Volvo S40 1 generation. "First" Sedan Volvo S40. Typical problems and malfunctions

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Swedish cars Volvo S40, V50, C30 and C70 were produced from 2003 to 2013, according to class the same as Ford Focus or Mazda 3. They even use the same platform. Aside reliable cars Volvo than other competitors, we will now find out. S40 - sedan, V50 - wagon, C30 and C70 coupe. The body of Volvo is clearly more reliable than competitors with the same platform. Aluminum hood is not subject to corrosion, and in general, the body is covered with a galvanic coating on both sides, so it is well saved even on the oldest cars. Paintwork does not flutter, does not get caress and does not rub, as in Mazda 3 or Ford focus. Now in the market you can find cars with 10 years of age and mileage over 200 000 km., But in good condition for adequate money. On such cars, the body is usually always in good condition.

Body electronics also in the car a lot, she may suffer from dampness. On the consoles can stop working buttons after 12 years of operation. To make the buttons earn, sometimes just enough to clean the contacts.

The salon looks quite good even after many years of operation. Plastic looks good, the skin also looks safe for a long time. Screens appear only after 10 years of operation. It happens that over time the immobilizer does not recognize the key, and the ignition lock can also be worn, will not always turn the starter. The new ignition castle will cost about 170 euros. There are also cases that the windows begin to twitch, the seats can be flored.

The dampness is afraid of the windows control unit, which is inside the door. Electromechanical door locking modules can also fail on older cars released before 2007. Luke drainage can score, then it will not be particularly nice, because the upholstery is spoiled, and there may be problems with the wiring, so you have to follow.

If you suddenly start the headlights, the instrument panel or backlight in the cabin, then it means that it is necessary to check in what condition the unit of the block of the unit is sometimes enough to simply clean and make sealing from moisture. But it is better not to slow and immediately correct the situation, because it can turn off the whole car. The new block seats costs about 800 euros.

In general, there are many different small problems, in most cases it all depends on who was the owner of this car. It happens that the Wiring Wiring Wires of the Castle has been shifted, it also happens that the trunk ceases to close. There are cases that after 100,000 km. Mileage fails Bosch gas station, which is installed in the gas tank. To change the fuel pump will have to remove the tank, and the new pump costs about 250 euros. But recently, the craftsmen have learned to establish cheap vazo gas station in Volvo. It is also necessary to follow the fan of the radiator, because if there will be moisture or salt on it, it will quickly fail.


IN basic equipment There is a motor with a volume of 1.6 liters, this is the engine B 4164 S3 (DURATEC 1.6), it is necessary to periodically change the timing belt. The same motor was developed back in 1998 for Ford Focus of the 1st Generation. For Volvo S40, this motor is coming without phase traffickers, therefore it is considered very reliable. But he also has some minor problems. It happens that ignition modules or some sensors are denied. Also necessary every 120,000 km. Adjust manually gaps in valves. But in general, if the motor is not specifically tormented, he can serve his 300,000 km. Very easy.

There are chain motors - these are motors with a volume of 1.8 and 2.0 liters working on gasoline. These motors are installed about 15 and 17% of cars, respectively, are made in Mazda, they have the same design, the chain withstands about 220,000 km. Run. These engines can be stopped even more than 1.6 motor. Mileage of 350,000 km. - not the limit. But it also happens that small troubles with motors appear.

For example, sufficiently weak bearings of the rollers of the hinged units, it often happens that they already require replacement after 80,000 km. And to 100,000 km. The mileage may fail the thermostat, so it is desirable to follow the temperature of the coolant during the ride. The new thermostat costs about 35 euros.
It happens that the engine begins to swim on idlingWhen moving, twitching or starts bad, then this means that it has come to replace the ignition coil, also the ignition wires can be changed. It still happens that after 120,000 km. Male due to wear right hydroopor, the motor begins to tremble. The new such hydrophop is about 100 euros.

It also happens that the block throttle valve It is contaminated, so it is desirable to clean every 50,000 km. Because the new such unit costs 250 euros. The fact that the time has come to make cleaning is to say the floating turnover of the motor, and if it is completely running this case, then the choke can enclosure. If suddenly after 3000 revolutions begin to disappear, and the light bulb is light bulb, it means that it is necessary to change the intake manifold damper control valve, which costs about 80 euros.

Preferably after replacing candles check if there is oil in candle wellsif there is also weakening valve lid, it should be tightened, and if it does not help, then you need to change the gasket. But the most popular engines are Swedish motors in 5244 with a volume of 2.4 liters, they are installed on 40% of cars. These motors consume a lot of gasoline - about 13 liters per 100 km. Mileage in the city. But these motors serve long due to the proven design. 500,000 km. Male - for these motors - not the limit. But to change the candles in such a motor - you need to remove the intake manifold. There are also turbocharged motors, there are few of them - about 2%, the volume is 2.5 liters, they serve 350,000 km.

Sometimes there are cases when approximately 100,000 km. The mileage appears whistling from under the hood, then this is not a reason to panic, it is necessary to check what the case is here - unscrew the oil-tapping lid or pull out oil Prope. If the noise disappeared, then the rubber membrane was tested in the crankcase ventilation system. The node will be fully changed quite expensive - 150 euros, but now many craftsmen can simply change the membrane separately.

And on turbocharged motors with a 2.5-liter motor, the thin tubes of the crankcase ventilation system are easily clogged, so it is better not to tighten with the oil replacement and change it every 7-10 thousand km.
Even with time, a vacuum pump can noise, because the control valve has failed. Vacuum pump New costs 350 euros, and the control valve assembly with nozzles costs 100 euros. It also happens that the airproof clutches begin to flow after 90,000 km, but it must be immediately eliminated, because the oil will fall immediately on the timing belt, and it is quickly causing. Therefore, if traces of oil on the housing appear, you need to immediately beat the alarm so that you do not have to do overhaul Motor ahead of time.
It is also desirable during that every 15,000 km. Change and belts of drive attachments.

Diesel motors rarely can be found in Volvo S40, because officially cars with diesel engines were not. If you brought a car from Europe, then they may have a diesel engine.
Diesels are D 416 with a volume of 1.6 liters and 2 liter D 4204, they are pretty reliable made by the PSA Peugeot CitroN concern. There is also own Swedish 5-cylinder D 5244 T, it was developed by Volvo and was first installed in the S80 car in 2001. But this motor requires a pure diesellarm, and once every 50,000 km. requires cleaning the vortex damper block. It is also necessary to periodically clean the crankcase ventilation system. From urban ride begins to be clogged dairy filter approximately 100,000 km. and exhaust recycling system. The electric drive of the pressure regulator is still weakened here, its replacement will require 150 euros.

On cars released before 2008, automatic transmissions were installed with Swedish motors. This five-speed AISIN-Warner ¬aw55-51Sn 2000 box is not particularly reliable on vOLVO cars XC90 and Volvo S60. And in Volvo S40, V50, C30 and C70 the upgraded version of this box was installed. In 2004, it was finalized, installed more reliable hydraulicock. On S40 cars, this box serves long enough, if it is not killed - about 250,000 km. And after this mileage, it is enough to simply change the worn outliers, friction, solenoids and sleeves.

In 2010, a newer 6-speed AISIN-Warner TF-80SD automatic machine appeared. This box was first created in 2003, but by 2010 the hydraulics was upgraded in this box. Once every 70,000 km. In these boxes it is necessary to change transmission oil, then they will serve for a long time without jolts when switching gear.

It also happens a 6-step preselection - Fords GETRAG 6DCT450, it began to install it on the postwall Volvo S40 and V50 in 2007, 2-liter has been installed in these cars. petrol motor. At first, warranty changed electronic blocks automatic control. Oil and filter should be changed more often than 45,000 km. It is also possible that the valve of solenoids and the hydrablock should not be hampered, if they break, the robot box will begin to twitch and faster. And already to 150,000 km. It will fail.

There are also mechanical transmissions of M65 and M66 from getrag, they also come in a set with 5 cylinder engines from Volvo. Mechanical boxes are also very reliable, the clutch must only be changed every 160,000 km. So that the motor flywheel is not failed, because it is quite expensive - 1000 euros.

Ford's 5-speed IB5 mechanics from Bordeaux Transmission are under construction with 1.6 Ford engine. It is quite an old and not a particularly successful gearbox, it was also installed in Ford Fiesta. Already after 70,000 km. The shelters of the drives begin to flow, and on cars after 2011 the release of the seal was modified and these glands began to serve 2 times longer. But if you constantly load the box, then it may not withstand the satellite axis in the differential. Repair will cost considerable money - more than 1000 euros. After 100,000 km. Noise from the bearing of the primary shaft may appear so that it does not swap - it must be changed.

The German five-speed MTX75 box from GFT is also available. This box goes to Mazda Mazda (1.8 and 2.0). In this box, it is also necessary to monitor the condition of the oil, so that the oil level is always normal, because if it is missing, the shafts and gear trees will begin to wear faster. After 60,000 km. mileage usually fails released Bearingwhich must be changed assembly with the clutch cylinder. To replace the clutch, you will have to remove the box.


In terms of reliability, the suspension is the same as on Fords and Mazdah, is not particularly durable, but also breaks not quickly. Spare parts for Volvo cost a little more expensive than on Mazda or Ford. Rear shock absorbers here with automatic maintenance level system. They serve about 100,000 km. But when the replacement time comes, you will have to pay for each shock absorber for 400 euros. Therefore, very often, many owners, in order to save, simply establish conventional shock absorbers that cost 100 euros, you can also find analogue for 50 euros. Front shock absorbers are about the same.

Approximately 70,000 km. In the front suspension, it is necessary to change the stabilizer racks and hub bearings. The racks are 30 euros for the corporate detail, and unoriginal can be taken for 15 euros. To change the wheel bearings - you have to change the entire hub assembly for 200 euros. In order to save, you can take the hub from Ford or Mazda, they are 3 times cheaper, and the design is no different at all. It should also be remembered that the bearing is very well protected from dirt, so if possible, it is better to avoid deep puddles.

Approximately 80,000 km. Emergency levers are used, usually silent blocks are faced with each lever assembly with a ball support costs 150 euros. And in general, the rear multi-dimensional suspension is reliable and serves a long time, to do repair in it, it is necessary not earlier than 140,000 km. Fully overdo it rear suspension It will cost about 600 euros. Silent blocks usually change assembly with levers, but now in many services they can simply press the new silent block into the old levers.


Steering thrust and tips serve at least 150,000 km. And on cars with a gasoline engine 1.6 is a hydraulicel, it can get out of standing and the rake itself too. The new rail costs 1000 euros, but you can put a rail from Ford for 650 euros.

In 1995, Volvo introduced new sedan S4. However, due to the fact that stamps Audi. Already was, the Swedes had to change the name of the car on the S40 (the wagon began to be called). This car was produced on the Nedcar Mitsubishi company in Holland and was designed on a shared platform with a model.

Volvo S40 equipped gasoline engines 1.6 (105-109 liters.), 1.8 (115-125 liters.) And 2.0 (136-140 forces), and the most powerful were versions with turbocharged motors of 1.9 liters, developing from 160 to 200 forces . Also, the sedan was offered with Diesel Renault 1.9 (90-115 l.) In 2001, the model was upgraded, but the external appearance of the car practically did not change.

2nd generation, 2004-2013

The second generation Volvo S40 sedan stood on the plants conveyor in Belgian Gent in 2004. The version with the body of the universal received an index. The car was created on a common platform with second-generation and first generation models.

Initially, the car was proposed only with row five-cylinder motors: 2,4-liter (140 or 170 liters.) And 2,5-liter with a 220 liter turbocharger. from. The version with a 220-power engine was called Volvo S40 T5, it could be not only an optional, but also all-wheel drive. Later, sedans with four-cylinder power units 1.6 (100 liters s.), 1.8 (125 liters) and 2.0 (145 liters) also installed Diesels 1.6, 2.0 and 2.4 with power on "ES-Sorokova" from 115 to 177 liters. from.

In 2007, Volvo S40 was upgraded: the design was lightly updated, new options appeared in the equipment list (for example, adaptive head light, the control system of "blind zones" during rebuilding), and the modification of T5 became more powerful - 230 l. from. At the same time, the version of Flexifuel was debuted with a 1.8-liter motor capable of working on a mixture of gasoline and bioethanol E85. Later, this engine was replaced by two-liter.

The production of the model ended in 2012, a hatchback came to shift.

Good afternoon!

First personal car. Purchased at the Motor Show on May 4, with a mileage of a little more than 58TKM. Engine 2.4, 140 hp, automatic. Salon light.

Initially, the budget for the acquisition was focused on the figure 450, but in the future this amount was increased and amounted to 530t.r. How competitors were considered Honda Civic, Folz Jetta, Ford Focus, Mazda 3. From more expensive, I looked at the BMW 3 series in the Body of E46 (it was in priority, but finances changed the alignment) and Audi A4 (the same).

Basic selection criteria:

Automatic (maintenance - Moscow and MO)

Attractive design (taste question)

Slightly did not bought Ford Focus three-door with a motor 2.0 and on a machine, which was cheaper than thousands of 100 at that time, but in the end I chose Volvo S40. Some deep analysis did not, the analysis of all the advantages and the minuses did not carry ... came, I saw and bought \u003d)

The line of motors is wide enough. These are Ford Petrol 1.6; 1.8; 2.0 (For some time, Ford was the owner of the company Volvo, as a result - compatibility of some nodes). And Volvo 2.4 engines in two versions - 140 hp and 170 hp + More diesel versions. And there is a turbo if the memory does not change. 2.5 liters with 230 hp Correct if I am mistaken.

My version - Engine 2.4 (5 cylinders). Gives only 140. horse powerBut the torque is in order. The acceleration of the locomotive is not sharp, but solid, without failures, from the bottom of the Niza and to the tops. But it is this modification that does not have to sharpen accelerations. On the Internet you can find suggestions for increasing power this engine up to 180 hp A year and a half ago it was worth about 30 tr. How much cost now - I do not know.

Middle consumption I had less than 13 liters, although I drove a lot on empty roads. Machine for this car reliable. There is an opportunity manual switching. And in general, the reserve of safety of the car is worthy. The smoothness is good. Handles are adequate, everything is predictable. But if you want to chase - take another car, preferably with a welded frame, and go to the racing track.

Car design calm. The traffic police does not cause attention. At all. The assembly of the salon is high-quality, there were no extraneous sounds. The material of the finish is pleasant, there was no cheap plastic anywhere. The only problem - driving seat. I had a rubto ... and not only with me, judging by the pictures on the Internet. Excellent noise insulation. Actually excellent. The comrade in the Accord 8 generation of noise seems more. Places in the cabin ... Well, it is, I traveled in front, the passengers did not prevent complaints. Interesting designer solution - Front console.

With reliability there were no problems, but also the life was less than a year. During this time managed to make a large TO60, replace brake discs And the pads, what will accomplish separately in the relevant magazines. The service was not at the dealer. Profile services do no worse. Then why pay more?)

In general, positive impressions remained about cars. Would buy it again, returning back? Yes! And who knows, can also buy. And it is interesting to try a wagon with a turbo engine.


Machines for intelligent, calm and wealthy people, just such an image has a company "Volvo". However, the model Volvo S40 second generation is most often interested in young car enthusiasts, so it is important to understand how reliable this car and how much will the maintenance of the car over the age of 5 will cost. It is now in this now we will try to figure out.

A bit of history:

Volvo S40 has a rich history and produced under different names "Volvo 340" and "Volvo 430", but both models did not enjoy great popularity among buyers. The first machine with the S40 index was built on a single platform with "Mitsubishi Carisma", but in this case there were no expected results. In 2003, a second generation of the model was released, which was built on the C-1 platform (Mazda 3 on the same platform). S40 divides with Ford about 60% of the details, it is because of it that it is called a more expensive version of Focus 2.

In 2007, an updated version of the model was presented. The main task of the conducted facelifting was to bring the appearance of the entire line in accordance with the new corporate style, which was asked Volvo S80 . Updated Machines Easily find out on updated bumpers, radiator grid with a large logo, nozzle exhaust system and head optics. The car's feed received a modified apron, and the lights began to install LED optics. In addition to the eventable design, the car received the original interior decoration and added power, the avant-garde interior of the cabin is made in the style of High-tech. The production of the model was completed in 2012, and the VOLVO V40 was released for a shift.

Advantages and disadvantages of Volvo S40 with mileage.

Basic 1.6 motor (100 hp) is a fairly old engine and well known for car Ford.. The resource of this power unit with proper maintenance of more than 300,000 mileage kilometers, but the hinged equipment after 100,000 km quietly will begin failure. The main problem of these motors lies not in the motor itself, but rather in the owners of the machines, the fact is that the car is heavy enough and the engine is 100 horses for most drivers not quite enough, and they begin to unwind the motor, as a result its resource is produced much faster . The drive of the gas distribution mechanism in it is a belt, and it needs to be changed every 80,000 km.

Further, on seniority, motors 1.8 (125 hp) and 2.0 (140 hp), these motors have proven themselves quite well, not only on Volvo S40, but on vehicles of manufacturers of Ford and Mazda. The two-liter engine has a timing chain drive, and less soared to maintenance, but unfortunately a car with such a power unit is rarely found. Engine 2.4 (170 hp) is quite expensive and complicated in service, its sick places is the crankcase ventilation system and the ignition system.

There is also a turbocked gasoline engine with a volume of 2.5 liters, but it was also afraid, because, the service of such an aggregate is not cheap. There are several diesel engines in the line of power units, the car with such engines is rare in the CIS, but if you get such a copy, then it is better to pass by, since they are very quickly killed by a fuel system from the quality of diesel fuel sold in our gas station. Weak place All engines are considered a thermostat, which often fails.


The engines were combined with mechanical gearboxes and classic machines, the younger motors 1.6 and 1.8 were only in a pair with mechanics, and differently in design. For more powerful motor 1.8 Transmission has been strengthened, as for reliability, there are no complaints from the owners to them. As for automatic transfers, then they problem Most The car is not, the installed gearboxes have proven themselves not only on this model, but also on other versions of the concern "", in numbers it means that until 200,000 km the box does not cause any trouble if the oil is changed in it every 60000 km. If the oil does not change, the transmission may occur, as a result, the hydraulicock is due to the repair of which will not be cheap.

Truck Volvo S40.

Suspension Volvo S40 is similar to Focus 2, and such a relationship went only to benefit, since many details are interchangeable, and this in turn significantly reduces the cost of repair, also some details are suitable from Mazda, in addition to this a large number of non-original non-original spare parts. If the car is exploited carefully, then there are not a lot of problems, and serious investments will be required once in 100,000 km of run. After 100 thousand runs, it will be necessary to replace the racks and bushings of the stabilizer, the silent blocks of the front levers and hub bearings. This model Equipped with hydro and electric steering wheel, this node can disturb after 100,000 km of run.


There are no problems with the quality of metal metal, and there is no paint coating here, even in places of chipping, corrosion paint does not appear very long. And if you see Rust Volvo S40 on the body, it means that the car participated in an accident, and his owner saved very much on repair.


  • High security and comfort.
  • The quality of assembly and materials.
  • Reliable nodes and aggregates.
  • Large selection of non-original spare parts.


  • High service cost.
  • Lower (clearance of 13.5 cm).
  • Hard suspension.

If you are or were the owner of this car brand, please share your experience, indicating strong and weak sides Auto. Perhaps it is your feedback that will help others correctly choose a used car.

Cars "Volvo" are always associated with intelligence, tranquility and consistency. As well as concern for safety and emergency reliability. "Volvo C40" externally binds individual traits of the flagship C80, but retains the type of family sedan - quite affordable and reliable. Overview C40 - further in our article.

History of the model

The Volvo C40 car was first introduced in 1995, but at that time he wore the C4 index. It very soon he has changed, since in almost at the same time Audi's company began issuing a similar model with the same name.

The first generation of C40 was built on one platform with Mitsubishi Charisma, but there was no expected popularity at that time. Models in the body wagon received the V40 index. The first restyling model C40 received in 2004, the universal was renamed to the V50, and the car itself became a promotional with the famous models of the Ford Focus of the second generation and Mazda 3 - the first. As a result, 60% of the details are interchangeable. Many also call this model by the expensive version of the Ford Focus. Indeed, externally, they are a bit similar on dimensions, motors and consumer qualities.

Restyling 2007.

In 2007, Volvo conducted a second restyling model C40, after which the car became really popular. At that time, the entire line of company models was updated, which was shown to a single corporate style. They all became similar outwardly, but each with their recognizable differences. At the II of the modernization, many elements were subjected. These are updated bumpers, headlights. Rear have modified the exhaust system nozzles, and the lanterns received LED elements.

In the interior, the car also received many changes - the original design in the style of High-tech fell to many customers. What was worth only flat tape of the central console! Other elements also underwent upgrades. So, in the system active security Controls were added to and adaptive headlights. Among the innovations of passive security in the car, a reinforced cabin frame was applied, better protecting passengers from injuries. In this form, the model existed on the conveyor until 2012, after which it was changed by V40.

Basic engine

The main unit "Volvo C40" is a four-cylinder engine 1.6, which was installed on Ford Focus 2. This is a fairly old, proven engine. Its resource with timely and proper maintenance can reach 500 thousand kilometers. GRM drive on this engine belt, and it must be changed every 80 thousand kilometers. Hinged equipment It begins to wear and refuse about 100 thousand. The problem of equipment failure and frequent reduction of the service life is as follows: the car itself is quite heavy, and to maintain an acceptable pace of movement, it is necessary to unwind the motor, respectively, it is necessary to expose it to large loads.

The rest is a ruler

In the following seniority, motors with a volume of 1.8 and 2 liters (140 and 150 liters s. Respectively). These motors are also installed on Fords and Mazda. The unit is very durable and unpretentious. Power reserve is enough for a dynamic ride.

It has a chain drive and almost eternal. Cars with such installations are found, unfortunately, quite rare. Senior engines - row five-cylinder. 2.4 liter aggregate is 170 liters. from. This engine due to the unusualness of its design is quite expensive in service and has congenital diseases. Owners reviews are noted quickly emerging in the ignition system and ventilation of the Carter. The oldest engine "Volvo C40" is a 2.5-liter with a turbocharged power of 220 horsepower. This force aggregate Also not popular in Russia due to complexity and high cost of service. Such machines were produced with the front and

Since 2007, Volvo S40, which is impressive, has been impressive, received the engine in the Flexifuel version, which could work on a mixture of bioethanol and gasoline. Officially, such a motor was supplied to Russia. Also "Volvo C40" produced with diesel engines, however, they are not popular in Russia due to sensitivity fuel system to the quality of domestic diesel fuel. In addition, Diesel "Volvo" and without this enough roads in service. On the secondary market It does not use popularity.

Transmission "Volvo C40"

The engines were completed with mechanical and automatic gearboxes. The aggregates of 1.6 and 1.8 liters are equipped only with "mechanics", and they were different on the device. An option for a 125-strong motor was a reinforced design.

Mechanical boxes are quite reliable, and there are no complaints. This is celebrated the reviews of the owners. Automatic boxes are also quite reliable and have proven themselves to other models "Volvo". Their resource reaches 300 thousand kilometers, subject to regular oil replacement every 60 thousand kilometers. Otherwise, frictional overheating occurs and the failure of the hydroblock is the most expensive and complex element of any automatic box Transmissions.


Structurally here is traditional for this class. Body - carrying, with front and rear subframe, pendant front - Mac-Fersson rack. Rear is a multi-dimensional design. The system constructively repeats this by the Ford Focus 2 car, and they are unified items. According to the reviews of the owners, serious investments in such an aggregate with neat driving will be required only after one hundred thousand kilometers. The replacement is subject to racks and joints of the stabilizer, silent blocks of levers, wheel bearings. The "Volvo C40" was installed hydro- or which may require interference through the first 200 thousand kilometers.


The company "Volvo" does not change itself in tradition. Body details Her cars are extremely durable. Corrosion This metal simply does not take. The reason is simple: Sweden - a country with a harsh climate, and the resistance to atmospheric influences is simply necessary.

The exception is only emergency car. The presence of rust suggests that he visited an accident and is not restored too high quality.

"Volvo C40" in the secondary market

Cars of this brand have always been in demand both in the secondary market and among new aggregates. The reason for this is the legendary components: reliability, durability, security, comfort. All these components in any car "Volvo" are brought to perfection. However, these advantages had to pay, and significantly. You can call the general disadvantages of all models of this brand: high price Spare parts and maintenance, low car liquidity in the secondary market. Repair of Volvo S40 with large runs can greatly undermine financial capabilities.

Prices for car and spare parts

On the Volvo S40 the price will fall faster than that of similar cars of the same class. On average, the 2008 car with an engine 1.6 (most popular) and with mechanical box It will cost 430 to 660 thousand rubles.

"Volvo" 2012 with a 2 liter engine and automatic transmission will cost 650-750 thousand rubles. Spare parts (Volvo C40), as well as on other foreign cars, are original and non-original. However, those and others do not differ in low price. So, shock absorbers cost 5-6 thousand rubles, brake discs and pads - 3-5 thousand, windshield - from 5.5 to 23 thousand rubles. However, as already mentioned, serious repair and investment will be required after a run of 100 thousand km.

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