Special permission to tint. Toning the front brakes allowed - is it true? Track of traffic police officers

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Last year, a new law on tinting the car entered into force. It implies car glazing standards on site. Russian Federation. Drivers belong to this innovation completely differently. In our article you can figure out the standards of a new bill, and also learn the reviews of motorists about him.

General information about tinting

Recently, many motorists prefer tinting. Such tuning is directed to dimming glass. Thanks to tinting, pedestrians and other drivers will not see what is happening in the cabin of your car.

An essential disadvantage of darkening of glasses is bad color rendition. New law It is not accidentally accepted about tinting, because this is such tuning often becomes the cause of road traffic accidents. This is due to the fact that at night, visibility is significantly reduced in cars with darkened glasses. Farmers are distorted in front of running machines.

Toning has a lot positive Parties. Such tuning protects your car from the burnout of the cabin. In the summer, toning will allow you to save the coolness inside the car and freshness. The most often darkening of glasses is used for the design of the car and as protection of the salon from prying eyes.

General information about the bill

The law about tinting has entered into force on July 1, 2015. Its provisions are based on the standards established by the State Avtosparation. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the requirements for the front windows are much more stricter than to the rear.

Generally entered the law on tinting, more precisely, there was quite a long time. Previously, in violations of unscrupulous drivers, license plates were withdrawn. Nevertheless, to the bill adopted last year, the tinting of glasses did not cause special disturbances from the state inspection.

Thanks to the draft law, adopted in 2015, the requirements for observing the norms of darkening of the glasses have tightened significantly. Now the unscrupulous driver can not only get a penalty area, but also lose their rights.

Basic tinting requirements

The new law about tinting provides for a number of requirements for the driver, which decided to darken the glasses in his car. State auto inspection believes that absolutely everyone should know them. All features of the bill you can find in our article.

In order not to violate the law on tinting a car, you should first pay attention to windshield. Its light source must be at least 70-75%. This is the first criterion for which the State Security Inspectorate road. It is worth noting that the percentage of doors can be 65-70%.

Recently, many motorists prefer to tuning their car. Often they apply drawings or inscriptions on the surface of the windshield. The new tint law categorically prohibits to resort to such design. An important role is played by the color of the tint film. According to the bill, the use of red, blue, green and yellow blackout on the windshield is prohibited. It is for this reason that we strongly recommend responsibly approaching the selection of the tint film. Colorful dimming can significantly change the color reproduction in the car.

Where can I measure the main criteria for tinting glass?

There is a wide variety of techniques and darkening of automotive glasses. Today the most popular is spraying and coating with a specialized film. From the selected density of the material directly depends on the level of light-resistant in the car. If the indicators differ significantly from the norm, then the unfinished driver risks to get a fine or lose the driver's license at all. Where you can measure the basic tinting indicators, not everyone knows.

In order to independently measure the percentage of light source, you need to purchase a specialized device. However, it costs quite expensive, but is extremely rarely used. If you do not have the opportunity to spend cash For useless things, then we recommend to apply for help to find out the percentage of light transmission can also be at the next traffic police. It is worth noting that when the norm is exceeded, you can write a fine, which provides for a tint law.

One way to circumvent the bill

It is no secret that in an absolutely any decree there are loopholes. Thanks to them, it is possible to avoid responsibility. The law on tinting a car is no exception. It is known that in order to find out the percentage of light light light, workers of the state traffic inspection measure it using a special device. Today it is already on sale toning, the percentage of which can be changed during operation. Such an invention is a novelty on automotive market. Its cost is quite high. On average, it fluctuates from 20 thousand rubles.

The principle of such tinting is based on new technologies. A special substance is applied to the glazing of the car. It consists of metal oxides. Due to the change of voltage in the machine and special sensors, the percentage percentage can be significantly changed. You can control them with the help of a console that comes complete with toning.

The new technology has a lot of advantages. With it, it is possible to easily change the darkening rate under certain weather conditions. It is thanks to her, it is possible to circumvent the law on tinting. The new technology also has disadvantages. The most important is high price. Today, such a system can afford not every motorist.

There is a cheaper way to use excessive tinting - it will be necessary to install transparent glass in the car from above, and a clear glass from above, and the bottom is darkened. If necessary, the bottom will be required only to omit. It is worth noting that this method is not prohibited. Surprisingly, the method is patented as a car protection in the parking lot. This method will allow you to protect the car from burnout in the summer time and save the coolness.

Changes in the bill. general information

Changing the tint law occurred this year. According to a new decree, a penalty for a violation is from 500 rubles. Already today, the Government of the Russian Federation plans to increase the first penalties of up to 5 thousand rubles. If the unscrupulous driver violates the bill again, he risks losing a driver's license to six months.

As before, excessive tinting of the front windows is prohibited. The law allows the placement of the colored stripes on the top of the windshield.

The main provisions of the changed bill

According to the changed decree, partially allowed full car. The law is loyally refer to excessive dimming glazing. To date, the permitted norm of the front glass light is 70%. According to new additions, a protective layer must be applied on the back of the darkened glass - the polymer coating. The method of both spraying and surface coating with toning film is still allowed.

In 2016, drivers are allowed to tint in any way the upper 14 centimeters of windshield. It is worth noting that today mirror dimming is strictly prohibited. Absolutely any driver can be placed on the rear window curtains or blinds. However, this is permitted if there are external side mirrors on the car housing.

General information about penalties

Edits in the draft law were considered in September last year, but entered into force only in this. It is known that the amount of the penalty of the penalty has changed significantly. If the unfinished driver was fined for the first time, he will have to pay 1500 rubles in a timely manner. If the violation for toning is not the first, then the motorist will be assigned a recovery of 5 thousand rubles. The period of secondary design of the violation is about a year. In some cases, the unscrupulous driver can deprive a driver's license for up to two months.

In the future, the Government of the Russian Federation plans to impose a sentence in the form of deprivation driver's license With a secondary violation for a long time. We strongly recommend in advance to check the level of light source. Thanks to this, you will protect yourself from all sorts of fines and punishments.

Voting motorists for changing standards

Over the past few years, the number of tonned cars has increased significantly. There is a huge variety of reasons for dimming glass. Someone thus tries to change the appearance of the car, and someone saves the salon from burnout. At present, mitigating the draft law requires the government of the Russian Federation. To this end, they also created online voting. One of the activists claims that absolutely any glass has no 100% light source. It is for this reason that 70% of tinting is quite difficult. It is also noted that if the employee of the State Road Inspectorate has recorded 70% of the transparency on the automotive glass, then you will be imposed on a penalty area. In fact, the permissible level is 71%. Lower indicators The specialized apparatus does not confirm and records as a violation. Activists believe that the number of accidents on the roads will not increase from changing norms, but the personal belongings will be safe.

Reading time: 8 min.

How to avoid a fine for toning

What is the traffic police per tint in 2020? How to avoid a fine for tinting? How to pay a penalty for tinting with a 50% discount. How to challenge this penalty.

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The traffic police currently operating for tinting is quite small (500 rubles / with a discount of 250 rubles), the numbers for opaque front windows are no longer removed anymore. On the background, or trifle. Toning protects against other people's views, does not miss the sun's rays - what is not the reason for "toned" his car, contrary to the COAP rules?

In 2019, the legislator will try to increase the penalty for tinting to a level of 2500-5000 rubles. Changes pass stages of approvals in the State Duma. With this in mind, it is rightfully clarified to clarify information on this species of fines in 2020?

Car tinting was widespread from the middle of the XX century. The technology of darkening of glass by applying films, paints and pastes came to the transport industry from architecture, where the designers fought with overheating of the inner premises of buildings with the tinting of windows.

Chemists and physics can easily name several ways to produce darkened glasses. In the conditions of large enterprises, transparent from the inside and tightly tonned outside the car can be created with dozens of ways. However, in 99% road situations, including those associated with traffic police for tinting, fall on the so-called film darkening.

Polymer films of various quality and colors of color in Russia are now the most affordable raw materials to create so-called tinted cars. Make an opaque all glass lights for this technology in our country, with the amount of 1000-1500 rubles, for the simplest option.

According to car enthusiasts, toning their cars, contrary to fines and prohibitions, darkening of the car glass contributes:

  1. The preservation of things left in the cabin
  2. Reduce the number of road conflicts
  3. Fuel economy
  4. Reducing temperature
  5. Reducing highlights distract from management
  6. Improve external view cars

It's important to know!

In 2020, as in previous years, the total tinting of the passenger car is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Only the rear hemisphere can be fully toned (rear window and rear side glass), In addition, the dark strip is allowed in the top of the windshield with a width of no more than 140 mm. The windshield and front side windows must have a light-resistant coefficient not lower than 70%.

For many motorists, such a reservation in the law serves as a call to the wake of the front hemisphere of the car "weak" films. but modern cars Already from the factory, as a rule, there is an extremely allowable level of tinting of the face and additional tinting can lead to traffic police fines.

The traffic police fines for tinting in 2020 constantly want to change. This type of road fines are generally one of the most "pendulum" - the legislator then weakens these fines, it introduces additional sanctions. So, even until November 15, 2014, the traffic police officers shot numbers and appointed 1500 rubles fines.

In 2020, a penalty for dark windows of Moscow and the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg, the same Chelyabinsk and other cities, set at 500 rubles (that is, a penalty for toning with a 50% discount rate 250 rubles) and license plates for toned windows are no longer removed. Some motorists still consider tinting with a serious violation. However, this is about the same as to look for on the Internet.

Knowing about such relaxes, wealthy motorists continue to ride tinted, from time to time, after paying for small penalties. Moreover, the control of the light-resistant glass of the car according to the law is carried out only at the stationary post of DPS using funds technical diagnostics. As far as this behavior is justified, everyone decides for himself.

Moreover, last year they sounded proposals to raise a penalty for tinting up to 5,000 rubles. The authors of the proposals motivate the change in the rules of the struggle against the transportation of illegal goods hidden behind the opaque windows of machines.

However, everything is not really so unequivocal. A number of legislators and experts representing the southern regions of the country are in full consider tinting with a useful addition to the car. It is the opinion that the bright sun of the Black Sea and Caucasus prevents the machine more than dark glasses. In a number of warm foreign countries, such arguments were based on the basis of the legislative resolution of tinting. In some cases, for example, in California (USA) tinting of car windows and a prerequisite for use at all vehicle. The authorities considered that transparent glass causes excessive overheating of the cabin and, as a result, the abuse of air conditioners that increase fuel consumption. There is no fine for tinting glass, but there is a penalty for the lack of tinting!

Tinting Act 2020

Paragraph 2.2.4 GOST 5727 - 88:

The light transmission of windscreen windshields and trams should be at least 75%, other glasses - at least 70%.

Part 3.1 of Article 12.5.KAAP RF:

"The management of the vehicle on which glass is installed (including covered with transparent color films), which does not meet the requirements of the technical regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles, entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of five hundred rubles. (Part 3.1 was introduced by Federal Law of July 23, 2010 N 175-FZ).

In the event that you remove the tint on the site where the inspector stopped you, then you can avoid, even if you are minor, but fine.

Penalty for tinting rear lights

Toning rear Lights It is a penalty, as well as their painting or alteration. In 2020, the headlight tinting is directly prohibited by law. This is indicated in paragraph 3.6 of the Technical Regulation of the Russian Federation.

3.6. The absence, destruction and contamination of the diffusers of external lighting and installation not provided by the design light device Optical elements (including colorless or painted optical parts and films) are not allowed.

Repeated penalty

In 2020, in the legislation of Russia there is no concept of "repeated penalty for tinting". Any cases of catching a traffic violator on a machine with tinted front windows leads to the same fine of 500 rubles. An ordinary penalty for tinting 2020 is always equal to five hundred rubles.

This statement is true for all violations qualified under Article 3.1 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - "The vehicle management on which glass has been installed (including transparent color films), which does not comply with the requirements of the technical regulation."

However, in some cases, traffic police officers qualify darkened windows of the car with an alternative way. About the tricks of traffic police officers is described in the section below.

How to pay a penalty for tinting with a 50% discount.

From January 1, 2016, Russian motorists received the right to pay for some types of road fines with a 50% discount. New laws on fines for tinting produced up to 2020 also do not prohibit it. However, the ability to pay out a penalty by paying only half of the initial cost has a number of restrictions.

50% discount on the traffic police penalty applies to all road recovery that are not contrary to two conditions

  1. From the moment of receipt of the Resolution (Letters), no more than 20 days passed.
  2. The penalty is not included in the list of the most socially dangerous species of fines.

    List of traffic police fines, for which there is no 50% discount on payment

    • Article COAP RF - Unregistered car or car without technical inspection
    • Article Codecha RF 12.8 - Driving a car in a state of alcoholic intoxication
    • Article Codecha RF 12.9.6 - Re-major speed exemption within the year
    • Article Codecha RF 12.9.7 - Repeated highly large speed over the year
    • Article Codecha RF 12.12.3 - travel to the red light of traffic lights
    • Article Code of Administrative Code 12.15.5 - Repeated within the year Departure to the "oncoming"
    • Article Codecha RF - re-neglect signs or marking
    • Article Codecha RF 12.24 - DTP with victims
    • Article Codecha RF 12.26 - Refusal of a medical examination for intoxication
    • Article Codecha RF 12.27.3 - Alcohol consumption after an accident

Note: All ten mentioned items of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation are not implied by providing a discount on a fine of fifty percent. On the rest of the fines, including on fines for toning, the discount is distributed.

The traffic police fin rate for tinting provided by part 3.1 of Article 12.5 is 500 rubles. When paying for this recovery within 20 days from the date of receipt of the ruling or copy of the decision, the penalty will be reduced twice and amount to 250 rubles.

How to challenge a penalty for toning

Since the traffic police rate for tinting is not written by automatic means of fixing road disorders. Technical failure in the process of measuring the light of the vehicle glass is extremely unlikely.

Devices like a transmittance transmittance of glasses of glasses "Blik-n", "Blik-+" and their analogues used by the traffic police are regularly tested and must have the corresponding marks.

Protest if it is possible, then rather the procedural side of the degree of climbing glass. In tolerances to the instruments applied to measure the light skipping of glass, as a rule, a impressive list of restrictions on the use - atmospheric precipitation, temperature, and even the state of the cigarette lighter, in which the instrument can be inserted to measure tinting.

Typical appeal rules. During the first ten days after receiving the decision on the fine, the motorist is sent to the court at the place of the offense and using the presented samples fills the form of the claim.

Track of traffic police officers

Back in 2017, many regional publications related to various tricks that use traffic police officers in order to write a penalty for tinting a car or arrest the driver for darkening the windows at all.

Thus, some road police when detecting on the front and side glass of the tinting film, which does not comply with the norms of light-resistant, will strive to make a written warning on you, in which the timeline to which the cause of the malfunction should be eliminated. If the driver does not attempt to eliminate tinting, then with the next stop the traffic police officers expects a protocol with a penalty of a fine of 1000 rubles or arrest for a period of up to 15 days.

Way out

It so happened that at the moment the traffic police scarves for tinting are not dragon. How not to twist, but 250 rubles 1-2 times a month after stopping at a stationary post, a small amount even for a very modest motorist - regional.

It's rather not in the laws and fines for tinting, but in your personal responsibility for safety in the car in front of yourself and your loved ones. Transportation of the vehicle with tonned front windows in the dark significantly increases the risk of an accident.

Most optimal option Toning is partial darkening of car windows. Oparaged the back of the back hemisphere of the auto will protect you and your loved ones from oblique looks and help keep the property left in the car. Toning the rear windows of the car is completely legal in 2020.

Many owners prefer to tint glass of their cars to create comfortable conditions inside the cabin without the need to use sunglasses and improving the review during the vehicle management. Toning allows you to protect your eyes from blinding sunlight and highlights, ensure the privacy of the cabin from the outside, as well as maintain the necessary temperature regime inside the machine.

Unfortunately, some drivers were too fascinated by the darkening of the glass, which raised the accident on the roads. Therefore, legislators were forced to develop boundary standards when tinting windows of cars.

The legislative framework is regularly changing and drivers are often asked as the tinting of the front and rear windows of the car is allowed in Russia at the current time.

Toning windshield is allowed only at the top. She is designed to protect the driver from the negative impact of ultraviolet rays. According to the GOST, it is possible to tint no more than 25% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe window. On the windshield can be placed a reflective film, the width of which should not exceed 15 centimeters.

Since 2015, new, softest standards of GOST 32565-2013 are operating in relation to the question, which toning is allowed on the windshield. They registered the windshield lighting coefficient, which makes up 70%. Previously, the lower threshold should not exceed 75%.

This was due to the fact that compliance with previous standards was possible only if there is a new film and glass in perfect condition. Achieve a light coefficient above 70 percent was almost unreal for cars with a long service life. The wear of the film and windows did not allow to achieve the necessary result, which often used the staff of the road-patrol service, making the protocols based on the measurement of the size of the system of the system windshield + toning.

Since 2017, fines for violations of standards have increased significantly. Today, they are governed by Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 3.1. The maximum sanction is 500 rubles. Avoid a fine, even insignificant, you can, remove the reflective protection from the surface of the glass with the police officer right on the spot.

Previously, the rate was operated for which the registration license plates could be lost on such a violation. But today, when detecting a film that does not meet the norms, the owner will receive only a written warning indicating the period during which it is obliged to bring the car glass to the allowed tint. Otherwise, the penalty will be 1000 rubles.

Permitted windshield tinting in 2019 should also comply with the standards prescribed in the Television Union Television. GOST and the technical regulations of the vehicle do not contradict each other and require car owners to ensure the light-glass ability of the front glass at 70%. The maximum allowable width of the shaded film should be no more than 140 mm. With such indicators, the driver sees full picture Without distortion of color reproduction, and tinting does not interfere with the quality review.

Is the rear window toning allowed?

New Gosts do not prohibit tinting rear stalk Car, including side. The affordable darkening rate can achieve even 100%, but only provided that the driver will have the ability to qualitatively overlook the road behind the car through the outer side mirrors. If the total blackout prevents the full rear rearness, then the glass can be toned up to 20-30%, not more.

The presence of outer side mirrors allows the machine to use not only the protective film, but also blinds or removable curtains.

Allowed toning cars in the Russian Federation 2019

In the standards of the allowed tinting of the car of the car 2019, a new concept was made - "Polymer coating". Thus, the legislators legistered the possibility of applying the machine to the glass not only a special film, but also a polymer toning material.

In addition, such a coating provides maximum protection against sunlight penetration, it also has shockproof properties. Most often, the spraying is applied to the inner surface of the windows. A similar polymer coating is produced on a colorless basis, or combines two functions: toning and protection of a glass design from the destruction from the outside. The thickness of application for tinting purposes usually does not exceed 100-115 microns.

Also, in addition to conventional films, auto drivers can darken the rear windows by applying a special athermal coating.

Is it allowed to tinted windshield chameleon?

Anti-car protection Chameleon is one of the varieties of popular athermal films. They are toned windows of machines with installed climate control. Without additional tinting, this system works much weaker. This leads to the fact that the car's salon on hot days overheats, despite working air conditioning.

As a result of the application of special metal engines reflecting ultraviolet radiation, a comfortable temperature regime is provided in the cabin and fuel consumption is reduced due to the information of the climate control system to minimize.

The standard Svetopropuscability of athermal films varies in the range of 80-82%, which corresponds to the established standards. Important advantages of such protection are the possibility of maintaining the cabin in excellent condition, since the tissues do not fade when exposed to direct sunlight, and the machine acquires an additional gloss.

The tinting with the chameleon effect is also allowed if the light-resistant coefficient corresponds to GOST.

Is it allowed or no mirror toning for cars?

In practice, the protective mirror film is not prohibited by law. But its use is unacceptable in the 1993 year, and paragraph 4.5 of the technical regulation of the vehicle. This is due to the fact that the mirror surface reflects artificial and sunlight, creating a back of the passing car during the movement. The mirror effect is blinded by the driver and can lead to an emergency.

It is noteworthy that low-quality films with a lighting level below 60% can mirror. Therefore, it is better to use transparent films with additional curtains to the rear window to tinting a car, or comply with the established rate of 70%.

Features of choosing Toning

Thought with a question, what toning is allowed for the front windows, it is also necessary to take into account an important nuance. In the new guest, two definitions of automotive windows (Categories 1 and 2) appeared. The first group includes glasses providing the driver front review, and the second - rear. The manufacturer in technician technique indicates the so-called "point R", from which it should be repeated when selecting the method of tinting and its maximum allowable level. Car service specialists will help determine the categories of brakes for proper protection.

Usually, the glasses of the first group are applied toning from 25 to 30%, or the film cannot be pasted in general in the absence of rearview mirrors. The windows of the second category, which are behind the plane, determined by the point R, can be rotated to a maximum (100 percent). The only important condition is the mandatory presence of two external mirrors providing the driver perfect rear review.

According to the rules of the road, in passenger cars, jeeps or minibuses equipped to the right and left of the outer rearview mirrors are permissible to use curtains or blinds on the side and rear windows.

It is worth considering that the additional impairment is considered to glue the color film on the side and front windows of the car, which distorts the color rendition: yellow, green, red and white colorbut.

Thus, the owners of the car must adhere to the next tinting regulations in 2019:

  • The percentage of tinting on the front windows in 2019 is 70%;
  • Dark rear side windows can be without restrictions in the presence of side mirrors;
  • The rear window can be protected as toning athermal film and blinds or curtains;
  • The front glass can be toned with a transparent color film in its upper part with a tint height of no more than 140 mm.

Many car owners resort to tinting windows more for the status and solid species, comfort and coziness of the machine. Nevertheless, high-quality and correct toning is far from always. To shake the glasses of your car for all the rules and requirements, consider this question in detail.

Changing the appearance of the car, in general, it is worth noting additional advantages high-quality glass tint:

  • Safety at the accident. The broken glass is falling on the film and will not split in all directions, inflicting additional injuries.
  • Terkesolation. In the summer, the interior is less warmed in the hot months, and in the winter it is better to keep warm.
  • Protects the driver's eyes and reduces fatigue. Especially relevant at night ride from blinding the headlights of the oncoming car.
  • Protection from the burnout of the cabin, thereby saves initial View and increases the service life.
  • The poor visibility of the salon for foreign people, which significantly increases the protection of personal property.

Toning of the front glasses according to GOST

Following the prescribed regulations in order to avoid a fine, additional tinting of the front windows is at least 70% of the bandwidth, taking into account the factory and is considered the norm. The mirror film is prohibited by law according to claim 4.5. In applying the darkening of the car's glass. Thus, the side windows are allowed to be toned by 30% at the initial outcome of a completely transparent, not darkened by the manufacturer, the glass of the new car.

Toning windshield according to GOST

If we consider that the new glass bandwidth is not more than 80 to 95%, and it is allowed to darken according to the regulations not more than 70%, then in practice, the windshield tinting the bright film itself will eventually become no more than 66.5% in accordance with the formula Calculusions 0.95 * 0.7. Used windshield due to their lured surface with brushes and taking into account dust, can reach up to 30% of light absorption, while during operation this indicator increases over time. It turns out that the allowed windshield toning will be a violation of the rules.

According to claim 4.3 of the technical regulations, the light-glass light glasses and through those where the front visibility for the driver is ensured, it is allowed to make up at least 70%.

Allowed to darken the rear automotive glass At the request of the car owner to 100% in the presence of a mirror of the rear view.

Rules for measuring Toning

Toning is not in GOST among the most common fines. According to statistics, tightening measures of violators were taken. Last year, had the right to measure the bandwidth on the post only technical supervision employees, for 2016 to check the darkening of glasses can any of the traffic police officers, including ordinary rank.

According to part 1 Art. 28.3, Art. 26.8 and paragraph 6 of Part 2 of Article 23.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation to excite the case, use means for measuring and make a decree on this composition of offenses, have the right to have all employees of the traffic police.

Thus, the degree of light skip is allowed to measure the traffic police officers, but only in the post.

The conditions for measuring the bandwidth of glasses must strictly follow the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 1240.

  • It is at the post of DPS that automotive windows are allowed.
  • The control of tehnador or traffic police and the special mark in the service certificate should indicate this.
  • Measuring devices are required to be recorded in the State Register and have a certificate with a marking of the last calibration of the device, as well as with the required frequency of verification.

Diagnostics is performed on a dry, clean surface in 3 places of one glass and the final means of the instrument will be final.
Temperature prerequisite for measuring on the street according to GOST 27902 - 88

  • at air temperature +15 to + -25
  • in the condition that air humidity is 40% to 80%
  • pressure 86 to 106 kPa.

Without measurement of weather indicators, the check is considered illegal and violation, it is allowed to challenge within ten days from the resolution of the violation. Illegal are the testimony of the device used in winter. The errors and individual characteristics of the instruments for measuring the windows of the car differ from each other, but cannot exceed 2%, if more is allowed to be required to comply with GOST 27902 - 88.

The tint is measured at a temperature of +15 to +25, taking a pressure of pressure, air humidity and voltage at the battery terminals. That is, it is necessary to measure 5 appliances correctly, with certificates and instrument calibrations, if at least one requirement is not respected, boldly contact the court to appeal the fine.

Important features

Be sure to request a certificate and the passport used to measure the device and its last calibration, check whether the declared corresponds to the instrument. So, for example, the most common gauge "Blike" technical specifications which makes it possible to measure at a temperature not lower than -10 degrees issued distorted readings, it turns out on the fact of normal testimony in -5 degrees. The newly prompted device "Light", as it turned out, in fact, it was introduced into the registry back in 2008, it is now allowed to apply all year round, but everything is just just on a dry and clean surface.

Before toning the car yourself or the master, it is necessary to first measure and already calculate the permissible norm to apply toned according to the rules of the GOST without forgetting to use the deficent formula (glass% * film with the selected%) and adding a 2% instrument error to the resulting result.
It is not necessary to go to the post for measurement to the percentage of tinting, because on legal basis, first, the employee is obliged to fulfill administrative detention, but examined Part 1 of Art. 27.3 Code of Administrative Offenses, it can be understood that the detention cannot be used to identify offenses. Therefore, the procedure for detention provided by the administrative regulations, it will be able to be carried out after the detection of violations, and not before.
Pay attention to the color of the film that is not allowed to distort yellow and red, green and white, it is considered a violation of the law, only the costly of the highest quality film from a reliable manufacturer will be guaranteed and positive effect.

Important: Only court can take a decision on punishment in the form of a re-fine or arrest. Moreover, according to the draft law for January 2016, the amount will double or lose. With a repeated situation for 12 months, according to the approved 32 part 12.5 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, a penalty will be 5,000 thousand rubles. Or depriving the rights of the driver up to 3 months.


Without these preliminary actions, the vehicle inspection is very difficult.
At the point of tinting the masters themselves make the glass measurements and knowing the percentage of light penetration, tinting the car without breaking the law.
When applying a film, it is important to know that during the operation of the car from year to year the percentage of the coating will begin to increase and this applies primarily to the cheapest samples.

The vehicle tinting is a popular method that allows you to change the lighting possibility of car glass, as well as affect the color and reflecting quality of its windows. To avoid penalties, when applying toning, you need to know the following regulatory acts: MOUS 5727-88 and the Resolution of GOESSTARD PF No. 363 dated July 1, 1999.

What toning is permitted by law?

The main criterion is the percentage of windows light source. It is he who determines that penalties will be applied for tinting or not. Percentage of windows tinting percentage percentage.

1. The windshield is at least 75%.

2. Front window - at least 70%.

3. for rear glass Different% is possible, eliminating mirror darkening.

4. On the windshield, in its upper part, to protect the driver from sunlight, a color film can be applied, the width of which does not exceed 14 centimeters. At the same time, it can be of different light lights.

Conditions for measuring tinting

Weather conditions are important for analyzing the light-resistant glass of the car. The air temperature should be at least minus 10 ° C and no more plus 40 ° C. Relative air humidity not more than 80%, car thickness of cars up to 2 centimeters.

Example of calculating glass bandwidth

Suppose the lighting ability of the glass of your car on average is 96%. If they cause a special tinting film with "Sveta" in 70%, then the following formula will eventually work: 0,96 * 0,70 = 0,67 , or 67 % What is unacceptable in Russian legislation. Accordingly, the film itself must have a percentage indicator of light source higher than the allowed minimum percentage indicated in the legislation. So, if we, with the same source, take the film with the "Svetopropo" in 80%, then we get the following formula: 0,96 * 0,80 = 0,76 , or 76 % - This is a permissible level.

What a penalty for toning

That is what the car owner is waiting for the punishment for inappropriate tinting, according to the article 12.5 Administrative Code, Paragraph 3.1:

Penalty in size 500 rubles.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the amount of the fine does not depend on the percentage of light speed of the vehicle glass and on the number of windows on which the film is applied, and will always be equal to 500 rubles.

It also needs to be remembered that the check of your car on the light film ability of the glasses is allowed not to be carried out in the field or on the side of the road, but during the inspection or on the constant post of traffic police. It should be evaluated by tumeter - the device that allows us to estimate the actual light-permeability of glass. This special device must be sealing, it must include the date of the latest performance test.

Let us dwell on the second punishment - to remove numbers for tinting.

After you were discharged a fine and the traffic police inspector removed the license plates (according to part 2 of the article 27.13 COAPIn which the operation of the car with tinting is prohibited), you have a day to completely clean the glass of your car from the protective film.

It is better to proceed to clean the glass of vehicle on the place of penalty, as there are often cases when the return number of license plates was delayed. If you remove the entire tint with the car during the inspector, the removal of license plates will not be produced. (After the entry of changes to the Administrative Code of November 15, 2014, registration signs From the car no longer removed.)

Who is allowed toning?

You can get a special permit for tinting the car, on the basis of which the use of a film with different light lighting ability will be allowed. But this item is intended exclusively for specialized vehicles, for ordinary cars this item is irrelevant.

Do not expose yourself to penalties and follow the requirements for technical Regulations On the safety of the vehicle. Good roads!

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