction of the walls of the combustion chamber in diesel engine. Consider the breakdown of the gasket is not always accompanied by a white smoke from exhaust pipeSo follow the color and consistency of the coolant in the expansion tank.

If you happened to encounter boiling antifreeze on the road, check the system elements according to the instructions presented above. Three reasons will not allow their progress to get to a hundred - breakdown of the pump, crack in laying GBC. And full loss of fluid. In other cases, you can move, making stops in order to cool the power unit. When leakage of antifreeze, temporarily framed distilled water into the system.

In this article, we note that antifreeze can not only roll over, but also foam. In this case, the antifreeze temperature does not increase. This happens when:

⇒ entering the expansion tank of air;

⇒ low-quality antifreeze;

⇒ mixing antifreeze from different manufacturers;

damage to the laying of the head of the cylinder block. Then she passes the air, and, falling into the cooling system, it forms a foam.

It must be borne in mind that insignificant foaming is permissible, but with large quantities it is necessary to wash the cooling system and replace antifreeze to better.

Antifreeze has its own service life and during its long-term use, the chemical composition changes, cooling quality decreases. Such a liquid must be replaced with a new one, replacement is made with washing.


As can be seen, having considered a number of reasons for the boiling of antifreeze or antifreeze in an expansion tank, it can be concluded that they are quite possible to diagnose, often even independently.

It is also important to understand that the cooling system of the internal combustion engine plays a paramount role in the car's device. When defects and problems appear in this case, the engine operation can be violated, serious breakdowns of the internal combustible are also likely.

An important element is and working fluid cooling systems. The work of the entire system directly depends on its quality and properties. If you allow antifreeze overheating in the engine, it will boil, which will lead to further overheating of the motor. In this case, the detection of the problem in the cooling system and the fast stop of the motor will mean that the power unit is likely to be damaged.

If after boiling antifreeze, the machine will drive 10-15 minutes, deformations and breakage will occur in the engine, which in many cases becomes the cause of expensive repairs. With a strong overheating of the engine, it can jam. In such cases, the unnecessary output remains the replacement of the motor to the contract unit.

It turns out, it is quite obvious the need for a regular technical inspection of the engine of the car and its systems. A regular tightness test is recommended, the selection of high-quality antifreeze is also important. Such an approach in practice minimizes the probability of clogging of the radiator and breakage of pumps, and high-quality cooling of the unit in all conditions and different modes Work will save and increase the DVS resource.

The reasons why Tosol boils in the expansion tank of the engine cooling system, several and all of them are associated with the malfunctions leading to the engine overheating. The main device that regulates the temperature of the coolant is thermostat. And if it fails and its valves are jammed in a position, forcing the cooling fluid to circulate only by a small circulation circulation, without letting it be cooled in the radiator, then natural toosol will boil, and its pairs through the valve in the roof of the expansion tank will be pulled out under the hood of the car.

Check the performance of the thermostat It is quite simple, for this you need to open the hood and feel the two hoses with hand, which supply and remove the cooling fluid from the radiator. On a warm T. operating temperature Engine hose Supporting coolant to the radiator should be noticeably hot than the hose that takes Tosol about the radiator to the engine.

The engine overheating, resulting in Tosol boils, can become radiator cooling system. The reasons for which the radiator does not fully perform its function, three. The first reason is to clog the core of the radiator mud, which reduces the amount of air passing through it. The second reason, deposits on the inner walls of the tubes through which the cooling fluid passes, scale, and this reduces the thermal conductivity of these tubes, which causes insufficient Tosol cooling. The third reason, movement at a low rate, which causes an insufficient to cool the stream of air through the core of the radiator.

Zakpyut Tosol in an expansion tank can and because of not enough effective work pumps Or as it was called it in the old days, the water pump. This is especially true of those engines, where the pump shaft receives a torque separately from the gas distribution mechanism. In this case, the reduction in the frequency of rotation of the pump shaft may occur as a result of the weakening of the tension drive beltWhat causes its slippage, and this, in turn, reduces the rate of circulation of fluid in the cooling system, causing it overheating.

In modern cars, the normal operation of the internal combustion engine is provided by its constant cooling (due to the circulation of antifreeze). The complex with air maintains a constant temperature in the motor of about 90 ° C.

However, during the operation of the vehicle, the bus owner may encounter the fact that there begins to boil in the engine, leaks occur, etc. In this article, we will look at why the toosol / antifreeze drilling appears in the expansion tank, as well as how to eliminate this malfunction.

Read in this article

Antifreeze and its properties: what you need to know

Antifreeze is referred to as cooling fluids having a low freezing temperature. They consist of different proportions of water and concentrate (for example, ethylene glycol or propylene glycol, and the last more expensive, but less toxic). Tosol is the Soviet trademark, in fact it is a separate species of antifreeze.

We go further. Initially, the engines were cooled with water, but it had to be abandoned due to a number of properties: a low boiling point (100 ° C), the expansion of the volume in frost during freezing, as a result of which it leads to expensive repair or replacement of elements.

The antifreeze, compared with water, the boiling point is higher, and the freezing is below. When using antifreeze, the extreme boiling point varies from 108 to 125 ° C. The reason for this run is different composition, which affects the quality of cooling fluids. The smaller their price, the lower the boiling point becomes. Especially low-quality antifreeze boil already at 85 ° C. It is quite obvious that when buying it is undesirable, since the quality of work depends on the quality of the coolant.

It is important to remember that even temperature-resistant antifreeze for one or another reasons boil. Let's consider the main reasons for the boiling of antifreeze (antifreeze).

Causes of antifreeze boiling in the expansion tank

So, the easiest and rapidly solved problem for the driver is the insufficient level of antifreeze in. If it is not enough, then the heating of the coolant in the system is enhanced, the antifreeze overheats and boils.

In this case, the antifreeze either has not changed and lost its properties, or is not entirely flooded. In this case, it is necessary to attach the required amount of coolant to the level between the MIN and MAX marks on the expansion tank body.

If the level of antifreeze continues to fall, then it is impaired and the fluid flows. In this case, you need to check the tank, squabbles and hoses, search the place of leakage. If you cannot fix the problem, it is necessary to check the tightness of the cooling system for a service station.

  • Also, the cause of drilling in the expansion tank may be a malfunction. It supports the optimal temperature of the engine, adjusts the temperature of the antifreeze circulating over the large and small circuit of the cooling system.

Upon reaching 90 ° C, the special valve between the contours opens, the coolant passes from the small circle to the large, then cools when passing through the radiator. When the thermostat breaks, this valve jars, the antifreeze does not cool and boils in the expansion tank.

To check the health of the thermostat, it is necessary to drown out the engine, open the hood, inspect the nozzles and compare their temperature. If one of them is cold, and the other (attached to the radiator), hot, it means that the problem is in the thermostat. In this case, you need to change the thermostat.

  • If, when driving, the temperature indicator of the coolant, which is in the cabin of the car, shows the norm, and the antifreeze still boils, then the problem is in the pressure, since the pressure on the liquid increases, from which it also boils.

Another reason for the boiling of antifreeze can be laid in insufficiently efficient operation. One way or another, the radiator is not able to provide sufficient cooling of the coolant and protect the motor from overheating, especially in the heat in the traffic jam. Then enough to drown the engine so that the car is cooled.

As for clogging of the radiator tubes, in this case they decrease the thermal conductivity. As a result, the cooling abilities of the radiator are reduced. The reason is the accumulation of deposits in the tubes (often after the use of poor-quality antifreeze).

It is often formed in a radiator formed, as a result, the circulation of the cooler fluid deteriorates and it is boil. Contaminated to a service station or replacement.

  • Also, the problem of insufficient cooling of coolant in the radiator is solved using a fan, which is fixed on the radiator. It turns on automatically with an increase in antifreeze temperature above 90 ° C and blows the engine with cold air to prevent overheating.

However, there is often a failure of the fan itself. If the temperature of the engine is 100 ° C, there are steam, and the fan does not rotate, it means that the cause and boiling of antifreeze in the fan. Also, its breakdown can be determined by ear: with a non-operating cooling fan, a hot engine is working relatively quiet.

  • Even after the replacement of antifreeze in the cooling system or during air supply, it sometimes occurs, impeding the circulation of coolant. You can get rid of them if with an assistant to call on the elevation before that the radiator is at the top point. Next, you need to unscrew the radiator cork, start the motor, press the cooling system nozzles to eliminate air stoppers. At the same time, the assistant must be intensively repay. Then the radiator stop should be twisted back and attached the missing amount of antifreeze.

Powered antifreeze is the shortest way to problems with the engine. Such cooling fluids are cheap, but they climb individual elements (radiator) and contaminate the water pump, providing the circulation of antifreeze. The low productivity of the water pump leads to a boiling of the coolant, the pump itself quickly rust.

It is important to remember that the operation of the machine with damaged pump will lead to the engine breakdown. In this situation, the car must be delivered to a hundred using a tow truck or taken another machine into a tug.

  • We add that it leads to the boiling of antifreeze. In this case, the tightness of the cooling system is disturbed. Cooling fluid may be in the exhaust composition, bubbles appear in the tank, the level of coolant decreases. In this case, the gasket must be replaced.

Within the framework of this article, we note that antifreeze can not only drop, but also foam. In this case, the antifreeze temperature does not increase. This happens when:

  • hit in the expansion tank of air;
  • poor-quality antifreeze;
  • mixing antifreeze from different manufacturers;
  • use of coolant not recommended by the automaker due to a different chemical composition;
  • damage to the laying of the head of the cylinder block. Then she passes the air, and, falling into the cooling system, it forms a foam.

It must be borne in mind that insignificant foaming is permissible, but with large quantities it is necessary to wash the cooling system and replace antifreeze to better.

Antifreeze has its own service life and during its long-term use, the chemical composition changes, cooling quality decreases. Such a liquid must be replaced with a new one.

That in the end

As can be seen, having considered a number of reasons for the boiling of antifreeze or antifreeze in an expansion tank, it can be concluded that they are quite possible to diagnose, often even independently.

It is also important to understand that the cooling system of the internal combustion engine plays a paramount role in the car's device. When defects and problems appear in this case, the engine operation may be violated, serious breakdowns are also likely.

An important element is the working fluid of the cooling system. The work of the entire system directly depends on its quality and properties. If you allow antifreeze overheating in the engine, it will boil, which will lead to further overheating of the motor. In this case, the detection of the problem in the cooling system and the fast stop of the motor will mean that the power unit is likely to be damaged.

If after boiling antifreeze, the machine will drive 10-15 minutes, deformations and breakage will occur in the engine, which in many cases becomes the cause of expensive repairs. With a strong engine overheating, it can. In such cases, the unnecessary output remains the replacement of the motor on.

It turns out, it is quite obvious the need for a regular technical inspection of the engine of the car and its systems. Recommended regular tightness test, also important. This approach in practice minimizes the likelihood of clogging of the radiator and breakage, and the high-quality cooling of the unit in any conditions and different modes of operation will save and increase the DVS resource.

Read also

Why antifreeze or toosol lose the engine cylinders and what to do in such a situation. How to determine the presence of antifreeze in cylinders, repair methods.

  • Why attack antifreeze in motor oil It is a serious malfunction. What are the consequences for ICEs may occur after driving on a mixture of coolant and oil.
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