Which units of rolling stock indicates the carrying capacity. The autospar of a special rolling stock, working according to the technology in a coupling, should have a limiter vertical movement. Requirements for materials

the main / Advice

Question Group: 1

Question text:"What units of rolling stock should indicate the load capacity?"

Replies options:

1. "On freight cars and SSSS".

Signs of the answer option: Incorrect, critical.

2. "On indoor and semi-breasts."

Signs of the answer option: Incorrect, critical.

3. "On freight, postal and luggage wagons."

Signs of the answer option: correct.

Bottleneck: PTE Appendix No. 5 p. 7.

"On freight, postal and luggage cars must be applied by load capacity"

Name of the question: "PTE_Prill№5_7_В212"

Question group: 1.

Question text:"What units of rolling stock should indicate the structural speed?"

Replies options:

1. "On Locomotives and SSSS".

Signs of the answer option: Incorrect, non-critical.

2. "On Locomotives".

Signs of the answer option: Incorrect, non-critical.

3. "On locomotives, motor-carriage rolling stock and SSSS".

Signs of the answer option: correct.

Bottleneck: PTE Appendix No. 5 p. 7.

Comments on incorrect answers: "On locomotives, a motor-carriage railway rolling stock and a special self-propelled rolling stock should be structural velocity, a series and on-board number, the name of the site of the registry, plates and inscriptions about examining tanks, control devices and boiler"


Question group: 1.

Question text:"What units of rolling stock indicates the mass of the container?"

Replies options:

1. "On all".

Signs of the answer option: Incorrect, non-critical.

2. "On the wagons".

Signs of the answer option: Incorrect, non-critical.

3. "At all, except locomotives and SSSS."

Signs of the answer option: correct.

Bottleneck: PTE Appendix No. 5 p. 7.

Comments on incorrect answers: "For each unit of railway rolling stock should be a mass of containers"


Group of Question: "one"

Text of the question: "What is not included in the list of equipment of locomotives and motor-carriage moving compositions? "

Picture to the text of the question:

Replies options:

1. "Training Radiocommunication Funds"

Signs of the answer option: Incorrect, non-critical.

2. "Hands-link devices"

Signs of the answer option: correct.

3. "Speakers with the registration of established indications"

Signs of the answer option: Incorrect, non-critical.

4. "Locomotive devices of automatic locomotive alarm"

Signs of the answer option: Incorrect, non-critical.

5. "Safety Devices"

Signs of the answer option: Incorrect, non-critical.

Bottleneck: "PTE Chapter Application 5. Item 9 "

Comment on incorrect answers: "The list of equipment of locomotives and motor-carriage moving compositions does not include a speakerphone"

PTE Appendix No. 6. Organization of Train Movement on Railway Transport


Group of Question: "one"

Text question: "What is the basis of the organization of trains moving within the same infrastructure?"

Replies options:

1. "A consolidated train schedule"

Signs of the answer option: correct.

2. "Instructions for the movement of trains"

Signs of the answer option: Incorrect, non-critical.

3. "Instructions for alarm"

Signs of the answer option: Incorrect, non-critical.

Bottleneck: "PTE ADR. paragraph 1"

"... a unit of railway rolling stock: a separate object of railway rolling stock.

Note - individual objects of railway rolling stock are locomotives, wagons, automobiles, electric and diesel trains (or their sections), rail buses, reels, tweezes, traveling machines at the railway track ...

A source:

"The cycle of the life of railway rolling stock. Terms and definitions. GOST R 52944-2008"

(approved by order of Rostechregulation from 06.08.2008 N 152-st)

Official terminology. Academician. 2012.

Watch what is a "unit of railway rolling stock" in other dictionaries:

    unit of railway rolling stock - Separate object of railway rolling stock. Note with individual objects of railway rolling stock are locomotives, cars, automobiles, electric and diesel train (or sections of their sections), rail buses, reels, drossy, ... ...

    unit of railway rolling stock - 5 Unit of railway rolling stock: a separate object of railway rolling stock. Note with individual objects of railway rolling stock are locomotives, wagons, automobiles, electricity and diesel train (or their ... ...

    removable unit of railway rolling stock - 14 removable unit of railway rolling stock: a unit of railway rolling stock, including drowsine, repairing tower on electrified areas, travel trailer, tracking, defectoscope and other trolley, ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    GOST R 52944-2008: The cycle of the life of railway rolling stock. Terms and Definitions - Terminology GOST R 52944 2008: the cycle of the life of railway rolling stock. Terms and definitions of the original document: 29 Analysis of the value of the life cycle (railway rolling stock): ranking elements of the cost of life ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    9 The coefficient of readiness of the railway rolling stock: the likelihood that the unit of railway rolling stock will be in a working condition during an arbitrary moment of time, except for the planned periods during which it ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    The coefficient of readiness of the railway rolling stock: the likelihood that the unit of railway rolling stock will be in a working condition in an arbitrary moment of time, except for the planned periods during which it ... ... Official terminology

    the coefficient of readiness of the railway rolling stock - The likelihood that the unit of railway rolling stock will be in a working condition during an arbitrary moment of time, except for the planned periods during which its use is not provided for its intended purpose. [GOST R 52944 ... Technical translator directory

    GOST R 53341-2009: Operation, maintenance and repair of railway rolling stock. Terms and Definitions - Terminology GOST R 53341 2009: Operation, maintenance and repair of railway rolling stock. Terms and definitions of the original document: 53 Author's supervision in operation and repair of railway rolling stock: ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    GOST R 54749-2011: Coupling device and car trap railway rolling stock. Technical requirements and rules of acceptance - Terminology GOST R 54749 2011: Coupling device and car trap rail rolling stock. Technical requirements and rules of acceptance Original document: 3.1 AvtoCut: Assembly unit A car trap device consisting of a housing and ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    GOST 22703-2012: Details of cast coupling and car trap devices of railway rolling stock. General technical conditions - Terminology GOST 22703 2012: Details of cast coupling and car trap devices of railway rolling stock. General technical conditions ORIGINAL DOCUMENT: 3.1 Coupling: assembly unit of a car trap device consisting of a housing and ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

Anyone vehicle It can have both one unit of technology and a totality, that is, the means of movement is either single or has links. Simple words The rolling stock is a vehicle carrying people, cargo or special equipment.

Below will be presented with detailed examples with explanations of what this phrase means how the technique is served. The topic will be useful for adults and children.

What is the rolling stock

Under the rolling stock implies railway and road transport:

  • trains;
  • trucks;
  • buses.

But officially the term is still used on the railway, on the subway and tram depot.

What is? Each means of movement necessarily has a place where you need to control the trogan, acceleration, braking, turns. As a rule, it is a cabin. It is available on the bus, wagon, locomotive, tractor. Most often a train and cargo transport have several component parts: train - locomotive and wagons, truck - Cabin, trailers, vans and so on.

Let's study in detail yet railway rolling stock, as it is one of the most sought-after, and the terminology belongs more to him.

Main parts in rolling stock

Any vehicle has a wheel in pair quantities from four units. Depending on the length of the technique, the number of pair of wheels may increase. Also, at least a single pair of wheels, an engine must be installed, or a gearbox that transmits the moment from the engine to the wheel. The harder transport, the more engines He may have. In trains, the composite is slightly different from cars, because the locomotive is managed by two or four more cars.

Any rolling stock is the adhesive units of technology. This process is carried out by a car trap mechanism, which is located on the ends of the wagons and locomotives.

What is the rolling stock

Railway transport is divided into several types of intended purpose and field of operation:

  • suburban electric trains;
  • long-distance follow;
  • freight formulations;
  • special equipment;
  • household trains;
  • metropolitan;
  • tram.

As can be seen, the rolling stock is a major type of transport.

Although individual units are currently not linked to other units of technology, for example, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive or drowsine are also it.

How to serve it

Timely every car, locomotive and other transport equipment Maintain service. It is a set of measures to care for rolling stock. This event helps to notice and eliminate faults that are detected by external inspection with special tools and devices.

For example, the equipment blowing, the driver of the driver cabin, the cubs of trolleys, wheeled steam, Autospheres in order to identify defects (cracks). And the temperature is measured on all elements and on equipment exposed to severe heating.

As a rule, maintenance (COM) is carried out once every 1-2 days during the boost on the depot or during the station at the station.

How to repair wagons, locomotives

Less frequent maintenance Repair of rolling stock (electric trains, wagons and locomotives) is performed. Previously there were several types of repair ( maintenance TP-1, TR-2, TR-3, overhaul of the KR-1 and CR-2, middle repairs). Figures mean the volume of work performed. Tr-1 was the easiest view, and the overhaul of the KR-2 is the most voluminous and complex. Currently they made it easier - DR (Depot repair) and SS (factory repair). It is worth noting that there are two more types of repair, which are unscheduled: ripping wheel steam and random repair (if the malfunction has occurred suddenly).

What exactly is made on a rolling stock by a technical worker? Usually the formulation of a mobile unit on the repair stall with a jack, lifting crane. The locksmith under the guidance of the master or engineer should raise the body of a locomotive or car wash so that you can roll out the cart under which the wheeled pairs are located.

During repair, all the necessary equipment is removed, various devices, wires and mechanical components are checked for defects, as well as a pneumatic system.

For overhaul Painting body, installation of various equipment. At the end of all works, the Special Commission checks in what state of the technique. If everything is in order, the wagon / locomotive goes on the run in order to diagnose on the way.

Who is managed

The rolling stock is transport that is managed at least one person, that is, a driver. If in two persons, then we are talking about the driver and his assistant, which monitors the lights of traffic lights, the situation outside the locomotive (cab).

It is the driver who moves the movement of trains, is responsible for the safety of goods (in the cargo movement) and passengers (in the passenger movement).

Railway transport is not the only example of rolling stock. In conclusion, it is worth considering interesting information telling how it originated. The fact is that in the 17-18th centuries, people began to invent the means of movement, capable of transporting a greater number of people and goods. The first railway was created, which was at all wooden. It was allowed horses with small traps. Then the horses were replaced by locomotives. This was how the rolling stock was born, existing to the present.

Federal Agency
On technical regulation and metrology


Objectives and principles of standardization in Russian Federation Installed by federal law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation - GOST R 1.0-2004 "Standardization in the Russian Federation. Basic provisions "

Information about standard

1 prepared by the Open Joint-Stock Company "Research and Design and Technological Institute of Rolling Composition" (OJSC "Vnikti")

2 Submitted by the Technical Committee on Standardization of TC 236 "Flooring and Travel Machines"

3 APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of December 18, 2008 No. 457-ST

4 This standard is modified in relation to the European standard EN 12663: 2000 "Rail transport. Requirements for the strength of the bodies of railway rolling stock "(EN 12663: 2000 Railway Applications - Structural Requirements of Railway Vehicle Bodies) by making technical deviations, the explanation of which is given in the introduction to this standard.

The name of this Standard is changed relative to the specified European standard to bring in accordance with GOST R 1.5-2004 (paragraph 3.5)

Comparison of the structure of this standard with the structure of the specified European standard is given in the Appendix

5 introduced for the first time

Information about the changes to this standard is published in annually by the information indicator "National Standards", and the text of the amendments and amendments - in the monthly issued information indicators "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this standard, the appropriate notification will be published in the National Standards issued information indicator monthly. Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the information system common use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet


This Standard has the following main differences from the European standard EN 12663: 2000:

Refined area distribution of the standard;

The classification of rolling stock was introduced, more fully corresponding to the types of rolling stock, operating on the network of Russian railways, namely: passenger cars and locomotives, locomotives are attributed to different categories, in turn, are divided into categories for special rolling stock (ATP) and etc.;

Since in the Russian Federation there are detailed regulatory documents to assess the strength of various categories of rolling stock, in this standard only the basic requirements for loads are given and references to the relevant regulatory documents are given;

In addition, selected words changed and phrases are added, more accurately disclosing the meaning of some provisions of this standard. These changes are highlighted in text in italics.

The standard does not establish any specific calculation methods in order not to limit the developer and the customer to apply modern calculation methods and experiments.

The standard defines the minimum requirements for the strength of the main frameworks and bodies, ensuring reliable and safe operation of the railway crew throughout the service life.

GOST R 53076-2008

(EN 12663: 2000)

National Standard of the Russian Federation

Date of administration - 2009-07-01

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

This standard establishes general requirements for assessing the strength in the development and production of the carrier structures of the crew parts of the railway rolling stock 1520 mm, namely, the main frames and body bodies.

2 Terms and Definitions

This standard applies the following terms with appropriate definitions.

2.1 home Frame, Body: A combination of nodes that are placed on trolleys or wheeled pairs,perceive major loads acting per unit of rolling stock in operation.


1 body is taken into account when assessing strength in the event that it is included in the external load perception system.

2 To the main frame or body include nodes attached to them directly ensuring their strength and rigidity. The installed mechanical or other equipment is not considered an integral part of the main frame or body, in contrast to the elements to which they are attached.

2.2 customer:The organization that is responsible for the definition technical requirements to rolling stocktaking into account the conditions necessary for its acceptance and work on the expected operational modes.

2.3 developer:An organization that is responsible for developing rolling stock,satisfying customer requirements.

2.4 weight main Rama orbody in a state of readiness for operation t. 1 : Weight main Rama orbody, the mass of equipment mounted in them, a full working stock of water, sand, fuel, food, etc., as well as the total mass of the service personnel.

2.5 maximum transferred mass T. 2 : Mass determined depending on the type units of rolling stock.


1 passenger cars it depends on the number of places for seating or lying passengers and the number of passengers on unit of Polaza Pola.in zones for standing passengers. These values \u200b\u200bestablishes the customer, taking into account the current standards and rules.

2 maximum mass transferredfor cargo cars, determines the customer based on the appointment of cars, taking into account the current norms and rules.

2.6 coordinate system: Right coordinate system used in calculations(See Figure).

Figure 1 - Coordinate system units of rolling stock

3 General requirements

- norms for calculating and designing cars;

- the norms of the strength of the crew part of the locomotives;

- the norms of the strength of the carriage of the motor-carriage rolling stock;

- the norms of the strength of metal structures of travel machines.

3.2 The main frames and body in design should be designed for strength and rigidity in such a way that the following requirements are fulfilled within the normalized loads:

- in design elements should not be destruction during the entire service life;

- the frequencies of their own oscillations of the elements should not coincide with the main frequencies of oscillations of the entire crew on the spring suspension or approach them;

- In the design elements, residual deformations should not occur during the entire service life.

The calculations use the right coordinate system (see Figure).

4 Classification of rolling stock

The rolling stock is classified into the following categories:

- locomotives:

main cargo (L-1),

main passenger (L-2),

manevor and exporting (L-3),

industrial (L-4);

- wagons:

cargo wagons:

wagons subjected to descent from sorting slides (B-1),

wagons that are not subjected to descent with sorting slides (B-2),

passenger cars (B-3);

- Motor car rolling stock:

electric trains (M-1),

diesel train (M-2),

autootris (M-3);

- Special rolling stock:

ATP, transported in the composition of freight trains without limitation (C-1);

ATP, moving by self-propeller, transported by a separate locomotive, as part of short economic trains or in the tail of freight trains that do not have a locomotive-tick(C-2).


1 short economic train is considered to be a train weighing no more than 1000 tons and up to 400 m long.

2 In the case when the unit of rolling stock does not include any of the categories listed in this section, the criteria for its calculation establishes the Customer on the basis of the requirements set out in this Standard.

5 Rules for accounting for basic loads in design

5.1 General Design Requirements

5.1.1 Nominal static and dynamic loads for individual categories of rolling stock are minimal. At the request of the customer load is allowed to increase. In some cases, the loads can be reduced by coordination between the developer and the customer in the presence of an appropriate justification.

In addition to cases of loading given in- The developer must ensure the safe perception of loads caused by the work of the mechanisms and equipment installed on the main frame or in the body.

5.2.1 The nominal values \u200b\u200bof the longitudinal forces applied on the axes of the autospots for different categories of locomotives, the motor-carriage rolling stock and wagons are shown in the table.

Table 1

Power in Megantytone

The value of the indicator for










IN 1

AT 2

IN 3

Longitudinal force

± 2.5

± 2.0

± 2.5

± 2.0




+ 2,5

+ 2,0

+ 2,0

* For two-axis automotive -1.0 (-1,5).


- compression.

2 in brackets are values \u200b\u200bfor the cantilever part of the head wagons.

The values \u200b\u200bof power for ATP are shown in the table.

5.2.2 The rolling stock, designed for operation on international lines (with an overflow of 1435 mm), is additionally calculated on the strength of interaction with rolling stock equipped with buffers. The load values \u200b\u200bare taken in accordance with the norms for calculating and designing wagons.

Table 2

Power in Megantytone

The value of the indicator for the category of ATP


C-2 mass

Blow, jerk

up to 30 T.

from 30 to 70 tons

from 70 to 100 tons

Longitudinal force

+ 2,0

+ 2,5
-3,5 (-3,0)*

± 2.
-10- 3 DT

± 1.0

+ 1,0

* ATP, equipped with absorbing machines of classes 12 and 13.


1 "+" sign corresponds to stretching, "-" - compression.

2 T.- mass of ATP units, t.

3 g.- acceleration of free fall, m / s 2.

In order to provide passive security The locomotive brigade in the emergency collision of the locomotive with an obstacle to the cabin cabins should be calculated on the perception of the longitudinal compression forces applied to the windows belt of the driver's cabin. The values \u200b\u200bof the longitudinal forces are shown in the table.

Table 3.

Power in Megantytone

The value of the indicator for


motor car rolling stock

L-1, L-2, L-3


Longitudinal force




Note- In addition to the rolling stock of a capotic type or from a cabin, located in the middle of the main frame or body.

Vertical static loads are determined in accordance with the category of rolling stock. They include:

- own mass of the main frame or body;

- mass of installed equipment and full stock of fuel, lubricants, sand and other operational materials, as well as a mass of service personnel;

- Maximum carrier mass of cargo or passengers.Approximate weight for passengers in trains cars:

Long distance - 100 kg per passenger, including his baggage;

Suburban report - 70 kg per passenger.

Approximate number of passengers in areas intended for passing passengers standing, in trains car wagons:

Far recesses - 2 - 4 passengers for 1 m 2 floor Square;

- suburban message - 5, 6 passengers for 1 m 2 square floor.

5.5 Extreme Loads

Extreme loads occur when the wheel pair is turned (in intolerant crews), the rise of the main frame or body on the jacks, the emergency lift of the main frame or body with trolleys behind the frontal timber or motor arms, the lifting unit of the rolling stock with a crane during loading.

The combination of static loads is taken in accordance with the table.

Table 4.

Power in Megantytone

Locomotives and ATP

Wagons and motor car rolling stock

5.2 and 10 -3g. × m 1.

Dynamic and quasistatic loads arising when moving the unit of rolling stock includes:

- vertical dynamic loads arising from the movement of the unit of rolling stock over the railway track of an excellent or good condition with a structural velocity;

- horizontal dynamic and quasistatic loads arising when driving in direct and curves of the paths;

- Longitudinal loads arising from the longitudinal dynamics of the train, thrust and braking forces, including in trains of increased weight and length.

For ATP, it is additionally taken into account the loads transmitted to the main frame or body from the working bodies when performing working transactions.

6 Material Requirements

6.1 Static strength

The strength characteristics of materials must correspond to the minimum values \u200b\u200bof the yield and strength limits specified in the relevant regulatory documents. In the absence of such data, it is necessary to conduct tests by definition.

6.2 Still strength

The endurance limits for steels should, as a rule, are determined from 5-10 6 to 10-10 6 cycles. For durability calculations, it is necessary to have data not only on the endurance limit, but also on the angle of inclination of the left part of the fatigue curve. In the absence of such data, it is necessary to conduct tests by definition.

7 Rules for strength testing

7.1 General requirements

7.1.1 Tests for strength are carried out in order to verify the compliance of the strength of the main frame or body requirements of this standard and regulatory documentslisted in.

7.1.2 Tests or their partyou can not be carried out if there are appropriate data obtained in the tests of similar structures and corrected calculated by relative to the parameters of the estimated design.

7.1.3 The amount of tests carried out must be agreed between the customer and the developer.

7.2 Static Tests

7.2.1 Tests with longitudinal loads are carried out in accordance with ,.Such tests are carried out on test benches.

7.2.2 Tests by vertical loads - in according to .

The loading of the installed equipment for locomotives and the ATP should be carried out with the help of dimensional goods on the free main frame or body to assemble the unit of rolling stock.

7.3 Dynamic tests

7.3.1 Tests on the fatigue of individual nodes of the main frame or body are carried out if necessary. Such tests are carried out on test benches.

7.3.2 The running dynamic tests are carried out when the unit of rolling stock in operational conditions is moved at a special landfill or at a representative portion of the path.

7.3.3 For ATP, an additional strength tests are carried out in operation.

7.4 Impact tests

To assess the strength of the main frame or body under the action of shock loads established in the regulatory documents listed inin coordination between the customer and the developer, drum tests are allowed.

Appendix A.

Comparison of the structure of this standard with the structure of the applied in it
European standard EN 12663: 2000

Table A.1.

Structure of the European standard EN 12663: 2000

Structure of this Standard









20. Responsible for the technical condition of the car trap devices and the correct adhesion of cars in the train is the inspector of the wagons, which performs the maintenance of the train composition before shipment.

When car trains trains at stations where there are no inspets of wagons, as well as during maneuvering work, it is responsible for the proper clutch of the wagons, the worker is directly guided by the actions of all persons participating in maneuvers,

without an indication of which a locomotive driver, a CSPS, producing maneuvers, has no right to bring the locomotive, special self-propelled rolling stock in motion (hereinafter referred to as the head of maneuvers).

For the proper clutch of the locomotive or CSPS, used as a locomotive, respectively, with the first train car or other special rolling stock, the locomotive or SSSA driver used as a locomotive is responsible. Capture of a train locomotive from the composition and trailer to the composition (including separation, connection and hanging brake hoses, the opening and closing of end cranes) should be carried out by employees of the locomotive brigade.

The capture of a train locomotive from the passenger composition equipped with electric heating is made by an employee of a locomotive brigade, and when servicing a locomotive with one driver - the inspector of cars only after separation by the train electromechanics of high-voltage interval electrical connectors. The disconnection of the electrical chains of heating is performed with the detected current receiver.

Execution of operations on the train locomotive tray to the composition and post from the composition of a cargo and passenger train when servicing a locomotive with one driver is assigned to the inspection of wagons, and at stations where there are no inspections of wagons and distillations:

in the passenger train - on the head (brigadier mechanics) of the passenger train;

in cargo train - on the engine locomotive.

It is not allowed to be put into operation and to follow the rolling stock, which has malfunctions, threatening safety and operation, as well as to put cargo wagons in the train, the state of which does not ensure the safety of the transported goods. It is not allowed to be issued under the train locomotives that have developed a life.

Passenger cars that have faults of electropneumatic brakes, heating systems, electrical equipment, ventilation and other faults that violate the safety and health of passengers, as well as passenger cars with a radio (headquarters) with a malfunction of the head for the lifestyle and the health of passengers, are not allowed. ) Passenger train with a locomotive driver. Passenger cars on CMV trolleys can follow in trains at speeds not more than 120 km / h.

Passenger cars included in passenger trains with electrical installation, should be equipped with a system automatic control Electricalization, and locomotives issued by trains (electric locomotives) - a power extraction device for high-voltage heating, taking into account the electricity consumption for the heating of wagons.

24. The technical condition of locomotives, IVTS and SSSS should be systematically checked for maintenance by locomotive brigades or CSPS teams, comprehensive and specialized brigades at maintenance points and main depot, travel machine stations and depot for special rolling stock, independent repair depots equipped with diagnostic means, And also periodically controlled by authorized persons, respectively, the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of the routes of victim, the owner of the rolling stock.

For maintenance is checked:

condition and wear of equipment, nodes and parts and their compliance with the established size;

feebility of security devices and radio communication devices, brake equipment and car trap device, control, measuring and signaling devices, electrical circuits.

It is not allowed to produce locomotives, MVPS and a special self-propelled rolling stock, if there is at least one of next faults:

fault for feeding sound signal;

malfunction of pneumatic, electropneumatic, electric, hand brakes or compressor;

malfunction or shutdown at least one traction electric motor;

malfunction of drive drive;

fault fan of the refrigerator diesel engine, traction electric motor or rectifier installation;

malfunction of automatic locomotive alarm or security devices;

malfunction of the speedman and the recorder device;

malfunction of devices of train and maneuver radio communications, and on the motor-carriage rolling stock - a failure to communicate "Passenger-machinist";

malfunction of car trap devices, including a breakdown of a distribution lever or its deformation;

sand feed system malfunction;

fault of the searchlight, buffer lamp, lighting, control or measuring instrument;

a crack in a cottage, spring suspension or a radical sheet of springs, flowing of a spring;

crack in the housing of the trades;

malfunction of a box or motor-axial bearing;

the absence or malfunction provided by the design of the safety device from the fall of parts on the path;

a crack or break of at least one tooth of the traction gear;

malfunction of cogging casing, causing leakage of lubricant;

malfunction of the protective lock of the high voltage chamber;

cleaner fault;

malfunction of electricity metering;

fault Fire extinguishing or automatic fire alarm;

fault of protection devices for short circuit currents, overload and overvoltage, diesel emergency stop;

the appearance of a knock, extraneous noise in the diesel;

malfunction of the nutrient device, safety valve, water appliance, leak the control plug of the firebox of the steam locomotive boiler;

lack of protective housings of electrical equipment;

malfunction of the hydraulic rechargeable battery;

malfunction of locking devices or control of the closing of the entrance doors;

malfunction of locking and safety devices to bring the working bodies of the CSPS to the transport position provided by their design.

25. Locomotives and MVPS, as well as CSPS at year-round operation twice a year the commission inspect.

26. Locomotative, as well as the rolling stock of safety and train devices installed on the MVPS, should be periodically examined at the test paragraph with a validation and adjusting these devices.

The control points should be in the main depot, in the depot for a special rolling stock, and if necessary, in the maintenance and turnover points of locomotives, MVPS and SSSS.

Periodicity and procedure for inspection of safety devices and train radio communications

it is established, respectively, the owner of the infrastructure, the owner of the paths of victim, the owner of the rolling stock.

27. Mounted on Locomotives and MVPS, as well as on the CSPS, the pressure gauges and safety valves must be sealed, and the control plugs on the steam locomotive boilers have a stamp. On electric locomotives, MVPS and diesel locomotives, devices and devices, registering electricity and fuel consumption must also be sealed.

Electrical protection devices, fire extinguishing equipment, fire alarms and automation on locomotives and MVPS, pressure gauges, safety valves, air tanks on locomotives, MVPS and SPSI Steam boilers on steam locomotives should be tested and examined.

28. It is not allowed to leave on Depoves and ways of organizations in the working condition of locomotives, MVPS and SSSS without observing the employee, knowing Rules their maintenance and able to stop them, and on the rest of the station trait - without a driver or his assistant.

29. On each steam locomotive running on solid fuel, there must be good sparking or brazing devices.

Control questions:

1. On what units of rolling stock should indicate a load capacity?

2. On what units of rolling stock should the structural speed indicate?

3. In which cases is allowed to put into operation with a rolling stock with a wheel in disk?

4. The speed of movement of the rolling stock in the presence of a slider on kp?

5. Permissible dimensions ridge thickness and how it bothers

6. Wheel pair malfunctions with which is prohibited operation?

7. What brake devices Passenger cars and locomotives should be equipped?

8. What should automatic brakes provide?

9. Maximum height Axes of autospar above the level of rail heads

10. The height difference between the longitudinal axes of the motor license

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