Replacing rubber bands of frameless janitors. How to change the gum on the frameless janitors: video instructions and advice of professionals. How to protect the wiper brushes from premature wear

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Comfortable ride behind the wheel is not only speed and pleasant car management, but also the ability to respond to the slightest changes in the situation, a great overview regardless of external factors. This is possible when all the systems of the car work without problems and complaints, but it is worth it, for example, such little things, as the back door janitor stops to stop tightly to the glass, the driver immediately deprives for almost 30% of the review of the car invisibility zones, which means the safety of driving in such Case sharply starts to pass.

What to give preference

Oddly enough, but those who only became the owner of the car, regardless of whether he smells like the factory paint or the car has already passed not one repair, the experienced motorists advise almost immediately replacing regular wipers on the frameless. At the same time, the advisers argument most often says it is the most the best way janitors.

Of course, in relation to old cars, they are right, it is better to replace and not only the wipers immediately. But for owners of new cars it is better to start with really high quality. The peculiarity of the frameless janitors is the absence of a metal frame in their design, providing a rigid fit of the blades of a wiper gum to the surface of the glass.

Such an excessive stiffness is largely the cause of the rapid wear of the cutting edge, it is quickly wearing, especially during the passage of the rotation point, when the gum must change the direction.

How frameless wipers are arranged

The design of frameless janitors does not really have a rigid metal frame and a few spring-loaded fastening elements, all these designs are replaced simple, but in its brilliantly developed part - a plastic holder with a guide and spoiler. Plastic frame, in the grooves of which is located silicone or rubber-graphite blade of the wiper, perfectly repeats the shape of the windshield, evenly adjacent along the entire length.

The frame shape is made in the form of a spoiler providing additional use Wind power for janitor's fit. And the soft material of the wiper of frameless janitors is perfectly coping with their work at any time of the year.

What time to change wipers

There are cases in different ways and with the deadlines for the replacement of this element. So, for ordinary framework models, the recommended replacement is once a year, it is recommended to replace the replacement during the period seasonal service When moving from the winter mode to summer. However, as practice shows, for motorists, whose annual mileage is from 25,000 km or more, such a replacement is carried out much more often, usually in the fall and spring.

With frameless models, things are somewhat different, soft material, an elastic plastic spoiler without much difficulty, 2 seasons for cars with a slight mileage and garage conditions Parking and 1.5 seasons for cars with great mileage.

Often in winter when windshield The layer of ice is covered with careless handling of the glass cleaning system fails the cutting edge of the frame janitors, the random inclusion of which on the frozen glass leads at best to the rigid rubber or stratification.

For frameless models, such a phenomenon is quite rare, After all, the elastic holder clearly responds to all obstacles in its path and simply rises, not allowing the silicone inset to be deformed.

Is it profitable to change gums on janitor

Replacing consumables in the car - the process is quite specific and creative. Replacing the filter, oil or janitor makes from the car enthusiast of the real car mechanic. Use of frameless janitars at all positive qualities Still, connected with the process of their replacement in the future. And here modern technologies offer two main options:

  • Replacing frameless janitors completely;
  • Replacing only rubber blades on frameless janitor.

Both options above have the right to exist. For the first, this means the opportunity to get even used, but completely a capable set of janitors, which can be installed at any time and which can be used for some time.

Moreover, full replacement It does not require any additional tools and materials, just enough to open the packaging, select the retainer you need to install and fix on the holder.

Detailed description of the replacement of janitors you will find in this video:

But in the case of the installation of replaceable rubber bands for frameless janits, this process acquires a creative look. In order to replace the gum need:

  • Pick up the required size in length;
  • It is desirable to choose a gum of the manufacturer's company as the janitor himself;
  • To dismantle the janitors with their subsequent disassembly;
  • Cut off the size of the gum and install it in place;
  • IN reverse order Collect design.

And although it all looks pretty cumbersome, after replacing the gum on one pair of janitors, experience allows you to do it regularly.

Tip: To replace the gum in a frameless janitor, it is recommended to process the housing itself of the spoiler and the installation site with a special aerosol lubricant with silicone for softening plastic so that the setting of the gum is even easier.

Price of frameless janitors and replaceable rubber

Comparing the price of consumables themselves and services for their replacement, the difference in the cost will be very tangible. The price of frameless janitors will be 2-2.5 times more expensive than the gum themselves, however, the cost of the work of a simple replacement will be lower, but still the replacement of the gum will be cheaper. Judge for yourself: good quality wipers stand within a thousand rubles (the same Bosch in the well-known Auchan worth 800 rubles per piece), but the interchangeable gum can be found for them for several hundred.

Independent replacement of elastic bandless janitors

Before the replacement of janits, you should carefully examine those that are already installed. If the replacement is complete, then it is necessary when you select the model suitable for the length of the model, it is necessary to make sure that the suitable model is found.

  • The replacement must be started with the fact that, pulling the holders, put a cloth or a thick notebook on the glass folded into several layers. A pretty often poorly fixed slut holder breaks the windshield, so such a safety device is quite justified.
  • Gently, without tension, the plastic lock of the janitor and the design is removed from the holder. The holder can be carefully lowered on the windshield.
  • On the unpacked new janitor is set to this model the retainer. The janitor is easily inserted into the holder and the position of the latch is fixed. After that, a protective bar with gum is removed. The fabric is removed from the glass, and the wiper is installed in place.

Another feature of this kind of product is its selection of operation for some manufacturers, so before changing the gums on frameless janitors you need to make sure that these are suitable "summer" or "winter" or "all-season" gum.

Let's sum up

The cost of a set of frameless janitors depends on several factors, mainly the fame of the brand of the manufacturer and the brand of the car.

The set for a budget foreign car can cost from 1100 to 1400 rubles, while the replacement gum will cost from 350 to 500 rubles per pair of 50 cm long.

Independent replacement of janitors on a frameless model is not a big problem and can be made independently both in the form of a finished kit and a replacement of only rubber bands, so that with minimal skill you can, spending some time to save a significant amount.

Among the car owners there is an opinion that if the janitor is frameless, then the gum on it is not changed. Everything that can be done with this janitor is to throw it out and buy a new one. In fact, it is not. You can change the gum on this type of janitors, and in this article we will tell readers how the replacement is done.

  • The wipers began to publish an unpleasant creaking during work.
  • Rubber was worn out so that the janitor began to scratch the windshield.
  • The wipers do not cope with the work, and water drops remain on the glass even after several passes.

All these moments are indicated by one: the gum of the janitor, due to wear, ceased to fit tightly to the glass, and therefore, it should be replaced as soon as possible.

Tools to remove and replace

  1. Shutter with flat sting (medium sizes).
  2. Shutter with flat sting (the smallest).
  3. Dishwashing liquid.
  4. A set of new gum for janitors.
  5. Capacity with hot (but not boiling) water.

How to change: sequence on the example of Bosch

  1. Initially, a plastic plug on the end of the janitor is removed. To do this, the end with a plug is placed in a hot water capacity for 1-2 minutes. After that, the plug is neatly inserted under the plug, the plastic flashes the plastic slightly, and the part shifts along the janitor.

    Removal from the wipers of the plug using a flat dump

  2. Access to the metal latch is available, with which the gum is held. There is a thin mustache on this detail, under which the thinnest dumping is started. The mustch upwards, and the gum is removed. A similar procedure is made with the other end of the janitor.

    Fastening mustjacks bends the thinnest dumplings

  3. Before installing new rubber bands, their ends are abundantly lubricated with a liquid dishwashing agent, thanks to which the new tires are started under the fixing mustache pre-raised by rearrock without any problems. After installing the rubber band, the dishwashing detergent is thoroughly washed off with warm water.
  4. After that, plastic plugs of the janitor are installed in place.

    Plug from the Bosch frameless janitor

Video to replace the gum on the wiper

Important moments

  • It is strictly not recommended to remove the plugs of the janitors, pre-not warming them. Plastic, from which they are made, very fragile, and breaks even from a minor effort.
  • When flexing the fasteners, it is impossible to make too much effort. Steel, from which these mustache are made, is quite plastic, and if you get used up too much, it may not return to its original position, which means it will not hold a new rubber band.

As can be seen from this article, it is possible to replace the gum on the frameless janitor. The most important thing is to pre-heat its plugs and use only the thinnest dumplings for flexing the fasteners.

Windshield cleaners are very simple, but since it is possible to replace the rubber bands on the janitors, then you can refuse to buy from the purchase of new brushes. If we consider that there is a lot of saidels, small particles of dirt and sand, to which in the winter is added in the winter, the gums on the janitors are very wearing and need to be replaced. The gums change very simply. The main thing is to determine the type of brush design, which is installed on the car.

How to change the gum on the janitors - the design of wipers

Currently used wipers 3 types:

  • frameless;
  • framework;
  • hybrid.

Frameless wipers

They consist of a housing poured out of plastic with fused metal plates, between which a gum is installed. This type of janitor has a greater cost, they are not universal. Frameless wipers are manufactured for each car model individually.

Frame wipers

The greatest use was obtained on domestic and soviet cars. All the details of the design until recently were made of metal, but now manufacturers are massively moving to plastic.

Frame wipers consist of:

  • supports;
  • rocker;
  • hinges;
  • adapter;
  • gum;
  • clamping plate.

Hybrid wipers

They use supports and rockers from frame brushes, and a plastic housing - from frameless. Hybrid wipers are very expensive and at the same time the most durable.

Which wipers can change the gum

Replace the gum without damaging the performance characteristics of the wiper can only be on the frame design. To replace the rubber components on hybrid and frameless janitars, a certain preparation and qualifications are needed. Such a replacement is made only in the absence of the possibility of acquiring a new set of janitors.

Procedure for replacing gum on janitor

Prepare pliers and a screwdriver with a wide blade.

  • Remove the janitor with a leash. Gently, remove the screwdriver tape screwdriver. Flush to the minimum angle so that the gum will slip out of the janitor. Final bent make pliers. The fact is that the capture is wider, and the probability of damage to the clamps decreases.
  • After feeding the tape from the support clamps, remove the plate from it, holding the gum in the curved state. Remember how the bends of the plates are directed to not confuse them. If you set them on the contrary, the gum will not be pressed against the glass, and the wipers will have to be dismissed.
  • In the plates there are samples that include rubber tape grooves. This situation is possible when the thickness of the groove is greater than the sample width. In this case, take a thin outstimate and expand the sample.
  • Insert the gum into the clamps. It must freely pass the locks. Pay attention, it is not allowed a strong backlash in the rockers, otherwise the new tape is quickly wear out.

How to protect the wiper brushes from premature wear

  • Do not leave the car in the locations of direct sunlight. If this can not be avoided, then raise brushes from the windshield.
  • In winter, the brushes do not face to the glass, lifted leashes and do not lower them until the car is heated. If the wipers are about it, then do not break them down with the power - the glass must hide with them.
  • Strongly contaminated glass with branches and leaves must be pre-cleaned and wipe with a cloth so that the solids do not fall under the gum.
  • Choosing the wipers, avoid dubious cheap fakes. Preference also give only proven or known manufacturers firms. Such products are characterized by good quality and made of reliable materials.
  • Silicone rubber bands have proven well. They differ in durability and elasticity.

When carrying out such a repair, note that the quality of windshield cleaning will depend on how you follow the work. If a new gum skips some areas of glass, then you can repeat the experiment with the replacement, but it is better to buy a new set of wipers. Please note the cost of several rubber tapes damaged by poor-quality replacement, will block the cost of new janitors.

The wiper brushes or how they are accustomed to call "janitors" quickly quickly fail. If these are non-original options, then literally a year - one and a half and desirable to change, as they can be cleaned disgusting. I now don't even call any firm to work for a long time. However, the cost often simply rolls (if you have a foreign car), then prices may vary from 1500 to 2500 per pair. But it turns out if old worn, it is not necessary to run and buy new, you can repair with your own hands for only 50 - 100 rubles ...

I have a big experience with janitor, I changed them a lot, the latter stood firms Bocsh. By the way, they did not take place and the year, a large brush literally collapsed - not only the elastic herself was broken, but the fastener broke. Therefore, I have really mixed feelings from Bosha, but most likely they will not buy them anymore, about 2000 just one year, as it seems to me too.

Why not buy new?

Actually about it already wrote from above, the whole thing in price. And not all options can approach, that is, you can not say, go to Auchan and buy for 300 - 500 rubles. - Couple hang on your car, trite may not fit the mount. Therefore, it is worth watching those producers that the dealer recommends. But if you take, original wipers, on my car are about 4,000 (according to the manager) - to gently say - to ohrenet!

Yes, and all sorts of "Bohti", Alca, DENSO - vary around 2000 - 3000 rubles. For a couple. But damn it wants to really save, say - try to repair them.


It is worth noting that it is possible to repair almost any brush, it does not matter frame, frameless or hybrid. The price is about 200 rubles per pair, but if you find good gum - then they can reach 150 per one (that is, two - 300).

By the way, there are more budget options, when two pieces cost 50 - 100 rubles, but how much they stand so much and work. Therefore, I still recommend you to look at the prices of 150 - 200r.

You can repair with your own hands, and this process is quite easy, this is about it further and let's talk.

About profile

A few words about the profile of brushes, it is not the same. By the way, I have one on the original one on the original one. And the gum, which I bought is designed for not the original! But as the seller said in the store, should climb into any wiper.

Ideally, you need to take the same or similar profile, then they will work as new, but if you have no such thing in the city (I have been looking for the original version for a very long time), you can take universal.

Another advice, look at the upper part, as if the shelf, they should be about the same width and thickness, otherwise it will not climb into a regular place for fastening.

Replacing with your own hands

I immediately want to notice - before carrying out the repair, look at the place of attachment near the leash. The non-original wipe cleaner broke my plastic sleeve and she was tritely falling apart! The restoration of this sample does not make any point, it will still rattling on the windshield.

On the original, but done version, the mount is based on the metal sleeve, it is very high quality and durable, that's it, it is necessary to repair it.

I think it is not necessary to explain - that the "repair tape" is longer than our standard, it is necessary to simply cut it with scissors (or knife) at the desired length.

Since I have two options, I will show you how to change on each:

Change to Bosch.

  • This wiper has plastic latches on the sides, we need to dismantle any to choose from (right or left).
  • Just draw a screwdriver

  • Pull, the latch comes down, look at the photo

  • Pull out the rubber tape and change to another

  • Then just close the plastic plug

That's how easy it is easy.

Repair of the original brush

  • At first, it is even easier here than a competitor. On the one hand there is a button, press it and the plastic holder comes out.

  • Pull the rubber tape. But at one end we hang the plug

  • The thing is that it has a metal clamp (type of a crocodile), which does not allow the cap to fall. To begin with, just pull out a gum from "plastic"
  • Now we spawned the "crocodile", I did it with a screwdriver

  • We outweigh the new gum and clamp the pliers

  • We insert into plastic, we bring the ribbon to the place of fastening and snatch at the end

As you can see, everything is also very simple.

If you summarize, my recovery with your own hands was only 85 rubles for repair gum! It is very fiscal! The windshield is cleaned very effectively.

Now the video version of the article is more understandable.

At this end, I think my information was helpful to you. Sincerely your autobalkher.

One of the elements of the car wiper system is the wipers, the working surface of which is made of elastic rubber. Due to the special form and flexible surface, the brush is tightly adjacent to the windshield.

Now consider how do you replace the gum on the janitors of the new type. Disconnect brushes from leashes. With a screwdriver, carefully we care about the plastic clamp on the end of the brush and remove it. Scour holder and pull out the rubber element. We collect in reverse order.

How to try to protect the wiper brushes from premature wear

  1. It is advisable not to leave the car at the site of direct sunlight in the summer. If this is not avoided, it is better to remove the brushes.
  2. In winter, in order to avoid calling the brushes to the windshield, it is better to raise leashes and leave them in such a position until the car warming up. If the wipers are still about the same, it is better to wait, not including the wiper, while the car's interior is warm and the windshield does not hide.
  3. Glass with severe pollution and poured on it with leaves, branches, etc. It is better to preliminarily brush or rub with a rag, to avoid solid particles from the wiper gum.
  4. When choosing janitors, do not buy dubious cheap fakes. Preference to famous manufacturers firms, their products are usually made of good materials and is characterized by good quality.
  5. Silicone elastic bands have proven not bad. They are characterized by good elasticity and durability.
  6. It is also recommended to use two types of janitors - winter and summer. Winter wipers are distinguished by a closed cover from snow sticking, so they better cope with cleaning in the winter and do not face windshield.

The wipers of the car have a great influence on a comfortable ride. Their work provides good visibility of the carriageway and allows the driver to keep the car suspension, circling irregularities on the road. And the better the quality of the janitor's work, the more the driver and nerves of the driver. If the work of the janitors is unsatisfactory - they must be replaced. Replacing the gum on the must be fully responsible. In this article, I will tell you how to make a gum on the janitor to operate as long as possible, and their work was positive.

Not every driver wants to change the brushes of janitors every six months. Therefore, for this it is necessary to monitor their condition and perform some requirements for their operation.

  • Before turning on the cleaning of windshield, it is necessary to start it with the water from the sprayer. If the keg is empty, you can use a plastic eggmarket or snow. The movement of the dry glass gum can provoke their damage. On the windshield a lot of dust and sand, especially on the rear window. When the dry rubber band passes along it, threads and cracks can be formed on its surface. Of course, this happens not after once, but this is a fact.
  • From time to time, the janitor must be lubricated or washed with water. And this applies not only to the mechanism, but also the gum should sometimes get the proportion of the lubricant.
  • IN winter Special care is needed. If you leave the car for an indefinite open-air period (not in the warm garage), then you need to divert the wipers from the windshield. With severe frosts, rubber bands are about glass. And if at this time you will need to use the car, then do not try to turn on the cleaning of the glass. This can lead to premature wear of the motor and brushes.
  • At the occurrence of cold weather, it is necessary to replace fluid for the washer to the anti-massarmecot. This will allow not only to save the wipers for another seasons, but also save you a tank for fluid. Since the usual fluid freezes and leads to crackling the tank.
  • High air temperature and direct sunlight on the brushes double reduces their service life. If you do not want to buy new brushes after the summer, do not be lazy to remove them from the car. The removal procedure will take you a couple of minutes and save you several hundred rubles.
  • You can get a habit - wipe the glass while refueling the car or every time they use it.
  • The most vulnerable part of janitors (frame) - hinges. Behind them should be followed. When dust hit on them, their corrosion and premature wear arise. Hinges need to be lubricated with any means. Otherwise, the wiper will have to change.
  • It is not recommended to use a janitor when a layer of snow is present on the windshield. It is better to sleep with hand or scraper. And only after that, turn on the janitor to perform the cleaning of the wet glass.
  • Do not turn on the janitor when the glass is covered with ice layer. The friction of rubber in people will lead to the appearance of cracks and cuts, and this, in turn, is to poorly clean the front or rear windows.
  • Before buying new items, pay attention to their condition. Carefully check their surface for damage. Remember than the wipers are cheaper, the better their quality of work is worse. It is better to pay once, but pass with normal wiper not one year.

Replacing rubber bands on wiper

Even if you have never done this, it will not be difficult to remove them.

It is important to take into account that there are three types of janitors and several types of fasteners with which the rubber band is attached to the base (edges). Prepare the necessary tool - pliers, knife and scissors.

The replacement of the gum on the janitors is performed quite simply and does not take much time.

So, the replacement is done like this:

  1. Wiper levers need to be raised (remove from windshield).
  2. Next you need to launch old worn gum. To do this, we find their place of attachment to the guide levers and disconnect with the help of pliers. It is important not to overdo the clamps. They need to be bent into several millimeters (2-3). Otherwise, they can be damaged.
  3. Each gum is disconnected along with the edge on which it is located. Some sets include not only gum, but also these ribs. If they are undoubtedly use them. If not - use old.
  4. New gum must match the size of the old. Therefore, if necessary, cut it into size.
  5. The new item is inserted into place of the old (in the grooves) after which the mount is fixed. Ribs are installed in the same place.

Since I had to replace the wipers, you can at the same time lubricate the entire mechanism or rinse with it with clean water. You can make a comfortable ride on the car. To do this, it is enough to establish normal wiper.

Video "

The record shows one of the ways to extend the life of janitors. Check out the video and learn how to change your own elastic bands on them.

The fact that the wiper brushes periodically must be changed, everyone knows all the motorists. However, there is an alternative to the replacement of only rubber cleaner tape. What are the advantages and what disadvantages of this method, when he can be justified, let's talk about this in this article.

When your wiper brushes cease to cope with their direct duties for cleaning windshield, leave stripes, crude areas should be thought about to replace them. However, there is an alternative to replace the rubber cleaner tape in the janitor. Most often, the main reasons for which car owners are resolved to replace the cleaning ribbon on a frameless brush, and not the whole janitor, the following:

  • the desire to save - even the cheapest Chinese frameless brushes (with unknown quality), as a rule, are more expensive than a good cleaning tape;
  • rare brush. Rare brush fastening, size, lack of suppliers, long delivery time and the like. This is the second most popular reason for replacing rubber bands.

If the brush frame itself is generally suitable for operation, not lost mobility, the steel brush element provides the necessary clamp to the glass, then replace the gum in such a janitor is quite acceptable.

Separately, it is replaceable rubber tapes for wiper brushes for sale by many manufacturers. There are such products in the Bosch, Champion catalogs, offers its branded removable gum with Maruenu tourmaline, there are replaceable ribbons from Alca, SCT and Horse. The gums are sold different lengths, pieces, sets of 2 pieces, and in some stores even began to sell a cleaner tape in the bays on meters. How much you need so much and cut off.

Gum from Horsa Replaceable tape SWF.

But the manufacturer's choice is not the only important point when selecting gum for a frameless brush. It is important to draw attention to the ribbon profile and even width. Most often B. frameless brushes A rectangular profile of 6 millimeters width is used, but there are other options. There is a profile in the form of a trapezium, it happens in the brushes using a gum width not 6, but 8 millimeters.

One of the elements of the car wiper system is the wipers, the working surface of which is made of elastic rubber. Due to the special form and flexible surface, the brush is tightly adjacent to the windshield.

Now consider how do you replace the gum on the janitors of the new type. Disconnect brushes from leashes. With a screwdriver, carefully we care about the plastic clamp on the end of the brush and remove it. Scour holder and pull out the rubber element. We collect in reverse order.

How to try to protect the wiper brushes from premature wear

  1. It is advisable not to leave the car at the site of direct sunlight in the summer. If this is not avoided, it is better to remove the brushes.
  2. In winter, in order to avoid calling the brushes to the windshield, it is better to raise leashes and leave them in such a position until the car warming up. If the wipers are still about the same, it is better to wait, not including the wiper, while the car's interior is warm and the windshield does not hide.
  3. Glass with severe pollution and poured on it with leaves, branches, etc. It is better to preliminarily brush or rub with a rag, to avoid solid particles from the wiper gum.
  4. When choosing janitors, do not buy dubious cheap fakes. Preference to famous manufacturers firms, their products are usually made of good materials and is characterized by good quality.
  5. Silicone elastic bands have proven not bad. They are characterized by good elasticity and durability.
  6. It is also recommended to use two types of janitors - winter and summer. Winter wipers are distinguished by a closed cover from snow sticking, so they better cope with cleaning in the winter and do not face windshield.

Comfortable ride behind the wheel is not only speed and pleasant car management, but also the ability to respond to the slightest changes in the situation, a great overview regardless of external factors. This is possible when all the systems of the car work without problems and complaints, but it is worth it, for example, such little things, as the back door janitor stops to stop tightly to the glass, the driver immediately deprives for almost 30% of the review of the car invisibility zones, which means the safety of driving in such Case sharply starts to pass.

What to give preference

Oddly enough, but those who only became the owner of the car, regardless of whether he smells like the factory paint or the car has already passed not one repair, the experienced motorists advise almost immediately replacing regular wipers on the frameless. At the same time, the arguments of the advisers most often says that this is the best version of janitors.

Of course, in relation to old cars, they are right, it is better to replace and not only the wipers immediately. But for owners of new cars it is better to start with really high quality. The peculiarity of the frameless janitors is the absence of a metal frame in their design, providing a rigid fit of the blades of a wiper gum to the surface of the glass.

Such an excessive stiffness is largely the cause of the rapid wear of the cutting edge, it is quickly wearing, especially during the passage of the rotation point, when the gum must change the direction.

How frameless wipers are arranged

The design of frameless janitors does not really have a rigid metal frame and a few spring-loaded fastening elements, all these designs are replaced simple, but in its brilliantly developed part - a plastic holder with a guide and spoiler. Plastic frame, in the grooves of which is located silicone or rubber-graphite blade of the wiper, perfectly repeats the shape of the windshield, evenly adjacent along the entire length.

The frame shape is made in the form of a spoiler, providing additional use of wind strength to fit the janitor. And the soft material of the wiper of frameless janitors is perfectly coping with their work at any time of the year.

What time to change wipers

There are cases in different ways and with the deadlines for the replacement of this element. So, for conventional framework models, the recommended replacement is once a year, while it is recommended to be replaced during seasonal service during the transition from per summer. However, as practice shows, for motorists, whose annual mileage is from 25,000 km or more, such a replacement is carried out much more often, usually in the fall and spring.

With frameless models, things are somewhat different, soft material, an elastic plastic spoiler without much difficulty is to have 2 seasons for cars with low mileage and garage conditions of parking and 1.5 seasons for cars with great mileage.

Often in winter, when the windshield is covered with a layer of ice, with careless handling of glass cleaning system, the cutting edge of the frame janits, the random inclusion of which on the frozen glass leads at best to the rigid rubber or stratification.

For frameless models, such a phenomenon is quite rare, After all, the elastic holder clearly responds to all obstacles in its path and simply rises, not allowing the silicone inset to be deformed.

Is it profitable to change gums on janitor

Replacing consumables in the car - the process is quite specific and creative. Replacing the filter, oil or janitor makes from the car enthusiast of the real car mechanic. The use of frameless janitor with all positive qualities is still associated with the process of their replacement in the future. And here modern technologies offer two main options:

  • Replacing frameless janitors completely;
  • Replacing only rubber blades on frameless janitor.

Both options above have the right to exist. For the first, this means the opportunity to get even used, but completely a capable set of janitors, which can be installed at any time and which can be used for some time.

In addition, the complete replacement does not require any additional tools and materials, just enough to open the packaging, select the retainer required for installation and fix on the holder.

Detailed description of the replacement of janitors you will find in this video:

But in the case of the installation of replaceable rubber bands for frameless janits, this process acquires a creative look. In order to replace the gum need:

  • Pick up the required size in length;
  • It is desirable to choose a gum of the manufacturer's company as the janitor himself;
  • To dismantle the janitors with their subsequent disassembly;
  • Cut off the size of the gum and install it in place;
  • In the reverse order to collect the design.

And although it all looks pretty cumbersome, after replacing the gum on one pair of janitors, experience allows you to do it regularly.

Tip: To replace the gum in a frameless janitor, it is recommended to process the housing itself of the spoiler and the installation site with a special aerosol lubricant with silicone for softening plastic so that the setting of the gum is even easier.

Price of frameless janitors and replaceable rubber

Comparing the price of consumables themselves and services for their replacement, the difference in the cost will be very tangible. The price of frameless janitors will be 2-2.5 times more expensive than the gum themselves, however, the cost of the work of a simple replacement will be lower, but still the replacement of the gum will be cheaper. Judge for yourself: good quality wipers stand within a thousand rubles (the same Bosch in the well-known Auchan worth 800 rubles per piece), but the interchangeable gum can be found for them for several hundred.

Independent replacement of elastic bandless janitors

Before the replacement of janits, you should carefully examine those that are already installed. If the replacement is complete, then it is necessary when you select the model suitable for the length of the model, it is necessary to make sure that the suitable model is found.

  • The replacement must be started with the fact that, pulling the holders, put a cloth or a thick notebook on the glass folded into several layers. A pretty often poorly fixed slut holder breaks the windshield, so such a safety device is quite justified.
  • Gently, without tension, the plastic lock of the janitor and the design is removed from the holder. The holder can be carefully lowered on the windshield.
  • On the unpacked new janitor is set to this model the retainer. The janitor is easily inserted into the holder and the position of the latch is fixed. After that, a protective bar with gum is removed. The fabric is removed from the glass, and the wiper is installed in place.

Another feature of this kind of product is its selection of operation for some manufacturers, so before changing the gums on frameless janitors you need to make sure that these are suitable "summer" or "winter" or "all-season" gum.

Let's sum up

The cost of a set of frameless janitors depends on several factors, mainly the fame of the brand of the manufacturer and the brand of the car.

The set for a budget foreign car can cost from 1100 to 1400 rubles, while the replacement gum will cost from 350 to 500 rubles per pair of 50 cm long.

Independent replacement of janitors on a frameless model is not a big problem and can be made independently both in the form of a finished kit and a replacement of only rubber bands, so that with minimal skill you can, spending some time to save a significant amount.

Car blind is appropriate only for participants of some TV show, on the urban streets, even minor dirt divorces on the windshield can hide, for example, a pedestrian, produced right on the road.
Even if you do not thwate the paint, you can say without stretching that car "wipers", or rather their condition, really affect the safety of motion. Even if you see everything, but the muddy glass causes you to strain your eyesight, irritate from the result of which the inevitable fatigue comes, which reduces the speed of your reaction and affects the safety of driving.

The wipers are a consumables of the car, but the purchase of new ones is not cheap, but there is a way out - replacement of rubber brushes.

Therefore, "wipers" for someone who does not want to leave road situation Without proper control, they are consumable. But the price of high-quality products is quite high, and many prefer to change not the janitor, but the cleaner tape is "rubber band".
How to change the elastic band on the janitor, which gums for janits are better to choose, as well as what brushes and ribbons for them are at all, we will tell below.

Probably, not everyone was thinking about how uniformly fitting the working edge of the janitor's tape to the glass was carried out. But it is precisely a technical solution to this issue and caused the emergence of several types of brushes. We describe them by following the chronological order of changing the design.

Frame wipers

Frame wipers

As you can see, there is nothing particularly difficult in the design, but from the mobility of the sorcement of the frame during the work of the janitor, the way how tightly there will be a gum - the car is not flat, and the brush must "repeat" its form when the wiper operation must "repeat".

The design of frame janitors allows you to more accurately repeat the bending of the windshield and orient the rubber brushes perpendicular to the surface cleaned.

At the same time, the mobility of the joints of the rumor should not be excessive in the cross-moving brush direction, otherwise the janitor will "fall" the side of the side and will scratch the glass frame. In general, the edge of the gum should stand perpendicular to the glass - if it is not "stroking" it, but "goes to Zadira", then the "rubber" sound will be terrible, and the dirt will leave the strip on the glass.
An elastic band is held at the rocker with steel plates, which must have sufficient elasticity and resistance to corrosion.
Replacing rubber bands on frame janitars - a simple occupation, but requiring a certain skill. It is only necessary to pull out the gum along with the plates, and, reflecting the records in a new ribbon, to turn them into the grippers on the frame. Pay attention to payments at which longitudinal groove on the gum reference plates - the remaining grooves (folds) serve to collect dirt and ensure the elasticity of the working edge.

Winter frame wipers

Winter frame janitors allow winter to avoid freezing design elements, which is a certain advantage.

For such janitors, silicone gum are produced, which retain flexibility in the cold, sometimes they are called winter gums for janitors.
Frame brushes themselves are available in the winter version - with a casing covering the hinges of the icing frame. It is the fact that frame brushes covering ice, stop pressing glass, and is their main disadvantage. As practice has shown, the hopes imposed on the winter version of the brushes were not justified - despite high costThese wipers did not lose the shortcomings inherent in their "summer" fellows.

Frameless wipers

As can be seen in the photo, such brushes do not have moving parts. The adjacent to the glass of such janitors ensures the elastic tape from the metal, which is actually the basis.

Frameless wipers

The main disadvantage of frameless janitors is a bad fit to the surface of the windshield, as a result of which the quality of cleaning is sharply reduced.

The big minus of these brushes - they are poorly adjacent to the most deployed stalks and are well coped with cleaning only if their manufacturer abused them to the concrete glass form, that is, they are not universal. Cheap Chinese products are practically not clean at all.
The firms that are released, especially make focus on the fact that frameless wipers have good aerodynamics and are well pressed against the glass at high speeds.
But their most important advantage is the lack of hinges that can lose mobility in icing.
Replaceable gums for frameless janitors AVS look like this:

Replaceable gum for janitors

When replacing them, it is important not to "reverse" the basis - a metal plate. The violation of her form will cause a loose brush to glass and even if you buy good "branded" gums for janitors (Bosch, for example), the glass will not be cleaned properly, and the janitor itself will have to just throw away.

Hybrid wipers

Hybrid wipers

Hybrid wipers are undoubtedly a more modern product, providing comfort of use and quality of windshield cleaning, but they are not worthy.

In fact, it is frame winter brushes, but having a protective case separated by part. Such janitors on the conveyor are equipped with the most expensive models. Hinge rumors in them are protected from direct water from entering, but housing joints are freezing.
Let such brushes and not completely delivered from the "diseases" characteristic of ordinary framework products, they still have a certain step forward. The biggest minus can be called their high cost - prices begin with 400 rubles.
The replacement of the elastic bands on hybrid janitans is performed almost the same as on ordinary frameworks. You can see how the gum changes for the hybrid janitors DENSO. The video demonstrates in detail in detail how to remove the old elastic band from the janitor and install a new one.

Choice of rubber brushes

If you have good dear brushes on your car, it does not matter - they are skew or hybrid - try to purchase "the same" rubber bands. That is, for the brusons DENSO, buy and rubber bands for the janitors of the company DENSO. The fact is that these products do not have any global standard and the installation dimensions on the brushes may not match, say, with a thickness of the gum, refilled in these mounts.

Choose replaceable rubber brushes of the same name of the manufacturer of janitors. So you can avoid not pleasant surprises Because of not docking in the sizes of the brush and the janitor.

True, many manufacturers produce ribbons for brushes to different cars, for example, you can purchase domestic gums for the janitors of Horse. In general, in the event that the "updated" wipers do not care about the glass, it cannot be said that some manufacturer "drives" a marriage, and find out which gums for janitors are better suited for your car, it will have to be experienced.
Unfortunately, the sellers are not always conscientious of such trifles and can simply sell the wrong goods. One car owner who bought gum for Avantech janitors via the Internet, complained that he was just one tape with another label.
In one of the rooms "behind the wheel" described how the editorial staff were selected wipers for cars. So they have achieved a positive result by installing the left and right of the wipers of various manufacturers, for which they had to purchase two pairs of the broths - they were sold by sets.
Sometimes car enthusiasts are interested - whether to restore gums on the janners. A broken gum for the janitor restore, of course, it is impossible, but here is a thorough cleaning of it from dirt with a solvent, will undoubtedly improve its performance.

With questions regarding how to change gums on janitor, I hope we figured out. In conclusion, you will present you company manufacturers (maybe and incomplete list) of the best gum for janitors available on the market: gums for VAN janitors; DENSO; Bosch; Avantech; Horse.

The wipers of the car have a great influence on a comfortable ride. Their work provides good visibility of the carriageway and allows the driver to keep the car suspension, circling irregularities on the road. And the better the quality of the janitor's work, the more the driver and nerves of the driver. If the work of the janitors is unsatisfactory - they must be replaced. Replacing the gum on the must be fully responsible. In this article, I will tell you how to make a gum on the janitor to operate as long as possible, and their work was positive.

Not every driver wants to change the brushes of janitors every six months. Therefore, for this it is necessary to monitor their condition and perform some requirements for their operation.

  • Before turning on the cleaning of windshield, it is necessary to start it with the water from the sprayer. If the keg is empty, you can use a plastic eggmarket or snow. The movement of the dry glass gum can provoke their damage. On the windshield a lot of dust and sand, especially on the rear window. When the dry rubber band passes along it, threads and cracks can be formed on its surface. Of course, this happens not after once, but this is a fact.
  • From time to time, the janitor must be lubricated or washed with water. And this applies not only to the mechanism, but also the gum should sometimes get the proportion of the lubricant.
  • In winter, special care is needed. If you leave the car for an indefinite open-air period (not in the warm garage), then you need to divert the wipers from the windshield. With severe frosts, rubber bands are about glass. And if at this time you will need to use the car, then do not try to turn on the cleaning of the glass. This can lead to premature wear of the motor and brushes.
  • At the occurrence of cold weather, it is necessary to replace fluid for the washer to the anti-massarmecot. This will allow not only to save the wipers for another seasons, but also save you a tank for fluid. Since the usual fluid freezes and leads to crackling the tank.
  • High air temperature and direct sunlight on the brushes double reduces their service life. If you do not want to buy new brushes after the summer, do not be lazy to remove them from the car. The removal procedure will take you a couple of minutes and save you several hundred rubles.
  • You can get a habit - wipe the glass while refueling the car or every time they use it.
  • The most vulnerable part of janitors (frame) - hinges. Behind them should be followed. When dust hit on them, their corrosion and premature wear arise. Hinges need to be lubricated with any means. Otherwise, the wiper will have to change.
  • It is not recommended to use a janitor when a layer of snow is present on the windshield. It is better to sleep with hand or scraper. And only after that, turn on the janitor to perform the cleaning of the wet glass.
  • Do not turn on the janitor when the glass is covered with ice layer. The friction of rubber in people will lead to the appearance of cracks and cuts, and this, in turn, is to poorly clean the front or rear windows.
  • Before buying new items, pay attention to their condition. Carefully check their surface for damage. Remember than the wipers are cheaper, the better their quality of work is worse. It is better to pay once, but pass with normal wiper not one year.

Replacing rubber bands on wiper

Even if you have never done this, it will not be difficult to remove them.

It is important to take into account that there are three types of janitors and several types of fasteners with which the rubber band is attached to the base (edges). Prepare the necessary tool - pliers, knife and scissors.

The replacement of the gum on the janitors is performed quite simply and does not take much time.

So, the replacement is done like this:

  1. Wiper levers need to be raised (remove from windshield).
  2. Next you need to launch old worn gum. To do this, we find their place of attachment to the guide levers and disconnect with the help of pliers. It is important not to overdo the clamps. They need to be bent into several millimeters (2-3). Otherwise, they can be damaged.
  3. Each gum is disconnected along with the edge on which it is located. Some sets include not only gum, but also these ribs. If they are undoubtedly use them. If not - use old.
  4. New gum must match the size of the old. Therefore, if necessary, cut it into size.
  5. The new item is inserted into place of the old (in the grooves) after which the mount is fixed. Ribs are installed in the same place.

Since I had to replace the wipers, you can at the same time lubricate the entire mechanism or rinse with it with clean water. You can make a comfortable ride on the car. To do this, it is enough to establish normal wiper.

Video "

The record shows one of the ways to extend the life of janitors. Check out the video and learn how to change your own elastic bands on them.

With the arrival of the autumn-winter period, each conscious vehicle worried about his security, loving his car and purity, thinks about the need to replace janitors. Modern janitors, though have a practically perfect design, are still susceptible to wear, like everything in this world. For recently, the concept of "wipers" was reduced to simple deviceconsisting of brackets and rockers who produced the purification of average quality, it was not expensive and served a little. They replaced the more advanced frameless wiper brushes, and a little later, and hybrid "counterparts", which served longer and better coped with the task. But, unfortunately, the quality has to pay, the price of these brushes is at times, or even ten times higher than the cost of simple frame brushes. Consequently, a dilemma arose as being: buy cheap wipers more often or dearbut less often? Fortunately, the output was found and consists in not fully changing the frameless brushes, but only the cleaning edge (blade). It has significantly reduced the use of "Frameless" and even more increased their popularity.

The wiper brushes are faster than all come to unsuitability, since they have to constantly interact with different climatic conditions, as well as mud and moisture. But when the first signs of faults appear, the entire mechanism is not rational, since it will be more practical to simply replace the gum on the wiper brushes. It is not difficult to do it, and we will tell about it in the article below. However, the deeper emphasis we want to make on how to protect the brushes from wear so that you can resort to replace as much as possible.

The main function of the wiper is cleaning the windshield of the car from dirt and moisture that falls on it. On some models, automotive wipers are installed even on rear glass And on the headlights. The wiper brushes are very important for the safety of the driver and its passengers, due to which this mechanism should always be in good condition.

The process of cleaning the glass with wiper brushes occurs due to the swing movements that the brushes themselves perform. Removal of pollution and moisture occurs due to special gum, which are put on these brushes. They are the main part of the wiper, but it is most often wearing and requires replacement. If you have acquired new car, then his wipers need to take care very well, which will help to significantly extend their service life. After all, to replace the brushes every six months - the case is flawed both in moral and in financial Plan. In this regard, experienced motorists advise a number of recommendations on properly operation this mechanismwho help extend the service life:

1. If you are going to clean the windshield of the car from dirt, then before this it is necessary to moisten with water using it for this sprayer. If water ended in the tank, you can pour a glass of a bottle or to sketch a little snow on it. Thanks to the water, the movement of the rubber over the glass will be smooth, and it will not cause them damage. If this does not do, sand and dust that are on the glass can leave noticeable scratches on the rubber band, of which deep cracks may later. Of course, if you forget to pour the glass with water once, it will not cause the wear of the wiper gum, but if they are constantly incorrectly operated - the need to replace may occur very soon.

3. To in winter, under the influence of strong frosts, the gum of wipers did not touch the glass, they must be removed from the glass. And if this has already happened, no way to activate the wipers, as this is likely to cause their damage. And even a wiper motor can fail. But it is best for a wiper gum to winter time The car was left in a heated garage.

4. Special attention during the frost needs to be given and liquids used in the washer. So that it does not freeze, instead of it is recommended to pour non-freeze. Thus, after winter, wiper gums will remain in working condition, and their liquid tank.

5. Harmful for windshield wipers not only frost, but also very high temperatures, including the impact on the gum of direct sunlight. According to experts, under the influence of the Sun, the service life of these elements is reduced by about twice. For this reason, the gum must be constantly removed from the brushes so that after the summer they did not have to change. This procedure does not take much time, and with it we will introduce you a little lower.

6. To facilitate the load on the wipers, you can start a very simple habit: wipe the glasses during the refueling of the car or before you drive it out of the garage.

7. If frame janits are installed on your car, then you need to know that in such a mechanism, hinges come out. It is very important to prevent dust to fall on them. Hinges must constantly be lubricated special toolOtherwise, they will quickly wear out, which will lead to the need to replace the entire mechanism.

8. Wipers can not be used to handle snow. It must be removed by hand or scraper, and the glass can be dominated by janitors.

9. The same applies to the situation when ice crust is formed on the glass. In the interaction of elastic wiper with ice, very serious damage may appear on them. As a result, they will no longer be able to carry out high-quality glass cleaning.

10. Treat a very carefully to new glass gum and be sure to buy high-quality products. This will also depend on their service life.

When is the need to replace the janitors and how to determine?

The first sign, according to which drivers determine the need to replace brushes - this is the quality of their work. However, it will not always testify to the wear of the gum: Sometimes the glass remains dirty due to the fact that the oil film is formed, with which the wipers are simply theoretically able to cope. The reason may also be hidden in improper fixation of the wiper mechanism. But let's consider in order to consider a number of most frequent signs that will indicate the fault of the wipers and the need to replace them (or replace the rubber bands):

After cleaning the glass, the janitor remains stripes. Most likely, gum scratched or born. As a result of wear and interaction with mud gum can lose the desired form. In this case, it must be replaced.

If the glass remains poorly wipe, the reason may be hidden in the deformation of the rubber or the optics of the wiper. Often this happens due to loss of rubber elasticity. To check how elastic it is, just remove it from the glass and release. If everything is normal, it should easily return to its original state. If this did not happen, it must be soaked in gasoline, rinse in soapy water and return to the place.

If, when you turn on the janitors, you hear outsiders, such as grinding, are most likely cracks appeared on the rubber parts of wiper. Try to restore such a "malfunction" with silicone lubricant. If it does not help - gums are subject to replacement.

If the "radial" bands remain on the glass after using janitors, it means that dirt or corrosion accumulated on the rubber bands. Again, gasoline procedures and soching in warm water will return to them.

In general, it is impossible to determine the specific service life of the car of the vehicle. After all, on different cars Used different gum, which are made from of different types rubber. If the rubber is natural - it is flawed faster, and it has to change it every six months. If artificial is the term of its service can reach up to the year.

2. What is needed to replace the rubber on the wiper brushes?

All you need to replace the gum on the janitors, it is:

- pliers;


New rubber bands for wiper brushes.

If you prepare the first three tools, you will definitely not be difficult, then with the purchase of new gum, many have problems. It's really not easy to make it, because for each model of the car you need to pick up your type of wipers. In addition, brushes need to choose such that they can combine at all combined qualities: flexibility and rigidity, hardness and softness. All this is basically concerned with rubber bands that dress on the bruthes of janitors and which are most often replaced.

Choosing new gum, it is very important that they come up for your wipers on the type of fastening. If the length does not correspond - it is nothing terrible, if necessary, it can be very easy to correct. But in any case, it is necessary special attention Payroll quality:

- watch the product to be painted in one color throughout its length;

There should be no bends and distortions on elastic bands, their form must fully correspond to the form of support of the wiper brush;

The cleaning side of the rubber band must be perfectly smooth, without mechanical damage;

A distinctive feature of high-quality rubber is its softness and elasticity (thanks to these qualities it will not break from the frost and it is less damaged when interacting with sand, dust and ice).

You should also not forget that high-quality products are not suiced. But, as you know, the miser pays twice. So it is best to leave a large amount in the auto shop and not return there for a whole year than every month to buy new gums for. Often in stores you can meet standard elastic bands from natural or artificial rubber. But recently, quite interesting variations have begun to appear that allow you to decorate the car:

- graphite rubber bands, represented only in black color;

Silicone, which are produced in different colors (more often occur white);

With teflon coating that differ in the presence of yellow strips (considered more wear-resistant);

Rubber-granite mixture.

As you can see, you can choose any option for any car. The main thing is that the product is distinguished by quality, and was also correctly installed. Otherwise, repeated replacement may be needed in a couple of days.

3. What is the process of replacing rubber on car windscreens brushes?

The replacement process is the task even less complicated than the choice of new gum. Each auto owner at home can perform it, spending on the entire procedure no more than half an hour:

1. Raise the levers of the janitors of the car, that is, we take them to the side from the windshield.

2. We remove the old gum from the supports that have already come to unsuitability. Using pliers, it is necessary to remove their mount on the guide levers of the windows brushes. To do this, we simply flex a two or three millimeter clips and get the rubber band. The main thing is not to overdo it with the clips, since they are very fragile and can easily break.

3. The gums are removed along with the ribs on which they are attached in the process of work. By the way, when buying a rubber band, these ribs can also be included with them. In this case, the old can be thrown away, but if there are no new in the kit - you have to use them.

4. Compare a new and old elastic band. They must match each other in size. If the new is a little more, it is necessary to level with scissors or knives.

5. In the same grooves in which the old elastic band was attached, we insert a new one and fix it with the help of the clips. At the same place we install the ribs of wipers. This replacement is completed. It remains only to rinse the wipers and lubricate the entire device mechanism. Thanks to this, the updated wipers will work simply and without interruption, providing maximum returns from new rubber bands and their proper operation.

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