How the DSG works. DSG gearbox - repair automatic transmission DSG Volkswagen, Skoda, replacement of mechatronics, clutch. Robotic DSG Gearbox

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    Perhaps the most famous type of modern gearboxes is a preselective robotic gearbox with two clutches - DSG. The most time is the box installed on cars of the concern VAG. The article will give answers to many who arise from motorists questions about this checkpoint will tell about the advantages and disadvantages of the box. The article will contain real as positive and negative feedback Car owners S. box dsg..

    A bit of history

    DSG abbreviation is nothing more than doppelkupplungsgetriebe (it.) Or Dual SHIFT GEARBOX (eng.). In Russian-speaking forums and communities of VAG car owners, you can meet such a decoding of DSG: two clips per year. :))) Next will be clear why some decipher this way.

    The DGS box at the moment has different structures that are very different from each other. The first version of the box was released at the end of 2002. The box had six gears, the clutch in it was wet, kept the box torque up to 350 nm and was called DQ250.

    In 2008, the market was lightweight and economical version DSG. - DQ200. The seven-step box, the grip in it is dry type, but the box no longer pulls the big torque, it is limited to 250 nm.

    The first and second option of the Boxes Concern VAG was developed with LUK and Borg Warner. In the fall of 2009, VAG developed and released a seven-step transmission with double grip already. The box was called DQ500, kept torque up to 600 nm and thanks to which it could be used already on commercial machinery. Another modification of the DSG family can account with DL501 or S-Tronic, which is also calculated for a torque up to 600 nm and is installed mainly on Audi, but only on cars with a longitudinal location of the engine. This is a joint development of Audi and Borg Warner 2008.

    "I own the sixth Passat with DSG, I can immediately say that the car is cool. I go on it for more than ten years, and I think that the box is just unnecessary here, although to be honest, those configuration of the trade winds that are sold from us, are not worthwhile They are asked for. On the DSG boxes I want to add that during the time they began to install them, the manufacturer significantly improved it. And if someone has problems with DSG, then this does not mean that they will be each. Also, already The Japanese use a robotic gearbox - Nissan and Toyota. My parents Camri has been with a robot for more than five years, and he enjoys a car every day. For five years there are no problems. "

    Principle of action DSG.

    In essence, DGS - mechanical PPCBut the gearbox itself occurs in it with a robot and without loss of power, and not as in conventional mechanics. In the manual transmission, the power is lost at the time of the squeezed clutch, and it is clear that at the time of the turning point of the torque from the wheels, the fuel combines the fuel. In general, the use of DSH should add a car dynamics and efficiency.

    "I have two cars. On the same seven-step DSG, in the second - six. I like it very much how the DSG works. But it is worth saying that it is necessary to get used to it. The box is adaptive, which means it is adjusted to your ride mode. Can work and sharply And smoothly, it is not necessary to think that this is a malfunction. The box needs time to adapt. I like such boxes than ordinary automatic transmission. Already rolled more than 50 thousand. No problem problems. "

    The main difference between DSG from any gearbox is the presence of two clips. But, in fact, still lying. Boxes are also two! And they are so integrated into one common case, which is not striking. And if the car uses two gearbox, the primary shaft can not be alone. So there are trees two, and everyone has its clutch. Now it is clear why you need a two-mask flywheel in DSG.

    One shaft is equipped with gears for odd and rear gear, and the second, respectively, for even. After moving the car on the first transmission, the DSG has already turned on the second, and keeps it ready. And when the car needs to go to the next gear, the adhesion of the first shaft opens, and the second clutch quickly picks up the moment without loss of power and so on.

    "I bought a Passat 1.8 TSI with 7-DSG. I bought a new one in the cabin. Already passed 30 thousand, there is no break. I want to note the amazing handling of the machine, which allows it to make it easy to maneuver on the road, including in traffic jams. With a set of velocity, the steering wheel becomes harder that gives additional control over the machine. Although the car is not racing, but periodically love to burn over the ring. True, when you enter the turns at speeds, more than 100 km / h there is a feeling that he blows the back axis. So it was in my old nine, But there I yourself overestimated the ass. I will try to change the rubber, maybe this is because of it so demolitions. But as for the box itself, the car accelerates just gorgeous, dynamics - at height. up to weave - 9 seconds. In the D mode, the box switches transmissions as if seeds click, nevertheless double clutch Allows you to keep two speeds on simultaneously. If you translate the box to the sports mode, and to pour the sneaker to the floor, then up to 190 km / h you can get oh how fast. Personally, I get to squeeze 210 km / h. In short, I have no complaints about the box. Works great."

    The inclusion of the gear DSG occurs by conventional clutches of synchronizers, and the plugs are driven by hydraulic cylinders, with the help of hydraulics, the clutch is turned on and off. He directs all these processes that the most notorious "mechatronics", which contains in its module the main electronics and the electro-hydraulic of this checkpoint.

    The shaft of the even gear of this checkpoint is hollow. In the assembled form inside it is the shaft of odd gear. Such a cunning was able to accommodate two MCPs in one case.

    DSG reliability

    Unlike classical automatic transmission, which neither clutch, nor a powerful flywheel, DSH uses these components. Moreover, the flywheel needs a two-mask and a good margin of strength, like a manual transmission (minimum 150 thousand km of run). But in practice, the flywheel at DSG may fail much faster.

    "The seventh DSG is a real selo. I blurried not only the mechatronics, but also a grip. Moreover, judging by the forums - I'm not alone. The familiar master said that for him every month I consistently arrived at least one Audi, Volkswagen or Toyota with problems of the same box - then mechatron, then clutch. And always this repair is simply unrealistic money. Yes, what to say - thug on the request "Mechatronics for DSG" and everything will become understandable. But with DSG-6 things are different. Earlier I was a golf with sixth DSG, which did not prove it with anything bad, because I was not afraid to buy a car with such a box, but seven, what I regretted. With golf for 5 years there was no problems. I will not have a board, those who want to buy a car - Do not buy cars with 7-Dsg. "

    The wet type of clutch in DSG is better cooled, which is why it has a greater resource - about 300 thousand km. But the resource of dry clutch is declared 150-200 thousand km. But again, dry clutch in practice does not consume so much, and the reason lies in the box control system - mechatronics. In it, before running 100 thousand, damage to the electromagnetic valves usually occurs. But the thing is that the mechatronics is located on the top of the PPC block, which is heated as much as the box itself. To understand that the box is heated very much, it suffices to say that its design is not for the presence of a water-oil separator (heat exchanger). You can imagine what temperature drops are experiencing a mechatronics by car, which first spent the night on the street in the twenty-graduce frost, and then drove on the highway with decent speedOr even worse - started "crawling" in traffic.

    As you know, demand gives rise to a proposal, and today there are many services that offer Mechatronics repairs. The official dealer does not do this, and offers full replacement CAT. It is worth noting that DSG in the usual garage will not be able to repair - special tools are needed, which ensure compliance with the accumulation of up to five microns.

    Consider options DSG boxes

    DQ 250 (DSG-6)

    The box has six gears, can withstand torque up to 350 nm. Clutch at a wet box. Often the box is indicated as DSG-6. The box needs regular maintenance every 60 thousand km, which consists in replacing the oil and filter. If the oil is not changed, the mechatronics fails quickly.

    This is the first generation of DGS boxes, which was used on VW cars: Golf 5 1.4 FSI and diesel 1.9 and 2.0 TDI ; Touran, Passat B6 with diesel units 2.0 TDI ; Skoda Octavia second generation with two-liter turbocharged diesel ; and seat leon with the same diesel aggregate. The box is not devoid of flaws, but over the past more than 10 years, many car owners managed to eliminate. DSG-6 has proven itself well.

    DQ 200 (DSG-7)

    Seven-step KPP designed for torque up to 250 nm. The box has a dry clutch, the manufacturer does not provide for regulatory maintenance DQ200. Many car services are still advised to perform a regular replacement of the liquid in the oil circuits of the PPC. Most complaints from car owners on this box.

    Since the box is not designed for a serious torque, it was installed on the mediterranean models 1.4, 1.6, a maximum of 1.8-liter engines, mainly with a turbine.

    Box had constructive featuresFor example, the pump of its hydraulic system was connected at a request from an electric motor. This allowed the car to be more economical at low loads.

    It would seem - excellent gearbox, light, economical, dry clutch from LUK is designed for 300 thousand km of mileage, it is not necessary to serve the box. Ride and rejoice! But ... these "but" will be written just below. In the meantime, you will continue to acquaint with the types of boxes.

    DQ 500 and DL 501

    Serious "korzas" for a serious moment - 600 nm. Installed mainly on expensive and powerful audios, VW minibuses, although it is found on two-liter turbocharged Tiguen . The grip is wet, gear - seven.

    Typical problems DSG.

    But now consider those "but", about which mentioned above. It all started with many with a small grincling, clanging, shocks sometimes when driving irregularities, sometimes on an even place with a measured ride. After turning to the dealer, he conducted the diagnostics of the CAT, which did not detect any errors, and in the absence of vibration and jerks, the client was usually refused to the client. VW urged to consider such "small" malfunctions with a normal phenomenon.

    But even more was the number of complaints about pushing, vibration and tremors when switching transmissions with 1st to 2nd and simply when driving at low speed. If the problem is not treated, then over time it has grown: the strength of vibrations increased, the clutch began to slip. Could even disappear even or odd programs. Translations were returned after replacing clutch disks.

    If the hydraulics of the box overheated, the transmissions begin to be turned on by jerks, as if hinting with the driver that they say, "change the intensity of switching, moving evenly." Such problems most often arise in traffic jams, where the ride manner is appropriate: moved, stopped, moved, stopped. With such a ride, the hydraulics is heated in the box strong enough, and the clutch is experiencing an increased load.

    Some motorists complained that the box did not want to include the transferences. No. And it could happen in motion. Sometimes the restart of the car solved the problem if it did not help - it was necessary to repair or change the mechatronics.

    "I go to Volzz Passat 6 with an automatic DSG. Excellent Everything was all for a long time, there are no complaints to the box, but as soon as I decided to sell the car, it began. Flying gearbox, and what is strange - on a flat place. Drived about 50 km / h, and all - The box was simply refused to switch the transfer. I had to cause a tow truck. For a hundred sentenced some kind of "Mechatronics". According to experts, he burned down due to the fact that it somehow got the oil. For the repair, they requested a little more than 100,000 Russian rubles. I just went nuts, but what was done. After that, I was talking to other owners of such cars. Everything is aware of such a problem, and it is often found. And I didn't know, and I did not have time to sell the car. Conclusion - the box needs a serious refinement. . Early still put it on cars. "

    Next, the manufacturer discovered an unpleasant feature. synthetic oilused in DSG: In a warm environment, the oil began to interact with copper parts of the block, sometimes causing a short circuit. After that, the clutch ceased to turn on. Many owners rushed to change the oil on the mineral water, but, alas, I could not solve a fully problem, and such an oil does not meet the climatic Russian conditions.

    Some car owners changed who is mechatronics, and who is entirely guaranteed. But it did not give a blanche card for the future - there were many cases when the same problems arose already on the stubborn boxes. The opening of the "dead" boxes revealed the presence of chips, which was liked, most likely due to improper operation of the control unit of the PPC.

    Answers to frequently asked questions on DSG can be found

    It is worth remembering, 7-DSG are actually unrepretentious. The repair of the box on third-party services is carried out at their own risk and without any guarantees. Even the oil in it in the conditions of the garage is practically unrealistic.

    How to determine that your DSG has failed mechatronics:

    The box switched to N mode and on dashboard You see the "PRNDS" indication;

    The first transmission is now turned on very rigidly;

    In the same way, the switching between the transmissions 1-2-3 is tight, sometimes clear clicks are heard at these moments;

    When braking on the second gear, vibration is clearly felt;

    When revolutions below 2 thousand, the feeling appeared that the thrust was disappeared.

    In many negarters, it is worth thinking about the feasibility of purchase new box - Its cost can be equal to the cost of the average car in the secondary market.

    What is the percentage of DSG breakdown? And no one would say anything. Official statistics are: in the warranty period, approaching the replacement of DSG approximately 5% of car owners. As far as this is true - unknown. One thing is known - if you have such a box, then it does not mean that it will absolutely fail. Most cars are still driving without problems with DSG.

    "I can say for sure - if you do not know how to use DSG, then you don't need to lie. I have a Passat with DSG-6, I have been going on it for almost 7 years. No problems do not give the box. I change the oil during and that's the first time. When replacing the oil, I thought - pour the original, or to take some substitute for cheaper. I did not take risks and flooded the original. In the box, when the oil was replaced, I saw dirt and chips. The car by that time began to start and twitch a little. I thought that if the oil was not helped, It is necessary to go to the service. After replacing the oil, all the problems disappeared! Everything began to work as on a new car. But my kum decided to save and bought a non-original oil. The week chased, and the car became a stake. Make it start, but the transmission to switch the box already Could not. In the end, I got to replace the gearbox at the dealer. In addition to the fact that the dubbed bought a bunch, I had to wait for a month. So do not leut into the box of any g. "

    Situating complaints of car owners with DSH, you can conclude: the DSG box does not tolerate the ride mode permanent work Clutch and frequent gear shifts. A typical example is a permanent ride in traffic jams. Such a ride overheats the box, wear off the clutch and breaks mechatronics. But, for driving in traffic, it is preferable to names such or a classic automatic box. It is terribly uncomfortable to pull the "Kochergu" in the traffic jam, so they buy residents of metropolis cars with DSG, for a comfortable ride. But it was not there...

    Next, it is important to keep in mind that DSG is not for "riders"! She does not like sports driving, and receiving the engine promotion with a squeezed brake pedal for further sharp breakdown can kill DSG with dry clutch literally from one such start.

    In general, the problems of DSG lies in complex technologies, and well done Volkswagen, which develops and improves the topic of fast and simultaneously smooth driving, being, in fact, the leader in this area. Yes, and environmentalists have a certain pressure on these developments - after all, the usual automatic transmission consumes more fuel, and therefore emissions into the atmosphere of such cars more.

    So still - buy or not a car with a DSG box? Why not? But it is advisable to take a car from VW not older than 2012 or with a box DQ250. After all, you need to understand that there are problems from other machines and with another type of gearbox. What is worth, for example, the French automatic machine DP0 / DP2. Yes, DSG has more percentage of failure, but it is not equal to one hundred. Yes, and from exploitation and timely service, much depends. I want to believe that the latest upgrades this type PPC corrected many typical shoals, and now problems with boxes will be much smaller. But if you are still a true connoisseur of durability and reliability, then you don't need such a box, brother. " Look for anything at the present simple - simple manual transmission, simple car pack, smaller frills and electronics in the car, because than easier mechanismThe smaller the probability of breakdowns. This rule concerns not only cars.

    But the author of the article still hopes that problems with new DSG remained in the past, and if they were not left, then a couple of years, and VAG "re-introducing" this type of gearbox to an optimal state. And the remaining manufacturers will also start equipping their cars with such a gearbox. After all, still damn nice to ride the car with DSG!

    To collect information about the operation of the DSG box, its breakdowns and faults, leave your feedback and share your experience. Descendants will be grateful to you.

New developments in the field of automatic transmissions give a motorist great opportunities for choosing. And with the advent of the Robotic DSG gearbox in the market with double clutch make the choice gets harder - I want to try everything to find the best for yourself. DSG - a new generation shift box, which combines all the best engineering solutions and modern technologies. We will analyze its device, characteristics, species, et al. Including on the instructions for use.

DSG gearbox

DSG selector

DSG gearbox (with it. Direkt Schalt Getriebe) was developed by the German concern Volkswagen. Literally DSG with German translates as: "Direct transmission box". The transmission is a type of a robotic gearbox using double clutch, combining the characteristics of both automatic transparents and mechanics. The process of switching the gear and turning on / off the clutch occurs automatically, and the driver only selects the necessary mode of movement using the gear selector lever.

DSG has long proven itself with positive in sports type cars, and for ordinary vehicle It is still new. Another transmission name is a preselective robotic double-clutch gearbox. It is the presence of two clutches and distinguishes this type of automatic transmission from its other fellow.

Device and principle of operation

Device preselective gearbox DSG

Device automatic transmission of this type as follows:

  • main transmission and differential;
  • mECHATRONIC control module;
  • double grip;
  • two-mask flywheel;
  • internal primary shaft;
  • outdoor primary shaft;
  • two secondary shafts.

The design feature of the DSG is that it has two primary and two secondary shaft. Each secondary shaft is in engaging with the corresponding primary. Moreover, on one pair of the shafts are the gears of even gear, and on the other - odd. The primary shaft with even gears is made by the hollow and the primary shaft of odd gear is inserted into it. Each shaft is connected to "its" clutch.

Switching gear occurs as follows: The movement of the car begins on the first gear, but the second transmission is already in "combat readiness", that is, its gears are already engaged. As soon as the command is received about switching to the second transmission, odd clutch will dispel, and even clums. At the same time, the third gear is already included on an odd row to get started immediately after opening even clutch. Shift shift is carried out using synchronizers.

Thus, the transmissions switch at a speed not affordable even to the most experienced driver. Hence the name preselective gearbox (pre-in advance, Select - choice). Speaking by scientific language, thanks to this, the DSG gearbox during transmission is practically absent there is a break of power flow from the engine to the checkpoint. This has a positive effect on both the car acceleration and fuel efficiency.

Coupling and transmission switching controls the control unit. It consists of electronic and hydraulic control modules, as well as sensors. This unit, called the mechatronics, is located directly in the gearbox housing.

Built-in sensors control the status of the gearbox and follow the operation of the main elements. Tracking parameters: the speed of rotation at the input and output of the gearbox, the level of pressure and oil temperature, the position of the transmission plug. On the basis of signals of sensors, the mechatronics implements the transmission control algorithm.

Varieties DSG.

Currently distinguish two types of DSG boxes:

  • six-speed;
  • seven-step.

General diagram 6 and 7 hundred DSG

Initially preselative automatic transmission was a six-speed. It uses a double grip of a wet type (in use - "wet"). The clutch is constantly in the oil, which provides lubrication of parts and cooling discs, which, in turn, increases its resource.

Unlike a six-speed, grip in 7-speed DSG "dry", and oils for this automatic transmission take times three less. The oil pump with hydraulic drive is replaced here on electrical, which reduces energy consumption and increase the fuel efficiency of the engine. But the clutch resource will be lower.

Transmission DSG 6.

DSG 6 automatic transmission is not the last model out of range. robotic transmissions from Volkswagen. But it is considered more powerful - the engine torque is 350 nm.

Today, this checkpoint is installed on cars of the following brands:

  • Volkswagen (Golf, Passat, Jetta, Touran, Tiguan);
  • Skoda (Superb, Octavia);
  • Audi (A3, Q3, TT);
  • SEAT (Toledo, Alhambra).

Transmission DSG 7.

The seventh DSG model appeared three years after the sixth and was made specifically for budget vehicles. DSG 6 is characterized by a large weight (about 95 kilograms) and a large volume of transmission oil. DSG 7 weighs about 70 kilograms and has a smaller volume of oil, which is positively reflected in the flow rate of fuel and the cost of regular maintenance.

Device 7-speed DSG

DSG 7 is installed on cars equipped with a torque motor up to 250 nm. These include the following models:

  • Volkswagen (Golf, Passat, Transporter, Caddy);
  • Skoda (Fabia, Superb, Octavia);
  • Audi (A3, Q3, TT);
  • SEAT (Ibiza, Leon, Altea).

On the device "Dry" DSG no different from "wet". It is based on: the first and second secondary shafts, the main transmission, oil filter, flywheel and mechanical block. The feature of this automatic transmission is the presence of a two dry clutch clutch clutch, working not in the oil bath. Such a technical innovation made it possible to significantly increase the CPD of the box.

Differences of two generations DSG

DSG automatic transmission is undoubtedly one of the most advanced gearboxes. But despite the obvious advantages, she has and cons. We will analyze them in more detail, while paying separate attention both to "wet" and "dry" automatic transmission.

DSG 7 gearbox

The main difference in the DSG of the two generations is caused by the value of the transmitted torque. This is due to the type of cars to which boxes are installed. About the weight of the box, oil consumption and fuel economy has already been written above. The seventh model in this regard will be better. But a longer service life and higher reliability will provide a six-speed box.

Now directly about what advantages characterize the DSG automatic transmission.

  1. The speed of switching gear.
  2. High acceleration dynamics due to almost continuous torque receipt on the wheel of the car.
  3. The smoothness of the car movement due to the fact that the switching of speeds occurs without jerks.
  4. The ability to work both in automatic mode and in mode manual switching Gear, which gives the driver the opportunity to independently choose the style of movement.

Now as for the negative qualities of the DSG.

Modern life is impossible to imagine without cars, and traffic in urban mode should occur as comfortable for the driver. The convenience of managing the car is provided with various transmissions (automatic transmission, robotic checkpoint).

A robotic box is enjoying considerable popularity due to the smoothness of the movement and the economical fuel consumption, the presence of a manual mode that allows you to adjust the driving manner for the needs of the driver.

Principle of operation of the CAT DSG

DSG is a mechanical gearbox equipped with automatic drive shift, and having two clutch baskets.

The DSG box is associated with the engine through two clutches, located warp. Odd and rear steps are functioning through one clutch, and even - through another. Such a device provides a smooth shift of steps without reducing and interrupting the power, carrying out continuous transmission of torque from the motor to the drive axis.

During overclocking at the first stage, the second gear gears are already engaged. When the control unit transmits the steps change command, hydraulic drives The gearbox is released by the release of one clutch and the clamp of the second, producing the transition of the torque from the motor from one stage to another.

Thus, the process takes up to an extreme stage. When the speed is reduced and change other conditions, the procedure is carried out in reverse order. Step steps occurs using synchronizers.

Changing steps in the DSG box is carried out at high speed, inaccessible even to professional riders.

What is mechatronics in automatic transmission

Managing both clips and shifts of steps is the help of a control unit consisting of hydraulic and electronic components, sensors. This unit is called mechatronics and is located in the CPP Carter.

The sensors are built into the mechatronics, monitor the state of the gearbox and track the operation of the main parts and nodes.

Parameters controlled by mechanical sensors:

  • the number of revolutions at the input and outlet of the box;
  • oil pressure;
  • oil level;
  • temperature of the working fluid;
  • the location of the plug on the steps.

On the recent models DSG boxes are installed eats ( electronic system, managing shift steps).

In addition to the above parameters, eats controls:

  • vehicle speed;
  • the degree of opening of the choke;
  • motor temperature.

The reading of these parameters extends the service life of the CAT and the engine.

Types of Direct Switch Transmission

There are currently two varieties of DSG boxes:

  • six-speed (DSG-6);
  • seven-step (DSG-7).

DSG 6.

The first preselative (robotic) checkpoint was a six-speed DSG, which was developed in 2003.

Design DSG-6:

  • two clutches;
  • two rows of steps;
  • carter;
  • Mechatronics;
  • differential gearbox;
  • main gear.

In DSG-6, two wet adhesions are used that are invariably in transmission fluid, providing lubrication of the mechanisms and cooling clutch discs, thereby extending the operating period of the CAT.

Two clutches transmit a torque on the ranks of the box steps. The drive disk of the CAT is connected to the coupling of a special hub flywheel combining the steps.

The main components of the mechatronics (electro-hydraulic module) located in the PPC housing:

  • slap distribution of gearbox;
  • multiplexer generating control commands;
  • electromagnetic and adjusting checkpoints.

When changing the position of the selector, PPC distributors are included. Steps vary using electromagnetic valves, and adjusting the position of the friction clutch occurs with the help of pressure valves. These valves are the "heart" of the checkpoint, and the mechatronic - "brain".

The PPC multiplexer controls hydraulic cylinders, which in such a gearbox 8 pieces, but at the same time there are no more than 4 valves of the checkpoint. In various PPP modes, various cylinders work, depending on the necessary stage.

Transmission in DSG-6 is replaced cyclically. At the same time, two rows of steps are involved, only one of them is not used - it is in standby mode. When the transfer moment changes, the second row is immediately involved, turning into the active mode. Such a mechanism for the functioning of the PPC ensures the change of transmission in less than a split second, the movement of transport at the same time occurs smoothly and uniformly, without slowness and jerks.

DSG-6 is a more powerful robotic checkpoint. The torque of the car motor with such a gearbox is about 350 nm. Weighs such a box under 100 kilograms. Transmission Oil For DSG-6, more than 6 liters are required.

At the moment, DSG-6 is mainly established for the following vehicles:

  • SEAT (Alhambra, Toledo);
  • Skoda (Octavia, Superb);
  • Audi (TT, Q3, A3);

DSG boxes are equipped with a tiptronic, translating the box to manual control mode.

DSG 7.

DSG-7 was developed in 2006 specifically for economy class cars. DSG box weighs 70-75 kg. and contains the volume of oil less than 2 liters. This checkpoint is set to budget cars With torque engine no more than 250 nm.

At present, DSG-7 is mainly established for the following cars:

  • Audi (TT, Q3, A3);
  • SEAT (Leon, Ibiza, Altea);
  • Skoda (Octavia, Fabia, Superb);
  • Volkswagen (Tiguan, Golf, Jetta, Passat).

The main differences between DSG-7 from DSG-6 is the presence of 2 dry clutch discs that are not in the transmission fluid. Such changes made it possible to reduce fuel consumption, reduce the cost of service.

Advantages and disadvantages of robotic automatic transmission

Robotic checkpoint has its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other transmissions.

Advantages of the DSG box:

  • reduced flow fuel mixes (up to 10-20%);
  • the possibility of manual control, similar to;
  • lack of power loss when changing steps;
  • smoothness of the car;
  • high dynamic characteristics car equipped with DSG box;
  • reducing the time required for overclocking;
  • the ability to automatically and manual gear selection;
  • comfortable control of a car equipped with such a gearbox;
  • the absence of the clutch pedal and the familiar lever of the selector, which does not cause difficulties when moving from a car with a classic;

Disadvantages of the DSG box:

  • high cost of a car with DSG compared with machines equipped with other transmissions;
  • an episodically robot slows down and does not have time for the dynamic acceleration of the car, carrying out a change of steps with a small delay;
  • mechatronics is one of weak places in the DSG box, periodically faults occur in this block;
  • if a malfunction occurs in mechatronics, it is replaced, as it is not subject to repair;
  • reduced Resource CAT;
  • mechatronics faults contribute to frequent temperature differences, which is especially relevant in winter;
  • the term of the DSG-7 and its components are noticeably less than in DSG-6;
  • increased heating of the box due to the continuous activity of the preset;
  • increase the cost of maintenance of robotic checkpoint;
  • the complexity of the repair of a robotic box, which can not be carried out by many hundred;
  • not installed on SUVs and others powerful cars;
  • dorganiza repair, in some cases it is necessary to fully change the DSG.
  • timely maintenance of PPP DSG (replacement of transmission fluid on the regulations - no more than 60,000 kilometers, troubleshooting);
  • warming up a robotic checkpoint by briefly finding a car after starting in a standing position;
  • smoothness after warming up for 1-5 kilometers from the start of the movement;
  • avoiding wheeling wheels;
  • at stops more than 1 minute, it is recommended to translate the DSG box selector to neutral mode;
  • when driving in the snow and ice, the inclusion of the "Snowflake" mode is recommended, if available;
  • with dynamic driving and rapid acceleration, it is desirable to translate the selector lever to the "Sport" position;
  • when passing each maintenance It is necessary to diagnose the DSG box and perform initialization;
  • accelerator pedal must be squeezed smoothly, even on manual mode;
  • overclocking is desirable to exercise in manual mode, and smooth ride and braking - in automatic;
  • staging a car from the DSG box to parking in the position of the Neutral selector with mandatory inclusion parking brake (handbrake).

Robotic box It is, in fact, an improved MCPP, switching the steps in which occurs with the help of mechatronics based on various parameters read by sensors. Subject to certain recommendations, it is possible to significantly extend the service life of a robotic box.

DSG is a modern robotic automatic transmission, which is actively used on the car of a major concern Volkswagen. Also, it is customary to be called a preselective gearbox. Today we will deal with the DSG 7 box better than the more familiar "automatic", as far as it is reliable, and whether it is worth taking a car that has been equipped with her.

DSG Boxes Varieties

In order to make the driving process more comfortable and safe, automotive concerns Constantly offer some new developments, improving the system of their cars. At one time, when automatic box Transmissions, a real breakthrough occurred in this area. Years passed and today there are even more new and perfect systems. We are talking primarily about the DSG 7 box from Volkswagen, which, in comparison with a conventional machine and ordinary mechanical KP, has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • During gear shift using DSG, the engine power is not lost. This allows you to achieve maximum parameters of overclocking dynamics and save on fuel well - your car will spend 10-15 percent less than gasoline;
  • DSG 7 supports switching mode between automatic and mechanical boxes Transmissions, allowing the driver to independently choose the level of management comfort.

These are the two main advantages of the DSG 2015, but it was they who made this gearbox by a real hit, both at the time of appearance and today. By the way, such KP has already released more than a million pieces, and the Volkswagen is not going to stop.

How does DSG gearbox work?

The principle of operation is quite simple, if you figure it out. During the start of movement, DSG includes two transmissions at once - the first and second - however, it remains open to the second clutch. When the time comes to switch the transmission, the first grip opens, and the second simultaneously closes. We can say that on this cycle and built all the operation of the DSG 7 gearbox and its analogues.

It is worth explaining why DSG is often called a robotic gearbox. The thing is that when gear shifts, it is used non-hydromechanics, but hydraulics, which is controlled by a special mechanical mechanical unit. This is a whole group of hydraulics and electronics elements, which are connected to a plurality of sensors, which are necessary for correct and efficient operation of the DSG 7 box on Volkswagen. The unit constantly receives the necessary data from the sensors, on the basis of which one or another programmed algorithm, managing the correct and timely transmission, is provided.

What types of DSG gearbox exist?

Of course, the most popular model of the DSG box is the seventh. However, two species are common, DSG 6 and DSG 7, which are actively put on various cars Concern Volkswagen. The sixth model appeared back in 2003, and the seventh, three years later.

The main feature of the DSG 6 is the presence of an oil bath, in which disk packets continuously work. There they are simultaneously lubricated and cooled. Thus, using the sixth model of the box, you get an excellent clutch. However, the main advantage of the "six" was restricted the volume of the engine at which it can be used. The range is wide enough - from 1.4 liters to 3.2 liters - but such a heavy gearbox (almost 95 kilograms) just did not fit in any way in budget cars, which Volkswagen releases significantly more. So in 2006 and the second type of similar KP - DSG 7 appeared.

The main difference between "seven" from its predecessors - dry clutch. Moreover, it was developed exclusively for use in cars with low-power engines, which are not physically able to issue a torque more than two hundred and fifty Newtons. So, the oil in the DSG 7 box must be poured not so often, and it takes it almost three times less than for DSG 6. The weight of the box is only seventy kilograms, and she "spends" seven percent less than the analogues.

DSG 7 Box 7: Problems and Cons

The DSG 7 box is considered quite reliable and efficient, as evidenced by the receptions of the drivers who have accumulated in nine years. But, problems and various shortcomings still periodically pop up. Next, about the most common problems of DSG 7 and how to deal with them.

To begin with, here is the list of the main drawbacks of the car with the DSG box:

  • We'll have to lay out more money, since the machine, equipped with DSG CPs is much more expensive than in configuration with conventional mechanics or even machine;
  • Repair such a CP is very laborious and expensive;
  • Service life, even under the most favorable conditions, significantly less than the familiar six-speed gearbox;
  • Mechatronics frequently junk due to temperature differences (especially the problem is obvious in winter time);
  • Mechatronics, having breakdown, repair is no longer subject to repair. It will have to be changed completely, again, laying out a round sum of the wallet;
  • The oil change is three times more expensive than usual;
  • Sometimes there is an effect of jerking during the transition from the first transmission to the second;
  • The premistor works continuously, which means the problem of warming up, if not manifested from the very beginning, it is soon beginning to disturb the owner of the car.

In principle, above we outlined almost all meaningful shortcomings DSG 7 boxes. Many believe that they strongly affect the reputation of the system and very much impressed by driving. However, to be fully honest, all these problems are quite rare, moreover, any system is early or later wear out and requires strengthened attention. For example, ordinary mechanics, too, pretty quickly can wash the clutch, replaced which - the pleasure is not cheap. So, even taking into account all the flaws, say that the DSG 7 gearbox from Volkswagen is a bad system we cannot.

How to use DSG 7

In fact, despite the interest of many motorists in how to use the DSG box correctly, so that it worked longer, there is no accurate answer. The only thing that the driver can improve the gearbox efficiency is independently using the selector to set the correct and efficient mode suitable in all parameters for the driving style of the car.

It is equally important to constantly monitor the operation of the DSG 7 gearbox on Volkswagen. It should always work quickly and very smoothly. As soon as some unusual twitching or suspicious noises appear, the first thing you need to go to the service, as this behavior is not particularly peculiar.

Robotic boxes broke into AvtoMir as rapidly as they are completely automatic. For the first time B. mass production And the introduction for buyers these boxes launched the Volkswagen concern. This article will tell you that the DSG box is, the principles of its work, distinguishing with the machine, pluses and minuses, as well as the fact that car manufacturers say about it.

What is a DSG box?

DSG is a second-generation robot gearbox, which switches the speed with two clips and electronics, with the driver's participation. To date, it is considered the best gearbox and most reliable. It switches the transmissions, while not breaking the power and has better dynamic qualities. Also, DSG saves fuel, because the engine does not work well.

DSG is six or seven steps. The first is installed on more powerful cars, since it has more torque. The robot for seven steps is installed on less powerful cars, as well as on some trucks and buses.

Short story

For the first time, the DSG box was developed by Borg Warner. They wanted to create an ideal gearbox that would combine all the qualities of the manual transmission, automaton and the variator and did not have flaws. The disadvantages of mechanics are known to everyone, the automaton is reducing the power, and the variator has a narrow range of work. The robot had to absorb all these shortcomings, and plus the cost of maintenance and repair.

But everything went wrong, as I wanted. It turned out that the six-speed box is not suitable for cars with low power. Then there was an additional box for seven steps, which was suitable for such cars. But the excuse was not confirmed because it was dry.

Year of work, testing, refinement and new DSG was introduced on some Volkswagen cars. Of course, it was not without incident, and the first batch was with defects. But the plant quickly corrected and now the robot is widely applied on many cars.

Principle of operation

The genius of the DSG box is that it combines two boxes in one case. It is equipped with two shafts, on one - even transmissions, on the second - odd. Two clutches, for each shaft, allow you to most effectively switch transmissions without loss of power and short braking, as in the machine.

The clutch DSG is six steps - the robot "wet" type (constantly in oil). This is done in order to cool the discs and constantly attended the lubricant. This feature significantly increased the RESO resource and it is about 300 thousand km. With gentle use, you can stretch to 450,000 km.

DSG-7, or seven-step robot box, equipped with dry clutch. This is done to reduce maintenance and maintenance costs, but the wear has increased and the resource has decreased.

What is the difference between the robot from the automatic transmission?

When buying a car, any motorist thinks, what is the best box to take? Repeatedly it puts a man in a dead end. So what is the difference between the robot and the machine?

The first difference is constructive. The robot is made so that the car does not lose power, and the gear shift does not brake the dynamics. The second is a technical difference: this is what the robot in its structure is mechanics and requires
Participation of the driver in shifting.

Other differences of the machine and robot:

  • the robot is easier than the machine, because by nature a robotic box is mechanics;
  • at the robot, the presence of electronics, which manages the switching;
  • fuel economy by a robot;
  • ability to change the settings of the robot for of different types and travel manners;
  • manufacturability of the design under modernity;
  • high reliability and quality robot.

Pros and Cons DSG

The advantages are:
  • saving fuel (only compared to the machine, on the saving variator more);
  • instant transmission change;
  • no power loss;
  • high resource;
  • manual control.
Cons DSG:
  • the great cost of repair;
  • expensive cost of oil replacement (for DSG-6);
  • does not tolerate the aggressive driving style;
  • the cost of the car is more expensive.

Producers offer in robotic boxes

The Volkswagen manufacturer promises the refinement of robotic boxes, as they are not yet thoroughly. The main problem, which automakers in front of them, is to reduce the cost of maintenance and repair. Leaving
Benefits You need to make repairs and then cheaper, since not every ordinary consumer can afford to serve the car with such a cost of spare parts and materials.

According to many experts, these boxes are the future, although another 40 years ago they were considered not promising and practically deceased options. Now they recruit supporters and those who would like to have a car with a box
DSG, but can not afford it. But manufacturers promise to do everything in order to make the most available to an ordinary consumer.


Having considered the Robotic DSG gearbox, it is possible to conclude that today it is the most ideal box that combines all the advantages of mechanics and a machine gun, while not expensive in maintenance 😉 like a variator. It has a sufficient number of advantages that modern drivers are needed.

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