Safe place in the car. What is the safest place in the car. Using additional seat belts

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Each family, who has happiness to raise a little child, is obliged to comply with the "short hand" rule. It means that letting a child from ourselves further than the hands of an adult person can reach, should not. So it will be possible to always control the situation when it comes to young children. This rule Fairly (with some reservations) and in the case of the transport of a child in the vehicle.

Capital truths from traffic police

Since almost every family having children has its own car, then adults are simply obliged to know where the most safe place In the car for the child. Discussions on this are conducted on various Internet forums, in European communities, as well as among compatriots.

Statistics are given the most diverse, but still I want to hear the official response from representatives of the power of people. Under the Russian legislation of small and not very karapusov until 12 years of age, we must transport exclusively in the car seat (otherwise fine!). But where to install it, there is no clear guidance, the parent must solve this issue independently.

Five years ago, as part of the All-Russian project, the "Little Large passenger" was still issued the following recommendation: "The safest place is in the middle of the rear seat, that is, in the center of the car." Although some European specialists in child autotraumamum are adhered to the point of view that the trip to the car is in any case a dangerous thing. Because whatever position you choose, the main thing is that everyone is convenient. Even with a car session is also a great danger, just its percentage varies.

Choosing a place in the car depending on the category of car seats

In order for children to occupy a really safest place in the car, you need to take into account the age and category of the acquired chairs:

  • Chairs and cradle for the smallest (categories 0 and 0+) are recommended to be installed on the back seat, and the headboard from the door. The cradle in this case is perpendicular to the movement of the car. If the mother is driving, then often this kind of car seat for babies is fixed on the front passenger seatbut against the move of the car. The belt should be lower than the shoulder of the child, and the airbag in this place should be absent.
  • Like in front and rear, categories 1, 2, 3 may be fixed for the first presence of a five-point belt. Children in this case are sitting along the movement of the car. The difference is only in fixing the main belt (for 1 - slightly above the level of the shoulder, for 2 - through the center of the shoulder). Boosters (third seats category) do not have the backs and side walls.

Need to remember that the safest place in the machine for installation children's car seat It will be really safe only if the seat of any category is correctly installed and fixed.

Fastening of car seat on the front passenger seat

Statistics inexorably told adults that this option is the most unsafe for transportation not only by children, but also of any passenger. This is explained by the fact that when the driver is thieving danger, as a rule, leads vehicle Left to protect yourself from collision. Accordingly, the right front angle of the car is first substituted.

With a frontal collision, the child will also be in imminent danger, especially if the airbag works. Therefore, it is impossible to call this option of fixing "the safest place in the car." Although the pros still eat: the mother is convenient to observe how the baby behaves, he is in sight and on the "short hand".

The location of the car seat in the back seat for the passenger on the right

Encouraging statistics indicates that this option is very acceptable. On the seat on the right there are fewer shots in an accident, because it is from the oncoming vehicle stream in the opposite corner. In order for parents to be convenient to see their child (because it is almost impossible in the rearview mirror), you can install an additional mirror in the car. So it will be easier to follow the actions of a small passenger.

Pluses are not limited. Right side - The safest place in the car is in the way that the baby will correctly sit down and plant from the sidewalk, rather than the roadway.

Behind the driver, the child is safe - the milled myth

For a long time it was believed that children should be sitting at the left left. This is true at three points:

  1. As a rule, manufacturers of most brands of cars make the left side more durable.
  2. The driver in the event of an accident automatically takes his left side of the blow.
  3. In the rearview mirror, the child is perfectly visible. And the accompanying person on the front passenger seat is easily reaching his hand to the baby in such a position.

But there are also three components indicating that behind the driver is not the safest place in the car for a child in a chair:

  1. Seat and disembarking children falls from the side of the sidewalk, but in the immediate vicinity of the roadway.
  2. In addition, the oncoming traffic flow is very close to this place.
  3. In the event of any problems with the child, the driver who is one in the car is difficult to reach the chair behind him.

Favorite for the safety of the children's chair - Golden Middle

Listening to the advice of both domestic experts and foreign, it is best to plant your precious child directly in the middle of the sofa of the rear seat. If you visually submit the location inside the machine children's chair It is behind the back, in the middle, it is obvious how many free space around it.

With an accident, this place is 16% (according to statistical data of the case studies of the University of Buffalo) more secure than all other provisions children's seats. It really is if not the safest place in the car for a children's chair, then exactly most among the above variations. It is surrounded by space that is not squeezed in a collision (including side on both sides).

Methods for fastening the children's seat in the car

By purchasing a chair for transportation in the car of your child, you should carefully examine the instructions and attach it strictly on it. Two ways are considered:

  • The car seat in the selected position is attached to the vehicle kit with seat belts. There are situations when the lengths of the belts are missing. In this case, it is categorically impossible to extend them. Better contact the car repair shop or to official dealer For such a service.
  • The less popular option is the system - the metal guides are built into the children's chair with special fasteners at the ends. Durable brackets are installed directly in the car seat.

Although when choosing a second option and fixing the chair using it, it is fully confirmed by the fact that the safest place in the car is in the back of the middle. Risks in this case are significantly less than when attaching seat belts, despite the fact that the "Isofix system" is less popular. This is due to the fact that not all cars are equipped in a similar way.

How to place in the car children if there are several

In many cars, the middle place is not adapted for the location of the car seat (for example, due to the built-in folding armrest). In addition, if in the family of children's children, then three car seats in the average car will be problematic.

Two children are best planted on the back seat as close to the center. Either act according to the principle: the younger, the more you need to protect the kid's trip. Therefore, parents should be rationally to decide where the safest place in the car for each of the small passengers.

Always dreamed of shaking in Europe. And so that it was a house on wheels. Today, this catalog leafed here - it turned out that you can not only buy, but also take such an autod to the rental. And today we will talk about security in the car.

The safety of passengers during the trip is of paramount importance. With an accident, an extremely important factor is the location of the passenger - not all seats in the car are equally safe. On this issue, various studies were conducted, because everyone wants to maximize their family and loved ones. This article will consider where in the cabin as safe as possible.

Security in the car

For a long time, the safest was considered the rear seat diagonally from the driver. Even the tradition appeared that an important person is located in the rear right of the seat. This part of the cabin was specially intended for official persons. It was explained by the fact that the passenger sitting behind the driver receives minimal damage in case of a strong impact.

Where less dangerous in the cabin, largely depends on its design, road quality and varieties road, left- or right-hand. If the oncoming roads are separated by safe zones, then according to statistical data, they are less than the frontal blows than the side. If the crossroads are equipped with traffic lights, the number of side shocks will be minimized.

Least dangerous places in collisions

To protect yourself and passengers, you need to explore different types Accidents and safe sections for them:
When a collision of the forehead in the forehead, the blow is carried out on the left front area, therefore, the safe zone is behind the driver.
With the left side strike, the protected area is on rear seatopposite to the driver.
When you hit the right side, the minimum danger threatens sitting in the back seats directly for the driver.

It follows from all that follows that the most protected is the seat behind the left. But recently scientists had studies confirmed that the least dangerous zone was a place behind in the middle. This is explained by the fact that when the person who is sitting in this place is hit, almost nothing squeezes anything, especially if the side collision occurred. This fact confirmed EURONSAP data collected directly after an accident.

Security tools

Traditional and efficient passive means are belts. Even in teaching beginner drivers, they teach them to fasten them, because such a design has already saved many lives.

Also effective tool are pillows. No wonder the cars equipped with them are considered one of the safest in the world. Many confuses that after an accident pillows can re-work, but it is impossible, since after disclosure, charges are burned, which launched them. In some cases, pillows do not work for various reasons. In such situations, before removing the victim, it is necessary to turn off the power supply and wait until an additional power supply is discharged.

Also good protection are headrests. They have repeatedly saved victims of the scalp and concussions of the brain.

What to do during accident

During collisions, many are lost and make incorrect solutions, which can also affect the amount of damage and injuries. According to research, muscle tension and support in collisions can significantly minimize the number of different damage.

Landing in a car is also key. People in the car must sit in such a way that in the collision they did not have the opportunity to straighten their legs and hands. If the limbs are in voltage, they will perform as shock absorbers. But with their complete straightening, the chance of receiving injuries increases. Also, with this location, there is a risk of spine damage, which can cause significant harm to a person or even make it disabled.

Happy way to you and let all seats in your car will be safe!

The safest place in the car

The car is a source of increased danger, so the issue of ensuring the safety of the operation of the car is of great importance. Almost every person at least once in his life saw an accident. Even experienced and cautious drivers cannot guarantee full securityAs they can become the affected party in the incident. Situations when moving can occur different, but to prepare as much as possible. For many drivers and passengers, interest is the question of the most secure place in the car. This question will give the answer below.

So where is the safest place in the cabin?

Many experts believe that it is impossible to give an accurate and unambiguous answer to this question. In each case, such a place can be chosen based on the type of accident, its character. Anyway, under certain circumstances, the driver and passengers can get the most serious injury. But a small reservation still in the opinion of experts can be traced.

As practice shows, the passenger from the seat behind the driver most often gets the least serious injuries.

Taking into account the nature of the collision, the conditional indicator of the security of one choice of place will change. So, with a side impact, the passenger placed behind the driver will certainly receive small damage or will avoid them at all. With a strong front collision, the passenger from the same place can get the most serious injuries, even incompatible with life. On the other hand, the same take into account may comprehend other people in the cabin.

In any case, it is extremely important not to forget about the mandatory compliance of the rules of the road, regardless of which the passenger is at what distance people and other circumstances go. Especially carefully to this rule should be treated when transporting children. Do not ignore and the need to use a children's chair. Car management skills and attentive attitude to safety - those factors that largely depends the life of not only the driver and passengers of a particular car, but other participants in the movement.

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Miscellaneous kind of trouble and potential danger, waiting for us on every corner. This is especially true automotive security. Probably there is no such person who was not a witness to the incidental accident. True, no one is insured from this, and even the most measured riding driver is not immune from the fact that his passengers or he himself can be a victim. In order to preserve your health, it is useful to know what the safest place in the car. It is these knowledge, on a series of C, will help preserve precious health in the future.

Front seat next to the driver

It would seem that a potentially close place to the place of impact (however, as the driver's itself) will be the most dangerous for the passenger. In fact, the main place of all collisions occurs in the front of the car (except in cases when you are crashed).

However, if you take the car for the sample released not so long ago and using the latest passenger security technologies and the driver, the scales bowl is sharply inclined in the opposite direction. The front places, due to the greatest traumatic hazards, are equipped with the greatest amount of airbag, when the body of the victim is almost completely, the blocking angle sometimes reaches 240 degrees) overlaps access to solid interior elements.

Naturally, such safety is possible only in the case of complete compliance with security measures, namely: the passenger must occupy proper position On the chair (as close as possible will be located with its back to the back of the seat, keeping the knees with reduced angle approximate to 90 degrees).

Behind the driver

It is customary to be the most protected in the car. With a frontal collision, the passenger is protected from impact and get into the salon of sharp fragments (or other dangerous parts) with a high back of the driver's seat. In addition, some studies have shown that the critical thinking of many drivers makes it possible to use maneuver at the last moment, providing maximum protection in an inevitable collision, thus guided by the "self-preservation instinct".

Behind the front passenger

This is probably one of the safest places in the car, but the palm of security leadership holds another place. It is not surprising that such a location in the car is often called the "diplomatic landing". All because official, or other executive persons, trusting many years of experience understand that the diagonal location towards the driver makes this place the most protected among the rest.

In the case of a frontal collision, the passenger is maximally protected from departures through windshield. The risk to catch someone else's hood in the side, here is also less afraid than the same landing for the driver, since in our country there is a right-hand movement.

However, as statistical data show, more than 40% of all accidents occur during the overcoming of the intersections. Consequently, during the maneuver of the left turn, talking his right side of the oncoming traffic, we potentially find out the threat of collisions with other vehicles.

Rear in the middle

In 2006, the group of Australian researchers adopted the fact that the central place in the back row is the most protected among all others. In the argument to this statement, the passenger's security was reduced from the blow from behind, as well as collisions in the side. Moreover, modern cars We are equipped with a central place with a comfortable headrest.

However, the potential problems of such a location in the car it is customary to consider a potential threat to obtain injuries from structures flown into the salon or broken elements. In essence, the front seats do not protect this place from such elements, in contrast to the same extreme places in the car. In addition, not all cars this place is equipped with seat belts. And when modeling a situation where the hotel is located in the rear central place, not fastened, faces another car in the frontal collision - it becomes scary.

Where is the safest place in the car? Let's sum up

The fundamental opinion of many experts is that it is impossible to choose some of the available places, because the risk of various seriousness is significantly increased from the types of accidents, while in various places. The only thing that is all converge, this is the location of the driver.

Depending on the collision location, the percentage of reliability and safety will change. For example, with lateral impact, the passenger hosted horizontally from the driver will receive minimal damage, or will not receive them at all. But with a frontal, quite serious impact it can finish such a trip with the maximum possible injuries for yourself.

Regardless of the selected place, as well as the type of trip, be sure to follow the precautions and their own safety. This is especially true of children during a trip in the salon. Do not neglect the use of a children's chair during long journeys and not only. Remember that from your level and skills to control the car depends not only your life, but also the lives of other participants in the road traffic, including your passengers.

Many machine owners, passing passengers, in particular their children, often think about where the safest place in the cabin.

It is believed that this is the front seats due to the presence in many cases of airbags. Whether they will figure it out further.

The safest place: theories and delusion

Some people believe that the safest place, after the driver's seat, equipped with a safety pillow, is a seat next to the driver.

However, according to statistics, it is people who are on the first two seats at the front collision. In addition, when the driver turns left and the counter car flies and crashes, the death of the passenger of the right or left seating (depending on the type of transport) is almost inevitable and no side airbags are saved.

The same applies to the places behind the driver's seat and the second passenger seat next to the driver. With a direct collision, the hurt passenger from behind flies forward and breaks the spine.

If it is fastened, there are situations where the back of the seating is back at the opening of the airbag and a person gets injured head or knees.

Also, with a side turn on the right or on the left and a sharp powerful contact with another machine, passengers sitting behind both sides are trapped or dying.

Australian experts are confident that the place next to the driver is safe due to the presence of advanced seat belts and the lack of objects, which the passenger may hit the front and side collision.

Representatives russian auto industry Do not confirm this fact, believing that the cars of the 90s do not have such good tools Security, like modern models.

Many domestic experts argue that on some models there are no cars without dangerous places.

The most unsafe area of \u200b\u200bresearch

According to many studies, the place behind in the middle is the safest. In the 80% case, there is survival with a front and side collision if the passenger is fastened because there is no danger from two sides and a person cannot be crusted in front of the front.

Therefore, if the question is solved where to put the cradle with the baby or where to set the seat for a child, the answer is unequivocal - in the middle.

Attention! If children are two, it is necessary to bring places to each other as much as possible and put in the middle. So the children will be in maximum safety, not only due to the chair adapted to the possible hazards of belts, but also due to the lack of finding near the windows and near the chairs.

In general, the safest place in the car is the seat of the rear in the center in all modern machinesAnd the most secure - next to the driver and behind him.

It is worth noting that, in any case, safety is provided by the ride and if the driver does not break the traffic rules, then all places will be non-hazardous for life.

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