No adaptation of the RCPP on fusion. Robotic Durashift (Dushaft) gearbox from Ford. Adaptation of robotic Durashift boxes

the main / Reviews of machines

When designing a robotic transmission engineers American ford. decided to completely get rid of difficult hydraulic mechanisms. The first Durashift is based on regular IB5 mechanics from focus in 2000. It was supplemented by an electronic unit with an electro-hydraulic adhesion unit, executive devices. Such a design has affected the switching speed. It takes 600 milliseconds, both for mechanics, and not 800 milliseconds, as for automatic transmission, but only 200 milliseconds.

The weight of the Durashift EST is the same as the classic machine. But typical losses in the hydrotransformer are missing, so car consumption with robotic transmission significantly less than in the case of automatic transmission. But designers failed to avoid typical drawback "Robot" - power break. This negatively affects the smoothness of switching.

Two electric motors are used as executive devices, which are condensed on a single plate. To ensure correct switching, the position of the motor is monitored by the Hall sensors. The switching lever itself is not mechanically connected to the box. Its movement read sensors, data from which removes and then transmits to the electronics control unit. In the design built in the information tire Can.. Instead of the traditional clutch for mechanics, an original disk connection and release bearing is used.

Durashift clutch is self-regulatory. This gives two undeniable advantages:

  1. To turn off, it does not require a high effort, which makes the operation of the car comfortable.
  2. Increased resource due to automatic adjustment.

Note: Durashift EST is installed on the Fiesta, Fusion, Mazda 2 with a 1.4 liter engine. Robot is protected from emergency situations. For example, you can start the motor only in N mode, the brake pedal must be pressed. ECU impedes manual switchingWhen the motor rotation frequency and the speed does not correspond to the transmission.

Adaptation of robotic Durashift boxes

In the failures in electronics, after maintenanceThe replacement of the clutch node has to re-train the robot - to adapt the transmission. It is necessary for this proper selection torque, correct switching and pressing clutch, smooth start of movement. To adapt, apply dealersky scanners. The procedure consists of three stages:

  • Pumping hydraulic system with TCM setting. Old brake fluid change or simply replenish its level.
  • Configuring servomotors for switching switching.
  • Organization of the relationship between clutch, servomotors and module TCM.

Note that when operating in russian conditions For RCPs are used semi-synthetic oil 75W-90. But no service will not protect from breakdown when violating the normal operation mode. In the event of a vehicle breakdowns with Durashift EST, it is better not to tow the service, but use the services of the tow truck. When placed on the east of the tow truck, include neutral transmission.

Typical problems of Durashift EST

1) transfers are not switched due to wiring damage

  • Wire harness is not protected from negative environmental impact. Switching suffers from moisture and dirt, especially the area located between the electric motors and the switching box controller, which is as close as possible relative to the land.

2) coupling breakdown

  • The clutch resource fluctuates within 120-180 thousand km. Its discharge is connected not only with the quality of service, but also with the manner ride. If, with long stops, the PPC handle is translated into a neutral position, it contributes to a smaller overheating, the lengthy service of the performer and the clutch itself.

3) sensor errors

  • Most errors are associated with incorrect clutch position or switching mechanism.

4) Motors in servo drives are incorrectly function.

  • For motor management in servo drives, complex impulses are used. The engines themselves are equipped with brush nodes with Hall sensors. When they are contaminated, the operation of the mechanism is violated.

RVS-Master for Durashift Est

Running at minus temperatures is inevitably leads to accelerated wear. The same thing happens at the time of overheating when the car is idle in traffic. Most cars with Durashift Est: Fiesta, Fusion, Mazda 2 - are operated in megalopolis. Therefore, the box is experiencing an increased load. For protection, use, which also restores gears, shafts, bearings in the transmission.

After processing, a durable layer of metal ceramics is formed. The physical characteristics of the working surfaces are changing, friction is reduced. Therefore, the hums, extraneous noise and vibrations disappear over time. The newly formed layer is resistant to corrosion, restores the nominal dimensions of the parts, in its structure is not alienated with black alloys. Unlike classic additives, air conditioners, flushing, RVS-Master does not affect oil properties. The semi-synthetic in the RCPP retains the basic fluidity and the efficiency of the heat sink, does not form a foam, the precipitate.

Normalization of the work of the RCPP contributes to the fall of the fuel consumption. Timely maintenance and preventive processing of friction geomodifier allow you to enjoy all the advantages of Durashift EST on Fiesta, Fusion, Mazda 2. To the advantages of such a RCPP:

  • The possibility of complete control of driving due to braking by the motor and active manual switching.
  • "Short" first transmission that is suitable for a quick start from traffic lights.
  • Automatic adaptation to the current road conditions - Hills, winding roads. This is implemented by the lifting and descent recognition modes that guarantees gears in the optimal sequence.
  • Fitness for dynamic ride.

The article gives an overview of the device, the basic principles of the work of a robotic box (Durashift-ESM) installed on Ford Festo and Fusion from 2002 to 2011, as well as the main malfunctions arising from the operation of this RCPP.

For the first time robotic box this type was represented by Ford not on Fiese and Fusion, but for Ford Transit model yearstarting from the 2000th. However, in 2002, the RCAP of this type was also installed on the Fiesta and Fusion, since these are machines on the same base. The advantages of this system are obvious: it is much cheaper than a full-fledged carbon frame, since in the center of this system there is a little modified, well-proven mechanical B5 / IB5 gearbox, which was combined with the automatic gear shift system. And besides, it is more maintainable, as, often, the repair is subject to individual units of the system, and not entirely automatic transmission. We add, also that the robot box was put only on models equipped with a 1.4 engine, both gasoline and diesel. On versions with gasoline engine 1.6 there was already a full-fledged four-stage automatic transmission, which was designated as AW80.

Consider now the system of the system. Figure below presents its main components:

1. Hydraulic Transmission control unit (TCM)

2. Diagnostic connector (DLC)

3. Engine control unit (PCM)

4. ABS module

5. Instrument shield

6. Comfort Block (GEM)

7. Electronic gear selection selector

8. Gap sensor in the clutch drive

9. Gap sensor in selector drive

10. Gap sensor in gear shift drive

11. Stop Signal Switch

12. Land Switch Driving Door

13. Power relay

14. Ignition Castle

15. Battery

16. Terminal Brake Label

17. Clutch drive

18. Selector servomotor

19. Transmission servo motor.

We will intend now briefly the functions of the main elements of the system.

1. The TCM module is the main control element of the robotic box. It combines in one unit as a digital control module itself, and the actuator hydraulic device that controls the transmission switching, disconnecting and turning on the clutch, depending on the current management strategy. This module often is called the clutch actuator, (its 2S6R 7M168-SC engineering number is from options) stands on the left front side member and built into the system both hydraulically and electrically. During operation, the TCM unit receives signals from various sensors and control devices on the engine operation mode, engine load, transmission speed, transferred, etc. And converts them to control signals for actuators. Inside the hydraulic box control module installed electric motor direct currentwhich rotates worm gear. This transmission has a self-blocking function so that the piston of the main clutch cylinder can remain in any position in a natural way without an effort application for its fixation in this position. Worm gear is connected to a piston of a special bolt.

The following TCM control functions can be distinguished:

a. Lowering engine torque;

b. Shutdown clutch;

c. Selection of the necessary transmission;

d. Synchronization;

e. Enabling the selected transmission;

f. Inclusion of clutch;

g. Increase engine torque.

This module must control the shift shift so that in a suspensive to increase the life of the transmission.

2. The engine control unit is an important element of a robotic box control system. It accepts signals from sensors and executive devices on load, engine speed, ignition advance, vehicle speed, etc. and transmits this data on TCM to work out this or that transmission management strategy.

3. The ABS module also participates in the development of management strategies. The ABS block transmits data on the rotation speed of each wheel to TCM, which it receives from ABS sensors, based on the car mode.

4. The electronic gear selector does not have direct mechanical communication with the box, it controls the transmission through the TCM module with which it is associated through the CAN bus. Changing the position of the selector is monitored by the Hall sensors, is translated into a digital signal and is transmitted to the TCM module. These sensors and microcircuits are located on pCB Under the sick of the selector handle.

5. The gap sensor in the clutch drive is mounted in the TCM module, it represents a plunger sensor with a solenoid. The rotation of the worm gear is translated by rotating the bolt into the linear movement of the ferrite core, which, in turn, changes the field in the coil and is then transmitted as a change in the signal to the TCM control device. Using this control signal, the TCM controller determines the exact clutch location and, thus, to implement the inclusion or clutch, change the torque or the function of the particle inclusion (so-called.creep-function).

6. The gap sensors in the selector drive and in the gear shift drive are intergraced in actuators that are located directly on the robot box. Each of these engines are equipped with 10 vapors of magnets, over each of which are two hall sensors with integrated circuitry elements integrated into them, using signals from the hall sensors to determine the rotation speed, angle of rotation and direction of rotation of each servomotor. This information is used by TCM hydraulic block to accurately control the selection and gear shift.

7. The terminal stop signal transfers the information of the transmission control of the transmission on the brake pedal to the driver and is used by them for the following purposes:

a. Unlock starter when starting the engine

b. Switching to reduced transfers when descending from the mountain

c. turn on the front or rear gear when touching

d. Disables partial clutch inclusion (CREP-FUNCTION)

e. When adapting to determine the position of the clutch turning point.

8. Servomotors of selection and gear shift are driven by TCM hydrolyblock. To do this, they are mechanically connected to the range of gear selection in the RCPP using the thrust and levers. Both motor use worm transmission to increase the control force, which is required to expose to the stem selector SPP. The design of the gearbox mechanism of the gearbox includes a special damping device for smoothness and mitigating the impellers and shocks that occur when switching transmissions, as well as to reduce the gear shift time.

Transmission switching strategies

1. Parking - when the engine is disconnected, the clutch is turned on. If, in this case, the selector is not in neutral (N), the transmission is turned on to prevent car rolling.

2. Locking the engine start - the engine is started only when PCM received permission from the transmission control module to start.

3. Adaptation of the clutch point (adaptation of the box) - when installing a new or other TCM unit, and also after repair, the latter is required to re-identify the clutch point. The touch point or the clutch point is the mutual position of the disk and the clutch basket, in which the torque from the engine is transmitted to TRINASMISSIS, equal to approximately 4 Nm. This procedure is made only with the help of specialized Ford equipment and can also be performed by specialists "Ochakovo-Ford". Touchpoint information Requires TCM to turn on-shutting down the clutch in the most smooth way.

4. Partial clutch inclusion (CREP-FUNCTION) - This function is also used on full automatic transmission and is that when the gearbox "D" or "R" is turned on and when the brake or gas crew pedals are released at low speed , on a half-minded clutch.

5. Coupling overheating protection - To do this, the TCM unit can determine the clutch temperature, issue error messages and change control strategy if the clutch temperature exceeds the allowable threshold.

6. Rogging from the place - usually the driver is touched from the place by pressing the gas pedal. In principle, it is possible to move both on the 1st and on the 2nd and 3rd gears. In automatic mode, the box is rolled only from the first transmission. To touch the rest of the transmission, the driver must include them forcibly.

7. Descent on steep slopes - the TCM unit determines that the car rolls on steep descent, comparing the information about the acceleration of the car with information about the engine load. In case TCM understands that the car is descended over a steep slope, it prevents switching to increased transmissions below certain engine speeds to use the engine braking effect, in addition to this, TCM switches the transmission to reduced when the brake pedal is pressed, provided that This is allowed to turn the engine.

8. Determination of resistance to movement - hydrodul, as in the previous case, sees resistance, comparing information about the acceleration of the vehicle with information about the load on the engine. TCM selects the time of inclusion of gears depending on the resistance value of the movement.

There are other transmission management strategies, but the main we listed above.

We now turn to the main fault arising from the operation of a robotic Durashift-ESM box.

Perhaps the main problem is a malfunction that occurs in the transmission control unit itself - TCM. Over time, the collector and the shaft brushes in the hydraulic modulus wear out and it begins to collect - the controller cannot accurately determine the clutch touch point. At the same time, it becomes impossible to adapt the box, since the module does not understand where the clutch point is. It is treated by either the replacement of the hydroblock on a serviceable one or the repair of the latter. Such a procedure can be carried out by Ochakovo-Ford specialists. The procedure includes the removal of the transmission control unit, its repair, if it is subject to repair, installation, as well as the subsequent adaptation of the box. At the same time, the cost of repair at the time of writing is from 16 thousand to 20 thousand rubles. This transmission module is perhaps one of the most expensive elements of the transmission control system. And it costs a new one more than 1000 euros. It is possible, again, on the disassembly to find a used hydraulicone, it costs 20-25 thousand rubles, but, naturally, how much he passes and whether he is not known to anyone. It often happens that people buy a used parts, after installation it turns out that it is defective, but it cannot be handed over to him. Therefore, the option with the repair of TCM is the most reliable - of course, if it is subject to repair.

Another common fault is the refusal of one of the servomotors that stand on the box. In this case, it is better to change it on a used or new, as it is much more complicated to fix them than the hydromodul. Again, after replacing the motor, you will have to take adaptation (retraining) of the PPC. This procedure is in "Ochakovo-Ford" about three thousand rubles.

Often, in the event of a malfunction with a robot-robot on fiesta and fusion, it is necessary to make diagnostics aBS systemsBecause the faults arising in it may directly affect the operation of the transmission control system. Again, before conducting the adaptation procedure, it is necessary to eliminate malfunctions associated with self-diagnostic codes - otherwise the diagnostic device simply does not allow the adaptation procedure.

And finally, one of the most common faults is corrosion of electrical wiring. Often, before rushing with your head into the pool of repair or search for a used transmission control module, you must first check the condition of wiring for integrity and absence of corrosion, check the integrity of the fuses, etc. And best of all, to entrust this procedure to the experienced electrician-Ford-Ford dedication.

Question: FORD FUSION. Robot, Adaptation

Greetings! Ford Fusion 1.4 RCPP. After replacing the brushes in the TCM block (clutch), the robot began to switch strong jerks. It is necessary that the adaptation adaptation is needed. Invalued to do this Launch X-431 Master, it did not work. Posted about a mistake. Total Such a procedure is performed either IDS or scanders. I would like to know exactly. Can Skandok cope? Maybe more options?

Answer: I drove to me fusion with a robot.
It seems to be complaints and not. But I do not really like how the machine goes, switches. Although it can also norm for them
Does it make sense to make adaptation? And will Lunch Lunch with this role?
More precisely as I do not do it worse, as a result of any incorrect actions?

Q: Ford Fusion 1.4 Diesel 2002

Ford Fusion 1.4 diesel 2002 g does not start errors Р0606 u2510


Message from Dmitry.polo.

Duc, only for a seem of such a masterpiece dinosaur Ford Fusion 1.4 Diesel 2002 You can already take a fee, and with the diagnostics! And on such a simple question "why not start" you got the same simple answers in the above postned posts, it remains only to check the availability of fuel in the tank, the functionality of the nozzles and compression in the CPG ... If the wife threw - this is not diagnosed!))) And everything else, as for the work of the DVS And its control systems - on the forum will be prompted (if myself is not a loaf!) - Checked!

Question: Ford Fusion 1.4 2006

Colleagues tell me in what direction to dig.Avto Ford Fusion 1.4 2006 Box The robot does not start periodically. There was once an emergency, replaced the Motornik, after that, about six months worked normally. The worship of the hostess recently happened periodically not starting on the shield. The gearbox and It seems like at the same time an ABS caught fire. All blocks hung an error: loss of communication with the instrument panel, wept the tidy, the car began to go and went for five days without any problems, today it did not start up, but then the hostess got it and drove to us. Now I will not start it again. Lupa immo goes out, in the Motornik There are no errors, and three errors hang in the box: P0810 Clutch sensor, U0401 invalid or missing data from PCM, U0415 Block ABS incorrect data. Understanding an error: C1095 The electric motor of the pump, but tell me where to dig, I did not come across the Fords with robotic boxes before, did I understand that the car does not start out of the box? With respect, Igor.

Answer: Replaced the brushes, the pump earned an error on the clutch sensor dropped. I walked the system to the SCANDOK, but I can not train the box, it gives a gearbox error and that the box is not trained, the learning procedure does not pass, it writes that there are malfunction codes. CAN from PCM. Can not the learning procedure due to this error? The fact is that the PCM changed after the accident VIN is not registered and sometimes swears on Corde's coupling because it is not on the car, apparently brains with a car with kondeem. With respect, Igor.

Added after 2 hours 11 minutes

The problem was solved, he himself dull a little, confused the engine connectors on the box, everything adapted, the car was starting.

Question: Ford Fusion problem with tidy

Ford Fusion 2007 1.4 diesel, the problem with tidy, turns up to 1000, the gas pedal does not react, downtakes appear, the speedometer arrow when the ignition is turned on runs to the maximum later returns to zero. Speed \u200b\u200bdisassembled checked the soldering, everything is fine, but the connector was released. I didn't have a lot of started 5 times 5 went, the gas did not react, then everything became normal, and so periodically


Good day!

Thanks a lot in advance!


Message from pandel007.

Well, yes, IT technology. FROM computer diagnostic My area is combined only by except what and there and there computers are applied

I understand that for a minute, connect the VCM and go to the IDS and lose there. But for the absence of this bundle, the other methods are forced to look for other ways. It is easy to say that things for a minute when there is equipment. So far, I did not find those who in St. Petersburg can be reset. There is also the main thing that until I was not discharged once. 5 otherwise I still have to shift the Dedov method. But maybe someone will find with the equipment.

Q: SBROS-B1231-NA-Ford-Fusion

Good day!

There is a Ford Fusion 2008. The SRS B1231 error is on. Reset it with ELM327 + Forscan does not work. VCM + IDS I do not have and is not foreseen.

The only way out as I understand is to cut the block, draw 95160, clean the firmware and fill back and then in the reverse sequence.

I would like to get rid small blood. Maybe there are ways yet?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Answer: skilful., Andrew! I'll fix it, not correctly your nickname wrote.

Q: SBROS-B1231-NA-Ford-Fusion

Good day!

There is a Ford Fusion 2008. The SRS B1231 error is on. Reset it with ELM327 + Forscan does not work. VCM + IDS I do not have and is not foreseen.

The only way out as I understand is to cut the block, draw 95160, clean the firmware and fill back and then in the reverse sequence.

I would like to get rid of small blood. Maybe there are ways yet?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Answer: Please refer how much this operation will it cost if you do not yourself? In St. Petersburg I live.

Question: Fusion replacement ABS 4S61-2M110-CC

Hello everyone, Ford Fusion 2006 1.6 gasoline.
The car was 4S61-2M110-CC, according to the directory of 1512725, can I change it on:
What is the difference?
Thank you...

Answer: Guys help find the firmware on Mazda6 2002 year 1.8

Question: IPC Calibration

Hello everyone. Maybe someone can help the flap calibration file on Fusion SE 2015? Ford Calibration IPC. FJDS writes that calibration exists, but it does not ship from the server. Manual search also does not see such calibration. FS7T-10849-EF

Answer: Yes, help

Question: Ford Fusion 1.4 2006, Robot

Dear welcome.

If someone has a block memory dump for rollback to the workable settings of the robot.

Answer: Brushes on motors were replaced, braid repaired, and logical elements were replaced. Everything has earned. Conducted adaptation. Everything is perfectly started working. A day later, during a ride (at the 2nd speed), the error on the gearbox caught fire, the speed was stopped switching, the grip remained permanently on. The clutch was put in order. Now the error hangs alone, according to ignorant adaptation. Adaptation do not hold. Tomorrow I will check the block again, maybe some Tranjuk flew out.

Q: Mondeo 6DCT450 Adaptation

Guys need help with the adaptation of Power SHIFT 6DCT450 Ford Mondeo. 2011 2.0
Changed the clutch, you need to do training.
There are VCMII China. Before that, they also made adaptation on 6DCT250, without problems. Wet box for the first time, literally at that week they also made adaptation on the usual robot on Fusion.
IDS 92.05 version - the last of the working normally
93.02 No connection with the car.
Adaptation occurs in 3 points, it passes all 3, an inscription appears from the bottom. The operation is successfully completed. Press the tick. Push the check mark and hangs virtual about.
Maybe what's wrong do?
Maybe version 92.05 does not suit because the old one who could do this version such a car?
What is the way to update it, I understand with our serial device there is difficulties it is blocked or something is - 31605352
His serial.

Answer: Thank you so much

Question: Ford Transit. 2006 Calibration TNVD

Ford Transit 2006 2.2 Duratorg TDCI P8FA. Hanging Error P268B Fuel High Pressure Pump - Calibration Not Learned / Programmed. The engine works with interruptions and stalls on the XX. Appeared after an unsuccessful attempt to adapt. In stock There are autocom, on it adaptation to end with an error (in the second stage). Who will tell you? Can you drain the firmware from a similar block and throw it out? Or who has a dealership scanner within the Crimea (Evpatoria, Saki).


The problem is common
Conduct an IDS adaptation he writes the reason for which the adaptation does not pass.
I had two reasons. Not the correspondence of the motor revolutions specified in two cases, the unit does not stand the machine, the second one needs to be good to drive the car in front of the test. As a rule, after the rank of kilometers 50, the problem went.
There was another problem did not like charging the battery, I had to drop the 30 wire from the generator and the test passed.

Question: Ford Fiesta. Robot ASM.

Hello everyone, encountered a problem - 2007 Ford Fiesta with a robot ASM, on the tidy blinks 1 in the transmission window, or R, respectively. Hang errors P1799 for Cana and C1222 according to ABS data. In the ABS purely, in the Motornik purely. Auto starts and goes well, there are all the programs. In the date one after the other go. Adaptation passes, everything is ok. Just in case, the Kan called back - everything is fine, the harnesses already someone started up. I suspect that the problem in the encodings of the size of the wheels and the gear ratio, but I tried to change the Namaum - the result 0. Can anyone come across?

Answer: And what kind of robot does not tell me?
I was sure that they are on all Durashift EST

Question: Astra H Z18XER

The above-mentioned engine is translated into a 4th throttle inlet, under the control of the native brain, the axis of chokes is controlled by the native mechanism throttle valveThe air considers the native MAF. The question is that
Does the ECU algorithms adapt the position of the flaps from the air flow
(Because the consumption on the XX grew up to 19kg uz 18 grade correction in 0 position TPS11-12% But it is not going to cover the damper)
Covering into the manual damper the flow drops, but the mechanism is still resisting and returns position to the place.
Over time, when moving, the error 0068 inconsistency of load and the position of the throttle falls (whether the adaptation eats these moments and how long adaptation passes)

Answer: Adaptation of course there is ... There is an experience in setting up not a standard, several hundred cars, and experience of non-standard from SIMTEK, if you are interested in writing in LS

Question: Do not pass TCM adaptation

The gear was replaced by the TCM module on the 6DCT250 automatic transmission (double dry clutch) and was replaced by the mechatronic TCM, the servo coupling b did not work after the replacement earned, but I can't hold adaptation. That drum mechanism may not pass adaptation, the clutch does not pass, reaching the point adaptation of the coupling point of the clutch A, at the beginning of the revolution begin to fall as if everything is fine then the speed stabilize about 950 and continue to load a doctor and asks to turn off the ignition at this stage stops. Sometimes it will reset all adaptations and comes to the moment where it is necessary to start the engine by turning the key of the gas station starts to download and the starter does not twist. Version 101.05 downloaded here adapter VCM2 clone HQ

Answer: In general it was necessary only to weigh the clutch problem solved! If anyone needs help, contact, you can do without special tool.

Question: Toyota Land Cruiser 200 Adapting Boxes.

Toyota. Land Cruiser. 4.5 D.Furniture After changing the firmware to make the adaptation of the box?


Of course you need the shoals to raise

Question: Kodirovanie-Novoj-Platformi-MQB! -Vag-Com

Dear specialists, lovers, well, just interest!
To view links or images in this section, you must have at least 15 message (s). Now you have 0 message (s).

I suggest here to post information on the coding of the new MQB platform. At the moment it is three models:
1. VW GOLF 7
2. Skoda Oktavia A7
3. Audi A3.
Considering that Vag is going to translate into this platform and other concern models, then I consider the topic will be useful and informative.

I will begin by tradition with saying, that's what at the moment I went on Octavia:

1. Test arrows
-Mine coding
-Bit 1.
-Bit inclusion - 0

2. Turning on the rear dimensions in DRL only
-Block 9.
- Closed section
- Include access code 31347
-Kanal - (6) - Tagfahrlicht - Dauerfahrlicht Aktiviert Zusaetzlich Standlicht Auswählen
- Activity on Active

3. Disconnect the alert about the not fastened belt
-Block 17.
-Mine coding
-Bit 0.
-Bit shutdown 2-4

4. The slope of the right mirror when moving by reverse
Done like this:
- block 52.
- coding
- Byte 4.
- Activated bit 2 and 3.
- block 9.
- Adaptation
- (15) Access Control 2-SpiegelaBSenkung Bei Rueckwaertsfahrt
- Aktiv
- We go there
- (20) Access Control 2-Menuesteuerung SPigelaBSenkung
- Aktiv

5. Displaying the battery status in the on-board computer
Turn off the ignition - click and hold the "SET" button on the tidy until the inscription appears
1. Press the button / travel button. Odometer trip (0.0 button 0.0 set) and hold.
2. Release the button when the status indicators of the battery display
3. The battery indicator is displayed.

6. Adaptation Hill Start Assistant
Electronic control unit brake system You have the opportunity in Skoda Octavia. III 5E adapt the hill of the assistant. Thus, you can customize the behavior approach, respectively. Depending on the set with the brake, thus persists in short or longer and thus makes it easier to behave approach, depending on your needs.

Choose block 03 (electronics brakes)
1. Adaptation -\u003e Function 10
2. Select Berganfahrassistent
3. The value corresponding to configure normally: the default parameters: early, normally, at the end

7. Displays the speed of rotation of the fan in automatic mode, on air conditioning
In the climate control unit, you have the opportunity in Skoda Octavia III. 5e to enable the display of the fan speed in AUTO mode. After activation, the current fan speed, thus, on the display in the AUTO mode using the LED display. (By default, the indicator is displayed only when manual fan speed setting)
In the following coding is used:
Block number 8 (air)
1. Long coding -\u003e Function 07
2. Byte 11.
3. Bit 6 - Enable Status Display fan in automatic mode active

8. Preservation of the last seat of the heating stage
In the climate control unit, you have the ability to Skoda Octavia III 5E storage of the last seat of the heating stage for activation. Thus, after rebooting the car, a predetermined level is automatically reset.
In the following coding is used:
Block 08 (air)
1. Adaptation -\u003e Function 10
3. Adjust the value to the active (default value: not activated)
5. Adjust the value to the active (default value: not activated)

9. Place in the tank
1. Select Block 17 (Switch)
2. Long encoding -\u003e Function 07
3. Byte 10.
4. Turning bits 4 (if there are no 4 bits, in binary code by the fourth symbol set 1)

10. Turning on the fog while the coming home function is turned on, LIVING HOME

16-closed area
We enter the code - 31347
10-Adaptation 4 Channel (Fog Light)

11. Disconnection running lights In "0" mode when picked up the handbrake
09-onboard network control unit
16-closed area
We enter the code - 31347
Find the item (5) Tagfahrlicht - Dauerfahrlicht Bei Handbremse Abschalten

12. Sound accompaniment of opening and closing auto standard
On the Eleganse activated through Bolero
09-onboard network control unit
16-closed area
We enter the code - 31347
1 Channel - Yes, 2 Channel - Yes, 8 Channel - Activ, 7 Channel - Activ, 3 Channel - Normal.

13. Enabling the folding side of the side mirrors to hold the door closure button
09-onboard network control unit
16-closed area
We enter the code - 31347
22 Channel (Access Control 2-Funk) by Convenience Operation

14. Enable Disable Adaptive Lighting System (CORNER) Depending on Speed
09-onboard network control unit
16-closed area
We enter the code - 31347
3 Channel (Static AFS) put 0 km / h
4 Channel (Static AFS) exhibit 50 km / h

15. Changing the amount of blinking of turn signals in overtaking mode or rebuilding (short press on the turn signal lever)
09-onboard network control unit
16-closed area
We enter the code - 31347
2 Channel (Turn Signal Control) - I need to set the amount (5)

16. LEDs in the backlight number (will not give out an error)
09-onboard network control unit
16-closed area
We enter the code - 31347
1 channel (Leuchte25KZL) (set 43)
6 channel (Leuchte25KZL) (set 127)

17. Increasing headlight washer intervals
09-onboard network control unit
16-closed area
We enter the code - 31347
1 Channel (Windshield Wiper -anzahl) put 15

18. Increase the response time of headlight washer
09-onboard network control unit
16-closed area
We enter the code - 31347
2 Channel (Windshield Wiper-SRA) set 1500

19. Increase the heating time of the rear window
09-onboard network control unit
16-closed area
We enter the code - 31347
3 Channel (Window Heater) set 1200

I checked all encodings, everything works. The only nuance of 10 points. When activating ceases to work at all when arming. And when removing the xenon and the fog. Do not really like .... While studying on.
It is very interesting how to make a keychain when the ignition is turned on so that the machine is closed when the engine is running.
And if there is an access code for 44 block. Since it is possible to activate TSC (LANS of the car to the right) but you need an access code.

For optimal work of the "Robot" box, Ford must be replaced brake fluid It has every 30-40 thousand km and carefully monitor its condition. One problem in the work of the robot may be associated with the enclosure of the hydraulic system. The exit in such a situation will be the adaptation of the gearbox, which is performed in specialized technical centers.

Also, this procedure will be appropriate when characteristic errors of the Ford robot failure errors appear: Errors P0919, P0810 errors (clutch position sensor error) and Errors P0949 (not passed to the end of the previous attempt).

What is the adaptation of the robot box?

Adaptation of the robot Fordwhich is often referred to as "Top Town Learning," the process is complex, divided into several steps. Its essence is that the electronics settings of the car responsible for the operation of the gear shift system are reset. So, she studies the torque of the engine in a new way, learns to switch transmissions, touched from a place without jerks and squeeze the clutch.

Stages of the adaptation of the robot

In our technical center, the procedure for adapting the robot box is performed in three stages, a special scanner is used as an equipment:

  1. At the first stage, the TSM module is configured, replacing the brake fluid and hydraulic clutch pumping when the air is removed from the system.
  2. At the second stage, with the help of the scanner, the robot switch transmissive is anew to switch from the first transmission to the second, from the second - on the third, etc.
  3. The final stage, which is carried out on the engine center, includes an establishment (again using a scanner) of joint clutch (module) and actuators (nodes responsible for direct gear shift).

If all the work on the adaptation of the robot was carried out correctly, the machine will be shifted smoothly, the clutch will be smoothly smoothly, and transfers.

Employees of our technical center will adapt the Ford robot, as well as the repair of robotic gearboxes, according to all the rules using for this the latest specialized equipment. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with the result obtained!

The cost of adaptation of robotic gearboxes - from 2000 rubles

Contact our service center at the address: Moscow, Ostapovsky passage, 3, p.2 (M. Volgogoratsky Prospect) or Call us by phone +7 495 724 94 92,+7 916 944 57 62 .

Total diagnostics of Ford cars (Ford).

Robotic gearbox in early 2000. corporation Ford Developed a robotic gearbox ( Ford Durashift. EST), taking as the basis of the usual mechanical box IB5 from FOCUS1,2,

Robotic gearbox

In early 2000 corporation Ford Developed a robotic transmission (Ford Durashift EST), taking the usual IB5 mechanical box as a basis from Focus1.2 by adding to it the electronic unit - ECU "Brains" with electro-hydraulic clutch and actuator selection and gear wheels (two electric motors).

Robotic box Durashift IB5 gear is installed on Fusion, Fiesta, Mazda 2.

Executive clutch device with built-in gearbox control module

The enclosure actuator consists of: DC electric motor, the mechanism of actuating the built-in main clutch cylinder and the built-in movement sensor, which measures the movement of the actuator.

The enclosure device assumes the functions that the driver should be performed on vehicles with a conventional clutch using the clutch pedal:

Problems with RCP Ford Fusion (Durashift)

FORD FUSION. "adaptation" robot After replacing the brushes of the JIs on their own. Without special equipment.

Fault robot ford

Found old rollers shot still on Goocero. I showed what happen fault Robotic checkpoint on ...

Dosage inclusion of clutch for touching

Turning off and enable clutch for shift shift During traffic

Turning off the clutch to stop with the transfer included

Turning on the clutch with the transmission enabled when car parking with the engine turned off

Executive gear switch

1 - electric motor shift shift

2 - gear selection electric motor

The gear selection motor is used to select the appropriate transmission in the gearbox.

The gear shift motor is used to enable appropriate transmission.

The position of motors electronics tracks on two Hall sensors, which prevents not correct transmission.

Electronic gear lever

Electronic lever shift shift It does not have mechanical communication with the gearbox.


The clutch is the rotational transmission mechanism that can be smoothly enabled and disabled (squeezed), providing removable tightening of the car from the place and silent gear shifting.

Self-regulating clutch in relation to the clutches of a conventional design has the following advantages:

Self-regulating clutch

In automated mechanical box The gear applies self-regulating clutch. fault The effort required to turn off such a clutch is relatively small and throughout the entire lifetime of the clutch it remains almost unchanged.


As the battery is correctly selected, the power supply of the car and, accordingly, the reliability of the motor operation is depends. Standard battery rechargeable is a polypropylene monoblock with holes in the lid to provide the plot of distilled water, and additionally controlling the density of the electrolyte using a special indicator. Battery for Ford F ...

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