Permitted mass on the axis in tons on the roads. Russia: changes in weight loads. For owners of trucks

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The too loaded vehicle is an essential threat not only for the driver, but also for other participants in motion. And it does not matter, cargo is a car or passenger. Even the road covering suffers from the excess mass of the vehicle. Each car owner should know how the overload is calculated, and understand the degree of responsibility for violating the rules.

Since 2015, regulatory documents relating to cargo transport have undergone some changes. Given the new information, the allowed maximum mass of the vehicle was corrected.

Extremely permissible weight Cargo TC (road trip) - 44 tons. Load on the axis of any truck Determined, based on the category of roads, which are designed for transparency in the weight of cargo. Over-free truck will require the driver to obtain the appropriate departure permission. Concerning passenger vehicles also have some limitations. The driver is not entitled to carry in his car passengers more than it is regulated by law.

The impact on the axis of the car, in other words, the axial load is the load on the total mass of the vehicle, which is transmitted to the road with the wheels of each of the axes. With an increased load, the road leat is destroyed. In addition, the brake path of the overloaded car is longer, which can create an emergency on the roads.

It is worth considering the fact that the distribution of the load occurs unevenly: the rear axle accounts for significantly more than on the front. This is connected with a feature of the location. cargo platform: In the back of the car. When moving in the section of the road, which is equipped with a 3.12 sign, the driver must draw attention to the maximum allowed load on the axis. If the load does not match this, then it is necessary to change the route. Otherwise, the violation will entail a fine for overload. According to the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation (Part 1 of Art. 12.21.1), the amount of administrative recovery is 5,000 rubles.

Transportation rules determine the acceptable mass of the car. You can get acquainted with the information below:

A more complex calculation is subject to permissible axis load. It takes into account the category of the road, as well as the distance between the axes and the type of wheels.

Approximate calculation

Thus, the mass of the vehicle is calculated as the sum of the load indicators over the axes. You can learn a lot of car by looking at the registration certificate. It is more difficult to determine the actual mass of the cargo. To obtain an accurate calculation, you can use a special calculator.

The last two types are:

  1. Stationary (RVK).
  2. Mobile (PPVK).

Stationary items of weight control are located in a special location where equipment and staff are constantly located.

Its mobile analogue, on the contrary, is equipped based on the van. Such a post has a significant advantage - mobility. Since the weight control point is constantly moving, the owner of the cargo TC is not under the power to reveal the place of its deployment.

The stationary check procedure avoids the overwhelming over the axes. To date, there are two types of weighing:

  1. Dynamic.
  2. Static.

The first is carried out in the process of moving vehicles, and permissible speed - no more than 5 km / h. To fix measurements, automatic precipitated scales are used, with the help of which the car is raveing \u200b\u200balong the axes. An acceptable error in calculations is 3%.

Static weighing is possible only after stopping the car. A special platform with installed strain gauges allows you to accurately calculate the load and overload along the axes.

Care resolution

In addition, the process of freight is regulated by regulatory legal acts. Thus, when loading along the axes, more than 2% of the permissible permission should be obtained for movement in roads (according to FZ No. 257 of 08.11.2007, paragraph 2 of article 31). To do this, you need to agree on the route and compensate for the damage applied to the road surface. For the transport of the Armed Forces of Russia, an exception is made.

For permission to transport the dangerous goods, according to paragraph 9 of the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia No. 258 (07/07/2012), the following documents are necessary:

  1. The appropriate statement of the owner of the vehicle.
  2. Photocopy of documents on the vehicle.
  3. The distribution scheme of the transported cargo.
  4. Technical requirements for transportation.

If the driver has not received a special permit, in addition to imposing penalties, a driver's license can deprive it. This is regulated Administrative code RF (Part 1 Art. 12.21.2)

Installed penalties for overload

What a penalty is provided for overloaded cars, directly depends on the legal category of the owner. This administrative punishment has three levels of responsibility:

  • For individuals, a fine of 1,500 - 2,000 rubles is provided.
  • Officials will pay more than 15,000 rubles.
  • For legal entities, the amount of the fine comes to 400,000 rubles.

In addition to direct violation, there may be inaccuracy in the documents: when the real weight of the cargo does not correspond to the declared one. At the same time, the maximum possible load on the axis significantly exceeds the standards. In this case, the size of the established penalty:

  • for individual - 5,000 rubles;
  • for legal - 50 times more.

The basis for applying the driver of sanctions is the weight control on the road by the traffic police inspector.

Changes to the rules for the carriage of goods by carapproved by the Government Decree Russian Federation On April 15, 2011 № 272 (hereinafter referred to as the rules) in terms of weight loads entered into force on July 01, 2015.

From July 1, 2015, the maximum varies the allowable total mass for the truck and the axle load. The placement of dividego on the vehicle should be carried out in such a way that the total mass of the vehicle with such a cargo does not exceed the allowable masses vehicleinstalled in Appendix No. 1 to the Rules:

Appendix 1 to the Rules

Permissible vehicle masses

If the maximum permissible mass of the vehicle exceeds the specified parameters - special permission will be required for such transportation.

Allowable axial loads are also close to the pan-European. The rationing of the load is made on the basis of the load on the group of the axes, and not for each axis separately, as was previously.

Appendix 2 to the rules

Permissible axial vehicle loads

Location of vehicle axes

Distance between the front axles (meters)

Permissible axial loads of wheel vehicles depending on the regulatory (calculated) axial load (tons) and the number of wheels on the axis

for roads designed for axial load 6 tons / axis<*>

for roads designed for axial load 10 tons / axis

for roads designed for axial load 11.5 tons / axis


from 2.5 m and more

(as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/18/2015 No. 474)

Dual axles of trailers, semi-trailers, trucks, car tractors, truck tractors at a distance between the axes (load on the cart, the sum of the axial mass)

up to 1 (inclusive)

from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

from 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

Stored axes of trailers, semi-trailers, trucks, car tractors, truck tractors at a distance between the axes (load on the cart, the sum of the axial mass)

up to 1 (inclusive)

up to 1.3 (inclusive)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

21 (22,5 <**>)

from 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

Round axles of trucks, car tractors, saddle tractors, trailers and semi-trailers, with the number of axes more than three at a distance between the axes (load on one axis)

up to 1 (inclusive)

from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

from 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)

Frightened axles of vehicles having on each axis of eight and more wheels (load on one axis)

up to 1 (inclusive)

from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

from 1.8 to 2.5 (inclusive)


<*> In case of establishing the owner of the automotive road of the respective road signs and placement on its official website of the admissible vehicle for the automotive road.

<**> For vehicles with single-chain wheels equipped with a pneumatic or equivalent suspension.


1. In brackets are given values \u200b\u200bfor double-tie wheels, without brackets - for single-handed.

2. Axes with single-table and double-circuit wheels combined into a group of retarded axes should be considered as pinned axis with single-sided wheels.

3. For dual and built axes, structurally combined into a common trolley, the allowable axial load is determined by dividing the total permissible load on the trolley to the appropriate number of axes.

4. It is allowed to uneven load distribution over the axes for two-axis and trolleys, if the total load on the trolley does not exceed the permissible, and the load on the most loaded axis does not exceed the permissible axial load of the corresponding (single or dupp) single axis. "

The amount of fees on damage compensation is determined in the manner prescribed by the method of calculating the amount of harm caused by vehicles carrying out the transport of heavy cargo, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2009 No. 934 "On compensation of harm caused by transportation vehicles carrying out heavyweight transport On the roads of the Russian Federation "(as amended by 09.12.2014).

The solidarity responsibility of freight and customers for overvaging the vehicle is introduced.

Control over the weight of heavy trucks and the load on the axis will definitely grow up. Every third point of weight control on federal highways Already fully automated. About 500 new special forces for charging with trucks and almost 200 mobile mobile devices must completely "reduce to zero". Human factor when conducting a wigsbarotometric procedure. Experts of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry noted that where the download is automated, for example, in logistics terminals, the problems of the overload does not occur. This concerns transportation on pallets, household appliances, food. Therefore, experts agree that it is necessary to control the mass of truck and load on the axis at once when traveling from the download location. Most of this should be interested in carriers of bulk cargo, petroleum products, oils and other liquids. In logistics companies, in general, such a proposal finds positive feedback. In the Russian motor transportation, do not quite agree with this approach. In their opinion, only the carrier and the driver of the vehicle must be responsible for overload and load on the axis. Also, in the Russian motor transportation, notes that no one can give the shipper to provide a guarantee that after the sender downloads the carrier will not help themselves elsewhere.

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the attached, which are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the transport of heavy cargo on the roads of the Russian Federation.

which are entered into the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the transport of heavy cargo on roads of the Russian Federation
(approved government of the Russian Federation of January 9, 2014 No. 12)

1. In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2009 No. 934 "On the compensation of harm caused by vehicles carrying out the transport of heavy cargo on roads of the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, No. 47, Art. 5673; 2011 , № 17, Art. 2415):

a) in the rules of compensation for harm caused by transportation vehicles carrying out heavy cargo approved by this resolution:

paragraph 1 adds the following paragraphs:

"For the purposes of these rules under the vehicle transporting heavy cargo, the vehicle is understood, including a specialized and special vehicle, or a combination of vehicles (road tray), the mass of which with a load or without cargo exceeds the allowable masses of vehicles and (or ) Permissible axial loads set:

Rules for the carriage of goods by road, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 No. 272 \u200b\u200b"On approval of the rules of cargo transportation by road";

by the decision on the temporary restriction of the movement of vehicles on road;

prohibiting road signs 3.11 "Mass limit" and (or) 3.12 "Limitation of a mass per capita axis." ";

in paragraph 5:

in the first word paragraph of the word "fee for damage to compensation is determined depending on" to replace with the words "the size of the board at the expense of harm compensation is determined in the manner prescribed by the method of calculating the amount of harm caused by vehicles carrying out the transport of heavy cargoes, according to the application and is calculated depending on from";

in subparagraph "a":

in the first paragraph after the words "the Government of the Russian Federation," to add the words "for prohibiting road signs 3.11" Mass limit "and (or) 3.12" Limiting the mass per capita on the axis of the vehicle ";

in paragraphs, the second and third word "extremely" exclude;

in paragraphs, the seventh of paragraph 6, the word "extremely" exclude;

supplement the rules with the following content:

to the rules of compensation for harm
caused by transport
means carrying out
transportation of heavy cargoes

calculation of the amount of harm caused by vehicles carrying out the transport of heavy cargo

1. This technique determines the procedure for calculating the amount of harm caused by vehicles carrying out the carriage of heavy cargo (hereinafter referred to as vehicles).

2. When determining the amount of harm caused by vehicles, takes into account:

the value of exceeding the values \u200b\u200bof permissible axial loads and vehicle mass, including during the introduction of temporary restrictions on road traffic;

road clothing type;

location of the automotive road in the Russian Federation;

the value of the road.

3. The amount of harm caused by vehicles, when exceeding the values \u200b\u200bof permissible axial loads per axis * calculated by the formulas:

* (for roads with solid coating),

* (for roads with clothing transient),

* - the coefficient, taking into account the conditions of the road-climatic zones, shown in Table 2;

* - coefficient, taking into account the natural climatic conditions. It is assumed to be equal to one with adverse climatic conditions, the remainder is taken equal to 0.35;

* - The initial value of the amount of harm caused by vehicles, when exceeding allowable axial loads for the automotive road by 5 percent, shown in Table 1;

* - the excess of the actual axial load above the allowed for the highway, tons / axis;

N - regulatory (calculated) axial load for the highway, tons / axis;

a, B - the constant coefficients shown in Table 1.

4. The amount of harm caused by vehicles, when exceeding the values \u200b\u200bof permissible mass * calculated by the formula:

* - coefficient taking into account the relative cost of work on overhaul and repair depending on the location of the road in the Russian Federation, shown in Table 2;

* - the coefficient of influence of the vehicle mass depending on the location of the automotive road in the Russian Federation, shown in Table 2;

c, D - the constant coefficients shown in Table 1;

* - the excess of the actual mass of the vehicle above the permissible, interest;

Table 1

Regulatory (calculated) axial load for the road, tons / axis * rub. / 100 km Permanent coefficients
but B. from D.
1. 6 8500 7,3 0,27 7365 123,4
2. 10 1840 37,7 2,4 7365 123,4
3. 11,5 840 39,5 2,7 7365 123,4

table 2

Federal District * * *
For federal road roads For roads of regional, intermunicipal, local importance and private roads
Central 2,07 1 1 0,285
Northwestern 2,14 1,07 1,148 0,294
South 1,65 0,96 1,103 0,342
Volga 1,67 0,94 0,76 0,353
Uralsky 2,1 1,03 0,662 0,348
Siberian 2,06 1,01 0,628 0,261
Far Eastern 2,14 1,35 0,708 0,665
North Caucasian 1,48 0,96 0,793 0,328";

b) the application to the resolution shall be amended as follows:

to the Government Decree
Russian Federation
of November 16, 2009 № 934
(as amended by the Resolution
Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 9, 2014 № 12)

the amount of harm caused by vehicles carrying out the transport of heavy cargo when driving such vehicles on roads of federal significance

Table 1

The size
harm caused by vehicles carrying out the transport of heavy cargo when driving such vehicles on the automobile roads of the federal value, designed for the regulatory (calculated) axial load of 10 tons / axis, due to exceeding the permissible axial loads on each axis of the vehicle

(100 km rubles)
Federal District
Central Northwestern South Volga Uralsky Siberian Far Eastern North Caucasian
To 10 2747 2386 1637 1520 2059 1963 2773 1387
Over 10 to 20 4392 3815 2618 2430 3291 3139 4434 2218
Over 20 to 30 7026 6102 4188 3887 5265 5021 7093 3548
Over 30 to 40 10616 9221 6329 5874 7956 7587 10718 5361
Over 40 to 50 15141 13152 9026 8377 11347 10821 15286 7646
Over 50 to 60 20584 17879 12271 11389 15426 14711 20781 10395
Over 60.

table 2

The size
harm caused by vehicles carrying out the carriage of heavy cargo when driving such vehicles on roads of federal significance, designed for a regulatory (calculated) axial load of 11.5 tons / axis, due to exceeding the permissible axial loads on each axis of the vehicle

(100 km rubles)
Excess permissible axial loads on the vehicle axis (percent) Federal District
Central Northwestern South Volga Uralsky Siberian Far Eastern North Caucasian
To 10 1187 1031 708 657 890 849 1199 600
Over 10 to 20 1720 1494 1026 952 1289 1230 1737 869
Over 20 to 30 2574 2236 1534 1424 1929 1839 2599 1300
Over 30 to 40 3737 3246 2228 2068 2801 2671 3773 1887
Over 40 to 50 5204 4520 3102 2879 3900 3719 5253 2628
Over 50 to 60 6967 6052 4153 3855 5221 4979 7034 3518
Over 60. Calculated by the formulas given in the method of calculating the amount of harm caused by vehicles carrying out the transport of heavy goods provided for by the application to the rules of compensation for harm caused by vehicles carrying out the transport of heavy cargo

Note. During the period of temporary restrictions of the movement of vehicles on roads due to the adverse climatic conditions, the value of the harm size set in the present table is increased by 2.9 times.

Table 3.

The size
harm caused by vehicles transporting heavy cargoes when driving such vehicles on roads of federal significance due to exceeding the permissible mass of the vehicle

(100 km rubles)
Excess permissible mass (percent) Federal District
Central Northwestern South Volga Uralsky Siberian Far Eastern North Caucasian
To 10 8599 10563 9105 6143 5863 5454 8219 6546
Over 10 to 20 9833 12078 10412 7025 6705 6237 9398 7486
Over 20 to 30 11067 13594 11719 7906 7546 7020 10578 8425
Over 30 to 40 12301 15110 13025 8788 8388 7802 11757 9365
Over 40 to 50 13535 16626 14332 9669 9229 8585 12937 10304
Over 50 to 60 14769 18142 15639 10551 10070 9368 14116 11243
Over 60. Calculated by the formulas given in the method of calculating the amount of harm caused by vehicles carrying out the transport of heavy goods provided for by the application to the rules of compensation for harm caused by vehicles carrying out the transport of heavy cargo

Note. When determining the amount of harm in accordance with Table 3 for roads of regional, intermunicipal, local and private roads, multiplied the value of the harm size to the coefficient K, the meanings of which are shown in Table 4.

Table 4.

2. In the rules for the carriage of goods by road, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 No. 272 \u200b\u200b"On Approval of Cargo Transport Rules by road" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 17, Art. 2407; 2012, No. 10 , Art. 1223):

a) paragraph five of paragraph 5 shall be amended as follows:

"Heavy cargo - a cargo, the mass of which, taking into account the mass of the vehicle, exceeds the permissible masses of vehicles in accordance with Appendix No. 1 or permissible axial loads of vehicles in accordance with Appendix No. 2;";

b) paragraph 75 recognize the invalid strength;

c) Applications number 1 and 2 to the indicated rules shall be stated as follows:

"Appendix No. 1
to the rules of cargo transportation
by car
(as amended by the Resolution
Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 9, 2014 № 12)

Permissible vehicle masses

Type of vehicle or combination of vehicles, quantity and location of the axes Permissible mass of vehicle, tons
Single cars
biaxial 18
Three-way 25
Four-axle 32
Five-axle 35
Motor track saddle and trailed
Three-way 28
Four-axle 36
Five-axle 40
Six kind and more 44

Appendix No. 2.
to the rules of cargo transportation
by car
(as amended by the Resolution
Government of the Russian Federation
dated January 9, 2014 № 12)

Permissible axial vehicle loads

Distance between the front axles (meters) Permissible axial loads of wheel vehicles depending on the regulatory (calculated) axial load (tons) and the number of wheels on the axis
For auto mobile roads designed for an axial load of 6 tons / axis * For auto-mobile roads designed for an axial load of 10 tons / axis For automobile roads designed for axial load 11.5 tons / axis
Single axis - 5,5 (6) 9 (10) 10,5 (11,5)
Dual axles of trailers, semi-trailers, trucks, car tractors, truck tractors at a distance between the axes (load on the cart, the sum of the axial mass) up to 1 (inclusive) 8 (9) 10 (11) 11,5 (12,5)
from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive) 90 (10) 13 (14) 14 (16)
10 (11) 15 (16) 17 (18)
from 1.8 or more 11 (12) 17 (18) 18 (20)
Stored axes of trailers, semi-trailers, trucks, car tractors, truck tractors at a distance between the axes (load on the cart, the sum of the axial mass) up to 1 (inclusive) 11 (12) 15 (16,5) 17 (18)
up to 1.3 (inclusive) 12 (13,5) 18 (19,5) 20 (21)
from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive) 13,5 (15) 21 (22,5**) 23,5 (24)
from 1.8 or more 15 (16) 22 (23) 25 (26)
Frightened axles of trucks, car tractors, saddle tractors, trailers and semi-trailers with the number of axes more than three when the axes (load on one axis) up to 1 (inclusive) 3,5 (4) 5 (5,5) 5,5 (6)
from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive) 4 (4,5) 6 (6,5) 6,5 (7)
from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive) 4,5 (5) 6,5 (7) 7,5 (8)
from 1.8 or more 5 (5,5) 7 (7,5) 8,5 (9)
Frightened axles of vehicles having on each axis of eight and more wheels (load on one axis) up to 1 (inclusive) 6 9,5 11
from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive) 6,5 10,5 12
from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive) 7,5 12 14
from 1.8 or more 8,5 13,5 16


* In case of establishing the owner of the automotive road of the respective road signs and placement on its official website, the vehicle is permissible for the automotive road.

** For vehicles with single-sided wheels, equipped with a pneumatic and equivalent suspension.

Notes: 1. In brackets are values \u200b\u200bfor double-screw wheels, outside brackets - for single-sided.

2. Axis with single-sided and double-circuit wheels combined into a group of naked axes should be considered as an epipped axis with single-handed wheels, with the exception of a two-axis trolley with an unloaded axis.

3. For dual and built axes, structurally combined into a common trolley, the allowable axial load is determined by dividing the total load on the trolley to the appropriate number of axes.

4. A permissible axial load for a two-axis truck with an unloaded axis is taken equal to a ratio of 60 percent of the permissible load on a two-axis trolley for the drive axis and 40 percent for an unloaded axis. "

Overview of the document

The rules for compensation for harm caused by the vehicle carrying heavy loads are adjusted.

It is enshrined that in mind there is a vehicle (including a specialized and special) or a combination of vehicle (auto tray), the mass of which with a load or without cargo exceeds the permissible masses of TS and (or) permissible axial loads.

Mass, loads can be established by the rules for the carriage of goods by road, the decision on the temporary limitation of the TC movement on roads, prohibiting road signs 3.11 "Mass limit" and (or) 3.12 "Limiting the mass per axle of the vehicle."

Installed method for calculating the size of harm.

When calculating, the value of exceeding the values \u200b\u200bof permissible loads and mass, the type of road clothing, the value, as well as the location of the road in Russia is taken into account.

Indicators of harm size are set out in a new edition.

In general, the amendments will lead to an increase in the amount of compensation.

Also adjusted the rules for the carriage of goods by road.

They provide that divided goods are placed on the vehicle so that the total mass of the vehicle with the cargo does not exceed 40 tons. Delimible cargo on automobile trains in the composition of a 3-axis tractor and a 2- or 3-axis semi-trailer carrying a 40-foot container ISO, it is placed so that the total weight of the TC with the load does not exceed 44 tons, and the axial load did not exceed 11.5 tons.

Amendments, these norms are excluded.

Tables "Maximum permissible masses of vehicles" and "maximum permissible axial loads of vehicles" are set forth in the new edition.

Since the time is inexorable goes to the "cherished" date, April 01, and no positive news from the Ministry of Economic Development This year, unlike last year there is no, then you need to prepare for the seasonal spring closure of 2014 roads.

I have already spoken about it a little earlier, because the draft order of Rosavtodor was published. It contains roads that close in certain times, the list also has on my site. But after all, no one closes the roads, we just say so.

How to calculate the load on the Osin of these roads, restrictions on the permissible load on each axis of the vehicle are introduced. This is the introduction of a load limit on the axle of the truck and there is what we call "the closure of the road to dry".

How to calculate the allowed, or real load on the vehicle axis? There is one simple, folk, but quite an approximate technique, which allows you to more or less estimate the maximum permissible loads on the axis of the vehicle. I was seen from the creator and the ideological inspirer of the site Transport-KTG. On their website, you can accurately calculate the load on the axis for specific models of cars and trailers, set other questions and, most importantly, get answers qualified for them.

Approximate calculation of the load on the vehicle axis

Let there be a three-axis tractor + three-axle trailer (total axes 3 + 3 \u003d 6). It is necessary to carry a load of 20 tons.

We solve the task: the axis of the road train?

Lyrical digression: Well, to be honest, the most correct and "accurate" calculation of loads on the axis of the vehicle carrier will produce in the first post of weight control. There are the most correct techniques and the most accurate numbers of loads on the axis of the road train.

And with them, most importantly, you will not argue. Rather, it is possible, but only in the arbitration court. Here, for example, I recently opened a post of weight control on Kola.

We proceed to solving the transport task ....

  1. First, we look at the certificate of registration of a car and trailer and we will find out the masses of the MAM machines and the MPR trailer (let it be, for example, Mam \u003d 8 tons, MPR \u003d 10 t). It is desirable, of course, to know real weights, and not that written.
  2. Then we learn exact weight of the cargo being transported (not what is written in TTN, but the weight of the actual cargo being transported). It will be a mass of cargo MGR \u003d 20 T (this is also for example)
  3. Calculate 75% of (MPR + \u003d (MPR + MGR) * 0.75 \u003d (10 + 20) * 0.75 \u003d 22.5 t
  4. Calculate the load on all trailer axes: trailer \u003d load on the trailer / number axes on the trailer 22.5 / 3 \u003d 7.5 t for each axis
  5. car. To do this, we find out what load falls on the car itself. And it accounts for the remaining 25% of from (MPR + MGR), and the mass itself itself. \u003d (MPR + MM) * 0.25 + MAM \u003d (10 + 20) * 0.25 + 8 \u003d 15.5 t
  6. Calculate the load on the rear axles of the car, it will be 75% of the load axis load \u003d 15.5 × 0.75 / 2 \u003d 5.8 t
  7. The axis of the car. This is what remains from the load axis \u003d 15.5 - 5.8 × 2 \u003d 3.9 t

And, as a result of all these calculations, we get such a picture of maximum loads on the axis of the road train:

3.9 + 5.8 + 5.8 + 7.5 + 7.5 + 7.5

I do not guarantee that this calculation is faithful, it gives an approximate understanding of the distribution of loads on the axes. It is better so than in any way.

Well, what is real in life, so it will only say the post of weight control.

After all, all these loads on the axis of the car depends on so many parameters! As the fingers in all hands do not have enough to recalculate them.

Good luck on the road! And smaller transcets and promises on the road!

The overall dimensions of trucks are established according to the adopted international standards and regulations of individual countries. Regulation is intended primarily to ensure the safety of motor vehicles, the safety of cargo transported and environmental regulations. The EU has a simplified system of national rules, the purpose of which is to create equal conditions and facilitating the transportation process between the Member States of the European Union. In the nearby past, these rules were also needed to prevent the inconsistency of the size of the transported goods, which after vehicles are transmitted for transportation on the railway.
In the EU Council Directive 96/53 / EU of July 25, 1996, standardized dimensions and maximum weight for transboundary cargo transport. Their observance is always at least in the territory of the European Union. Each member state may in its national legislation (for example, in Germany this rules road) may be slightly modified established limitations.

International Classification of Trucks (PBX)

Full weight (tons)


Trucks, special cars

PBX with a motor intended for the carriage of goods

Over 3.5 to 12.0

PBX with a motor intended for the carriage of goods

Trucks, Cars Tractors, Special Cars

PBX without driver

Trailers and semi-trailers

PBX without driver

Over 0.75 to 3.5

Trailers and semi-trailers

PBX without driver

Over 3.5 to 10.0

Trailers and semi-trailers

PBX without driver

Trailers and semi-trailers

Currently in Russia Transportation of heavy and large-sized goods are regulated:

  • decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2011 N 272. In Annex 2, there are no differences for single-table or double-screw wheels.
  • decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 9, 2014 No. 12, take effect january 1, 2015 of the year.

18.75 M.

24.0 tons

10.0 tons

11.5 tons

40.0 tons

Permissible size of trucks in Europe

dimensions (meter)

Width (standard truck)

Width (refrigerator)

Length truck

Length trailer

Length of the saddle road

Length of the road train

Length of a three-axle bus

Length articulated bus

Maximum weight of trucks in Europe. Loads on the axis of trucks in Europe

maximum weight for axes (tons)

Not a presenter

Leading axis

Double trolley

Triple truck

common weight single truck (tons)

Two-axis truck

Three-axle truck

Four-axle truck

total weight trailer (tons)

Two-axis trailer

Three-axle trailer

total weight trailers (tons)

Three-axle saddled road train

Four-axle saddled road train

Five-axle saddle trave train

Six-axle saddle road train

Four-axle road train

Five-axle road train

Six kinds of road

Three-axle bus

The permissible mass of the road train in Russia. Maximum load on the axis in Russia.

Appendix No. 2.
To the rules of cargo transportation by road (as amended by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 12 of January 9, 2014)

Permissible axial vehicle loads

Distance between the front axles (meters)

Permissible axial loads of wheel vehicles depending on the regulatory (calculated) axial load (tons) and the number of wheels on the axis

for roads designed for an axial load of 6 tons / axis ( * )

for roads designed for axial load 10 tons / axis

for roads designed for axial load 11.5 tons / axis

Single axis
Double axes of trailers, semi-trailers, trucks, car tractors, truck tractors at a distance between the axes (the load on the trolley, the sum of the axial mass)

up to 1 (inclusive)

from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

from 1.8 or more

Stored axis of trailers, semi-trailers, trucks, car tractors, truck tractors with a distance between the axes (the load on the trolley, the amount of the axial mass)

up to 1 (inclusive)

up to 1.3 (inclusive)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

21 (22,5 ** )

from 1.8 or more

Frightened axles of trucks, car tractors, saddle tractors, trailers and semi-trailers with the number of axes more than three when the axes (load on one axis)

up to 1 (inclusive)

from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

from 1.8 or more

Frightened axles of vehicles having on each axis of eight and more wheels (load on one axis)

up to 1 (inclusive)

from 1 to 1.3 (inclusive)

from 1.3 to 1.8 (inclusive)

from 1.8 or more

(* ) In the case of the establishment by the owner of the automotive road of the respective road signs and placement on its official website about the vehicle permissible for the automotive road.
(** ) For vehicles with single-chain wheels equipped with a pneumatic and equivalent suspension.


  1. In brackets are values \u200b\u200bfor double-tie wheels, outside brackets - for single-handed.
  2. The axis with single-table and double-circuit wheels combined into a group of retarded axes should be viewed as an epipped axis with single-handed wheels, with the exception of a two-axle trolley with an unloaded axis.
  3. For dual and built axes, structurally combined into a common trolley, the allowable axial load is determined by dividing the total load on the trolley to the appropriate number of axes.
  4. A permissible axial load for a two-axis trolley with an unloaded axis is taken equal to a ratio of 60 percent of the permissible load on a two-axis truck for the drive axis and 40% for an unloaded axis.

European norms of toxicity exhaust gases of diesel engines of trucks

Requirements of the UN General Assembly in terms of pollutant emissions for heavy trucks equipped with diesel engine, g / (kv. h)
On each cargo car must be affixed with the marking in accordance with its standard. Latin alphabet letters are used to designate.

Standard (year)

Carbon oxide - with

Hydrocarbons - NS.

Nitrogen oxide - N0x

Smoke - smoke

Euro-0 (1988)

Euro-1 (1992)

Euro-2 (1996)

Euro-3 (2000)

Euro-4 (2005)

Euro-5 (2008)

Euro-6 (2013)

The vehicle that meets the relevant requirements is indicated by the letter placed on the cabin or bumper truck:

  • U - "Umwelt" ("Nature"), EURO-1 standard,
  • E - "Green Lorry" ("Green Truck"). The concept of "Green Lorry" includes the following requirements: EURO-2 pollutant emission standards, noise norms - 78-80 dBA. On such a truck, the certificate of conformity is filled and installed a table of U or E
  • S - "SUPERGREEN" ("Very green"), EURO-2 standard
  • G - "Greener and Safe Lorry" ("Schestant and" Green "truck")
  • L - "LARMARM KRAFTFAHZEUGE" (Low Noise Tractor) in Austria From December 1, 1989, a truck moving at night (from 22:00 to 5:00) on the territory of Avustia, must comply with these noise standards.

Since 2001, another definition motor vehicle - Euro-3 safe, it has been operating since 2002. Such a truck must comply with the exhaust "Euro-3" standards, and on the noise of the usual 78-80 dBA. Then hanging green sign with white edging and digit 3 white color.
For machines that correspond to "Euro-4" and "Euro-5" signs of green with white edging and numbers 4 and 5.

All of the above signs must necessarily confirm the manufacturer's certificate and be on board the car.

Changes to the Federal Law of July 13, 2015 No. 248-ФЗ regulating the movement of heavy and large-sized vehicles.

In the Federal Law "On road road and on road activities in the Russian Federation and on amending the individual legislative acts of the Russian Federation "the concept of" heavy cargo "and" large cargo»Replaced with the concepts of" heavy vehicle "and" large-sized vehicle ", respectively.
Federal law introduces a ban on road traffic on roads of heavy vehicles and large-sized vehicles engaged in the transport of goods that are not indivisible, except for carrying out the movement on the basis of special permits of large vehicles, the dimensions of which are not more than 2 percent exceeding the permissible.
Federal law improves the procedure for implementing procedures related to issuing special permission On the movement on roads of heavy and (or) large vehicles, as well as a vehicle transporting dangerous goods.
The right to issue a special permit to move on road roads vehicle transporting dangerous goods is consolidated for Rostransnadzor of Russia.
It is established that the relevant authorized bodies can issue special permits to move on roads of heavy and (or) large-sized vehicles through the subordinate organizations authorized by them.
In addition, the federal law provides for the possibility of movement on heavy vehicles, the mass of which with a load or without cargo and (or) the load on the axis of which is not more than 2 percent exceeds the permissible mass of the vehicle and (or) the permissible axis load, without Special permits.
If the load on the axis of the heavyweight vehicle exceeds the permissible load on the vehicle axis by more than 2 percent, but no more than 10 percent, special permission is issued in a simplified manner.
The federal law also establishes that a special permit is issued within a period of no more than one day from the date of confirmation of the fee in the account of compensation for harm caused by the heavy vehicle.
For violation of the established deadlines for the coordination of the routes of heavy vehicle and (or) a large vehicle or a deadline for issuing a special permit or unreasonable refusal to coordinate such routes, as well as violating the rules of movement of heavy and (or) large vehicles, the Federal Law provides for administrative responsibility. .

Excursion to the history of the formation of restrictions on the size of trucks

Basic regulatory documents Regarding restrictions on the size of trucks in Europe is the EU Council Directive No. 96/53 / EU. The first states of the old light that changed the permissible length and mass of road trains to 25.25 m and 60 tons were Sweden and Finland. These countries are allowed to operate two types of road trains: formed from a three-axis tractor and a 5-axis trailer, made on the basis of a serial 3-axis semi-trailer with a 2-axle-axis trolley and a saddle-trailers (SPA), where 2-axis trails to the serial semi-trailer Trailer, usually with the central axis.
On domestic roads of the reply of new samples have appeared quite a long time. They run between the cities of Sweden, Finland and St. Petersburg, Moscow. In international transport, these vehicles should also appear, but the legislation of the European countries (with the exception of Sweden and Finland) is not so good enough to change the limitations on the dimensions of the freight cars. Similar situation in the CIS countries. The useful volume of such road trains reaches 160 cubic meters.
Scandinavian states did not immediately come to the length of road trains of 25.5 meters. At first they managed to resolve trucks in a length of 24 meters. There are no standards of the permissible norms of mass of trucks and car tractors in the post-Soviet space now. The only suitable GOST was canceled more than 25 years ago. In it full mass A 5-axle saddle or single-pace traveler should not exceed 40 tons, length of 20 meters, and with two trailers - 24 meters.
Experts consider the contradictory and rampant "Agreement on the masses and dimensions of vehicles carrying out interstate transportation on the roads of the CIS countries", which entered into force on 4 June 1999. The maximum permissible mass of the road train on this "agreement" should be 44 tons. Even in North American countries, where the most rigid norms in the world in terms of axial loads and masses of road trains are operating, this indicator is 48 tons. A similar situation with a 6-axis travelery, the mass of which should not exceed 38 tons. At the same time, in the European Union, according to EU Directive No. 96/53, the permissible mass of the road train is 44 tons.
The most liberal attitude to the size of trucks in China. There are no restrictions there only on paper. According to the documents, the norms similar to the EU Directive No. 96/53 / EU are regulated, but "Monsters" of huge sizes are found on the roads.
In North America, the semi-trailer length should not exceed 16.15 m, and the width is 2.6 m. In Europe, similar restrictions are stricter: the length is 13.6 m, the width is 2.6 m. Due to such disagreements regarding the permissible standards Complicated process of cargo transportation containers. So 45, 48 and 53 feet containers in Europe are not found at all, although in the United States and Canada are everywhere exploited.

What is a road train?

The road train is considered a car with an arbitrary number of trailers or vehicle tractor.
A feature of such a vehicle is the presence of a towing device. The use of road trains increases the use of the power potential of cars, reduces the cost of transportation, increases performance, reduces the need for drivers, reduces the fuel consumption of 1 tons of cargo transported by increasing the maximum allowable amount of cargo, which can be transported with one cargo vehicle.

Classification of trucks for appointment

All trucks can be divided into the following popular categories of body type:

  • Tents, semi-trailers - most often found type of trucks. Used to transport any cargo. Body loading is carried out on either side, which significantly simplifies this process. The average carrying capacity varies from 20 to 25 tons;
  • Refrigerators, semi-trailers are semi-trailers that are equipped with refrigeration facilities needed for transporting perishable products. Temperature in the refrigerator: from +25 to -25. The average carrying capacity of such types of trucks is 12-20 tons;
  • AvtoCut It is a car and a trailer to it. They are very convenient in terms of loading / unloading. You can carry practical any cargoes, except for long, as well as requiring special conditions. Capacity: from 16 to 25 tons;
  • Jumbo. - These are high capacity trailers. The floor of the trailer is made in the form of the letter "g", as well as reduced the diameter of the wheels, the additional space is counsed. The average carrying capacity of such trailers is up to 20 tons;
  • Container ship - vehicle used to transport containers;
  • Tanker - vehicle used for transportation of liquid and bulk cargo;
  • Avtovo. - vehicle used to transport cars;
  • Grain - vehicle used to transport grain;
  • Dump truck - Vehicle used to transport bulk cargo.

Terms used in transport documents

  • "Freight car" - Vehicle equipped with a mechanical drive. Operated to transport cargo for roads;
  • "Vehicle" - the device for which the load or passengers is installed for transportation by road;
  • "Motor Train" - a combined vehicle consisting of a truck and trailer (trailer trailer), tractor and semi-trailer (sadding trailer);
  • "Tractor" - vehicle equipped with its own engine and intended exclusively or mainly for towing a trailer or semi-trailer;
  • "Combined vehicle" - combination of car and trailer (semi-trailer);
  • "Full trailer" A trailer with a breath is a towed vehicle having at least two axes, of which at least one axis is controlled and, moreover:
    - equipped with a towing device (breathing), which has the ability to vertical with respect to the tractor of movement;
    - not transmitting to the tractor any significant vertical load (no more than 100 Dan).
    When the semi-trailer is connected to the semi-trailer support truck, it is considered a complete trailer;
  • "Semitrailer" - towed vehicle, which is intended for connecting to saddle tractor (or with a supporting trolley of the semi-trailer) and transmits a significant vertical load on the tractor knob (or on the base truck;
  • "Opported semi-trailer trolley"- trailer with a central axis equipped with a saddle coupling device.
  • "Maximum vehicle length" - the length of the vehicle that does not exceed the established valid values \u200b\u200b(for each country's country);
  • "Maximum vehicle width" - Width of a vehicle that does not exceed the established permissible values \u200b\u200b(for each country);
  • "Maximum vehicle height" - the height of the vehicle that does not exceed the established permissible values \u200b\u200b(for each country's country);
  • "Maximum mass of vehicle" - the mass of vehicle with a load or without it, which does not exceed the established valid values \u200b\u200b(for each country's country);
  • "Maximum axial mass" - Mass transmitted through the vehicle axis to the surface of the road, which does not exceed the established valid values \u200b\u200b(for each country's country);
  • "Vehicle mass in a curb state" - Mass of an empty vehicle with a body and a coupling device in the case of a buse-tractor or a crash mass with a cabin if the manufacturer does not install the body and / or a coupling device. This mass includes the mass of coolant, oils, not less than 90% of fuel, 100% of other liquids (with the exception of used water), tools, driver (75 kg), as well as a spare wheel.
  • "Technically permissible maximum mass of vehicle" - The maximum mass of the vehicle due to its design and the specified characteristics set by the vehicle manufacturer.
  • "Immovable cargo" - the cargo, which is impossible to divide during the transport due to the risk of its damage or high spending time and means;
  • "Air suspension" - the suspension system in which the shock absorbing element is air, providing at least 75% of the shock absorbing effect;

Forwarder or carrier? Three Secret and International Cargo Transport

Forwarder or carrier: who may prefer? If the carrier is good, and the freight forwarder is bad, then the first. If the carrier is bad, and the freight forwarder is good, then the second. Such a choice is simple. But how to decide when they are good for both applicants? How to choose from two seemingly equivalent options? The fact is that these options are not equal.

Scary Stories of International Transportation

Between the hammer and anvil.

It is not easy to live between the customer of carriage and a very cunning-economical owner of the cargo. Once we received an order. Freight for three kopecks, additional conditions for two sheets, the collection is called .... on Wednesday Loading. The car on the spot is already on Tuesday, and to the aftermath of the next day, the warehouse begins to slowly throw everything into the trailer, which collected your forwarder addressed to his recipient customers.

Enchanted place - PTO Kozlovichi.

According to the legends and on experience, all who drove the goods from Europe by road, know how terrible place is PTO Kozlovichi, Brest customs. Which lawlessness is creating Belarusian customs officers, they come rapidly and derut Schurdogoga. And it is true. But not all ....

As for the new year we were drunk dry milk.

Loading by combined cargo on consolidation warehouse in Germany. One cargo is a dry milk from Italy, the delivery of which I ordered the forwarder .... The classic example of the operation forwarder is "transmitter" (it does not delve into anything, only transmits on a chain).

Documents for international transport

International road freight transportation is very durable and overlap, consequence - for international road transport Goods used a lot of unified documents. It does not matter customer carrier or ordinary - it will not go without documents. Although it is not very exciting, but we tried to mention the appointment of these documents and the meaning they have. Lid an example of filling TIR, CMR, T1, EX1, INVOICE, Packing List ...

Calculation of the load on the axis for truck trucks

The goal is to study the possibility of redistribution of loads on the axis of the tractor and semi-trailer when changing the location of the cargo in the semi-trailer. And the use of this knowledge in practice.

In the system under consideration, there are 3 objects: $ (T) $ tractor (T) $, semi-trailer (\\ Large ((p.p.))) $ and cargo $ (\\ LARGE (GR)) $. All variables related to each of these objects will be marked with an upper index $ T $, $ (\\ large (p.p.)) $ and $ (\\ large (GR)) $, respectively. For example, the tractor's own mass will be designated as $ M ^ (T) $.

Why don't you eat amansor? Custom exhaled sadness.

What is happening in the international road transport market? The Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation has forbidden to execute TIR books without additional guarantees of several federal Districts. And he notified that from December 1 of the current year, the agreement with the IRU as inappropriate the requirements of the Customs Union and puts forward non-deal financial claims.
IRU In response: "The explanations of the FCS of Russia regarding allegedly available at Asmap of debt in the amount of 20 billion rubles are a complete fiction, since all the old TIR claims were fully resolved ..... What do we think simple carriers?

STOWAGE FACTOR Weight and volume of cargo when calculating the cost of transportation

Calculation of the cost of transportation depends on weight and volume of cargo. For maritime transport, the volume is most often crucial for air - weight. For road transport, the value plays a comprehensive indicator. What parameter for calculations will be selected in one case - depends on specific weight (Stowage Factor) .

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