Collection of instructions for drivers to ensure traffic safety. New rules of labor protection for drivers of cars and trucks. Briefing in the management of road transport Daily record of working hours

the main / Protection \ Theft


Every employed citizen must have the necessary knowledge on the topic of labor protection at the enterprise.

At the same time, special attention is paid to employees whose activities are caused by increased danger.

These are the drivers of road transport.

Interaction with a vehicle always poses a risk of accidents, therefore workers in this category should be aware of the requirements put forward in relation to labor protection.

New OT rules in road transport in the Russian Federation

The Labor Legislation of the Russian Federation in force at this point in time establishes the rules that should be applied in relation to the labor protection of employees whose work is related to the operation of road transport.

According to the regulatory documentation, the employer's responsibilities include:

The immediate content of the rules should include information of the following nature:

  • labor protection requirements put forward in relation to the organization of the process of performing work;
  • OT requirements for industrial areas and workplaces;
  • OT requirements that must be met when using road transport - the procedure for starting the engine of cars, technology for driving through hazardous areas, etc.;
  • labor protection requirements regarding the placement and storage of various components and production waste.

The employer is obliged to monitor the observance of labor protection rules by drivers. In turn, the responsible authorities control the activities of the company's management.

If violations are detected, specialists of the Federal Services can bring the head of the company to justice.

It is important to take into account that only citizens who are suitable for certain conditions can work as a driver:

  • age over 18;
  • availability of a valid document, according to which it is confirmed that the state of health of the worker allows him to work as a driver;
  • availability of a valid driver's license with admission to driving a car of the required category;

Also, the specialist must be familiar with the information of the relevant Labor Protection Instructions, which are also carried out at a certain time and at a certain frequency.

Briefings with persons who drive trucks and cars

With each employee, regardless of the specifics and direction of his activities, different ones are carried out.

In the case of drivers, the following types of mandatory briefings are distinguished:

The grounds for its implementation are the order of the Ministry of Transport No. 7 and inter-sectoral rules 007-2003.

All employees who occupy the position of the driver are subject to this kind of instruction. Work experience does not matter, professional category and other related factors.

The instruction includes the following points:

  1. Primary.

The venue is direct workplace employee. In terms of content, instructions of this nature, as in the previous case, include information of a general type.

The employee is familiarized with the information regarding safety and security road traffic.

The briefing is carried out by a person designated as responsible for the implementation of such actions. The instruction time is the first working day.

  1. Repeated.

Based on the driver's repeated familiarization with the information specified in the initial briefing. The frequency in this case is quarterly.

Conducted with employees in certain situations. These are:

  • initial dispatch of the driver to a new route;
  • transportation of children;
  • transportation of goods - dangerous, oversized and heavy.

Time of the event - spring-summer and autumn-winter periods. The essence of the briefings is to familiarize employees with the peculiarities of weather conditions and the technology of operating vehicles in these time intervals.

It is carried out when there is a need to urgently familiarize employees with any information.

Job description driver
General director
Surname I.O. ________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.
1. General Provisions
1.1. The driver belongs to the category of technical executors.
1.2. The driver is appointed and dismissed by the order of the general director of the company.
1.3. The driver reports directly to the general director / head of the company's structural unit.
1.4. During the absence of the driver, his rights and obligations are transferred to another official, which is announced in the order for the organization.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of a driver: category B license, driving experience of 2 years or more.
1.6. The driver must know:
- Traffic rules, penalties for their violation;
- basic technical characteristics and general arrangement car, purpose, device, principle of operation, operation and maintenance of units, mechanisms and devices of the car;
- rules for maintaining the car, caring for the body and interior, keeping them clean and favorable for long-term operation;
- signs, causes and dangerous consequences of malfunctions arising during the operation of the vehicle, methods of their detection and elimination;
- order of conduct Maintenance cars.
1.7. The driver is guided in his activities:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- Company Charter, Internal Labor Regulations, other company regulations;
- orders and orders of the management;
- this job description.
2. Job responsibilities driver
The driver performs the following job duties:
2.1. Provides timely vehicle delivery.
2.2. Provides a technically sound condition of the car assigned to the driver.
2.3. Takes measures for the safety of the car and the property in it: does not leave the car unattended, in mandatory puts the car on the alarm in any case of exiting the passenger compartment, locks all the doors of the car during movement and parking.
2.4. Carries out driving a car that maximally ensures the safety of the life and health of passengers and the technical good condition of the car itself.
2.5. Monitors the technical condition of the car, performs independently the necessary work to ensure it safe operation(according to the instruction manual).
2.6. Maintenance in the service center and technical inspection are carried out in a timely manner.
2.7. Keeps the engine, body and interior of the car clean, protects them with appropriate care products for certain surfaces.
2.8. Does not use alcohol, psychotropic, sleeping pills and other drugs before or during work that reduce the attention, reaction and performance of the human body.
2.9. Before leaving, he clearly works out the route of travel, coordinates it with the senior group and the immediate supervisor.
2.10. Keeps waybills, noting routes, kilometers traveled, fuel consumption.
2.11. At the end of the working day, he leaves the car entrusted to him in a guarded parking lot / garage.
2.12. Carries out individual service assignments of his immediate supervisor.
3. Driver's rights
The driver has the right:
3.1. Require passengers to comply with the Rules of the Road (to wear a seat belt, to board and disembark in permitted places, etc.).
3.2. Receive information in the amount necessary to solve the assigned tasks.
3.3. Submit proposals to the management to improve their work, as well as those aimed at improving the safety and trouble-free operation of the car.
3.4. Require management to create normal conditions for the implementation of official duties and the safety of all documents generated as a result of the company's activities.
3.5. Make decisions within their competence.
4. Driver's responsibility
The driver is responsible for:
4.1. For non-fulfillment and / or untimely, negligent fulfillment of their duties.
4.2. For non-compliance with the current instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the rules of internal labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.



"____" ____________ 2005



1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and
driver's responsibility.

1.2. The driver belongs to the category of employees.

1.2. The driver is appointed and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the General Director.

1.3. The driver reports directly to the head of the structural unit to which he is attached and the general director.

1.1. An employee can be assigned to the position of HR manager

With complete secondary education,

Driving experience of at least 5 years (category B)

· Good knowledge of the topography of the city.

1.5. The driver must know:

- addresses of major suppliers and customers;

- routes of travel around the city;

- rules and norms of labor protection, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

1.6. The main task of the driver-freight forwarder is the transportation of documents and employees of destination.

1.2. The driver in his work is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, internal regulations and this job description.


Forwarding driver:

2.1. Controls the sanitary and technical condition of the transport intended for transportation.

2.2. Carries out the delivery of documentation and employees.

2.3. Carries out meeting and meeting upon request

The driver has the right:

3.1. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties.

3.2. Submit suggestions for improving your work.


4.1. The driver is responsible for:

- timely and high-quality performance of the duties assigned by the job description;

- inaccurate information about the state of affairs and implementation;

- preservation of commercial secrets and non-disclosure of any information obtained as a result of professional activities;

- offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation;

- causing damage (material or damage to business reputation) to the enterprise within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation;

- failure to comply with orders, orders of the head, etc.

- violation of the rules of internal labor regulations, safety and fire safety and sanitary and hygienic standards.


5.1. The driver's work schedule is determined in accordance with the terms of the employment contract and the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. Due to production needs, the driver can be sent on business trips (including local ones).

5.3. Due to operational needs, the driver may be involved in work outside the standard length of the day.



1.1. This Instruction defines the duties and rights of a driver working in a company car in "___________________", hereinafter referred to as "Company".

1.2. The term "Driver" means the direct full-time driver of the company or another employee who uses a car of the company or a car at the disposal of the company for business purposes on a permanent or temporary basis.

1.3. This Instruction applies to employees operating personal cars for business purposes.

1.4. The driver of the company must know:

1.4.1. Traffic rules, penalties for their violation.

1.4.2. The main technical characteristics and the general structure of the car, readings of devices and counters, control elements (the purpose of keys, buttons, handles, etc.).

1.4.3. The procedure for installing and removing alarm systems, the nature and conditions of their operation.

1.4.4. Rules for maintaining the car, caring for the body and interior, keeping them clean and favorable for long-term operation (do not wash the body in direct sunlight, hot water in winter, timely apply protective lotions, washing liquids, etc.).

1.4.5. The timing of the next maintenance, technical inspection, checking tire pressure, tire wear, steering wheel free play, etc. according to the vehicle operating instructions.


2.1. Ensure correct smooth professional driving of the car, which maximally ensures the safety of the life and health of passengers and the technical good condition of the car itself. Do not use unless absolutely necessary sound signals and sharp overtaking of the cars in front. The driver is obliged and can anticipate any traffic situation; choose the speed of movement and distance, excluding the occurrence of an emergency.

2.2. Do not leave the car unattended out of sight for any minimum period giving the chance of car theft or theft of any items from the passenger compartment. Only park your car in guarded parking lots.

2.3. It is imperative to put the car on the alarm in any case of leaving the salon. During movement and parking, all doors of the car must be locked. When leaving the car (boarding), you must make sure that there is no potential danger.

2.4. Monitor the technical condition of the car, perform independently the necessary work to ensure its safe operation (according to the operating instructions), timely undergo maintenance in the service center and technical inspection.

2.6. Strictly follow all orders of the head of the company and his immediate superior. Ensure timely delivery of the vehicle.

2.7. Tell your line manager truthful information about your health.

2.8. Do not drink before or during work alcohol, psychotropic, hypnotic, antidepressant and other drugs that reduce the attention, reaction and performance of the human body.

2.9. To categorically not allow any cases of delivery of any passengers or cargo at their own discretion, as well as any types of use of the car for personal purposes without the permission of the management. Always be at the workplace in the vehicle or in the immediate vicinity of it.

2.10. Keep waybills daily, noting routes, kilometers traveled, fuel consumption. Regular drivers also note the amount of hours worked.

2.11. Closely monitor the surrounding traffic conditions. Remember numbers and signs of cars in case of their long following "on the tail" of the company's car. Inform your immediate supervisor all your suspicions regarding safety issues, make your suggestions for improving it.

2.12. Do not allow cases of engaging in extraneous matters in work time... Show a creative approach to their immediate responsibilities, try to be useful to the company in its current business activities. Show reasonable constructive initiative.


3.1. Require passengers to comply with the norms of behavior, cleanliness, and wear a seat belt.

3.2. Make suggestions to the management aimed at improving the safety and trouble-free operation of the car, as well as on any other issues related to the execution of this Manual.


4.1. This Job Description is communicated to the driver against receipt. One copy of the Instruction is kept in the employee's personal file.


I approve

___________________________________ (initials, surname)
(name of company, ________________________
enterprise, etc., his (director or other
organizational and legal form) an official,
authorized to approve
job description)
»» ____________ 20__

»» ________________ 20__

I have read the instructions: (initials, surname)

»» _____________ 20__

Employers' opinions: which employees need to get rid of first of all Explained by representatives of Mail.Ru Group, Aviasales, and other companies. Anna Artamonova, Vice President of Mail.Ru Group First of all, you need to get rid of toxic employees ....

For the driver, as for any other employee of the enterprise, there is a job description. This document regulates the list of duties, rights and responsibilities of drivers. And although it does not apply to mandatory regulatory acts of the enterprise, lawyers recommend that the provisions and clauses in this document be spelled out as accurately and thoroughly as possible, so that in the future there is no possibility of their double interpretation.

General director
OOO "Deliveries Wholesale"
Shirokov/ Shirokov I.A. /
August 12, 2014

Job description of a car driver

І. General Provisions

1.1. This document regulates the list of job functions, tasks, duties that must be performed by the driver of the organization, as well as his rights, responsibility, working conditions and other parameters.

1.2. The driver of the organization must have at least secondary education, have been driving a car for at least three years, as well as the rights of categories "B".

1.3. Recruitment and dismissal takes place in the manner prescribed by the internal rules of the organization and with the obligatory presence of an appropriate order from the management.

1.4. The driver's immediate supervisor is the director of the enterprise.

1.5. In the absence of a driver at the workplace, his duties are transferred to a person appointed by a separate order of the head of the company and having the required level of education and work experience.

1.6. The driver must be familiar with:

  • the laws of the Russian Federation in the field of civil and labor law;
  • internal regulations of organization, labor protection, fire safety, etc.
  • The charter of the organization;
  • orders and instructions of the management, company regulations;
  • traffic rules, penalties for certain traffic violations;
  • road maps of the region.

1.7. The driver must own:

  • full details of internal structure the car, the principles of its work;
  • information about the equipment of the car, its technical characteristics, devices, mechanisms and assemblies, as well as about their purpose and maintenance;
  • ways and methods of troubleshooting, as well as their elimination with improvised means;
  • knowledge about the consequences of certain breakdowns and malfunctions in the operation of the engine and other car systems;
  • service standards vehicles, including washing, cleaning the body and interior, keeping in the garage, etc.

II. Responsibilities of the car driver

2.1. The list of driver's work functions includes the following tasks:

  • driving a car,
  • timely arrival at the workplace and delivery of the car to the entrance of the organization, as well as putting the car in the garage after the work shift;
  • timely refueling, adding oil, and adding other fluids necessary for the car's operation;
  • adherence to the rules of the road, observance of all road signs, timely familiarization with all the changes introduced by law to the traffic rules;
  • ensuring the safety of passengers while driving and driving;
  • ensuring the safety of property in the trunk of the car;
  • control over the safety and integrity of the car itself, including leaving it in parking lots and parking lots only with the alarm on, blocking all doors and windows both while driving and during stops;
  • daily inspection of the technical condition of the car, timely elimination of identified faults on their own or with the help of specialized car services;
  • keeping the car clean and tidy, including daily morning car wash at the car wash and weekly dry cleaning of the interior;
  • advance preparation for long trips, familiarization with the area map and road maps, selection of the shortest routes;
  • exclusion of the use of any drugs, medications, foods and liquids that can affect the driver's performance, concentration, coordination of movements and reaction;
  • work with itinerary and waybills, including entering information into documents on mileage, consumption of gasoline and oil, travel destinations, etc., timely provision of documentation for reporting;
  • fulfillment of orders and instructions of the direct supervisor.
  • respect for the entrusted car.

ІІІ. Rights

3.1. The driver has the following powers and rights:

  • make reasoned and well-grounded proposals to the management to improve and optimize the work of both yourself and the organization as a whole;
  • independently make decisions to ensure the safety of both yourself and passengers when the car is moving;
  • demand from the management to ensure labor safety;
  • receive all the necessary information from employees of car service enterprises about car repair;
  • make proposals for optimizing route traffic, incl. to reduce the financial costs of travel;
  • participate in any corporate events (meetings, discussions, meetings) directly related to his activities;
  • make constructive suggestions to eliminate violations, errors, shortcomings identified in the course of work;
  • enter into communications with representatives of any structural divisions of the company to resolve issues within his competence;
  • refuse to perform work functions when there is a threat to life or health.

IV. Responsibility

The driver is liable for the following violations:

4.1. Causing, intentionally or unintentionally, damage to the vehicles entrusted to him (engine, systems and assemblies, mechanisms and assemblies, interior and body), as well as untimely service and maintenance,

4.2. Causing damage to the health of passengers and other road users;

4.3. The use of any prohibited and permitted substances that negatively affect coordination, thinking, reaction, etc.

4.4. Neglect to perform labor duties, including complete evasion from them.

4.5. Regular violation of the internal regulations, work and rest hours, discipline established at the enterprise, as well as violation of any types of safety.

4.6. Failure to comply with the orders and orders issued by the management of the organization or the immediate leader.

4.7. Disclosure of confidential information about the organization.

4.8. Providing the authorities with inaccurate information in the reporting documents;

4.9. These points of the job description strictly comply with the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of the transport department
OOO "Deliveries Wholesale"
Myshkin/ Myshkin T.V. /
August 12, 2014

Ivanov R.S.
Driver of LLC "Deliveries Wholesale"
Passport 8735 No. 253664
Issued by the Department of Internal Affairs of the Leninsky District of Perm
09/14/2012 subdivision code 123-425
Signature Ivanov
August 17, 2014


What is the driver's job description for?

The job description is important not only for ordinary employees of the enterprise, but also for management. It makes it possible to coordinate the relationship between the employer and subordinates, clearly defining the work functionality and responsibility of the drivers. In conflict situations, when the intervention of the court is required to resolve the dispute, the job description serves as evidence of the presence or absence of fault on the part of the employee or employer.

Basic rules for drawing up a driver's job description

There is no standard, universally accepted form of driver's job description, so companies can develop and approve it themselves. Since there is no single sample, in different organizations employees in the same position can perform different functions, but at the same time, their main responsibilities should be similar. A driver's job description usually includes the following parts:

  • "General Provisions"
  • "Job responsibilities",
  • "Rights",
  • "Responsibility".

If necessary or at the will of the management, other points can be added to it.

The preparation of the job description is usually carried out by a lawyer of the enterprise or a specialist in the personnel department. She is taking shape in one copy, but if there are several drivers at the enterprise, then copies of it are printed in the required quantity.

Each driver must be familiar with the document, he is also obliged to put his signature under it, which will indicate that the employee agrees with its content.

The job description must be certified by the direct supervisor of the driver or the person responsible for the implementation of the rules and regulations prescribed in it. The head of the enterprise must also sign the document.

Drawing up the job description of the driver

At the very top of the job description, on the right, place should be left for the resolution of the head of the organization. The form for it is standard: here you need to enter his position (general director, director), the name of the company, last name, first name, patronymic, and also leave a line for signature with mandatory decoding and put the date of approval. Then, in the middle of the line, you need to write the name of the document.

Main sections

In the first section titled "General Provisions" first, it should be noted to which category of workers the driver belongs (worker, technical personnel, specialist, etc.), then it is indicated to whom he reports and who replaces him in case of such a need (here it is enough to indicate the positions of authorized employees, without names) ... Further, the document contains the qualification requirements for the driver (specialization, education, additional professional training), as well as the required work experience and length of service. It is also worth pointing out on the basis of which documents the driver is appointed and removed from office.

Then, in the same section below, you must list all the rules, laws, orders, regulations with which the driver must be familiar, as well as the requirements for knowledge of the car.

The second part "Job responsibilities of the driver" concerns directly the instructions that are entrusted to him. They need to be prescribed as detailed and clearly as possible, taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise where the driver works.

Chapter "Rights" includes the powers that are given to the driver in order to efficiently perform their work. Here you can specify separately his right to various initiatives, including interaction with management and other parts of the organization when such a need arises, as well as the right to participate in internal company events and additional training.

In chapter "Responsibility" violations are clearly established for which the employer has the right to bring the driver to collect. It should be noted here that the driver is personally responsible for the safety of the car and its parts, as well as compliance with labor regulations and safety standards.

After registration, the document must be agreed with the superior (above the driver) employee of the organization (either the immediate supervisor, or a person authorized to monitor compliance with the rules and regulations prescribed in the job description). Here you should enter his position, name of the organization, last name, first name, patronymic, and also sign with a decryption.

Below you need to specify driver data: his last name, first name, patronymic (in full), again the name of the organization, passport data, signature and date of acquaintance with the document. It is not necessary to certify the job description with a seal, since it refers to the internal documents of the enterprise.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The driver of the bus on duty is a worker and reports directly to his employer, Individual entrepreneur Salagaev E.P.

- Traffic rules and other acts in the field of traffic management;

- Rules for the carriage of passengers and baggage by car and urban land electric transport, other regulatory legal acts establishing the rules for the operation of vehicles and the carriage of passengers;

- the basics of conflict-free interaction of road users;

- general arrangement of buses and options for their layout;

- purpose, device, principle of operation of units, mechanisms and devices of the serviced bus;

- active and passive safety bus;

- types and frequency of bus maintenance;

- fuel and lubricant consumption rates;

- reasons, methods of detecting and eliminating malfunctions that arose during the operation of the bus;

- the influence of weather conditions on the safety of driving a bus;

- ways to prevent road traffic accidents;

- route schemes;

- norms of time for mileage along the route;

- rules for supplying buses for boarding and disembarking passengers and monitoring compliance with these rules;

- route and schedule of the bus for every day;

- the main forms of primary accounting for the work of buses;

- the procedure for issuing and filling out travel (route) sheets;

- measures to save fuel and lubricants and the experience of leading bus drivers;

- precautions when refueling the bus;

- the order of the bus driver's actions in emergency situations;

- instructions on the procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers in road traffic accidents and the provision of first aid;

- phone numbers of emergency services, police, ambulance, fire brigade, etc .;

- the procedure for passing pre-trip medical examinations;

- rules for using a medical kit;

- Internal labor regulations;

1.3. The bus driver must:

- quarterly familiarize yourself with the shift schedule approved by the employer

- have a culture of communication;

- to show politeness, tact, attentiveness, patience, benevolence and courtesy in relations with passengers;

- to be self-possessed, to have the ability to avoid conflict situations;

- execute in strict accordance with the orders of your immediate supervisor

1.4. _____________________________________________________________________.

2. Responsibilities

2.1. Before the start of the working day, the bus driver:

- undergoes pre-trip medical examinations in accordance with the established procedure;

- carries out preparatory work before leaving the line (checking technical serviceability, condition of wheels, tires, suspension, glasses, mirrors, state license plates, appearance bus and salon, etc.);

- receives travel documentation

- checks the availability of a valid state technical inspection coupon and the owner's compulsory civil liability insurance policy vehicle;

- checks the serviceability of communication facilities;

- gets Required documents strict accountability,

2.2. In the process of work, the bus driver:

- complies with the rules of the road;

- immediately informs the immediate supervisor of all the shortcomings discovered during work;

- observes the schedule and route of movement;

- makes marks in waybill at checkpoints on the route;

- provides economical consumption of motor fuel;

- monitors serviceability fuel equipment, electrical devices and other mechanisms and systems on which fuel consumption depends;

- provides first (first aid) aid to victims of injury, poisoning in emergency situations and sudden illness;

- complies with the requirements of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation.

2.3. During the working day (shift), the bus driver:

2.3.1. Provides safe transportation of passengers along a given route in compliance with the traffic schedule at the specified hours

2.3.2. It opens doors upon arrival of the bus to its destination and stops moving, closes the doors only after the exit and entrance of passengers.

2.3.3. Monitors the filling of the bus within the established norm and warns passengers about the end of boarding when the bus is full.

2.3.4. If a malfunction of the bus is detected, which impedes further movement, it facilitates the speedy disembarkation of passengers in any place not prohibited for this.

2.3.5. In the event of material damage caused by passengers, the bus informs its manager and follows his further instructions.

2.3.6. On the way, he informs the manager by phone:

- on arrival at the starting and control points according to the established route and schedule;

- about the location (upon request);

- about the presence of difficulty in the movement of transport along the route;

- about things forgotten by passengers;

- about conflicts requiring police intervention;

- about road accidents involving a bus;

2.4. While the bus is in motion, the bus driver is prohibited from:

- carry out the transportation of passengers on a bus, the technical condition and equipment of which does not meet the requirements of the Road Traffic Rules and Regulations technical operation;

- take food in the bus cabin;

- smoking;

- conduct extraneous conversations;

- to carry people, luggage, fuels and lubricants in the cabin;

- start moving until the doors are completely closed;

- open the doors to a complete stop;

- deviate from the route without the permission of the manager or an authorized person;

2.5. Bus driver at the end of the working day:

- fills up the bus with fuel, lubricants and coolant;

- presents the bus for checking the technical condition;

- informs about technical malfunctions of the bus discovered during work on the line;

- submits a waybill, an order for the carriage of passengers by bus,

- puts the bus in the parking area;

- in case of discovery of things forgotten by passengers, transfers them to the manager or an authorized person; to take measures to find the owners;

- turns on the parking brake;

- closes the driver's cab door, windows, hatches;

- performs other procedures related to security property, after placing the bus in the parking area (garage), by the employer until the end of the work shift.

3. Rights

When performing his duties, the bus driver has labor rights provided for by an employment contract concluded with an employee, the Internal Labor Regulations, local regulations, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other acts of labor legislation.

4. Responsibility

4.1. For poor quality and untimely performance of the duties listed in this manual, the bus driver is brought to disciplinary responsibility in accordance with applicable law.

4.2. The bus driver is financially responsible for ensuring the safety of the vehicle and cargo entrusted to him.

4.3. A bus driver for committing offenses in the course of his activities, depending on their nature and consequences, bears civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.




Instruction No. 1. General duties of drivers

General obligations of drivers

The driver of a power-driven vehicle must have with him:

A certificate for the right to drive a vehicle of this category;

Registration documents for the vehicle (technical certificate, registration certificate, etc.);

Waybill or route sheet, documents for the transported cargo, as well as a license card.

The driver is obliged:

Before leaving, check and ensure that the vehicle is in good technical condition on the way.

It is forbidden to move in the event of a malfunction of the working brake system, steering, coupling device (as part of a train), unlit headlights and tail lights (on roads without artificial lighting in the dark or in conditions of insufficient visibility), a wiper that does not work on the driver's side (during rain or snow);

To pass, at the request of police officers, an examination for the state of intoxication;

- provide a vehicle:

a) police officers for transportation of vehicles damaged in accidents, travel to the place of a natural disaster;

b) police officers, federal state security agencies, tax police in urgent cases;

c) medical workers following in the same direction to provide medical care;

d) medical workers, police officers and federal state security bodies, vigilantes and freelance police officers for transporting citizens in need of urgent medical care to medical institutions.

The driver from the persons who used the vehicle must request a certificate or make an entry in the waybill indicating the duration of the trip, distance traveled, surname, position, ID number, organization name, and from medical workers - receive a coupon of the established form.

In the event of a road traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged:

Stop the vehicle immediately, turn on the hazard warning lights and put up an emergency stop sign;

Do not move objects related to the incident;

Take measures to provide first aid to victims;

Call an ambulance or send the injured by passing transport, and if this is not possible, then deliver by your vehicle to the nearest medical institution;

Report the incident to the police and to your company;

Write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and wait for the arrival of the traffic police.

The driver is prohibited from:

To drive a vehicle in a state of intoxication, under the influence of drugs that impair reaction and attention, in a painful or tired state;

Transfer the control of a vehicle to persons who are not recorded in the waybill and who do not have a driver's license for this category of vehicle;

Leave objects (cargo) on the road that interfere with the movement of other vehicles.

Instruction No. 2. Obligations of the driver before leaving and when working on the line

Obligations of the driver before leaving and when working on the line

Before entering the line, the driver must:

Undergo a medical examination before the flight;

Make sure that the vehicle is complete and in good technical condition;

Upon receipt of travel documents, present to the dispatcher your certificate for the right to drive a vehicle.

When checking the technical condition of the vehicle, pay special attention to:

Operation of the engine, braking system, steering of auxiliary equipment (wipers, lighting devices, light and sound alarms), coupling and supporting device (as part of a train, tractor), locks of body or cab doors, side locks cargo platform, door control drive (for buses), heating system, speedometer;

Condition of wheels, tires, suspension, glass, state registration plates, vehicle appearance;

No leakage of fuel, oil, water;

The presence of an emergency stop sign, a complete first aid kit, a fire extinguisher (the bus has 2 fire extinguishers), hammers for breaking glass;

2 wheel chocks (for buses and cars with a maximum permissible weight over 3.5 t).

If any malfunctions are found, in the presence of which, according to the rules of the road, the operation of vehicles is prohibited, leaving the line until they are eliminated is prohibited.

The driver does not have the right to go on a flight if his rest between shifts was shorter than twice the duration of work in the previous shift, as well as with an expired certificate of a periodic medical examination.

On the line:

Follow only the indicated route. Observe the established norms for the capacity of the bus and the carrying capacity of the car;

Start driving and drive only with the car doors closed, except when driving with open doors(on ice crossings);

Avoid sharp maneuvers, gently get under way and also brake smoothly, increase and slow down the speed of movement gradually, do not make sharp turns;

Maintain the speed of the movement, taking into account the road, weather conditions and the requirements of road signs;

If a car malfunction occurs that threatens traffic safety, take measures to eliminate it, and if this is not possible, call for technical assistance;

While driving, do not be distracted from driving, do not enter into conversations with passengers, do not leave the workplace until the car has come to a complete stop;

In case of a forced stop, make sure that the car is safe and does not interfere with other vehicles, turn off the engine, brake the car parking brake and turn on the lowest gear, and in mountainous conditions, in addition, put shoes under the wheels (better - wedge-shaped);

On descents, do not disconnect the transmission from the engine, before long descents- stop lifting up to check the action of the brakes;

If you are blinded by the light of an oncoming vehicle and you lose visibility, without changing lanes, immediately slow down, turn on the hazard warning lights and stop;

In the event of a traffic accident, provide assistance to the injured and report the incident to your company and the police as soon as possible;

Follow the instructions of the police, upon request, stop the car and present the travel documentation, observing the stopping rules;

In the dark and in case of insufficient visibility, turn on the headlights of the high beam or low beam;

If, when working on a route at night, a drowsy state sets in, stop, get out of the car, stretch and do some physical exercises;

When driving, do not use acceleration-coasting, do not disconnect the engine from the transmission, except when approaching the intended stop at a speed of no more than 40 km per hour;

Driving stops public transport and pedestrian crossings, the driver must move at a speed that ensures traffic safety, or stop to let pedestrians enter the crossing;

Immediately upon arrival at the facility, in the car company, note the dispatcher's actual time of arrival and inform him about the traffic conditions on the route, at the loading and unloading areas, present the car on duty to the mechanic to check its technical condition, informing him about the technical malfunctions. Get a post-trip medical check-up.

The driver is prohibited from:

Exceed maximum speed defined technical characteristics car, as well as indicated on the identification plate "Speed ​​limit" installed on the car;

Transportation of people in a towed bus and in the back of a towed truck.

In fog, heavy rain, hail, blizzard, dust storm, when the visibility from the driver's cab is less than 50 m, the intercity bus driver and commuter routes he decides on the temporary suspension of the movement himself.

Instruction N 3. Work in difficult road conditions

Work in difficult road conditions

1. When working on mountain roads:

Before leaving the line, be sure to get information from the dispatcher about the condition of the road, weather and traffic conditions on the route;

On sections of the road marked by the sign "Steep descent", where the oncoming passing is difficult, when driving downhill, give way to vehicles moving uphill;

Remember the prohibition:

a) driving with the clutch or transmission disengaged in the areas marked by the "Steep descent" sign;

b) towing on a flexible hitch;

c) any towing in icy conditions.

2. When driving through ice crossings and ferry crossings:

Carriage of passengers in buses on ice crossings is strictly prohibited;

Start moving through ice crossings on ferries only if there is a written permission of the dispatcher in the waybill, having dropped off passengers;

Before leaving on a voyage on a route where there are such crossings, get special instructions.

3. When driving through railway crossings:

In all cases, when approaching a railway crossing, the driver must make sure that there is no approaching train (locomotive, railcar) within sight, follow the requirements of road signs, traffic lights, markings, the position of the barrier and the instructions of the crossing officer;

On out-of-town routes, before moving, it is necessary to stop and continue moving only after making sure that there is no train approaching the crossing;

In case of a forced stop at the level crossing, immediately drop the passengers off and take all measures to free the level crossing. If it is not possible to remove the car from the level crossing, then it is necessary:

a) if possible, send two people along the tracks in both directions from the crossing for 1000 meters or one person in the direction of the worst visibility of the track, explaining to them how to transmit a stop signal to the driver of an approaching train;

b) stay near the car yourself and give a general alarm signal;

c) when a train appears - to run towards it, giving a stop signal, such a signal is a circular movement of the hand: during the day with a flap of bright matter or some clearly visible object, at night - with a torch or lantern.

The driver is prohibited from:

a) carry agricultural, road, construction and other machines and mechanisms through the crossing in a non-transport position;

b) cross railways in an unidentified place;

c) unauthorizedly open the barrier or bypass it;

d) go to the crossing:

When the barrier is closed or starting to close;

With a prohibitive traffic light;

With a prohibiting signal from the crossing officer;

If there is a traffic jam before the move;

Avoid vehicles standing in front of the crossing, leaving the oncoming lane;

e) stop at the move;

f) to disembark (board) passengers and park closer than 50 m from the railway crossing;

g) to overtake at the level crossing and closer than 100 m in front of it.

Instruction No. 4. Work of the driver and parking at night

Driver work and parking at night

When driving at night or in other conditions of insufficient visibility less than 300 meters (fog, heavy rain, blizzard, as well as in tunnels), the cars must turn on the headlights of the high or low beam, an identification mark of the road train, and on the trailer - parking lights.

Adaptation of the driver to driving in the dark does not occur immediately. At this time, the number of violations of the rules for using lighting devices increases by one and a half times than in other months.

The low intensity of traffic at night is accompanied by a deceptive impression of safety: the driver feels that the night road is the perfect conditions for driving fast.

But the road landmarks that the driver used during the day are poorly or not at all visible in the dark, so you can drive into a ditch, fly to the side of the road or the oncoming lane.

A siding with an oncoming car is especially dangerous, although the danger does not come from it, but from some obstacle: a cyclist, a pedestrian, who may be on the road. High beam must be switched to the near one at least 150 m before the oncoming vehicle. In case of blindness, the driver must, without changing lanes, turn on the hazard warning lights, slow down or stop. It is extremely dangerous to light a cigarette while driving, because the flame of a lighter or match can dazzle. If you smoke, ventilate the car: substances contained in tobacco smoke reduce visual acuity.

When returning from a long trip at night, take short stops that interrupt the monotony of movement in the dark.

A few minutes is enough to restore the level of attention required for traffic safety.

When stopping and parking on unlit sections of the road at night or in conditions of poor visibility, the parking lights must be turned on on the car, and in conditions of insufficient visibility, the dipped headlights, front and rear fog lights can also be turned on. For road trains - lighting of the road train identification sign.

In case of a forced stop on the vehicle, an emergency warning light must be turned on and an emergency stop sign must be immediately displayed at a distance of at least 15 m from the vehicle (in the built-up area) and 30 m outside the built-up area.

The driver is prohibited from leaving the car on the roadway. He must take all possible measures to take him off the road.

Instruction No. 5. Features of the driver's work in the spring and summer

Features of the driver's work in the spring and summer

With the beginning of snowmelt, a lot of spring water accumulates on the roads. Under a layer of water on the roadway, irregularities and holes can be hidden. When driving on such roads, it is necessary to drive with extreme caution so as not to damage the vehicle, damage the chassis and not commit a traffic accident.

After the driver has driven through the water, immediately check the brake action.

When driving on water brake pads get wet, the coefficient of friction decreases sharply, the brakes do not work. It is necessary to slowly depress the brake pedal and hold it until effective braking is restored. In this case, it is necessary to move at low speed.

Earthen roadsides from a large amount of moisture soak and become viscous. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid exits to a soggy shoulder, because the vehicle can be pulled to the side of the shoulder and topple over, especially at high speeds. The minimum speed is selected.

With the onset of warm days, a large number of pedestrians, cyclists and drivers appear on the streets and roads individual transport... Driver, be especially careful on the roads!

Pedestrians, cyclists and private drivers have very low knowledge of traffic rules and driving skills. They can suddenly make an unexpected maneuver, so be especially careful when traveling with this category of drivers.

Morning frosts cover the road with a thin layer of ice, the tires have almost no grip, the coefficient of adhesion, which on a good road can vary between 0.7 or 0.9, drops to 0.05 in icy conditions. What should be done to move in relative safety when the car seems to float on the road?

If you are driving on ice, our advice: do not brake abruptly, it is not only useless, but also dangerous. Abrupt braking leads to wheel blocking and an increase in the braking distance, and most often to the loss of a controlled skid; when driving through a dangerous area, try to keep the speed constant, use the accelerator pedal very carefully, smoothly, gently. No unnecessary, especially sharp movements of the steering wheel. If it is necessary to stop, then brake with the engine or intermittently, i.e. "pressed and released".

In the event of a skid, the front wheels must be turned in the direction of the skid using engine braking.

Be especially careful when approaching bridges or overpasses. There, the ice crust on the road appears earlier than elsewhere, and disappears later. Avoid sudden steering, throttle and brake movements in these areas. On the slippery road changing lanes threatens to be a nuisance, and overtaking - even more so. Therefore, it is better to stay in your own lane.

In the opposite and passing direction on a wet road from the wheels of a car, dirty spray falls on windshield and obstruct visibility. Therefore, you must not go to the line with inoperative windshield wipers.

Summer is the time for school holidays. The "peak" of child road traffic injuries occurs at this time. The driver, remember - special care should be taken when driving past schools, playgrounds, as well as on sections of streets and roads where the sudden appearance of children is possible.

Instruction No. 6. Work of the driver in the autumn-winter period

Driver's work in the autumn-winter period

Autumn came. Rains, fog, leaf fall, light morning frosts - all this makes the autumn road dangerous and difficult for those who are driving. And only a driver who takes all precautions can skillfully overcome difficult sections of the road.

On wet asphalt and a road covered with leaves, overtaking and sudden braking are dangerous.

The driver, remember: high speed is absolutely unacceptable when cornering, on wet roads and on ice. Before turning, it is necessary to reduce the speed to a minimum, without applying sudden braking. But if a skid occurs, without fuss and nervousness, the following measures should be taken: without turning on the clutch, turn the steering wheel towards the skid, slowly braking, take the car out of the situation.

Crossroads and public transport stops are especially dangerous, when the road is snowy, they become especially slippery due to constant braking of cars.

General rules for driving on slippery roads

1. Reduce your speed.

2. Increase distance and lateral spacing in relation to other vehicles.

3. Perform all actions smoothly, do not make any sudden movements.

It must be remembered that in the autumn-winter time the daylight hours are shorter, and the driver has to use more headlights. Strictly follow the rules of the road, but do not dazzle each other at the junctions, switch your headlights to low beam.

When driving in rain and snow, it must be remembered that visibility is reduced, since the wipers only clean part of the front glass.

If the braking distance is longer, the overall risk of driving increases. When driving uphill, select a gear so that you do not have to shift until the lift is complete.

When descending, do not squeeze out the clutches, drive the car at speed, slowly braking.

Do not drive a damaged vehicle. Serviceable brakes steering, tires, lighting devices - a guarantee of safe work on the line.

Driver, do not give harsh sound and light signals when pedestrians appear on the roadway, because in a hurry to leave the road, a pedestrian can make a sudden movement, slip and fall in front of a walking vehicle.

Drivers! Driving safety on slippery roads is entirely up to you. Experience and skill, attentiveness and discipline are a reliable guarantee of trouble-free work in the autumn-winter season.

Instruction N 7. The procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers in road traffic accidents for bus drivers engaged in the carriage of passengers

The procedure for emergency evacuation of passengers
in road traffic accidents
for bus drivers engaged in the transportation of passengers

In the event of a road traffic accident that threatens the life and health of passengers, the responsibility for ensuring their emergency evacuation from the passenger compartment of the bus rests with the driver.

The bus driver is obliged to:

Stop the bus, brake it with the hand brake, immediately turn off the engine and open all the doors of the passenger compartment;

Supervise the evacuation of passengers from the bus;

Give a command to passengers, based on the degree of threatening danger, about the procedure for evacuating from the bus, creating the most favorable conditions and eliminating panic.

For bus passengers, the evacuation team must include:

Division of passengers, starting from the middle of the cabin, into two groups and the direction of exit for each group through the nearest door;

Priority exit for passengers in storage areas and in the aisles between the seats;

The exit of injured passengers, disabled people and passengers with children;

Exit the rest of the passengers.

For passengers on buses with only one exit, the evacuation team should provide for the first exit of injured passengers, disabled passengers and passengers with children, and then the exit of passengers, starting from the rear seats of the bus.

In cases where, due to the nature of a traffic accident (overturning of a bus, fire in the cabin, etc.), it is not possible to open the doors, or evacuation through the doors does not ensure the rescue of all passengers, the bus driver:

Commands passengers to open hatches, remove special hammers from the window mountings, break glass with them and carry out evacuation from the passenger compartment through hatches, window openings, providing each other with all kinds of assistance;

If the bus is not equipped with special hammers, transfers cash to passengers to destroy glass, window openings of the passenger compartment (hammers, pry bars, wrenches, etc.);

Personally participates in the evacuation of passengers from the bus;

At the end of the evacuation of passengers, organizes first aid to the injured and calling an ambulance or sending them to the nearest medical institution and uses for these purposes all the cash at the scene of the accident and passing vehicles.

Instruction No. 8. For drivers when transporting children on buses

For drivers when transporting children on buses

The bus driver must remember that when transporting children he is entrusted with the most precious, the most precious, and therefore, he must be completely healthy, collected, feel confident and, in addition, fulfill the following requirements:

1. Check the technical condition of the vehicle, i.e. comply with all articles of the Road Traffic Regulations, which refer to the technical condition and equipment of vehicles.

2. Remember that in the dark, in windy, rainy weather, during snowfall, when the wiper is not working, traffic is prohibited.

3. Boarding and disembarking children should be carried out only without dangerous places.

4. All windows must be closed to prevent the child from leaning out, which is dangerous when overtaking or bypassing vehicles.

5. The buses must have a senior (representative of the organization sending the children) who is obliged to supervise the embarkation, transportation and disembarkation of children.

The surname of the senior must be entered in the driver's waybill without fail. The driver must instruct the elder about the rules for transporting children. The latter is obliged to fulfill all the requirements and at the same time be responsible for the consequences.

6. According to the Road Traffic Regulations, when transporting a group of children, the front and rear of the vehicle must be equipped with square identification marks yellow (side measuring 250-300 mm, depending on the type of vehicle) with a red border (width 1/10 of the side) and with a black image of the symbol road sign 1.21 "Children".

7. Transportation of people should be carried out in vehicles specially designed for this purpose (buses). Before starting the movement of the bus, the driver must make sure that all conditions for the carriage of passengers are provided. The driver is obliged to start driving only with the doors closed and not open them until they come to a complete stop.

8. The number of children transported must not exceed the number of seats on the bus.

9. Travel speed should not exceed 40 km / h.

12. When transporting children in a convoy, overtaking is strictly prohibited.

13. On wet asphalt, with limited visibility, the speed of movement should not exceed 20 km / h. The interval of movement is chosen by the driver himself, depending on the speed of movement, climatic conditions, the state of transport.

14. The dispatcher on duty is prohibited from issuing a waybill without a written doctor's opinion on the driver's health.

15. The head of the operation service, and in his absence, the senior dispatcher must personally instruct the driver about the route, the condition of the carriageway along this route, about dangerous places and precautions, during long-distance travel about the time and places of rest.

16. When transporting children, the head of operation, together with the head of the convoy, must determine in advance the drivers from among the experienced, and also select the buses with the shortest service life (preferably the first or second year).

17. The head of the quality control department (mechanic) is personally obliged to check these buses, their technical condition. If a technical malfunction is found, submit a request to RMM. The head of the repair shop is personally obliged to check the elimination of the identified malfunctions and hand over to the head of the Quality Control Department (mechanic) against signature.

18. When releasing buses on the line for transporting children with a service life of more than 2 years Chief Engineer is obliged to personally check and give permission for the operation of these buses.

19. The head of the operation service is obliged to provide these buses with all the necessary equipment.

20. When the bus goes out of town, the head of the enterprise appoints the senior column the day before. The head of the column accepts the column according to the specified requirements and bears full responsibility.

21. It is allowed to get under way at the end of boarding all buses. Disembarkation is allowed when all buses stop at the parking lot.

Instruction N 9. Obligations of the driver of a vehicle engaged in the transportation of people and requirements for rolling stock

Obligations of the driver of a vehicle employed
on the transport of people, and requirements for rolling stock

The driver is obliged:

1. Before leaving the line:

Check the technical condition of the car, paying special attention to the control and braking units;

Check the condition of the sides, their constipation, the reliability of the awning (booth) fastening, the strength of the backrests and seats, the operation of the alarm from the body to the cab and the body lighting;

Undergo a pre-trip medical examination, as well as instructions on the rules for transporting people and the state of the route.

2. Upon arrival at the customer of the vehicle, present the waybill.

3. Embarkation and disembarkation of people should be carried out in specially provided places or at the edge of the sidewalk (roadside) only after the vehicle has stopped.

4. Boarding people should be made only in the presence of the person responsible for transportation (whose name is indicated in the waybill), monitor the placement of passengers in the back (cabin), prohibit them from standing in the back and sitting on the sides during transportation by truck.

5. Do not allow the passage of people in the body (cabin) in an amount exceeding the established norm, as well as people not related to the work performed, and passengers who are intoxicated.

6. Require the persons in the car to unconditionally comply with safety and traffic safety rules.

7. Before driving, make sure that all conditions for the safe carriage of passengers are provided. The driver is prohibited from starting movement when there are people on the steps, fenders and sitting on the sides of the car.

8. Move the car from a place and make a stop smoothly, without jerking, drive through bumps, potholes at a reduced speed. Do not turn off the engine and coast when driving downhill or in ice on a slippery road.

9. When driving a truck, take special care, ensure its movement, regardless of the number of passengers, at a speed of no more than 60 km / h.

10. Be extremely attentive and careful in the area of ​​action of warning signs.

11. In case of a forced stop of the car, take measures to exclude the possibility of its spontaneous movement.

12. Transportation of people in the body of a truck must be carried out by drivers with category "C" (when transporting more than 8 people, including passengers in the cab, having categories "C" and "D") and more than 3 driving experience in this category. years old.

Requirements for rolling stock

1. Transportation of passengers is carried out, as a rule, by buses. Carriage of passengers on specially equipped trucks is allowed.

2. Carriage of passengers is allowed in vehicles with reliable operation of units, assemblies and equipment that ensure traffic safety in any conditions. Use for transporting people trucks with the expired standard service life (by years and mileage) is prohibited.

3. All vehicles intended for the transport of people must be equipped with a first-aid kit, an emergency stop sign, and fire extinguishing equipment in accordance with the Road Traffic Regulations.

4. Technical condition motor vehicles must guarantee the safety of the vehicle.

It is forbidden to install tires:

Through damage or breakage of the cords;

Does not match the vehicle model in terms of size and permissible load;

Having a residual height of the tread pattern less than: cars - 1.6 mm, trucks - 1 mm, buses - 2 mm;

There is no fastening bolt (nut) or there are cracks in the wheel disc;

Spikes are installed on one axle different types or with different tread patterns.

5. The heating device in the cab must function smoothly.

The use of exhaust gases for heating the cab of a truck, the interior of a bus and a car, a booth for transporting passengers (for a truck) is prohibited. Concentration harmful substances in places where passengers are located should not exceed the sanitary standard (carbon monoxide - 20 mg cubic meters, acrolein - 0.7 mg cubic meters).

6. Buses and cars must meet the following requirements:

a) the doors of the body must have serviceable locking devices, excluding the possibility of their spontaneous opening during movement, and have devices for their forced opening and closing by the driver;

b) additional reflectors (mirrors) must be equipped, which allow the driver to observe the boarding of passengers and the order in the cabin;

c) the engine hood (for wagon-type buses) must be reliably sealed;

d) the muffler pipe must be led out beyond dimensions bodies by 3.5 cm;

e) passenger cars must be equipped with seat belts.

7. The total capacity of buses (number of seats) is:

RAF-977DM, UAZ-452A, "Kubanets" - 10 people.

RAF-2203 - 11 people

Rotational car "Spetsselstroymontazh" - 17 people.

"Kuban" - 20 people.

KAVZ-685 - 21 people

PAZ-627 - 23 people

PAZ-3201 - 26 people

LAZ-3202, OBIAZ-677 - 28 people.

LAZ-699N - 41 people

8. The number of passengers carried in trucks must not exceed the number of seats equipped for seating.

9. The truck must be equipped with an awning (removable booth), a ladder for embarking and disembarking passengers, body lighting, alarm from the body to the cab.

10. A truck with an onboard platform when transporting people must be equipped with seats fixed at a height of 0.3-0.5 m from the floor and at least 0.3 m from the upper edge of the side, and when transporting children, in addition, the sides must have a height of at least 0.8 m from the floor. On the cab wall facing the car body there should be inscriptions: "Do not stand in the body!", "Do not sit on the sides!"

Travel in the back of a truck that is not equipped for the transport of people is allowed only to persons accompanying the cargo or following its receipt, provided that they are provided with a convenient place located below the level of the boards.

In this case, measures must be taken to prevent people falling from the body. The transported materials are placed over the entire area of ​​the body, and piece materials are folded and secured so that the possibility of their arbitrary displacement when the vehicle is moving is excluded.

11. When groups of children are transported on a bus or truck, the front and rear identification marks "Carriage of children" must be installed, and in the daytime, in addition, the dipped headlights must be switched on.

12. When transporting groups of children in a lorry with a box body, it is necessary that at least 2 adults accompanying these children are in the body.

Outside the cab of a dump truck, tank truck, tractor and other specialized vehicles, self-propelled machines and mechanisms, the design of which is not adapted for the transport of people, as well as in the body of a cargo motorcycle;

On a cargo trailer (semitrailer);

In excess of the amount provided for by the technical characteristics of the vehicle, not counting children under 12 years of age.

Instruction No. 10. On traffic safety and safety for drivers sent on business trips and long-distance flights (more than one work shift)

Traffic safety and safety
for drivers on business trips
and long-haul flights(more than one work shift)

1. When working on the line and along the route, the driver must:

Comply with the Rules of the Road, incl. keep the speed in mind road conditions and traffic intensity;

Observe the readings of devices, the operation of all mechanisms of the car;

In the event of a malfunction in the car that threatens traffic safety, take measures to eliminate the damage, and if this is not possible, go to the nearest repair base or return to the garage in compliance with safety measures;

When the car stops, take measures to prevent a collision with passing vehicles, choose the safest area for stopping and parking or leave the carriageway, turn on and wipe off the signal lights, put an emergency stop sign. When leaving the cab, make sure that there is no oncoming traffic;

On suburban roads, after every hour of movement, make a short stop, get out of the cab for warm-up and external examination of the main components of the car;

Take special care when driving in icy conditions, fog, limited visibility, on turns, ascents and descents, railways. crossings, bridges and crossings, when driving at night and on an unfamiliar route, and in case of sudden meteorological changes in the weather (strong blizzard, hurricane), which seized on the way, drive to the nearest settlement and stay there until the safety on the highway is fully clarified.

2. The driver is prohibited:

To drive a car in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication, painful or overworked state;

Transfer driving a car to persons who do not have a license to drive or who are in a state of alcohol and drug intoxication;

Heating the engine, gearbox, rear axle and other vehicle units with open fire;

Use the car for personal gain;

Carriage of passengers by trucks, if they are not recorded in the waybill;

To allow persons who do not have the right to repair a car, to carry out repairs at loading and unloading platforms, in the area of ​​operation of mechanisms;

Rest or sleep in the cockpit and back passenger cars with the engine running.

3. When driving at night with one headlamp, the light must always be on the left side.

4. If during certain works the driver finds himself in dangerous conditions, he is obliged to stop work, inform his administration or the one in whose possession about it, make a note in the waybill and continue work only after the danger has been eliminated.

5. Special precautions must be taken when working on road trains when loading and unloading them, when coupling and uncoupling, ensuring reliable coupling devices, provision of safety cables, observance of the speed of movement, precaution of driving through turns.

6. When repairing a car on the line, the driver must comply with the safety and fire safety regulations established for the repair and maintenance of cars in the garage.

If the volume of repairs exceeds the permitted for the line, and the driver does not have the necessary devices and tools, the repair is prohibited.

7. When working on the side of the road, work only to the right in the direction of travel.

8. When driving the car back, the driver must make sure that there is no transport, people or any objects. In case of poor visibility, feed back with a signalman.

9. Crossing of cars ford and on ice is allowed only in places marked with special signs and indexes.

10. When inflating tires on the line, be sure to use a safety fork or a wheel, which should be laid with the lock ring down, to the ground.

11. Do not wipe or wash the engine with gasoline and do not suck in ethyl gasoline by mouth.

12. When starting the engine with the handle, check the neutral position of the gear shifting lever; do not grip the handle.

13. Carefully open the radiator cap while the engine is running, avoiding steam scalding to your face and hands.

14. In rainy weather, in case of snow, be careful when entering and exiting the cab, timely clearing mud, snow and ice from the steps of the cab.

15. When loading a car, the driver is obliged to monitor the correct placement of the cargo in the body, observance of the permitted dimensions, its stowage, fastening and lashing, ensuring the reliability and safety of transportation.

Instruction No. 11. Provision of first aid to victims of a road traffic accident

First aid to the injured
in case of a road accident

In a road traffic accident, injuries of various severity can occur.

First aid provided correctly and in a timely manner at the scene of an accident can be of the greatest importance to the fate of the victim. This is all the more important because many road traffic accidents occur on roads at a considerable distance from settlements and medical institutions.

For the proper provision of self-help and mutual assistance, certain training and skills are required, as well as the availability of a set of dressings and medicines.

I. Wound treatment

In case of any damage to the skin and deep-lying tissues, it is necessary to treat the edges of the wound and apply a bandage.

1. Do not wash the wound, do not remove foreign bodies from the wound. Wipe the skin along the edges of the wound with a sterile material, making movements from the injured surface to the intact skin.

2. Lubricate the skin around the wound with iodine with the same movements, do not fill the wound with iodine.

3. Close the wound with sterile material, without touching the part of the material adjacent to the wound with your hands. Apply a bandage.

II. Stopping bleeding from a wound

A. Arterial (blood of a bright scarlet color) splashes in a pulsating stream.

1. Take measures to stop bleeding with a pressure bandage. To do this, a sterile material is placed on the wound, a bandage or a piece of foam rubber, or spongy rubber, tightly rolled with a roller is placed on top of this material, and tight bandaging is performed.

2. If a tight bandage does not help, a rubber tourniquet is applied above the site of the vessel injury. In the absence of a tourniquet, a twist from a belt, scarf, etc. is applied, which is tightened and secured with a stick.

The tourniquet is best applied to clothing or a soft pad without folds. The tourniquet can be kept for no more than 1.5-2 hours.

3. In case of very severe bleeding, immediately press the vessel above the bleeding site with your fingers to the bone. This will give you time to navigate and choose a way to stop bleeding. The vessel should be pressed against the bone with your thumb or four other fingers so that they lie along the artery.

4. When the bleeding vessel is located in such a place where it is impossible to apply a tourniquet (axillary region, groin region), it is possible to stop bleeding by sharply bending the limb in the nearest joints and thus squeezing the vessel. The limb should be fixed in this position with a bandage made of a kerchief or other durable material.

B. Venous and capillary (dark red or red blood flows).

Apply a sterile, moderately compressive bandage.

III. Bruises

Signs: swelling, bruising and pain, possibly some limitation of movement. Help is peace, cold.

IV. Stretching

Signs: swelling, bruising and severe pain in the joint area, limitation of active movements in the joint.

Help: calm, cold. A soft fixing bandage is applied to the ankle, knee, elbow joints (8-shaped).

V. Dislocation

With dislocation, the articular surfaces are displaced, often with rupture of the articular bag. Signs: change in the shape of the joint (length of the limb), sharp soreness, especially when trying to move. Active, passive movements in the joint are almost impossible. Help: create complete immobility in the joints, as in the case of a fracture (see below). Do not try to correct the dislocation!

Vi. Fracture

With a fracture, the integrity of the bone is compromised. Bone fragments can remain in place (non-displaced fractures) or displaced. Fractures without skin damage - closed. In case of damage to the skin under the fracture site, open fractures. The main signs of a fracture are sharp pain, swelling, bruising. Impaired movement in the limb with displaced fractures - deformity of the limbs. The appearance of a crunch at the site of the fracture, abnormal mobility is possible, but these signs should not be specifically identified. A number of signs of a fracture are similar to signs of bruising and sprains. At the slightest suspicion of a fracture, assistance should be the same as for an obvious fracture.

1. Help with limb fracture. Do not correct the fracture! If the fracture is open, do not touch the bone fragments. Apply a sterile bandage (see section "Wounds"). The main thing is to ensure complete immobility of the damaged bones. To do this, a special transport tire, board, ski, stick, metal plate, etc. is attached to the injured limb using a bandage, scarf or other improvised means. Bus or handy tool must be applied in such a way as to capture the joints above and below the fracture site. A broken limb can be fixed to a healthy limb (leg) or torso (arm).

2. Help with fractures of the clavicle, scapula. Hang your hand on the kerchief, the same should be done after fixing the fracture of the hand, forearm.

3. Help with fractures of the pelvis and spine. The main signs: pain in the pelvic region, spine, often limitation of movement in the limbs. Danger in case of failure to provide assistance: damage to internal organs, shock, damage to the spinal cord.

The main help: lay the victim in a horizontal position on his back, on a hard, smooth surface. For pain in the cervical spine, secure the head and neck by placing some soft objects on the sides. When shifting the victim, fix the head and neck.

Vii. Jaw fracture

Signs: Severe pain, swelling, possibility of bleeding from the mouth or nose. Help: A sling-like bandage that goes over the chin and presses the lower jaw to the upper. In case of loss of consciousness of the victim - position on the side.

VIII. Traumatic brain injury

It includes concussion and contusion of the brain, fracture of the bones of the skull.

1. Signs of concussion: short-term loss of consciousness, headache, dizziness, nausea, general weakness. First aid: lying down, transporting while lying down. With a contusion of the brain, prolonged loss of consciousness, vomiting and a state of loss of consciousness with the ingress of vomit into the respiratory tract, retraction of the tongue, which makes breathing difficult. Help to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract, as well as blood and to reduce tongue sinking (in the absence of a pelvic fracture): the patient should be laid on his side, placing something under his head so that the head does not hang down, but also is not raised ( see “Breathing Disorder” below).

2. A fracture of the skull may not differ in its features from concussion and contusion of the brain, but in some cases it is manifested by the presence of a wound in the area of ​​the fracture, a slight or profuse outflow of blood or clear fluid from the nose, mouth or ear. The help is the same as for a brain injury: apply a sterile bandage to the wound.

IX. Conditions directly threatening life

1. Shock. It occurs in severe injuries accompanied by severe pain irritation. Warning: exclusion of repeated painful stimuli due to shifting, movements in broken limbs, etc., firm fixation of the fracture. Help: create peace, give the victim analgin or pyramidon, in cold weather - warming the victim.

2. Violation of breathing. It may be due to the sinking of the tongue, blockage of the respiratory tract by foreign bodies: vomit, blood, mucus, water, and also due to respiratory arrest. Signs of respiratory arrest: lack of visible breathing, the victim may turn blue or pale.

Help with blockage of the respiratory tract: with gauze or a clean cloth wrapped around a finger, or an instrument to clear the mouth and deeper parts of the pharynx from foreign bodies, turn the head or the entire victim to the side. When the tongue sinks, you can insert a rubber dense tube with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm and a special air duct on the finger by the root of the tongue by 1-2 cm.

Attention: - when cleaning the mouth and introducing the tube, use your finger to control the position of the tongue so as not to push it into the depth;

When cleaning the mouth and throat, be sure not to leave a cloth or gauze in the throat.

Help with respiratory arrest. Artificial respiration is performed "mouth-to-mouth" or through the above-mentioned tube. When performing artificial respiration, the victim's nose should be clamped. Artificial respiration in children is carried out directly through the nose and mouth. For hygienic purposes, you can put a gauze napkin on the victim's mouth.

The technique of artificial respiration "mouth to mouth" or through a breathing tube. The person conducting artificial respiration, after a sufficiently deep inhalation, presses his mouth over the victim's mouth or takes a breathing tube into his mouth and exhales vigorously. In this case, care must be taken that air does not escape from the victim's mouth. The exit occurs independently, the frequency of artificial respiration is 14-18 times per minute.

3. Cardiac arrest. Signs: disappearance of the pulse, pallor of the skin, at the same time stopping breathing. Help - indirect heart massage. The victim is placed on his back, on a hard surface, more conveniently - at the height of the dining table. The person providing assistance stands to the left, puts his left palm on the lower end of the sternum and with force squeezes the chest strictly vertically, additionally pressing on the left hand with the right. Such squeezing is performed 60 times a minute, the chest is squeezed by 3-4 cm. At the same time, artificial respiration is performed. If help is provided by one person, then 1 breath is taken for every 4-5 squeezes.

With the effectiveness of this measure, a pulse appears, pallor decreases, pupils narrow and, finally, the independent activity of the heart is restored.

This event is especially important in case of electrical injury, in cases where the victim was drowning.

The text of the document is verified by:
"Compendium of Guidance on Ensuring
traffic safety and licensing
vehicles regardless of form
property and belongings ",
1997 year

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