How much to warm the car in winter with automatic transmission. How to warm up the gearbox in winter. Manage automatic with steep climbs and protracted descents

the main / Engine

Winter months are merciless to our "Iron Horses" with you. For the car, these are really complex conditions when the street "bends" -25, -30, -35 degrees, it is now about the middle strip. In the car there are a lot of mechanisms in which there is oil, it is actually an engine, transmission, disassets, bridges, and so on. The oil in the frost can be thick, which can lead to serious breakdowns (trite seals can squeeze) or increased wear, because its lubricating properties and the first few seconds (minutes) after starting are low. IN common car It is necessary, but also to transmissions, especially automatic. But about the warm-up of the machine (automatic transmission) on the Internet there are many myths, gossip and opinions. Today I will try to bring them to a common denominator, there will be a video, so we read - we look ...

He himself asked such a question after he bought a car on the machine, especially in the first winter. She climbed just a bunch of forums and sites, but did not find a single solution. To be honest, there are two extremely opposite opinions - many people write that it is necessary to warm up, and resorting to the shifts on the spot, with the brake pedal, when the car does not touch. Others - they write that it is not necessary to warm up at all, these are the remnants of the past, which is strangely speaking some hundred and wizard "loners." So actually where is the truth? You need to warm up the automatic transmission or you can score to it, personally I have departed one right correctly, which I have been using the 4th season. It is with him I will share with you.

About liquidATF.

Actually, many who are "against warm-up" say - that (or oil), this is a technological substance that it does not freeze at all, but always remains fluid even in the most bodied frost. But it's not quite right

Of course, ATF, as I think, is much more technological than say the engine oil in it there is a lot of additives, and the synthetic component, almost always it is pure synthetics. Actually, therefore, the price is within 600 - 1000 rubles per liter.

However, this fluid freezes, it is very thick. Of course, if you have a fresh one, it does not affect so much. But if the liquid has already been like, thousands of kilometers, especially closer to replacement, it can thick much stronger.

After running at 60 - 70,000 kilometers

As you can see, both, and the other leave a rather viscous precipitate on the walls of the cup. On the video below in more detail about the liquid. Therefore, it is necessary to warm it up!

How can the machine warmer

Let's again remember the design again. The machine is connected to the engine, and quite tight and rigidly. If the motor is heated, it means heat from it passes to the automatic transmission, " heat Transfer through Metal " But with severe frosts, you need to wait for a very long time, so that at least somehow it warm up the ATF liquid.

Radiator machine . As I wrote, any automatic transmission has a radiator that removes destructive surplus heat. It is often a separate radiator, it stands next to the main engine cooling radiator, and the thermostat is installed in it. That is, while the liquid is cold, it does not circulate through the radiator, but is inside the transmission. Only after heating to 60 - 80 degrees, circulation begins. But this is an old design.

The new design of the radiators of the machine gun is very different. It is joint with the main engine cooling radiator. That is, they are really in one case, the cooling fluid helps (be it). Many people think if they are nearby, then they will warm together, that is, the engine started, warmed up to the operating temperature, the car's radiator was warm, and handed over the heat of ATF through the "Combination of structures" - it would be really not bad! But it is not. After all, again, the thermostat can be standing on the circle in the automatic transmission, which will close the circulation until the liquid inside is hot! But I do not argue - there are options without thermostats, it's good or bad question else. Then the heating may indeed be present.

Well, perhaps the most latter, warm the machine can with his work . Here you remember the design, especially the hydrotransformer - there are two turbine wheels, which are transmitted from the engine using the pressure (friction) of the fluid. If it starts to rotate, the ATF will begin to heat the friction, this is ordinary physics.

Well, now I propose to think to warm up - do not warm, and what are the arguments.

No need to warm up

Now this version has a bunch of supporters. Actually, I already listed a lot from above, but let's see:

  • ATF Liquid is perfect and it does not hustly

  • Warming comes from the engine (even trite from the case)
  • If you immediately move, then the oil inside the machine warms up much faster
  • Driving on transmissions do not need this additional wear
  • Selns in automatic transmission will withstand any pressure

These are the major arguments of the heating opponents, but there are also supporters, and I am one of them.

Need to warm up automatic transmission

I want to return everything to the same ATF. Look if she is clean, it changes in time and even earlier (let's say 40,000 km), the automatic transmission filter also takes place, then there is a great chance that even a warm machine will behave more or less adequate.

However, a large number of "riders" check their automatic transmission, only when something happens not so, the changes are not included in general. No one in most of the oil changes, and the dealers assure - "that the machine is not served with you"! In how!

And what happens to such an aggregate, let's say after 60 - 70,000 mileage kilometers. Yes, everything is bad - the oil is black as oil, in it the remnants of frictions, bumps of the bay and so on. All this really can sow on the oil filter and clog it. And here also frost in -30 degrees, in general freezes this is all the case on the filter (or filters, on old automatic transmission). Can be clogged and freezing and radiator.

What happens if not to warm the machine, and immediately after 5 to 7 minutes start moving, even if not quickly. Oil pressure cannot normally go through the filter, for the "precipitate" on it is frozen (thick) and does not let normal pressure. In this regard, the automatic transmission can twitch a little and slip precisely on the cold. Friction disks, solenoids, as well as glands.

Before the movement, we need to heat the automatic transmission slightly so that even the worn oil can work normally and wash off the deposits from the filters or the radiator.

Actually warming up, as I think you should always, but the algorithm may differ. For example, when frost in -5, - 10 degrees, this is one algorithm, but if -25, -30, it is completely different.

If there are no such strong frost (-5, -10) degrees, it is enough to warm up the engine (5 - 10 minutes), then you need to go for about 5 minutes by 1500 revolutions. Speed \u200b\u200bapproximately will be around 40 km / h - put the pedal to the floor can not be pressed! This is fraught. Actually, all.

But with already - 20, -30 degrees algorithm completely different. We need to run the motor, wait 10 minutes. NOT LESS! In such frosts and the engine should warm well. A bit of heat, by the way, goes out and automatic transmission, then we need to run through the transmissions, stopping literally for 10 seconds on each mode. To begin with, turning on and neutral transmission "N", "D", "M" (manual mode if any), after turning "R". That is, if you even have all 4 modes like me, it will take it a maximum of 40 seconds. You do not need to warm 3 - 5 minutes and drive several times for transmissions, one is enough.

Each real motorist belongs to its own vehicle in a special way, looks not only for his external species, but also for all elements in particular. You probably have been heard many times to "warm up the engine". Almost all car enthusiasts in the cold season are trying to warm up the car before going.

That's right on any side. The main thing is to understand why and how to do it. Our country is mostly located on fairly harsh latitudes, where there are strong cold in winter. Such conditions may become a major challenge for a car owner. In this article we will tell you how to properly warm the car in winter, with automatic transmission or any other transmission.

Do I need to warm up automatic transmission in winter?

According to the stories of some motorists with automatic transmission, they often advise them in the service to warm up not only the engine, but also the gearbox, switching the lever boxes along all the steps at the same time clinging the brake pedal. Folk craftsmen constantly invent methods to accelerate the warming of the box. As a rule, such methods are erroneous, and sometimes can also harm transmissions.

Immediately it is possible to assure that such actions with the unit in most cases are useless, they will not change anything and will not be better. However, there are exceptions, especially when the manufacturer doesn't directly indicate technical documentation For the operation of the car, that before starting the movement, the box should be warm, performing simple manipulations with the automatic transmission selector.

As an example, such recommendations can be found in the documentation from Mercedes car manufacturers, Toyota and other brands. However, professionals claim that at the start of the motor, the pump in the box automatically disperses the oil across the entire system. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to pull the lever because there is no benefit from it. And these recommendations are associated primarily with a certain design of the machine, in the remaining cases, these actions will be useless.

We look at the video, do you need to warm the engine in the winter:

How to warm up the car in winter?

In the warming of the engine, in fact, there is nothing complicated. But the most important thing is not to hurry and get out of the house early to have time to prepare for the trip. In particular, this applies to the case when the air temperature dropped out of 20 ° C outside the window. Thus, you will warm up the machine as efficiently as possible, without applying critical harm to its systems even in the strongest frost.

Engine launch preparation

Before starting the engine for 30 seconds, turn on the headlights of the headlights. Such images for this period of time accumulator battery It will be time to "revive", which will allow the battery to give the starter more energy that is necessary to start the engine.

On the diesel engine before the start of the motor, you should also warm the glow candles several times and only then try to start the car. If the car is on the mechanics, then it is necessary to pre-squeeze the clutch.

If, as part of the first attempt, the engine failed to run, you should not immediately try to start it again. There should be a pause between the launches so that the battery manage to restore the charge. To do this, it is enough to wait a second of 40 before trying to start the car again.

What do you need to know when driving the engine?

If the car managed to start, you should not immediately include the heating of the cabin. This will allow the engine to warm up faster, and so you can faster eliminate the harmful effect of low temperatures on the unit mechanisms. For gasoline engine It is enough to wait just 2 minutes, for a diesel engine - at least 3 minutes. During the engine warming, it is possible to make a clean glass of the car from snow.

You should not forget that first of all the warm air should be directed to the heating of the cabin and only then on the glass of the car. Since a sharp change in glass temperature can lead to damage. For example, when cracks are present on the glass, then in this way you can provoke their increase.

If the street is cold, the engine must warm up. The warming time directly depends on the ambient temperature. If "overboard" from 5 to 10 degrees of frost, it is enough for 5 minutes to be able to go. The duration of the warm-up of the machine at the air temperature of minus 20 and above increases. But, as a rule, 15-20 minutes for this is enough.

When can I start moving?

The time when you can start the movement can be determined by engine speed. For example, a cold engine tachometer at start-up can show up to 1500 revolutions, and a heated - no more than 1000. When turnover is reduced to normal idling values \u200b\u200b- this is a sign that you can go.

However, start moving by car in winter it is necessary smoothly, and no more than 40 km / h, at least the first pair of intersections, regardless of the transmission.

Protect automatic transmission, switching box modes, we do not advise if of course the manufacturer does not directly indicate the instruction manual for your car. So, on the contrary, problems may arise. The main thing should not forget how to properly warm the car in the winter, with the automatic transmission car or mechanics - it does not matter whether it does not affect the engine.

Of course, it is impossible to forget about regular preventive work, service diagnostics, as well as timely replacement of oil and filters. Since it is because of the neglect of this Regulation, an automatic transmission is most often failed.

The fact is that spent ATP liquid with metal chip particles can clog oil filterThat eventually threatens weighing problems, including damage to the sealing gaskets, leakage of oil in the machine. And a strong frost, increasing viscosity transmission fluid, only aggravates the already deplorable situation.

If you do not want to face expensive repair, it is necessary to conduct in a timely manner maintenance and replacement of oil. Otherwise, it may happen that the automatic transmission will be repaired and will only remain to replace it with a new one. Of course, the Replacement of the automatic transmission is not suiced, but sometimes it makes no sense to repair further, and those who promise to do it are usually either non-professional, or expect to pull out of you as much as possible, while without solving the problem.

Symptoms Boxing Box Machine

If you prefer a car with a box of automatic, then you should remember that you need to carefully monitor this vehicle more carefully than for mechanics. If it turned out that the gearbox of your car works strange or does not want to function at all, then you will have to repair it or even change it.

The most common fault options:

  • Motor starts in any position of the selector;
  • Does not start at P position;
  • The vehicle moves in the position of the selector N;
  • There appears noise in positions P and N.

True there are other signs of faults, including incomprehensible noise from the box or sublifting ATF liquid on the road. However, it is internally impossible to find out the cause of the breakage, so in any case you will need to refer to the specialists. Only after the passage of diagnostics will become clear which item requires repair or replacement.

Before contacting the specialists, it is worth thoroughly deciding on the choice of workshop. Many automotive workshops establish poor quality and not original detailsAt the same time, requiring quite large sums for it. If you want precisely original parts, you will often have to wait quite a long time until they are brought.

Representatives of manufacturers unanimously expressed the idea that smoking the air on idling There is no point. And it is necessary to warm the engine - but nothing prevents this in motion. The readers of Avtovstyi reacted to this information contradictory - and some have remembered that the ride without preheating is not very fond of automatic boxes.

If you immediately start moving, it is inadequately leads an automatic box ... which is very lacking warm ... noted personally not on one car brand. And on the Germans and on the Japanese.

Alex Aleksa

We decided to consult on this issue with technical specialists of MMS Rus LLC (official distributor of Mitsubishi cars) - and received a response that the situation with gearboxes does not differ in principle from the situation with the engines. Yes, the unit requires warm-up - after all, the temperature of the oil and parts of the box can not rise to the working instantly. And in addition to metal and oil in the design, there are many details that have rubber in their composition - sealing cuffs, glands and so on. Of course, over the past 20-30 years, some progress has been made in this area, and the corresponding details have become much better working at extreme temperatures - but in any case they have their limits.

The point is not whether you will translate the automatic transmission handle to the DRIVE position immediately after starting the engine, and in how aggressively you will work pedals after that.

"Here you can bring a direct analogy with the human body, which is essentially a very perfect biological machine, explain the representatives of MMS Rus LLC. - How does a person feel if after sleeping immediately jump and run away? Surely everyone will agree with the fact that The sensations are far from pleasant, since the blood in the muscles and blood vessels is minimum, the heart rate is minimal, and the synovial fluid is minimized. The situation "jump and run" the body is regarded as stress. Another thing, if you warm up. And this is not just an analogy. We consist of the same chemical elements and the same laws of physics will apply on us. "

Therefore, none of the technical specialists does not claim that in five seconds after starting the engine, you can already accelerate, drowned the pedal to the floor to the maximum. "It is impossible to give a maximum load immediately - this directly affects the status of parts, nodes and units. It is necessary to act slowly and neatly, gently loading the motor and transmission," representatives of MMS Rus LLC summarize. Again, it is difficult to imagine that the average motorist immediately after starting from the place (especially in the winter, which readers often mentioned in the discussions of the engine warming material) begins to turn the motor to the cut-off and try to accelerate to hundreds faster than it promises a manufacturer in the technical characteristics table. Thus, in most real life situations, the engine and machine do not work even close to peak modes, which completely allows you to warm them on the go.

Hello, dear guests and road visitors Avtohyd.Ru. In the article, you can learn how to properly warm the car in the winter and use the car in frosts with maximum efficiency. Winter and cold attack makes the driver increasingly in the morning to look at the thermometer outside the window and alarmingly watch the news.

Most of the drivers parking machines in the courtyards of houses or on paid protected parking. There are warm heated parquencies, but they are available for car enthusiasts of large cities. Often the cost of renting one place is quite high. All this pushes drivers to force the courtyards of multi-storey houses by transport throughout the year.

Negative temperature contributes to the work of the car. Motor load, cooling and heating system of the cabin increases. All malfunctions climb outside like cockroaches made of cracks, causing a nerve of the average driver.

The article will help learn how to warm the car in the winter and correctly handle the car at this time of year. Beginner drivers will find a lot in the material for themselves and hopefully valuable.

A modern driver in the stream of information that fell on it from various sources (Internet, television, newspapers, magazines, neighbors on garages and others) sometimes does not know why you need to know and be able to warm the car in the winter. If you just sat down, started and drove.

Sometimes the incoming information is so contradictory that it is difficult to understand the verbal stream and find a common rational grain. The positive effect of warming the car is higher than possible negative consequences.

The following arguments are talking about the benefits and need to warm the machine:

Dense motor oil

Even quality synthetic oildesigned for use in winter At a negative temperature increases its viscosity. It is thick and the first few minutes after starting the motor does not fully work.

All this affects the efficiency of lubrication and reducing the friction of the working elements of the car engine. Smooth operation of the motor without sharp accelerations at idle makes it possible motor Oil To warm up and thereby reduce viscosity. It becomes fluid and evenly distributed on the motor.


The car standing in the courtyard of the house, in the morning can resemble a snowdrift, nosed snow. All windows completely freeze and covered with ice crust. Many drivers, clearing the slight glass of windshield leave the road.

It is very dangerous, as the visibility is significantly reduced and the driver cannot fully monitor the road situation. Not completely purified windshield May be caused by an accident (road traffic accident). It is important to completely clean the lateral front and windshield of the car and only then go to the path.

Motor wear

The immentable car engine is not recommended. In the cold metal details power plant decrease in their sizes. If you start the engine without warming up and give it a load such actions will lead to accelerated wear individual elements.

The engine heating will minimize negative consequences associated with negative air temperature. All elements of the motor will restore their former sizes after work at idle for 5-10 minutes.

Fuel consumption

Economical drivers who consider each liter of fuel will be unpleasantly surprised by the fact that the immense engine consumes a greater amount of fuel than under normal conditions.

This is due to the fact that under conditions of a negative temperature, the formation of the fuel and air mixture is difficult. This is especially true of diesel engines.

To ignite the mixture, it will take a larger amount of effort from a diesel power plant. She will have to overcome the resistance of viscous fuel and cold air.

Vehicle interior

Using a car with a cold interior pleasure dubious. Cold seats adversely affect both male and female health. It is better to get out of the house or apartment in advance and warm the motor than later in the future to pay for laziness of health.


Warming up the car reduces the load on the battery. Many drivers instead of gradual heat heating and rear glass Increases forced electrical heating.

A cold battery begins to actively give electrical energy sources of consumption. The effectiveness of his work suffers. All this can lead to a decrease in electrolyte density and reduce battery life.

According to the site survey AVTOGHID.RU among 130 Drivers from 18 to 65 years old on the issue of warming the engine of the car obtained the following data. Always warm the car in winter 38.46% of drivers from the total number of respondents. Never warm the engine 15.38% of drivers. Very rarely do it 19.23% of drivers and sometimes the engine warms 26.92% of motorists.

In any case, the overwhelming number of drivers prefers to warm the car in the winter.

How to warm up the car in winter?

Actions to warm the engine of the car and its correct start-up is simple and do not require special knowledge from the driver. The main thing is not to be lazy and get out of the house 15-20 minutes earlier to prepare a car for the trip. This will give the opportunity to use the car with a maximum level of efficiency with the harsh frost.

The procedure for warming a car in winter is the following:

Preparation of a car engine to launch

Before running the car's motor, you need to turn on the Middle Light for a short time. It is enough 30 seconds of time for the "revival" of the battery. Squeeze the clutch of the car and thereby disable the starter from crankshaft and gearbox. Be sure to include neutral transmission.

This will help simplify the launch of the car motor even at high negative air temperature. If the car diesel need to wait until the spiral of the fuel heating candles goes out. It is recommended to use heated candles several times.

Running motor

If the car does not start the engine from the first time, you do not need to "rape" the starter and "trust" the battery. It is necessary to enable the battery recover (30-40 seconds enough) and repeat the attempt again.

When the car's motor earns it impossible to immediately turn on the heating of the glass. It is necessary to wait 1 or 2 minutes. Do not take from the cooled motor from the start to pick warmly.

Direct air is not recommended for cold glass. If there are small cracks, you can provoke their increase. First, the air flows are sent to the salon and only then on the glass. You need to know and be able to properly warm the car's interior in winter.

While the motor works and the interior is heated with warm air flows, you can begin to clean the glass of the car and the headlights outside. Thus, to save a decent amount of free time.

Attention should be given to clean the windshield and side windows of the car. The level of review and traffic safety on the machine depends on their cleanliness. The optimal time of the car warming up in winter depends on air temperature and use activity vehicle. On average, 15-20 minutes is enough and you can go on the road.


The immentable motor operates at elevated revolutions, not even idle. After its launch, the tachometer can be shown 1200-1300 revolutions per minute. The engine in a heated state gives the frequency of rotation of the crankshaft in the area of \u200b\u200b1000 revolutions.

If the motor turnover fell, it means you can begin to start moving. Move on the car The first 10-15 minutes is not recommended at high speed. The first kilometer is desirable to overcome at a speed of 40-60 km / h. After that, you can smoothly gain the speed of movement.

Similar tactics will allow the car motor to dial operating temperature and avoid increased engine load, increasing the wear of its working items.


Proper to warm the car in the winter need necessarily. The specific time of the engine warming, each driver will learn to determine independently without help. These knowledge come with driving experience. Hurry in the morning winter clock will adversely affect the operation of the motor and the entire car as a whole.

The first modifications of automatic transfers appeared in the sixties of the last century. Initially, automatic transmissions were a fairly simple mechanism that had from two to four velocities. As technology development develops, the automatic gearboxes are invariably improved and ensured the maximum level of comfort from the operation of the car. In addition to improved dynamic indicators, fuel consumption is significantly reduced. According to statistics today, 70% of cars in the whole world are implemented precisely with an automatic transmission. Many car owners appear questions about the correct operation of the automatic transmission in the summer and winter.

Why win the automatic transmission in winter?

It must be said that the transfectivity of the operation and the durability of this node depends on the observance of all requirements for operation of the automatic transmission. Many car owners are incorrect to believe that automatic box The gear requires only a regular oil change, this will ensure its durability of operation. However, in reality proper operation Automatic boxes implies not only the performance of such enough simple service works. It is required to properly exploit the car, which will protect the transmission from the premature failure. Under such rules and regular replacement of automatic transmission oil, the automatic transmission can be served without the need for expensive overhaul For many hundred thousand mileage.

Inside the gearbox, there are numerous moving elements that are lubricated and cooled using a special transmission fluid. IN winter time year, temperature transmission Oil can significantly decrease that adversely affects specifications liquids. Such cold oil is poorly lubricating movable parts, which causes them premature wear. That is why car manufacturers and employees of service centers that are engaged in the repair of transmissions are not recommended in winter time of the year immediately start moving by car. In this case, only oil in the engine is heated, while the box remains cold.

How to properly warm the automatic transmission in winter?

To heat automatic transmission in winter It is necessary to start the engine and holding down the brake pedal to switch the automatic box mode selector. Hold on each of the selector modes for 15 to 20 seconds. Literally a minute later - one and a half oil in the box warms up, which will allow you to start moving the car.

Precautions in winter

Operating a car with an automatic transmission in the winter season, one should not immediately start to start and start active movement. Try the first 15 minutes of the trip accelerate as soon as possible, which will allow the automatic transmission from serious breakdowns. Remember that with the wrong warming of an automatic transmission in the winter season, internal gears are the first to suffer, which are quickly wearing. Such a repair has high costTherefore, it is recommended to propagately warm the box, which will help avoid problems with its operation.

How does the wheel slip affect the wear of the automatic transmission in winter?

In the winter season, automatic transmissions are subject to another substantial load. The wheels of the car are often slipped and dropped on slippery, snow asphalt. As a result, the transmission accounts for an increased load, which in turn can lead to serious breakdowns. That is why it is not recommended to operate a car in the winter season in the active ride mode. Try not to allow driving and slipping a car on ice, it will save you from breakdowns of movable gearbox elements.

Warming the Box Machine - Video

Remember the need timely replacement Oils in an automatic transmission, it will not only improve the gear shift, but also protect the hydraulicock and other moving elements from failure. Most automakers are recommended to replace oil in the gearbox every 60,000 kilometers. This work is not a special difficulty, and you can perform it yourself. On our site you can always find detailed video instructions for performing this work in relation to a specific car model. But from the operation of a car with old butter, especially in the winter season, we would recommend to refuse.

Preparation of automatic transmission to movement in winter

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